PINK — FIf�1 NCE CO11I1C11
B L U E� — A:,4'c✓..O R
a� • in�nce Ordinance N�. '���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance adopting a new
zoning ordinance for the City of
Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61
62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul
. Legislative� Code and the zoning ma.p '
of the City of Saint Paul
Sectio�rr- I. That Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, commonly referred to collectively as the
Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul, and the official zoning map
of the City of Saint Paul are hereby repealed entirely. �
Section 2. That the attached document entitled "Proposed
Zoning Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul", to�ether with the
attached maps entitled "Zoning Ma.p of Saint Paul are hereby adopted
as the zoning ordinance for the City of Saint Paul.
^__ r--- Section 3. Notwithstanding any other ordinance or resolution �
to the contrary, this new zoning ordinance is initiated before the
Saint Paul City Council by the filing of one copy of the attachment
labeled "Proposed Zoning Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul" and
one set of ma.ps entitled "Zoning Ma.p of Saint -�Pau1".
- Section 4. Following its passage, approval and publication,
this ordinance will be called "The Zoning Ordinance for the City
of Saint Paul".
Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirt 30 da s after its assa�e, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�I�ss+► }�ury� � In Favor
Levine J
Rcedler Agalnst BY �
Adopted by Council: Date A� 2 a �J
Forra A oved by City Attorney
Certifie a� d byi Coun � Secre��i�'-,'►^/ By
By l� `%
Approved by M r: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
H SE 2 41975
1 n
Item page
' 60.100 SHORT TITLE 1
, 60.301 DEFINITIONS 2
� 60.401 ZONING MAPS 15
i -
i '�
� Item Pa e
60. 0
' 49
i '
61 .102 LOT SIZE
a. Average Lot Size 58
b. Residential �Jpen Space �
65 '
! 61 .105 SPECIAL DISTRICTS 67 ,
62.100 CO
; 62.101 SCOPE , 68
a. Intent 68 �
� b. Nonconforming Lots 69
� c. Nonconforming Uses of Land 69
d. Nonconforming Structures 69 �
,' e. Nonconforming Structures and Land 70
i f. Repair and Maintenance 71
I g. Change of Tenancy or Ownership 71 ,
62.108 SITE PLAN REVIEW 78 '
i 1
�� ��
I tem Pa�.e �- ��c3��
, •
' 62.113 CORNER CLEARANCE _ 82
62.114 SIMILAR USES 83
' 62.115 SIGNS 83
' a. Definitions 83
b. Required Conditions 84
c. Signs Permitted by Districts 87
63.101 VOTING PLACE 90
' . 63.102 HEIGHT LIMIT 90
' 63.105 PORCHES 90
� 64.102 SITE PLAN 92
' 64.104 CERTIFICATES 92
` . 64.2'00 BOARD OF APPEALS 93
' . 64.202 MEETINGS 93
1 64.203 APPEAL 93
� '
Item Page
, 94 �
' 64.205 JURISDICTION 95
64.206 ORDERS 96 1
64.207 NOTICE 96
I��, 64.208 MISCELLANEOUS g� '
� 64.213 INTERPRETATION gg ,
I 64.214 VESTED RIGHT gg
64.215 VIOLATIONS gg '
98 ,
b��l\E�fE�C�TLICE�'8,�1`� � ,
II ,
I ,
60.100 SHORT TITLE: ��'����
, This Ordinance shall be known and ma be cited as the Saint Paul
Zoning Ordinance.
� This Ordinance is adopted by the City of Saint Paul for the following
, 1 . To promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals, and
general welfare of the community;
2. To classify all property in such manner as to reflect its peculiar
, suitability for particular uses;
3. To regulate the location, constr�ction, reconstruction, alteration,
' and use of 6uild1ngs, structures, and land;
4. To insure adequate light, air, privacy, and convenience of access
1 to property;
5. To conserve property values;
, 6. To protect all areas of the City from harmful encroachment by incom-
patible uses;
, 7. To prevent the overcrowding of land with buildings;
8. To avoid undue congestion of population;
� 9. To fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures, and
uses shall conform;
' 1Q. To lessen congestion in the public streets by providing for off-
street parking of motor vehicles and for off-street loading and
unloading of commercial vehicles;
, 11 . To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water,
sewage disposal , education, recreation, and other public require-
� 12. To provide for the elimination of nonconforming buildings and
structures and for the elimination of nonconforming uses of land;
r13. To define the powers and duties of the administrative officers and
' 14. To provide penalties for violations of the provisions of this
Ordinance or any subsequent amendment thereto; and,
' 15. To provide for a Board of Zoning Appeals and its powers and duties.
, - 1 -
The following rules of construction apply to the text of this Ordinance:
a. The particular shall control the general . �
b. In case of any difference of ineaning or implication between the text
of this Ordinance and any caption or illustration, the text shall �
control .
c. The word "shall" is mandatory, and the word "may" is permissive.
'n d h f rd d in the '
d. Words used �n the present tense i clu e t e uture; wo s use
singular number include the plural , and the plural the singular,
unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. ,
e. The word "building" includes "structure" and any part thereof.
�� �� �� �� �� �� '
f. The phrase used for includes arranged for, designed for,
"intended for " "maintained for " or "occu ied for."
> > p
g. The word "person" includes an individual , a corporation, a partnership, �
an incor orated association or an other similar entit .
P � Y Y
h. Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation '
involves two or more items, conditions, provisions, or events con-
nected by the conjunction "and," "or," "either. . . .or," the conjunc-
tion shall be interpreted as follows: �
(1) "And" indicates that all the connected items, conditions, pro-
visions, or events shall apply. ,
(2) "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions,
or events may apply singly or in any combination.
(3� "Either. . . .or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, '
provisions or events shall apply singly but not in combination.
i. Abut means havin a common boundar or relationshi at either a
9 Y p '
common property �ine, street, or alley.
j. Adjoin means having a common boundary or r�lationship at a common
iil �
property line.
For the purpose of this Ordinar�ce, terms not herein defined shall have
the meaning customarily assigned to them; and certain terms or words �
used herein shall 5e interpreted as follows�
� 2 ..
, n
60.302 Accessory Use, or Accessory: An "Accessory use" is a use which
' is clearly incidental to, customarily found in connection with, and
(except in the case of accessory off-street parking spaces or loading)
located on the same zoning lot as, the principal use to which it is
' When "accessory" is used in the text, it shall have the same meaning
as accessory use.
, An accessory use includes, but is not limited to, the following:
a. Residential accommodations for servants or caretakers.
' b. SwirrrNnning pools for the use of the occupants of a residence, or
tfieir guests.
' c. Domestic storage in a barn, shed, tool room, or similar accessory
6uilding or other structures.
, d. A ne�rsstand primarily for the convenience of the occupants of a
building, whicf� is located wholly within such building and has no
exterior signs or displays.
' e. Storage of inerchandise normally carried in stock in connection with
a 6usiness or indistrial use, unless such storage is excluded in
' the applica6le district regulations.
f. Storage of goods used in or produced by industrial uses or related
� activities, unless such storage is excluded in the applicable
district regulations.
g. Accessory off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, subject to
, � t[�e accessory off�street parking regulations for the district in
which the zoning lot is located.
� h. Uses clearly incidental to a main use such as but not limited to,
offices of an industrial or corrpnercial complex located on the site
of tfie commercial or industrial complex.
� i. Accessory off-street loading, subject to the off-street loading
regulations for the district in which the zoning lot is located.
, j. Accessory signs, subject to th� sign regulations for the district
in which the zoning lot is located.
' 60.303 Alley: A dedicated public way not more than thirty (30) feet
wide affording a secondary means of access to abutting property, and
not intended for general traffic circulatian.
- 3 �-
, e
60.304 Alteration: Any change, addition, or modification in construction
or type of occupancy, or in the structural members of a 6uilding, such
as foundations, walls, or partitions, columns, beams, or girders, the '
�� ��
� consummated act of which may be referred to herein as altered or
in a multi le-famil dwellin '
60.305 A artment: A suite of rooms or a room p y 9
P . .
arran ed and intended for a lace of residence of a single-family.
i '60,306 Auto Repair Station: A place where the following services may be
carried out: general auto repair, engine rebuilding, rebuilding or
as bod frame
h' les• collision service such , ,
reconditiom ng of motor ve ic , � Y �
or fender straightening and repair; overall painting and undercoating of
automobiles. The sale of engine fuels may or may not also be carried on.
60.307 Auto Service Station: A place where gasoline, or any other auto-
mobile engine fuel (stored only in underground tanks) , kerosene, or ,
motor oil and lubricants or grease (for operation of motor vehicles)
retailed directly to the public on the premises; including the sale of
minor accessories and the servicin or minor repair of automobiles. '
60.308 Basement: That portion of a building which is partly or wholly
below grade but so located that the vertical distance from the average r
grade to the floor is greater than the vertical distance from the average
grade to the ceiling.
60.309 Block: The property abutting one side of a street and lying between ,
tFie tQro nearest intersecting streets, (crossing or term�nating) or between
i tfie nearest such street and railroad right�of�way; unsubdivided acreage,
la[ce, river, or live stream; or between any of the foregoing and any other �
physical barrier to the continuity of development, or corporate boundary
line of the Municipality.
310 Soardin or Lod in House: A buildin designed for or used for ,
60. 9 9 9 9
I a single-family ar two-family dwelling and containing guest rooms where
lodging, with or without meals, is provided for compensation on a weekly �
or monthly basis.
60.311 Building: Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having
a roof supported by columns or walls, and intended for the shelter, or ,
enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind. This
shall include tents, awnings, ar vehicles situated on private property
and used for the purpose of a bui�ding. '
60.312 Building H�ight: The vertical distance measured from the established
grade to ��e highest point of the roof surface for flat roofs; to the deck
line of m,�nsard roofs; and to the average height between eaves and ridge ,
for gab�Q, hip, and gambr�el roofs. Where a building is located on
sloptng terrain, the height may be measured from the average ground level
d at the bui'idin wall .
of the ra e
9 9 '
.. 4 _ ,
, '
, 60.313 Building Line: A line formed b the face of the buildin and
Y 9�
for the purpose of this Ordinance, a minimum building line is the same
' as a front setback line.
60.314 Business: The engaging in the purchase, sale, barter, or exchange
' of goods, wares, or merchandise or the maintenance or operation of offices
or recreational or amusement enterprises, or the furnishing of services
for compensation.
, 60.315 Clinic: An establishment where human patients who are not lodged
overnight are admitted for examination and/or treatment by a group of
pi�ysi�ians, dentists, or similar professions.
, 60.316 Club: An organization of persons for special purposes or for the
promulgation of sports, arts, sciences, literature, politics, or the like,
, but not operated for profit, excluding churches, synogogues, or other
houses of worship.
60.316(1 ) Corr�nnunity Residential Facility: A State licensed group home
' or foster home serving mentally retarded or physically handicapped persons.
60.317 Council : The Council of the City of Saint Paul .
' 60.318 Nursing Home or Boarding Care Home: A structure with sleeping rooms,
where persons are housed or lodged and are furnished with meals, nursing,
, and medical care.
60.319 Curb Level : The mean level of the curb adjoining a zoning lot.
On corner lots, curb level is the average of the mean levels of the
' ad�oining curbs on the intersecting streets. Where no curb level has
been esta6lished, the Chief Engineer shall establish such curb level ,
or its equivalent.
, � 60.320 Development: The construction of a new building or other structure,
on a zoning lot, the relocation of an existing building on another zoning
' lot, or the use of open land for a new use.
60.321 District: A portion of the incorporated area of the Municipality
within which certain regulations and requirements or various combinations
, thereof apply under the provisions of this Ordinance.
60.322 Dormitor,yr . .A bu.�lding designed for or used as living quarters for
' students of a high school , college, university, or seminary, organized
and owned by a high school , coliege, university, or seminary, and located
within 250 feet of the nearest property line of the main school grounds.
' 60.323 Dwelling Unit: A building, or portion thereof, designed for
occupancy 6y one (1� family for residential purposes and having cooking
' 60.324 Dwelling, One�Family: A building designed exclusively for and
occupied exclusively by one (1) family.
- 5 -
i ,
60.325 Dwelling, Townhouse: A one-family dwelling wnit, with private
front and rear entrances, which is part of a multiple�family dwelling �
whose dwelling units are attached horizonta7ly in a linear arrangement.
Each dwelling unit must be separated from other dwelling units by a
fire wall or walls extending from foundation through the roof with no '
openings. Each dwelling unit shall have a totally exposed front and
r wall to 6e used for entry, light, and ventilation.
60.326 Dwelling, Two-Family: A building designed exclusively for or '
occupied exclusively by no more than two (2) families living independently
of each other.
60.327 Dwelling, Multiple-Family: A building, or a portion thereof, ,
designed exclusively for occupancy by three (3) or more families living
independently of each other.
60.328 Erected: The word "erected" includes built constructed altered ,
> > >
reconstructed, moved upon, or any physical operations on the premises
which are required for the building or structure. Excavation, fill ,
draina e and the like shall be considered a art f
� 9 � p o erection.
60.329 Essential Services: The erection, construction, alteration, or '
i maintenance by public utilities or municipal departments of underground,
surface, or overhead gas, electrical , steam, fuel , or water transmission
or distri6ution system collection, corrununication, supply or disposal system,
including towers, poles, wires, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, ,
cables, fire alarm and police call boxes, traffic si nals h drants and
9 � Y �
� similar equipment in connection herewith, but not includin buildin s
9 9 �
which are necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such
utilities or municipal departments for the general F�ealth, safety, or
el fa
w re.
60.330 Excavation: Any breaking of ground, except common household '
gardening and ground care.
j 60.331 Family: One or two persons or parents, with their direct lineal '
descendants and adopted or legally cared for children (and including the
idomestic employees thereof) together with not more than two persons not
so related�, living together in the whole or part of a dwelling comprising �
a single housekeeping unit. Every additional group of four or less persons
living in such' liousekeeping unit shall be considered a separate family
for the purpose �f �his Ordinanc.e.
60.332 F rm:
a A tract of land used for the carrying on of any agricultural
activit or the raisin of livestock or small
Y g animals as a source of
j 60.333 Floar Area: The sum of the horizontal areas of each floor of a
6uilding, m�asured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from ,
the centerizne of walls separating two buildings. The floor area measure-
ment is exclusive of areas of basements, unfinished attics, attached
garages, or space used for off-street parking or loading, breezeways, and
enclosed and unenclosed porches, elevator or stair bulkheads and accessory
- 6 -
, �
� �����
, 60.334 Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R. ): The total floor area of all buildings
or structures on a zoning lot divided by the area of said lot.
' 60.335 Floor Area, Usable (For the purposes of computing parking) : That
area used for or intended to be used for the sale of inerchandise or services,
� or for use to serve patrons, clients, or customers and all that area
devoted to employee workspace. Such floor area which is used or intended
to be used principally for the storage of inerchandise, hall-ways, elevator
or stair 6ulkheads or for utilities or sanitary facilities, shall be
' excluded from this computation of "Useable Floor Area." Measurement of
usafile floor area shall be the sum of the horizontal areas of the several
floors of tf�e 6uilding, measured from the exterior faces of the exterior
' walls.
60.336 Front Setback Line: A line which is parallel to the front lot line
, which esta6lishes the minimum front yard depth of a zoning lot. The
location of such front setback line shall be determined by the required
depth of the front yard as prescribed in the Schedule of Regulations of
this Ordinance.
' 60.337 Grade: The elevation established for the purpose of regulating
the number of stories and the height of buildings. For buildings having
' a wall or walls on or within fifteen (15) feet of a street line, grade
shall be curb level , or its equivalent, opposite such wall or walls.
W6en a building has frontage on more than one street, the lowest curb
, level sF�all apply. For buildings having all walls more than fifteen
(15) feet from a street line, grade shall be the mean level of the finished
surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of the buildings.
' 60.338 Group Home, Residential : A building or structure where persons
reside for purposes of rehabilitation, treatment, or special care, and
whicf� is not a Community Residential Facility as defined in Section
, . 60.316(1) , herein. Such persons may be orphaned, suffer chemical or
emotional impairment, or suffer social maladjustment or dependency.
' 60.339 Group Home Resident: A person residing in a group home for the
purpose of receiving rehabilitation, treatment, or special care.
60.340 Guest Room: A room or group of rooms forming a single housekeeping
, unit used or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for
cooking or eating purposes.
' 60.341 Home Occupation: An occup�tion carried on in a dwelling by the .
resident thereof not involving the conduct of a retail business or manu-
facturing 6usiness, and provided that the use is incidental and secondary
' to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and does not change the
character thereof. Such a home occupation shall include office of professionals,
home beauty shops and such other occupations which by custom are considered
as a use accessory to a dwelling. Such a home occupation shall be conducted
' entirely within the dwelling, shall be conducted by no more than two (2)
persons, and such persons shall reside within the dwelling. Services such
as a home 6eauty shop shall ser�e no more than one customer at a time. No
, structural alterations or enlargements shall be made for the sole purpose
, - 7 -
'on There shall be no detriments to the '
f nductin the home occu ati .
o co g p
residential character of the neigh6orhood due to the �nission of noise,
odor smoke, dust, gas, heat, glare, vibration, electrical interference,
� i
traffic congestion, or any other annoyance resulting from the home
occupation. There shall be no exterior storage of products or materials
and no display or advertising sign on the premises of a home occupation
provided tfiat a name plate 'no larger than one square foot in area, stating
tfie name of the proprietor, may 6e attached to t6e wall of the dwelling.
60.342 Housfng for the Elderiy: A multiple-family structure, controlled '
b either a public body, institutional body, or non-profit cor oration,
eigfity (80� percent of whose occupants shall be sixty-five (65� years of
age or over. '
60.343 Junk Yard: A place where waste, used or second hand materials are
[�ougFit and sold, easchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled,
including 6ut not limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rugs, tires,
and fiottles. A "Junk Yard" includes automobile wreckin ards and includes ,
any area of more than 200 square feet for storage, keeping, or abandonment
of junk, but excludes uses established entirely within enclosed buildings.
It also excludes establishments exclusively for the sale, purchase, or '
' resale of used cars, and the rocessing of used, discarded, or salvaged
� materials as part of the manufacturing operations.
60.344 Loading Space: An off-street space on the same lot with a building
or group of buildings, for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle
�rFiile loading and unloading merchandise or materials. '
60 345 : A arcel of land occu ied or intended to be occu ied, b a
Lot p p , p Y
main building or a group of main buildings and accessory buildings, or '
utilized for the principal use and uses accessory thereto, together with
such yards and open spaces as are required under the provisions of this
Ordinance. A lot may or may not be specifically designated as such on
� � pufilic records. � ,
60.346 Lot, Corner: A lot where the interior angle of two adjacent sides
at the intersection of two streets is less than one hundred and thirty- '
five (135) degree�. A lot abutting upon a curved street or streets shall
� be considered a corner lot for the purposes of this Ordinance if the arc
is of less radius than one hundred fifty (150) feet and the tangents to '
; the curve, at the two points where the lot lines meet the curve or the
istraight street Iine, extended, form an interior angle of less than one
hundred thirty•-five (135� degrees, ,
60.347 Lot, Interior: Any 1o�t other than a corner lot.
m r r 1 arallel
� 60.348 Lot, Through: Any lot having frontage on two o e o ess p
streets as distinguished from a corner lot. ,
� Reversed Fronta e Corner: A corner lot the rear lot line of
60.349 Lot, g � '
which abuts a side lot line of an abutting lot.
�� '
_ g _
1 �
, 350 Lot Zonin : A single tract of land, which, at the time of filing
60. , 9
\ for a building permit, is designated 6y its owners or developer as a tract
' � to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or
control . A zoning lot shall satisfy this Ordinance with respect to area,
size, dimensions, and frontage as required in the district in which the
' zoning lot is located. A zoning lot, therefore, may or may not coincide
with a lot of record as filed with the County Register of Deeds, but may
include one or more lots of record.
, 60.351 Lot, Area: The total horizontal area within the lot lines of the
, 60.352 Lot Coverage: The part or percent of the lot occupied by buildings
including accessory buildings.
' 60.353 Lot Depth: The average horizontal distance between the front and
rear lot lines.
60.354 Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein:
`, a. Front Lot Line: For an interior lot, the line separating said lot
from the street. For a corner lot, the line separating said lot from
, either'street. For a through lot, the line separating said lot from
both streets.
' 6. Rear Lot Line: The lot line opposite the front lot line. In the case
of a lot pointed at the rear, the rear lot line shall be an imaginary
line parallel to the front lbt line, not less than ten (10) feet long
lying farthest from the front lot line and wholly within the lot.
, c. Side Lot Line: Any lot line other than the front lot line or rear
lot line. A side lot l�ine separating a lot from a street is a side
, street lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot
or lots is an interior side lot line.
' 6Q.355 Lot of Record: A parcel of land, the dimensions of which are shown
on a document or map on file with the County Register of Deeds or in common
use by Municipal or County Officials, and which parcel of land actually
exists as so shown.
, 60.356 Lot Width: The horizontal distance between the side lot lines,
measured at the two points where the building line or setback line
, intersects the side lot lines.
60.357 Main (Principal � Building: A building in which is conducted the
, principal use of the zoning lot upon which it is situated.
60.358 Main (Principal) Use: The principal use to which the premises are
devoted and the principal purpose for which the premise exists.
' 60.359 Major Thoroughfare: An arterial street which is intended to serve
� as a large volume trafficway for both the immediate municipal area and
' the region 6eyond, and is designated as a major thoroughfare, parkway,
freeway, expressway, collector, or equivalent term in the Master Plan to
identify those streets comprising the basic structure of the plan for
_ 9 ^
I '
60.360 Master Plan: The comprehensive plan including graphic and written
proposals indicating the general iocation for streets, parks, sc�ools, �
� public buildings, and all physical development of the Municipality, and '
includes any unit or part of such plan, and any amendment to such plan
or parts thereof. Such plan may or may not be adopted by the City Council .
60.361 Mezzanine: An intermediate or fractional story between two main '
stories that ro'ects in the form of a balcon o r
p � y ve the story below and
whose �loor area does not exceed thirty-three and one third (33-1/3) percent
of the floor area of the floor below. '
' 60.362 Municipality: The City of Saint Paul .
60.363 Nonconforming Building: A building or portion thereof lawfully '
� existing at the effective date of this Ordinance, or amendments thereto,
and that does not conform to the provisions of the Ordinance pertaining
to tbe district in which it is located. ' �
60.364 Nonconforming Use: A use which lawfully occupied a building or
land at the effective date of this Ordinance, or amendments thereto, and '
' that does not conform to the use regulations of the district in which
it is located.
60.365 Nuisance: A substantial unreasonable and continuous invasion of '
the use and enjoyment of a property right which a reasona6le person
would find annoying, unpleasant, obnoxious, or offensive.
,' 60.366 Off-Street Parkin Lat: A facilit rovidin vehicular arkin '
9 YP 9 P 9
spaces along with adequate drives ahd aisles, for maneuvering, so as to
' provide access for entrance and exit for the parking of more than three '
(3� vehicles.
, 60.367 Owner: Ownership or owner shall mean holder of fee simple title. '
' 60.368 Parking Facility, Off-Street: A commercially operated off-street -
parking lot providing parking space for five (5) or more passenger auto-
mo6iles off the public street or alleys. It ma consist of an o en lot
Y P �
a stora e ara e ram o h r
g g. g , p, r ot e structure and accessory facilities,
a6ove or underground.
60.369 Parkin S ace: An area of definite 1 n th and 'd
g p e g w� th designed
for arkin of motor vehicles• said area shall be exclu i f
p g , s ve o drives,
a�sles, or entrar�ces giving access thereto and shall be fully accessible ,
;' for the storage or parking of permitted vehicles.
60.370 Principal Use or Building: See "Main Building" and "Main Use."
' '
60.371 Public Utility: A person, firm, or corporation, municipal
department, board or comnission duly authorized to furnish and furnishing
under Federal , State, or Municipal regulations to the public: gas, '
steam, electricity, sewage disposal , comnunication, telegraph, trans-
portation, or water.
i 'i
- -
i �
, �
60.372 Restaurant, Fast Food: A business establishment whose principal
' business is the selling of pre-prepared, quick order, and packaged foods
in a ready to consume state, in individual servings, for consumption on
or off the premises; and where the package, wrapping, or container in or
on which the food is sold is paper, plastic, or other su6stance of a non-
, returnable and disposable nature.
60.373 Restaurant, Drive-In: A business establishment whose principal
, business is the selling of food, frozen desserts, or beverages to the
customer in a ready to consume state, in individual servings, and where
the customer consumes these foods, frozen desserts, or beverages in an
' automobile parked upon the premises.
60.374 Restaurant: A business establishment whose principal business is
the selling of unpackaged food to the customer in a ready to consume state,
' in individual servings, or in non-disposable containers, and where the
customer consumes these foods while seated at tables or counters located
within a building.
' 60.375 Room: For the purpose of determining lot area requirements and
density in a multiple-family district, a living room, dining room, or
6edroom, equal to at least eighty (80) square feet in area. A room
, shall not include the area in kitchen, sanitary facilities, utility
provisions, corridors, hallways, and storage. Plans presented showing
1 , 2, or 3 bedroom units and including a "den," "library" or other extra
, room shall count such extra room as a bedroom for the purpose of computing
' 60.376 Setback: The distance required to obtain front, side, or rear
yard open space provisions of this Ordinance.
60.377 Shopping Center, Planned: An integrated grouping of commercial
, structures, under ownership or control of one person or joint tenants,
on a parcel five (5) acres or over in size.
� 60.378 Sign: The use of any words, numerals, figures, devices, designs,
or trademarks by which anything is made known such as are used to show
an i.ndividual , firm, profession, business, or location, and are visible
' to the general public.
60.379 Sign, Accessory: A sign which is accessory to the principal use
of the premises.
' 60.380 Sign, Nonaccessory: A sign which is not accessory to the principal
use of tE�e premi ses.
' 60.381 Story: That part of a building, except a mezzanine as defined herein,
included between the surface of one floor and the surface of the next flonr.
, or if there is no floor above, then the ceiling next above. A basement
shall not be counted as a story.
60.382 Story, Half: An uppermost story lying under a sloping r,00f having
' an area of at least two hundred (200) square feet with a clear height of
seven feet six inches (7' - 6") . For the purpose of this Ordinance the
usable floor area is only that area having at least four feet (4' ) clear
' height between floor and ceiling.
- 11 -
60.383 Street: A public dedicated right-of-way, other than an alley, which '
affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
� 60.384 Street �ine: The property �ine separating private or public property
from a designated street. ,
� 6u.385 Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of whicn requires '
location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the
60.386 Tem orar use or Buildin : A use or buildin ermitted to exist
Y 9 9p
under s ecpfic sti ulations of this Ordinance durin eriods of construction '
p p 9P
of the main building or use, or for special events.
60.387 Totally or Completely Enclosed Building: A structure which provides ,
� for all uses to be carried on within walls, and is furnished with doors so
as to be able to tiotally close the facility from access. ,
60.388 Trailer Coach (Mobile Home): Any vehicle designed, used, or so
I constructed as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the public
streets or highways and duly licensable as such, and constructed in such ,
� a manner as will permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling or sleeping place
for one or more persons.
60.389 Trailer Court Mobile Home Park : An lot of round u on which two ,
� ) Y 9 P
or more trailer coaches, occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes are
r'n r 1 nd r 'ld n ' 'n '
60.390 Use: The p � cipal pu pose. for which a o a bui i g is bei g
occupied. �
i 60.391 Yards: The open spaces on the same lot with a main building, unocc- ,
upied and uno6structed from the ground upward except as otherwise provided
in thi�s Ordinance, and as defined herein: '
a. Front Yard: An open space extending the full width of the front lot
! line, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between
the front lot line and the nearest point of the main building. For !
a corner lot which is not a reversed frontage corner lot, the front
d � 11 a 'oin front ard in an ad'oinin lot.
ar sha a
i Y dJ Y J 9
b. Rear Yard: An open space extending the full width of the lot the '
depth of which is �he minimum horizontal distance between the rear
lot line and the ,nearest point of the main building. In the case of
a corner lot, the rear yard may be opposite either street frontage. ,
c. Side Yard: 14n open space between a main building and the side lot
_ ltne, extending from the front yard to the rear yard, the width of ,
wFiich is the horizontal distance from the nearest point of the side
lot line to the nearest point of the main building.
- 12 -
� '
' 60.392 Zoning Special Condition Uses and Variances:
� a. Special Condition Uses: A special condition use is a use permitted
only after review and approval of an application by the Planning
' b. Variance: A modification of the literal provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance granted when strict enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance
would cause undue hardship owing to circumstances unique to the
' individual property on which the variance is granted. .
c. TFie "Special Condition Use" differs from the "Variance" in several
' respects. A special condition use does not require hardship in
order to be allowable. The special condition uses that are found in
this Ordinance appear as "special approval" by Planning Commission.
These land uses could not be conveniently allocated to one zone or
' another, or the effects of such uses could not be defi'nitely foreseen
as of a given time. The general characteristics of these uses include
one or more of the following:
' (1 � They require large areas,
(2� T�ey are infrequent,
(3� Tf�ey sometimes create an unusual amount of traffic,
' (4� They are sometimes obnoxious or hazardous,
(5) They are required for public safety and convenience.
- 13 -
For the purposes of this Ordinance, the City of Saint Paul is hereby
divided into the following districts:
R-1 One-Family Residential District '
R�2 One�-Family Residential District
R'3 One-Family Residential Distrlct
R�4 One-Family Residential District �
RT-1 Two-�Family Residential District
RT-2 Townhouse Residential District
RM-1 Low-Density, Low-Rise Multiple�Family Residential District
RM-2 Medium-Density, Low-Rise Multiple-Family Residential District '
RM-3 High-Density, High-Rise Multiple�Family Residential District
OS�1 Office Service District
� B.-1 Local Business District '
B-2 Community Business District
B-3 General Business District
B-4 Central Business District
B-5 Central Business-Service District '
I-1 Industrial
1 District '
I�2 Industrial 2 District
I�3 Industrial 3 District
i ,
' District
ES Ex resswa Service .
P-1 Vehicular Parkin District '
PD Planned Development District
' 1
, 1
- 14 - '
' ���
� ���
' 60.401 ZONING MAPS:
' The City of Saint Paul is divided into various districts shown on the
maps accompanying this Ordinance which maps are entitled "Zoning Map
of Saint Paul ." Such maps and any amendments, with all explanatory
, matter thereon, are hereby made a part of this Ordinance and shall be
as much a part of this Ordinance as if the matter and information set
forth thereon were all fully described herein.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the
' Districts established in this Ordinance as shown on the Zoning Map, the
following rules shall be applied:
' a. Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following
the center line of streets or h�ghways, street lines, highway right-
of�way lines, or railroad right-of-way lines such center lines,
street lines, or highway right-of-way lines shall be construed to
' be said boundaries.
b. Where district boundaries are so indicated that they approximately
' follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be construed to be said
' c. Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately
parallel to the center lines of streets, or the center lines of right-
of-way lines of highways, or railroads, such district boundaries shall
be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distances there
' from as indicated on the Zoning Map. If no such distance is given,
such dimensions shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on
said Zoning Map.
' d. Where the boundary of a district follows a stream, river, lake, or .
ot�er 6ody of water, said boundary line shall be deemed to be at the
limit of the jurisdiction of the City unless otherwise indicated.
' e. Where the boundary of a district follows a subdivision boundary line,
such boundary line shall be construed to be said district boundary
' line.
f. Where unzoned property may exist, or where, due to the scale, lack of
' detail , or illegibility of the Zoning Map, there is any uncertainty,
contradiction, or confliction as to the intended location of any district
6oundaries shown thereon, interpretation concerning the exact location
of the district boundary lines shall be determined by the City Council ,
' upon written application, or upon the Council 's own motion following
review and recomnendation by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
' - 15 -
Whenever any street, alley �r other public way, within the City shall '
be vacated, such street, alley, or other public way or portion thereof,
shall automatically b�e classified in the same zone district as the
property to which it attaches. '
All buildings and uses in any district shall be subject to the requirements '
of the "GENERAL PROVISIONS" and "GENERAL EXCEPTIONS" of this Ordinance.
