262866 �, . PWKE �CINA CERK ` BSZUERY -'�AVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0 �S286b ouncil Resolution Presented B ��2�T� Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul ha.s authorized the sale of real property owned by the City and described as: The West one-ha.lf of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4� Kittson' s Add. to Saint Paul� located in the vicinity of the Southeast corner of Eighth and Olive Streets� and dir�cted the Purcha.sing Ag,ent to advertise for bid proposals in accordance with Section 87A.'O1(5) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, The Purchasing Agent duly advertised for bids and the Land Committee� in accordance with Cha.pter 87;A of the Legis- lative Code, ha.s reported tha.t bid proposals were' submitted and ha.s recommended tha.t the sale of the property be made to Twin Tool� Inc. , submitting the bid of $38,250.00 and propos�.ng to use the real property for the purpose of expanding their present plant facility located adjacent to this real property, �.nd the Land Com- mittee considering the proposal the best for the �uture welfare of the City; now� therefore, be it RESOLVED� The Council of the City of Saint Paul, in ac�ordance with �pter 87A of the Legislative Code, does hereby �.ward the sale of the above-described real property to Twin Tool, Imc. , for the bid price of �38,250.00, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute on beha.lf of tl�e City of Saint Paul quit claim deed conveying the above-described real property to Twin Too1� Inc. COUNCILMEN Yeas er Nays Requested by Department of: � � T!5,a�tc e ��� �rv�.� .Se I—fi`C 2,5 Konopatzki In Favor Levine f � � 'o'4�h J Against BY �''�i �mm� Roedler Tedesco Mme.President� j�t Adopted by Council: Date ,AN 3 1974 Form Approved by C y orney i Certified P s by C�unci reta BY By cx � �� Appro d y Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By BY PUBlISHEp JAN 12 1�74 �' . ', �"�•1 � + F��U���� f(; � : � �,�r The Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul The City Council by resolution authorized the sale of the real estate owned by the City of Saint Paul and described as: The West one-ha.lf of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Kittson' s Add. to Saint Paul. This property ha.d previously been vacated by the City Council, and the land was authorized to be sold on the b�.sis of obtaining bid proposals . In accordance with Cha.pter 87A of the Saint Paul Leg- � islative Code, the advertisement for sealed bids was published for two successive weeks, and bids were opened on Wednesday, November 28, 1973, at 2:00 o' lock P.M. One bid w�s submitted. The offer to purcha.se was ma.de by Twin Tool, Inc. , which owns its present plant facilities adjacent to the land advertised for sale. Attached to this report, please find the written proposal of Twin Tool, Inc. , dated November 27, 1973. It is the recommendation of the undersigned, comprising the City Land Committee, that the City Council award the sale of this real property to Twin Tool Inc. , for the bid price of $38,250.00. Cha.pter 87A o� the Legis- lative Code, setting forth the procedures far selling real property by means of bid proposals, requires