02-1010Council File # � a.•. �. �Q
Cneen Sheet # �,Q',,3 '�..�-
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnents
made by the Mayor, of the following indivaduals to serve on the Workforce Investment Board.
Douglas Hubbard
Greg Lambert
7ackie Mlynarczyk
Paul S. Nelson
Tene Wells
Community Based Organization
Community Based Organization
Exniration Date
July 31, 2003
July 31, 2003
July 31, 2004
July 31, 2004
July 31, 2003
Mayor's Office
Rurt Schultz 6-8512
November 6, 2002
OATE 1N171Aim
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Approving the appointment of Douglas Hubbard, Greg Lambert, Jackie Mlynarczyk, Paul S.
and Tene Wells_to the Workforce Investment Board.
Has this persoNfi�m ever xnrked untler a coMract fufhis departmeM'7
Has ihia peisoNfirm ever been a cRy empbyee9
Does this ce��� P�6 a sldll not nomiallypossessetl by arry curceM city employee?
Is this peSOMfi�m a farpeted ventloYt
Ci'.� —\� � O
Randy C. Keliy, Mayor
390 Citv Hall
IS West KeZlogg Boulevard
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Facsimile: 651-266-8513
Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers
Council President Dan Bostrom
Councilmember Jay Benanav
Councilmember Jerry Blakey
Councilmember Chris Coleman
Councilmember Patrick Harris
Councilmember Kathy Lanh
Councilmember James Reiter
Kurt Schultz
Assistant to the Mayor
October 30, 2002
Workforce Investment Board
Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Douglas Hubbard,
Greg Lambert, Jackie Mlynarczyk, Paul S. Nelson, and Tene Wells to the
Warkforce Inveshnent Board. The terms of Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Lambert,
and Ms. Wells will expire on July 31, 2003. The terms of Ms. Mlynarczyk
and Mr. Nelson will expire on 7uly 31, 2004.
Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well
as the applications for their appoinhnent. Please remember that certain
information on the application is classified as private and should not be
released to the public.
Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the
cc. Kathy Korf - Staff Person, Workforce Investment Board
t'/iL/L0�? S@: « 'c7i-S5:-E44= P�?MAK� CAi^rUS SC� �AC'� ZL
Oa. �\o \-O
Ciiy of Saint Paul-Rnmsey Counly
Workfarce Investment Baard
Membership Applicalion
�cl�r�va r. ��8,
�j �
�� R�tC1E�
`flCT 2 4 2�Q2
Piace of Employment: Custom Desk and Hardwood Visuals, Inc.
Telephone I�'umber:
Street Z,.. �]� � City
�s�i � �r�_
(Work) � ° v-��' (Home) �'lo - SI�{ Z-
County � Zip
(F� 6 S/-G� g-LS��I
�Mail Address: DGi'! 9 9�.40 L L'om
Job Tale: Owner: the business is located in Eagan (Dakota County}. However, we do employ a mimber of _
individuals from St. Paul.
Re�sons for your interest in setving on the Worl�'orce Investment Board: �N �ti4`�+�. �►�—'
Si .�.4fiL .Q�>►+ 1'6y G�av,✓rL ,� /lill.�f rN Ii�. t iY1�S1'7f.o �-+�
/.aJ y�t /f�.�7Y,iGCl;,�� G�-.0 wiGS- .r,e e/� '� G'�f��
O�f.�'j�r��av—� v J T.��s'7 ��l •<<,�id a+� r'i t� �b 7'�-� 3Y � d01'.
.Z Tfy.•�.rL .tG.o� �'-e •�N /y'�itlysl7ri.�r'�'rt?7'���..�s.r�•� 1��s a�� .
What skills, training and experience do you possess for Worid'orce Investment Board Membership?
T_ " Ars� .G �ivc 7�'•t.�st /�d fi��T v` ilyinvv,�fer.'t� �fi✓a
How did you hear about this opening (include nominations)
i��?.��' Di�lt�lsioJ f�r C3.Z ���-� �s,�c�,..�r.
'�G(C ��Sa�. G�rL�t'ry �e�.�-u-t�
�d � T��n.s �� �t .�, ��v�
� � C.°?��.ti/
6cX.. a� G'cus.,« �+.cc
I,ength of term you aze interested in: oneryear _ two-year X
•, r%ZLIL��O Le:G� E71 AK�M�KK CAi�YUS SCK ravC ??
� e �O t0
In an attempt to ensure that committee represeatation reflects the makrup of our commurrit}', Please check the
line applicable to you; this information is voiunrary. ��j ��
_� White (Caucasian) I-Iispanic � • �.
Black {African Ainerican) Asinn or Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaskan Eskuno Qther
sle: 0 �emale: Q! T?isabled: 0 Yes 23o VeteratSS: m Yes 0 No J
Lf special accommodations are needed, please specify: �?GS��
pERSp?VA,�, RE�RF;NCES �nclude azea code)
1) Name: �1l�1s'3n.0 �'�Y�"fin� G'/�?/7'/Z ��
3.yt Ca��'�., ��o�. .S9/ -�d - o z. S
2) Name: 1 �
�. Qowc,
/,�.J SS/yti/
or 1 G�/ - T3.3 -P3.3.s'
j3�'• /�.P�-s�
Addres5: �32. /ff /NNGf/ I�► �9".1I C�' .Sj C —lV 21 S .17, �1t�L , /�✓ .��D/
P6one: I�-IQmcl . {VYqtk� � S 26S' 27 �D
We are recruiting indlviduals to represent various categories as dtYa3led on the nttached Workforce
InvesYment Board Category Descriptfo+�s form. Plense indicate the exYtgory or categorid you cu�
repre�ent on the WIB on this form xnd return it wtth year apptication.