. '
' 1
� 1
- 16 -
, n,
' 60.411 INTENT:
The R-1 through R-4 One-Family Residential Districts are designed to be
, the most restrictive of the residential districts. The intent is to
provide for an environment of predominantly low-density, one-family
detached dwellings along with other residentially related facilities
which serve the residents in the districts.
, In an R-1 , R-2, R-3, R-4 One-Family Residential District, the use of land,
the location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alter-
ation, enlargement, and moving of existing buildings or structures from
otF�er locations or districts shall conform to the following specified
' uses unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance.
a. One-family detached dwellings.
' b. Publicly owned and operated libraries, parks, and recreation facilities.
, c. Public, parochial , and other private elemen'tary, junior high, or high
schools offering courses in general education, and not operated for
profit. �
' d. Municipal buildings and uses, without outdoor storage.
e. Churches, chapels, synagogues, temples, and any other similar houses
' of worshi p.
f. Convents, rectories, and parsonages, all when associated with a church,
' chapel , synagogue, temple, and other similar house of worship.
g. Home occupations.
, h. A State licensed Community Residential Facility serving six (6) or
fewer mentally retarded or physically handicapped persons.
' i. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
of the above permitted uses.
The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for. each use and subject to the review and approval
' of the Planning Commission.
a. Agriculture on those parcels of land separately owned outside the
boundaries of a proprietary or Auditor's Subdivision, having an area
, of not less than five (5� acres, all subject to the health and
sanitation provisions of the City of Saint Paul ; provided that no odor
or dust producing substance or use shall be permitted within one
' hundred (100) feet of any residential property line.
' - 17 -
� �
b. Cemeteries, including mausoleums, which lawfully occupied land at
tFie time of adoption of tf�is Ordinance. '
c. Monasteries and religious retreats, all when associated with a church,
chapel , synagogue, temple, and other similar house or worship. '
d. Golf courses, which may or may not be operated for profit, subject
to the following conditions:
(1 ) The site shall be so planned as �o provide principal access
d'rectl onto or f om a ma 'or thorou hfare as desi nated on
� y r J 9 9 '
the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
(2) The site plan shall be laid out to achieve a relationship
between the major thoroughfare and any proposed service
roads, entrances, driveways, and parking areas which will
encourage pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety.
(3) Development features including the principal and accessory '
buildings and structures shall be so located and related as
to minimize the possibilities of any adverse effects upon
adjacent property. All principal or accessory buildings or '
structures shall be situated at least two hundred (200)
� feet from any property line abutting residentially zoned or
used lands; provided that where topograpfiic conditions are '
I such that buildings would be screened from view, the Planning
Comnission may modify this requirement.
(4) The course shall consist of at least nine holes and shall not '
lnclude driving ranges, "pitch and putt" miniature golf courses.
(5) �olf courses shall not be lighted for night use. ,
e. Residential Group Homes subject to the following conditions:
1 No more than ten 10 rou home residents ma be housed in � '
� � � ) 9 P Y
excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family",
except that structures designed or newly built specifically
j for such use may allow a greater number provided that all '
other cor�ditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
�; (2) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings '
for the district in which the institutional group home is located.
(3) A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning
lots use for Residential Group Home facilities. '
f. Colleggs, uniuersities, seminaries, and other such institutions of '
higher learning, public and private, offering courses in general ,
tecfini�al , or religious education and not operated for profit, all
su6je�t to the following conditions:
(1) Principal access to said site shall be directly from a major ,
thoroughfare as designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
(2� No building shall be closer than a distance equal to the height '
of the building to any property line, or fifty (50) feet,
- 18 - '
� --
whichever is greater.
' g. Private noncornrnercial recreational areas, institutional or community
recreation centers, nonprofit swirr�ning pool club, a11 subject to the
following conditions:
' (1� The proposed site for any of the uses permitted herein shall
f�ave at least one property line abutting a major thoroughfare
' as designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan, and the site
shall 6e so planned as to provide principal access directly to
said major thoroughfare.
, (2) All yards shall be landscaped in trees, shrubs, and grass.
All such landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition.
TFiere shall be no parking or structures permitted in these
' m�''ni'mum yards, except required entrance drives and those walls
used to o�scure the use from abutting residential districts.
' (3� Off-street parking shall be provided so as to accommodate not
less than one-fourth of the member families and/or individual
mem6ers over sixteen (16) years of age. Prior to the issuance
of a 6uilding permit or zoning compliance permit, bylaws and
' official membership roll of the organization shall be provided
in order to determine the membership involved for computing
the off�street parking requirements.
' (4) Whenever a swimming pool is constructed under this Ordinance,
said pool area shall be provided with a protective fence, six
, (6) feet in height, and entry shall be provided by means of a
controlled gate.
h. Utility and public service buildings, and substations which are completely
' enclosed within a building, when operating requirements necessitate the
locating of said building within the district in order to serve the �
immediate vicinity. Storage yards shall be prohibited. Such uses
, shall provide substantiating evidence that the use is needed to service
the surrounding area.
i . Railroad right-of-way, but not including terminal freight facilities,
' transfer and storage tracks.
j. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to
' any of the above permitted use�.
, See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and
bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the
maximum density permitted and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
' - 19 -
60.421 INTENT:
The RT-1 Two-Famil Residential District is desi ned to afford a transition '
Y 9
of use in existing housing areas by permitting new construction or conver-
sion of existing structures. between adjacent residential and corr�nercial , '
office, thorou hfares, or other uses which would affect residential
character. This district also recognizes the existence of older residen�
tial areas of the City where larger houses have been or can be converted '
from single-family to two-family residences in order to extend the
economic life of these structures and allow the owners to justify the expend-
itures for repairs and modernization. This district also allows the
construction of new two-family residences where slightly greater densities '
are permitted.
In an RT-1 Two-Famiiy Residential District the use of land, the location
and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement,
and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or '
districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise
provided in this Ordinance:
! a. All Principal Uses Permitted in the R-1 through R-4 Residential '
Districts. The standards of the "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" applicable
to the R�4 One�Family Residential District, shall apply as minimum '
standards wf�en one-family detached dwellings are erected.
fi. Two�family dwellings.
c. Accessor buildin s, structures, and uses customaril incident to an ,
Y 9 Y Y
of the a6ove permitted uses.
The follo�ving additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions '
hereinafter impose� for each use and subject to the review and approval
of the Planning Commission.
i 'a. Al1 uses as permitted and as regulated in the R-1 through R-4, One-
Family Residential Districts under Principal Uses Permitted Subject
to Special Conditions.
d '
b. Fraternit an sororit houses and dormitories which are located on
or within two hundred and fifty (250) feet of the nearest property
line of the school .
c r s ool da u s d
. Nurse ch s n r eries an child care centers not includin
Y � Y � 9
dormi#ories) ; provided that for each child cared for there is provided
and maintained a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) square feet of '
- outdoor play area. Such play area shall have a total minimum area
of at least two thousand (2,000) square feet, and shall be fenced and
screened from any adjoining land with planting.
- 20 -
' �
� �����
� �
d. Residential Group Homes subject to the following conditions:
(1 � It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
' (2) No more than ten (10) group home residents may be housed in
excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family",
, except that structures designed or newly built specifically
for such use may allow a greater number provided that all other
conditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
, (3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning
' lots used for Residential Group Home facilities.
e. Community Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions:
' (1 ) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
, (2� No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be
housed in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of
"family," except that structures designed or newly built
specifically for such use may allow a greater number provided
, that all other conditions of Special Use Permit issuance are
' (3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum distance of 300 feet will be requiretl between zoning
lots used of Community Residential Facilities.
' f. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
of the above permitted uses.
' ' See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" , limiting the height and
bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the
maximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
' - 21 -
60.431 INTENT:
_ Townhouse Residential District is desi ned to rovide sites for '
The RT 2 9 p
two-family and townhouse structures to satisfy the needs of people seeking
this nature of facility and to serve as zones of transition between one- '
famil residential districts and multi le-famil residential districts
' and business districts. The RT-2 District further provides for housing
that has many of the amenities of single-family dwellings arranged in a '
low-density, multiple-family pattern.
In an RT-2 T�wnhouse Residential District, the use of land, the location '
and erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, enlarge�-
ment, and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations '
or districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless
otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. All Princi al Uses Permitted in the R-1 throu h R-4 and RT-1 Residential
P 9 '
�� ��
Districts. The standards of the SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS a plicable
to the RT-1 District shall apply as minimum standards when two-famiiy
dwellings are erected. The standards of the "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" '
applica6le to the Ra4 District shall apply as minimum standards when
one�family detached dwellings are erected,
6. Townhouse dwellings provided not more than six (6) such units are '
attached to form the townhouse structure.
'ldin tructures and uses customaril incident to an
c Accessor bu� s s
, > > Y
Y 9 Y '
� of the above permitted uses.
' d. Comnunity Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions: '
(1 � It shall not 6e located in a two-family dwelling.
(2� No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be '
! 6oused in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of
� "family," except that structures designed or newly built specifi- '
cally for such use may allow a greater number provided that all
other co�ditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
i (3� The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings. '
� (4� A minimum distance af 300 feet will be required between zoning
lots used of Comnunity Residential Facilities. ,
The following additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions '
hereinafter imposed far each use, and subject to the review and approval
of the Planning Commission.
a. All uses as p�rmitted and as reguiated in the R-1 through R-4 and RT-1 '
Residential Qistricts under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to
Special Conditio.ns: '
� 22 -
, b. Residential Group Homes subject to the following conditions: "� �
�� �c��
(1 ) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
' (2) No more than ten (10) group home residents may be housed in
excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family",
' except that structures designed or newly built specifically for
such use tnay allow a greater number provided that all other
conditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
, (3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning
' lots used for Residential Group Home facilities.
' See Section 61 .100 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and bulk
of 6u��ldings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum
density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
, 60.441 INTENT:
T6e RM-1 Multiple�Family Residential District is designed to provide sites
for multiple�dwelling structures to satisfy the needs of people seeking
' t[��'s nature of facility and to serve as zones of transition between less
restricted districts and more restricted districts. The RM-1 District
is further provided to permit the construction of attached one-family
' dwellings in a multiple-family pattern while maintainsng the character
of the one-family district.
In an RM-1 Multiple-Family Residential District the use of land, the location
' and erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, enlargement,
and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or
districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise
provided in this Ordinance:
' a. All Principal Uses Permitted in the R-1 through R-4and RT-1 Residential
Districts. One-family detached and two-family dwellings are permitted
' as regulated in the RT-2 Residential District.
b. Townhouse dwellings.
' c. Multiple-family dwellings.
d. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
, of the above permitted uses.
' - 23 -
The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for each use, and subject to the review and approval
of the Planning Corrnnission: '
a. All uses permitted and as regulated in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1 , and
RT-2 Residential Districts under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to ,
Special Conditions.
b. Boarding houses, provided that in addition to the lot area for the
dwelling unit, a lot area is provided of one thousand (1 ,000) square '
feet for each guest room in excess of twro (2) guest rooms.
c. Residential Group Homes subject to the following conditions: ,
(1) It shall not be located in the same structure with any other
principal use except that of a one-family dwelling.
� (2) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
' 'm m distance of 1 320 feet will be re uired between zonin
(3) A mini u , q 9
lots used for Residential Group Home facilit1es.
d. Corr�nunity Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions: '
(1) It shall not be located in the same structure with any other
principal use except that of a one family dwelling. '
2 No more than 16 corrrannunity residential facility residents may be
C �
d 'n excess of the ersons allowed b the definition of
house i Y
p '
' "family," except that structures designed or newly built specifically
for such use may allow a greater number provided that all other
conditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
(3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings. '
(4) A minimum distance of 300 feet will be required between zoning lots ,
used of Community Residential Facilities.
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" , limiting the height and bulk
of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum
density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. '
- 24 - ,
' 60.451 INTENT:
The RM-2 Multiple-Family Residential District is designed to provide for
, more extensive areas of multiple-family residential development as well
as uses related to the multiple-family residential districts, or uses
which serve one-family residential needs and require more extensive sites.
The RM-2 District is further provided to permit comprehensive development
, of a multiple-family project so as to establish a balance of population
concentration as related to major thoroughfares and transit, and related
� In an RM-2 Multip�e-Family Residential District the use of land, the
' location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration,
enlargement, and moving of existing buildings or structures from other
locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses,
' unless otF�erwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. All Principal Uses Permitted in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1 , RT-2,
, and RM-1 Residential Districts. One-family detached and two-
family dwellings are permitted as regulated in the RT-2 Residential
' b. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
of the a6ove permitted uses.
The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
, hereinafter �imposed for each use, and subject to the review and approval
of the Planning Commission:
a. Al1 uses as permi�tted and as regulated in the R-1 through R-4, RT-1 ,
' RT-2, and RM-1 Residential Districts under Principal Uses Permitted
Subject to Special Conditions.
' 6. Hospitals, and other health and medical institutions qualifying as
nonprofit institutions under the laws of the State of Minnesota, all
subject to the following conditions:
, (1) All such hospitals shali be developed only on sites consisting
of at least five (5) acres in area. There shall be no height
limitation placed on the principal structure.
, (2) The proposed site shall have at least one property line abutting
a major thoroughfare as designated on the Major Thoroughfare Plan.
' All access to any off-street parking area shall be directly from
a major thoroughfare.
' � 25 -
(3) The minimum distance of any main or accessory building from ,
bounding lot lines or streets shall be at least fifty (50)
I� feet for front, rear, and side yards for all two (2) stor
structures. For every story above two (2) the minimum yard '
distance shall be increased by at least twenty (20) feet.
c. Nursing homes and boarding care homes, provided the yard requirements '
for multiple-family use in this district are applied.
d. Residential Group Homes subject to the following conditions:
1 ' not loc d in the '
( ) It is ate same structure with any other principal
use except that of a one-family dwelling.
(2� The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings. '
(3� A minimum distance of 1 ,320 feet will be required between zoning
lots used for Residential Group Home facilities. '
e. Retail service uses only, subject to the following conditions: . '
(1� Any retail service use on the zoning lot shall be clearly incident
� to t�e principal use and designed to service only residents of
the principal use. ,
(2� Such use shall be provided either totally within the walls of
the principal structure, or as an accessory building situated '
so as to provide access to the residents of the principal use .
(3� No access to such use shall be available to the general public '
from any exterior entranceways. No identification sign shall be
visible from any exterior view.
(4) Such uses shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the floor '
area at rade level or fift 50 ercent f t f
i g , y ( ) p o he loor area of
a subgrade level , and shall be prohibited on all floors above '
' the first floor or grade level .
(5) Each 1 ,000 square feet of floor area devoted to such use shall
6e counted as one dwelling unit in the computation of allowed '
dNe119ng units on the lot.
(6� The principal structures�shall not be less than 150 dwelling '
'; units notwithstanding subdivision (5) of this subsection.
.f. Comnunity Resldential Facilities subject to the following conditions: �
(1 ) It shall not be located in the same structure with any other
principal use except that of a one family structure.
(2� No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be ,
6oused in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of
"family," except that str�ctures designed or newly built specifi- ,
cally for such use may allow a greater number provided that all
ot[�er conditions of Special Use Permit issuance are met.
' �6 .. - '
1 �
' (3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4� A minimum distance of 300 feet will be required between zoning
' lots used of Comnunity Residential Facilities.
g. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
tof tfie a6ove permitted uses.
� See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and
6.u1[c of 6ulld�'ngs, the minimum size of lot permitted 6y land use, the maximum
density permitted; and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
' 60.461 INTENT:
The RM-3 Multiple-Family Residential District is designed to provide sites
for [�igh�density multiple dwelling structures adjacent to high traffic
, generators commonly found in the proximity of major shopping centers and
areas a6utting ma�or t�ioroughfares and expressway. This district is further
provided to serve the residential needs of persons desiring the apartment
' type of accorr�nodation with central services as opposed to the residential
patterns found in the RM-1 and RM-2 Multiple-Family Residential District.
The high rise nature of the district is provided to allow for greater
' density with lower coverage, which will in turn result in more open space
on lands �vhicFi atould normally require more intensive development.
' In an RM-3 Multiple-Family Residential District the use of land, the
location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration,
' . enlargement, and moving of existing buildings or structures from other
locations or districts shall conform to the following specified uses,
unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
' a. Multiple-family dwellings.
b. Access�ory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any
' of the above permitted uses.
' The following additional uses shall be permitted subject to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for each use, and subject to the review and approval
' of the Planning Commission:
a. Retail service and office uses, all subject to the following conditions:
(1 ) Ar�y retail or office use on the zoning lot shall be clearly
1 incident to the principal use and designed to service only the
residents of the principal use.
' _ �• T
(2) Such use shall be provided totally within the walls of the main ,
buildin and shall be totall obscured from an exterior view.
� Y Y
No identification sign shall be visible from any exterior view.
i '(3) Such uses shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the floor
area at grade level , or fifty (50) percent of the floor area of
a sub-grade level , and shall be prohibited on all floors above '
the first floor or grade level .
(4� Each 1 ,000 square feet of floor area devoted to such uses shall
f�e counted as one dwelling unit in the computation of allowed '
dwellin un ts on the lot.
b. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any '
of the a6ove permitted uses.
See Section 61 .1Q0 "SCHEDULE Of REGULATIONS" limitin the hei ht and '
� 9 9
6u1� of 6ui1d1ngs, the minimum size of lot permitted 6y land use, the
maximum density permitted, and providing minimum yard setback requirements. ,
. '
� - 28 - ,
60.471 INTENT:
� The OS-1 Office-Service District is intended to accomnodate various types
of office uses performing administrative professional and personal services
and to serve as a transitional use 6etween tF�e more intensive uses of land
, sucfi as ma�or thoroughfares or comnercial districts and the less intensive
uses of land such as one-family residential .
In an OS-1 Office-Service District the use of land, the location and erection
' of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement, and moving
of existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall
conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this
' a. Executive and administrative offices.
' b. Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices,
real estate offices, loan companies, savings and loan associations,
and sales offices.
' c. Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices,
including clinics and medical laboratories, and engineers, architects,
accountants, auditing, bookkeeping, and legal service offices.
, d. Non-profit organization offices providing services to the residents
, of the imnediate residential corr�nunity or neighborhood.
' e. Accessory buildings, structures and uses, customarily incident to any
of the above permitted uses.
The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
I hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of
the Planning Corrnnission:
a. Personal service establishments which perform services on the premises
' such as: beauty parlors, barber shops, and photographic studios.
b. Telephone exchange buildings and sewage pumping stations, but not
, including storage yards, transformer stations, substations, or gas
regulator stations.
' c. Additional uses shall be permitted in this District when they are found
to meet all of the following requirernents:
(1} Related and reasonably necessary or convenient for the satisfactory
' and efficient operation of a complete and integrated office-service
' �" 2� ^
� 1
j (2) Similar in character to one or more of the Principal Uses ,
(3) Of the character of a personal or administrative service rather
I' than on a retail basis. '
j (4) Of such character that the vehicular traffic generated by such '
use is similar to one or more of the above permitted uses and
that it does not require frequent short-�term stops 6y vehicles
i'n a pattern si'mi 1 ar to a retai 1 cornmercial esta6l isfiment.
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and '
bulk of 6uildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and
providing minimum yard setback requirements.
60.481 INTENT:
The B-1 Local Business District is intended to ermit those uses as are '
necessary to satisfy tne basic convenience shopping or service needs of
persons residing in near6y residential areas.
' '
In a B-1 Local Business District the use of land, the location and
erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement,
and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or
districts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise
provided in this Ordinance: '
a. Retail businesses which supply cornrnodities on the premises, such as '
� but not limited to: groceries, meats, dairy products, baked goods .
or other foods, drugs, dry goods, clothing and notions, hardware,
books stationer florist or hobb su lies.
� Y� � Y PP
b. Personal service establishments which perform services on the premises, �
such a� but not limited to: repair shops (watches, radio, television,
shoe, and etc.) , tailor shops, beauty parlors or barber shops, photographic ,
studios, and self-service laundries and dry cleaners.
c. Dry cleaning establishments, o�^ pickup stations, deal�ng directly with
tf�e consumer. Central dry cleaning plants servicing more than one '
retail outlet are prohibited.
� � d. Executive and administrative offices. '
e. Business offices such as, but not limited to, insurance offices, real
� estate offices, loan companies, and sales offices.
f. Professional offices such as, but not limited to, medical offices,
� including clinics and medical laboratortes, and engineers, architects,
accountants, auditing, bookkeeping, and legal service offices.
g. Banks.
�0 -
, h. Post office and similar governmental office buildings, serving persons
living in the adjacent residential area.
' i. Non-profit organization offices providing services to the residents of
the irr�nediate residential comnunity or neighborhood.
, j. Other uses similar to the above uses.
[c. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the
' a6ove permitted uses.
/ a. All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments
dealing directly with customers. All goods produced on the premises
snall 6e sold at retail on the premises where produced.
' 6. All 6usiness, servlcing, or processing, except for off-street parking
or loading shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
TF�e following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
, fiereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval
of the Planning Commission:
, a. Pu6licly'owned buildings, public utility buildings, telephone exchange
6uildings, electric transformer stations and substations; gas regulator
stations with service yards, but without storage yards; water and
sewage pumping stations.
, b. Railroad right-of-way, but not includin terminal frei ht fa '
9 g cilities,
transfer and storage tracks.
' c. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the�
a6ove permitted uses.
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and
-' bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and
providing minimum yard setback requirements.
' - 31 -
60.491 INTENT:
The B-2 Community Business District is intended to serve the needs o
consumer population larger than that served 6y the "I,ocal Business District",
and is generally characterized by a cluster of esta6lisfiments generating '
large volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
- o un't Business District the use of land the location and �
InaB2G �n iy �
erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement,
and moving of existing 6uildings or structures from other locations or ,
districts sf�all conform ta the foll_ot�in s ecified uses unless otherwise
9 p
provided in this Ordinance:
Princ' al Uses Permitted in a B-1 District.
a. All ip '
b. All retai7 business, service establishments or processing uses as follows:
1 An retail business whose rinci al activit is the sale of '
� ) Y P P Y
merchandise in an enclosed building.
(2� Any service establishment of an office, showroom, or workshop '
nature of an electrician, decora�or, dressmaker, tailor, baker,
painter, upholsterer, or an establishment doing radio or home '
appliance repair, photographic reproduction, and similar
service establishments that require a retail adjunct.
(3� Private clubs, fraternal organizations, and lodge halls. ,
(4� Restaurants, or other places serving food or beverages, except
drive-in or fast food restaurants. '
(5� Theaters, assembly halls, concert halls, or similar places of
assembly when conducted completely within enclosed buildings.
Business schools nonacademic colle es or trade schools o erate
d �
(6� � 9 � p
for profit.
(7) Mail order houses. ,
8 P6 sical culture and hea�th clubs and reducing salons.
Cl Y
(9) Food catering establishments.
c. Churches and community recreation centers. '
li d. Other uses similar to the above uses.
e. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the '
a6ove permitted uses.
� '
- 32 -
, �
a. All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments
, dealing directly with consumers. All goods provided on the premises
sfiall 6e sold at retail on the premises where produced.
' 6. All business, servicing or processing, except for off-street parking,
loading, and those open air uses indicated as being subject to
special conditions in 6Q.494 6elow shall 6e conducted within completely
enclosed 6uildings.
, The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
[�ereinafter imposed for edch use and subject to the review and approval of
tFie Planning Comnission:
' a. All uses as permitted and regulated in the B-1 Local Business District
under Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions.
' 6. Open air business uses as follows:
(1� for planned shopping centers, retail sales of plant material not
' grown on the site, and sales of lawn furniture, playground equip-
ment and garden supplies provided further that such uses shall
�e located at an end or rear of the building.
, (2) Recreational space providing children's amusement park and other
similar recreation when part of a planned shopping center development;
provided further that such use be located at the end or rear of the
, 6uilding hut not at the intersection of two major thoroughfares.
Such recreation space sFiall be fenced on all sides with a four
(4� foot chatn lin[c type fence or similar fence with suitable
' gate and safety features.
(3� No such use shall lessen or impinge upon the off-street parking
area or the off-street loading area, nor impair the system of
, pedestrian access or flow.
c. Bowling alley, billiard hall , indoor archery range, indoor tennis courts,
, indoor skating rink, or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation
when located at least one hundred (100) feet from any front, rear, or
side yard of any residential lot in an adjacent residential district.
, d. Planned shopping center.
e. Fully enclosed automobile sales or service centers, when developed
, as part of a planned shopping center.
f, Auto service stations subject to the following conditions:
' (1� The construction and maintenance of all driveways, curbs, sidewalks,
pump islands, or other facilities used in conjunction with the
' operation of the auto service station shall be in accordance with
current City specifications. Such specifications shall be
developed by the City Planning Coordinator, Traffic Engineer, City
. Fire Marshall , and shall be approved by the Planning Commission,
' ^ 3
3 -
and filed with the City Clerk. '
(2) A ten-foot buffer area with screen planting and an obscuring wall
or fence shall be required aiong any property line adjacent to '
an existin residence or adjacent to vacant land zoned for residential
(3) The minimum lot area shall 6e fifteen thousand (15,000) square '
feet, and so arranged that ample space is available for motor
vehicles which are required to wait. Gasoline service stations
�tfiich are intended solely for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor
accessories and having no facilities for incidental servicing of
automo6iles (including lubricating facilities) may be permitted
on a lot of ten thousand (10,000) square feet, subject to all '
otFier provisions herein required. .
g. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the
a6ove permitted uses. '
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and '
fiul[c of 6uildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, the maximum
densit ermitted and rovldin minimum ard setback re uirements.
� 9
Y p . , p Y q
60.501 INTENT: '
The 6-3 General Business District is intended to rovide sites for more
diversified types of businesses than those in the previous business districts,
and is intended for location alon ma'or traffic arteries or ad 'acent ,
� 9 J J
to tfie Cotr�nunity Business Districts.
In a B-3 General Business District, the use of land, the location and
erection of new buildings, or structures, and the alteration, enlargement, '
and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or
d�stricts shall conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise
provided in this Ordinance:
a. All Principal lJses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special
Conditions in �S-1 , 6-1 , and ��-2 Districts, except auto service
stations, and meeting at least the minimum conditions imposed in � '
each district.
' 6. Mortuary establishments (funeral homes) . '
c. Hus pa�senger statior�s.
d, New and used car salesroom, showroom, office, or auto repair station. '
� 34 - ,
�? �
' e. Business sales and service, such as machinery sales, �anitorial services,
and parcel deliverp service.
, f. Contractors' shops, no outside storage.
g, Wholesale establishments, no outside storage.
, h. Blueprinting, photostating, duplicating, addressing, stenographic services,
printing, puhlis�ing, sign painting, milk and ice cream processing.
' i. Manufacturing of small , precision goods, such as dental , surgical ,
or optical goods, or electronic assemblies.
, �. Other uses similar to the above uses.
k. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the
' a6ove permitted uses.
' The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of
the Planning Comnission:
' a. Auto service stations as regulated in the B-2 Distri�ct.
' b. Outdoor sales space for exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles,
house trailers, or rental of trailers or automobiles, all subject to
the following:
, (1� The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable, and
dustless surface, and shall be graded and drained as to dispose
of all surface water accumulated within the area.
, (2� Vehicular access to the outdoor sales area shall be at least sixty
(60� feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets.
' (3� No repair or refinishing shall be done on the lot.
c. Motel , subject to the following condition:
' (1� Access shall be provided so as not to conflict with the adjacent
business uses or adversely affect traffic flow on a major thoroughfare.
, d. Restaurants, fast food and drive-in, subject to the following conditions:
' (1� The site shall be limited to a lot having B, I, or ES zoned property
within three hundred (300) feet of the site.
(2� Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall not be onto a street
' which is used primarily fbr access to abutting residential property.
(3� Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located at least
, sixty (60) feet from the intersection of any two (2) streets and
at least (60� feet from any abutting residentially zoned property.
, - 35 -
(4) When the site abuts an alley which also serves residentially '
zoned land, no access from the site to the alley shall 6e
C5) Impact on adjoining property by use of the site may not result '
in the following:
a. Loud, boisterous, and disturbing noise levels '
6. Hazardous traffic conditions
c. Offensive, o6noxious, and disturbing odors '
d. Excessive litter
� e. F�cessive artificial l igbting
f. Su6stantial decrease in ad�oining property values
g. Any other condition inconsistent with the reasonable use '
and enjoyment of adjoining property and inconsistent with
the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the
adjoining comnunity. ,
lie. Veterinary hospitals or clinics, provided all activities are conducted
�, within a totally enclosed main building and provided further that all ,
! 6uildings are set back at least two hundred (200� feet from abutting
� residential d�stricts on the same side of the street.
f. Plant material nurseries for the retail sale of plant materials not grown '
nd sales of la n furniture la round e ui ment and
on the site a w
> > P Y9 q P �
garden supplies subject to the following conditions:
� (1� The storage or display of any materials or products shall meet ,
all setback requirements of a structure.
(2j All loading and parking shall be provided off-street. '
(3� The storage of any soil , fertilizer, or other loose, unpackaged
� materials shall be contained so as to prevent any effects on '
ad3acent uses. �
g. Other outdoor uses when found not to conflict with the operation of the '
B-3 District as to off-street parking, off-street loading, and the system
rm n th the use
of edestrian flow. The Plannin Comnission in dete ini at
P 9 � 9
is harmonious with adjacent uses, shall require the submission of a site ,
plan including a floor plan and all uses within three hundred (300) feet
of the boundary of said site superimposed on said site plan.
h. Auto laundries (car wash) which can be completely enclosed when not in '
operation subject to the following conditions:
(1� Any access drive shall b� located at least thirty (30) feet from
any public street intersection, measured from the interior curb '
I line comnencing at the intersection of the street.
(2� Any auto wash line exit shall be at least thirty (30) feet distant ,
from any street line.
i. Accessor buildin s structures and uses customaril incident to the
Y 9 > > Y '
a6ove permitted uses.
� 36 - '
, See Section 61 .lOQa "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and
6ulk of 5uildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and
providing minimum yard setback requirements.
' 60.511 TNTENT:
The fl-4 Central Business D�strict �s �ntended to permit those uses which
provide for a variety of retail stores and related activities, and for
, office 6uildings and service esta6lishments which occupy the prime frontages
in tEie Central Business District; and which serve the consumer population
beyond the corporate boundaries of the City.
' The district regulations are also designed to provide for the needs of
daytime work force, a Central Business District resident population and
a transient population, along with the recreation demands of such population
' groups.
' In a B�-4 Central Business District the use of land, the location and
erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement
' and moving of existing buildings or structures from other locations or ,
districts shall conform to the following use groups, unless otherwise
provided in this Ordinance:
' a. Transient Residential Uses:
Notels, motels, and clubs used primarily for transient occupancy.
' � b. Apartment Residential Uses: �
Residential occupancy provided in buildings of four (4) stories in height
, or greater. In buildings used for mixed business and residential
occupancy, no dwelling unit shall occupy any portion of the floor at
grade level or the floor immediately above the grade. The business
' uses may occupy any number of total floors; however, no business may be
located on the same floor as a residential use, and no floor may be
utilized for business purposes which is located above a floor used for
' residential purposes, except for a restaurant on the uppermost floor.
c. Retail Business Uses:
' Retail business serving the convenience and comparison shopping needs
of the City and the region beyond.
' d. Service Business Uses:
Service business providing direct consumer services.