that the Committee on Lands submit a report to the City Council and tha.t the City Council, prior to ma.king an award, publish a notice of hearing in the official City newspaper and, also, in a newspaper of general circulation within the City, and tha.t the Council, at the hearing, ma.y then either reject or award the sale of the property. We recommend tha.t the City Council establish a date for public hearing for the purpose of awarding the sale of the subject real property to Twin Tool, Inc. , for the � �.,� I 3 � . � � ������ City Council Page Two price of $38,250.00, to be used for the purposes as set forth in the letter of November 27, 1973, and that the City Council direct the City Clerk to publish the notice in the Legal Ledger and the Saint Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press prior to such hearing. Attached please find pro- posed form of notice and proposed resolution which the City Council may consider for adoption at the date of public hearing. ctful it d, CE D. CO Ma r � ,—"� _ L,✓� ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Director, Depa.rtment f Finance . � � WILLIi�M E. PETER Purcha.sing Agent �0�;� P VED- .__.-- I►s _+�! . ,. ` �. DEPART T OF FINANCE AiVD MANAGEMENT SE�ES ������ , � } � PURCHASING DIVISION � � � � ' !� L � �� INTER-DEYARTMENT MEMORANDUM r�p (� � �a i!�/ L�U ��7� COf�PaRATi�'N CC�UN�E! TO: Mr. Segal DATE: Nr�vn�nh�ar �R_ �<r�� F80M: Janet Odalen SUBJECT: Bid A5768 - Sale of West 1�2 of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Ritteon's Add. to Saint sul S.E. Coraer of th & Olive Sts. x As per l�r. Stanton's requea�t, T am sending you a ccrpy of the bids whieh were receiv�d today, e copy of the lega�l pu�licatien, and a co�py of the check frcaa the TWTNT TOOL, INC. � ? ;� ��%����i ��� � � � �' ' � � • � . , � 2s���6 Y, ! � TWIN TOOL� INCORPOAATED s � S.iBS �:�!4HV r�F C?WA7CiNNA �OOL COMPANV °`OV�;rik,er Z7, 1�7� (,ii.y c,f �;t. �'�,�il � .L�:par�rn�nt of ;�'inai:�.•�: :�.ri�� i��'.a.na�,���ner�L �_�er•vic�s � Pl��rchasiny L'ivi�:ior�� � 2�3 City �Hall �.n�� C�oiir��h�usv ' St. P�.t�l, �1V�inn�:�ota . � 10`�' � Gentleni�n: � � � � ��� � We submit. t.hi: lettE��� , ��dvi�� ycu of �'li�. propo�:ed use by us of the �° land cover•e�i by !�i„ i��c,. A :��ir��; or wh�<�':; we h�,ve today submitted a bid. ' Cu�r propc�;��ed �i:�e c�f i;:�_� ;��nci �:� t:: ��x��an�� vur present plant facilities so tr�at we �an rE:rn��ir� ir; ,_�t . ��.u�. 7��w�in 7�01 owr�s all of the rest of the ldnd in t��c k,lo�•k ,�;o t�����•E�: i,; ��� �,�tl� ,r�� w��y we c�.n �xpand except �� � by tlle a��qui�iti�>>� c�;f (.l;i.� i�.r.d. � � Z�win 'Iool, In��. wa.� start�;d by Iv'r. 1'�eauk�ien at its present location � in l�E�l. ':�he fii•�:t ����;ilu�r�; �,� tr� ��:� rr��r�r of �tla �treet and John was ��� J00 �C�'�.i'c],T'E: :c'�it 'cL'.7�� �i� iI`l 1 �'C�� C111�i1:'�/�;�� �i E'YYlrJlO�/285. � Since that datE., t}:r�e; ad�,ition:: `�a��e i�e�;n added to the original building � b�inging ti�e aq�..ar� icc,ta���: :o �, '7��, .sq�a;.�.r� feet. A second building � (next door) with ��, �>OU :��q�.�..r-� �'eF.' :��f :�pa<�� was plzrchased alon�� with _ � �Lh�: par��l�in�� dr���. :�i �lti� „t�r�;�;t �+�����;�� �1:�� 1'r���.way c:ntranc� wa,s constructed. W�it�l tti�.