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SS.7�2 (Fur: ; 651=2b6:80.�9,'. Phcitl�:`.631=26¢-801�1,_ ; �raiiorr.r'�if tlbY, b� re'crtvea` l5}' �Ma}' f 2::2A0V..,, .,,_.,... __,. .
a �YP .
Please note that two orierrtation sesyons will be held in 7une for membcrs who are appointed to thc ncw City-
County Workforce Invesiment Board. Thesc scssions ate Thursday, Iune 22 (5:00 ta 10:Q0) or Tuaday,
June 27 (1_OQ to 3:D0). Please jot these dates on your calendaz at this time; we �cpect that applicnnts will bc
nfficiallv n�tified mid-June on the sratus of their application.
t•/i2/G020 ?0:44 c7i-�55 A�A�!��� CAPd�US �c,t racc �.
Workforce Lsvestment Baard
Ca�egory Descriptions
C- �``�
�Businesr defrned as privatt, forprofit businesses):
�business owner, chief executive or operating officer, end other executive ar employer with optimum
poli�ymaking or hiring authority
� represent business with emp?oyment oppominities that re9ect the local area
Also please indicate if you represent: 6 large business �Inal1 business (less than 500 amploy�s)
Community-Based Orgcmizations (defined as private, nonpmfit ocganizations): ._
O representative of communities ar significarn segments of communitics providing job training
0 agency serving youth
O agency srsving displsced homemalcers
0 union-related organization
0 emplayer-related nonprofit organization
0 organization serving non-reservarion Indian and tribal govemmeni
0 agency representing veterans
0 agency representing individusls with disabiliries
Economic Development Agency:
0 Private Sector
0 Public Sector
0 local educational entities (inefuding K-12)
Qf local school boazds
0 entities providing adult education and literacy activities
m postsecondary educarional institurions
0 Nominated by recognized state and locallabor federations
One-,Stop lT'orkforce Cenier P�tners (defined as the partners that cany out the following activiticslprograzns):
(D Adult, I?isIocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American 8c Veterans' Worl�ome (WIA Title I)
m Wagner-Peyser Act
0 Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II)
0 Vocationa! Rehabilitaiion (Rehatrilitation Act Tide I)
m Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securiry Act)
m Senior Comiminity Service Employment (Title V of the Older Amecicans Act}
0 Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perlans Vocational � A�plied Technotogy Education .�ct)
O Trade Adjustment Assistancc (TAA) � 23AFTA TAA (Tra3e Act of 1974 Tide Il)
�p �!':arion �� � Page 1 of3
/ xFGEI!/ rJ ��
� �
Tuesday 12th of September 2Q00 07:41:51 PM �CT 2 ¢ Zp�2 �
_ ��. ;
�viNruti'S OFfICE
Consolidated Program Workforce Investment
Board Membership A
� Cmg S Lambert
Address: 903 Geranium Avenue East St. Pau]
MN 55106
skilis, training and experience do you possess for FVorkforce Investment Board
am currently a s,r,all bu in .cc owner that provides job placement and development services
idividuals with disabiliYies. My firm contracts to the Rehabilitarion Services Branch of the
1N Dept. of Econ. Security. My firm also pmvides MFIP/WtW employment and case
ianagement services in Dakota County. Having worked in the employment counseling field
�r the past five yeazs, I have a strong understanding of employers needs, job seekers needs
nd understanding oF the programs the WIB oversees. I also havc a strong understandin� of t
ew chanQes in employznent and training programs under the Workforce Investrnent Act.
gth of term [ Two Years J
rested in:
a Veteran? ��[ No
pz�s for yaur interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board:
ig experience with employment and uaining prograzns as a provider and lmowledge of
T will be able to shaze my views on how changes the WIB makes will affect providers,
uners and employers. I live in the City of St. Paul and understand many of the barriers
e who live on The �ast Side face. I believe it would be an asset to the WIB to have a
n who lives in the community, is an employer in the coinuiunity as well as a service
der. Since my fiim is not a service grovider that contracts with the City or the County,
would not be anY conflict of interest involved in decision making.
