264081 WH17E - CITV CLERK 26408y PINK - FINANCE COI111C11 � CANARY - D�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� that the prior Resolution of the Couneil appointing an Advisory Board for the Downtown Development District, Council File No. 263223, approved Maroh 16�, 1974, be and the same is hereby amended by deleting from the membership of said Advisory Board the names of Dean Meredith and Rosalie L. Butler and adding the name of Councilman David Hozza as a member of said Advisory Board. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays f Christensen 1 Hozza �0 In Favor •LC4$iL� Rcedler l� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date AU�i__7_� 10�T_ Form Approved by ity ttorn Certified P�ssefi��Council Secretary BY ,- " � � Approved Mayor: D e � Appro by is ' Council ' By By PUBLtSHFD ��� �1 �g14 , � ' - ��� 264081 , ,, . �-� ,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - � ��.!�.,� y�� �a-;��-,� OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRAT R FRANK D. MARZITELLI August 5, 1974 � TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Coh/n � Fk: Frank D. Marzitelli `� ��� g�; Various appointments to Development District Task Forces I have reviewed the above referenced resolution and am in agreement with same. Your approval and submission to the City Council for action is recommended. FDM/ca Attach. ____------_---- ____------_ ___._ __, please note: attached letter for Mayox's signature I�. � � �--_ City Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 1 � 264081 GITY OF SAI�TT PAZTL -- OFFIGE OI�' TI3E MAYOR ,5^9!'0@9A •y$9@963!!B a�m�r�s LnwaExc� D. Goa�:x MAYOR To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: I herewith transmit for your consideration the following resolution of appointment to various Development District Task Forces: Downtown Development District - appoint Councilman David Hozza to replace Rosalie Butler and Dean Meredith Highland Development District - appoint John Perchinsky, Manager of Powers Department Store, to replace former Manager, Rudolph Patrick Payne Avenue Development District - appoint Councilman Victor Tedesco Midway Development District - appoint Councilman John Christensen to replace William Knopatzki and Councilman Victor Tedesco Snelling-University (aka Hamline-Midway) - Appoint Councilman Robert Sylvester and Dr. Harvey Stegemoeller, President of Conc�rdia College to replace William Konopatzki and Robert Klukas Respectfully submitted, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor Enclosures 22