02-1002Council File # O� � /0 O.� Green Sheet # e o 55'P' Presented by Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION DIRECTING COUNCIL RESEARCH TO CONDUCT A STUDY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL'S BUDGET PROCESS WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, as provided for in the City's Charter, is responsible for adopting the City's budget and seriing the City's property ta� levy; and WHEREAS, the adoption of the City's budget is one of the most important tasks the City Council undertakes every year and it invests a h amount of energy and time into the budget review and approval process; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has not increased its property tax levy for nine straight years; and WHEREAS, this fiscal restraint has not happened without some sacrifice and difficult and judicious decision-making; and 8 WHBREAS, given the economic and financial environment facing municipalities in the State of Mirmesota, and 9 specifically the City of Saint Paul, the budget decision-inaldng environment for adopting the 2004 budget may be even 10 more challenging than it has been in the previous nine years; now therefore be it 11 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul CiTy Council directs Council Research to conduct a study of City of Saint Paul's budgeY 12 process to aid and inform the City CounciPs adoption of the 2004 budget; and be it 13 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the content of this study shall include: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (1) A review of the City's efforts over the last nine years to maintain a zero increase in the property tax levy; specifically detailing the methods, decisions and sacrifices that were necessary to achieve this result; and (2) An examination of the current budget process to determine whether the process, from both an administrative and legislarive standpoint, could be improved in terms of effectiveness and efficiency; and (3) The identification and evaluarion of different revenue generating options, including property tases, administrative fees, and assessments far the City of Saint Paul; and (4) An examination, including forecashng, of the future impact of different budget decision scenarios that could be considered in the 2004 budget process; and be it RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 23 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this pzoject be completed by March 30, 2003. p i,,-1o �- Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey y ^ A_ By: Adopted by Council: Date Q,�/1 , P 3 O�G O�. Adoprion Ce �fied by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: r.J�r Appioved by yox: Date ' ( !o_[ �, � � � DATEINITWTm O�� �OO� �_�z_�' I GREEN SHEET No 200558 Councilmember Bostrom 6-8660 o¢...,�rou�rae un'cawta. 10-23-02 (suspension) NUMBERFOR TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ❑ CIIYATTORNEY ❑ CRYCLFRK ❑ F�1611CUL fERVItFS G0! ❑ A1M1�lC��L iFllY/IICCTG ❑YAYORIORASasIUMr� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resalution dixecting Council Research to conduct a study of the City of Saint Paul's budget process. PLANNING COMMfSSiON CIB COMMITTEE qVIL SERViCE COMMISSION OF TRANSAC710N SOURCE Has this persoNhm� ever xrorked uMel a contract for Mis departmeM7 VES NO Has Nis persoMrm ever been a cily empbyee9 YES NO Dces Nis person/f�m possess a sldll rot namallypwsessed by any curteM ciry employeel VES NO Is Mis peBONfirtn a targeted vendoYT YES NO (CIRCLE ON� YES NO ACTNITY NUAABER I �L.:`LL`N