264029 WHITE - CITY CLERK �I Ol1IIC11 �64029 PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARY -.SJEPARTMENT BL�E -MAVOR 112 N O. �� Co� � V�� o� B�U o ' esolution � Presented By L ' Referred To Co mittee: !Date Out of Committee By jDate WF�REAS, there are certain pax�cels of land acquire�. by the City of Saint Pa.ul for snaw dumping purposes; and I WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul no longer requiresisaid parcels for snc�r dw�ping purposes; nvw, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul by its l�yorland its City Clerk, axe hereby authorized and directed to qcecute on behe�l.f f the City of Saint paul� a deed of reconveyance of $aid parcels to the Stat�e of Minnesota. for ]ands legally de�cribed �s foltows: Lots one, two, three, faur, five (l, 2, 3, 4,15), B1,ock eight (8), Def'raneY�r's Division; and Lot� one, two,, thre�, four, five, six, aeven, ei�h�, nine, ten, eleven, twelvc {1, 2, 3, �+, g, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12), Block faurteen (14), De�islc�r'� Rearrangea►eut of Lots five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, d7.even, twelve (5, 6, 7, 8, g, 10, 11, 12), Block two (2); Lot� ni e, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifte�n, si�cteen, sevent en, eighteen, nineteen (9� lo� v-� �� 13� 1�+� i5� i6� 17� 18� 19), iock tnree (3)� ana Lot eleven (11), Block four (4)� Cruickaha,nk's Garden Lots. FURTF�R RESOI,VID, that the Ra,nnsey County Bc�ard be �directed to withhold sub�ect ].ands from gublic salc b�eause of its potential ;use for street purpo�e�; and g[TItTF�R RESOLVID, that the City of 3aint paul conc�urs in the interim uae of the sub�ect lands by the Independent School DiBtrict �625 as open spe�ce recrestione�]. use in con�unetion with the De�ne School s�te, and t2�t no p�rme�- nent building str�zeture be a1la�red. within the cited aree�.s without prior approval of the City oP Saint Paul. � i COUNCILMEIV Requested by Depart�nent of: Yeas � �s � 7�qC SYLa'�E3"rOR In Favor � i Levine ����C� Against By Tedesco Mme.President �'j(�Jp�j' Adopted by Council: Date AUG 9 1974 Form Approved by �ty At rney Certified P e y Council Secretary BY �- By Approv by Maxor: D te Approved by o S sio By BY p�tn.�s�FR AU G 1 ? 1974 ! � � .. � �640�9 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOQ FRANK D. MARZiTELLI s� 9, 197�+ � The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen : Mayor of tne City of St. Paul ' Room 3�+7 BUII�DING Re: Request Por release 'by the City of certa.in tax forfeited la.nds Independent School District #625 Lots 1 thru 5, Block 8, DefrancY�y's Divisioa Lots 1 thru 12, Block 14, Densl�r's Rearrangement . Dear Sir: • The City has received a request f`ram Independent School District �625 on the feasibility oY releasing the subject la.nds original]y acquired in 1942 for snaw dLUnping purnoses. The School District plans to develop the subject lands along with abutting property as a recreational site for Dean School. The Valuation Bureau has subsequently queried the Depaxtment of Public Works on this matter and reports the Maintena.nce Division has found another dumping site and the release of the parcel would pose no problem to them; hawever, �he Traf`fic Bureau, at the reqy�est of the City Council, ha.s prepared a report on the heavy truck traffie on White Bear Avenue and as a result of this stuc�y has developed an alternate route _ that would necessitate the use of the subject laads. I reconunend that the sub�ect lands be reconveyed to the 3tate of Minnesota but with the follawing underst.anding: l. That the lands be withheld from public sa1e. 2. Th�at the School District be allawed inter�.m use of the laads as open space. \ City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 . - � � ��40�9 � i -2_ I 3. That no pex7nanent buildin� structure be allawed within the cited area.s withou� p�rior approval of the City of St. Paul. I have attached hereto a resolution authorizing the Ci�ty's reconveyance in accordance with the provisions above. Very tru1.Y Yours, I Frank D. Marzitelli � City Administrator I