iess, defined as for-profit
�siness owner, chief executive or operaring officer, and other executive or employer with
ium policymaiang or hiring authority
oresent business with employment opporiunities that retlect the local area
indicaYe the business
:d Organizations (defined as privaYe, nonprofit orgsnizations):
of communities or significant seguents of communities providing job
[ JAgency serving youth
[ ]A.aency serving displaced homemalcers
[ JUnion-related organization
[ ]Employer-related nonprofit organization
[ jQrganization serving non-reservation Indian and tribzl govemment
[ ]Agency representing veterans
(id7Aoencv reoresentine individuals with disabilities
Sector [ ]Public Sector
]Loca1 educarional entities (including K-12)
]Local school boards
]Entities providing adult education and literacy activities
]Postsecondazy educational institutions
ominated by recognized state and local labor federations
Page 2 of 3
('g re�. �,ttrn.bc ��
One-Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the
fallowing activities/programs):
[]Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Native American & Ve[erans' Workforce
(WIA Title n
[ ]Wao er-Peyser Act
[ JAdult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II)
[ JVocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title �
[ ]Wel£are-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act)
[]Senior Communiry Service Empioyment (Titie V of the Oider Americans Act)
[ JPostsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkins Yocarional & Applied Technology Education
]Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Tide II)
]Local Veterans' Bmployment Regresentatives and Disabied Veterans Outreach (Title 38,
]Community Services Block Grant
]Department of �ousing and Urban Development
1.crarP TTne,,,»t�vment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with appIicable federal law)
�,,, , , ,,, nnsrnn
oo��rca � ��a�HtiHi.i xitinm xa�WHN aq_AZ HF]BZ-S'i-d3S
�"' � �y-LOl
Reference 2
Name: Dyana Reyes-Kazges
Address: 60 East Marie Avenue, Suite 220, W. St.
Home Phone:
Phone: ��651-450-2972
White 1 Sex: f Male � Disabled: [ No
accommodAtions are
�'a- -lo �o
G re�. �..e�,m,(�e�f
MN 55118
c,_.�u-.�urr�mn�zre��r-ca.ro�r «T a.,,hA,-r ht..,7 9/13/00
_.__. . �..,,,, ,...-. �.... ���riuliui t t rAmn't 1�c�.it-1>I Qfl. e�lL RqG17-S"L-d?S
O a. -1�0
Greg Lambert
°03 Geranium Avenu° East • St. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 778-8925 email: greg@lambertvocatioral.com
Lambert Vocational Services, St. Paul, MN 1994 to
Plan, dizect and manage all employment serviczs and job placement
services provided to program participants. Monitor job placement plans,
services and activities performed by staff including intake meetings,
assessments, job seeking skills training, resume development, job
development, job coaching and post-employment services. Market and
promote program services and build relationsP�ips with referral sources.
Review the effectiveness, quality and outcomes of services provided and
implement program changes or operations policies.
Develop and foster partnerships with employers of all sizes and
industries to identify job opportunities for participants and to promote
the skills and abilities of people with dis�bilities. Increase employer
awareness provide information and educate employers on disability issues,
accommodations and services ofPered to assist employers in hiring people
with disabilities. Collaborate with other service providers on program
services and employer outreach efforts.
Monitor operating agreements, contracts, vendor standards and fees for
services with referral sources from state agencies, counties and private
insurance companies. Ensure compliance with CARF accreditation standards
and referral source proqram policies. Maintain and review program and
participant data and prepare reports. Supervise and mentor staff, provide
training or consultation and conduct performance reviews. Prepare annual
budgets and manage financial records.
Northern Minnesota Public Television, Bemidji, MN
1989 to 1994
Television Operations / Video Production Assistant
Operated master control station for on-air programming and recorded
satellite feeds for Puture programming. Prepared daily broadcast logs,
that ensured proper placement of underwriting and programming. Scheduled
record feeds, managed the videotape library, and worked with programming
and enqineering departments to ensure quality programming. Wrote and
announced daily continuity. Assisted with entering payments and new
me_mber iiles in the membership database, coordinated pledge activities
with the production department, and worked closely with volunteers on
bulk mailings and other activiti2s. Directed live high-school hockey
games, videogranhy during field productions, and assisted production
staff in studio productions including editing, directing, technical
directing and camera operation_
oa. -��•�
Greg Lambert
903 Geranium Avenue East • St. Pau1, MN 55106
(651) 778-8925 email: greg@la*wertvocational.com
Northern Illinois University, Institute on Deafness, DeKalb, IL
1995 to 1996
Deafness Education & Technology for Deaf and Hard oP Hearing, Serving
Traditionally Underserved Persons
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN 1994
Bachelor of Science, Mass Communication
Minnesota Rehabilitation Association
Board Member, 1996 to present
Governmental Affairs Committee Co-Chair, 1995 to presenc
Conference Planning Co-Chair, 2001 to present
Internet Communications, 1997 to present
National Rehabilitation Association
Governmental Affairs Committee, 2002 to present
Minnesota Business Leadership Network
Rehabilitation Provider Steering Committee, 2001 to present
East Side Neighborhood Development Company
Board Member, Finance Committee, 2002 to present
Minnesota Rehabilitation Services Advisory Committee £or Services
to Deaf and Hard of Hearing People
Committee Member, 1997 to 2000
Minnesota Commission Serving Deaf & Hard of Hearing People
Human Services and Employment Committee Member, 1997 to 1999
Minnesota Higher Education Board
Human Resources Task Force Member, 1993 to 1994
� -, .•_�,S_.22G0 ?2�45 KAFGSIP. INC ��° 651 224 7249 P.02i�a
, ' Consolidated Pragram WorkJorce Investment.l,�T!d��B) � ���
Membership Appliratian O 2¢ ^ � �
Privatelnformation 2�a2 - J
Ivame: Jackie :Ly,-�rczvk �1HYOR',� �i=i�S°F
U 7�
PlaceofEmployment: ?ca�osia, ir.c.
