262859 . � WHITEr - GTY CLERK ^�^!l�„ PINK - FINANCE COl1flC11 'r ���� '�� C�ANARY = DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAYNT PAITL File NO. d NJ1 t7 _ LUE - MAYOR ! r OI�GLZIZG�IZCe Ordinance NO. f���f-`7'` _ � � ' � Presented By s.-+�-_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending Ordina.nce No. 153�1, adopted February 16, 1973, pertaining td the Model Cities Program. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF+►SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t Administrative Ordinance No. 15321, adop�ed Februa.ry 16, 1973, establishing the Model Cities Program in the office of the Mayor, be and the same is hereby amended by deleting from Section 1 thereof the first pa.ragraph contained in Section 1. 11(I), en- titled "Vacancy", and substituting the following paragraph in lieu and in place thereof: "Notwithstanding any other, provision contained in this - ordina.nce to the contrary, if the seat of any member of the MNPC sha.11 become vacant in any ma.nner, th�. MNPC sha.11 elect a qualified resident of th�e district for which the vacancy exists to fill the vacant seat for the rema.inder of the unexpired term. In the case of a tie vote, the f lip of a coin sha.11 determine who is the successful appointee." _ Section 2. This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pul�lication. CAUIVCILMEN ' Yeas g�gx• Nays Requested by Departmlent of: Konopatzki `� In Favor bevf�re ' Meredith a Against BY � Roedl�r 'Pe�esee ' Mme.President��hex Huri't Form Approve by C' A rney I Adopted by Council: Date �A N 1 7 1974 Certifi d s ed by Cou ' Se� BY By �� . Appro 'by M r: Date �� A 1 7 Approve by i ion o Council By � BY Pu�����►m 2 s�s�a , . � 26285� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR December 19, 1973 FRANK D. MARZITELLI T0: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen FR: Frank D. Marzitelli � r� RE: Model Cities MNPC Procedure for Filling . Vacancy Our File G-71-0556 I have reviewed the above referenced ordinance and am in agreement with same. Your approval and submission to the City Council for action is recommended. FDM/ca Attach. cc: William Collins Robert Hickman Jerry Segal m City Haai, Saint Paul, Minnesota s5�o2 1 � , ' + � a y a Y �� �i � � i I k � � ! M � � •_ � N h�,.n � O �, - � v` � �� u, y' � � � � � � � � o F+ 'd N Rf �+ � � O � U r-1 � � r-1•rl W fx �ed � � Z � �,y Cf•� w �+ � O '�►"� f-� �--1 �-+ � cd U �•�-1 cd � cd U f�. 7. N • +-� iy �O • t�•� � a0 �-+ � UPQMN , � � � d � W o Q N U1 d LL U Z � � Z � � O Z pp y.1 W 0 J � a kZ � ' � _ � ' A F Q o 'i � °� 3 ; •�.► t� , � . _ - . � . ' - . ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY November 14, 1973 ��"�y v���`-� R. SCOTT DAV I ES �, ---� / 1..