J'WD•dm . Attach. �:' • iter � I' cc. Anthor�y J. Re David Loskota Earl Johnson j J. Wm. Donovan ' I I . � � � , I I � I I . I , . . , ��4��9 � � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL � OFFICE OF ITHE CITY AGMINISTRATOR _ � FRANK D. MARZITELLI I Ju�..v 9, 1974 I The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohea i � Mayor of the City of St. Paul ' , � Room 347 BUII,DIlQG Re: Request for release by the City of certai.n taac forfeited la.nds Independent School District �625 Lots i tnru 5, Block 8, Defrancl�y's Division �' " Lots 1 thru 12, Block 14, Denslcnr's Rearrarigement , D�.r Sir: _ -�; . The City ha.s received a request Pram Independent School_District �625 on � the feasibility of releasing the subject la.nds origina.l7� acquired i.n 1942 for snc�w dumping purposes. The School District plar�s to develop the subject lands along with abutting property as a recreational site for Dean School. The Valuation Bureau has subsequently quer�ed the Department of P�blic Works on this matt�r and reports the l�ainter�n e Division has found another dumping site and the release of the parcel would pose no proble�m to them; hdwever, the Traffic Bureau, at the req�.est oP the City Council, has prepared a report on the heavy truck traffict on White Bear Avenue and a.s a result of this stuc�y ha.s developed an alt�ernate raute _ that would necessitate the use of the subject lands. I I reco�nend that the sub�ect lands be reconveyed +.o the �tate of Ma.nriesota but with the follvt+ring understanding: l. That the lands be withheld from public sa�e. 2. T�at the School District be allawed i.nterim use of the lands as open space. I ;� City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 I I i ` ' J ��` . � . . . , , . i -2- ' . - 3. That no perma.nent building structure bel� allawed within the cited axeas without �rior approval. of the City of St. Paul• , I have attached hereto a resolution authorizing the City's reconveyance in accordance with the provisions above. VerY trulY Yours, I� I Frank D. Marzitelli ' City Administrator _ � . JWD:dm i Attach. � . � cc: Anthor�y J. Reiter/'�� � David Loskota ✓ , Earl Johnson � J. Wm. Donovan � - . .>..� � .. . . . � _ i . i I � a II I �� w i . w I _ ', �64029 � � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OFITHE CiTY AD M I N I STRATOR - _ � .: ', FRANK D. MARZITELLI = i _ . k_ I J� 9, 197�,- . , � ._ � . The Honora.ble La.wres� D�. Cobe�-- � i Ma or of the City of �. .Paul ' ; Y Roam 34T � BUII,D�G Re: Reg.uest �or rele�se by the City of certaia t�x forYetLted lazids Independ+�at Schi�2 District #62� ' Lots 1 thru 5, Block 8, De�`rancl�r's Divisia� Zots I thru 12, Block 14, Denslaw's Rearrangemettt . _ � De�r Siss, � � The City has received a request i'rom Isidenendent School D�istrict #625 oa the feasibility of releasing the subjec� 3ands origina].�y�acquired in . 1942 for sncr�r duuroin� nurposes. The School District p3an� to develop the subject land.s alang �►Titn abutting propertv as a recreatio�al site Yor Dean School. The V�]�.tion Bureau has subsequently queri�d the De�partmdat of Pnblic Works on this a�a.tter and reparts the l�ai.n�enanc� Division he�s found another dumpi.ng site and tne re2�se oz the parcel �ould pose no- problezn to them; hc�we�rer, the Tra.f�ic B�ar�.u, a-t the requ�st of the City�- Couacil, has prepare3 a report on the heavy truck traffic !;on White Bear Avenue and as a result of this study has developed an a1��rvate rrnite _ tha�t �,rould necessi�ca,ze the use of the subject lrands. '� I reca�mend tffit the subject lands be reconveyed ta the Si�ate of Minnesota. but �rith the follaNria� unc].ersta.nding: �, 1. That tIle lands be withheld fram public sale�. 2. That the achool District be allcywed i.nterim use of the lands e.s open space. �, . __ ' I�� City Ha�l, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 � � , ,. ,� � � i I� ....;.; ..,-_.,.;' 2 �� �,. _�._ _ _ . . ,. 3. That no permanent building struct�e be! allc�red within the cited area.s witlwut �rior approval of the City of St. Pa.ul.