380 Ezs`. .La.fa
C�. 55107
TetephoneNumber. (Work) 651.224.6974 (Home) 651.770.5893 (FA�651.22e,�2e9
E-Mail Address: ceo@ka�sia.cam �
JobTitle: �'hiP� �ecl��ive Offic�r
Personal References (include area code)
I) 1Vame: �an Sa'zmidgall
Address: 14027 County ?�ad 42 Princeton, hN 55371'
Phone:(F-Iomel �17.44�.74R'i (workl FSl.a�a.���a
2) Name: Marcia FirL{
Address: 2002 17th Street New �*ighton, MN 55112
Phone:�EIome1 651.633-2990 (Wpr�;� 65I.223.5000
What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the 1VIB?
* I feel I have use�al insights ia wnrki:�g not only with people with disabilities
but zlso with individuals who are hard to e�croloy.
* S have t'�e "big picture" knowledge&�sience � workir.g with all sectars o� our
cc.-amini y priva e an o ic p�� os
x? hav� lived and worked in this c�ity all of my life a^.d S believe in its
peoole and working toqether to build a�ett�r c�uani�v.
Optional:�n zn �ttempt to ensuce that Board representatton re:lects the makeup of our community, kne�.��le�=�
of the fol(owins information is helpful. However, completion oFthis inforation is voluntary.
� White (Caucasian)
B1ack (African American)
Americzn Tndian or A1asl:an Esl:imo
':�tzle: d Femzle: G� Disabfed: a Yes ❑?�'o
IFspecizl accoa;modzdons are needed, please specify:
Asian or Pzcific Isiznder
Other _
7he injorn�ntion on t6is applicalian n•i11 bt used to evatuete and select m¢rnbert ajlh� 1�'IB. Applicurds tnr.y re jure ta ��f!': ''
rtquesYed injarma:ian. Fxeep! jo� •ro(uxtary informa!ian, hoxtver, !ke jaifure to complet+ t6e npplication mQ}' resu?t in :- �=:<:
discn�drd. Tnis dafa may be f�'vic'+s•td artd used by Rum�ry County and Scir.! PaulsYaff. The dafa nn thispa;e is pri�'a:r.
Sou`h Suite 212 S�nt Pa11
r\;):il C, ?0�0
, P'RY'-0S 2EE0 10�C6 KPFOSIR INC ES? 224 724°. P.03i@<
- Cansolidated Program Wo�kjorce Invesimen! Board (WIB}
Membership Applicafian � � �
Jackie rLynzsczyk'
Eiome Address: z481 Cowern Place
What skills, training and experience do you possess for W'IB membership?
* Have ov�r 28 years of ex�erience workirr w:t. inc�ividuals c� t`� disaaili�ies
_o were co:isi er no enro o e-.ava w��-:essea many, r•.any success=u_
e*r,ulovr.ent outccm°s durina this t�me
* Fave bee� an active c�ac�;unity pa-tner -- p�ticipated in ieadersr�.in Saint Pau_ thr�uq:
t_e =n au_ erce� e as a metnoer o� ^e ey ounty o icy
Ccsm.itte= on Se1f- Det�.rmis+atior. and driUOLlt�Yl Q1d1T of the Caverno*'s Council o-:
ave years o* exper:ence servuig as e o: a ccx*.��y -_ave eaaers..ip
abilitv and a conmits�ent t� the missioa a*�d visior. of workforce develo�ent.
Length of initial term you are inte�ested in: one-year
Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �l No
two-year X
Ramsey County and the City oFSaint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as
detailed on the ConsolilatedProgram Workforcel'xvesbnentBoard (I3�I13) CategoryDescriptioxs form on
the reverse oEthis page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent
on the WIB.
Mai(,o'r Fai`,y_oui
Bonnta JnckeleSi; i
55J02 (F¢r:'G51=:
PkAPPlication.to;��t;;' - � , " ,
_ <_ _ - < "; z�•:
>�,° _ r
iryBotird, YtestKellogg`B,4iilzvard, 3ainfPaiil; MinJiesotn
w•..:...., , .::. t:.:,..._.,.� .
. ... ... ... .... ....:..: . - ..., �� .
G51=266-8Q1�1). Applications musl�be received by'Mny;T 2,'20D0. �=
We wil! hold hvo erien[acion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are
� Thursday, .7une 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, .Tune 27 (1:0� to 3:60 p.m.). We a;}: that members
a!tend on� of these Rvo sessions. Please reserve these d2f>_s on }•our calendar. �Ve expect that applicants ��'ill
be officially notified mid-June on the stztus of [heir application.
"Thank you for your interest.
Tke injo�mnlian ort this application ivi![ be used to evaluate and sefect members af fhe WIB. Applicantsmay refuse to suPpfy� t==
requesYed info�ma:ion. Fxcep! far vo(untary information, ho+vever� ihe fai(ure to eomplete 1'r.e applicaliors ma}' �esuL en it btir.;
di.rca�ded T6is data may 6e rr�iew¢d and used by Raircrey County and Saixt Paul s:ajf. Ine dam on this page and the re� r�sc ric�
is pu6lic anJ, therefore, avpilable ta fke public
Far O�ce Use onls
Commission�r District
North Saint Pa,il
Planning Discrict Counci!
