264085 W� TE � T CLERK �oun�ll 264085 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL BLUE � - M.4YOR File NO. .f �� t� c ' Resolution � Presented By Referred To mmi ee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Canmissioner of Htghrvays for the State of Mtnnesota has caused to be prepared plans, special provisions and specificattons for the improvement of Trunk Highway No. 104, renumbered as Trunk H�ghrvay No. 61 , within the corporate limits of the Ctty of St. Paul , from Warner Road to tf�e south corpo�ate limits; and WHEREAS, satd plans are on file �n the Office of the Department of Highways, St. Paul Minnesota 6eing marked, labeled and tdentified as S.P. 6220-48 (61=104) and S.P. 8205�53 �61=3�; and WHEREAS, said special provisions are on file in the Off�ce of tbe Department of Highways, St. Paul , Mlnnesota betng marked, labeled and identified as S.P. 6220-48 (61=104) and S.P. 8205^53 (61�+3) , whici�, together with ti�e Mi�nesota Department of Higharays Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, dated Ja�uary 1 , 1972, as amended by Minnesota Department of Highways Supplemental Specificatians for Highway Const�uction, dated January 1 , 1974, wili govern and are on file in the Office of the Commiss�oner of HigFxNays, and which constitute the speciftcations for said improve- ment of Trunk Highway No. 104 s 3, renumbered as Trunk HighKay No. 61 ; and WHEREAS, copies of said plans and spectal provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the Offtce' of the Dtrector of Public Works; and WHEREAS, the phrase, said plans a�d special provisions, as hereinafter used in the body of this Resolution wiil be deea�ed and intended to mean, refer to and incor- porate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recttals particularly iden- tified and desc�ibed; and WHEREAS, the Comnissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public safety that any and ail parktng of vehicles, if such park�ng is permitted witt�in the cor- porate limits of the City of St. Paut , on said Truak Hig Mway No. 104 renwnbered as Trunk Highway No. 61 , wtll be paraliel with the curb adjacent to the highway and wili be at least 20 feet from any crosswalk; raw, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN �q�e�ted by pepartment of: Yeas Christensen Nays HozZa ta Favor Pubi ic Works Levine � Roedler Agaiast Br � Sylvester a e J. Dun d, Director (MJE) Tedesco President F�nt Fam Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passed by Councii Seccetary BY �5' - Appcoved by 1liayor: Date Approved yar f ' •sio cil gy �' � WH17E - CITV CLERK ^_y_-1� �P�O[�` PfMN - FiNANCE n r�- CANARY - DEPQRTMENT �'W°�' �1 �J BLUE_ - �,YOR . ITI' �P' AINT PAUL File N0. y ' � - Res��'�tion Presented Bp � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �2) RESOLVED, that said plans and spectal provistons for the improvement of trunk Highway No. 104, renumbered as Trunk Highway No. 61 , within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paui be and here6y a�e approved, and be it FURTNER RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul does hereby agree to requi�e that the parking of ali vehicles, if such parking is permitted within the corporate limits of said City, on said Trunk Highwayr No. )04, renumbered Trunk Highway No. 61 , will be parallei with the curb adJace�t to the highway, and at least 20 feet fran any crosswal[cs on all public streets intersecting said trunk high�ray, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the elevations and g�ades as shown in said plans and special provisions are hereby approv� and consent is hereby given to any at�d ail changes in g�ade occastoned by the construction of Trunk Highway No. 104, renumbered Trunk Highway No. 61 , in accordance with satd plans and spectal provisions. jm COUNCILMEN ChFistensert Hays Requested by Depe�ment of: Yeas � Hoiza Publ ic Works �— In Favor R�edler v '' Sylvester Against BY Z��� Daniel J. Dunf d, Dir�tor (MJE) Presider�t MLr�t AUG 2 Z 1974 Focm Approved by ity tt y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P e Council Secretary / BY �y Appro 11Qa or.� � � Approved po t i Co cil By By f ug Ea e�ir � � �4� � , . . . A�`�.-� ,, , � � 264085 .. . � o - : �,=, . ; �. - �� C1TY OF SAINT PAUL � Capita) of Miranesota � DEPARTMENT OF PU8LIC WORKS � 234 City Hel{ � Court Hous� 55102 ' August i , 1974 ; i Nonorable Lawrence U. Cohen ;tayor of St. Paul 347 City Hall �ear Mayor Cohen: The Minnesota Highway Depart�ent is proposing to let contracts for safety improvements and landscaping on T.F#. #61 from Burns Ave. to the south city limits on August 23, 1974. These safety improvements consist of: 1 . Instaliatian of one-half :�ile of three-cable guard rail and ; 12 miles of traffic barrier to protect vehicles from trees, � steep slopes, retaining walls and rock outcroppings adjacent � to the road shoulders an� in the backslopes. i 2. Revisions to approximately 25 drainage structures involving the covering of flumes, extension of culverts to eiiminate headwalls and continuation of culverts thro�gh the center median. 3. Approximately 15 wood light poles and power poles wiil be replaced with break-away light poles. 4. Removal of 52 trees in the center median, consisting of 28 elm trees, 22 ash trees and 2 spruce trees. It should be noted that all of the trees outside the shoulder area wi�ll be protected by traff:c barrier. 5. Installation of a hedge-type shrub in the median to restore the aesthetic loss of the tress, as well as serving as a headlight glare screen at niyht, siowing down stray vehicles without inflicting major damage a�d reducing snow drifting. 4/hile removal of these trees will eliminate the greatest number of fixed objects that could present a hazard to a vehicle leaving the roadway, - � �- + � 264085 . Tiayor Cohen -2- �ugust 1 , 1y74 they a~? the �a�G;,��:;��r�t ractor a�fectiny t'r?°_ appearance of the ro�d4•iay, in an atte��at to elir�inate or reduce th� controversy involved alith the rernoval of trezs, several alternate schemes to protect the driver with traffic barriers were investiyated and re�ected. In order to provide protection from the median trees, it would be necessary to widen the inside shoulder before traffic barriers could be placed, thus placiny overburden on the tree root system, and in some cases requiring removal of trees to accommodate the traffic barrier , It was also felt the removal of two or three trees from a small grouping of trees would leave unsightly open crowns requiring many years to restore the original appearance. We feel it is important to emphasize that the existing trees in the backslopes will remain in place to provide a visual barrier between the industriat area, railroad yards, sewage treatment plant and Highway #61 . A check of the accident experience for three years (1971 , iy72 and 1y73} show that 174 accidents have occurred, of which 86 involved vahicles leaving the road. 7he 174 accidents resulted in 53 perso�al injuries and 5 fatalities. "Ran off the road"-fatal accidents have increased as the cause of freeway fatalities to approximately 65% of the total , bearing out the particular necessity for designing the roadside for the emergency situation. Theretore, it is recommended that these safety improvement plans be approved. Accident summaries and diagrams have been prepared and we would be happy to review these with you at your convenience. Yours very truly , Daniel J. Dunford � Director of Public Works FtHR:DU7:kjb AtYachments cc: ftobert Piram Approved: Frank D. Marzitelli City Administrator