� � I have attached hereto a resolution authori.za.ng the C�.ty's reconveyance in accordance with the provisions above. Very 'tru1Y Yours, , I Frank D. Marz itelli Ci�y Administrator - _ � � -JWD:dm ! Attach. I'� � _ � cc: Anthor�y J. Reiter � David Los�ota � Earl Johnson / I; _ �.�-�Tm. Donovan ✓ ,. - , -:, : _.<- _ _ : ; . : � _ : i , - _ - , _ , ; ; . ; , . . - , I ; II - � ; , li � '� �64029 I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE O� THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR July sl, i974 I� FRANK D. MARZITELLI � TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen ! / � FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � I � RE: Request for release by the City of Saint Paul of cert�in tax forfeited lands from Independent School District �k625 Lots 1 thru 5, Block 8, Defranchy's Division Lots 1 thru 12, Block 14, Denslow's Rearrangement � In reply to your attached note, I wish to report the folloFfing: After consultation with the Land Commissioner and the City !Attorney, it was determined that tax forfeited land acquired by the City� by use deed for a specific purpose must bq/law revert to the State upor� the termination of the specific use; however�as reported to you in my lefitier of July 9, . 1974 the City may direct the Land Commissioner to withholdlthe subject lands from public sale. i In view of the foregoing, the recommendation as outlined ir� my letter of July 9 should be implemented. Therefore, the attached r�esolution should be approved by you for submission to the City Counci�l. FDM/ca i cc: Tony Reiter William Donovan Dave Loskota , i ; �` `�_; City Ha!II, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 Y.. I \ I I I + � �U�o :� ''Y �' �� 'i , CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF!THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR I, FRANK D. MARZITELLI July' 30� 1974 ! �he Hox9:orable Lawrence D. Cohet� I Mayor of the City of ��. Paul. � Rooag �+7 � BUILt�II+K3 Re: �equ�t for release by the City of St. Psul of cert�i.n �az forfeited lauds Prom Ind�ependent School District ,�?S Lots 1 thru 5, Bloc� 8, Def'rarzchy's 3pivi�ian Z,o�� 1 thr� 1�, 81c>ck 14, Denslo`r's �earrangemteat Dear Si.r: ' In re�ply tc yaur attached note, I w3.eh to re�ort the ibl]i.c�in�: After consultation xi.th the I,sad Ca�nmd.ssioner �d the City Attorney, it xae determined �h�at taz fbrPeited laad ac<�nired by the City b� use deed for a �pe�ific ptu�pose naist bg la�r revert to thle State �zpon the termination o�' the speci�I.c use;� hcy�rever, as r�ported to yaa in m�y letter of d�il� 9, 1974 the City ms�y direct the La,�d Ca�otissioner �o withhold the sub�ect lands frcu public aale. I In view af � Poregoi,�g;�-2�stand oa th� �ndations.� eat3�ed in �r Jtii:].�r qth letter, aad reqti�.e�at that the at�t�Ched resvSv.t�.oa be approved. by yc,u f �su'bm�i.s�ion to;,�he �auncil. , �' �_ � I �---- ♦ery tral,y yryur�, srss�tc D. Marzitelli , City Ac3mi.,nistrator � JWD:lo ! Att�ch. � cc: To�y Reiter � J. Ni.11iam Donovaa Dat►e I.oskota City Hal�'I, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 , � • . II � i ��� �s ���� _2_ 3. TYiat no permanent building structure bel�' alldwed within th� cited are.as without �rior approval of the City of St. Paul. I have attached. hereto a resolution authorizing the Ci�ty's reconveyance in accordance with the provisions above. Very truly yours, � ,.-/- , j 1 � �,,�<t...1,,�t', ��'�^!� C 1, � �i.,,�'� �,_- �I ank D. l�rzitel.7. ;� City Administrator �� ! . i JWD•dm ' Attach. I' cc: Anthor�y J. Reiter ' David Loskota ' Earl Johnson ' J. Wm. Donovan �I ; � II� . • � � • 6�tT p� }(�� . � • 4�` i `+�0�� � L��. , _ ' •*a � - � �- •�� . . .�� AQ `��r' + ... � �, ,'. t%� t �:�'` . ,-`. CITY OF SAINT PAU !� � '- � 1 of Min I, �-�� ` Capita ne�ta , � � DEPARTA�lENT OF PLlBLIC WORKS ,,` � �a �ty t�.0 � c,�► H�. ssloz 1 Daniel J . Dunford, P.E. , � Director : :� September 27, 1973 �'� . � 'j 1.. Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer ', Room 286 City Nall BUIIDiNG ,. Re: Retease of ta forfeited land withheld `rom sale: Lots 1-5 incl sive, Block $, DeFranchy's Division . Lots 1-12 incl�lusive, Block 14, Denslow's Reawrangement Dear Mr. Donovan: A review of our needs for the referenced tax forfe;ted lands has been completed. The Metropolitan Sewer Board owns a sewer (Belt Line) across a portion of this property. They have been notified by letter (see attached) that this sewer is located in an easement a littte wider than the sewer itself and that consideration shoutd be taken-in regard to the possibility of widening the easement in this area. Adequate easements must be maintained for access and maintenarjce of this sewer.• /�� The Maintenance Bureau of the Department of Public Works con- / tinues to use this property as they have since 1942 or snow dumping ' �' aAd as a leaf transfer site. This is the last place in this area ✓ where there is good drainage, and few complaints hav arisen as the area is not heavily populated_. � This property is within the proposed T.W. #61 e�tension to the � north from 1 .5. 94 and should be kept for this reason. � �herefore, the Department of Public Works recornmends that the tax forfeited lands be withheld from sale or transfer for the above named reasons. Very truly yours, n/^ �'��' r• *' i �� � '�'t ���c.e��r lZ �" �/s ► ' ` WAH/F.lH/dkt Walter A. Hurtley � /v ��7� 1 . At tachment Of f i ce Eng i neer ��`,��.,/— ��'�.- � ��� i' GI,'' 1. . � I �:� . C � ,. 40 ��r. a �Q � � 4�� �� e � ff V , . � y .t! e. _ 1 . /� � . � �t � '�� ' . � r� r.. ,�� /}�� ..� � - - CITY OF S � INT PAUL � ,� ; ,� � ' . � � - _ Capital of Minnesota �� E "_ / - � DEPARTAAENT �F PUSLIC 10VORKS ;'v , ;;;�. 234 Cify Hall & Court Hous� 55102 . � '�� , <<�,'. r-, � I i� t ,!� May Z2, 1974 �., , < Mr. William Donovan � � Valuatior. Engineer Bureau of Valuations Room 286 City Hall I � BUILDING ' RE: Release of Tax Forfeited Land - �SD No. 625, Lots ,, 1-5, B1 . 8, DeFranchy's Div. S� Lots 1-12, Blk. 14, Attention: Roger Rottach Denslow's Rearrangement . Dear Sir: I In response to yeur letter of May 13, 1974, the Department of Public Works, Division of Maintenance Services, has found alternate dumpin sites and we would be agreeable to releasing the above described land. Please �efer to the attached memo to me fram Mr. Sanchez. It should be noted here that I am speaking of only our inter�sts as they apply to the Maintenance Services Division, and this shall not be con trued to mean that other interested parties have relinquished their interest in this property. Yours very t�uly, �• �� G/�'v'��� � Scott M. Gil ertson Civil Engine�r II Maintenance Services SMG/em I Attachments � ! � � cc: Seraph Sanchez APPROVAL: � i r.�f;.1J'",�-..,r-...,,�,..��,,,,� Daniel J. Du rd, irect r of Public Works ' �.�`--%�=.�,�,;.,r; ; '� ��',�� �� � !� �;��.7 /�� /I, ti�Y16si.L....,l.-.a+���� i y � �, . � : -. � � ��40�� � , . , � . _ � T0: $GOtL �i= �U�1'iS�OCt I _ FROM: S�raph Sanchez � ! OATE: May 22. 1974 i SUt3J: Qurrps � We are prepared to relinquish the dump sit� at MTnnehaha-Rc�;n�y-3i rmi nc.harr,-£!r.a to the De�art�:ert �ofi £cuc�t i on. Fvr <<n a 1 rern�te s i te, ��r� h�-��,e se 1�:cted �he no:th s i ce of E;c�,c:cy, ►•:i^.i ch i s Rea�cy-��,h-�i rmi ngl��:n- Etna f4� s:reex s��ee�ings. leaves and 8 SRG1�t �u:rp. , ln a�y cvnversation by Lei�phvne with Roger �Rottach fr� the V�luation 3�sreac� a,�d :ari .?ahn�`�f the Ucp�rtment � of €ducatien th�y had na o��ectian to this arr�nger�ent. tf yau care to p�rsue this their Lelep:�anc numbers are: � Roger Rottach - 2?3-5317 Earl .lQhnso^ - 2�'�-5850 . i . � . , {. � .I . SS/,jv _ i . . . , . � � � • , , . � � i . i , � . .. . .. ... . . I . . �� . .. . I � �. � �� � . � 264fl29 � � TH� DEPARTP�I�iVT OF PU�LIC WOR1�S OF THE i - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' �_ -_, , � INTER-OFFtCE COMMUNICATION ' , � � I T0: Frank Hogrefe � i - � _ �._ ,:... � FROM: Donald D. Tufte � i DATE: June 10, 1g74 i SUBJ: Release of tax forfeited property bounded by Bi��rmingham St. , _Minnehaha Ave, and Reaney St. _ The Traffic Bureau, at the request of the City Co�uncil , is preparing . a report on the heavy truck traffic on White Bear Ave. ,, - - - - _ - As a result of this study, we have developed an ahternate route � labeled "The East Seventh-Minnehaha Distributor Route"�. This would connect the I-y4 - T.H. #�61 interchange with a route u� the vacant land . between Etna St. and 8irmingham St. with E. Seventh St1 - sketch attached. Therefore, we request this property remain open urhtil this alternate . � _ has 5een explored. �n :: . � 1 . . . _ > . - - -- - ___ _ _ �.. ...