Cip� Ccuncil Ward
Apri! S, ?000 (OVER)
� MRY-0S-e00e 16�47 K^nFOSIA INC 6�! 2�4 7249 P.04/24
t.v1tD V tauuicu t 1 usi �ana rr v, nf �...... w............... ..... �. _ �.,.._y
� Category Descriptions ��� m l� ► �,�� Z � ' K
If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your
anolication as described below.
Bu: iness, defined asJor p�of�t (nominated by local business orgznizaeons andlor business trade associations - attach
your nominarion letter):
❑ Businss owr.er, chief execurive or operating officer, znd other execurive er employer with optimum
policyma;cing or hiring authority
� ReQresent business with employment opportunities L'�a[ reflect the Ioc21 area
Also please indicate if you represent: O large business O sm�l! business (fewer than 500 empioyee�)
Ca�vrit�niry-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofi� orgQnlzafians:
Q Representarive of communities or significant segments oE communities providing job ttaining
❑ Agency serving youth
O Agency serving displaced homemakers
❑ Union-rzlated organizahon
d Employer-related nonprofit organization
O Organizarion serving nonreservation Indian and triba! govemment
'� Agency representing vecerans
Agency representing individuals with disabilities
❑ Other:
Econonric DevelopmentAgency;
Q Priva!e Sector � Public Sector
Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institurions, or otganizations represencing such toczl
educational enriries - attach your nomination letter):
❑ Local educarional enrities (including K-12)
❑ Loca� school boards
❑ EntiRes providing adult education and literacy activities
❑ Postsecondary educational institutions
0 Other:
Q Nominzted by recognized state a�cUor locz labor federations (attach your nomination letter)
One-S(op YYorkforce Center Partners {defined as the partners that carry out the following acrivities/progrzms):
� Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Native Americzn and Veterans' Workforce (iVLA Ti;ie I)
Wagner-Peyser Act
Adult Education and Literacy (W1A Title II)
Voca:ionz Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitle n
WelFare-to-Work Pro�rams (Social Security Acc)
Senior Comm�:rtity Service Employment (Titie V of the Older Ar,.ericarts Act)
Postsecondary Education (Cart D. Perkins Voca6onz z�d Applied Technology Educarion Act)
Trade Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) and N?.FTA TA.4 (Trzde Act of 1974 Title II)
Local Veterzns' Employment Representatives and Disabted Veterz�s Outrezch (Title 3 S, U.S.C.)
Comm:miry Services Block Gran:
Depzrtment of Housing and Urbart Development
S:ate Unemploymznt Compensation Laws (in accord2nce wi+.'n applicable federal law)
FEB-14-2002 12:22PM FRO�-SNAW LUNDQUIST ASSOC 6514547982 T-823 P.005 F-6�0
RFrcivcn �}-\'���
Ramsey Couttry Wnrkforce L:vesrment Board (WIBj
Membersbip Applicarioa
OCT 2 4 2002
Aome Address: S2� l-'� � � � ��— � �� � 7 � � ��� �N
StreeL Ciry Counry Zip �'� �3c��t,��
Wlsac skills, u�aining and experienee do you possess for Wffi membersiup? (Ple�se anach a I-1 page resume)
r _�•
All new terms aze for a cwo-yeaz period endino on July 31.
Are you a Veteran?: _ Yes � No
Ramsey County is recruiring individuais to represent various categories. Applications will conrinue ro be
accepted for fusure vacancies as well. Plesse indicate, under Caregory Descripzions, the category or
categories you can represent on the Wffi.
Mail or �'as your WTB lYlembership Application to: Kazhy Korf, Inrerim Membershfp Caordina:or,
2098 Elevenrh Avenue East, Nonh Sainr Patrl, Minnesora 55109 (Fax: 651-779-5140; Phone: 651-970.4462).
The WIB regularly-scheduled meedn�s aze held rhr fusc Thursday of every ockier monrh firom 2:30 co 4:30 p.m. Memben
are expected co aiso serve on ac leasc one sandi�,a. comminee; commiaee meecin� schedules vary.
Thank yau for your interest
The informaaon o.+ rkis app[icauon wl!! be used ro eva[uare enJ selecr memLert of d�e N'IB. ifpplicana may ref+r.se rn swpply rhe
.equesreG lr.fosmar.'aa £scepr jor volnnrary infnrmatiun, kowever, rhe faiGr�e ro cnmp(ere rhe apptkarinn may resuk in it beirsg
disca�drd This dara may be �evieweQ und used by Ramsey Counry and Sauu Pau! staff The data on rhis page and rhe reverse side
is public at,d, rlierefore, wailable m the public.
For Offiee Use only
Commissionu Dismcc Planaing Disvict Council Ciry Council Wazd
Dccember 3,2 001
2�s7 wes� scwrce Kwaa (M
F°r , Minne6oID 55727-1230
5220 Duggan Plam
Eaind, Minn6sota SSC39-1607
Paui S. Nefson
T-823 P.006
(651) 234888.� (w)
(952) 941•95801N
pnNSOn �S�avAYIK'qui3ccom
Objeetive Serve on Ramsey County Workforce invsstment Board, assisting in the
continuing economic vitaliry of the Eastem Metropolitan Area by providing
direction and oversight of workforce development apportunities.