�� adciit.i�n.� v��� r�;;�v t;����1��;,� l�t�i.w�.���ii ��> ar��� �0 ;�killed triold znakers � and h��.ve �r�w�; '_� '�e t},,:� 1�����;�:�� .:��ac�ializE:c1 rriold sriop on this side o� � Milwauke�;. W�e �u�� t.t��it w :� i��:�,�,;:� ��lay�d a bi�,� part i� brine��ing this type - � of woz�k t�� tllr� ;�t��,t�: ��i ; �1���,r����:�c�i�, �L;; ! ;:�,,f. c�f tl:�is i.� skilled work, previo�usly � � t��.ndled out of� ���� .�tat,�. � Many sruall sho���� t�����c s���r�t.r.�x o�.' of `, �a�in 'l�001, Inc. to do the same � type of work ci�_�ri �,�r ;l��_; �,a,.�t lU j ��ar�. ��i�ey are all rriaking their con- � � tribution to soci�;t.y ar.�_i �c tr;� ,=>tate of MinnF:.�sata. 378 -388 EAST EIGHTH ST . ST . PAUL , MINNESOTA 55101 AREA CODE : 612 -224 - 5303 DESIGNING , PLASTIC & DIE ('AST MOLDS E. D M. ENGRAVING , DUPLICATING . � _ : �. : . � ; : ; �. _-- _ _. . � _ __ - - � � : - , - - ,. �_. . , . , . . , � � . _ , � i , -- , - � � , f _ ', . , . ,� _ . --.� - -----_ �r. -' --.' ..i<'�'�."���� :=� S �♦ ..' ��-�- -_• �, � ___ . � � � � � - / � � • ' � � _ � . . . ° < .. ..�_ _._ —__..--. � � _ _ -�___— _�__ _.._ _'_" t �� __ _ �., r,, -.�, .�- ��,�� 4 7 014 � . �.� _,r � , _� . � �- , --tK = ��� . 22_�ot ' ° R.-��-.i n•-•^ T•��` $UMMIt NAT OF SAINi ►AUI, AUNNESOTA SS70� �;y � -, ,. C1ATE ;'C:'�.�?�,$;, ^(-.� ,nrr� 960 � �� ' • . � - � � _• ;� FAYTCTHE _ L� ��iF^ ^F(''.�7(? N n-y r�r�n. i:L: T.: >> � R � ORDER OF _ ,1 L� C.� ;�T. .,.. . • .�4'AC�.►r���+3 � ��r .. . � ' , � � � � _ ,� .. � �* . _ f�� � . , . . _. , �� , . =:,_ - - - - - � �. . ,�:0960���0 LO L�: B�•�OOO�•�p 2�•� ?��' -�.�_� ti - „ � .___ . .;,. . . _�- , ._ � _ � � : . . -, , � � � .: - : �. .� . . , : . < . _ _ .. _ ._ _ . . . :� . ;�.� , . � .: . ,. . -.:. . - ._� � _ . . , _ - � � -� , . .. ,,. ,. � _ _ .t�- .r , � ,. . _ _ .; ,, _._ � � _ _ .w . , _ , � ; _ . ` s • • i . 2628�b �� :__ � � ��.. _ � ' City of St. Paul �° Lepartment of .�'ipanc�: ar��d Nldn�a�a�<<ler.�L �ervices 1�Toverr�ber �'(, 1.i�13 _ I'a'.��; � 'Iwin 'Iool has become best known for itN engraving and duplicating ' � � abilities and has drawn c��stomers i'ro«� coast to coast. About 75�% of its business i�. drawn fz��rn outside the Zwin City area and � rnuch of this is froc7i out of state. tizr:ong the larger and best known businesses that Twin 'Iool deals witt� are 3M, Whirlpool and Minneapolis Honeywell. We boast a fine liLtl� �,u�in�:as that i� ��ltan, pollution free and noise free that was born in ��t. Paui and wc�:ld lik� to rernain and continue to grow in St. Yaul. � We ne�d thi;� property i_C w� ar•a to ��ro�,� any further in this area as we are up to each wall ef our przsen± b�iildinc�s. Please consider our needs and let us re?nairl in �,t. Pa.ul where we want to stay. Yours very truly, '1WiI�' rlCCL, I�TC. , � _ �,,,. � ,, _ - ,: � -' �- . _ i" �-�-- ,_.-�� ii=:-.� .�i;.� , , y;,r__ E���r•�Lt E. J}�auk�ien, President EEL:pe�: � . , - rf • • ; � � � � �EALEU BIUS N'tl.l, BF: NEl'E1VEL !lY TIIE CITI UF ti'P. PAUL UEP:\KTDIENT 11F Fl\ANfE ANU � � MAV:�GF.�IF.