�..._. .. _ . - • �� -- - �.:`- :-,_ . •- . _ . . ._,.. . . ooT:k�a _ ` ; . ._ _ Attachment • _ _ _ _ �,_ _ - ;— _� - _ - - - ; _, : ..__�,_ . ---- - . _._ ___ . . _ _ -__ _ - _- -- _ - . _ ; .- ----- _ _ . . _ . _ . _ - - - .: . :_ _ - _ - : = _ ._ _ _ ._._ . .. .. _ ,: � . ----- ..- -� .___ __ _ _ _ � , _< <_. - - _ _- . __ , . . . . :,� _ ._ . _ _ . _ - - - _ - � . : . . . . ., � . �� �...,_ .._'._ _ ". .._-�. .� " ' ..;..."_.._. ...,,' _ ..,. _.. _ ..-.. . ____ . ..�R.a - .. . . .. . "�... . ....... . .r ♦ . . � . � �. . . � � . _. .� _ .. . . �. ' .. . _ . �_.. _ ". . . -. . .. . . � .. . . C��..���_ . . �._ .._ __ � " �..__ _ . � _...... _ - . ._... .,_ _ - _ _ � � . . . �. 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REITER, Commissioner Ii 298-531� ` October 9, 197�+ Rose NLix, Clerk City of Saint Paul Room 386, city Hall • St. Paul, trIId 55102 Dear Madam: Attached hereto is a list oY lands which forfeited to the State oP Niinnesota on September 3, 197�+, Por nonpayment of taxes, said la.nds having been declared as non-conservation lands by resolution of the County Bo d dated October 7, 197�+, a certified copy being enclosed. Approval by local government of the classification and sa e of tax forfeited la.nds is required by State law. �,, We also attach a sheet of �eneral information regarding tax PorPeited lands, and suggested resolution forms Por submission to your Council. Use form "A" Por approval of classification and sale. Use form "B" for approval of classification only. j��hen Council action has been taken, please return a certified copy of the resolution to the undersigned. Yours very truly,, I , _ - . , • Anthoi�y J. Reit r Land Commission r JJJ�gee I , � Enc. �I , ���� ' I q . [��;��:•�:y �c���►�r i ^�� ���,:.;,-':,����,►;� COUNTY BOARD . How�ta os • y� . � ,�" � - � ,�1J-�- Pil• No. �� .AMBEY COUNTY GOMMIS�I03�T�R� "" ` . •TAT� OF Drt�NtNE�OTA ' . No olYtion 9-2581 ' . � ' • . ' � , � ' � October 7 19 74 - T6a attendoa o�f �J. Reiter, Land Commissioner; . b r�pectfully ealled to the tollow�ng Rdolution of the Board of Connty Commiieionere ot Rameur � Counly, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held oa October 7, 1974 I By Comm:.seioaer De Courcy � . � WF�RE'•AS, MSA Section 282 provides that forfeited land� be classified as � conse�vation or non-conservation an3 that the classification be submitted to . the governing boc�y of the governmental subdivision in which the pa.rcels lie Por approval of the classification a.nd sale thereof; and , W�EREAS, The I�and Commissioner has prepared a list, dated October 7, 1974, oP parcels which forfeited for non-payment of taxes a.nd recommends that said parcels be classified as non-conservation. lands; • � . - � - . NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the parcels of Yorlfeited Iand as _ shown on said list be and hereby are classified as non-conservation lands; and BE IT FURTF�R RE�SOLVED, That the classification be sut�mitted to the govern- ing body of the subdivision in which the parcels lie for approval of the classi- fication and sale of�the lands involved. � ` - � " I . i` � . ' . i . J, '��� i - I . " �NE F. M/ACAUI.AY Co�nhr A1� �.tnt� �is�+� < �cutlw S�cr�tary �0�4'� � �Jl . . i - ) � � j �li � .. . .} �� ��'r 4� � �c, � � }��0. '` i r � �i.. ¢� �� �� � . r' . � �b i; � l� � � �1 �� � ��. r �E ,r �\ l " .. _ *:..I,. I ' ,.�} �, i � J ,,�i � '�1 � �r ' ' � .i � ` � �` '� k � � ��.� Y�� � �t�,� ► , _. • , `:. � 3 t� 0 4� . i.� � .. � � �� �� # � a x� P L. + :� ! ,��: � �' ` . � . �� � ' { �p i� � � ,�} � Cb45 ' ( � � i 0; � . �. Yx� ' � � � _ � - ".� x , .� . J I ����� . . 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'�' K J f d �' y G'r � t� �.1 F�t t t �i � � T� �+ 4 �.,,�;-. 