264027 WHI7E - CITY CLERK I �(1�0�ww PINK - FINANCE 01111C11 O � BLlAERY - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL ile NO. � C cil esolution � � Presented By Referred To Committee: �ate Out of Committee By �Date i RESOLVED, That upon reco�aendation of the Mayor and�pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there �.s hereby transferred the sum of $3,915.00 from the Contingent Reserve - Gener 1 (09060) to the Department of Fire and Safety Services Activity 05050-St�tion Maintenance to be appropriated as follows: 05050 Fire Station Maintenance Divi�ion 808 Mechanical Equipment ' (Install Gas Burner) $3,915.00 � I � APP 01/ED �—7—7� .-- _ k�a��- �� ., - Rogerj A. Mattson � �E�F;.,,. Budg�t � � Dept of Finance & niigmt. �erv_ By By � . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas a s Hunt �' Fire and S t Services on atzki Hozza In Favor e ne Levine � P r f kah �ee�fer. Against By e sco Sylvester Mme resi ent But��e5C0 Preside N,Ilt aU Cj 9 1974 Form Approved by ty At rney Adopted by Council: ��C� � Certified e by Council cretary BY By Appro by Maxor: Date g Appro by n Co ncil By By �ue�ts�o aU G 1 ? 1914 � . s _�� - �s40�`7 DEPARTMENT OF FiRE AND SAFETY SERIJICES 101 EAST TENTH STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 � FtRE PREYENTION � C►{IEF STEVE CONROY.DIREGTOR FlHE FIGHT�NG r l ASS'T CHIEF EOWARO FiE�tJEN SCUSA F?ESCUE ; ASS'T CHIEF ROBERT PYE RMBULANCE pARA-MED1C FIRE MARSNAL WALTER SM�MEK � I July 22, 1974 lir. �oger !lattson sudget Director I, City of St. Paul ' Desr !!r. Mattson: There are at present 4 requisitions for capital outlay and building ; iaprovemeats frov Equipment Services - Fire and P�lice (15U01)� Wt►ich are being held up due to the ��mporar}► t'Freese." They are itea�ized as followss � 19114 Sand blasting �achine Estimated _�st 175.00 19121 Electric s����er Estimated �cst 1,800.00 � 19122 Bench shears Estimated c�,st 275.00 ,�. 3� � , 191Z3 Instal lst ion o f gas bnrner (inc lud ing �m g � architectural fees, etc.�: 4 ''500.00 �' Total • 6+� 05�.00 In additiaa to t.he above. there will bt an additional co�t of approxisstely �7,000.00 f�s emesgency b�ri-lding sepair� as Ti:ted �n the attsch�d shsat fr� the Fire Building M�►it�tenance Divisi�, oalcing a totsl of 513,750.00. Inasmuch as tbere seems to be soae concern about the �tirailable "cash f lar" in Special Punds before such itw nill be approved, ��,ar►d the unencu�- i btsed bal�ce in this fuad indic.ztss � def icit of $20,681.9d as of Jnae 30, 1974� and since these itew are not of a billable nature rhere the sr�nies ua be rseo��red, it is requested that these encumbrances be coasidered to be of aa e.ar�ency nature and a contribution to a Special Fund be m'da from ; th� CoAtingu�c� Besaiwe account. erel> >aar �PlP�= ' _ /��` � ,�ti.A�l�. ! i (./�F�t� : �- � -- _..• , Yobert . Cbar�c � � ��;';(, �� lx' �1 1CCOlu�tBnt i �.C.. / steve con�ro� ' Direator of Fire a� Safety Ser�rices c�s Fraaic da�rsitalli Msyos Ii�renc� Cohen _ lobert V. Trndeaw Cl�s J. Sc6leek c.� � lt.�aola a clar►.. _ j � . , "' `�yAll� .Safetv !s Our Concern ��, ,,,� ,�� o t�..1,