02-1009Council File # '�1. � ¢�, Crreen Sheet # _��'�a,d RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Refened To ao Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals as an alternate. APPOINTMENT Paulette Swindeman The term of this individual shall expire November 1, 2005. Mayor`s Office Kurt Schultz October 30, 2002 DATEINRIAiED 10-23-2002 ,�,.:: ;;, TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET a �-tiooq N� 202320 � u ��.�.� ���_ � � a,..n�. ❑ a,.�— ❑ r�uxcw�aaev¢FSaoe. ❑ s�,.xcu�.mnn.cero �wwxlart�sasram ❑ (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) g the appointment of Paulette Swindeman to the Board of Zoning as an alternate. auHi �uN npprove �A� or ne�ec� �n PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION � ISSUE, t Has fhis perso�rm e.er wnrked untler a contract for this depaAmeM? YE3 NO Has �hia pefsoMrm eve� been a cily empbyee7 YE3 NO Dces this personlfirm possess a sldll not normallypossessed by any wrterit city employee7 YE3 NO Isthis petsoNfirm atargeted vendoR YES NO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER 01_�0 oq L'I'j'Y �F' SAIN'I' PA�.. 390 Ciry Hal1 Telephone: 651-266-8510 RandyC.Ke[ly,Mayor ISWestKelloggBoulevard Facsimile:651-266-8513 Saint Pau1. MN 55102 To: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Counmlmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayar Date: October 23, 2002 RE: Board of Zoning Appeals Mayar Kelly has recommended the appoinhnent of Paulette Swindeman to the Board of Zoning Appeals as an alternate. Ms. Swindeman's term shall expire on November 1, 2005. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominaring this individual as well as the application for her appointment. Please remember that certain informarion on the application is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any queshons regazding the appoinhnent. Attackunents cc: John Hardwick, Board of Zoning Appeals Staff Person � � c� i n ites C6ap[er 13) governs the Cit}�'s use of the inf Pe�1.�.E� S��Et�'1.�� ion sougb[ in this application is private da[a under the Ac i 7 HousekeepingDirector uthority to carry out the City's official appointment res psuindeman�presbanes_org n. However, failure to answer the application questions ma he majority of itzms coutained in this applica[ion are pub cui, saiu��rmuz o.and experience, and are [herefore available to anyone requestin� it. The remaining items on the application form are classified as private. Tbe priva[e da[a is available only to you and to other persons i¢ the City who, because of work assignments, reasonably require access to the information. Name Home address , Board, or Commission {�� �cille Johnson ��� �Cc;�s,;�, 2oom 170 City Hall p�' M�� .� aint Paul, MN 55102 2 z��'= Fax: 651-266-8689 �i ; `r jyi ` :,, � SSI(� Telephones LS�- �{��'1'.�UCI � lc 5� SC�3�J �5^�'�7S " 7�b�S PleaseincludeAreaCoAes home work fax E-mail address s /YI� �+c `+J��,�1e5� • �� Planning District Council Preferred mailing address Occupation ��Se� i Place of employment Employment address Committee(s) applied ��e� e� C� i-k� Y}'t� S f (`1.�, City Council Ward i'��u� �� �5��� c�ty state Zip � S �u�we.Q9:5 �ear� �,�c� 7 K�tK � S�D�� Y' .����I,v�MeC';co.n S�dll�Soc�CO�_ rVi }�e� ��O-�r���Qu� E�iAYnan `�-��L����ZJ�M •5S-�c�„ What skills/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? y /� ,S�U�r y 'Y� $a. � y-�7io� ZL-�n `f' /lar/G /fn�/_�'�/r� c� ,f',�%/s D/ 7 �rI ' 9 tr>T'fU.�S or b��r �'C"�mm;t}er4. ��tn 9� �� �Co/yi%nu'c4� LrJzl/' _ jLnd /���e . Sf+'o �,�- f'/'d /cnz s', � �� � (/s f /�` � �fyf�°irs'c e/ � f�eZ�:"is U��{e{5ia�dS C'on�,den�:aS �e��o'.ns �'-ro� d'Se s'-� Cond 4'or�4 pr C'_;reurn5wn<es ;� �ul�\;C. o; �; �ti. ���,ana t.�,�o clo,�ok 6,��e.lc� �-`wta� _i Yl'�Cr'�S �' � ri `��-Y. ��fSc�n pf'" �e rSonS �i�T b'' ��I �SIZ.. ��u �e Uz Cc(I�d SG� ��4 f Sl� GJCtt.IIf Ur..'v� W C-'L�� ' 1 �'�r�� ��ti�,,:» «� . � page 1 of2 C�M(���C. �Gl� �S�.;ue l �i�rt� �, � �t,' i �t �`c Q� �.rtA cT,. `T� 1�O,l�Q /liC. u . ! �/� 'G Z C 4Ui�lCYr� l U�21! �sonal References / v oa-��n9 Name �U��I�fV 't�.l`J�2,(� Address 2 Telephones �Si- ,��-qg�3 �5�-a�15-S�aJ Please inNade Area Codes home work other Name �je,� 1�.�" 5 � Address ��S CQS �.�l'��e� } Oq�,��� Y�'1 y� �5/ Telephones �SJ- a�'J- �'7 $ � — Please iuclude Area Codes Lome work other Name Address �Cn3 S�" V��A f'lo�Y� (�c. G���� �SC�7i3 �� - Telephones (c5! - ?�� "00 l l �� Please include Area Codes home work o[her Reasons for your interest in this particular committee yJy� � �s1- ; � Eh%5 �a rf; c,u /e� � C'omm;f/�e �S Rs �o/�o�%d L Pcru�d ��,r T r� ,4�rd /'e//o'c✓ /� llerd.C%f ('i.�.!'G�(�/lQnrnecl -- ` � �o.� �h2. Sud' 'e,Q SySFe+'t i�o^ `��d �IridecS�ncb no �hc� n^`( C�� �'t ' a/�! `\1: ma'F-Q o c�li�Me.,.�� �:,.� h.a�.,,A �J�rEr��� �'h��o���Pr1. Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic /(�j Black (African-American) .�.� � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Femal� Date of birth Disabled: � Yes N� If special accommodations are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2