1. �,. . k � .�0� .Y�;S:�: ��. .r ... .s � _.,, a. ,�S. . . _. . ... . . , . _ . ..... . . .5a_ , t��._ _ .,...., ,.....,�1'mk, f.;'�.e�'�- , . � OFFICE OF 'fHE LA�lD CC�MMISSICDNER ' COUNT� OF RAMSEY _ .� ,.,'p!��� .. 286 Court House, 55102: , �`' *'"'' ,,� �...• =t. � ST. PAUL, iNINNESOTA ��i` �``�� � ,� � ANTHONY J. REITER, Commissioner .� . •,,. "n'i 298-5317 � ���. � � � � November 19, 197� . Frank D. Marzitelli City Administrator � � City of Saint Pa.ul. ------ i Room 365, City HaZl i St. Paul, MN 55102 i ` Subject; Ta.x For�'eited Lan.ds - ig7�+ ForPeitures ' i Dear 3ir: A list oP lands which forfe3ted to the State of Minnesotal;on September 3, 197�+, was clelivered to your office on October 9, 1974, by the Ci�ty Clerk. In. past years, Mr. Donovan of the V�,�.uation Bureau and his staf�f' have performed the duties of coordinating the needs o� the va,rious city �partments for forf`eited lands, a,nd the legal flinctions involved in the processing '�he forfeited land lists. U�on investigation, we f'ind that Mr. Donovan has nat recei�red the list fbr this year, aiid consequently, th.is office wauld like to know wha� city department has received the a,ssigrunent, as we have received no report as bf this date. We are especis.11y concerned abou� the 197�+ forfeited list bf lands because o� the many homes and improved properties that are included o� this list. Some of the former owners have lost their homes because of personal problems beyond their control, and are presently making an ePfort to regai� their property through the repurchase laks. These people axe now undergo�.ng a,�ditional hard- ship becttuse we nust deny their reouests to repurchase unti�l it has been deter- mined by the City that these lands will not be required fo�i a.ny public purpose. In behalf of these persons, we woul.d be most grateflz7. if yc�u would give this mat�;er your isnmed.iate attention. Yours very tru�ily, ��•'��.��/C�� An hony J. Rei�er Land Commissio�er JJJ�gee j ' Ili �I ..*,S„n�o.;s� I � . ' • . . . ,CLA.SSrF'ICATION LIST � � October 7, 1974 • • � I , IrowMSNi�I ��NO� I NOTICE SUBDIVISION °� °� COC�E � NO. lar ��xK I CITY OF SAINT PAUL G WARD ONE . Unplatted Lands - To�rnship 29, Range 22 (Except the north •156 feet and except , the south 165 �+3/100 feet), the east , 132 88�100 feet of the northeast 1�� of the southwest 7�4 of the northeast 1�4 � of the northeast 1��+ of Section 20, T29 R22 Q1-02000-210-05 Sub3ect to road and easements, the following West 10 feet of the east 205 feet of the south 60 feet of the north 200 feet of the • southeast 1��+ of the northwest 1�4 and (exce t . � the north 200 feet), ,the west 22 feet of the east 205 feet of part northerly of center ' line of said road of said southeast 1�4 of the northwest 1�4 in Section 20, T29 R22 01-02000-240-30 Clarkes 2nd 'Addition to the City of St Paul, Ramsey Co. Minn. � Part northerly of Parkway of lots 13 and 14, block 1, Dawsons 5th Addition and in said Cla.rkes 2nd Addition, lots 7 and 8 2 01-18800-081-02 � Harrison & Handy's Addition to the _ � City of St. Paul . • � � , 7 il oi-325o0-070-11 Hillsdale, St. Paul, Niinn. � F oi-334o0-010-14 Morton's Subdivision of Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 of J. M. Warner's Acre Lots .. Lots 1 and 2 2 � 01-51000-020-02 � WARD TWO � �— Auditor's Subdivision No. 37, St. Paul Minn. 8 2 02-04200,=080-02 � - � Burlington Heights, Division No 1, Ramsey County, Pdinnesota (Except STH 61-10�+), 7 12 02-16600-070-12 IJ. �A. Humphreys' Subdivision A, St Paul, Minn. � � . � � i South 1�2 of vacated alley adjoining and fbllowing: Lots 17 and 18 2 02-37�+00-181-02 The Pioneer Real Estate and Building Society � Subdivision of N. 2 of N.W. 4 Sec. 22, T. 29, . R. 22 (�ccept the east 120 feet and except the west 208 5�10 feet), the north 125 feet of 39 02-59�+00-120-39 , I . � � I � � . . . ., -.