_ 37 _
e. Office Uses:
Business, professional , and governmental offices
accomnodating a variety of functions such as finance, '
corporate headquarters, service enterprises, and
other similar office development.
f. Public Utilit Uses: '
�� y
Public utility offices; telephone exchange buildings;
electric transformer stations and substations; gas ,
I�I r�gulator stations, all withou� storage yards.
g. Automotive Serv�ce Uses: '
�� Off-street parking lots and parking facilities; parking
ramps, decks, or garages with fully enclosed accessory '
automobile service stations.
� h. Amusement and Entertainment Uses:
I ,
I Comnercial recreation, theaters, eating or drinking
places including entertainment and other such uses '
offering entertainment to the users of the Central
Business District district.
ii. Restricted Wholesaling Uses: '
� Wholesaling with storage restricted to samples.
j. Governmental Uses: '
Those uses which require central location to service
the needs of the region using the Central Business . '
k. Public and Quasi-Public Uses: ,
Chuhches, libraries, hos itals, arks museums
P . �
� fraternal organizations, clubs, and other similar '
� uses servicing the needs of the region and Central
Business District users.
I 1 . Newspaper Publishing. '
m. Other uses which the Planning Comnission shall find to be:
1 Related and reas nabl
( ) o y necessary or convenient
for the satisfactory and efficient operation of
a central business district.
(2) Similar in character to one or more of the use
groups indicated above.
(3) Of such character that the vehicular traffic '
generated by such use is similar to one or
I� ,
i _ ��t _
n �-
, more of the above permitted uses. '�����'��
(4) Do not create nuisance as defined in this Ordinance.
' n. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily
incident to any of the above permitted uses.
To promote the rrrost desirable use of land in the Central
' Business District in accordance with a well-conceived plan,
to promote stability of conunercial development, to strengthen
the economic base of the City, to protect the character and .
' pattern of desirable development, to conserve the value of
land and buildings, and to protect the City's tax revenue,
the following specified conditions shall be met by all uses
' precedent to location in the Central Business District:
a. They shall benefit from a Central Business District
' location and are appropriate in the Central Business
b. They generaily do not create any significant objectionable
' influences. The normal operation incident to the use
shall in no way diminish or impair property values within
the district.
' c. They involve products characterized by a high ratio of
value to bulk, so that truck traffic is kept to a minimum.
' d. They shall be located within completely enclosed buildings,
except for off-street parking and public recreation areas
and outdoor restaurants when accessory to a principal
' , permitted use.
� e. They encourage, because of their own character, other
' uses similar to the above permitted uses, to concentrate
in continuous retail frontage to the mutual advantage of
both consumers and the principal permitted uses.
, f, They shall not require frequent vehicular or truck
movements across sidewalks which will prove hazardous
to pedestrian and other vehicular traffic.
' g. They shall not require any manufacturing process other
than that which is considered an essentially custom
' manufacturing process which shall benefit from a
Central Business District location as a result of
requiring direct dealing with the consumer in the
' - 39 -
h. They shall not, by locating in the Central Business District, �
impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of
the surrounding uses permitted in the district.
i. They shall in all res ect onf '
p s c orm to the applicable
regulations of the district.
See Section 61.100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the '
height and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot b
. Y
permitted land use, and providing minimum yard setback
_ '
� � '
'I '
' '
; ,
- 40 - '
� 60.521 INTENT:
The B-5 Central Business-Service District is intended to provide
, the necessary services for the population area which is served
by all of the previous business districts. Such service
establishments often involve objectionable influences, such
as noise from heavy service operations and large volumes of
' truck traffic, and are thus incompatible with the previous
business districts.
, These districts provide for wholesaling, restricted manufacturing
and other business uses which are needed in proximity to the
Central Business District and require central location to permit
' serving of the entire City.
' In a B-5 Central Business-Service District the use of land, the .
location and erection of new buildings or structures, and the
alteration, enlargement and moving of existing buildings or
' structures from other locations or districts shall conform to
the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this
' a. All Principal Uses Permitted in the B-4 Central Business
' b. Wholesaling, warehousing, storage, or transfer buildings,
but excluding steel warehousing, storage of bulk petroleum
or related products, and garbage, rubbish or junk. All
' material must be completely enclosed within a building.
� c. Automotive uses including sales and servicing.
' d. Food catering establishments.
e. Food products, manufacturing or processing, including meat
' or fish products, but excluding slaughtering or rendering.
f. Dry cleaning or carpet cleaning, laundries, and dyeing
' plants.
g. Research and testing laboratories.
' - 41 -
I� h. Manufacturing uses, including the following: '
(1) Wearing apparel manufacturing. '
2 Confection manufacturin .
� ) 9
(3) Dental products, surgical , or optical goods manufacturing. '
4 Jewelr manufacturin .
� ) Y 9
(5) Toi1etries or cosmetic manufacturing. '
(6) Plastic products, including tableware, records, buttons,
or similar products. '
(7) Printing and publishing establishments and advertising
displays. '
(8� Public utility steam plant.
(9) Similar manufacturing uses which the Planning Comnission '
shall find to be:
(a� Related and reasonably necessary or convenient ,
for the satisfactory and efficient operation
of the Central Business-Service District.
(b) Similar in character to the above permitted '
I' uses.
(c) Require central location in the City to permit '
efficient trans ortation.
� i. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to , ,
� 't d e
any of the above perm� te us s.
A , , Q
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height
and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, ,
II and rovidin minimum ard setback re uirements.
p 9 Y 9
' ' ,
,I� '
� 42 .. ,
' 60.531 INTENT:
The I-1 Industrial District is intended to primarily accartmodate wholesale
and warehouse activities, and industrial operations whose external , physical
, effects are restricted to the.area of the district and in no manner affect
in a detrimental way of the surrounding dis�ricts. The I-1 District is intended
to permit, along with other specified uses, the manufacturing, compounding,
' processing, packaging, assembly, or treatment of finished or semi-finished
products from previously prepared material .
' In an I-1 Industrial District the use of land, the location and erection of
new buildings or structures and the alteration, enlargement, and moving of
' existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall
conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this
' a. All Principal Uses Permitted and Uses Permitted Subject to Special
Conditions in the B-3 Business District and meeting at least the
minimum conditions imposed in the district.
' b. Any research use. .
, c. Warehousing and wholesale establishments, and trucking facilities.
d. Where retail sales is not the primary function, the manufacture, compounding,
' processing, packaging, or treatment of such products as, but not limited to;
bakery goods, candy, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, food products,
6ardware and cutlery, tool , die, gauge, and machine shops.
' � e. The manufacture, compounding, assembling, or treatrr�nt of articles or
merchandise from previously prepared materials such as, but not limited to: bone,
� canvas, cellophane, cloth, cork, feathers, felt, fibre, fur, glass, hair,
, laorn, leather, paper, plastic, precious or semiprecipus metals or stones,
steel , sheet metal (excluding the process -of stamping large items such as
automobi.le fenders or bodies) , shell , textiles, tobacco, wax, wire, wood
(excluding saw and planing mills) , and yarns.
, f. The manufacture of pottery and figurines or other similar ceramic products
using only previously pulverized clay, and kilns fired only by electricity
' or gas.
g. The manufacture of musical instruments, toys, novelties, and metal or
' rubber stamps, or other molded rubber products.
' - 43 -
i -
I '
h. The manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electronic '
instruments and devices, radios and phonographs.
i. The manufacture and repair of electrical or neon signs, light
sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating equip- ,
ment, cornices, eaves and the like.
j. Laboratories carrying on experimental and testing processes. '
k. Electric and gas service building and yards. Public utility
buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electrical trans- ,
former stations and substations, and gas regulator stations.
Water supply plants. Railroad and terminal freight facilities,
transfer and storage tracks.
1 . Lumber yards.
m. . Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies. '
n. Automobile service stations and repair facilities including
undercoating, and body bumping and painting.
I '
o. Municipal public works yards and facilities.
P• ,
q. Trade or industrial schools.
' ar to the above uses. See A endix A.
r. Other uses sim�l pp
s. Accessory buiidings, structures, and uses customarily incident to
I any of the above permitted uses. ,
� a. Activit�#es .involving storage, utilizatian or manufacture of materials
or products which contain their own oxidizing agent and which decompose
by detonation are not permitted in the I-1 Industrial District, provided '
that small arms amnunition when stored for retail shall be permitted;
I and further provided that research, medical , and hospital laboratories,
when operating under the direct supervision of scientifically trained '
personnel may use the above material for research, medical and
development purposes.
b. All business servicing, pracessing, or manufacturing shall be conducted ,
within completely enclosed buildings.
c. Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced or walled. On those sides of '
�he district next abutting a public thoroughfare or any district
other than an industrial district the fence shall be totally obscuring
to a height of six (6) feet. Outdoor storage excepting new automobile
j storage shall not- be closer than three hundred (300) feet to any ,
residential district.
- 44 - '
��.'_t_Y'Cs i±
' 'ons
The following additional uses shail be permitted sub�ect to the conditi
hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval
1 of the Planning Comnission.
a. Airports, private and comnercial , including heliports and helipads
, and other aircraft land fields, runways, flight strips, and flying
facilities�sub�ect�to�t6enrequirementsasetuforth9in the aGENERAIy
b. Outdoor (drive-in} theaters subject to the following conditions:
, (1) The proposed internal design shall receive approval from the
City Engineer as to the adequacy of drainage, ligftting, and
' other technical aspects.
(2� Outdoor theaters shall abut directly upon a ma�or thoroughfare,
t�rith their points of ingress and egress available only from
' sa�d ma�or thoroughfare.
(3� All vehicles, waiting or standing to enter the facility, shall
be rovided off-street waiting space for no less than fifty
, (50� automobiles.
(4� The area shaiewed from residential�areasear adjatc�entemajoren
, from being v
' c. Television and radio towers; public utility microwave towers, and
public utility television transmitting towers, sub�ect to the
following conditions:
' (1) Said use shall be located centrally on a continuous parcel
� having a dimension equal to the height of the tower measured �
from the base of said tower to all points on each property
, line.
�2� asetoradequacy�of drainageCelightPng,Vgeneral safetytyand9other
ttechnical aspects.
d. Prisons, reformatories, and .other correctional institutions.
e. Race tracks.
' f. , Railroad yards, shops, or similar facilities.
g. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to
' the above permitted uses.
' See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," limiting the height and
6ulk of 6uildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land use, and
provtding minimum yard setback require�nts.
- 45 -
. �
60.541 INTENT
The I-2 Industrial District is intended primarily for manufacturing, assembling
� and fabrication activities, including large scale or specialized indust-rial
operations whose external effects will be felt in surrounding districts. The '
I-2 District is intended to permit the manufacturing, processing, and compounding
� of semi-finished p1^oducts from raw material and prepared material . The
processing of raw material in bulk form to be used in an industrial operation '
is a permitted use in the I-2 district.
� In an I-2 Industrial District the use of land, the location and erection of new
' buildings or structures and the alteration, enlargement, and moving of existing
buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall conform to the ,
following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. Any uses first permitted in the I-1 District as "Principal Uses Permitted° '
and "Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions,"
b. Any production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair, or
storage of materials or products which shall not be injurious or '
offensive to occupants of adjacent premises by reason of the emission of
noise, vibration, smoke, dust, or particulate matter, toxic and noxious
exc t those uses allowed as Princi al
materials odors, lare or heat, ep p
� 9
Uses Permitted in the I-3 District. ,
c. Sewage treatment plants and municipal incinera�ors.
I '
d. Storage facilities for building materials, sand, gravel , stone, and lumber.
e. Similar uses to the above uses. See Appendix B. . ,
� f, Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to any of the
above permitted uses. '
a. Activities involving the storage, utilization, or manufacture of materials '
or products which contain their own oxidizing agent and which decompose by
detonation are permitted in the I-2 District when specifically authorized
under the Codes and Ordinances of the City of Saint P�ul . ,
b. Outdoor storage may be permitted, but shall be fenced or walled. On those
sides of the district next abutting a public thoroughfare or any district ,
other than an industrial district, the fence shall be totally obscuring to
a height of six (6) feet, except where unusual topographic conditions render
the effect of fencing useless. Outdoor storage shall not be closer than three '
hundred (300� feet to any residential district.
c. Those uses involving the storage or refining of petroleum or gasoline, or
manufacturin of tar roducts from crude etroleum shall not be permitted
p P
in this district. ,
- 46 -
, The following additional uses shall be permitted, sub3ect to the conditions
hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the review and approval of
the Planning Comrnission:
' a. Junk yards, provided such are entirely enclosed within a building or
within an eight (8) foot obscuring wall , and proYided further than
one property line abuts a railroad right of way. There shall be no
' outdoor 6urning on the site; all industrial processes involving equi�nent
for cutting, compressing, or packaging shall be conducted within a
completely enclosed building. There shall be no stacking of material
, above the height of the wall , except that movable equipment used on
the site may exceed the wall height.
b. Extraction of sand, gravel , or other raw materials.
' See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS," limiting the i�eight and bulk
of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing
minimum yard setback requirements.
60.551 INTENT:
, The I-3 Industrial District is intended to provide sites for the development
of extensive uses which are or can be objectionable or hazardous unless �
' surrounded by other types of industrial districts.
' � In an I-3 Industrial District, the use of land, the location and erection of
. new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement, and moving of
existing buildings or structures from other locations or districts shall
' conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this
' a. Petroleum and gasoline tank farms, including refining and processing,
shall be permitted only in this I-3 District.
b. Stock yards, including slaughterfing, rendering, and tanning.
' c. Accessory buildings, st�uctures, and uses customarily incident to the
above permitted uses. .
See Section 61 .100 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the height and bulk of
' buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing
minimum yard setback requirements.
' - 47 -
I �
60.561 INTENT:
The ES Expressway Service District is intended to serve the needs of automobile
highway traffic at the interchange areas of feeder roads and expressway
facilities, to avoid undue congestion on feeder roads, to promote smooth
at an interchan e area and to rotect ad'acent ro erties in '
traffic flow g , p � p p
other zones from adverse influences of traffic.
In an ES Expressway Service District the use of land, the location and erection
of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, enlargement, and moving of '
. .
existing bu�ldings or structures from other locations or districts shall
conform to the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this
Ordinance: '
a. Automobile service stations and repair stations, parking garages, and
! bus passenger stations. '
b. Retail establishments to serve the needs of the highway travelers,
including such facilities as, but not limited to, drug stores, gift shops, ,
restaurants, drive-in restaurants, and fast food restaurants.
i c. Motels, hotels, and transient lodging facilities but not including tent
sites, provided that each living unit shall not contain less than two '
ihundred fifty (250) square feet of floor area.
d. Other uses similar to the above a� determined after staff analysis and '
Planning Commission approval . In determining that the uses are similar,
� the Planning Commission staff shall find that the use will primarily
serve the needs of automobile highway traffic. ,
tomaril inc'dent to the
e. Accessor buildin s, structures, and uses cus y i
Y 9
iabove permitted uses.
� a. Barriers: Al1 development shall be physically separated from the feeder '
road 6y a curb and .planting strip. Such barrier shall effectively elim-
I inate Gnchanneled vehicle ingress and egress except for authorized
iaccessways. '
b. Accessways: Each separate use, grouping of buildings, or grouping of
uses as a part of a single planned development shall not have more than
two accessways from a feeder road. Each accessway shall not be located ,
closer than tftree hundred (300) feet to the point of intersection of an
entrance or exit ramp 6aseline and the feeder road centerline. In cases
i where ,the ramp base line and feeder road centerline do not intersect, no '
accessway shall be located closer than three hundred (300) feet from the
� point of tangency of the ramp baseline and the feeder road pavement. In
those instances where properties fronting on a feeder road are of such
width or are in multiple ownerships and a�cessways to pro erty cannot '
be provided in accord with the minimum three hundred (300� feet distance
� from the intersection of the feeder road and entrance or exit ramps, a
jmarginal access road shall be provided to serve such properties. ,
� 48 - '
' �1►
' See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS " limitin the hei ht and bulk
� 9 9
of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted by land use, and providing
' minimum yard setback requirements.
' 60.571 IMTENT:
' The P-1 Vehicular Parking District is intended to permit the establishment of
off-street parking lots to be used solely for off-street parking of private
passenger vehicles as a use incidental to a principal use. This district
will serve a use district which has developed without adequate off-street
' parking.
, Premises in such districts shall be used only for an off-street vehicular
parking lot and shail be developed and maintair�ed subject to such conditions
, as are hereinafter required.
, a. The parking iot shall be accessory to, and for use in connection with
vne or more businesses, or industrial establishrr�nts, located in adjoining
�usiness or industrial districts, or in connection with one or more
, existing office buildings or institutions.
b. Such parking lots shall be contiguous to an RM-i , RM-2, RM-3, or Non-
residential District. There may be a private dri�reway or public street
' or public alley between such P-1 District and the district they are
intended to serve.
' . c. Parking lot shall be used solely for parking of private passenger
vehic�es, for periods of not more than one (1) day and shall not be used
� as an off-street loading area.
' d. No c�nercial repair work or service of any kind, or sale or display
thereof, shai] be conducted in such parking lot.
' e. No signs of any kind, other than signs designating entrances, exits and
con�itions nf use, shall be maintained on such parking lot.
' f. No b�i]ding other than that for the shelter of attendants shall be
erected upon the premises and it sfiall nat exceed ten (10) feet in height.
g. Applications for P�-1 District rezoning shall be made by submitting a
' dimensional layout of the area requested showing the intended parking plans.
h. P-1 Vehic�iar Parking Districts shall be developed and maintained in
' accordance with the requirements of Section 62.104, "GENERAL PROVISIONS."
' - 49 -
60.581 INTENT: '
The PD Planned Development District is intended to permit the private or public '
development or redevelopment o� areas throughout the City which shall be
substantially in accord with the goals and objectives of the Master Plan of
Future Land Use for the City of Saint Paul . The reuse patterns of the �areas '
involved shall provide a desirable environment and shall be harmonious to
the general surrounding uses permitting flexibility in overall development
while insuring adequate safeguards and standards for public health, safety, '
convenience, and general welfare.
The person applying for a rezoning to a Planned Development district shall be '
required to make a submittal of the following material for review and recom-
mendation by the Planning Commission. '
a. A property area survey of the exact area being reques�ed for rezoning.
(Scale: 1 ° = 50' )
b. An ownershi re ort ertainin to all the land bein re uested for rezonin .
P P P 9 9 G 9
� c. A topography map of the entire area at a contour interval showing one foot '
changes in elevation. This map shall indicate all natural and man-made
' features. (Scale: 1" = 50' )
I d. A prelimanary plan of the entire area carried out in such detail as to '
'� show the land uses being requested, the densities being proposed where
applicable, the system of collector streets, and off-street parking system.
e. A written statement explaining in detail the full intent of the applicant
indicating the specifics of the development plan as it relates to the type
. of dwelling units comtemplated and resultant population; the extent of '
nonresidential development and the resultant traffic generated and parking
' demands created; and providing supporting documentation such as but not
limited to; market studies, supporting land use request, and the intended
scheduling of deve}opment. '
f. Written consent to rezoning of all the owners of land for which PD
designation is requested. '
Approval of the reliminary plan by the City Council shall be effective for a '
j period of one (l� year. In reviewing and approving the preliminary plan, the
following conditions shall be set forth: '
a. The preliminary plan shall be reviewed and a recomnendation shall be made
by the Planning Comnission relative to the plan's meeting the intent and
the requirements of the Master Plan of Future Land Use. ,
b. Approval by the Council shall be given only after a public hearing.
c. Once an area has been incl�ded within the PD District by having been i
granted preliminary approval , no development shall take place therein
until the final plan is approved and adopted by the Council or at the ,
' expi rati on date of the prel imi nary pl an. '� � �`'�y ._
d. Approval of the preliminary plan by the City Council shall not constitute
' approval of the final site plan. It shall be deemed as approval of the
land use plan submitted and shall serve as a guide in the preparation of
the final plan.
, e. The proposed PD District shall be of such area as to represent a sound
carrying-out of the Master Plan of Land Use, it not being the intention
of this d�strict that an unrelated parcel-by-parcel rezoning be effect-
' uated. In no case shall the area be less than three point five (3.5)
acres in size.
Within a period of one (1 ) year from the date of approval of the preliminary
plan, a presentation of the final plan shall be made to the City Council
, after review and recorr�nendation by the Planning Commission of the following:
a. A final overall site plan, for the entire area being requested under this
, PD District, shall be submitted. This plan shall be worked out in detail
showing specific uses, building location, off-street parking, street
alignment changes, open spaces and other physical plan details being
' proposed. Supporting documentation in the form of building plans, and
schedule of construction shall be submitted.
b. The final plan shall reflect the use patterns as approved in the preliminary
' plan. Standards for building bulk and off-street parking shall be equal
to at least the minimum standards set forth for like uses in the "SCHEDULE
OF REGULATtONS" and Off-Street Parking Requirements .of this Ordinance.
' 60.585 FINAL APPROVAi.:
In reviewing and approving the final plan, the following conditions shall be met:
' , a. Approval shall be granted by the City Council after review and recomnend-
ation is made by the Planning Comnission. A public hearing shall be
' required on the final plan. Upon approval of the final plan, the City
Council shall rezone the property to a Planned Development district in
accordance with the final plan.
' b. All dedications of public rights-of-way or planned pub1ic open spaces
shall be made prior ta any construction taking place on the site.
' c. In residential areas any corr�non open space shall be dedicated to an
association of all residents within the Planned Development district,
either as right-in-fee or easement, and shall be retained as open space
' for park, recreation and related uses. Al1 lands dedicated in fee or
easement shall meet the requirements of the City Council .
d. Upon approval by the City Council of this Ordinance amendment, the final
' plan approved by the Council shall become an integral part of Ordinance
creating or amending the PD District, and for purposes of recordation,
si�all be referred to as "Planned Development No. ," which number shall
' correspond to the number of the amending Ordinance. All approved plans
sF�all be filed with the City Clerk. All development within the Planned
Development shall be in compliance with the final plan as adopted by
' Ordi�nance.
- 51 -
I o m as contained in the a roved final lan shall be com leted
e. All devel p ent pp p p '
j within three (3) years of the effective date of the Ordinance which rezones
' the property to� a Planned Development district, unless such three (3) year
� period is extended for a period not to exceed one (1) year upon approval
by the City Council . ,
Before approving the plan in either the preliminary or final submittal , the '
Planning Commission and the City Council shall determine that:
a. Provisions, satisfactory to the City Council , have been made to provide ,
for the financing of any improvements shown on the plan for open spaces
i and common use areas which are to be provided by the applicant, and that
maintenance of such improvements is assured by a means satisfactory to �
� the City Council .
� b. The cost of installing all streets and necessary utilities has been '
� assured by a means satisfactory to the City Council .
� c. No accepted changes or amendments to the final plan shall be made unless
such changes or amendments F�ave been reviewed and approved as in the '
instance of the first submittal .
� d. Proceeding w�th a Planned Development District shall only be permitted '
tf it is mutually agreeable to the City Council and the developer.
Tf�e Planning Comnission and the City Council , in reviewing the preliminary
and fina] plans submitted under this PD District shall use as a guide the
standards set forth in Section 61 .100 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS". '
60.588 FEES:
Fees for legal , enrrironmental , engineering, and planning review of the site '
� pla�ns shall 6e esta6lished by tF�e resolution of the City Council .
' ,
. - 52 - ,
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ra ed Lot Sizes: The intent of this subsection a of this SECTION 61 .102 ,
a. Ave g ( )
is to ermit the owner, subdivider, or developer to vary his lot sizes and lot
widths so as to average the minimum size of lot per unit as required in
SECTION 61 .101 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", for each One-Family Residential �
District excepting the R-3 and R-4 District. If this option is selected,
the following conditions shall be met: '
(1) In meeting the average minimum lot size, the plat shall be so desi ned
as not to create lots having an area or width less than ninety (90}�
percent of the area or width required in 61 .101 "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS"�
and shall not create an attendant increase in the number of lots.
(2) The technique of averaging minimum lot size may be used only when the
entire lat which has received both Plat Comnission and Council a roval �
� pp
is recorded as required by law. Recording of portions of a plat shall
not be acceptable under this option. ,
' n h in lot area and the avera e area resultin throu h
(3) All computatio s s ow g g g 9
this technique shall be indicated on the print of the plat.
b. Residential Open Space Plan: The intent of this subsection (b) of this '
SECTION 61 .102 is to permit one-family residential developments to be planned
as a comprehensive unit, allowing therefore the following modifications to �
the standards as outlined in SECTION 61 .101 , "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS" to
be made in the Ol��e-Family Residential Districts when the following conditions
are met: '
(1 ) The lot area in any proposed residential developments in all One-Family
Residential Districts, (except R-3 and R-4) may be reduced up to ten
(10) percent. In the R-1 and R-2 Districts this reduction may be '
accomplished in part by reducing lot widths up to ten (10) percent.
These lot area reductions shall be permitted, provided that the dwelling
unit density shall be no greater than if the land area were to be '
developed in the minimum square foot lot areas as required for each
' One�-Family District under SECTION 61 .101 , "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS".
A17 calculations shall be predicated upon the One-Family Districts '
; �aving the following gross densities (inc7uding road rights-of-way):
R-1 = 3.2 dwelling units per acre
R-2 = 4.2 dwelling units per acre ,
(2) For each square foot of land gained, under the provisions of item (1)
above of this subsection (b) within residential developments, through '
the reduction of lot size below the minimum requirements as outlined
in SECTION 60.101 , "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", at least equal amounts
of land shall be dedicated to the comnon open space use of the lot
� owners of the developments in a manner and subject to conditions '
approved by the City Council and the Plat Comnission after review and
recomnendation by the Planning Commission.
(3� The area to be dedicated for common open space use shall in no instance ,
be less than four (4) acres.
- 58 - '
' (4) In approving the application of the "Residential Open Space Plan",
the Plat Comnission, City Cauncil and Planning Comnission shall
consider the following ob�ectives:
' �a� To provide a more desirable living environment by preservfng
the natural character of open fields, stands of trees., brooks,
hills, and similar natural assets.
, (b) To encourage developers to use a more creative approach in
the development of residential areas, thereby designing
� safety into the str-eet pattern.
(c) To encourage a more efficient and desirable use of open area
while recognizing a reduction in development costs and by allowing the
' developer to bypass natural obstacles on the site.
(5) Under this planned unit approach, the developer shall dedicate the
' total common open space area at the timef1of filing of the final plat.
(6) The rr�difications permitted under this subsection (b) of SECTION 61 .102
, shall not be applied in conjunction with the modifications permitted
under subsection (a) of SECTION 61 .102 averaged lot sizes.
(7) Under this planned unit approach, the developer or subdivider shall
, dedicate the total park area (see item (2) above) at the time of filing
of tfte final plat on all or any portion of the plat.
' (8� The modifications permitted under this subsection (b) of SECTION 61 .102
shall not be applied in conjunction with the modifications permitted
under subsection (a) of SECTION 61 .102 averaged lot sizes.
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' - 67 -
Whenever any provisions of this Ordinance impose more stringent requirements, '
regulations, restrictions, or limitations than are imposed or required by the
i provisions of any other law or ordinance, then the provisions of this Ordinance
shall govern. Whenever the provisions of any other law or ordinance impose more �
I stringent requirements than are imposed or required by this Ordinance, then the
provisions of such ordinance or law shall govern.
62.101 SCOPE:
No building or structure, or part thereof, shall hereafter be erected, constructed,
or altered and maintained, and no new use or change shall be made or maintained of '
any building, structure, or land, or part thereof, except in conformity with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
a. Intent '
It is the intent of this Ordinance to permit legal nonconforming lots,
structures, or uses existing on the effective date of this Ordinance or ,
amendment thereto, to continue until they are removed but not to encourage
their survival . It is recognized that there exists within the district
, establi�hed by this Ordinance and subsequent amendments, lots, structures, '
' and uses of land and structures which were lawful before this Ordinance
� was passed or amended which would be prohibited, regulated, or restricted
under the terms of this Ordinance or future amendments.
Such uses are declared b this Ordinance to be incom atible wfth ermitted
uses in the districts involved. It is further the intent of tfiis Ordinance
� that nonconformities shall not be enlarged upon, expanded or extended, nor '
be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere
in the same district. A nonconforming use of a structure, a nonconforming use
of land, or a nonconforming use of a structure and land shall not be extended
or enlarged after passage of this Ordinance by attachment on a building or '
premises .of additional signs intended to be seen from off the premises, or by
the addition of other uses of a nature which would be rohibited in the
district involved. '
To avoid hardship, nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to require a
change in the plans, construction, or designated use of any build�ing on '
which actual construction was lawfully begun prior to the effective date of
� adoption or amendment of this Ordinance and upon which actual building
� construction has been diligently carried on. Actual construction is hereby '
� deffned to include the placing of construction materials� in permanent position
and fastened in a permanent manner; except that where de�lition or removal of
an existing building has been substantially begun preparata�^y �o rebuilding,
such demolition or removal shall be deemed to be actual construction, provided '
that work shall be diligently carried on until completion of the building
� - 68 -
, b. Nonconforming Lots
In any district in which single-family dwellings are permitted, notwith-
standing limitations imposed by other provisions of this Ordinance, a
' single-family dwelling and customary accessory buildings may be erected on any
single lot of record at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this
Ordinance. This provision shall apply e.ven though such lot fails to meet
' the requirements for area or width, or both, that are applicable in the
district; provided that yard dimensions and other requirements not involving
area or width, or both, of the lot shall confonm to the regulations for the
' district in which such lot is located. Yard requirement variances may be
obtained through apprnval of the Board of Appeals.
If three or more lots or combinations of lots and portions of lots with
, continuous street frontage in single ownership are of record on the effective
date of this Ordinance or amendments thereto, and if all or part of the lots
do not meet the requirements for lot width and area as established by this
' Ordinance, the lands involved shall be considered to be an undivided parcel
for the purpose of this Ordinance, and no portion of said parcel shall be
used or occupied which does not meet lot width and area requirements established
' by this Ordinance, nor shall any division of the parcel be made which leaves
remaining any lot with width or area below the requirements stated in this
' c. Nonconforming Use of Land (Without Structures)
Where, at the effective date of adoption or amen�nent of this Ordinance,
' lawful use of land exists that is made no longer permissible under the
terms of this Ordinance as enacted or amended such use may be continued,
so long as it remains otherwise lawful , subject to the following provisions:
� (1) No such nonconforming use shall be enlarged or increased, nor extended
to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective
date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance;
' (2) No such nonconforming use shall be moved in whole or in part to any
� other portion of the lot or parcel occupied by such use at the
' effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance;
t3) If such nonconforming use of land ceases for any reason for a period
of ninety (90) days or more, any subsequent use of such land shall
' conform to the regulations specified by this Ordinance for the district
in which such land is located; .
' (4) Any land on which a nonconfarming use is superseded by a permitted use,
shall thereafter conform to the regulation for the district in which
such land is located and the nonconforming use may not thereafter be
' resumed.
d. Nonconforming Structures with Conforming Use
' Where a lawful structure exists at the effective date of adoption or amend-
ment of this Ordinance that could not be built under the terms of this
Ordinance by reason of restrictions on area, lot coverage, height, yards, '"
' or other characteristics of the structure or location on the lot, such
' - 69 -
structure may be continued so long as it remains otherwise lawful ,
subject to the following provisions: '
� (1 ) No such structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases
its nonconformity. ,
(2) Should such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than
sixty (60) percent of its replacement cost, exclusive of the '
foundation at the time of destruction it shall not be reconstructed
except in conformity witf� the provisions of this Ordinance.
