264031 �WH17E - CITV CLERK � ��64031 PINK - FINANCE TT �� COl1IIC11 CANARY �- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L 1 BLUE t =Tv1qY"aR �� Fll@ �0. �A-G-�4-0133 C n "l esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Ma.yor, upon the recomme I ation of the City of Saint Paul Long Range Ca.pital Improvement Bud�et Committee, ha.ving submitted a portion of his recommended Ca�ital Improvement Program Budget for the City of Saint Paul for th fiscal year beginning Janua.ry 1975, in accordance with the C�arter and Budget calendar, and the City Council� ha.ving conducted a public hearing thereon as required by the Charter, does hereby �.dopt and approve the Pha.len Park Redesign Project as part of the 1975 Ca.pital Improvement Program Budget, to be fina.nced from he proceeds of the City's General Obligation Bonds to be issued in the year 1975 in accordance with Cha.pter 351, Laws of Minnesot for 1974; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the C'Ity of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the issuance and sale of G neral Obligation Bonds of the City in the pa.r value amount of $2, 00,000.00 for the purpose of funding that portion of the 1975 apital Improvem�nt Program Budget adopted herein, and the Director f the Department of Fina.nce snd Ma.nagement Services is hereby aut orized and directed to initiate the preparation of the appr priate documents looking toward the sale of such bonds and report � ack to the City Council Subcommittee on Fina.nce. � APPROVED �- � � � Roger A. Mattson I Budget `-k � f-� B� COUNCILMEN Requested by Departmeht of: Yeas Nays I Christensen � " 'kCommunity Siervices Hozza In Favor '"� Levine � � Sylvester � Against BY � Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Q u G 1 3 1974 Form Approved by City �Attorne Certifie se y Council Secretary By ' B-y ���-- Approve Mayor: ate 14 Approve a o u ' si o ou il By .- By ���S�d AU G 17 �974 � r c��0�1 GITY OF SAIivT PAiTL OFFIGF. OF TI3E �IAYOI� eo ��oreaess '�. e eseessaese ��� v aeae�ee August 2 , 1974 , � I.AWRENGF. D. COHEN MnYOx Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul: , I I herewith submit for Council consideration a portion of the Budget for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program. �he City of Saint Paul was authorized, pursuant to Chapter 351 Laws of 1974, to include within its 1975 Capital Improvement Program Budget the improvement of Phalen Park. In addition to the authorized annual $4, 500, OOQ. 00 for capital improvements, the City is authorized to sell $2 ,000 ,000.00 for this Phalen P�rk improvement. The City is attempting to coordinate the Phalen Park improvement with the Metropolitan Sewer Board' s sewer construction which is to start in the fall of 1974; therefore, it is imperative that the City Council adopt this portion of the 1975 Capita�L Improvement Program Bud�et prior to the Council' s consideration of the other remaining projects to be included in the 1975 CapitaT Improvement Budget. The City of Saint Paul' s Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee has rated the Phalen Park Redesign Project and has recom- mended it for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program Budget and has recommended selling $2, 000, 000. 00 CIB Bonds in 197� for this project. I further request authorization of the City Counci� to permit the temporary transfer of the sum of $1, 007, 400. 