1993-Current Shaw-Lundquist Associates, Inc. E�qan, MN
Exper(enee Business Development; Consfruction Marketing & Sales
• Sales have grown from �177million fo $682 mitiion since 199'I
� Developed marketing and safes programs for managers antl
• Contribuced to moving firm toward negotiated and private sectors
F7nantial & Accourrtin�q Manager
• Streamlined billing and payme�t procedures
• Maintained irnestment accounts
• Developed relationships with clients and vendors
7987-7991 Americana Bank (now Excel) Edina, MN
Clieat Serv?ces RepreseritaEiveg Busines.s and Private Banki�g
• Processed variety of banking needs for Gients on a dairy basis
• Met with clients to discuss products, discussing benefits, addressing
i985-1987 University of Minnesota Minneapolis. MN
. Bachetor of Science in Economics with emphasis in Statistics
1983-1985 St Olaf College Northfield, MN
• Uberal Arts Studas wrth Business and Economic emphasis
Edina Morningside Rotary Club President Elect
Club Service Director
Mt. O{ivet Lutheran Church
Sigma Alpha Epsilon F2temity
Young Mur�eds
Board Member
Fnancial Advisor
fEB-14-2002 12:22P� FRO�-SHAW LUNDQUIST ASSOC 6514547982 T-823 P.0�3 F-600
Ramsey Counry Worl�y'orce Investmenr Board (WIBj
lilembership Applicarion
Friv telnformatian
�- S- ��a
� �•��\�
Piace of Employment:_ -��"� ""' � N,p QJ\S'T" �'"� Sa Lt �'� ►1JL -
WorkAddress: 2 75�] (�{_ S�drC..� �aid�(-� �9"6,/�ri1 D,¢�AnL1- 5'S /7
Counry Zip
Tetephone Number. (Work) �h Z3 �S �ome} gs ( z( 9S�(F.S� br/ S� '�r�
Personal References (include azea code)
1) Name:
2) Name:
Address: S�o� ��Eb"T/ C r2c r. �' D.�i fL�
Phone: (Homel 9SL 93S~ Z797 (Workl 9S� 9'�l r--�
Oprional: In an anempc co ensure L6ac Boazd representauon reflecu che makeup of our community, lmowledge
of rhe following infomzation is helpful. However, compledoa of this informauon is voluarary.
�_ White (Caucasian)
Black (African �lmerican)
American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo
Male: � Female: _ Disabied:
If Special accommodarions are needed, please specify:.
4sian or Pacific Islander
Yes X No
Tke iafnrmation on rki.s ¢pplitatox will be usad w tvaluare and selecr members ojzhe WIB. Applicarsa tnay refuse �o supply the
reguesred"uJormation_ £scepsforvofYnraryinfo�madon,howtver,rhefailunroeomplae7heapplicarian mayretaBinitbeing
d'utarQtQ. This dara may be reviewed and used by Ramsey COUnry and Saixr PaL! Staff. The data on this pq�e is privue
'710 9 T�c�J.e.c, 02�r �.rc
(xome) 9SZ 829 �'38' (Workl 6S! y Y fJ��a
Deccmber 3,2 00I
Whac aze vour reasons for wanzine to serve on the WID?
FEB�-14-2002 12:27.P� FROM-SHAW LUNDQUIST ASSOC 6514547982 T-823 P.002 F-6�U
Ramsey Couxry Wnrkforce Inveszment Board (YVtBj
Category Descriprioas
O a--��\b
Note: If you are applying for Basiness, Educarion, or Labor positions, ptease attach a nomination letter to
your application as described below:
Business, defined as for profu (nominated by locai business or�aai2auow and/or bs+�=�� uade associarions - sttach
yonz ttominarion letter}:
_Business owner, chief exenuive or operaring ofhcer, and other execuuve or employer wich oprimum
policymal6ng or hiring auihoriry
�Represent business wi[h employment opporcuniries diaL reflec[ the local ares
` Represent a chamber of commerce
_RepresenL ehe health caze indusuy
Also please indicace if you represent: large business ,�_ small business (fewer than S00 employees)
Communiry�I'used O�gani;.adons Jefined as ne:tpro�iz organitationr.
i Represenrarive of communiries oc signifieanc segments of commimiries providing j ob aaiziing
,_Agency servin� youch
_Agency serving d'uplaced homemakers
_Union-relazed ozganizarion
�Employer-relaced nonprofit organiz2tion (excludes chamber of commerce)
_Organizarion servin� nonreservauoa Indian and aibal govemmenc
_Agency represearing uete[ans
_A�ency represenung individuals with disabilicies
` Ocher:
Economic Developmenr Rgency:
�Privace Sector _Public Seccor
Educarion (nominated by regional or Iocal educarional agencies, insrimrions, or organizariobs represencing such local
educational enuties - actacli yotu- nominarion letter)_
_Locsl educarional enriries (includin3 K-12)
_Local school boazds
` Enriries providing adulc educarion and literacy acrivities
�Posuecondary educarional iasricurions
_�Nomina[ed by iecognized scaze and/or locallabor federations (attach your nominadon lettes)
One-Srop Workforce Cenrer Paruen (defined av rhe parmecs rhaz carry ouc the foIlowing acdviries/progiams):
_Adu(c, Dislocazed Worker, Yourh, Job Corps, Nauve American and Vere=ans' Workforce (WL� Title n
_Wa�1er-Peysez Acc
a.dult Educarion aad Liceiacy (WI.S TiTle In
_Vocadona! Rehabiliracion (Rehabili[arion Act Tide I)
Welfare-to-Work ProT�mc (Social Securiry Ac[)
Seaior Commuairy Service Emgloymenc (Ti�le V of rhe Older Americans na)
Posssecondary Eduearion (Ctirl D. Perldns Vocazional and Applied?echnology Educauon Aci)
Srade AdjusBnen[ Assisrance (TAA) and NAFIA TAA (Txade At7 of 1974 Title In
Locs! Vecerans' Employment Represenradves and Disabled Veterans Ouueach (I�de 38, U.S.C.)