(3� Should such structure be moved for an reason for an distance
whatever, it shall thereafter conform to the re ulations for the '
distr�ct��in which it is located after it is moved.
e f f '
. Noncon orming Uses o Structures and Land
If a lawful use of a structure, or of structure and land in combination, ,
exists at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Ordinance,
tfiat would not 6e allowed in tF�e district under the terms of this
Ordinance, the jawful use may be continued so long as it remains other- ,
wise lawful , subject to the following provisions:
(1 ) No existing structure devoted to a use not permitted by this
Ordinance in the district in which it is located shall be enlarged, ,
extended, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered except in
changing the use of the structure to a use permitted in the
district in which it is located; '
, (2) Any nonconforming use may be extended thraughout any parts of a
building which were manifestly arranged or designed for such use,
and which existed at the time of adoption or amendment of this '
Ordinance, but no such use shall be extended to occupy any land
outside such building;
(3) In a "B" or "I° Distriet if no structural alterations are made, any '
nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and premises, may be
changed to anothe.r aonconforming use of tF�e'saaae.�o�.a:�rore restricted
a s ication ro ided that h
v t e Board of A eals either b eneral
P PP � Y 9 '
rule or 6y making findings in a specific case, shall find that the
' proposed use is equally appropriate or more appropriate to the
district than the existing nonconforming use. In permitting such '
change, the Board of Appeals may require appropriate conditions and
safeguards in accord with the purpose and intent of this Ordinance.
j Where a nonconforming use of a structure, land, or structure and '
land in combination is hereafter changed to a more restrictive class-
; ification, it shall not thereafter be changed by the Board of
Appeals to a less restricted classification under this clause. '
. Dectsions of the Board of Appeals under this sectiot� .shall be final ,
su6�ect only to �udicial review by a court of compe,#.ent �urisdiction
by Certiorari and not by Trial De Nobo.
' - �0 -
' n �
(4) Any structure, or structures and land in combination, in or "n t'��iE`'
, which a nonconforming use is superseded by a permitted use, shall
tFiereafter conform to the regulation for ti�e district in which
such structure is located, and the nonconforming use may not
' thereafter be resumed;
(5) When a nonconforming use of a structure, or structure and premises
, in combination, is discontinued or ceases to exist for 365 days or
for 548 days during any three year period, the structure, or
structure and premises in combination, shall thereafter be used
' in conformance with the regulations of the district in which it
is located. Structures occupied by seasonal uses shall be
excepted from this provision;
' (6) Where nonconforming use status applies to a structure and premises
in combination, removal or destruction of the structure shall
eliminate the nonconforming status of the land.
' (7) In any OS-1 , B-1 , B-2, B-3 District existing residential uses shall
not be nonconforming as to use of structure and land and may be
structurally enlarged, extended, reconstructed, or altered provided
' no additional dwelling units are added on the lot and only after the
approval of the Planning Corranission.
' f. Repair and Maintenance
On any building devoted in whole or in part to any nonconforming use,
' work may be done in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months on
ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures,
wiring, or plumbing, to an extent not exceeding Fifty (50) percent of the
current replacement cost of the building provided that the cubic content
' of the building as it existed at the time of passage or amendment of this
Ordinance shall not be increased.
' . Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening
or restoring to a safe condition of any building or part thereof declared
to be unsafe by any official charged with protecting the public safety
' upon order of such official .
g. Change of Tenancy or Ownership
� There may be a change of tenancy, ownership, or management of any existing
nonconforming uses of land, structures, and premises and nonconforming
structures with conforming uses provided there is no change in the nature
' or character of such nonconforming use or structure.
' There s�hall be provided in all districts, except in a B-4 or B-5 District, at
the time of erection or enlargement of any main building, automobile off-
street park�nc� space with adequate access to all spaces. The number of off-
, street parking spaces, in conjunction with all land or building uses shall
6e provided, prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, as herein-
after prescribed.
' - 71 -
a. Off-street parking for other than residential use shall be either on the
same zoning lot in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District, or within the same �
district as the principal use and within three hundred (300) feet of the
building it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of
the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot. '
Ownership shall be shown of all lots qr parcels intended for use as
; parking by the applicant.
� b. Residen�ial off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking strip, ,
parking bay, driveway, garage, or combination thereof and shall be
located on the premises they are intended to serve, and subject to the '
provisions of SECTION 62.106 Accessory Buildings of this Ordinance.
c. Any area used for or designated as an off-street parking area shall not
be changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities are '
provided elsewhere.
d. Off-street parking shall be required for all new buildings; for enlarge-
ments of existing buildings, off-street parking shall be required only
for the additional usable floor area.
e. Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off- ,
street parking in which case the required number of parking spaces
shall not be less than the sum of the requirements of the several
individua] uses computed separately. '
f. In the instance of dual function of off-street parking spaces where operating
hours of buildings do not overlap, the Board of Appeals may grant an �
� exception.
g. The storage of inerchandise, motor vehicles for sale, trucks, or the
repair of vehicles is prohibited in off-street parking areas. ,
h. For those uses not specifically mentioned, the �equirements for off-street
parking fac�ilities shall be in accord with a use which the Planning ,
Conanission considers is similar in type.
i. When units or measurements determining the number of required parking ,
spaces result in the requirement of a fractional space, any fraction up
to and �ncluding one-half shall be disregarded and fractions over one-
[�alf shall require one parking space.
�. For the purpose of computing the number of parking spaces required, the ,
definition of USABLE FLOOR AREA in SECTION 60.335 Definitions shall apply.
k. Parking spaces for the handicapped shall be not less than 12 feet in width ,
and sha11 be located so as to provide accessibility to ramps, elevators,
� sidewalks, buildings, and other public rights-of-way in accordance with '
I the provisions of Chapter 55 of the Uniform Building Code, Facilities
for tf�e Handicapped.
1 . W6ere automobile parking spaces are provided, at least one space per 50
spaces, or fraction thereof, shall be provided for the use of the handi- �
�apped. Each space reserved for the exclusive use of the handicapped shall
be designated by an international wheelchair symbol . '
- 72 - '
� ������
' m. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces by type of use shall be
determined in accordance with the following schedule:
' (a� Residential , One-Family Two (2) for each dwelling unit
and Townhouse.
(b) Residential , Two-Family and One and one-half (1-1/2) for each
Multiple-Family. dwelling unit.
, (c) Housing for tf�e Elderly. One (1) for each three (3) units;
provided there is space available
on the lot to meet the 1-1/2 space
' requirement for multiple-family.
(d1 Trailer Court. One (1) for each trailer site and
one (1) for each employee of the
trailer court.
' (e) Boarding House Two 2 for each dwelling unit plus
one �1; for each two (2) roomers.
(a) Churches or t�nples. One (1 ) for each three (3) seats or
six (6) feet of pews in the main unit
, of worship.
(b� Hospitals. One and one half (1-1/2) for each one
(1) hospital bed.
' (c� Nursing home or boarding One (1) for each two (2) beds.
care home
(d) Elementary and junior high One (1) for each one (1) teacher,
schools. employee, or a�ninistrator.
t (e� Senior high schools. One (1) for each one (1) teacher,
emp7oyee, or ac�ninistrator and one
(1 ) for each ten {10) students.
, . (f� Private clubs or lodge halls. One (1 ) for each three (3) persons
allowed within the maximum occapancy
� - load as established by local , county,
� or state fire, building, or health
(g� P,rivate golf clubs, tennis One (1) for each two (2) member
clubs, or other similar uses. families or individuals.
' (h� Golf courses open to the Six (6) for each one (1) golf hole
general public, except and one (1 ) for each one (1 )
minature or "par-3" courses employee.
, (i� Fraternity or sorority. One (1) for each five (5) active
members, or one (1) for each two (2)
beds, whichever is greater.
(j� Stadium, sports arena, or One (1) for each three (3) seats
' � similar place of outdoor or six (b) feet of benches.
(k) Theaters and auditoriums. One (1 ) for each three (3) seats plus
' one (1) for each two (2) �nployees.
(1� Dormitory. One (1) for each three (3) beds.
(m� College, University, or One (1) for each one (1 ) employee.
' (n� Institutional Group Nomes. One (1) for each two (2) group home
residents allowed by this Ordinance.
' - 73 �
(a) Auto Laundry (Auto Wash) One (1) for each one (1 ) employee. ,
In addition twent 20 reservoir
� Y � )
i parkin spaces shall be provided.
� (b) Beauty parlor or barber Three �(3) spaces for each of the '
shop. first two (2) beauty or barber cha�rs,
� and one and one-half (1-1/2) epaces
� for each additional chair. '
! (c) Bowling alleys. Five (5) for each one (1 ) bowling lane.
(d) Dance halls, pool or bil- One (1) for each three (3) persons
liard parlors, roller or allowed within the maximum occupancy
skating rinks, exhibition load as established by local , county '
halls, and assembly halls or state fire, building, or health
without fixed seats. codes.
(e) Establishments for sale and One (1 ) for each one hundred (100)
consumption on the premises, square feet of usable floor area. '
of beverage, food, or
(f) Furniture and appliance, One (1) for each eight hundred (800) '
household equipment, repair square feet of usable floor area.
shops, showroom of a plumber, ,
decorator, electrician, or
similar trade, shoe repair
and other similar uses.
; (g) Automobile service station. Two (2) for each lubrication stall , �
rack, or pit; and one (1) for each
gasoline pump.
� (h� Laundromats and coin One (1) for each two (2) machines. �
operated dry cleaners
(i) Minfiature or "par-3" golf Three (3) for each one (1) hole.
(j) Mortuary establishment. One (1) for each fifty (50) square �
feet of assembly room usable floor
area, arlors, and slumber rooms.
([c) Motel , hotel , or other com- One (1� for each one (1) occupancy
mercial lodging establish- unit. '
(1} Motor vehicle sales and One (1) for each two hundred (200) '
service establishments. square feet of usable floor area of
sales room and one (1) for each one (1 )
auto service stall in the service room. ,
(m� Retail stores except as One (1 ) for each one hundred and fifty
otherwise specified herein (150) square feet of usable floor area.
� (4� OFFICES '
(a� Banks One (1) for each one hundred (100)
square feet of usable floor area.
�b�) Business offices or pro- One (1 ) for each two hundred (200) ,
fessional offices except square feet of usable floor area.
as indicated in the
following item (c). ,
(c) Professional offices of doc- One (1 ) for each one hundred (100)
tors, dentists, or similar square feet of usable floor area in
professions. waiting rooms, and one (1 ) for each
examining room, dental chair, or '
similar use area.
� 74 - ,
' � . �
(5) INDUSTRIAL �'���'��
' (a) Industrial or research Five (5� , plus one (1 �
establishments, for every one and one-half
(1-1/2� employees in the
' largest working shift, or
one (1 ) for every three
hundred and fifty (350)
square feet of usable
' floor area, or whichever
is determined to be the
greater. Space on site
' shall also be provided for
all construction workers
during periods of plant
, construction.
(b) Wholesale establishments. Five (5) , plus one (1) for
every one (1) employee in
the lar est working shift,
, __ or one �1) for ever seven-
teen hundred (1 ,700� square
feet of usable floor area,
' whichever is greater.
' Wherever the off-street parking requirements in SECTIOPJ 62,103 re-
quire the building of an off-street parking lot, or where P-1
' Vehicular Parking District SECTION 60.560 are provided, or where
any off-street parking lots are built, such off-street parking lots
shall be laid out, constructed and maintained in accordance with
' the following standards and regulations: �
ao No building permit shall be granted for the construction of
, any parking iot unless and until a parking lot permit has been
issued by the Zoning Administrator, stating that the parking
lot is in conformance with all provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance. Applications for a parking lot permit shall be
' submitted in such form as may be determined by the Zoning
Administrator and shall be accompanied with seven (7) sets
of plans for the development and construction of the parking .
, lot showing that the provisions of this ordinance as amended
from time to time will be fully complied with.
b. Plans for the layout of off-street parking lot shall be in
' accord with the fol1owing minimum requirements:
Total Width Tota1 Width
' Of One Tier Of Two Tiers
Maneuvering Parkiny Parking Of Spaces �Of Spaces
Parking Lane Space Space Plus Maneu- Plus Maneu-
, Pattern Width Width Length verin�c Lane vering Lane
parking) 72 ft. 8 ft. 23 ft. 20 ft. 28 ft.
' 30°to 53fl 12 ft. 8 ft,6in. 20 ft. 32 ft. 52 ft.
54oto 74° 15 ft, 8 ffi.6in. 20 ft. 36 ft.6in. 58 ft.
75°to 90� 20 ft. 9 ft. 20 ft. 40 ft. 60 ft.
' - 75 -
c. All s aces shall be provided adequate access by means of maneuvering lanes.
Backing directly onto a street shall be prohibited. '
d uate in ress and e ress to the arkin lot b means of clearl limited
. Adeq g g p g y Y
and defined drives shall be provided for all vehicles. '
Ingress and egress to a parking lot on residentially zoned land shall not
be across land located in a more restrictive residential zoning district. '
In ress and e ress to a arkin lot on corrmerciall or industrial zoned
9 9 P 9 Y
land shall not be across land in a residential zoning district or an
Office-Service District.
e. All maneuvering lane widths shall permit one-way traffic movement, except
that the 90° pattern may permit two-way movement.
f. Ingress and egress to all parking lots located in an area zoned other than
R-1 through R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 shall be at least twenty-five (25) feet
distant from any adjofining property located in an area zoned for R-1 through '
R-4, RT-1 and RT-2 residential use.
g. The off-street parking lot shall be provided with a continuous and ,
obscurin wall as re uired in SECTION 62.110 of this Ordinance.
9 9
h. The entire parking area, including parking spaces and maneuvering lanes, '
required under this s�ction, shall be provided with a durable, dustless
surfacing in accordance with specifications approved by the Zoning Admin-
istrator. The parking area shall be surfaced within one (1 ) year of the
date the permit is issued. ,
i . Off-street parking lots shall be drained so as to dispose of all surface
water accumulated in the parking area in such a way as to preclude drainage ,
of water onto ad'acent ro ert or toward buildin s.
J P p Y 9
j. All lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking lots shall be so '
installed as to be confined within and directed onto the parking lot only.
k. In all cases where a wall extends to an alley which is a means of ingress ,
and egress to an off-street parking lot, it shall be permissible to end the
wall not more than ten (10) feet from such alley line in order to permit a
wider means of access to the parking lot.
'rdfrn rd
1 . No off-street arkin s ace shall be within an re ui e o t ya .
P 9 p Y q
m. On corner lots in the minimum distance between the extension of the street
line and the point of intersection of the radius of the parking lot driveway '
and the curb shall not be less than thirty (30) feet.
On the same premises with every building, structure, or part thereof, involving
the receipt and distribution of vehicles, materials, merchandise, supplies or '
1 'd d nd a' ained on the zonin lot in addition
e ui ment there sha 1 be rovi e a m int ,
q p P 9
- 76 - ,
� �6��5�
, to zoning off-street parking requirements, adequate space for maneuvering,
standing, loading, and unloading in order to avoid undue interference with
public use of dedicated rights-of-way. Such space shal.l be provided as follows:
' a. All spaces shall be laid out in dimensions of at least ten by fifty
(10' x 50' ) feet, or five hundred (500) square feet in area, with a
clearance of at least fourteen (14) feet in height. Loading dock
' approaches shall be provided with a pavement having a permanent,
durable, and dustless surface. All spaces shall be provided in at least
the following ratio:
' 0-1 ,400 - None
1 ,401-20,000 - One (1 ) space
' 20,001-100,000 - One (1 ) space plus one (1 ) space for each
20,000 square feet in excess of 20,001
square feet.
' 100,001 and over - Five (5) spaces
b. No off-street loading space shall be located in any yard adjoining any
residential use.
' Accessory buildings except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, shall be
subject to the following regulations:
a. When the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building,
' it shall be subject to, and must conform to, all regulations of this
Ordinance applicable to main buildings.
, . b. Accessory buildings shall not be erected in any required yard, except a
rear yard. Accessory buildings, on a corner lot of record, that conflict
with required yards shall be submitted to the Board of Appeals for a
' variance. On all lots all accessory buildings shall be set back at least
three (3) feet from all interior lot lines.
c. Accessory buildings in any residential area, except in the RM-2 or RM-3
' Multiple-Family Residential Districts, shall not exceed one (1 ) story or
fourteen (14) feet in height. In an RM-2 or RM-3 District accessory buildings
or structures, used for the parking of motor vehicles or accessory recreation
' use may exceed fourteen (14) feet, but shall not exceed three (3) stories
or thirty (30� feet in height.
d. An accessory building may occupy not more than twenty-five (25) percent of
, a required rear yard, plus forty (40) percent of any nonrequired rear yard,
provideci that in no instance shall t he accessory bui l ding excee d t he ground
floor area of the main building. �
' e. In those instances where the rear lot line is coterminous with the alley
right-of-way the accessory building shall not be closer than one (1 )
, foot to such rear lot line.
' - 77 -
j Whenever in this Ordinance a greenbelt of planting is required, it shall be
planted within one hundred eighty (180) days from the date of issuance of a
certificate of occupancy and shall thereafter be maintained to provide a '
screen to abutting properties. Suitable materials equal in characteristics to
the plant materials listed in Appendix"C with the spacing as required shall
be provided. '
a. Plant material spacing:
(1) Plant materials shall not be placed closer .than four (4) feet from ,
the fence line or property line.
(2) Where plant materials are planted in two or more rows, plantings shall '
be staggered in rows.
(3) Evergreen �rees shall be planted no more than thirty (30) feet on '
(4� Narrow evergreens shall be planted not more than three (3) feet on ,
(5� Deciduous trees shall be planted not more than thirty (30) feet on
centers. ,
(6) Tree-like shrubs shall be planted not more than ten (10) feet on
centers. ,
(7) Large deciduous shrubs shall be planted not more than four (4)
feet on centers.
. mm' i f r v' nd
a. A site lan shall be submitted to the Plannin Co iss on or e iew a
P 9
approval for the following uses: '
(1 ) Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in all districts.
2 An other use or develo ment for which the submission of a site lan '
C � Y P P
is required by any provision of this Ordinance.
(3) Any development, except one-family and two-family residential , but '
including townhouses, for which off-street parking areas are provided
I as required in Section 62.103 Parking Requirements.
� (4� Any industrial use in an I-1 , I-2, or I-3 District abutting a Residence
� District.
5 An use which abuts to a ma'or thorou hfare. '
� ) Y J 9
(6� F+11 residentially related uses permitted in one-family districts such '
as, but not limited to: churches, schools, and public facilities.
- 78 �
1 ������
' b. Every site plan submitted to the Planning Comnission, in accordance with
the requirements of this Ordinance shall contain such information and be
in such form as the Planning Commission may prescribe in its rules. Said
, rules may provide for a delegation of authority to the Planning Coordinator of
the City of St. Paul of all powers and duties granted to the Planning
Commission under SECTION 62.108, and such rules will be filed with the
Office of the City Clerk. No site plan shall be approved until same has
' been reviewed for compliance with the standards of all applicable ordinances
of the City of Saint Paul .
' c. In reviewing the site plan, the Planning Comnission shall consider:
(1 ) The location and design of driveways providing vehicular ingress to
and egress from the site, in relation to streets giving access to the
' site, and in relation to pedestrian traffic.
(2) The traffic circulation features within the site and location of
, automobile parking areas, and may make such requirements with respect
to any matters as will assure:
' (a� Safety and convenience of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic
both within the site and in relation to access streets.
(b� Satisfactory and harmonious relations between the development
, on the site and the existing and prospective development of
abutting land and adjacent neighborhoods.
' (3) The arrangement of buildings, uses and facilities of the proposed
development in order to assure abutting property and/or its occupants
will not be unreasona6ly affected.
' (4) TE�e Planning Commission may further require landscaping, fences, and
walls in pursuance of these objectives and same shall be provided and
maintained as a condition of the establishment and the continued
' � maintenance of any use to which they are appurtenant.
(5) In approving the site plan, the Planning Commission may require
' marginal access drives where such marginal access drives are necessary
for safety.
' (Entire existing 62.109 to be Deleted)
, �
, � - 79 -
a. For off-street parking lots which adjoin or abut across an alley a '
� Residence District there shall be provided and maintained on the sides
of the zoning lot an obscuring wa11 or fence as required below: '
USE (height in feet)
1 . P-1 Vehicular Parking District 4 ft. 6 in.
2. Off�-Street Parking Lot 4 ft. 6 in.
(other than P-1)
3. Business Districts 4 ft. 6 in. '
(OS-1 , B-1 , B-2, B-3)
4. Industrial Districts 4 ft. 6 in. to 8 ft. '
(I-1 , I-2, I-3)
5. Hospital (ambulance and 6 ft. 0 in. ,
delivery areas)
I 6. Utility Building, station 6 ft. 0 in.
and/or substation '
b. Required wall or fences shall be located on the lot line except where
underground utilities interfere, and except in instances where this '
Ordinance requires conformance with front yard setback lines in abutting
Residential Districts, in which cases the Planning Corr�nission shall
establish the location of the wall or fence. When a yard is required, '
all land between the wall and property line shall be kept free from
refuse and debris and shall be landscaped with deciduous shrubs,
I evergreen material and ornamental trees. The ground shall be planted
and kept in lawn. All such landscaping and planting shall be maintained '
in a healtf�y, growing condition, neat and orderly in appearance.
I c. Required walls or fences may, upon approval of the Planning Commission be '
located on the opposite side of an alley right-of-way from a nonresidential
zone when mutually agreeable to the property owners involved. It shall be
the responsibility of the person required to erect the wall or fence to '
maintain it. The uniformity of the required wall or fence in a given
block shall be considered by the Planning Corr�nission in reviewing such
request. '
d. All walls and fences shall have no openings for pedestrians, vehicular
traffic or other ur oses, exce t as otherwise rovided in this Ordinance
P p P P
and� except such openings as may be approved by the Planning Commission. '
e. All walls and fences herein required shall be constructed of materials
conforming to the standards set forth by the State Building Code. All '
walls or fences shall be maintained in a good state of repair.
I; - 80 -
' �����.
, f. Masonry walls shall be erected on a concrete or cement block foundation
which shall have a minimum foundation of forty-two (42) inches below
grade, and shall not be of less width than the width of the wall .
' g. Walls or fences may be constructed with decorative openings above grade,
provided such openings are not larger than seventy-two (72) square inches
each and do not comprise more than one-third (1/3) of the total area of
, that part of the wall or fence.
h. The Board of Appeals may vary the foregoing requirements where cause can
, be shown that no purpose would be served, provided that in no instance
shall a required wall be permitted to be less than four feet six inches
(4' - 6"� in height.
' In consideration of a request to vary wall or fence requirements between
nonresidential and residential districts, the Board of Appeals shall
refer the request to the Planning Commission for a recorr�nendation on the
' following matters:
(.1� A determination as to whether or not the residential district is
' considered to be an area in transition and will become nonresidential
in the near future.
In such cases as the Planning Commission determines the residential
' district to be a future nonresidential area, the Board of Appeals may
temporarily waive wall requirements for an initial period not to
exceed twelve (12) months. Granting of subsequent waivers shall be per-
' mitted, provided that the Planning Comnission shall make a determination
as hereinbefore described, for each subsequent waiver prior to the
granting of such waiver by the Board.
' (2) A determination as to whether or not any governmental action in the
area will change the physical condition so as to make a wall
, i. . Obscuring greenbelts may be substituted for obscuring walls or fences when
approved by the Planning Carr�nission and when constructed to conform with
� SECTION 62.107 of this Ordinance.
' a. All outdoor lighting ir� all Use Districts used to light the general area
of a specific site shall be shielded to reduce glare and shall be so
arranged as to reflect lights away from all adjacent residential districts
' or adjacent residences.
b. All outdoor liqhting for parking lots in all Use Districts shall be directed
' toward and confined to the ground areas of lawns and parking lots.
c. All lighting in all districts used for the external illumination of buildings,
so as to feature said buildings, shall be so placed and shielded so as not
' to interfere with the vision of persons on adjacent highways or adjacent
- 81 -
' .
d. Illumination of signs shall be directed or shaded downward so as not to '
interfere with the vision of persons on the adjacent highways or adjacent
e. All illumination of signs and any other outdoor feature shall not be of '
a flashing, moving or intermittent type. Artificial light shall be main-
tained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times when
in use. �
In all Residential Districts, so called entranceway structures including but not ,
]imited to walls, columns, and gates, marking entrances to single-family subdivi-
sions or multiple housing projects may be permitted and may be located in a
required yard, except as provided in Section 62.113, Corner Clearance, provided '
that such entranceway structures shall comply with all codes of the City of
Saint Paul , and all State Codes, and shall be approved by the Division of
Housing and Building Code Enforcement and a permit be issued by the Zoning ,
No fence, wall , shrubbery, sign, or other obstruction to vision above a height '
of two (2) feet from the established street grades shall be permitted within
the triangular area formed at the intersection of any street right-of-way lines '
by a straight line drawn between said right-of-way lines at a distance along
each line equal to the minimum setback lines from their point of intersection.
� _ '
� '
- 82 - '
' 62. 114 SIMILAR USES: 6�,
The Planning Commission shall determine if a use is similar to
other uses permitted in each district.
' 62. 115 SIGNS:
� The purpose of this section is to regulate outdoor advertising
and outdoor signs of all types in all zoning districts. It is
intended by the provisions of this section to reduce signs or
, advertising distractions that may increase traffic accidents ;
to relieve pedestrian and traffic congestion; provide more open
space; and avoid the "cancelling out" effect of conflicting
adjacent signs.
, a. Definitions:
' (1) Sign: Means the use of any words, numerals, figures,
devices, designs, or trademarks by which anything is
made known such as are to show an individual , firm,
profession, business, products or message and are
' visible to the general public.
(2) Accessory Sign: A sign which pertains to the prin-
' cipal use of the premises.
(3) Nonaccessory Sign: A sign which does not pertain to
' the principal use of the premises.
(4) Advanced Speed Artery: A limited access freeway or
other road upon portions of which speeds of 40 miles
' per hour or greater are permitted and which is lo-
cated within one of the control segments created
' (5) Advertising Sign: Shall be known as a nonaccessory
sign and shall relate to a business, use or service
' not carried out on the premises upon which the sign
is placed.
(6) Business Sign: Shall be known as an accessory sign
' and shall relate to the business, activity, or service
conducted on the premises upon which the sign is
placed. -
, (7) Billboard: An advert7sing sign over twenty square
feet in area.
' � (8) Identification and Name Plate: A business sign
stating the name of a person, firm, or name or
description of a certain permitted use.
' - 83 -
(9) Real Estate Sign: A business sign placed upon a
ro ert advertising that particular property for
p P
sale, or for rent, or for lease.
(10) Real Estate Development Sign: A business sign placed
on premises of a subdivision or other real estate �
(11) Political Signs: A temporary sign displaying name or i
names of persons seeking election to governmental offices.
b. Re uired Conditions:
The following conditions shall apply to all signs erected
or located in any use district: ,
(1) All signs shall conform to all codes and ordinances
of the City of Saint Paul . '
al si ns re uired
for the ur ose of
(2) All direction g q p p
orientation and direction, when established by the
City of Saint Paul , the County, State or Federal '
Governments, shall be permitted in all districts.
(3) Advertising signs shall be permitted only in the
_ - - -3 Districts•
I 1 throu h I '
B 2 B 3, B-5 and the g �
except advertising signs pertaining to real estate
development located within the City of Saint Paul ,
and designed to promote the sale of lots or homes ,
within a subdivision located within Saint Paul ,
may be permitted on a temporary basis in any use
district, but shall be located only on land which ,
is part of the subdivision being advertised for
(4) In all residential districts, the only sign permitted '
on a residential lot shall be an identification or
j name plate; and a real estate sign used for advertising '
land or buildings for rent, lease or for sale shall be
permitted when located on the land or building intended
to be rented, leased or sold; and political signs.
(5) Billboards along advanced speed arteries shall be ,
� subject to the following regulations:
(a) There are hereby created Billboard Control ,
Segments 1 and 2 shown on the official map
which accompanies this Ordinance and is hereby '
� declared to be a part hereof.
No billboard which is visible from any part
of the main traveled roadway of an advanced ,
s eed arter runnin throu h the se ment may
be erected or maintained anywhere wgthin
Billboard Control Segment 1 . '
- 84 - '
' �y �
' Billboards may be erected or maintained which
are visible from the main traveled roadway of
an advanced speed artery running through BiTI-
, board Control Segment 2 provided they meet the
following requirements:
(i) the parcel on which it is proposed to
, erect or maintain the billboard is other-
wise zoned for such use;
' (ii) all other provisions of this Ordinance
or any other regarding spacing, size,
illumination, construction or other
' features are complied with.
(b) No billboard shall occupy more than 750 square feet
exclusive of ornamental apron or base supports,
' provided that any rectangular billboard may cantain
extensions, cutouts, or top lettering which occupy
a total area not in excess of 50 percent of the area
' of the basic billboard, and form an integral part of
the design thereof, and provided further that no
such extension, cutout, or top lettering may project
' more than 6 feet from the top, 18 inches f rom either
side, or 15 inches from the bottom of the basic
rectangular advertising message.
� The area of an extension, cutout, or top lettering
shall be deeme� to be the area of the smallest
rectangle into which such ex�ension, cutout or
' top lettering will fit.
(c) No billboard shall be more than 50 feet in height,
� measured from the ground or roof on which located,
except that where an advanced speed artery faced
by the billboard is elevated above the surface on
which the billboard is placed, the billboard may
extend 25 feet higher than the nearest road surface
of the advanced speed artery.
� (d) Structures upon which advertising messages are
located may contain more than one message per
facing, and may be placed back to back or in a
' vee, but the total area of the billboard facing
traffic in any one dir°ection shall not exceed
the limits permitted by (b).
, (e) Billboards otherwise permitted hereunder shall
be spaced as follows:
' (i) Billboards may not be located in such a
manner as to obscure or otherwise inter-
fere with the effectiveness of an official
traffic sign, signal , or device, obstruct
' or interfere with the driver's view of
approaching, merging or intersecting traffic.
' - 85 -
. 1
(ii) No billboard which is visible from the '
i main traveled roadway may be placed within
660 feet of any other billboard which is
visible from the roadway and which is '
located within the control segment, unless
the billboards are on opposite sides of
the advanced speed artery involved. '
(f) No billboard shall display any moving parts, nor
shall it be illuminated with any flashing or
intermittent lights. All billboards shall be
shielded to prevent any light to be directed at ,
oncoming traffic in such brilliance as to impair
the vision of any driver. No billboard shall
be illuminated in such a fashion as to inter- '
fere with or obscure an official traffic sign
� or signal .
(g) All billboards which do not conform to the re- '
quirements of this section regarding size, spac-
ing, or illumination shall be brought into con-
formance upon the adoption of this Ordinance. ,
Any billboard which is in violation of this
section solely because it is located within ,
I Control Segment 1 as of the date this Ordinance
becomes effective may be maintained as such,
kept in ordinary repair, and the advertising
message thereon periodically replaced. r
(h) Nothing contained in this section shall be
construed to permit the erection or maintenance
of an billboard or structure which is ro- ,
Y p
hibited by the zoning classification applicable
to the parcel upon which the billboard is
proposed to be located or which is otherwise �
prohibited, restricted, or limited by any
other provision of law or ordinance.
� 1
� '
- 86 - ,
� �����"�
c. Signs Permitted by Districts:
, '�
f0 C7
' Li U
i •�- r-
�-- N ? Rf
•r- 47 e- S.. �r-
� �1 7 •� vf N +� C N
' L 1 �� � N t/f N t/f 7 � 'r" �
N C 7 � v1 N N 'C G. > •�
� -v 3 � a� v� •r- a� N N � O � .�[
O C O U uf N C C C ►-+ r- G� Z
RS F- M •� N � •e- v- •r- Gl N RS
' Ct 1 � C m N Vf N M � G.