00 fro�n 1973 and 1974 Capital Improvement Program funds. Certain projects contained with- in these previous years' Budgets will not be under construction until 1975, and the funds will be retransferred back upon the sale of the 1975 Capital Improvement Bonds. , Therefore, I ask your _favorable consideration to these proposals submitted 'nerewith, and if there is any further in�Eormation that you require, please feel free to ask. !I Ver tr�1],,.,y„�yours . �,�,,.� _..____--''' LAW D. CQ�H ayor -_ _ c��,.�.-� � � � .�._� �r� � 22 , • i � ` � � � `� � e _ � 3 � . � �, � � Au ust 9 1974 � ���� g • . ; riirr Danni� McGuire, Presid�nt Mound� Park Boaster �lu� � 1008 Mc]Lean , Saint P�ul,, Minazes+�ta 551�6 � �i � Dear Nlz�. MeGuiret � This Xatter �.s an �ttemg� �o clarify �he Cit�i's pos�tiQn as per our di.�cussion w�,th the� membe�s o� the Mounds Par'� Boo�ter Clu,b at a r�ec�ent C.S.S. cammittea me�ting and wi�:h members o�' the Mvurids nark communa.ty at'� the mee�ing �I held at the Mounds �cr�at3.on Center on Wedrt�s8ay, Augu�t 7. Tho Ci.� throu h the Df.visio�, o� Parks and I ocreata�on, Y. g � 3.� r.omm�.tted to takinc� avar �he u�e 4� I�2aund� P�r9� E�.�a1�- en���zy a�hool a� thr tia.rna �h�� �l�a �acility �i� aba��r�onuct by �:ho �chool Di�tx�:�c�. �As yuu ar�� we�l awa�a, thQ C�.•ty 11�� �or:nally r��u��t�c� t�ia� �.�3i� �a.t� a� r�a��w�e:c� ovax �� t�ie 4a.�ty, and the achool I�a.s�.�:ict hrx� i��clic��ea �ha•l: �t�e;y are willa,ng to do thi�. T1��y h�ve al�o inaiq�tod �o bot:h my�ti:lfc anc� Mr. �reg 81.��� of th� C.T.�. st��'�r th�4 �.lza r�chcac�l w�.ii not be ab�ndcn�d un�il somot�.mo i�; JAnuary of 197�a. � i �',:� :: ����ed at botk� ca� ��Q ��aa�� r�����•�a.a�ir.�:c� ��,�I��:inc��, tl��: ��:?.Y7: �":�..C1h'l O� �EIY�C� c`"1.IiC� .`��uC�:'�ii?i::ldi'� a_� aa�"+,�.j�al3:ta�� �i..!;:) �1:1�.7�.Y�ai:c'�-�,Y,'. '�:Cl . .�.:�<�C:t.�.�.�::i7 ZF�.� :yC3�ii�1 i::i:� i:.i1U �i::1':1(:34.�1. i):f.:�i::i::�.�:'�:. 1'�j;i� �it;3�Ti,:.0 C>li'�� an�:� �o �rovid� �der�u��.F3 .�•��.:�:� in c�tct;:�° �:e� :i.r������'�n��n�� �� com;�a{�wh�n�aivQ ��:�m3ur�i�:;,r r�crc:�tiorl l�rr�c��:�:pxn ��� �::;QOn �a �:Y;.ta Schc;��l Di�trict has v���ter� �.��� �choo�. :E�cila.�;r, . xn ca�d�r to det�rmis�e l�c��y z:�ucl� �f tI�� exi���.na� ��c°xl�.t�� �ifl?. be ne�ded tc� mee� �;n� a1��ds o� ��ze cvaranu��.ty, tFz4 I , � . � _. I . . . i ' ' , i Mr. DQnnis McGuire from Robert P. Piram , August 9, 1974 _ '� , Page two � Divxs��.on of Parks and Recreatian is a � prep r�a to in�.tiafie , a planning proces5 early in 5ep��mber, whi�+h should iden- tify the� riumber o� kind� o� programs that w!ill be using the facility, as we11 as tho spatial requir��ment� for these activities. This planning pracess shbuld re�ult in a written program and should be completed no later than Octob�r 15 of this ye�r. ', The above planning process should include a�12 agencies and organizations that are how using the ex�.sting facility. and which have been identified a�t prevraus �ieetings. It should also be expan�ed, if at all pose3.ble,� to include other potenti.al users such as the Division mf Public Health, H. R. A. , and any other social agen�y that may be con�emplating del�very o� services to th� ne3.ghborhood at some �time in the future. As soon as the written program is compl.eted., it will bQ turned over to �he City's d��ign �ection for the dev�l.op- man� of �ny modisEications �hat may be ne�ded. Or�ce the preliminary design is comp7.ated, it will com'p back �� th� planning committee fo�c raview and comrn�n!ts. Upon completion oy t�ze r�view, the de�ign sal�tion w�.11 ue as]ced to prepare fa.nal dr�wxngs and sp�ci�Eiea��.ons in preparation tor any cons�truc�ioz� th�t may� ba nE�,�:ded. On�c: the preliminary ae�ic�n i� c�mpla��d it v�ill co�n� b�cl� to the pl�nn3.ng conuni�te� Eor review �nc� commaz�.