�Comrnunity Services Block Gcani
_Depazanenz of HoLLSing and Urban Developmeat
_Srate Unemploymrnc Compensarion Laws (in ucordance with applicable federal law)
Decembcr i,2 001
JUL-22-20�2 �i7�01 RC JOB TRAINING
0 � �LO�O
Ramsey County Workforce Invesiment Board (WIB���
Membership Application ��
OCT 2 � 2002 �s�
E12 77° 5240 P.04i�E
Name: �`sa� 1i..1�i I S MaY�R'
�.3 -
County Zip
What skills, training and experience do you possess for WTB membership? (Please alYach a 1-2 page resume)
A11 new terms are for a two-yeaz period ending on July 31.
Are you a V eteran?: O Yes ��No
Ramsey County is recruiting individuals to represent various categories. Applications witl continue to be
accepted for future vacancies as well. Please indicate, under Category Descriptions, the category or
categories you can represent on the WIB.
Mail or Fax your WTB Membership Application to: Kathy Korf, Interim lvlembership Coordinator,
Workforce Solutions. �098 Eleventh Avenue East, North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55109 (Fax: 651-779-5240;
Phone: 6� 1-7i 0-4462J.
The WIB regulazly-scheduled meetings are held the first Thu-sday of every other month from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Members
are expected to also serve on at least one standing committee; committcc meeting schedules vary.
Thank you for your interest.
Tke informafion an this application wil! be used to eva[uute and se(ect members of the WIB. Applicants may rejuse ra supply rhe
requested information. Except for voluntary injo�mafion, however, the jailure !o comp(ete tlte application may resu/t in it be;no
discarded. This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsry Caunry and Satn1 Pau1 seaff. I'he dara on rhis page and �he reversr
side fs public ard, therejore, availabte to the publ "u.
For Office tise oory
Cammissionu District Planr.ing Dis7ict Couaci! Ciy Coimcil Wazd
7uly 22, 2002
JUL-22-z002 1?�02 RC J0� TRa[NING 6i2 775 5240 P.BEi26
Ramsey County Workjorce Investment Board (WIB)
i Membership Application
\ , Prlvatelnformation
Place of Employme�
Work Address:_
Teiephone �umber:
E _�1ai1 Address
7ob Title:�
Personal Refe
1) Name:
2) Name:
C1 a-.`o\�
�t .I ` C �
Street � City County Zip _/ � �
��k�' f � (Ho e ���) V/�� ( 't`' 1—�
What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB?
Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board represertatio:� :eflects Lh° mak.eup of our community, knowled;e
of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary.
White (Caucasian) _
B1ack (African American) _
American Indian or Alaskan Bskimo _
� Female: �i Disabled: a Yes �No
If special accommodations are needed, please specify:
Asian or Pacific Islander
Zhe lnjormarlon on [hls appiicarion wGt oe �ese6 to evalu�te and sekcr n�e�nSrn ..J :%�r f3:B. .•tpyl:tknts ma� r�fwsc to sr�pply [he
requested in Jormation. Except jor voluntary informateon, however, thejailure ta comptete ti�e applicalion n+oy resutt ix ir being
discarded. This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Salnt Pau1 staf)`. The data an this page is p�ivate
July 22, 2002
TOTF� �.�E
a.�- �o �o
Tene M. Wells
President of WomenVenture
Skills and experiences that I would brin� to the WIB.
My back�ound is varied. I'm a native of Minnesota; I have lived and worked in both Hennepin
and Ramsey Counties. Currently the a�ency I run, WomenVenture is in Ramsey County. In al1 my
life works I have been dedicated to helpin� individuals and organizations realize their full
potential. It is through this energy, compassion and vision that I have eamed a rzputation as a
collaborator, innovator and champion for women's economic development issues. My mission:
to guide women to achieve economic success and prosperity, helpin� to stren�then families and
the fabric of the community.
As a true believer in Marion Wri�ht Edelman's philosophy that "you can change the world zf you
care enough," I have been a catalyst for chan�e — transforming and positionin� the 24-year-old
arganization at the forefront of emergin� economic development needs of women. Under my
leadership, WomenVenture is helpin� woman start and grow businesses, training woman for good
jobs that pay well, and working in partnership with other non profit a�encies to establish of a
statewide Self-Sufficiency Standazd that defines how much a woman must earn to meet essential
family needs.
Since joining WomenVenture, I have been named as "One of the Women to Watch in the Next
Century" by Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine and "A Woman to Watch" by Ventz�res Magazine.