I �� � i �- > > � 1 G> >'f
a' �--�-- Gl N � 00 OD OD r-i G �O i
•�-•.- N � +� 3 Rf
t E E .� i m � .- r- r- s 'v �n r-
rn �o �o a� a� c rt ns � rn N �n �
� �� � c� r- � s. L � � c a� c�
' o � � o •r- � c� ++ +� o c L •�
s. o � s � � c c c � �s a r
I- H I- F-^ O J C..) V3 t� U F- a W �
r- r- �
� � i � � r- N c+'f � tn r- r-
I F--- N [ l 1 1 I 1 0 N 1
� � � O o0 CO C� 0� C� i--� d W d
(1 ) Permitted Nonaccessory
, Signs
(a) Advertising Sign 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X X 0 0 0
1 (b) Billboard 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X X 0 0 0
, (2) Permitted Accessory
(a) Business Signs 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X
' b Identification and
� � X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Name Plate
' (c) Real Estat� X X X X X X X X X X X X X
' (d) Real Estate X X X X X X X X X X X X X
' NOTE: A box with a "0" indicates that no sign is permitted; a box with an "X" indicates
that a sign is permitted.
' - 87 -
rmitted as an accessor �
Private outdoor residential pools are pe y
use within the rear yard only except that for multipae family
I'i developments, the Planning Commission may determine the location '
of such pool . Private outdoor pools shall meet the following
a. There shall be a distance of not less than ten (10) feet, ,
between the adjoining property line and the outside of the
pool wall .
b. There shall be a dis�ance of not less than four (4) feet
between the outside pool wall and any building located on
the same lot. '
c. No swirr�ning pool shall be located less than ten (10) feet
from any side street or alley right-of-way, or the distance
�I required for side yard by the Zoning Ordinance, whichever �
is greater.
� d. No swimming pool sha11 be located in a public eas anent. '
e. All yards containing swimming pools shall be completely
enclosed by a fence not less than four (4) feet in height.
The gates shall be of a self-closing and latching type, '
with the latch on the inside of the gate, not readily
available for children to open. Gates shall be capable
of being securely locked when the pool is not in use. '
All uses shall conform to the following performance standards: �
a. Vibration: Every use in an I-1 District shall be so operated
that ground vibration is not perceptible, without instruments, '
I� at any point on any boundary line of the lot on which the use -
is located. '
Uses in I-2 and I-3 Districts creating intense earth-shaking
vibrations such as are cretted by heavy drop forges shall be
I set back at least three hundred (300) feet from the boundary '
_ _.. _ _..._.. ._.�, ��..�_.�esf�elerree�-ej°--B�s�es5-�Q��s-t-��e�-�pd-�-at least aaa..:.kwnd�^ed..... .
� 'fi fty (150) feet from arn E I-1 Di stri ct unl ess su�l� operati on i s
- ! icontrolled in such a mainner as to prevent trans i;ssion beyond
�• t
,, ; ;the lot lines, of vibrat�on perceptible without: ijnstruments. ; ,
�a j � ' n, :, i� . . . � � �
� �
, �
. . i '
� �
_ , . ,
� .
' • _ _ _ _ ..
.. ..
..... ,__._..�__...,,._....._._..__..__...,. ...._,_�_.,._., _._.__
... '
,... ..._.___.�..... . _.�_
. ' }, . �.____.._ _. . .._ — _ .
f � � i
� � � t
, ;
i i � ( j ,
° — 88 — '
; 'i
1 �������
� b. Glare and Heat: Any operation in an I-1 District producing
intense glare or heat shall be performed within a completely
enclosed building in such a manner as not to create a public
� nuisance or hazard along any boundary line of the lot on
which the use is located.
Any operation in an I-2 and I-3 District producing intense
� glare or heat shall b� performed within a completely
enclosed building or within an enclosure in such a manner
as not to create a public nuisance or hazard along any
, boundary line of the lot on which the use is located.
, In order to protect the economic and aesthetic amenities of
the City and in order to implement plans long envisioned, those
areas of the City shown on Map "Height Districts of The City of
� Saint Paul" are restricted to the following maximum height for
all structures:
' I 60
II 75
III 90
, IV 249.42
V 261 .42
, .
' - 89 -
. ,
' The regulations in this Ordinance shall be subject to the following �
interpretations and exceptions:
Essential services shall be permitted as authorized and regulated by law and
other provisions of the C�ty Code, it being the intention hereof to
exem t uch
� p s essent�al serv�ces from the application of this Ordinance. �
. '
The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be so construed as to in-
terfere with t e
h temporary use of any property as a voting place in
connection with a municipal or other public election.
63.102 HfIGHT LIMIT:
The height limitations of this Ordinance shall not apply to farm �
buildings, chimneys, church spires, flag poles, public monuments
or wireless transmission towers; provided, however, that the Plan-
ning Cor�nission may specify a height limit for any such structure
when such tr c ,
s u ture requires authorization as Use Subject to
S cia] Cond' '
I Pe
In calculating the area of a lot that adjoins a dedicated public
alley or lane, for the purpose of applying lot area requirements
. . . �
of th�s Ordinance, one-half (2) the width of such alley or lane
ad'oinin the lot shall be consid r d
� g e e as part of such lot.
. For the purpose of side yard regulations, a two-family house,
a townhouse or a multi le dwellin shall be considered as on '
P 9 e (1)
building occupying one (1) lot.
63. 105 PORCHES: . ,
An open, unenclosed, and uncovered porch or paved terrace may
project into a front yard for a distance not exceeding ten (10)
feet, but this shall not be interpreted to include or permit
fixed canopies.
Architectural features, not including vertical projections , may
II, extend or proj�ct into a required side yard not more than two ,
(2) inches for each one (1) foot of width of such side yard; and
may extend or project into a required front yard or rear yard
not more than three (3) feet. �
I _ , �
I'I - 90 - ,
R �
' The Director of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforce-
ment within the Department of Comnunity Services shall enforce
this ordinance and is hereby designated, the Zoning Administrator.
, The Zoning Administrator shall enforce the provisions of this
Ordinance and any amendment thereto and shall have the power to
certify zoning compliance, to make inspections of buildings or
premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement
, of this Ordinance. It shall be unlawful for the Zoning Adminis-
trator to approve any site plans, as required in Section 64.102,
or issue any permits for any excavation or construction until
, he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform
with this Ordinance.
� The Zoning Administrator shall record all nonconforming uses
existing at the effective date of this Ordinance for the
purpose of carrying out the provisions of Section 62.102.
, The Zoning Administrator shall have no authority to change or to
grant variances from the terms of this ordinance in carrying out
his duties as a Zoning Administrator.
� Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the
terms of this ordinance by the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning
� Administrator shall issue the permit applied for.
Upon notification by the City Clerk of a pending rezoning,
the Zoning Administrator shall place upon the involved
� . premises in a prominent position a printed sign bearing the
words "rezoning pending from classification to
classification" and the date,�me and place of hearing�n
� large letters, which sign shall be posted fifteen days before
the date of hearing, such sign to be at least eighteen by
twenty-four (18 x 24) inches in size.
, �
- 91 -
�i '
64.102 SITE PLAN: ,
All applications for building permits for all new buildings or
building expansions shall be accompanied by a site plan, drawn
to scale and specifications, showing the following:
a. The actual shape, location and dimensions of the zoning
lot. ,
b. The shape, size, and location of all buildings or other
, structures to be erected, altered, or moved and of any '
'�, building or other structures already on the zoning lot.
c. The existing and intended use of the zoning lot and of
all such structures upon it, including, in residential ,
areas, the number of dwelling units the building is
intended to accomnodate.
d. Such other information concerning the zoning lot or �
adjoining lots as may be determined by the Zoning Admin-
istrator as essential for determining whether the
provisions of this Ordinance are being observed.
No buildin ermi hall r
t s be issued fo the erection alteration
9p > > ,
moving or use of any building or structure or part thereof,
or for the use of any land, which erection, alteration, moving
or use is not in accordance with all provisions of this Ordinance. ,
Certificates of occupancy as required by the City Legislative
' Code shall also constitute certification of zoning compliance
. as required by this Ordinance. �
The holder of every building permit for the construction,
� erection, alteration, repair, or moving of any building, structure,
'' or part thereof, shall notify the Zoning Administrator immediately
upon the completion of the work authorized by such permit, for ,
a final inspection.
- 92 - ,
' There is hereby established a Board vf Zoning Appeals, which
shall perform its duties and exercise its powers as provided
by law in such a way that the objectives of this Ordinance
shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial
t justice done. The Board shall consist of seven (7) members
ap ointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council . One
(1� member so appointed shall be a member of the Planning
, Corr�nission with appointment coinciding with Planning Commission
term. The appointments of the remaining six (6) of the rr�mbers
shall be for the following period: two (2) members for one (1)
� year, two (2) members for two (2) years, two (2) members for three
(3) years. Following the original appointments, each member
shall be appointed to hold office for the full three (3) year term. -
The Zoning Board of Appeals shall annually elect its own Chairman,
, Vice Chairman, and Secretary. The compensation of the
appointed members of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be fixed
by the Council by resolution.
, All members of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be qualified
� electors of the City of St. Paul and shall not be an official or
Lemployee of the City of St. Paul .
64.202 MEETINGS:
� Al1 meetings of the Board of Zoning Appeals shall be held at
the call of the Chairman and at such times as such Board may
determine. All meetings conducted by the said Board shall be
� subject to all applicable open meeting laws and ordinances. The
Secretary, or his representatives, shall keep minutes of its
proceedings showing the vote of each member upon each question,
or if absent or failing to vote, indicating such fact and shall
� � also keep records of its hearings and other official action.
Five (5) members of the B�ard shall constitute a quorum for the
conduct of its �usiness. The Board shall have the power to
' administer oaths, and upon order of the district court, to issue
subpoenas, require the attendance of witnesses, compel testirrrony
and the production of books, papers, files and other evidence
' pertinent to the matters before it. .
64.203 APPEAL:
� An appeal for administrativ� r�view as specified under 64.205 (a)
may be taken to the Board �f Zoning Appeals by any person, firm
or corporation, or by any officer, department, board or bureau
' affected by a decision of the Zoning Administrator or Planning
Commission. Such appeal shall be taken within thirty (30) days
after the decision appealed from shall have been served either in
person or by mail upon the owner of the property which is the
' subject matter of the decision rendered by the Zoning Administrator
or Planning Commission, by filing with the Zoning Administrator
or Planning Commission and with the Board of Zoning Appeals a
- 93 -
notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The Zoning Admin� '
istrator or Planning Commission shall forthwith transmit to the
Board of Zoning Appeals all of the papers constituting the record
upon which the action appealed from was taken. An appeal for an ,
' t re iew and or a variance shall sta all roceedin s
adminis rative v / ,
Y P 9
including criminal proceedings, in furtherance of the action appealed
from unless the Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission '
certifies to the Board of Zoning Appeals after notice of appeal has
� been filed that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay
would, in his or its opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property, '
I in which case the proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by
a restraining order granted by a court of competent jurisdiction.
An application for variance as specified in SECTION 64.205 b may be t
filed by the owner of the affected property at any time.
The Board of Zoning Appeals shall conduct a hearing on the appeal
within thirty (30) days after the appeal has been filed with the ,
Zoning Administrator or Planning Commission and shall give due notice
thereof to the arties as defined in SECTION 64.207 and shall render
p �
a decision on the appeal without unreasonable delay. Decisions of
the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be final subject to later appeal ,
to the City Council . Any person may appear and testify at the hearing,
either in person or by duly authorized agent or attorney.
All of the papers constituting the record upon which the decision �
appealed from was taken, including but not limited to, the action of
�' the Board of Zoning Appeals and the findings of fact, shall be �
j retained in the permanent files of the Planning Department, Zoning
After reaching a decision in accordance with this section, the �
Board of Zoning Appeals shall prepare a written report, including
but not limited to, findings of fact and the action of the Board
� of Zoning Appeals pursuant to the appeal , which report will be �
filed with the City Council without undue delay.
A fee to be established by resolution of Council shall be paid to '
the Secretary of the Board of Zoning Appeals by the appellant at
the time. the notice of appeal is filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals,
which the Secretary shall forthwith pay over to the Department of
Finance and Management Services, to the credit of the general revenue �
fund of the City of Saint Paul . Such resolution may provide for waiver
or refund of such fee under specific circumstances.
� Except as otherw�se provided for under SECTION 62.102, Section e,
paragraph 3, an appeal may be taken to the City Council by any person, �
firm, or corporation or by any officer, department, board or bureau
I affected by a decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such appeal
shall be taken within thirty (30) days after the decision appealed ,
from shall have been served either in person or by mail upon the
appe�l�nt and/or the owner of the property which is the subject of
the appeal , by filing with the City Clerk a notice of tfie appeal
- 94 -
' �
specifying the grounds thereof, provided that all other conditions �_`�����
' of appeal as stated in SECTION 64.203 of this Ordinance have been met.
The City Council shall conduct a hearing on the appeal within thirty
, (30) days after the reception by the City Council of the appeal
from the action of the Board of Zoning Appea7s. As required under
SECTION 64.207 of this chapter, the City Council shall give due
notice of the hearing to all interested parties and shall render a
Idecision on the appeal without unreasonable delay. Any person may
appear and testify at the hearing either in person or by duly
authorized agent or attorney.
, A fee to be established by resolution of the City Council shall be
paid to the City Clerk by the appellant at the time the notice of
� appeal is filed with the City Council , which the City Clerk shall
forthwith pay over to the Department of Finance and Management
Services, to the credit of the General Revenue Fund of the City of
St. Paul . Such resolution may provide for waiver or refund of
� such fee under specific circumstances.
� In its consideration of appeals under these sections, neither the
City Council nor the Board of Zoning Appeals shall have the power
, to alter or change the zoning district classification of any property
nor to make any change in the terms of this ordinance, nor permit
as a variance any use that is not permitted under the Ordinance for
property in the district where the affected person's land is located.
, The Zoning Board of Appeals or the City Council shall have the
following power:
� a. Administrative Review: To hear and decide appeals where it is
alleged by the appellant that there is an error in any order,
requirement, permit, decision, or refusal made by the Zoning
� Administrator and any other administrative official in carrying
out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance or that there
is an error in any fact or procedure in any order, requirement,
permit, decision or refusal made by the Planning Commission in
� carrying out or enforcing any provisions of this Ordinance.
b. Variance: To authorize, upon an appeal , a variance from
, the strict applications of the provisions of this Ordinance
where by reason of exceptional narrowness, shallowness,
shape or area of a specific piece of property at the time
of enactme��t of this Ordinance or by reason of exceptional
, topographic conditions or other extraordinary or exceptional
physical conditions of such property, the strict applica-
tion of the regulations enacted would result in peculiar or
, exceptional practical difficulties to, or exceptional undue
�iardship upon the owner of such property as distinguished from
mere inconvenience if the strict letter of the regulation
, were carried out, provided such relief may be granted without
substantial detriment tu the public good and without substan-
tially impairing the intent and purpose of this Ordinance.
In granting a variance, the City Council or Board of Appeals
, may attach thereto such conditions regarding the location,
' - 95 -
character, and other features of the proposed uses as it may
deem reasonable in furtherance of the purpose of this Ordinance ,
I and to protect adjacent properties. In granting a variance,
the City Counci] or the Board of Appeals shall state the grounds
upon which it justifies the granting of a variance.
In consideration of all appeals and all proposed variations
of this Ordinance, the City Council or the Board of Appeals
shall , before making any variations from the Ordinance in a �
specific case, first determine that the proposed variation
will not• impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent
property, or unreasonably diminish or impair established pro-
perty values within the surrounding area, or in any other '
res ect im air the ubl 'c health afe r
p p p i , s ty, comfo t, morals, or
welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul .
No variance sha71 be ranted where the re ue t for the �
9 9 S
variance is based primarily upon a desire to increase the
value or income potentia7 of the parcel of land. �
64.206 ORDERS:
In exercising the above powers, the City Council or the Board of ,
', Appeals may reverse or affirm whol7y or partly, or may modify the
orders, requirements, decision or determination appealed from and ,
may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as
ought to be made, and to that end shall have a71 the powers of
either the Zoning Administrator or Planning Corrnnission. All final
decisions, orders, requirements or determinations by the Board of �
Zoning Appeals and/or City Council shall be in the form of a
written resolution. City Council shall serve a copy of the reso-
lution upon the appellant and/or the owner of the affected property, '
Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning
Appeals by mail or personal service. The Board of Zoning Appeals
shall serve a copy of the resolution upon the appellant and/or
� owner of the affected property, the Zoning Administrator and the `
Planning Comnission. Decisions of the City Council on a�l matters
within its jurisdiction shall be fina] subject only to judicial
review by a court of competent jurisdiction. �
64.207 NOTICE:
The Board of Zoning Appeals shall make no decisions, nor shall the '
City Council upon appeal make any decision except in a specific
case and after a public hearing conducted by the Board and City
�, Council . They shall , by general rule or in specific case, deter- ,
� mine the interested parties who, in the opinion of each, may be
affected by any matter brought before it; which shall in all cases
inciude all owners of record of property within three hundred and ,
fifty (350) feet of the premises in question, such notices to be
delivered personally or by mai] addressed to the respective owners
at the address given in the last assessment roll .
- 96 -
comnitted or right accruing, accrued, or acquired or liability,
penalty, forfeituretor punishment incurred prior to the time '
enforced, prosecuted, or inflicted.
The rovisions of this Ordinance shall be held to be minimum '
requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health,
morals, safety, comfort, convenience, or general welfare. It '
is not intended by this Ordinance to repeal , abbrogate, annul
or in any way to impair or interfere with any existing pro-
vision of law, ordinance, rules or regulations, other than
as provided for in SECTION 64.212. �
64.214 VESTED RIGHT: ,
Nothing in this Ordinance sha]1 be interpreted or construed
to give rise to any permanent vested rights in the continuation
of any particular use, district, zoning classification, or any '
permissible activities therein, and, they are hereby declared
to be subject to subsequent amendment, change or modification
� as may be necessary to the preservation or protection of public '
hea�th, safety, and we]fare.
Any person, firm, or corporation violatin an of the rovisions �
9 Y P
of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment of not more ,
than ninety (90) days or to a payment of a fine of not more than
three hundred (300) dollars, or both.
An buildin or structure which is erected altered or
Y 9 > >
� converted, or any use of premises or land which is begun or t
� changed subsequent to the time of passage of this Ordinance and
in violation of any of the provisions thereof, is hereby declared
i to be a public nuisance per se, and may be abated by order of any
i court of competent jurisdiction. '
The owner of an buildin structure or remi es o r he e f '
y g, , p s rpatt ro ,
where any condition in viola�ion of this Ordinance shall exist or.
shall be created, and who has aasisted knowingly in the corranission '
of such vio7ation shall be guilty of a separate offense and upon
! conviction thereof shall be liable to the fines and imprisonment
! herein provided. �
- 98 -
i '
�' �'C�-
64.218 EACH DAY A SEPARATE OFFENSE: �� .�c.��y�
, A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during
or when a violation occurs or continues. �
, The rights and remedies provided �ierein are cumulative and in
addition to any other remedies provided by law.
' Sections of this Ordinance shall be deemed to be severable
and should any section, paragraph, or provision hereof be
' declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such
holdings shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a
whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be
' unconstitutional or invalid.
' Ma and passe by the Co cil of the 'ty of Sai Paul , sey .
Count Minnesb on this day A. . ,
1975. �
, .
' ,
, '
' - 99 -
' The list of industrial uses is intended to show possible similar
uses for the I-1 Industrial District. It is not all inclusive
of possible similar uses, but is to be used as a guide for deter-
, mining permitted uses under SECTION 60.532.
The similarity of uses not listed must be determined in conformance
, with the provisions of SECTTON 62.114.
1 . Adhesives.
' 2. Advertising displays.
3. Apparel or other textile products from textiles or other
' materials.
4. Awnings, venetian blinds, and window shades.
, 5. Automobiles, assembly and storage only.
, 6. Bedding, including mattresses, pillows, and quilts.
7. Beverages, nonaicoholic.
� 8. Boats, building or repair for boats less than 100 feet
in length.
9. Bottling works, all beverages.
' 10. Brushes or brooms.
� � 11 . Bus garages, lots, stations, or turn-arounds.
1�2. Cameras and other photographic equipment, except film.
' 13. Candles.
14. Canvas or canvas products.
, 15. Car ets and mats.
' 16. Ceramic products and pott�ry, or similar products.
17. Chemicals, compounding or packaging only.
' 18.� Cleaning and polishing products, compoWnding and packaging only.
, 19. Contractors' yards and municipal , county or state public works
yards and facilities.
20. Cosmetics and toiletries, compounding or packaging only. '
21 . Electric and gas service buildings and yards, electric
transformer stations and substations, gas regulator stations,
and public utility buildings. '
22. Electric appliances, including lighting fixtures, irons,
fans, toasters, electric toys, and similar appliances. '
23. Electrical equipment assembly, including television and
; radio sets, home movie equipment, or similar equipment.
24. Electric supplies, including cable or wire assembly, dry-
cell batteries, insulation, lamps, switches, or similar
products. ,
25. Food products, except the following: dextrine; fats;
gelatin; glucose; grain, feed, or flour milling processing, '
or storage; malt; molasses; oils; pickles; relishes;
sauerkraut; shortening; slaughtering of animals and pre-
aration of ineat for ackin • su ar refinin • and vine ar.
p p 9� 9 9� 9
26. Firearms.
27. Foundries, nonferrous.
28. Fuel oil , wholesale and retail .
29. Fur goods, not including tanning or dyeing. ,
30. Glass products, from previously prepared glass.
31 . Hosiery.
. 32. Ice, dry or natural . �
33. Ink or inked ribbon, compounding and packaging only.
i '
34. Leather products, including shoes, belts, or similar products.
35. Luggage.
36. Lumber ards.
37. Machines, business, including accounting machines, ca1culators, ,
cardcounting machines, typewriters, and similar machines.
38. Machine tools, metal lathes, metal presses, metal stamping
� machines, woodworking machines, or similar products. ,
39. Metal finishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, polishing,
cleanin rust- roofin , heat-treatin , or similar rocesses.
9� P 9 9 P
A-2 I
i �
� � �
40. Metal stamping or extrusion, including costume �ewelry, pi����
, and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons, kitchen
utensils, or similar products. �
! 41 . Motion picture production.
42. Musical instruments.
� 43. Novelty products.
' 44. Optical equipment, clocks, and similar precision instruments.
45. Orthopedic or medical appliances, including artificial �
limbs, braces, supports, or similar appliances.
' 46. Paper products, including envelopes, stationery, bags, boxes,
shipping containers, bulk goods, tubes, wallpaper printing
' and similar products.
47. Perfumes, or perfumed soap, compounding or packaging only.
' 48. Pharmaceutical products, compounding, or packaging only.
49. Plastic products, including tableware, records, buttons, or
, similar products.
50. Printing and publishing establishments and advertising displays.
, _ 51 . Research and testing laboratories.
' 52. Rubber products, including washers, gloves, footwear,
bathing caps, and similar products, but excluding rubber or.
synthetic processing.
' . 53. Railroad right-of-way, including transfer and storage tracks.
54. Scenery construction.
' 55. Schools, industrial .
56. Sheet metal shops, welding, and corrugating.
, 57. Signs, advertising.
' 58. Silverware, plate or sterling.
59. Soap or detergents, compounding or packaging only.
' 60. � Sporting or athletic equipment, including bat, baskets, cues,
gloves, racquets, rods, and similar equipment.
' 61 . Statuary, mannequins, figurines, or religious or church art
goods, except foundry operations.
� 62. Steel products, fabrication or assembly, including steel
cabinets, doors, fencing, metal furniture, and similar products.
' A-3
' �� �:�'�;
, The list of industrfal uses is intended to show possible similar
uses for the I-2 Industrial District. It is not all inclusive of
possible similar uses, but is to be used as a guide for determin-
ing permitted uses under SECTION 60.542.
' The similarity of uses not listed must be determined in conform-
ance with the provisions of SECTION 62.114.
' 1 . Ai rcraft.
' 2. Acids.
3. Asphalt, or asphalt products.
' 4. Beverages, alcoholic.
5. Brick, tile, and clay.
i6. Building materials, sand, gravel , stone, and lumber storage.
' 7. Carbon paper and ribbon.
8. Cement, lime, gypsum, plaster-of-paris, or concrete,
including central mixing, and proportioning plants.
, 9. Charcoal , lampblack, and fuel briquettes.
' 10. Chemicals, derivation or refinement from materials in a raw
or natural state.
ll . Chicle, gutta percha, or balata.
, 12. Cleaning and polishing products.
, 13. Coal , coke, or tar products, including gas.
14. Cotton ginning.
, 15. Creosote or Creosote treating. �
16. Dyes. ' �
� 17. Electric power and steam-generating plants.
' � 18. Excelsior �r packing materials.
19. Exterminating agents.
' 20. Exp�osives.
' B-1
, � .
il . . .. .... .. . . . . .. . _ __ _ .. . . . . ..... ..-. ' _ ___ ... .._. _..___.
21 . Fat rendering. '
� 22. Fertilizers.
23. Film, photographic. '
r f r e amm rin .
24. For e lants o o h e
9 P 9 9
25. Foundries ferrous.
26. Garbage, offal , or dead animal incineration, reduction, ,
transfer station, or bailing operation.
27. Gelatin.
. '
28. Glass.
� 29. Glucose or dextrine. '
30. Grain, flour, or feed milling, processing, or storage.
31 . Graphite, or graphite products. '
32. Hair, felt, or feathers, bulk rocessin , washin , curin
P 9 9 9
or dyeing. '
� 33. Ink.
34. Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants, and related indus- � '
trial chemical compounds.
35. Jute, hemp, and sisal products. '
36. Linoleum and other hard-surfaced floor coverings, oil cloth,
� artificial leather and similar products. '
37. Leather or fur tanning, curing, finishing or dyeing.
38. Machiner in�ludin trucks trailers electrical construc- '
Y� 9 � > >
tion, mining, or agricultural , including testing and repair.
� 39. Malt. '
i40. Matches.
41 . Metal or metal ores, processing, reduction, refining, smelting, �
alloying or recycling, excluding junk yards.
42. � Metal alloys or fbils, miscellaneous, including solder, pewter, '
brass, bronze, tin, lead, gold foil , or similar products.
43. Metal or meta1 products," treatment or processing, including '
enameling, �apanning, lacquering, galvanizing, or similar
processes. ,
' ,
i —
1 � �
' 44. Metal castings or fo.undry products, heavy.
45. Molasses.
' 46. Monument and architectural stone.
47. Nylon.
' 48. Oils, shortenings, and fats.
' 49. Paints, lacquers, shellacs, turpentines, or varnishes.
50. Plastics, raw.
, 51 . Porcelain products, including bathroom or kitchen products,
or similar products,
, 52. Pickles and relishes.
53. Perfume.
' S4. Pharmaceuticals.
55. Railroad cars and locomotives.
' 56. Railroad yards, shops or similar facilities.
' 57. Rayon.
58. Roofing material , including building paper and felt. or similar
' products.
59. Rubber, natural or synthetic, including tubes or tires, or
similar products.
' 60. Sauerkraut.
61 . Sewage disposal plant.
, 62.
Ship building or ship repair yards, for ships 100 feet in
length or over.
' 63. Solvent extracting.
' 64. Steel products, including bars, girders, plates, rails,
rods, sheets, strips, tubing, wire rope or similar products.
' 65. Stone processing or stone products, including abrasives,
� asbestos, stonecutting, sand processing, or similar products,
or processes.
' 66. Storage batteries, wet.
67. 5ugar refining.
i 1
68. Textile bleaching. '
� 69. Tobacco.
I '70. Vinegar.
71 . Wallboard.
2 d or bone distillin . '
7 . Woo
73. Wood or lumber processing, including sawmills or planing
mills, plywood veneer, wood preserving, or similar products '
or processes.
74. Wood pulp or fiber, reduction or processing, including paper '
mill o erations.
I p
75. Woo� scouring or pulling and shoddy. '
, '
� .
. I '
� 1
I '
' 1
_ ,
� B-4
' Saint Paul
1 �
' Suggested plant materials:
, (1) Evergreen Trees Five (5) feet in height
(a) Juniperus Virginiana Red Cedar
' (b) Tsuga Canadensis Canadian Hemlock
Tsuga Caroliniana Caroline Hemlock
(c) Abies Concolor White Fir
, (d) Pinus Nigra Austrian Pine
Pinus Resinos� Red Pine
Pinus Strobus White Pine
' Pinus Sylvestris Scotch Pine
(e) Picea Pbies Norway Spruce
Picea Glauca White Spruce
' Picea Omorika Serbian Spruce
Picea Pungens Blue Spruce
Picea Pungens Glauca Colorado Blue Spruce
' Ru��Ru�g�ris Kosters Blue Spruce
(f) Psuedotsuga Taxifolia Douglas Fir
(g) Thuja Occidentalis
' 'Nigra' Dark Green Arborvitae
Thuja Occidentalis
'Pyramidalis' Pyramidal Arborvitae
' (21 Narrow Evergreens .
, (a) Chamaecyparis Obtusa Hinoki Cypress
(b) Huniperus Virginiana
Pyramidalis Hilli Dundee Juniper
Juniperus Chinensis
' Pyramidalis Blue Column Chinese Juniper
Juniperus Excelsa Stricta Spiny Creek Juniper
(c) Pinus Strobus
' 'Fastigiata' , Pryamidal White Pine
(d1 Pinus Cembra Swiss Stone Pine
(e) Juniperus Virginiana
' 'Keteleeri' Keteleer Red Cedar -
(f) Taxus Baccata
Fastigiata I rish Yew
' (g) Thuja Occidentalis
Douglas Pyramidalis Douglas Arborvitae
(h) Thuja Plicata Columnar Giant Arborvitae
Saint Paul '
(i) Pinus Ponderosa Western Yellow Pine '
(j) Taxus Cuspidata „ y Japanese Yew
(k) Thuja Orientalis Oriental (Siberian) Arbor ,
(3) Tree-like Shrubs
i i Flowerin Craba le
(a) Malus (Var et es) g pp '
� (b) Elaeagnus Angustifolia Russian Olive
(c) Sorbus Aucuparia European Mountain Ash '
(d) Cornus Fiorida White Flowering Dogwood
(e) Cercis Canadensis Eastern Redbud
(f) Hibiscus Syriacus Shrub Althea, Rose of Sharon
(g) Carpinus Betulus '
'Fastigiata' Pyramid European Hornbeam
Ostrya Virginiana American Hornbeam
(h) Crataegus (Varieties) Hawthorn '
' i Ma nolia
(i) Magnolia (Vanet es) g
Shadblow Serviceber
(j) Amelanchier Canadensis ry '
�k) Prunus Subhirtella Japanese Flowering Cherry
� (4) Large Deciduous Shrubs
(a) Lonicera (Varieties) Honeysuckle '
� (b) Viburnum (Varieties) Viburnum
� (c) Philadelphus (Varieties) Mockorange '
� (d) Forsythia (Varieties) Forsythia
� (e) Syringa (Varieties) Lilac
(f) Physocarpus Opulifolius '
i (Varieties) Ninebark
(g) Cotoneaster (Varieties) Cotoneaster
� (h) Corylus Americana American Filbert (Hazelnut)
i (i) Euonymus (Varieties) Euonymus '
(j) Ligustrum (Varieties) Privet
(k) Rhamnus (Varieties) Buckthorn
� (1) Rhus (Varieties) Sumac '
� (m) Abelia Grandiflora Glossy Abelia
(n) Chaenomeles Legenaria '
I (Varieties) Flowering Quince
I (o) Hamamelis (Varieties) Witchhazel
(5) Large Deciduous Trees '
I �
{a) Quercus (Varieties) Oak '
• (b) Acer Platanoides Norway Maple
Acer Saccharum Su ar Ma le
I 9 P
I 1
� 1
' Saint Paul �;' �-
' (c) Celtis Occidentalis Hackberry
(d) Platanus Acerifolia London Plantetree
' Platanus Orientalis Oriental Planetree
(e) Betula (Varieties) Birch
(f) Fagus (Varieties) Beech
, (g) Ginko Biloba Maidenhair Tree
(h) Gleditsia (Varieties) Honeylocust
(i) Liquidambar Styraciflua American Sweetgum
' (j) Ostruya Virginica Ameriean Hophornbeam
(k) Tilia Cordata Little European Linden
Tilia Euchlora Crimean Linden
' Tilia Europaea European Linden
(I) Crataegus Oxyacantha English Hawthorn
(m ) Fraxinus Americana White Ash
' (n) Sophora Japonica Chinese Scholar Tree
(o) Cercidiphyllum Japonicum Katsura Tree
1 ,
' �
' C-3
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.;;. � ,,_. CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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January 7, 1975 - S� �, `^�
The Honorable Ruby Hunt �
Council President ( �
St. Paul City Council
City Hall � '
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
� -
Dear Mrs. Hunt: ' � •
For the purposes of considering the proposed zoning or inance for the
City of St. Paul, I would like to declare what property I own in the
City of St. Paul, which I understand the ownership of which may constitut
a conflict of interest if not publically disclosed. The property is my
home at 848 Goodrich, whicfi is legally described as Block 12, Parcel 15,
SUmmit Hill Addition.