��. tT��c��rz compl�tian o£ tlwe �evx��a, t��e c1e�ic�iz ��c���i.c�r� wi:L�. Y.;-c: ����.�]:�d to pr�par� �a.n�ii dr�awi�ac��: and ��e:�:a.�a_ca�.�i.oa�.:� ��� j�:t"c".;:�c3iCa'i;1011 i�r ai�y �on����uc�ion tl�a� m�:,� k,e !n��:�c�e1. xr.- clucied in thi� final. c1�:�ign ph��e, �s w��.l a�, iri tlae px:�:-- �.ima.na�y de�ign pha��o wil�. be co�t ���:i.m��cs'� a:nd � rece�mm�ndation as to whe�n cons-truc�ti.oz� �hould� 1�� strx;:t�c�i. Th�� �lans then would b� }�ut out tor bic�s, folll�.owinc� t�h�� Cx.ty' s r�ormal bi.c�ding proccaur4. �IZi� would be: tiim�cl �ta rnee�� the reco�un�nda4ion c�f the d�::yi�n sect�.or��� �� to th�� &���'��ime to initiate any eonstru�t�.oxz that m�iy be r�occ����:y. , ,. �I . ' ' Mr. Dennis McGuire fr4m Robert P. Piram � ' Augu�t 9, 1974 , Page three � I sincerely hope this letter clarifies the C3.ty'� position and will resalve some misconceptions that mem� bers of the Mounds Park committee have had a;bout the � City' s int�ntions in regards to the Mounds �ark Elem- entary School site. , Should you have any questions or need clari�ication on any pointe that I have listed, please feel Pree to c�ll me at 298w4126. Since�ely,, � Robert P. Piram Supt. o£ Parks and Recreatian ecs Thomas J. Kelley, Da.rector, Dept. of C unity SQrvic�a Gerald W. Prill, Supv. o� Recrea�ional Act3.vitios Bruce Perrizo, Di�trict I�]C Superva.�or ' Wa.11iam Hanson, Director, Mound� P�rk ecre�►tion Center acm ' i � �, � , . . ' NIOUNDS P1�R� �O��TE'�,1� CLU� Nlounds Park Recreation �enter � Cypres� and McLean , Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 • August 7, 1974 , . '� , I i Being the persdn in ch$rge of playgraunds, I do aYPirmithat as . soon as St. Paul city �choc�ls vacates l�iounds Park SchoQl, the ' Parks and Playgrounds Department will t�ke over the maintainence of Mounds Park Seho��l. It will be stsYYed and heated �nd made available for programs until such time ss the mc�nies a�e repaid ; ' and reconstruction can be accompliahed. i I do Purther agree to consult with and work with R�ounds Park Booster Club as to the difPerent typss oP grvups and priograms to be carried on at the o1d N,ounds Park Schc�ol. All fi�al deaiaions to be made �ay lUIounds Park Booster Club. i � , witness . _ _ witness la - . � � � � , - I , i � , ; _ � I , ' 2640 31 � � � � NOTICB OF PUBLIC SBA�NGi �NotL:� �a heleby giv�n that a ubiic I! h+aa;lu8 wtil be Hel"d ou the =�t 10:00 o'cloe � u2 GftY Gouacil Cha�b4r�, 4tY atnd t3purthouse. $ain�'Ppu3, II AqinNaRe�ota�ibr�ix�Purpose at ea�siddt- Sri���bion of the 197$ �aP}tal T�ii Bud�et for the �h#lea I P8r S'�t�tiieme�Yt in the ef�i�a t bi' B�eA�O, to be.Sn,s�ced throuth pro- C received froxn the afale bf the City's General Obl�gat�on �onds in I the Year 197G. All �ilbei��tect ,peaties C��aFAea�,aa�d be�heard before the I Dated August 8. 1974. � i �016� ��I7C � , CitY Cler�C. (Au�t 8, 1874) �,. � _ _ � � � ,. I I ' � . C/�� � � �, ?�`"I 264031 , . ' r���". . _ _ �.. �.� �° � - . � _ _ G�, _�;,��� - • _ �.. f 7f..- r ;1