�T SF:RVII'F.S, PUR- � ('lIASI�IG UIVI�tON AS SIiOWN � lfELUR'. BIU BLA'YK9 A�'AILAI3LE � A1' 257 CITY IIAI.L, 29R-4225. �iPf:NING I�A7'i�. \V}..I�NI?tiI�AY. NO- \�F::�Itth'li :'N, 19'i'i. Y�ui�� f'11 �5�68 S.ilc of ('lt�� u�ti'n�•�1 In�� tlr � s��riLr�l ay N�rs� z uf I,u 3 �inrl all ol i i � - I.ut i Kitt���n�� A:id to �t 1'.iul �S.E. � - inrner ol f�tl�, K (�Il�-�� "� � � . (�PF.VING I�A"I'E. AV'F:ll\P:CDA}�. Up'- C'E.V1RFIi ii. Ifl�9, 1�UU 1'17 - � AS;fil� ('��nstr�ii�t:��•, uC +h i�rf�ir�l Rec- � rrt+ir��n (l�n���r I�N�; ��SS�u -.Athleii�� hlc.! : Y�-��,���.rp et Juhn' . s��n HiKh �<-h�n�l . - A97;1� t'..i�ne•r ���r��i;�r ;u� h� �e���en,ient � . � Sctlin��, [)iSrtcl � "S �� .A:i;�6 ISi�ii�^�.i�uu: �tiui�.irirK :ui.l Ititu- niirnii; Clu�, a? f�•.ilil F.�el�� k',�rk lin.�t R ini�� � � A.i';�; - I;i!un�in�� � ti�•,�I ('u:it ,ind kiitn , � ininu�i. l'Urh , �'I�u�LC l.flkt� 1'urk � � .15"78 ['Itran�a�:�r ti�•re�,�' hl:��•hin�� ��'�tli Ai����•,..�rii��. - � ��I'!'.Nl.'J(; UA'I'r' V��FI��Nk:SDAY. DF- �-F��it�.e�; �:� t"; �.uu t�n1 �s„�, ��«•��� ��.�.���,K; � ��I'I�'1'IN�; l��.4'I'E 1�1�f i)NF,ti1)AY Uh'� �'F:S�Ifib'li :fl, ::��:!. "_.OU f'.M11. - -A"1;i3 h� .lin4 I1i11 37U��IIb ��.��nti.J . �,. ,..arinK lin�� an�i .i.���ri:iti�,i pi- i.,�!,��r:i�, �l� i-r. � ��� �A .7�J 'll�;rkine� ��I A'uti�i��_ �1:�rluues an�i eq�.��„i„eiit � . r�PF:NIN(� U.4�I'F'. \1'P'Util�'�L�AY. .IA\� l'ARl' 'l, 15+�i, 2 un f'19 . � 1,i7"�5 Fin-ni?;iri� � � \Q-l;t'E �I'U F'H���1'E('Tll'F. t;IDUP:Ii� � � A.i7ti2.. Lr.�sinR �,t �'�,n��eg;i��us-Al�irirh . . ,� Aren:i Rul �I��rniii�; I)at<• i.i li��re�b� � �. � ����s���„ned t�� 2�Ou P.37 , W��dn�•,.�:�5. �� � De�ruib�r 12. 14�:t pl�t�niii�; ;iat�•. � . .. � A.ii6:i—Purt Authority ;�iup,»es to .�ell. - � t '�uin��rir,ill�� ('„nirnlle�i twu tipiu,lie - . D:ili. � G� Vlei it 'I':ipe Pro�lurinR - . V1.u�h�n�� :in�f 1 Niuneti��.�ll�- <�on- • . . �n�ll��,! Ancl�� I'�mrh an�l Shear Lui��� � R�,: U��riiinR [lN�� 1�' hICI,bv {i�i.t- p„�ic;i t�� '_�Un f'.11 . lC�dnt��,iav I7��- _���i�L<�r 1?. 19i.i. .'ruui{; [1Nte «ii i in�r r� �r°rr:R . � Yat�-�h.i.u�g Aga�n� � \��c 1�-'<';� .;,�1���� ' ..I �'�� . ��� . � � ������� N 0 T I C E 0 F H E A R I N G PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, Tha.t a public hearing will be held before the Council of the City of Saint Paul on the 3rd day of January 1974 , at 10:00 o!clock A.M. , in the Council Chambers of the City Council, located in the City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota, said hearing being for the purpose of the City Council awarding the sale of City-owned real estate described as: The West one-ha.lf of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Kittson' s Add. to Saint Paul, to Twin Tool, Inc. , for the bid price of Thirty- Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and No/100 Dollars ($38,250.00) . All interested pa.rties will be permitted to be heard at the public hearing. Any person seeking information concerning this matter may exa.mine the f i le s in the Of f ice of the Ci ty Clerk. Dated December 18, 1973 Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 2628�6 ; , st,��I�I���.o� a�s�►�i�ara . i� ���.�� ��•. �, r..- � e �i I !� @ fl.' i�l a � t id 0 ( be 1� - _V,+lric- Ci :ytxte ,i:, :.,: �t�,;� � ,,: ��,. �leslt,. �' (�eb�fa�b�:23.�)_" � � �� � � � I - ., .. , � C r b �. Af f idavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Racrosey, }�. .....................