To the best of my knowledge, I do not have any other financial interest
, in propert}r or any other matters that would be affected by the proposed
zoning ordinance.
If you have any questions regarding this matter or if I need take
any further action, please call it to my attention.
Thank you. �
�: / ,�
' � rely Kour ;?
G �
D�vid H. Hozza
cc: City Clerk
City Attorney
� � ��s��
c vsaeosans
_� _
PHONE 612 \ 298-4473
January 9, 1975
Mrs. R�ose Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall �I
5t. Paul, Minnesota 55102 '�
Dear Rose:
This is to inform you that the only real estate in
the City of St. Paul in which I have an interest is my
homestead at 1741 Hillcrest Avenue.
5incerely, �
� •
City of 5t. Paul
� �.�.�,�
Y ^.e��cau�'��,
� �ft�l�Li�
,� v�v
Councilman Legislative Aide
January 8, 1975
Mrs. Rose Mix
City Clerk
City of Saint Paul
Dear Mrs Mix:
I am the owner of the homestead at 2194 Dudley Avenue,
Saint Paul , Minnesota, 55108, and hold no other financial
interest, direct or indirect, in real property in the
City of Saint Paul .
Very truly yours,
� �.'9��C����'�--
l` 11
JEC:mI �
• t{Rt0
_ _ January 8, 1975
Mrs. Rose Mix '
City Clerk
Dear Mrs. Mix:
In accordance with the discussion this morning of the City
Council regarding possible conflicts of interest among City
Council members as they relate to the proposed zoning ordinance,
I herewith transmit to you the following information:
I and my wife Mae are the owners of •a homestead located at
911 Osceola, St. Paul, MN 55105. Neither I nor my wife own
any other real property within the City of St. Paul, nor do I
or my wife have any financial interest in any business or
corporation located within the city. .
Cordiai y yours
Robert � v ter
—. -,-
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PHONE 61Z \ 298-5289
Councilman January 8, 1975 Legislative Aide
Ms. Rose Mix
City Clerk
386 City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota
Dear Ms. Mix:
As advised at this morning' s Council meeting by City
Attorney Pierre Regnier, these are the property hold-
ings which I am financially involved in: I
2036 Larry Ho Drive
387 Hall
176 Prospect
part interest in Section 34, Township 29,
Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota
I have a small number of over-the-counter stocks in
Sorini ' s Food, Inc. The exact number l do not know
at the present time because they are at my attorney's
office and he is presently out of town. I will do
my utmost to provide the rest of the information be-
fore any vote is taken.
Since ely,
i �_ �c�
Councilwoman August 21 , 19.75 _
To: I�embers of City Council
Seventh Floor
Please be advised that this shall serve as an officlal notice to
the governing legislative 6ody of the City of St. Paul , the Mayor, and
citizens of the city that I have a direct or indirect interest in the
following real property:
H. B. Fuller Company - 2400 Kasota Avenue
2267 Como Avenue
2277 Ford Parkway
755 Woodlawn
883 Tuscarora - Contract for Deed
1148 Edgcum6e Road - Homestead
Blocks 6, 7, 10, 11 , and 12 Palisade Addition to St. Paul and
Blocks 2, 3 and 4 Youngman and Lamm's Addition, Ramsey County.
If proposed development occurs, Hunt Electric Corporation might
receive the electrical contract.
Hunt Electrtc Corporation - 2300 Territorial Road
I shall refrain from voting upon or otherwise participating in any
dlscussion regarding the above.
Very truly yours,
�� �� � I
I ,
����f��^v[ I
� I
Councilman Legislative Aide
, _ August 21, 1975
Mr. Pierre Regnier
City Attorney
647 City Hall �
St. Paul, Minn. �
Dear Mr. Regnier:
I have to disqualify myself from voting at this morning's City
Council meeting on the matter of the third reading of the Zoning
Ordinance as I am a stockholder in the Farm House Food Corporation
which owns Hancock Nelson. �
Sincerely, �
� Y
Victor J. desco
.�� � -� � �
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!'l -•f��2�R
q f��n�FO� .
Councilman Legislative Aide
August 27, 1975 � '
Mrs. Rose Mix
City Clerk
386 City Hall
Dear Mrs. Mix:
Per Councilman Hozza's instructions at yesterday�s Council meeting,
below is a list of land that I own in the City of St. Paul or have
stock in a company which owns real estate in St. Paul.
Homestead--2160 Larry Ho Drive
Stocks--3M Company, 3M Center
Old Home Foods Inc. , 240 Chester '
Hancock-Nelson Mercantile Co. , 807 Hampden �
Phalen Park State Bank, Maryland & Prosperity I
Sincerely�ours �
� � ; I
Victor J. Te sco '
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Cit�Clerk and �` .�"'tp.�° ,,z Council Recorder
Counctil Secretary �➢� �o
386 City Hall St.Pat�,l,Minn.esota. 5510�
Phone 298-k,�J1
December 18, 1974
T0: All Sec .retaries �f �o�zncilmen
FROM: A1 �lson
SUBJECT : Ni�ht Meetin� in Januarv, 1975
Please note your calenciars th�,t the �itv �o�zncil will
meet on Jarn�arv 8, 1975 at 7 : 3� P• M• to consider
T�ird Aeadin� 3nd Public Hearin� on the Pr�nosed New
Zonin� �rdin�.nce.
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November 12, 1974
Members of the Council of
the City of Saint Paul and
City Clerk
Re: Adoption of New Proposed Zoning Ordinance
At the time I advised the Saint Paul City Council on
November 12, 1974 that the proposed zoning ordinance
was in sufficient form to be considered as a first
reading on November 12, 1974, I was under a misunder-
standing as to the status of the documents in the
City Clerk' s possession. Subsequent to the meeting
I found out that the proposed official zoning map
which is a part of this ordinance had not been sub-
mitted to the City Clerk and tha.t the proposed zoning
ordinance for the City of Saint Paul had not been
signed by a City Councilman prior to its introduction.
Attached to this letter is an ordinance to be used as
a cover to the proposed zoning ordinance which will
include a signature of the councilman introducing the
ordinance, a place for form approval by the City
Attorney. As you will note, this ordinance also has
a provision stating that the Council is waiving Rule 9
of its Rules of Procedure contained in the Administra-
tive Code which requires that the original and four
copies be submitted to the Secretary of the Council
in proper form prior to initiation. In order to forego
the cost of ma.king additional copies of this ordinance
and the ma.ps which will more than likely be amended to
a substantial degree during the course of the Council
hearings, this ordinance provides that only one copy
of the ordinance and one set of maps ma.y be f iled with
� � City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
. f �• � • •���
Members of the Council
and City Clerk
Page Two
November 12, 1974
the City Clerk' s office.
In order to withstand a challenge at a later date that
there was some technical violation of the procedures
required to adopt a city ordinance, this office requests
that this matter be placed on the next Council agenda
and be considered at that time as a first reading. The
Planning Department advised me that the official maps
will be submitted to the City Clerk' s office today so
that they can be attached to this ordinance.
As was discussed at the City Council meeting held on
November 12, 1974, the Planning Department and the
office of the City Attorney will report to the City
Council on the date set for the second reading as to
a proposed time when the amendments to this ordinance
will be in final draft form.
If you have any questions with regard to this matter,
please feel free to contact this office at any time.
Yours truly,
. � .
Deputy City Attorney
PNR:j r
cc: Roger Ryan
Charles McGuire
Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen
Frank D. Marzitelli
, ������
. �.�1.. i�..,:�"
August 14, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER
T0: City Council
FROM: Pierre N. Regnier �(Y�
City Attorney
SUBJECT: Procedure for Voting on Final Approval
of new Zonirg Code
Section 1'].04 of the Saint Paul City Charter provides,
in part, as follows :
'�Any city officer or employee �uho has a direct
or indirect financial interest in � � � any � � �
matter with the city, shall make known that
interest and shall refrain from voting upon or
otherwise partieipating in his capaeity as a
city officer or employee � � � in taking offi-
cial action on sueh matter. Any city officer
or employee who wilfully conceals such a finan-
cial intere�t or wilfully violates the re quire-
ments of thi� section shall be guilty of malfeasance
in office or position and shall forfeit his o�fice
or position. "
In order to comply with this charter provision and
in order that each city councilman may vote upon the
text of the Code and all portions of the map except
those for which he or she may have a conflict of in-
terest, we propo�e the following procedure to be
followed in voting at the fourth reading and final
1. All councilmen must make known what properties
�hey may have a direct or ind.irect financial
interest in which are being zoned under the new
Zoning Code.
2. After such interests are diselosed and made of
record, the record should clearly reflect a
final vote as follows :
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
City Council
Page Two
August 14, 1975
a. A vote ahould first be taken on the entire
text of the code with the exceptions of see-
tions 60.401 andr:i�i4.212.
b. A vote should then be taken on all portions
of the map which do not include portions which
have been disclosed as being within the co nflict
of interest of a particular councilman.
c. Individual votes should then be taken on each
particular parcel where a councilman has indi-
cated he has a co nfliet of intereat. The
record must clearly reflect that the councilman
who has the conflict of interest has abstained
from voting on that matter.
d. I� four members of the council have voted in the
affirmative on matters referred to in paragraphs
a, b and c above, then all councilmen can vote
on Sections 60.401 and 6l�.�12 of the text.
While it may seem to some that this ia overl�; cautioua ,
I don' t believe that any councilman wish•es to in.cur the
pe.nalty of forfeiture of office for a violation of Section
17.04 of the City Charter . A violation of this section of
the charter could also jeopardize the valid ity of the entire
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Grantor: Clapp-Thomssen Company (Pdinnesota corporation)
Grantees: A & II, and their successors in title to Lot , Block
15, Scenic Hills, according to the plat thereo�on file
and of �ecord in the Office of the Register of Deeds
fo� Ramsey County, Minnesota ( Suburban Avenue,
Z j'�f 6 st. paul) . .
�, � C & B, and thei.r succ:essors in title to Lot , Block
� 15, Scenic Hills, acc.
( Suburban Avenue, St. Paul) .
E & r', and their successors in title to Lat , Block
�1',`aa� 15, Scenic Hills, acc.
( Suburban Avenue, St. Paul) .
�� ( � G & H, and their successors in title to Lot , Block
15, Scenic Hills, acc.
( Suburban Avenue, St. Paul)
Consideration: $1.40, receipt acknowledged.
Property in�erest conveyed:
First party hLreby restricts development of Lots 1�, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, and 24, Black 6, Scenic Hills, according to the plat
thereof on file and �of record in the Register o� Deeds Office for
Ramsey Coui�ty, Minnesota, excepting that part of Lot I7 described
(Chain link parcel)
Alsn except that part of Lots 21 and 22, described as:
(Phillips parcel)
and except those parts thereof taken for highway purposes, until
July 1, 2005r by the following terms and conditions:
1. No commerical development on the property shall make use of
a driveway acr.ess onto Suburban Avenue. �
2. No part of �he above-described property located West of a line
parallel to and 1Q0 feet Easterly of the easterly line of Suburban
Avenue shall be used for a fast-food restaurant, or a driv�-in
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1�'ST. �c11.'1tl f�OZ� :\�L./�3 ''r'��{.,�
Presic�ent, St. Paul City Cou��cil
Room 7:19
Ci�y rial l .��i � �. :.���
St. Paul , ifinnesota 551U2
� � �,.r`.+iifiC=.� t�(C';!i�JR� �
liear Sir : ��a.,id �t.
� Since t'�e 3 parcels of land adjoiT3.iTia my pro�erty are Zon�d
B-2 , I request tiiat r:�y dunlex at 1�63-I365 Grarcl Avenue �e
�o��eci f�-2 al.so.
".;T prot�erty- is �.escriuec3 as Lot 23 , Iiloc� 1, {';anzi' s A�1:�itian
to St. raul , ?:a:nsey Co�_int��, ilizinesota.
'The adjoinin�; parcels Zone� B-2 are also ir. �lock l , jtian.i' s
r\dciition :
1) Lot 24 (a vacant lot)
Z) Lot 25 (a sinjlc fa:�lily jio=:lc�
3) Lots 2U , Z7 F� 23 (a �us statior�)
?:esreCtzully ygurs ,
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Proposed Motion by Council�an Sylvester regarding Grand Avenue
From the extended centerline of Oakland to the extended centerline of
Fairview, the areas along Grand Avenue shall be designated B-2 with the
following exceptions:
That all apartments buildings, i.e, residential structures
containing more than two (2) residential units, with the
exception of those apartment building�located in the proposed
B-2 area at the intersection of Grand and Wheeler, be
designated RM-2, and,
That the B-2 area recommended by the planning staff at the
intersection of Wheeler and Grand shall be approved as
recommended, and, •
That the area extending from the center of the Short Line
Bridge to the centerline of Snelling Avenue shall be zoned
according to the recom�endation of the planning staff, and,
That all businesses presently operating on Grand Avenue
which should properly be classified as B-3 shall be so
designated, and, �
That all other areas along Grand Avenue shall be zoned
� according to the recommendations of the plannin� staff.
.. � - 2
� � �
. S �
To The Honorable City Counail: July 10, 1975
In Res Zonin�_Boundary ChanAe Requeat.
It has been stated that the purpose oP thie general zoning xas to downgrade proper-
ties. Mr. Roedler atated the idea of zonin� vas to broaden the ta�c base, making indus-
try pay the ta�ces, because he gete letters every d.�y from people who say they cannot
p�r their preaent residential tax.
Aow I believe there are certain considerations r+hich mnst be taken into accou�t,
and I want to submit to you �t idea; and, juat because I � not get a.n opportunity
at rebuttal is no indication that I a�a in agreement of everyrthing thst is said or will
be aaid in regard to the ma.tter. Certainly the Council cannot expect the residents to
be constantly running dorm to meetings in order to preserve their homes and neighbor-
hoods. Thie ie r+hy ve have councilmen a.nd representative government; to protect our
interesta. If we have to go to all the council meetinga, to the courta, to the Suprcme
Court, to the hundreds of ineetings held in the city to protect our interests and pre-
serve our homee and neighborhooda; ... then certainly ve do not need a Council to �
♦ Cov►,/�/�: MF�7J1�
represent us. I might add from �r own experience I found I had to go down�r+hile ��� 0�
�� orm family were lying on a.n operating table. Please do not eapect onr good oivia
minded citizens to go out on their or�n and hire an attorney to conteat the oity or
big busineas and their corporation lawyere. Rather protect our citiaens rrith a strict
zoning ordinance. I �rould a.sk you consider the folloWing;
l. Because of the rise in property valuea, I suppose anp land will be worth more
than 25 years ago; but people should not be making a rortune on land, receiving
huge pricea over rrhat they paid for it at the expense of the entire neighborhood.
Let'a preserve and build up our residential areas, rather than destroying them
of their beauties.
2. We were told there would be a large beautiful park at 35$ and Maryland Ave.
and what r+e got xas a glorified five and ten �ents atore, or what you consider
a tax base.
j. Wealth is bnilt for millionaires at the cost of reaidenta of Maryland Ave.,
rhose property is depreciated, which has been admitted by real eatate men, . . .
this depreciation is a losa of tax �ase, due to increased traffic, noise, dirt
and degregation all over the plaee.
4. Trees and grass make oxygen• Gravel, black top arid concrete do not; neither
do parkir�g lots. w ��ry�4�d A� �
5. Homeownera eventually rrill not �w� to live on this atreet and p�y the taxea,
t F D�-GrR�G{�7°�6N Lb1�TSNUES --'1'`}�!s �,ioVlb 8� }1 Lt9SS O� '�`�,�C $Ag �S
p� 2� . .
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Atter 75 years living on thie atreet, I see Maryland Ave becoming less viable every day.
It ie no xonder people are moving out of St. Paul.
�� We aust consider 3pending and what we are g�etting for the ltuida epent. The rra�y you
are doing it, zoning is not goiilg to change the city treasury for better. We have
beea upgrading zo�ng in the past....then, wt�y aren't We rich? Inflation is going on and
. ve haven�t seen an�ything yet. . •
It ie a l�own fact that the Planners are s�ying "B-j people in businese are not�
. thriving on Maryland Ave. �d ONEr GA vN Teen aome failuree, ao w�,y worry?" Thep adait
• it is not working out as B-3 zoning.�Alao, co�aercial.rrorkers do not coffie trom this neigh-
borbood� but frora other ares,e� brought in to make a fex dollare. It also brings in other
traffic and t�'nwanted people. People .slreac�y have ari eye for another Haffners, or vhat not?
�`'lC� • 'Phie zoning is encouraging more destruction. . .drive-ins, Fast fooda, Super ma'rkete� etc.
� Therefore._�propose; � ___ _ ' — —
. � �
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�that-there be only enough business establiatuaents to take care of the needa of
the local people� which would�indicate B-1 zoning . , troa t2u �
south side of Maryland lve. to Larpentenr, -the city limits�Frorn I�35 E �o Rai�roatdt�ctCkS
EG5♦ S�de ��-nke PF�a�en
Take the B-j and B-2 zoning and zone it B-1 to keep present local businesscs operating,
but retain the neighborhood residential. Ye must keep traffic down on Ma.ryla.nd Ave.
Finallys What happens here in �ie e t 50 years rrill depend on what action you take .
today on �r proposal. R�SId � `� � e a�ataNke��We�are�old traffic planning ia a
_ . . _. r-- ...._-.s
muat in a�y good zoning plan. Reaidential neighborhoods of single famfly homes are a
�KE-UP of good ezpert eity planning. .Le� �s ouf�i�E Q_z oN�N c-.�aqq_.�hece_th ing 5 -- - --
wiu 9ef. 6ettet�'n#..�et�khcin..uJ�rse_.
ReapectFully sub�i.tted, .
. ` �' ���
. E�vin C. Kinatler. �
. � ' .
�- 2� � � ,� a
RAMSEY COUNTY . � . ��r. t�� �' �"� .. - - . ---
} __�*._� CHAIRIAAN
1534 pTLANTIC '1-- - � "'-� EDUCATION
� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55f06 'E�1�r i I��'}�`�i v i�,y 'i '��.x� . .�� ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RES�URCES � �
'�'-�'-����-�� . �.:
271 STATE OFFICE BUILDING rt-r-,";'�„�C � a ��� � .�'`���� f�i _
tt��.�H.�"'""��"� ���-� COMMISStON ON MINWESOTA'S FUTURE
ST. PAUL, h11NNE50TA 55I55 j �,:.�� =� - - �--=� �
TELEPHONES^ � � "` �- " - " ""
LEGISLATURE: 296-4230 � - -�-yy � � - -
HOME: 77I.9980 ����� O� �]/��_v��o.�(�
July 23, 1975
The Honorable David H. Hozza
President, St. Pau3 City Council
Roola 722 City Ha1I.
St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102
Dear Dave:
Recent.Zy I have reviewed tlie proposed new zoning ordinance and want
to share with you my concerns as it affects the Pha.Zen Cor�unity.
Mr. Ervin Kinstler has ca.Z.Zed my attention to an amendment to
cZassify a3Z commercial parcels on Maryland and north to the cit�
Zim.its as 8-Z and graudfather in the current use as non-confo.rrai.ng.
FrankZy, 2 feel that positive action b� the City Council on this
proposal wouZd eliminate the constant burden on citizens and our �
neighborhood to fight from a negative position for proposed uses. It
is far more fair to place the burden of proof on the commercia.i
interests that make p�oposals for construction. and usage in our area.
Therefore, I endorse your positive adoptian of Mr. KinstZer's proposal
and its pur,pose. "
It would be a significant step in maintaining a viabZe residential
community in St. Pau1's Eastside. As a legislator, I have extended
efforts to provide this City Council with the ne�essary tools ta
achieve this new zoning ordinance and look .forward to its final adoption..
Thank you for �our .consideration.
Sincerely, -
Bruce F. Vento '
State Representative
!�""'�� cc: Members of the St. Pau1 City Council
�/'�;��r4 \',
q'M'}�. . ' . . . .
, , .
. ��� �
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For the past 5 years there has been an ESTABLISHED AGREEM�,'NT
between Hancock Nelson, H.R.A. (Housing and Redevelopment Authority)
and the PAC (South St. Anthony Park Assn.) - that Hancock Nelson would
take the axea, Furnell and Webb Trucking� north of the company in
exchange for their parking lot west of their present building and that
Hancock Nelson would use Furnell and Webb area for expansion and the •
parking lot west of their building would go for residential use. M�p
showing this set up has been used at the City Council during the NDP
(Neighborhood Development Pro�ect) years. Just recently H.R.A. (Housing
and Rsdevelopment Authority) has concurred with Hancock Nelson on a new
plan to take 160 feet inside of the established residential boundary
all along present parking site� and then go
right into the housing s�te on lower Long Avenue, taking off 3 houses -
2 of the hoases were sites under serious commitment for the relecation
of 2 salva.geable houses from Territorial Road.
We have fought long hard hours and years for the neighborhood and
feel that this latest attac� on residential is outrageous and should
be considered in the Tight of the in�ustice being done to the neighbor-
hQOd and should also question H.R.A.ts integrity of this action. The
neighborhood�s position is to ask for the restoration of the established
original boundary set np. We regret any inconveninece this position �
will cause the parties no� involved but as a neighborhood �re do have
some rights too. Money and ePfort have both been spent to restructure
the neighborhood and we ask the same kind of treatment and consideration
every other first class neighborhood takes for granted.
Elizabeth Claxk, acting presiden� PAC
0 2�O ��� �
'A � 'V^"T"7�' O� �
_,, � � ,�°�� � 628 STRYKER AVE., ST.PAUI,MINN.55101
HI GN �-�-
auiy 17, 1975.
In Res ZoninR of the CitY of St. Paul.
For the psat yeax rre have been attending vaxioue zoni.ng meetir�ga and it ie
our opinion that rezoning of the City ia Comprehensive planning� at a eost
which ia ridiculous. The Plarrning Director admitted at the Mayor's meeting
held recently, that he had 34 employees, and 21 claseiPicatione of property.
� This compares with b clasaifications in the old wa3r of doing it, and fro�
one half dozen to ten ��loyees.
In regard to Island Zoning and Spot Zoning, the Couneil feels this createa
an overload of work for the City Council. We r�eed an impaot study, showing
the effeet on the tax bass, ahoving the deneity, the effeot on the individual
bueinesa man. Is the tax base going to be dor�rn� or up, or ia this wqy the r+sy
in which the Mayor intends to hold the line? How is it going to affect property
taxea in the City?
Strip Zoning is being oppoaed on Grand Ave., and what about out-of-aanformity
properties? Are they going to be allowed out of conformity under certais� cir-
cwastances? We aee nothing in the ordiria,nae that eoncerns variances, or pro-
videa for hardahip clauses.
Our preeent zoning planning, and along �+ith eitizen partiaipation, looka like
plaus are being aet up for land graba.
sino ly, ,
� �} �
Yaei Poperin� ohrm. .
Co Tau er� ot l�i.nn.
oa, 3eoretary.
42� Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 ,
� ��' N"� ��
Jeffrey Moses
57 So. Avon, #31B
St. Paul, MN 55105
30 June, 1975
St. Paul City Council
St. Paul City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55101
I am writing in regard to the proposed re-zoning of Grand Ave.
fram Dale St. west to Howell St.
I have been a resident in the area between Grotto and Avon for
a year and a half, and have come to have great affection for it. I
feel the proposal to rezone Grand Ave. to :,I�ss B-3 would have a sub-
�tantial deleterious effect. The efforts of several neighborhood or�an-
izations, HUD, and area businesspersons have gone a long way towards
makin� this area a very desirable comarunity. Re-zoning at this time
would destroy all this effort just when it is beginning to pay off.
I am very disturbed to note that preliminary discussion of this
proposal was cursory and apparently slipped by many area residents. I
have talked to a number of residents who are stron�ly opposed to this
proposal, and support the ori�inal plan of the City Planning Department,
which would have the effect of preservin� existing land use.
St. Paul has lon� had the reputation of plannin� the city's growth
in a cautious and re�ponsible manner. I hope this will continue to be
the case and that the council will decide to support the City Planning
Department'� proposal.
Sincerel /�'��
We, the residents of 1440 Grand Avenue, are against the B-3
Co�nercial zoning of Grand Avenue.
�b �'J
We feel that the f+orme'r zoning is the only way to preserve ��j
our attractive and unique neighborhood.
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FISHER & EVANS 2�� ,�,'�
RONALD C. EvnNS AREA CODE 612 (iee7-t970)
July 10, 1975
To the Honorable City Council
of the City of Saint Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota
We are advised that the third reading of the proposed new
City Zoning Ordinance wi11 be heard on Friday, July 11, ancl
that time has been specifically allotted for consicleration of
numerous specific areas of the city where adjustments have been
requested. We have also been advised just today that at the
council meeting on May 30, 1975 the request of our clients
Paul Hedberg and Dean Sausser for reconsideration of the proposed
zoning in the blocks bounded by Ramsey, Grand, Western and the
north side of Ramsey between the Grand/Ramsey intersection and
the line of Western Avenue were considered and acted upon in
the absence of our clients. We wrote on January 27, 1975,
with copies to each member of the Council and to the City Plann.ing
Director setting out in specific detail our objections to the
proposed zoning and justification for a relaxation of the RM-2
and RT-2 which is presently proposed.
We are now advised that at the council meeting May 30, at which
our clients were not present, and of which they received no
advance notification, their request was given no consideration
and the existing proposed map designations were approved. We
most vigorously protest the action taken by the Council in the
absence of the people who own most of the property involvec7,
and would now request that an additional hearing be schecluled
so their presentation may be heard and considered by the Council
before final action is taken in the zoning classification of
the above described areas. Our clients have a substantial
investment in the property involved and the proposed down-zoning
will result in great financial hardship to them, and may well
To the Honorable City Council
Page two
July 10, 1975
constitute an unconstitutional taking of their property rights.
We believe at the very least they are entitled to an adequate
and fair hearing.
Very truly yours,
�`° `'--���� _� _ �
Fred W. Fisher
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1217 Grand Ave.
` St. Paul, MN 55105
� July 3, 1975
Members of the City Council
C ity Hall
5t. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Members of the City Council:
We own a home on Grand Avenue and we and
our neighbors are protesting that the City Council
(without getting approval of the residents on Grand
Avenue and without notice to the residents or any of
the neighborhood associations) voted to zone both sides
of Grand Avenue from Dale Street to Howell Street as
B-3 Commercial.
We are very much concerned about this and
ask that the City Council change this back to the zoning
plan recommended by the City Planning Department,
which would zone Grand Avenue according to the current
land use on the Avenue. In the block where we live
there are 16 residences and there are approximately
that many in every blo�k. Grand Avenue has a mixture
of residential and business places and with its small
specialty shops fits in perfectly with the adjoining
neighborhoods, This B--3 zoning would be detrimental
to the whole neighborhood, The zoning could be B-1 or
possibly B-2 but we all stron�ly protest B-3,
Please take the viewpoints of the residents of
Grand Avenue into consideration.
Sincerel ,
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WILLIAM M. WIENCKE. M.D. Bus�n�ss OFFtcE 488•3939
July 7, 1975
City Coun.cil
City of St. Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Re: Zoning change of Grand Avenue
Dear Sirs: -
I have discussed the proposed change of zoning on Grand Avenue with many of
my neighbors and I have found no one who feels or is aware of a necessity
for change of the present zoning status on Grand Avenue.
We hope that you will not make an arbitrary decision about this ma,tter.
Grand Avenue is un.ique and as it exists has a pleasant mixture of small
business and residences.
I personally hope,and my family feels as I do,that Grand Avenue will not be
changed from its present pleasant character.
If a business requires B3 and is compatible with the residents closely
affected by it, I would not oppose it but I strongly oppose a blanket
change in the zoning which would in effect deny the right to affected
I request that you oppose this zoning change.
�����5���'� � � '"�?•dl(B� '�.
Thomas W. Votel, M.D. ��J��%0 S,�/;'�.���!�
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June 14, 1975
T0: City Council , ,
Pete Regnie •
Chuck cG ' re - � �
Ro Mix
FM: Dave I3o z z a
RE: Fir�a� Th�rd R adi of the Zoning Ordinance
The final third reading of the zoning ordinance will take place
according to the following schedule:
S9ednesday, July 9, 1975
10 : 00 a.m. to Noon
� Text revisions � -
� Friday, July 11, 1975 �
10 : 00 a.m, to late afternoon, if needed
Map questions and revi'sions
Zti'ednesday, July 16, 1975
10 : 00 a.m, to Noon
Any remaining or undisposed matters. �
Please try to keep these dates open on your calendar. It is �
especially important that a fu11 council be present for the
Friday, July llth -nearing on the ma�. My office will see that
an ad is taken out in the St. Paul papers to notify the public
but Chuck bicGuire taill be responsible for no��fying individuals . I
If you have any questions on this matter, please talk ta me.
Thank you.
� ,
DHH/hhd � . I
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June 14, 1975
T0: City Council ; .
Pete Regnie • �
Chuck cG ' re � � .
Ro I��ix
FM: Da"ve Hozza
RE: Fi�a� Third R adi of the Zoning Ordinance
The final third readin� of the zoning ordinance will take place
according to the following schedule:
�ti9ednesday, July 9, 1975
10 : 00 a.m. to Noon ,
Text revisions -
Friday, July 11 , 1975
10 : Q0 a.m. to late afternoon, if needed
Map questions and revi'sions
Wednesday, July 16, 1975
10 : 00 a.n. to Noon
Any remaining or undisposed matters .
Please try to keep these dates open on your calendar. It is
especially important that a full council be present for the
Friday, July llth nearing on the ma�. My office will see that
an ad is taken out in the St . Paul papers to notify the gublic
but Chuck btcGuire will be responsible for no��fying individuals .
If you have any c{uestions on this matter, please talk to me.
Thank you. � � '
. I
DHH/hhd � . !
� I
. �- � ,•-
��a� �
7th STREET � for Neighborhood Development, lnc.
/ �� � • ■St.Paul.Minnesota 55102 ■Telephone 224-5461
� 275 So. Il�estem
June 10, 1975
T0: Members of the City Council ,
At the Ma}-, 1975 West Seventh Association Administrative Board meetinb th�
staff was instructed to notify tr►e zoning board and City Council Members of
action talcen at this meeting. The Association's concern was c•�ith the con3ition
of the Dedolph Construction property.
The preceeding week, May 30 the zoning for Duke - Erie - Grace - and �dest
Seventh Street was brought before the City Council. Neither the Associatior.
nor the property owners of the parcels involved, were notified.
This zoning problem has been brought before the zoning board and City CounciZ
several times in the past. The first action taken by the West Seventh Street
Association Board was September, 1970, requesting the property be brought into
compliance with the zoning ordinance.
On July 2, 1971 Mr. Dedolph was granted a two year extension to continue
operating his business on this site with the recommendation that the proper*_}�
be maintained in a neat and orderly manner in keeping with the adjoining
residential properties.