On Junei 8th 2001 WomenVenture received the Angel Network Use Your Life Award. The Award
was presented by Oprah Whinfrey on national television. In her introduction Oprah said, "that she
was proud to give Tene the award because through her work Tene was showing so many women
that they can believe in themselves and take control of their lives"
The career path that brought me to WomenVenture includes corporate management experience
and nearly a decade of experience in community-based programs. I have mana�ed school
readiness initiatives, operated a community theatre, organized block clubs and communities, and
been an active community volunteer. I have had life challenges and experiences as a mother and
workingwoman in both the profit and non-profit sector, which has given me a unique perspective
in understanding the complexity of the human and organizationai spirit. For example in the
1970's, I was about to be divorced and workin� in the public sector for relatively low pay. In need
of a better job, I went to WomenVenture (previously Chart) and designed a resume that helped me
find jobs at Medtronic and Honeywell.
I assumed the presidency of the $2.4 million or�anization on August 1, 1999 and have focused on
transforming WomenVenture to become an influential advocate for women's economic
development issues. WomenVenture has a staff of 30 empioyees, consultants and more than 300
volunteers. Guided by a new mission and identity, WomenVenture strengthened and expanded
its' services, was recoa ized by the SBA as one of 191 Women's Business Centers in the U.S, and
has received the coveted Aml Bancroft Award for Or�anizational Encoura�ement and Support.
Future goals include tripling the number of clients served from 3,000 a year to 9,000 a year,
attractin� more donations strengthenin� the a�ency financial resources with new grants, increased
individuai donation from women, generation of earned revenues from product and service sales
and the organization to national level.
My most recent other job �vas Executive Director for Way to Grow, a nationally recognized school
readiness pro�am of the City of Mianeapolis. I oversaw 11 community-based pro�ams,
mana�ed budget and staff, introduced an effective results-based evaluation system and doubled the
size of the pro�ram. In 1998, I was appointed Executive Director of the Minneapolis Youth
Coordinating Board, throu�h the City of Minneapolis that serves the nzeds of youth.
Other communiry and professional involvements include the Women's Economic Think Tank
Planning Board, Community Advisory Boazd of the FATHER Project, Chair of the Northstar
Leaming Center Board of Directors and Founding President of the National Practitioners Network
for Fathers and Families. I hold a B.A. in Business Administration from Metropolitan State
1823 New York Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
(4� 651-251 0680
(H) 612-529-38�8
(Au�. 1999 — Present)
♦ Mana�e 2.1MM economic development agency to improve the economic success and
prosperity of women. Includes managing a diversified fundin� base with grants, contracts,
individual contributions, and earned income and program fees.
♦ Foster cooperation and coordination among staff, contract providers and volunteers.
♦ Represent economic issues of women in the community through forums, public speaking,
media contacts and printed marketing materials.
♦ Manage a staff of 35 employees, consultants and more than 300 volunteers.
♦ Recipient of the Oprah Whinfrey Use Your Life Award
♦ Named as "One of the Women to Watch in the Next Century° by Minneapolis/St. Paul
Magazine. .
Executive Direetor
(1998 — 1999)
♦ Developed collaborative strategic work plans for proo ams and operating policy to support the
well being of all children in the City of Minneapolis.
♦ Planned, secured, monitored and managed a$7NLY1 annual budget.
♦ Represented the mission and accomplishments of YCB to the media and community.
♦ Managed a staff of 31 employees, numerous consultants and volunteers.
Executive Director
♦ Established and maintained citywide information and referral network, eleven programs, staff
of five program managers, research evaluation consultants and volunteers.
♦ Wrote and published program reports, proposals, commentaries and marketing materials.
♦ Convened and managed public/private partnerships and interagency teams.
♦ Increased operating budget by 50 percent and mana;ed a$4NIM annual budget.
♦ Managed the development and implementation of a results-based evaluation and supporting
data management system.
♦ Worked successfully with local and narional elected officials to secure $2MM of welfare
reform funding for the City of Minneapolis.
Project Coordinator
♦ Supervised and trained a paraprofessional staff of community resource workers.
♦ Desio ed an integrated service model, repiicated in five U.S. cities and Northern Ireland.
♦ Increased the operating budget by 50 percent and managed a S300K operating bud�et.
��,_ �o�o
Procurement Specialist, Materials Handling Manager and Prnduction Control Coordinator
♦ Managed the operarions of a Materials Handling Deparhnent, includin� receiving, stoclaooms
and shipping areas.
♦ Supervised a staff of up to 125 in a union environment.
♦ Planned and managed the budget of a$2NM cost center.
♦ Taught disadvantaged business owners how to qualify for approved vendor status
with military contractors.
Customer Education Coordinator
Worked with sales and marketing personnel to develop educational training seminars and
marketing visits for cardiovascular sur�eons and cardiologists.
Developed marketing materials and coordinated meetings with corporate executives, techmcal
staff and members of the Boazd of Directors.
Crime Prevention Specialist
Assistant Directer
Preschoal and Latehkey Teaeher
(1978- 1981)
♦ Founding Member of the Women's Economic Think Tank Planning Board
♦ Community Advisory Board of the FATHER Project
♦ Founding President, National Practitioners NeRvork for Fathers and Families
♦ President of Alchemy Theatre Board of Directors
BA in Business Administration, Metropolitan State University