�?"�+.4'+.4�:�"�+8�}...................... being dnly eworn, on oath saye: that he now ie, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the North- west Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known ae the St Paul Diapatch, St Paul Pioneer Pre�, and has full knowledge of the facte hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior w t6e publication therein of the printed ...........................�'$8�.Q.i�BX`���A$............................. .......................................................... Hereto attached, eaid newspaper was printed and published in the English ]anguage from its ]rnown of�ce of pnblication in the citq of St Panl in the County of Ramsey, State of Minneeota, fmm �+hich ft pnrporte to be isaned daily, at least siz daye of each week in column and aheet form equivalent ia apace, to at least 450 ranning inchea of single column two inches wide; hae been ieened from its lmown of�ce as above atated, establiahed in said place of pnbli- cation, eqnipped with ekilled workmea and the necessary material for preparing and printiag the same; hes had ia its makenp tweaty-five per cent of newe columns devoted W local newre of interest W snid commnnity it purports to serve, the presa work of whicL 6ao bcen done in its said known office of publicauon; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated whollq, any other publication; has not bcen entirely made np of patente, plate matter and advertisemente; has been circulated in and aear its said piace of publication w the eatent of at least 240 copiee regularlq delivered to paying subecribera; hars had, and now has entry as eecond class mail matter in the locai postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the of�ce of the Coaaty Anditor of the County in w}uch said pnblication was made, proper proof bq one having knowledge of the facts, of its qnalificationa sa a aewspaper for pub- licadoa of legal notices. TLat the ........�+e'.eK$��......... NOTICE .......9$?ra.......... herew attached was cnt fmm t6e columne of said newspaper, aad waa printed and pnblished therein in the Engli� langnage, once each week, for .........5>?��................encce�ive wceke; ehat it wae�ibt eo pnbliahed on .....�'`xj,f�,,y,.......... the ......2�33'�.......... day oi ..........�@�@i4bCT... 19.?'..l. and thereafter oa .........................of each week to and inclnding the ........................ day of ........................, 19....; and t6at the following ia a prInted copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclnsive� and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and pnblication of eaid nodce, to-wit: a b c Q e f f n f � t 1 m a o p p r � t a ♦ w s � s ��.-.5.-:.:Z.`....��Z.`z.. .C�:�:�. '�J �.Snbecribed and aworn w bdore me .21..da� of ......�CCI�bCY'........., 197�1. ......:�!4�'L:Q-r!�.�..:... .......... .. Notary Public, State o Minnesota �.,r�.�,-�r �- - ,�o No=-, My commissioa ezpiree ....