The Association's findings on the parcels being considered for zoning changes
are: Dedolph Construction located on lots bounded by Duke and Grace Street;
the balance of "the area consists of four residential parcels. Plumbers Special,
Inc. , a wholesale plumbing supply business is listed at 526 Grace Street.
Proposed rezoning of R-4 for these lots complies with the West Seventh Street
Association and the HRA comprehensive planning for the NDP area.
At this time, the condition of the property is very disorderly and not in
keeping with Council�s instructions in 1971.
The West Seventh Street Association requests your support in keeping this area
Thank you,
� Ln�n �� , ,
��� 1.//+'r,t�/�.
'- ;?��-C,�t � /� �t�Y" �
Gerald M. Sovinski
P.S. Attached find supporting doctnnents, letters and petitions pertaining to
past action on this matter.
Park Partrlership, saia ne �s sl�� ���ul�� �.• �- �- �. �. - -�
Trades and I,abor Assembly and the Chat�ber of Cor.unerce to help the economics of .
, the city. He said progress has come to a standstill in St. Paul and the nui�ber
� of firms leaving the city is staggering. ��e said tlieir company employs
four hundred construction workers and nine�y percent of the work of this company
. is outside the city. He urged the Council to adopt the new zoning ordinance
and said Shepard Park will allow housing for one thousand families.
Mr. Radman of the Building Trades Council said he concurs in the remarks of
Mr. Harris.
Councilman Roedler said he favors the proposal and he referred to the need for
new tax base and said he feels strongly that this is a good project. He said
single-family housing is not being constructed in the area and because of soil
conditions the cost would be prohibited.
At the question of Councilman Sylvester, Pir. McGuire said the applicant is not
completely happy with the staff recommendation.
Councilman Christensen expressed support of the project and Councilman Sylvester
moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Councilman Roedler said he .is against that motion because it doesn`t reflect
the prior Council action and he would suggest an RM-3 designation for three of
the blocks as requested.
Councilman Sylvester said he understood that the recommendation preserves the
action of the Council in 1973 and if that is not true he will withdraw the motion.
There was considerable discussion on the map of the area and to which blocks
are designated RN:-3 and are requested to be designated RM-3. -
Councilman Levine said it is good to see a planned development come into the
city and he has voted against haphazard developments. He said the demand for
high rise buildings for the elderly is great and he sees this project as a good
mixed development.
Councilman Sylvester withdrew his motion.
Councilman Roedler moved that the area bounded by Alton, Benson, the railroad
tracks, Springfield and Stewart Avenues be designated RM-3 and that the
remainder of the staff recommendation be approved.
Adopted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 0 , 1 abstention (Hunt)
Mr. McGuire explained request No. 1 in the area bounded by Concordia, Grotto,
Carroll and St. Albans and Mr. Stanley King referred to the need for their
proposal and after an explanation of the recommendation said he concurs in the
Councilman Tedesco left the meeting at this point and returned later in the
Councilman�Levine moved approval of the staff recommendation.
Adopted. Yeas - 6 Nays - 0
Mr. McGuire explained request No. 10 in the area bounded by Duke, Erie, Grace
'����� and West Seventh Street and the staff recommendation is for denial of the request.
%9/� Councilman Tedesco returned to the meeting at this point.
,�� Mr. 0'Toole, Attorney representing Dedolph Construction Company, described the
�� area and said the property at 526 Grace is operated as a business and he urged
that the Council view the area.
Councilman Tedesco moved that the matter be laid over and viewed and he later
withdrew his motion.
At the question of Councilman Sylvester, Mr. PicGuire said the recommendation is
consistent with the NDP plan although he personally believes that the property
would never be developed residentially.
Councilwoman Hunt moved that the property be designated I-1.
President Hozza referred to the B-3 cate�ory and said this would comply with the
other designations in the area and Councilman Sylvester said he would like to
view the property.
Co�incilwoman Hunt withdrew her motion and Councilman Tedesco moved that the
matter be laid over to June llth,
ndopted. Yeas - 7 ":ays - 0
(nif:('11��iGI1 c�niin��ed to tt�e t�'?�-��n� p�re) .
. Ueput�•�_c�rmussionor M�nayK(�IAwbt�nl
i , �i Capita) of Minnesota
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July 9, 1971 j
Dear West Seventh Street Residents:
As you know, the owners of the property ad�acent to
Karl Dedolph property on Duke and Grace Streets ob�ected to
his appeal to allow 50% of his property for open storage.
They also requested that the property be brought in compliance
with the existing code. I agreed with the property awners
and voted in their behalf. I am sorry we didn't have the fourth
vote �eeded to carry out the wishes of the residents.
If I can be of any help to you on any matter, do not
hesitate to call me aC 223-4431 at your convenience.
Sincerely yours,
� �.�'-�4co
' ��-��-�/ � .
Victor J. Tedesco
. Commissioner
. -- . \ '�-1U:UV !1• 1•1• -
J,�y 2, 19'� �
. � �_,_ _ ---
CI'.�Y CoUIdCIL CIN.I•�3ErS - CI'i'Y li/�T,L & COUR^t ]IOUSE
� �a.int Pa,ul, I�,i.nnc�ota. � .
. /
The r�eeting was called to order at 10:25 A. M. by ?•ir. Pres. P�IcCaxty.
Present - Comsrs. Butler, Conway, Levine, 2;eredith, Sprafka, Tedesco, Mr.
President 2dcCarty. ..7
Absent - 0
Reading of the �ninutes z�ras dispensed with.
, /
\ the au eal of Karl Dedolph, Jr., to
� Re-hearing was held in the ma.tter of p
permit open stor�e to the extent of 50°� of the lot area on property
located on the west side of Duke St, between W. Seventh, and Gr�.ce Streets.
Letter of the City Attorney was read se�;ting out general guidelines of .
anpeal procedure based upon the rulings of two court cases cited in the
City Attorney's letter, the conclusion being that each case must be deeided
on the basis of its particular facts, but that such decision should be
mz.d.e consistent with the general guidelines set out supra.
The Clerk noted a petition of 20 residents opposed to the appeal, and the
presence of fovr color_ plu�tos depicting the Dedolph proper�y.
b:rs. Reider, 322 Erie St. , said she feels like a broken record and her main
worries are the rats and nice, and sne said the residents feel nothing N;r.
Dedolph has in the storage yard is resellable. She continued efforts are
beir� made to reha�ilitate West Seventh Street and make it beautiftiil. and
here they have this junk ya�'d. I�srs. Reider said she has all the signatures
of the people in the neighborhood who are �ainst the appeal and the pictures.
She said Air. Dedolph has cleaned up some, but it is a mess. She noted to
the Council that Representative Norton had also written a�ainst the appeal.
Nir. Terrance 0'Toole, representing �arl Dedolph, Jr., and in corr�aenting on
the status of the Highway Depax�n�ent easement referred to in the Zoning Board
letter; said •reference being that the Highwa.y Depaxtment is of the opinion
the temporary easement has terminated, stated that regardless of what is
said, this easement is still in effect. He said his client is asking for
this two yeax period so you can sensibly decide whether he can use this
locatiion or move some place else. He continued, his client is not asking
for an indefinite time but for two years and, in the event he has to move,
, __. . . L,__ r_� _,,,,,,.,+;�n r�tr_ �'Toole concluded he feels
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April 23, 19��
Ze I'. �,`7127
Yc3 are nereby not:.r1e:i Lhu� �he $oa�'d of 'Lo*�in� ���iZl h�Ic
E pLDI�C he:�rin� in Fto� 376 of the Citt= �:��1 �:�d Cour�'r�ou:�
ir the C�ty of Saint Y�ul C;. 2:00 ,,i�.o on iS�� G, L97i, c:.
tize �pne::i, of i::�rA �edolpi:; ;�r, to per.ni.0 open sto*_-a�e �c
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Stre�ts. 'i�►tis prcp�rt:� is f�rti:�� c]escr�bcci a� :
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tfl St, !�,.�.
T�nn Bo�rd cz Zonir_; is notifyin` o���ers of property within 20:�
feet of the above-ment*o*�ed pranerty cf this meetin�. You are
invited to atten� this m�etian if you have 2ny �nterest in the
ab�'ve m�tter. r'cr furtner inrormatio�i, conLact the Zoning
b��rd, Roc-:� 101u �o,�r._rce E���'!dwr��, e�` pn��ne �23-4I5i snd as::
�^� ti=e �,�ni.^c Secti�:_. �
T':._.J.._ :� i:�':ZL�"=._
S<:c�-et�:y. E��.r.d of ZCi Lrc�
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� ` \•y��`� � � WCST SCVCi�Ti i :�T;;��� AS�:�C�A��0�;
:��,, ssrc�r � for Neighborhood Development, lnc.
� � 606 West Seventh Street o St.Paul,N�innesota 66902 �Telephone 224-b461
-- ,.�
�September 18, 19T0 �
� -
l�s. Gcorge Stone
Senior Building Inspector .
C ity of St. Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Re: Lett�r dated 9-10-70
Mssrs. Strosiund, Klawittcr, Connolly
� and Re3ner
� Prop. oP Karl Ded�olph, 771 W. 7th to
Dear Mr. Stone:
Our Administrative Board again reviewed this situation in the light of the
letter to you cited above and recent developments.
We urge you to exercise a11 legal and reasonable controls to bring tha.t
portion of the property. rem�ining in private owaership into conformance
with law and to assure proper use o� the property in the Puture in issue-
izig ar�y new building permit•
` �. G�,���..�
���� �
Richard W. Prokop
cc: ✓K. J. Stroklund
Albert K1:awitter
Bert R.. Connolly
John E. Reider
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A ��, �"�'.� .,, proper�r�: oWned;��►'��l Dedolph �?l West Se�i�enth.�-trs���� :� '���► ' ,
,-�t= � �� � corn�� of-Duk� a�d .Grane atrse�s� �ac;in� �t.o your att+ation the ,- ''- ;
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�� " ��This {prop�r�y he�a Daon uaed in violat�on of � ths oit�► =�ot�in� �.` ' � �
.. .
ti- " . ,ordi�a�ance.� tor a�� thres, years. � Beaause this �proper��►' �ttaa.. b�sA F '' =� .�
�, uwder-�'�aoudemnation proceedings with the� State of �f3.tauesOta. '��° a,,`� �,t�
' understar�d �hat, �evious chargea of theae violations �wsr� �i�= � ��.�ri 4 ��
;�:� >� ` ' miss�d awaiting ths outcome oF �n appeal to �the atater. . ; : � ' .;
'� `'� � � ' � We ha�v�e been ir�ormed that a settlement was rsache!! ��oxt September � � ��:
�� ;_: `�
_ � . , 8th an�d that� Mr. Dedolph will retain the back portion of hia�
��;'.. West. Seventh Street building and ths lots on Du�c�� a�d. (�icace. The _
` ' buildings to be torn down are to b• vacated and ready 2'or demolition �
� � by September� 26� 1970. . � .
r',� - . -
� � . This property has loup been an eyesore to the area �unic strevm all .
1`� � over the lots� the �oof covering is aheets or pla§'�ic whlch blows �
� " ' all over the ne�,ghborhood. The xighway Department haa aasursd� us
�� . . that they wil.�%clean up their pro erty leveli•ng and haulin� all �
� . � debris away. 'Ws request whsn th�new �iuild�ng permit is i�sued � ,�
that he be forced to comply with ordinancea �overning. this type of .
operation. Covered� storage, storing �on the back part� of tbe lot eto: �
This Ss the only peice of comnercial proper�y lelt in- the area �snfl
`� � we d4 not feel that with the �b2 million overpass at his front door _ ;
� ;:, � � he should be al•lowed to continue to blight the area. _
� S Q e � . � dd e Tel�_ v_hon_�
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� CC: Mayor MaCarty, West Seventh Bssn. � HousinS. a�id BedeVolopir�g•-,� �`�_�
� � . .
Authority� West S�vonth Business and Proressional Mer. �
• _ . .
• ��'y-) J�
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� ■ � June 10, 1975
������ �
Honorable Members of the City Council
City Ha 11
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Re: Proposed Zoning of Grand Avenue
Dear Members of the Council:
We have requested to be placed on the agenda for the
next continuation of the third rea.ding of the proposed. zon-
ing ordinance. The subject of our concern is the proposed
zoning of Grand Avenue.
We were very surprised to learn of the Council's deci-
sion on Friday, June 6, to designate both sides of Grand
Avenue as a B-3 district all the way from Dale Street to
Howell Street. Appa.rently this action was taken at the
suggestion of the Grand Avenue Businessmen �s Association.
We are very disturbed at thi_s turn of events and would like
to address the Council concerning the views of the residents
and of our Association, which has a large portion of the
Avenue within its boundaries .
Our concern revolves around the following factors :
( 1) This is a reversal of the plan which had been
proposed after years of study and discussion,
including discussions between the Planning Depart-
ment and the Grand Avenue businessmen, Vari.ous
neighborhood associations endorsed the Planning
Department �s recommendation long ago. No one had
any rea.son to believe that the Council would be
reversing that recommenda.tion,
(2) The action of the Council on June 6 was taken with-
out any advance notice to tMe ma.ny interested resi-
� c :",' � �;, � � ". �:r, ,�..��.;.� 3_ Er'.�i �._.:,k,` .>�7.E ,.: .. �.-� . ���...a.,.'-:� , i_�: � . „'� � �a=�:' �.. �'�"'�.��� �z r �.;:'.� `' ��.�':
return address= ms.rosemary klosterman, executive secretary 644 goodrich avenue saint paul m'inneso#a 55105
� � �
Honorable Members of the City Council
� June 10, 1975
Page two
dents and associations, and thus without their
having an opportunity to express their views.
� (3) W e do not believe that complete commercial z�ning
is in the best interests of the residents on or
near Grand Avenue, or even the vast majority of
the businessmen in the area...
We hope that you will reconsider your decision and �ein- �
state the proposal as it was made by the City Plannin$ Depar�-
ment .
Very truly yours,
`Lt a���r�i-�
Douglas L, Skor
President, Summit Hill Association
DIS : jr
cc: Mayor Cohen
Pierre Regnier, City Attorney
Charles McGuire, Zoning Administrator
. .
The Honorable City Council
November 20, 1974
Page 2
The zoning map proposes an R-1 classification of
this property. Burlington Northern hereby requests
reconsideration of the R-1 classification to an I-2
zoning designation. The land abutting this partic-
ular parcel is owned by Burlington Northern and the
proposed zoning is I-2. The parcel of property in
question is a part of our overall ownership, and we
feel that an I-2 designation for the entire tract
is essential for industrial utilization and develop-
ment of the entire area which adjoins our so-called
Dayton's Bluff yard.
In looking over the uses allowed under the various zoning
classifications, we note that under I-1 manufacturing can be
conducted only from previously prepared materials. It is
suggested that consideration be given to revising or amending
I-1 to allow manufacturing from raw materials.
We hope that the Council will review the above-mentioned
suggestions and approve our requested zoning changes.
Yours very truly,
: C. ady
Vice President
File 9240-St. Paul, Minnesota
� �
■ �
su�m�t �
Sum ' • I June 10, 1975
mt �
City Clerk
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Sir:
Enclosed for filing in your office is a copy of the
letter which I sent today to the members of the City Council.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
oC �t�.
Doug 1 `s L. S kor
DIS: jr
c.� �lL?Il-��("t7�1� C;fJt"�)t:)t;1`4t:3s"1 �t:1l.EP"7�€�'� �C�3IT'ieii�t'<'�ICs <:'z.?`�� �'.,'t'£:(�?�g`'f 'C�3.,, �t:;�alC��;t��i��� t��1cR'r3t;Ti?f �"as ��"1�3 ;�,��;st">.16A �lk�i I"I£ �;�T :.:"�1�:t4�,::�
return address ms.rosemary klosterman,executive secretary 644 goodrich avenue saint paui m'innesata 55105
� �
i •
S1.11�t�llt I '
. .
summ� II June 10, 1975
� '
City Clerk
City Hall ',
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Sir:
Enclosed for filing in your office is; a copy of the
letter which I sent today to the members of the City Council.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
o( ���'t-
Dougl s L. Skor
DIS : ,jr
� fi��3li-��)t'£)�I� C;£3T�)E:lfz3`fC:)tl �`t:3t.€Cl���':C� �{.� IPl'c:�IPla<.!Y`s 2,�"I`:� C:�l€;€:.'�i ���z—', I"i;::3dt��I`I�€zt� i,�l�'i'"'r�f..Ti"�P` ;;) §�'��; ;,4�p ..;1i� �f¢�l i'it:':�5�7.;Sr:'"�t=`.:"7i?`:�
return address. ms.rosemary kiosterman, executive secretary 644 goodrich avenue saint paul m'innesata 55105
. !
. ,
City Council
Page Two
May 9 , 1975
We appreciate �rour anticipated response to this
cc : Mr. Robert A. Graiziger
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sTrox�YS sT L�w
xoar�c.$�xxnJas March 11, 1975 No. ST.Psvr.,Mixx. 55109
JO�i F. G}nsDOB! 812-7?7-1844
CssaLSa A. Joa�isox 2p1 Arri.a V�r.r.ax Psorsssioxni. Br.na.
ern,a v.r.i.s�r,ainrx. aa124
The Honorable City Council
City of St. Paul
Court House Building
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Request for Amendment to
Comprehensive Zoning Plan
Madame President & Gentlemen:
The undersigned, as owners, and the Attorney for Ramada Inns, Inc. ,
prospective purchasers, of property known as 1809 C11d Hudson Road,
and legally described as follows, to-wit:
Lot 4 , Block 5, Hudson Road Gardens,
Ramsey County, Minnesota,
respectfully request that consideration be given to amending the
City' s proposed Comprehensive Zoning Plan to classification of the
above described property to
P-1 (Parking)
It is understood that the planning staff would highly recommend
this change as more desirable than that proposed.
In the event this change would be approved, Ramada Inns, Inc. would
use said surface parking in conjunction with their expansion of
Thank you for your prompt consideration of this request.
Very truly yours,
BY: '� �� -
n�� y . Danna, their Attorney
-,, , )
�, �, ;u.i '������L-C...E?�C_../
�` ' Henry os ph Mar"ier
,�� �
/���.,e.� �f�C�r�,�..�.h�
Acfties C. Marier
Councilman Legislative Aide
February 21, 1975
Mrs. Rose Mix
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Mn.
Dear Rose:
I received a request from the business community of St. Paul
asking if several representatives of the business people could
appear before the City Council on March 7 regarding the new zoning
ordinance. I, therefore, request that no other business be placed
on the agenda on Ma.rch 7.
I realize Friday meetings are very light but it could happen
that on that day we could have a full schedule and I don't want
anything else to conflict as the merchants throughout the city are
most anxious to appear regarding this ordinance. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
�.� ,��-� � �d����
Victor J. Tedesco
Vice President
St. Paul,City Council
�� 1 j,���.
�j�,a��,�, �,Q�,lrAe. TWX - 910-563-3670
Phone - 645-9126
750 PELHAM BLVD. ST. PAUL, MINN. 55114 Area Code 612
March 7, 1975
Members of the City Council
St. Pau1, Minnesota
Dear Sirs:
Our business is located in an area which is proposed to be �ndustrial 1
zoning. In referring to 60.531 we feel that our business does not have
any detrimental effect on the surrounding area.
We are a non-ferrous investment casting Eoundry which uses plaster for
molding. We blend gypsum materials for the molding process. We employ
one hundred (100) people today an increase of thirty to forty over the
last couple years. C�e anticipate further growth of equal proportions
over the next several years with building expansion as part of our long
range plans.
In reading appendix A and B we find that our business description would
be under appendix B for Industrial 2 as in items 10 and 27.
This would preclude our business expansion because we would be noncon-
forming if you proceed in changing the zona�ng to �.ndustrial i.
We hereby request either that investment foundries and plaster blending
facilities be included in I1 or for zoning our area I2.
r .�
``` 2s,�' (� G��/1C^�
r', J hn E. Rausch
< resident
CC: Charles M. McGuire,
Zoning �lanner
�� � �
Vice President— 176 East Fifth Street
Industrial Development and Property Management St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Honorable Members of the City Council Me,rch 3, 1975
City of Saint Paul
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Council Members:
This letter is in reference to the proposed Saint Paul zoning ordinance
whieh is presently before the City Council �or approval.
Burlin�ton Northern Inc. has previously expressed concern an.d raised
specific ob�ections to the Council and to the City Development Committee
about the proposed light industrial (I-1) and residential zoning of
certain areas and parcels of its ownership in St. Pa.ul. Burlington
Northern's main concern is the proposed I-1 zoning of that induatrial
area located between Lexington. Parkway and the west city limits as st�own
in oran�e and yellow on the map hereto attached. Burlingtott Nort�ern
respectfully requests that the City Council concern itself with the ePfect
that the proposed I-1 zoning classification will have on the potential .
growth of this industrial area and, in particular, requests the Council
to change the proposed I-1 zoning to an I-2 classific;a,ation relative to the
following specific location:
That area. located between Lexington Parkway and Jones Street
lying between Burlin�ton Northern on the south and Jessamine
Avenue West on the north, shown in yellow on photo, also
Present zoning and use of this area ie heavy industrial; however, the zon-
ing map proposes this area to be a lig�it industrial (I-1) cl.assification.
Considering past and present utilization aad the industries located thereon,
the zoning of this area should be an I-2 cl.assification.
Within the described area� that particular pareel of land north of DeCourcy
Drive shown in red on photo is owned and operated by Burlington Northern
for its Como Sk�op area. This area has always been classified as t�eavy
industrial, the same as Burlington Northern's other facilities in St. Paul;
namely, Dale Street, Jackson Street, and Mississippi Street Shops. Con-
sidering Burlington Northern's present and f`uture intended use, an I-2
�� . �
Hon. Members of City Council
City of Saint Paul
March 3, 1975
Page 2
zoning would best suit this specific area and would also be consistent
with the proposed zoning of the other mentioned shop areas.
We are hopeful the Council will review and approve I-2 zonin� of this
Yours very truly,
J. C. Kenady
ec - Mr. C. McGuire
Zoning Planner
City Plann.ing Department
�+21 Wabasha Street
saint Paul, l�.i.nnesota 55102
cc - Sa.int Pau1 Area Chamber of Comanerce
300 Osborn Building
Sain� Faul, Minnesota 55102
Attention Mr. Osmon R. Springsted
Local Government Task Foree
Fiie 92�4, Pt. 2, St. Paul
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City Counci].
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �
Attention: City Clerk �
Re: AZarch 7 Council Hearing on Pdew Zoning Ordinance
Reg�,ae�t nf. �orthern hia?1,?able I*-on Co.
As attor�eys for Northern l�ialleabl� Iron Co. , on February I3, 1975
we wrote to the Planning Coordinator, Deputy Planning Coordinator
and Zoning Chief of City Planninc� setting out the request nf the
Company that Lots 21. through 40 i.n Charles Weide' s Rearrangemez�t of
Block 6, Nelson' s Addition to tne City of Saint Paul be classi�ied
under the zoning ordinance as P-1 (for o.ff-street parking) . ?��e
enclos� herewitr, a co;�y of that letter caith attached ma� indicating
the pronerty in respect to WY2ZC�1 the request is made. �•Te are
sending this letter to the members of the Council in anticipation
of the pubiic hearinq so that each Council member is specifically
advised of tne request of Northern �•2alleable Iron Co.
Whzle the attaehed letter s�ts out rather fully the position of the
Comr�any in support of the requested P-1 zoning class.ificdtion, we
would emphasize the fact that the operation of vorthern Malleable
Iron Co. at its present loca+:.i_on, just south across T^1e11s Street
from the bloc}: in question, carries the support of industrial
development financing �tnrough the Port Authority. Thus, this
request, consis��nt with proposed zoninc� of adjacent lands to thP
east and west of the land .in question, is intended �o meet future
ile�ds of the Co;�pany to a_ccommoc3ate its employees and customers.
Thus, it is also consistent witn t:ie motivation behind the Port
Authority financing af the Com�any.
� , .
. ,
City Council � -2- March 4, 1975
We appreciate such consideratian as you may accord this request.
Very truly yours,
� �
.� f
Gordon Shepard �
� . .
A '
GOr,t?Or�S��t*�•qvvD SAINT PAI;L, f.11NNEiOTA 55101 «n�ir-�tT rt.�,�,�t.�NSTinE �
7Elf:P11(iIl(�::(G12I ��7-7271 ClIAftL.fS 0..{'ltlC.[_
SIiFRMAN WINTI�IRpP ��C�1_FX:29-7015 ftlCl!AH[3 M.�7!�;ANZ
JAMES I..WALSH 400C IDS CLNTER � ri�cf:n�o J.riorr�
JAMES F.��UaG 80 SOUTH I"-1GHTH STP.EET 31 RUE DUC:At_E �fAitK G.Ot�^�r;7Ao
LEO J.HAHFt15 � �OESF-:R7 F!. f7F!NNART, JR,
TELFPHONE (612)332-6�Si TELEPHONE:11-19-=2
. ThiOM17l.�P. KANF n/
NLr'. Donald Spaid P��-. Gunnar Isberg
Planninq Coordinator Deputy Planning Coordinator
Ci�y Planning �; ty Plznnzng
City of Saint Paul C:ity of Sai.nt Paul
421 �•labasha 421 T��abasha
Saint Paul, 4�iinnesota 55102 Saint Paul , �2iilnesota 55102
idr. Charles L. r�icGuire
Zoning Chi�f '
City Pl.a.nni.na
' City of Saint Paul
421 *��abasha �
Saint Pau1., I:innesota 55102
Gentleme�� :
� Nortnern �;aJ_leabl.e Iron Co. has be�n advisc�d of th�a aassibilitv t:�at
certain proberty adjacent to its industrial plant :�a�,� be classi�ied
as RT-1 under th` n�w St. Paul �oning Code. Tlle pro�erty in nues-
tion includes Lots 21 throug� 40 in Charles t�leide ' s Rc�rrang�TM�ent
of Block 6, *Ielson ' s Aadition to tne City of Saint Paul . T'�is
proPerty inclucles t:�e soutti half of Block 6 c•�itll fror.tage on t�;�lls
Street and ;�ounded on the west by :4endota ��d on the east a�y Fore�t
Of this property Northern ��alleable Iron Co . presently owns Lots 21 ,
22, 23 , 25 and 26 , using portions of these lots for e:���loyee parking.
Lookinq into tne futur�, this area ac?jacent to the Co����ny' s indus-
trial nlant may k,est be �ut to use for expansion of parkinq £acilities
relating to th� Com?�any ' s o�erations. For this reason IJorthern
i'tallea}�le Iron Co . requests that tlie above descril�ed pro�ert_y be
classified as P-1 (for off-street parking) under the St. Paul
7oning Ordinance.
Classification of this property as P-1 :
, • L
, �.
P'Ir. Donal.d Spa.id ,
1��s. Ch�zrl.es L. i•IcGu�_re -2- �''ebr.uary 13 , 1975
1 . Would create a bufL-er zone betc•;c�en reridcnta_:cl usc� wi�tiin th��
north halt of the bloc}; and thn indus;�ri:al <�p�rations of the Co�-�pany.
2. �aould not distunc �ontiiztaecl occtiY>ancy c;E t't�� ver,r feG•� homes
presently on the south haZf of the h.lock ir q�.;�.e:;tion whic}z �aould
c�ntinue in their presen� occupancy as nonc�_;i�i:or:-�ing uae.
3 . ��Tould provide zoning rec�ttlations consi��.�nt with th� best lonr-
terra future develo��ment of this entire pa.rc��1 �•.hich,as disconnected
lots zoned resicicntia'l,��cu�: ��resent substa.:.tial difficulty to
assemble anc: rezone at a later date.
4 . t�Tould place this prope:ty in a zoning cl�.�sification �ahich at
a later aate should bring �o tl�e owners a be�ter z�rice at the point
when need for par}:ing jus�ifies assembZage and purchase �or ttiat
purpoae as con�rast�d �aith �he present value of tne individual
lots involved.
5. G�lould provide means to meet anticipated growth of the Comnany
with resulting civic benefits of potential incr�ase in employment
and increase in tax base cons.istent �a�ith Co:npany ' s Port Atzthority Financin�
In inaking this reyuest, the Comnanv is advised that the present
• proposed zoning for the south half of the blo.�:: to the �•,est �f tnis
proPerty anci liy:e�oise fronting on t•7el.ls Stree� is for P-1 classi-
ficatian as is the sou�h half o� the block dii:ectiv to the ��.st
across Forest Street from the land in question. �
We taould at;preciat� ��our }:�eping us ad�ised w.�ether tl�is rec�uested
change �,�ill h� reco.nTM�ended to the City Council and further tiiat we
be advised of any further hearings at ���nich we, as a�torneys for the
Company, may have the opportunity to present our case.
Thank you for your hel.p in this matter.
Very truly yours, .
By' �,, �,'j�� �a .
ordon Shepard
IIy� _`^,a �� ��
J hn D. H�aly, Jr.
GS/JDII: s7.
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The Giilette Company
Saint Paul Manufacturing Center
Fifth at Broadway
$aint Paul, Minnesota 55101
16121 228-7111
Fehruary 27, 1975
The Saint Pau1 City Council
c/o City Clerk
386 City Ha.ZI
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
We have reviewed the proposed new zoning ordinance for the City of
Saint Pau1 and wish to express our concern with respect to the appli-
cation of the proposed ordinance to our Saint PauZ property. At the
present time, we either own or lease under long term Iease property
with the following general boundaries:
Wa11 Street and Broadway on the west,
Prince Street on the south,
Freeway 94 on the north,
On the east - a line approximately 900 feet to
the east of the easterly right away line of the
Lafayette Freeway.
The Gillette Company's Saint Pau1 Manufacturinq Center occupies a
building of approximate.Zy 840,000 square feet on the above property.
We consider future enlargement of the building and other expansion
of our facilities Iikely to occur in the future.
Under the proposed zoning ordinance, our property to the west of the
Lafayette Freeway would be classified B-5 (Central Business Service
District) and the property east of the Lafayette Freeway wouZd be
classified I-1 (Industrial 1 District). Current zoning is light
industrial 1/2 block east of Broadway and heavy industria.Z from this
point east.
At the present time our facilities are being used for the manufacture
and distribution of cosmetics, toiletries and other personal grooming
products. In connection with the manufacture of these products, we
maintain tanks for the storage of flammable and non-flarr¢nable materials
and chemicals used in our processes. Maintenance of such storage tanks
and expansion of these tanks for new products is vital to our operation.
. • ..
February 27, 1975
The Saint Pau1 City Council
c/o City Clerk
386 City Ha11
Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55IO2
Page 2
In addition, we anticipate future needs to expand our facilities to
include captive manufacturing operations such as plastic molding,
aerosol can fabrication and chemical compounding. The captive
operations couZd serve other Gi.Zlette manufacturing Zocations but
would not se1Z in any commercial market.
Our concern is that in the B-5 classification, none of the above uses
are specificaZly authorized. We have a previous written (Oct. 20, I972)
and recent verbal opinion from Mr. Roger Ryan, City Planner, thaf these
uses would be allowed under clause 60.522-i "Accessor� buildings,
structures and uses customarily incident to any of the above permitted
uses." It was suggested, however, that each project would be reviewed
separately when proposed.
In the I-1 classification, aerosol can fabrication, chemical compounding
and pZastic molding are specificaZly allowed. Again, however, the
chemical storage tanks are allowed only as "uses customarily incident to
any permitted uses" (clause 60.532-s).
We suggest that the proposed zoning ordinance be amended so that our
property from Wall Street to 1/2 block to the east of Broadway be classi-
fied B-S.:and the I-I classification start at that point and coninue to
the east. We also propose that the chemical storage tanks, such as ours,
be specificalZy permitted in classification I-1.
In addition, in paragraph 60.531 - Intent for the I-1 classification, the
' processing of raw material in an I-1 District for shipment in bulk form,
to be used in an industrial operation at another Zocation, is prohibited.
It is understood that this refers to mining, smeltinq or similar operations.
As written, however, it can be interpreted to cover a multitude of operations.
