264023 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���0�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll CANqRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE -hYAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� that upon the recommendation of t�he Mayor� Couneilman Jack Christensen is hereby appointed to serve upon the Transportation Board of the Transportat�ion Planning Program of the Metropolitan Couneil� established by agreement between the Minnesota Department of Highways and; the Metropolitan Council. ! COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��� I Hozza In Favor Levine �` �_ Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt AUC7 8 1974 Form Approved by Cit Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified s by Council Secretary BY C . Y Approv Mayor: Date � Approve i n uncil By By �����s++� AU G 171974 � ; �; � .'t , � f i" �e-..�.. ,�ti � �:����� GITY OI�` SAINT PAti L OFFICF. OF THE M.1YOH �.,aenle�ss . esmso:aeee �e�o�ee LAWRENGF. D. GOHEN MAYOH To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I herewith transmit for your consideration a resolution confirming the appointment of Councilman John Christensen to the Transportation Board of the Transportation Planning Program of the Metropolitan Council. c y submitted, RENC D. COHFN Mayor Enc. 22 , ` - �: �� . �_ � �� � C. < C r � �" � +� t` � c: , . a�oas : : , I �V`#o�� 7th Floor _ ' City Hall OFFICE OF THE CtT�' COUNCIL ' To: Bett Lassen F . �� y rom: Ruby Hunt, Council Pres�dent City Attorney's. Office 5ub�ect: Corr�nittee Appointments Date: June 19, 197'4 �� , � ' Please have a resolution prepared appoi ing Jack Christ�n to the Midway- Prior Development District Task For e, Robert Sylvester to the Snelling- University Task Force, and Dav' Hozza to the Downtown Development District Task Force. Also prepare another resolution appointi Jack Christensel and a � to the Metropolitan Council Transportation . i, ' �1— rs / 1 � � � � '� 'j �. � 3 L s� c� A �!i��i'� �+Q ��1�'t � 1 C'QU�S�:. �Q�?tF?���-�� ..._ __ _ � . - . ,i � � . . , . � • � , - . , � . I . .