�r,�r��,,, ..,. . ., �!';'�.19.... .. .,. :d. ��7o�m 116 ► � �TY OF ST. PAU L � '° �� DEPART OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SER ES 2�2��6 PURCHASING DIVISION Buyer` M)NAI.D B. STANTON 253 C�ty Hall and Court House BID NO. A s768 Phone: 29R4225 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 C.F. �262464 INVITATION TO BID (,id�ritis��� � purchase of land as SF,ALED BII)S for ��d hel��w will he accr��trd b} the Purchasing Division, 253 City Hall,St. Paul, until 2:00 P.M. Wednesday 11/28/73 at whieh time the bids will be puhlicly opened. See other side ��f tliis form fur Other Terms, ('��nditi��n� :+nd Instructions to the Specifications. To be delivered tu CITY OF SAIIVT PAITi.� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 9Rfi (�i tT��-r These Columns to be Used by Bidder ITEM QUANTITV Gt Sc�i�PT10N UNIT TOTAL Following described City owned lots are offered for sale as aurplus to the needs of the City. Award will be mede on the basis of the doller emoun offered end the propoaed use of the lend. Right 1a reaerved in awarding to coneider the proposed uae ahich will be of sn��t value to the City ae well ss the monetery purchase offer and to awerd to other than the high bidder if in the judgement of the awarding auchoritiea the use propoeal would be of , r ' , -.�, � toora value to the City. ; r:� �.:��� Bide must be accoc�panied by certified check payable � �� to the City of Saint Paul in the amount of 10'� of the bid. Checke other than that of the aucceasful bidder will be returned when the successful bidde�'. , �: ;; a �.;�r ; ; , ie determined. Succeasful hic'3er will be notified bv mail and wiZl have 15 �ays after this notificati n to examine the updated ebst�ract at which time he will be required to make payment in full. City aill furniah quit claim �'eeC to p �� 4�•,er. Zoning !e heavy induar:y. There ere no current or pending assesem�nt�. Adjoining atreeta are graded� sidewalks on Doth sidea. Sewer and water in on 8th Street. Appraiaed valuation is $30�000.00. Award will not be made for leas than the ,�a , �,,���'� eppraised valuation. r�. tl�' `/ G'� LBGAL DESCRIPTION: Weet lf2 cf Lot 3 end all of Lot 4, Kittson's Add. to Saint Paul(S.E. Corner of 8th and Olive Streets) 75' x 100' LU�iP St]M BID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ NOTE: Attach to this bid any informetion you may Wish to furnish as to your proposed uae of the property. This proposal will be an important pert of the coneidetetion of your CASH DISCOUNT % 30 DAYS ��/��P/�1`I 1� /�.,.' .._"'•�..-r n 1 w F 11'T!�� (��i��� Cash discount will be deducted in determining the I��w bidder. � — - � � ` ` - Discount for payment in shorter period is nut a�ceE�tehle ' � . .".�' '' '� ' _� ' - �. � �:'(, l��C• longer period will not be considcred in awar�l. Signature c�f Bidder CJ?VSICNED B1DS WILL NbT BE CONSIDERED Bidder's f?. 1. Number. —_------- ----- ---- `� ' ` . : . . 1 .a, . , The E. I. Number is that number whirh u ,+ssi�;�,ed t�� Ad�ire„ . , .:: ._� : _ � ., .__.:: Gi .-�-�- .ip Code companies for use in filing their "F in�lc�yer's lluarrrriv Federa) 7�ax Return," Trcasury Dep.�rtment t�c�rru �►41 _ ('itv Phone No. Name of Corpc,rate — ---______ __.