264020 , _ _ � � 020 City of St.Paul CIL �,E N . FINAL ORDER IN ' ' By '� ) ( d CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ` ' % File No. J 17? • i z In the Matter of OMd�1i� rd titi[� i� ���!r�t 1t k� � Mt�iN�T !O! da �lO��t. cp{t.� aedt iills. L�al+altaj !l�rt O! �►i� � lit�c'al _ s�tt i�ro� w�1�t Uei or s+ra3��r dNnr�si, oa�sion� irq �c- �s�►atil�ss tlwr�not, oe' �Iris'wat� a!r s#� iet da ;e'ati� rq�d a�tfr�aQlarr� �rld� bscu.�waa. .seuri.al e1�e .11.�► i. K1c. :. o�r�s �.. ttro. �r9t.�r :tR co ii k �1 it. * ' i . � I . I - � ' � under Administrative Order ���5 approved � ��• Z��� 2fi3S93 ,! )L 1 $ 197� under Preliminary Order approved I A ublic hearin havin been had u on the above im rovement u on due noti e and the Council havin heard P g g P P P , g all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considere the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said imp ovement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby determines the estate requ red for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute and easements as described above; and the City Officers and Cit •Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or e inent domain. , � I � � COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Date Aur S �q74 Y Yeas��ta s Certifie�i--Pdssed y Co ncil Secretar}�VS .. � 197� Hozza � Hunt �In Favor Levine �r Against Sylvester Mayor Tedesco PUBLiSH D AU G 17 i 974 - I , •� ' �2640�0 F�L�tIIfA�,Y OiD� � Councii 1�'lle �To. �y David H. Sozsa—� . Ia the Matter of cqn8eimi�Y 8ud tak- ing an easem�at 1n 'aae�lamd nece�arY ibr the alo�ee, cuka,and fllls, inclutll� ri�ht of.resnoval a�lttei�i"aupport irom eubiect 7snd or r ind,ur th�reof, � _ _ 6 :��t' Er4 � The CouriC11 qf'�t�hie G"1#;q of Sattst•Paul havfag received tlie report of the I�q or upon the sbove improvemeat, - ead hav7ntt contEidele,d. ssid report, . heretiy resoZvee: 1. That flu{ taid r�eport and the Same ia hereby ap p�roved with na aiternatiWhs azfrd lh�t the eatimatefl eost the�edf is 8..... 3. �t a Puplto`�t.esrftlg be had . bn satd improvexr�cn�t,,,oa the C�qG��� a�mcl[ a�`YTTie sCo��� Cou;t H�ouse�8 din8�in t�he City oi 8eint Pattl. 3. That notice of�iaid Pabl�c_hearia� be given to the persons and in the maniier prnvided by the Charter. atatin� the �e eazd Rlace o4 he8ring. ,the natnte of Erie impTOVement and the total aoe#thereo;,as eatix�ated. File No. 17T36-8. Adapted by the Couacil July 18, il74. AppYoved Jaly 3�.19T4. (duly S0, L9R4)