� � , , ( . . '�� � � . .. . � CLASSIFICATION LIST . ' October ?, 1974 I NOTICE ro w�N�� wwNni �ode No. I �UBDIVISION I oe I ow . I lOT ■LOCK WARD TWO (Continued) � I Rogers and Hendricks Acre Lots Number 2 I West ��10 feet of the east 135 �+�10 feet of the north 1/2 of � i 3 6 02-63800-036-06 � Schurmeiers Seventh Street Addition to . Saint Paul I North 1�2 of vacated alley ad�oining and I 24 1 02-68800-240-01 WARD FOUR Roberts and Randalls addition to Saint Paul I � � Lot 1, part of Lot 2 northeastly of the _ extended southwesterly line of Lot 6 and (except the southeasterly 26 feet for Street), Lots 6, 7 and 8 13 0�+-66000-080-13 , WARD FIVE Asylum Addition No. 2 to the City of I St. Paul, Minnesota (Except Avenue), 13 3 05-11510-130-03 Bernheimers Addition to Saint Paul �I- � �. i 3 1 05-14500-030-01 Re-Arrangement of Highland Park Addition . � Sub�ect to Highway, I 5 5 05-63200-051-05 WARD SIX i Belvidere Paxk Subdivision o� Lot 3 of � Bidwell's Addition to West Saint Paul I � 6 2 06-1�+710-060-02 Dawson's Reaxrangement of Lots 1 to 10 of ' Block 31 of West St. Paul proper, in the � City of St. Paul, Minn. , Lots �+ and 5 31 06-22090-050-31 . • La.ngevins 4th Addition to Saint Paul � Southwesterly 20 feet oP Lot 4 and I i , ail oP Lots 5 through 11 1 06-2+�+230-111-01 � WARD SEVEN Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul 14 i o7-36000-i4o-oi Sub�ect to easement, the west 3 5�10 feet of I the south 60 feet of Lot 16, the west 1�3 oP Lot 18 and sll of 'I 15 1 07-36000-150-01 . I , STATF OF M11�IP�'F.SnTA SFP 3 �1974 � f-, > '.' '/ . • � � CLASSIFICATION LIST ' � . October 7, 1974 NOTICE I •i}ownsN�� 11ANOt No� • SUBDIVISION I ' oR I �� I Code LOT �IOCK I WARD SEVEN (Continued� Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul � East 40 feet of the west 240 feet of Block 20, Moss Outlots in Holco�bes Addition and I in said Holcombes Addition, the east �+0 Peet of the west 90 feet of 10 4 07-36000-101-04 Mackubin and Pdarshall's a.ddition to Saint Paul . . 22 20 07-�+8500-220-20 With easement, the south 1�2 of the north 67 25/100 feet of Lots 28, 29 and , 30 25 07-�+8500-301-25 \ i 14 26 07-48500-140-26 � WARD EIGHT Auerbach & Hands Addition to the City of St. Paul � � � I 9 4z o8-i2800-o9o-4i East 1�2 of 5 �+�+ 0$-12800-050-�4 Como Prospect A�.dition � Lots 17 and 18 10 08-19000-180-10 : , , i9 lo o8-ig000-l9o-io Blocks 7, 8, 9, lo, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15 • �Lewis' (2) Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota East 1�2 of the west 1�2 of Lots 1 through �'I 4 9 08-�+4200-042-09 � West 76.. feet o� 16 l�+ 08-44200-161-1� � . Mackubin and Ma,rshall's addition to Saint Paul I 28 I 17 I 08-48200-280-17 McKenty's Out Lots to Saint Paul I Sub3ect to alley, ' S 2 08-50000-050-02 Edwin M Ware's Cumberland Addition Plat 2 Lots 27 and 28 11 08-81310-280-11 ;t WARD iQINE . � � ' "Ashton and Sherburne's Addition to Saint Paul" ' � Ea.st 1/2 oP �I 9 1 09-12000-091-01 io �. 09-12000-1oo-oi Lewis' Addition to St. Paul North �+0 feet of Lots 15 and 16 4 09-�F5000-160-04 �� STATE OF M�i`IR!F��1TA. �Fp 3 '�7� � "� � ;, � . � I � , _ I . CI,pSSIFICATION LIST October 7, 1974 rowwsMi� RANOL I � ow NOTICE SUBDIVISION , �.or I ��K COde NO. I wAgD NINE (Continued) . � Edmund Rice's Third Addit�ion to City of St. Paul ' South 50 feet of Lots 1 �and . 2 3 p9_65o10-020-03 WARD TEN i Block 5 of Marshall's Division of Colle�e Place — - 12 io-19goo-120-00: 13 io-19goo-130-00 The Hamline Syndicate Addition No. 2 � to Saint Paul Rarrsey Co. , Minn. l0 5 10-32210-1oo-OS �dicate No. 5 Addition . , 29 13 10-74000-290-13 . East 30 feet of 13 18 10-7��-i30'18 WARD ELEVEN , College Park - , � . ' 3 �3 il-2oo00-030-03 . � , � . i � - i ; - ;, - . � _ _�___--_.____ I s •! 1 t , `_�-I .� • ^ � ,. � � . . � , , � , :i __._._.._ _ -- • , r.,-..-....,,"-»,.-,�.,�,..��,.,..,.,,_�--•-• • . -- .. . - :; . , ,{ OFFICE OF THE L�ND CO��N�lSSlONER � - -��-�� --�-���_�--�°"��"�' . � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ' • 286 Court House, 55102 ST, PAUL, PdINNESOTA •, . 