—--------- Officcrs of Firm lncorporated in the State of- __ FORM 2 '~� � , '• �TY OF ST. PAU L � ' ' DEPARTM OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SER S �����6 �. • � PURCHASING DIVISION ' �s' 5768 Buyer '�ALD B. STANTON 253 City Hal� and Court House BID NO. A FlFione: 29R-42 5 St Paul, Minnesota 55102 C.F. �262464 INVITATION TO BID �:�����<<�s<<i> purchase of land as SF.ALF,U BIDS for X���Ed hel��H will he acee�ted by the Purchasing Division, 253 City Hall,St. Paul, until 2:00 P.M. Wednesday 11/28/73 �t which ume the bids will be publicly opened. See other side of this f��rm fur Other Terms, (�i,nditi�ms and Instnictions to the Specificati�ms. T�� be delivered to CITY OF SAINT PAUL� BUREAU OF YALUATIONS 286 C� Hall� Saint Paul Minnesota 55102. These Columns to be Used by Bidtler ITEM QUANTITV DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL Follrn+ing described City owned lots sra offered for sale as surplus to the needs of rhe ctcy. Award will be mede on the haais of the do118r amount offered and the propoaed use �f the land. Right 1s reeerved in awarding to coneider the proposed uae which will be of most value to the City as well es the monetary purchaae offer and to award to other than the high bidder if in the judgement of the awarding authorities the use proposal would be of more value to the City. Bids muet be accompanied by certified check payable , � to the City of Sain[ Paul in the amount of 109e of ,l�' the bid. Checks other than that of the aucceasful v bidder will be returned when the successful bidder '� ie determined. Successful bidder will be notified t� by mail end will hAve 15 days after thie notificati � to examine the updated abstrocr at which time he will be required to cnake payment in full. City }1 will furnieh quit ciaim �eecl to p�.-�ti^���r. Zonirig is heavy indust:y. T.tcre nre no curr�nt or �: t� . pending easessm�nts. A3,�.;ining stre2tG ere gradeQ, ` _ ;,��. ��� sidewalka on borh �.�d�s. S�w�r a�id water in on � < < �\ 8[h Street. Apprsised val��ation is $30,000.00. , r ' ;'' ,� Award Will not be made for l.PSS than the �, eppreiaed valuatio.n. �` LBGAL D�SCRIPTION: iJest 1 �`: cf Lot 3 and ell of : �: Lot 4, Kittaon's Add. to � t� Saint Paul(S.E. Corner of 8th 'v� and Olive SLreets) 75' x 100' l�(` � LUMP SUM BID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 38 250. 00 � NOTE: Attach to thia bid any information you may - �� wish to furnish ae to your proposed use of the property. Thia proposal will be en �' important part of the conaideration of your ; 11 19 3 bia for award. r ��, CASH DISCOUNT _____-_-_ _ % 30 DAYS �j'W1Tl ,.�001� T11C' ('OMP �' Cash di�count will he deducted in detcrniining the I��w hidder �"� . , • � ' �'> Discuunt f��r �aYmenl in shc�rtcr cn��d i� n��t m,�• t.,hle. �-` '�� �`�''�"'� - 1 P F� � I c' :� /r' �.f .-..r 1.�'�—c'_ � longer periud will n��t be consi�lered m award SiRn�n�re of Bidder UNSIGNf�.11 BIDS W1LL NOT BE CO SIDERF,D Bidder's F, l. Number:_—�=..�ZQ2+2i.—_- -_— 3�� Ea.St £�th �treet 55101 The E. 1. Number is that number which is ❑s,i�ned tc� Addres� Z.ip Code companies for use in filing their "Empl�yer�s Qua�tcrly Federal Tax Retum," Treasury bepartment F��n�i �)41. +`_�1.._Paul, �/llriri@SOtd, 224-5303 City Phone No. Name of Corporate Fv2rett F:_ }-��.11�11f.:ri___��—_ -�'�;�Un+ a�rl Tr .2=� �r .r _ Officers of Firm CF��rAtar�T Thomas TUhn�,Zn,___ — Incorporated in the State ��t:_ A/fLnn _SOtd._ ___ FORM 2 _.._