264055 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (�ITY OF sAINT PALTL �°°n�il. 264055 CANARY�- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. " Council R s luti J Presented By LIC��ISE CONit�tITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied f�.:r by Lhe followin�; �ersons at the addresses stated be and the s�.ote are her+eby granted. D.V.?;. Inc. c/o :c�a��9:rusNen achool of E3usiness 160 j3'. 9th li�: .�,pp.14686Rene�val n n 5 t'�dd'=t. :; t� n nn Virgil Dveriler�Doerfler Estates 1885 t�dilson �i�.�i►:�ming I="ool " 14760�� idit�iam ��. Hoff 1257 d�,. 3rd St. Food Veh. 2 �� 14899�� Larry F�. Ferguson c/o International �Iarvester 7?5 Itiice 11�? " 15303" ir '" ^� Add'1 I�1 �t u �t I.U.C. c/o ,,.merican National �antc 101 E. 5th st. �.i': " 15363'� n �� ? ��_dd'1 I�� t� n n Gerald �dstroin 204 �lierrie Lane Tree Trir,i �; 1 V " 15501t1 N. Cthermezian c/o fIoliday Inn 161 St. ,�nthony ,luctioneer 1 day " 15524�� Bruce E. Jones �� Thomas L. Jahntie I.��G Gibbs Tree Trim & 1 V '' 15525" 011ie P�;. �.,e�vis Inactive aSasseuse �t 15543" ;'onald H. Nadeau 93� �urr R:tr.Veh.Dr. " 15565" itichael Baker 1311 I3ewitt " " ��.55G7'� Lynette ��oldos.�i ?�!9 11?. A9ilton 1�Iasseuse �' 155G9" ?�ana F�. Lof�ren 585 l�ortlanct l�itl�.E`eh.Dr. '� 15575�' Davic� J. Coleman 79 N. �i'estern " �� 'i.JJ�I��� Jerome L. Dre►as 6r:�'� ';r. Eldridge '� " 15577" r1hyllis J. Thomas 613 Grand �.".�:sUeuNe " 15578" Kurt V. r'�;elson 665 Portland h1tr.Veh.Dr. " 15591" John II. l.�he4l.er �^ S. St. �lbans " " 16592" Laurence Thom�son �i�01 Granc� " " i5597" Tls. Donna Jean I��oehn 57 �;�. 7th h'lasseuse " `.561�3" rts. Vicki L. ?�anut�er Inactive " �� 15623�' Gim Gee �Iut� Inc. 767 S. C�eve:u.ana Cigarette �� 15625" Ti�in City �dovelty Co. 9549 Penn �.re. N. �1pls. Ai�'�D 1 �� 15634'� �� �� :;�'��� 5 " 15G35" ri 1i ;�::��,.?; 1 �� 15636�� ti r� l��Ilt�, 1 << 156;37�r ►� �+ �� �� 15�i38�� Leslie i,. Todd 5225 St. Albans Pay I�d. r;xcelsior 1 tldd V�' 15639" r�ir�� �ruza 1234 iecTean i<Itr.Veh.Dr. t'�pp.156<'5" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - GTY CLERK 264055 � PINK - FINANCE COL1C1C11 CANARVf- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL � BLUE- - MAYOR File NO. " Council Resolution Presented By LICENS� COA�9ITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Contd. Pa�;e � �teven J. t�ilson 2714 Fsrookvieir Dr. ?`tr.Veh.Dr. 1'��a}�.156�61`?e�� �he Pioneer Co. Inc. W66 "s?,.. 7th Cig.Vt� Oper. 2Pi °t 15652" I�iarl. J. Forre.>t 3�0 I�?. I1aze1 hitr.Veii.�::r. 11 15673�� A�ilton J. �`}mith 455 �,�. h�aryland �� " 1568C701 Thomas J. Redman 232 I3anfil " " �_57t)0" John Albert I��c(`,lerna.n 208 N. �Vestern �� " 15704" :;-enneth tl. Bean 701 ld. �ldriclge f4 " 15721+� zTobert 'a.. I3elden 431 Vir�inia " '" �_57�7�+ �d�vard �rury, Jr. 864 Clark �� " 1574241 Jerry Jesl.-y 619 t�Jhitall " +' ?.57�?-5" Joseph G. I��usseh� Fi:�.. �;. Dale �� " 157G1�� COUI�TCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler �' Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date AUG 15 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie as by C uncil Secretary BY r Y Appro by Mayo . Da Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLtSHED q�G 2� 1974