22.3-5311 To the Clerk: . - ,- S�b3ect: Classificatian of Tax F'orfeited Iands and related ma.tters. � The classification of tax forfeited lands is governed by Minnesota Statute Chapter 282.01, which reads in part: , "All parcels of land becomin� the property of the state in trust under thQ pro- visions of any law now eY.isting or hereafter enacted declaring the forfeitiure o£ lands to the state for taxes, shall be classified by the county board of the county wherein such parcels lie as conservation or nonconservation." In Ramsey County, classification of tax forfeited l.ands is sub�ect to t�e . approval of the local governing bodp. S�,tch lands classi.fied as Conser�*ation _lands i�rill be held under the supervision of the county board tirho may ty resolution, place lands so classified under the � 3urisdiction of the state commissioner of conservation. _ Tax forfeited lands classified as Non-co:�ser�*ation ]snd.s may be held for public use� or offered for sale by the county board� sub�ect to the approval of t:�s local governing body. � As Ra.msey County is basicall3� urban, forfeited lands usuaTly lie in developed axeas and are classified as non-conservation lands by the county board. Immediately thereafter, lists of forfeitures are presented to the political ` subdivisions wherein the la.nds lie, for approval of the classification. The local governin� body will then determine whether such lands should b° held for a publ�c purpose� or give approval of sale. If Iands to be held for a public purpose will be put to irranediate use, your attornep will advise fou about the procedure for applying for a deed, or • ca7.1 this office. " � If such lands are not to be put to immediate use, request by letter to the Iend Commissioner that the lands be withheld from sale, and state the reason. Please call if you have any questions concerning tax forfeited lands. bur • office will be happy to help you in any way we can. OFFICE OF THE LAND COrTfISSIOi�ER � . BY. . . , � .,�,..�. �. _ _ � . , �.� � � . � ,1 ' ' . ' . �� ' �ll... . Fp�-�p nA p ; , � � y f ' , �. �. , , � . WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County by resolution dated , c�assified as . . nonconservation land� certain land lying within fthe limits of the Villa�e of � ; and . ' - WHEREAS, A certified copy of the classific tion resolu- tion together with a list of the land classified has been sub- � . mitted for approval of the classification and sa e of the land classified in accordance with MSA� Section 282.0 , sub. 1; . � NOW, THER.E�'ORE, BE IT RESOL1lED That the cl�.ssification of the land shown on said list as nonconservation land and the sale thereof be and hereby is approved; and . . ' � _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLV�'D That the Village Clerk be and , hereby is authorized to file a certified copy of this re- soZution in the O�fice of the Iand Commissioner. S`PATE OF NINNESOTA) I . ) ss _ --- - COUNTY OF RAMS�Y ) • I, � � Clerk of the Village of �! ; do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct cop� of a 'resolution passed by the Council of the Village of � at its meeting held on the d�y of ' � 19-- Village Clerk . � � . _ ; , . . _ . . , - - . � , t� � ; , , II ' � _ -a : � ' . ' �� , � • • I � ; • . �. Form "B" . � i � I . I . . WHEREAS, The Board of Count� Commissioners of Ramse� � County lry resolution dated , cla�sified as nonconservation land, certain land lying uithin the limits of the Village of , i ; and " WHEREAS� A certified copy of the classificat�on resolu- tion together xith a list of the land classified h�s been sub- mitted for approval of the classification and sale' of the land classified in accordance With MSA, Section 282.Ol, lsub. 1; NOW� THEREEORE� BE IT RESOLVID That the cl.as$ification of the land shown on said list as nonconservation �Land ia ' hereby approved; and BE IT FURTHE�t RF.SOLVED That the Village �ler� be a.nd hereby is authorized to file a certified copy of this re- aolution in the Office of the I�nd Commisaioner. j I ST9TE OF MINNESOTA) I ) as - COIINTY OF RAMSEY ) I I, � Clerk ' of the Village of do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy �f a resolution passed by the Council of the Village oY at its meeting held on the d$y oP j , 19. I ._.-._ � Village 'Clerk ' I ; , I I I I . I � , � / � . = i � . I , . I ��