�;�; , _ "_ ��_. , _ °'�'� �,�'-, ;l` -� � ���';� �=, � ;t_ _ . - ..,� �-�� Mr. Frank Marzitelli ' ;'� City Administrator <';^; City of Saint Paul - � ` `' 365 Building _, ' Re: Model Cities MNPC Procedure for Filling Vacancy Our File G-71-0556 Dear Mr. Marzitelli: The MNPC, by motion 10-8-73.3, has requested tha.t the Model Cities' ordinance be amended to a11ow the MNPC to fill vacancies created on their Board by means of the present members on the MNPC electing someone to fill the void. I enclose a copy of a letter from Mr. Robert P. Hickman, President of the MNPC, informing me of this action by the NINPC and requesting amendment to the ordinance. To this end I have prepared and transmit to you proposed ordina.nce amendment. I am sending a copy of the ordi- nance amendment to Mr. Hickman and William Collins, Model Cities Coordina.tor. If this approved by you and the Ma.yor, I suggest that the ma.tter be brought to the City Council for its consideration and that Mr. Hickma.n be notified as to the date on which the Council will consider it. If I may be of any further assistance, please feel free to call. Ve y t y urs, J . SE . As stan City Attorney JJS:er Encl. cc:Robert Hickman, MNPC City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 William Collins, MC Coordina.tor Mayor La.wrence D. Cohen 612 298-5121 . ' ,�' � , � � - � w ��"����'`� � � :,; � 2 � � �� ����� �s �59 ��� �� � . � .� K �P��/• y tt� �.� -�.�,' �„yo!q� � .. � i ,y''�, r �, r � D ,.i �:. � �,l e�y ) � ' I'• x� ..�_-.. `°��'� � •'3 �� F :�� �, � � � . � �� � ����, :�� '`� `.�," ` . �. . �:����. _' .�*- `'�;,� � ' � d' ; � ��� $�:'� '"k 3,' .� �:-«�s ...,�.0 .9 � � �.y �' � �:� �,ix'� ��..�,�, JF� . . � ���° ..�'' � 165 no. dale street - st. paui, minn. 55104 `�� � � �.,�,�.. � .� ,.;�: �`� `"-., � �.��:;��� ;�� � �� � � � � ,'�� °- � �'*.�� �''"� � October 30, I 9?3 ��""zz� ��s�"' � � r� �,� '��i� ���� <f ��,� {'� '�� � u. �. c�y �� �� � ��� � , � �.`, � `� ��� ����`� �; r � ,;�. �; g� � .S Y�'b�. ��.�: S � . � �{� �F� , E _� ���_ ���.. � . ;•,�*'�'�,�' � ' . J erome Sega I Ass i stant C i ty A'- orney Civil Divisio r,00m 647 I 5 'r'J. Ke I I g 55 I 02 � , h�1i nnesota � Uear P�ir. Sega I : At a regularly scheduled mecting of the tvlodel Neighbor:�ood Planning Council ( 10-3-73) , your proposed changes to amend the ordinance ��15321 ��rere discussed and the follov�ing motion e�as mad�. �10T I ON: I 0-8-73.3 i��iOVED EY EETTY 7_ACHARY.THAT THE CGU�JC( L ADOF'T '' I F Ti�E SEAT OF ANY i�1EP•1GER OF THE �i1vPC SHALL BECOP�IE VACAf�T I�J P1NY P�'iAf�!i�JER, T�-IE �•1fJPC SHALL ELECT A QUkL) F I ED RE- RES I DEI�T OF Ti-IE U I STR I CT FOR I�JH I CH THE VACA�JCY EX{STS TO F I LL �- THC V/1CANT SEAT FO� THE REI��iA I NDER OF THE UI•,EXP I RED TERP�1. I N THE CASE OF A T i E VUTE, THE r L I P OF A C01 id SHALL DET�i i^I�JE VdH�J IS. � '1CCESSFUL APP01t�TEE" AS THE Ah�E��Dh�iENT TO �THE GRDlf�tii�CL „�15321 . SECONDED QY ARTHUR PEOPLES. PASSED. I NAY-E. RIESE. � _. ,...�--- Than{: you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Sincerely, _ � �� � ������ Robert P. FI i ckrnan, Pres i dent hlodei fveighborhood Planning Council RPf-I:mjl � � � � � � � � cc: I�Ji I I iam Col I ins P�1NPC f i !e �,'s,f. 1 �9� CQRPURAT18i�! Gt3l�NSELi - , . model neighborhood planning council • — Robert P. Hickman, Chairman � I {�� � E' F � *. 'FJ , ���, . . . �:� � lsli �2��� ' t� 41i11. .�. ,, r.� -•,, -1-- --r-- �. 3rd �• rT� D . � : Adopted �7 r '� Yeas Nays �' .. _ ;, BU'PLER KONOPATZKI _ � 262859 ` MEREDITH J ROEDLER � �-- i PRESIDENT (HUNT)