We suggest that the language be made more specific so mis-interpretations
wi11 not occur.
Copies of this statement have been forwarded to the City PZanning Department
and the Saint Pau1 Chamber of Commerce.
Very tr y yours,
a_ ��4
Francis H. Murphy
Director of Engineering
.� � _
The Gillette Company
Saint Paul Manufacruring Cemer
' Fifth at Broadwoy
$aiM Paul, Minnesota 55101
16121 228-7111
February 27, 1975
Mr. C. McGuire, Zoning Planner
City Planning Department
421 Wabasha Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. McGuire:
We have reviewed the proposed new zoning ordinance for the City of
Saint Pau1 and wish to express our concern with respect to the appli-
cation of the proposed ordinance to our Saint Pau1 property. At the
present time, we either own or lease under Zong term Iease property
with the following general boundaries: •
Wa.Il Street and Broadway on the west,
Prince Street on the south,
Freeway 94 on the north,
On the east - a line approximately 900 fee� to
the east of the easterly right away line of the
Lafayette Freeway.
The Gi.Ilette Company's Saint Pau1 Manufacturing Center occupies a
building of approximatel� 840,000 square feet on the above property.
We consider future enZargement of the building and other expansion
of our facilities likely to occur in the future.
Under the proposed zoning ordinance, our property to the west of the
Lafayette Freeway wouZd be classified B-5 (Central Business Service
District) and the property east of the Lafayette Freeway would be
classified I-1 (Industrial 1 District) . Current zoning is lighr
industrial 1/2 bZock east of Broadway and heavy industrial from this
point east.
At the present time our facilities are being used for the manufacture
and distribution of cosmetics, toiletries and other personal grooming
products. In connection with the manufacture of these products, we ��
maintain tanks for the storage of flammable and non-flarrunable material�s
and chemicals used in our processes. Maintenance of such storage tanks
and expansion of these tanks for new products is vital to our operation.
, ,
_ _.
� February 27, 1975
Mr. C. McGuire, Zoninq Planner
C�Ety Planninq Department
421 Wabasha Street
Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102
Page 2
In addition, we anticipate future needs to expand our facilities to
.include captive manufacturin_q operations such as plastic molding,
aerosol can fabrication and chemical compounding. The captive
operations could serve other Gillette manufacturing .Zocations but
would not se11 in any commercial market.
Our concern is that in the B-5 classification, none of the above uses -
are specifically authorized. We have a previous written (Oct. 20, 1972)
and recent verbal opinion from Mr. Roger Ryan, City Planner, that these
uses would be allowed under clause 60.522-i "Accessory buildings,
structures and uses customarily incident to any of the above permitted
uses." It was suggested, however, that each project would be reviewed
separately when proposed.
In the I-1 c.Zassification, aerosol can fabrication, chemical compounding ,
and plastic rrtolding are specifically allowed. Again, however, the
chemical storage tanks are allowed only as "uses customarily incident to
any permitted uses" (clause 60.532-s) .
We suggest that the proposed zoning ordinance be amended so that our
property from Wall Street to 1/2 block to the east of Broadway be classi-
fied B-5 and the I-1 classification start at that point and continue to
the east. We also propose that the chemical storage tanks, such as ours,
be specifically permitted in classification I-1.
In addition, in paragraph 60.531 - Intent for the I-I classification, the
processing of raw material in an I-1 District f.or shipment in bulk form,
to be used in an industrial operation at another Zocation, is prohibited.
It is understood that this refers to mining, smelting or similar operations.
As written, however, it can be interpreted to cover a multitude of operations.
We suggest that the language be rnade more specific so mis-interpretations
will not occur.
Copies of this statement have been forwarded to the Saint Pau1 City Council
and the Saint Paul Chamber of Commerce.
,; '
Very tr yours, ,,;
_. �. f-�� �(1�- -
Francis H. Murphy
Director of Engineering
. .�.
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: : Febi�iar.y 2S, I975
NonoraUle b9F.muer.s ox Lhe Ci.ty
Co:aaic3l of. Saznt Pat�l
City Hall �
West Kel i�gg Boalevard at Wabash� Street
Saint Paul, i�;innesota 55102
Dear A4adam Chainna� and Gexitleir,en:
Mutual Service Tn.sur�-�ce Com�anies h�s its home office at 1913 University
Avenue, whicr. is the block bounded Ly Fairview on the east, and Prior an
• the west. �
The Coimcil as c�nsidering a r�zon�.�� ordinance which will impase certain
re�txictior.s as r_.� rhP }l�igh�:. ��r' b�wi.l�ings in the b'o�k in 1'iillC.h the coi��parAi.�s'
home ofi'ice is l�c�ted. That buiidi,.g was constructed in 1954 and 1955 witn
footings strong enough to permit construction to a Lo�al of ten st_ories.
Through a series of additians, :.he �resent building has risen to five �tor.ies.
Its present heigtit woul.d exceed the permitted heizrit- under tY�e prorosa;�
. zoning ordinance if constr�action were to be undertaken todav.
We ask tnat the City Counci� give consideratior, to un sxceptiot: far uur
buildir.g under this zoning praposa? ;:,o that the conn�anies, sh�,�ild they
desire to ex�tend the ri��i.ght cf the bi�ildin� to t.he ful3. potenti.a�. pe.:nitt�d �
under the p�asent foot�.ngs, could �is� d� ie�st te�z stories. -
wG' TG��1ZC t�1�S: VciI1ST:CCS f2'�7?il ZOI'1.T1� 2'C;Si,?';CZ:1G3"'i:i Cc1T1 �E.' CUi1Sic?L7'�Cl ��'hL'-].':
restrictions do nLt permi.t a desir�;�. ;�i=�3 of cons�r��ctien. `i°ha�, however,
involves c�ecis�.ons by peop?e wt:a :na;r rsot be svni�athEtic to the propos�ed. con-
StI'iiCt.l021 at the ti,e it is to �e u��d�rtaken. Va.•i.ar.ces may also meet
oppositi.on fr.om neighbors. bS�xtaal Ser.vi.ce can not rely on a future varian:.e
to t.a�e care of possible exna�s�.or p?:�r�s in the futuxe. It ought to hav�
recognition given �o its lon� �-an�c° pla�s tar ex�ans�on upwar.d on its or�--
seTit site b� the council m3};ing <<.n excdptiun to thP height res*rictions i.n
the �:7opes,3 ordinanc�. Fa�lurz to }iave a_i excention wri_tten into the
oxa3.nance �it th.is ti:�e wo,�lu h:; ar acldi�i.anal f'aci;or tP�ese companies would
y:�`!l:� �O i:ii�E'. Z,^�'.� ?r^O'.i314 l` :2;? l�'�i'�.;l:�i�E �t:CtSi.�n i75 �o it= r..^,rrl;ine�::t. �,.. �� ..,�
t '
19i9�)nivers.ty Aver�_�e;. St �';���f,«;;,�,;SGt:I 55'04;{E�1^j G�iS-66 i 1
Me.�tua!Service L�fe Insura��ce�omp�flj�1�li(iiiii '.E(�!CE�.;3;tx?..ity lr�sur�r;Cp L�Of/l�'ii^Y/i1�!OCj�fll:;.:tVl(;e�fir:.ur�i°:;e Company.
- 2 - . . �
. , .
We enclose a draft of some suggested language for amendment which will �
� � cover this exception. .
We therefore respectfully urge that the Council, the Planning Board, and
�3i:rtt3�5 Cr`tl.^..c�.2F�i�i� � �� t:ilt'.S'^. ;' a+n..c .���n :.�':;`S_'.`iero'�.ti:jr fi.'.'� �:: i:::C::-'�c"..1C�72 a5
.Yi a.ii a�u..�...�.. �� �,. • . ti, .
� to the height restrictions in the block on Universit.y Avenue in h�hich the
home office property of I�4utual Sexvice is located.
� Respectfully submitted,
� Don ald M. Rupp
: . Senior Vice President,
, � � General Counsel and Secreta
Distribution: , �
Council t'residenr ttuuy iiun� � �
Councilman John E. Christensen �
Councilman David H. fiozza � � ;
Councilman Leonard Levine � -
Councilman Patrick J. Roedler
Councilman Robert Sylvester � �
Councilman Victor J. Tedesco � , . •
. �
� � . �
, � ' ' ,
� .
to the contrary notwithstanding, the maximwn height limitations of this
� 2oning ordinance sha?1 no� be deemed to piohibii e� pr�✓en2: th� uadi�ioii
of :nore stories or floors to those build�-ngs or structures existing on
the effective date hereof ti�rhich were so designed and constructed as to
permit the addition of more stories or floors than existed in said buid-
ings or structures on said date. .
March 3, 1975
The City Council
c/o City Clerk
386 City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
We have distributed the attached letter to each of the members of the
City Council by direct mail, but in accordance with the suggestion of
the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, we are sending a copy of it
to you for information and for filing, if that is d�sired.
Very truly yours,
Donald M. Rupp
Senior Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary
1919 University Avenue,St.Paul,Minnesota 55104/(612)645-6611
Mutual Service Life Insurance Company/Mutual Service Casualty Insurance Company/Modern Service Insurance Company
� i
. _ �
. .. . , , /
. / � �
, ��y, �� �
10NiV J. KAIIa�AGH C0.
599 E. 7th STREET • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • 7740535
March 1, 1975
City Planning Department �
Attn: Chuck MeGuire� Zoning Planner
421 Wabasha Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 -
Dear Mr. McGuire:
This letter is in regaxd to the p�oposed new zoning ordinance.
Reference property located on East 7th Street between Barcl�y and Bix�i.ngham Streets,
particularly Lots 1 through 10, Defranchey�s Division. I purchased these lots in 1957
xith the intent of using them for commercial purposes.
I have spent many thousands of dollaxs snd manhours in the curing of th3.s p¢�operty to
ma.ke it suitable for building and I have be�n in the �ocess, these pa,st two years,
irith pla.ns for building construction. During the past eighteen months, I have besn
attempting to finance this pro3ect. �
It is im�actical to conceive the constructian of residential buildings on this prcperty,
as the cost of pil3.ngs for such construction would make it economically infeasible.
In the event the proposed ordinance is adop�ted, as is, I shall have no recourse 'au#.
to seek relief in the courts. IInder the pa�oposed ordinance this pa�operty would be
�iiia regard �o the proposed ardinance ahanges, I feel they would conftiise, even more,
the p�esent situation rather than cure it. .
The proposed changes should be used as guides rather tha,n an ordina.nce. If you are
really attempting to reestablish the zoning structure of the City of St. Pau1, I would
recommend the conplete abolishment of all zoning ordinances. In my opd.nion the vax�ious
zoning catagories, residential, commerc3al arid industrial, would establish the bound-
eries bg themselves.
Z would like the opportunity to appear before the City Council on March 7, �975. �
CC: Gity Co�cil 4ery truly yours,
Cha,mber of Conmerce
� 2�� �
SJIS/wdm -
� �
TEIEPHONE (612) 222-1761
HOWARD G.STACK�ER �6}1++�a '�� �Q�R�'
JOELC.MAURER �w+rY. � � ,r 37241D5 CENTER
(1900 19711
M�. Albeart C�lewn
C�t� Cl�rk
CiCy o! 8�cim� P�.ul
Ramse►y Co�n�y ��nrt H+d�se
S�. Fe►ul., Mi�' 55i42
Mr. �ha�las McGuire
Cit� Flanz►ing Coa�.ta�i�n
421 W'e►basha
St. Pau3., �1 5�1Q�
Re a Re-�onir�g - �ighxarrid Ger�ter, Ir��. Prc>per��
��' ���.�! �f."'"'�.�JQ
D�ax' 8irs t
�t�.g�l�rnd C��te�r, ��a. is the� cnvn�r �a€ prcpesty +�ituated e�n �h�
r,vz�th ei�+� c! �crd Feskar�y� aae� of R��n+��h, and I�mily c�eecrib�d
aa I,ata 9 a�nd lq, 83ocsk 5� La�ae Highl�md Pa�r�lt a�� pa� of Lot �8
aa�d �11 a! Lota �9 and 30 af �ymee R�-�rzanq+e�nt.
tJ�d�� tris p�ogoaed riee�v at�ning �r81�aAUZe�e, t�i�e p�p�cty h�e bee�
d�aign�t.�d a�e a8--1. �uc� a d�siqx�atior� ie hi�hly rest�ictive, and
lroa� an aconc�aic staAdp�#.nt, woul.e� �#�+��t�v�ly �limirsate fu�ur�
de�v,�lapime�t oP th� groper�y.
'�h� araa �d�ac�t tc� °�h�a ev�b��:ct pxc�pe�ty hu�s 'l�e� de�ignated as
��-� �►d �.� �uld appaar �ha� aa ��#��rion cf th�t �atagQry �onld
Aot ?ae� cantrar�► t�r tta� a�tual �as+�s of th� area in gane�ral �s noa!
8�v+�lop�ad. Futv�r� d��e�lopt�en� ac�.ld be ecsoncxi�ically fe�eibie
w��h auch � dea�3g�a�.ion o! 8--3.
T�.l.a is ta �a:�aliy r�+q�.��� A r+a-exa�f.na�ivr� and r+�-de�igr�►�t�o�
c� �&s ar+�a �[s 8-3. A� plat nu�p o� tia� ara�: !s �n�lds�d �ar your
Ves�p ttttly ycat�ure,
�iI C:E R, II�iC.
- cnra . �t��eormta
. rY'
c�: To All Cou�cil 1�emb�re
. � �'� ��So
�/,�- �J
a. Grand Avenue general.
b. Proposed zoning mixed, OS-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, and RM-2.
c. Requested zoning; see attached letters.
d. The requested designation allows small business to grow when warranted,
excludes expansion of community oriented business while allowing the
continuation of residential use.
e. Staff has spent considerable time over the past year reviewing existing
land uses and proposed zoning for the Grand Avenue area. Early this spring
a parcel by parcel evaluation of the Grand Avenue strip was made with the
Grand Avenue Business Association. At the termination of that evaluation
meeting staff assumed that we were very close to agreement although some
specific parcel requests were not resolved.
The July 3rd letter from the Association stating their current position
with respect to the Avenue's proposed zoning raises substantial concern
on the part of the staff. These concerns are:
1. Designation of the area west of Howell in a residential category
unnecessarily non-conforms some 10 or 12 existing business establish-
ments. This is not consistent with good planning practice,
2. Designation of the remaining part of Grand Avenue i.e. east of Howell
in a B-2 configuration with B-3 where necessary to conform existing
business, is not without substantial problem to owners of residentially
used property in that area. The non-conformance provisions allow for
reconstruction only to the original density in the event of disaster.
Land economics over the past years have been such that an increased
density is almost invariably necessary to make reconstruction affordable
unless governmental subsidy is used.
Since the area proposed to be designated B-2 by the Association contains
considerable high value, high quality, multi-family and low-density residential
development which should be adequately protected, staff recommends that the
zoning pattern for Grand Avenue be consistent with the proposal developed
in conjunction with the Grand Avenue Businessmen during the aforementioned
Spring 1975 meeting, and as shown on the current proposed zoning maps, 200
scale on file in the Planning Department and with the City Clerk.
� �Q�. i
ZBCR-2 ( U� �° ����)
a. Block bo�snded by Ramsey, Grs.zid, and Western (not an open street) and the
north side of Ramsey between the Grand/Ramsey intersection and the line
of Western Avenue.
b. Proposed zoning R.*�I-2', RT-2, and B-2,
c. Requested zoning is to extend B-2 west to include lots 17, 18, 19, and 30
with the remainder of the block RM-3. North side of Ramsey RM-3.
d. The smali amount of B-2 classification would not permit effective commercial
development. The steep terrain of the land requires higher density development
to be economically feasible. Overlooking the freeway will not be highly
desireable residential land for limited density development.
e. Staff recommends denial. Nature of the topography does not lend itself
to high rise high density apartments. This site has been designated in the
proposed Urban Design Standards and Policies as an important "vista and
view" site. This factor combined with the nature of the topography raises
substantial question as to the advisability of high rise construction on
the site. A "Planned Development Project" on the site which holds this
at or near the RM-2 level and restricts the structure height to a level
below line of site from the bluff line, would appear to be the most appro-
priate solution to the problem of development on this sit� �'. � S,o��
ZBCR-3 • � , � 6 �
' 8,3 �,,�.,.y R�, _
a. Park Nursery site.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-1 and B-3. Current Zoning and C Residence and Commercial,
4 .
c. Requested Zoning: �
1. All property presently "C" Residence RM-1 or RM-2.
2. All property presently "A" Residence RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1.
3. All property presently Commercial B-1 or B-2. �
d. Proposed designations most closely reflect existing zoning.
e. Staff reaction to the requested zoning is mixed. The designation of current C
residence property as RM-2 would be the closest possible translation from the
old code to the new and consistent with practice in other areas of the City.
Designation of the current "A" residential portion to a new residential class-
ification would now conform the existing business use of the site. Designation
of the current Comcnercial portion of the site would create a small Commercial
spot zone of questionable capacity, value, and viability, a poor planning
practice. The staff would hold with the original proposed zoning approved by
the Planning Commission and forwarded to the City Council.
a. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and Kennard.
b. Proposed RT-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Request I-
d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased.
There is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
e. The area to the west of the site is partially occupied by an abandoned coal
yard and some storage structures one of which is burned out. The developed
area to the south of the site is low-density sfngle family housing. The
local streets are not adequate for heavy truck traffic access. To gain
access to the site using present streets would require routing trucks past
low-density residential housing. The site appears to be at or near the
existing street grades in the area and appears to be buildable as a low-
density residenti.al area. Staff recommends denial.
a. Area generally north of LaCrosse west of Kennard.
b. Proposed zoning nT-1. Current zoning Heavy Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-
d. Proposed zoning would.not permit intended development.
e. This property is the site of an abandoned coal storage and sales facility.
(see ZBCR-4 above.) It appears that considerable filling has taken place
on the s�te. Some structural remains presently occupy portions of the site.
The staff evaluation and recommendation for this property is the same as
ZBCR-4, recommendation for denial.
a. Area bounded by Juno, Armstrong, Duke, and Osceola.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. Currently zonF�d Light Industrial. The area would be surrounded by
commercial and industrial property according to the petitioner.
e. The request is in conflict with the NDP Plan for the area. Property
situated to the west of the site is currently zoned "B" Residential.
The site was purchased for the relocation of a business which located at
an alternate site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on
maximizing dollar return or sale options, and in that it is contrary to
the approved NDP Plan the staff would recommend denial.
. , �b�;�_5�
r '
RONn�D C. EVANS AREA CODE 612 (tee7-�870)
August 27, 1975
To The Honorable The City Council
of The City of Saint Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota
We are now advised that the fourth and final reading of the
proposed new St. Paul zoning ordinance wi11 be held on Thursday,
August 28, 1975. We again wish to emphasize a strong objection,
as outlined in detail in our letter of January 27, 1975 to the
proposed RT-2 zoning for the x�.orth side of Ramsey Street, the
RM2 zoning for the present class C residential zoning in the
block bounded by Ramsey Street, Grand Avenue and Western Avenue,
and the limitation of the B2 zoning at the intersection of Ramsey
and Grand to an area of approximately 7900 square feet whereas
the present commercial zoning covers approximately 15,000 square
Without repeating the detailed facts set forth in our January 27
letter, it is our strong feeling that the adoption by the Council
of the severely restrictive zoning classifications in the proposed
ordinance constitutes the unlawful taking of the property now
owned by Messrs. Sausser and Hedberg without due com�aensation.
The Council' s action in approving the applicable zoning provisions
on May 30 was taken in the absence of the affected property owners
and without notice to them of the hearing. Following our protest
of this action by letter dated July 10, 1975, the Council did
grant a further hearing which was held July 18, 1975, at which
approximately 30 minutes were allotted for consideration of this
item, along with nine other zoning matters on the Council' s zoning
agenda that day, and we do not believe that fair consideration
was given to the arguments that the proposed zoning classifications
To The Honorable The City Council
Page two
August 27, 1975
would leave our clients holding properties which could not
possibly be developed in accordance therewith, and that the
only feasible use of the properties would be a continuation
of the present uses, which are neither economically profitable
nor a credit to this strategically locatecl area near the central
At the suggestion of Council President Hozza, we have met with Mr.
David Fredrickson, Economic Development Adviser to the Housing
Authority and the Council and have reviewed with him the impending
economic impact of this down-zoning. He has now submitted a
report to President Hozza which substantially supports the
economic arguments we have been trying to make, and we woula
again urge the Council to give consideration to the economic
factors involved in the proposed rezoning. Our attention has
been called to the provisions of Chapter 261 of the Minnesota
1975 Session Laws which would permit rezoning within two years
back to a classification substantially equivalent to the previous
zoning. Unfortunately, this provision does not solve the problem
of the Council' s arbitrary action in substantially down-zoning
the premises involved, and we feel the adoption of the zoning
ordinance in its present form will leave us no alternative but
to challenge the validity of the applicable provisions on the
grounds that it deprives our clients of substantial vested
property rights without c7ue compensation. We have made every
reasonable effort to place the applicable facts before the
Council, and contend that the Council' s failure to give any
consideration to those facts is so arbitrary and unreasonable
as to support this contention.
Very truly yours,
� �--��j
� �,1--�f �--t� \ ��c_....�_t'_�--�
Fred W. Fisher
� CIRCULATED 8/27/75
� t ��'� � , �
August 26, 1975
Council President Hozza and Members
of the City Council of the City
of Saint Paul
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Southwest Corner of Hudson Road and McKnight
Zoning Boundary Change
Dear President Hozza and Council Members:
The Clapp-Thomssen Company has expended considerable time and effort to
persuade the City Council that the rezoning of its property located East of
Suburban Avenue and North of Burns Avenue to OS-1 is unjustified and
illegal. Regrettably, the Council voted on July 22 , 1975 , to reject our
It was apparent that a major reason for rezoning the property to OS-1 was
to solve the alleged traffic problem created by the Chain Link Restaurant.
While we felt that another owner' s traffic problem could not justify a
downzoning of the Clapp-Thomssen property, we nevertheless suggested a
solution in the hopes of avoiding litigation. Unfortunately, our efforts
did not settle the controversy since we understand that final action on
the adoption of the new zoning ordinance will be taken this Thursday.
Coun�il President Hozza and Members
` of �the City Council of the City
of Saint Paul
August 26, 1975
Page Two
It is with reluctance that I advise you that Clapp-Thomssen has no
alternative but to seek a judicial resolution of this matter in order to
preserve the value of its property. Upon passage of the ordinance, I
have been instructed to prepare a lawsuit contesting the downzoning
of the company' s property.
Very truly your _
sy- ,�� C�" .
es D. Lano, Es . �
cc: Mr. Rohland Thomssen
Mr. William Clapp
Mr. Fred Clapp
Mr. John D. Healy, Jr.
' ` CIRCULATED 8/27/75
- .
4008 1DS CENTER �UG � ` I�I�
August 26 , 1975
Mr. David Hozza
President of the City Council of
the City of Saint Paul
Room 722
City Hall
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re : Southwest Corner of Hudson Road and McKnight
Zoning Boundary Change
Dear President Hozza:
We very much appreciated the opportunity to confer with you concerning
the rezoning of the above property. We think it appropriate that the
Department of Public Works analyze the traffic and poriding considerations
which have apparently been major reasons why our requested ES zoning
has been rejected. Hopefully, the Department' s expertise will produce
a solution to the alleged problems so that the property' s zoning
classification may be subsequently changed to ES. However, I must
reiterate that while we have been cooperative in attempting to find a
solution to the alleged traffic problem, we nevertheless feel that any
problems created by the Chain Link owner, over whom we have no control,
cannot form the basis for downzoning the Clapp-Thomssen property.
We understand that the ordinance will be adopted by the City Council this
Thursday. Thus, in order to preserve its rights, the Clapp-Thomssen
Company has no choice but to commence a lawsuit contesting the downzoning
of its property. If it subsequently develops that the Council is willing
Mr.• D�vid Hozza
Augiist 26 , 1975
Page Two
to rezone the parcel to ES based on additional information furnished
by the Department of Public Works, we would be delighted. However, we
cannot safely assume that this will occur, and thus, we will prosecute
our action accordingly.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Very truly yours ,
gy_ � -�� �N�`
J m s D. Lano, Es .
cc: Mr. Rohland Thomssen
Mr. William Clapp
Mr. Fred Clapp
Mr. John D. Healy, Jr.
� _ ,� -� ��� ���
�� � � ��
The following is a chronology of public action on the proposed zoning
1 . From December of 1971 to March of 1972, six Planning Board public hearings
were held on the proposed zoning ordinance: one hearing on the text
regulations; four hearings on the proposed zoning map; and one hearing on
the administrative section of the text.
2. Public hearing evidence was considered by the Board during the summer of
1972. The Board adopted the proposed zoning ordinance, with recommended
changes, in September 1972.
3. In January 1973, the Planning Board made findings on the proposed zoning
ordinance being related to the overall needs of the city, to existing land
use, and to a plan for future land use as required by state statutes.
4. In February 1973, the Mayor transmitted the ordinance to the City Council .
5. Between April and October 1973, the Council City Development Committee
reviewed the ordinance and amended it preparatory to informational hearing.
6. From November of 1973 to February 1974, the Council City Development
Committee held five area hearings on the ordinance.
7. Hearing evidence was considered by the City Development Committee during
the sumner of 1974. On July 29, 1974, the Committee passed the ord�nance
text, with some recommended amendments, to the full City Council for
review. On August 1$, 1974, the Committee passed to the full Council the
ardinance map with the notation that the controversial items be handlec�
at that time.
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C!:�a i rman, t�le�ropol i tan Counc i 1
'-i�tro Squa=•e Ei�ilding
vt. Paui , sfin.nesota 55i01
RE: New Zoning Ordinance for the City of Saint Pau}
Dear Si r:
The C i ty of Sa i nt Paul has recenti y adopted, a ne�v Zon i ng Ordi n�nce f��r
L'.e entire City. After substantial revie+�� of the Pi�oposed Zoning Cod�:,
t��� City Planning Commission and City C�uncil �'etermi��ed that th;^ ne:r
Zr.ning Ordinance is virtuall�y� n compli nce �vith the Comprehensive
i`?��n ft�r Sa i„t Paui , ti�►h i ch f�as beQn ;�rev i aus 1 y tr�nsmi tted to t(�e
'•'+�i'Yn�lpllt3r, Council . The City oF S�in¢ Pa!�1 �•;�utd a�;�i-eciate
���.',n�.�iledg�n�;it of thi s document E�y th�. i1��r-o�ui i t::,�� C��rs-�ci i :
rr.•; 1o:•,ing ic�isiative revi�Ly of the htetra��alitac� D��ve.lopment Frarr�2w�ri:
�>;,.:� clarifict,�ior� of th� Cou�icil 's defi ,:itiu,z o¢ ``;1�troaolitan
'�:� ni (i r.c��", thz ity of Saint Paui lon�:s �ari•r�rd to the opporL-unity �1,N�"v�
w� ��- C.� �=1
tc� u��a e t t s Con�pre e�s i��. Fl ail anc! Zon i ng Orc i na;��e, .
S i rc.erul Y,
. � A 5 �� �y5�
LAW OFFICE �� � � � �
, rxv*rx x.oaetieai �2p0 N'IRST NnTIONAL BANK BUILDING � doxx R.1LENEFICK
. H.G.HA@T 291-1215 DOUGLAS L.S'HOR
M.J.GA3.VIN,JR. November �5 �97"1' DOUGLAS R.HADDOCH
The Honorable Ruby Hunt,
St . Paul City Council
City Hall
St . Paul, Minnesota 55102
In re: New St. Paul Proposed Zoning Ordinance
Council No. 26��-550
Application of Koppers Company, Inc.
for Amendment
Dear President Hunt and Members of' �the City Council:
It is our understanding that the above ordinance, which had its
first reading before the City Council on Wednesday, November 13, 197�-,
is scheduled for its second reading on Wednesday, November 20, and
further, that Mr. Charles McGuire, Zoning Planner, ha,s proposed Tues-
day, November 19 as a deadline date for submission of all proposals
for amendments to the above ordinance.
Formal request is hereby made tha�t the above new comprehensive
zoning ordinance be amended, prior to adoption by the Council, so as
to make the following change on the zoning map, namely:
Change the proposed classification of at least all that
portion of the land area of the City of St . Paul bounded by
Lexington Avenue on the east, the Burlington Northern Railway
right-of-way on the south, the Burlington Northern Railway
right-of-way on the north, and extending westerly to a point
west of Hamline Avenue, which is presently owned by Koppers
Company, Inc. , from an Industrial-1 district as presently
proposed to either an Industrial-3 district or an Industrial-2
district, as deemed appropriate by the Council, to permit con-
tinued operation of Koppers ' Twin Cities coke plant on its
present site, including necessary or appropriate modifications,
additions and improvements .
s$�G�s AND MO$GAN The Hon. Ruby Hunt
� November 15, 197�
! Page . . . 2
It is further requested that before definitive action
is taken by the Council on the ordinance representatives of
Koppers Company, Inc. be given an opportunity to appear
before the Council to present its case in support of the
change requested. We particularly ask that, presumably
through the City Clerk, the undersigned be advised, if pos-
sible, approximately a week in advance of such hearing of
the date and time so that arrangements may be made for
� Koppers officials tu ap�ear.
At this time there is enclosed to each of you:
1. Copy of the undersignedts letter dated October l�- to the
Honorable Leonard W. Levine as Chairman of the Council � s City Develop-
ment Committee;
2. Copy of Commissioner Levine ' s reply dated October 23, 197�.
We had been given to understand back at the August 13 meeting
of the City Development Committee that while that committee planned
no further public hearin�s, the planning staff would recommend to the
City Council that there �h� �, number �f exceptions, including the
Koppers plant site, from the ordinan::e as initially proposed, with
action on such excepted matt�rs to bF� considered at a 1 ater date.
However, from our review of the file in the City C1erk' s office it
presently appears that no such exceptions are proposed. Neither are
we aware presently of any staff report to the Council on the Koppers
site as Commissioner Levine ' s letter t� the undersigned of October 23
speaks of requesting.
We therefore at this time request an opportunity to be heard
before the Council on this ordinance in respect to the Koppers site.
The continued consideration cf this matter by all concerned is appre-
Yours very truly,
�.-.�.�-�%� �`��/.
Samuel H. Morgan
of Briggs and Morgan
SHM:mj Counsel for Koppers Company, Inc.
cc: The Hon. Lawrence Cohen,
Mayor of Saint Paul
City Clerk - Attn: Mr. Al Olson '-'"�
Mr. Charles McGuire,
Zoning Planner
Mr. Templeton Smith M?�. Arnold Peterson
Attorney - Koppers C,��mp�,ny M��nager - Koppers Company
�� _ LA« OFI�ICI: �
GH.1FiLE5 S�.LI2IGGS � 1\ .l � G S .���T]7 M O R �T t� N � PETER 7;.SEED
` . J.ti£!L�[ORTOV � P1iIi[P L.Y1R6YER
• FRL\IL �,ct�tc�>t ,3::p0 1'IRSP \ATIOY9i. IiANK BUII.111I�G JOF[N R.Ke�EptCx
H.C.FLjY.i 291-1�15 � DOCGLAS L.SFCOFt
JOH?I >f.StiLLIV�V AHT•.� COUE G33 � � DA2�IF.L J.(:OLE,J8.
BY.E2\i8ll P.FItIF.L � � - DfICHAEL H.JEHOYI:HUS � -
. D_1VID G.F@ niB� - October �"'Y� �97� DOUGLAS R.IIADDOCH
JOt1N J. �fc\£ECY � � EDWIN P.LY:P
The Honorable Leonard Levine $oB�RT o.SUL���N
� - . HAROLD J.fLItiNF.Y
Chairrna:n, City Development Committee
Ci i,y Hal1
15 �d. Kellogg Blvd.
, St . Paul, Minnesota 55102 .
RE: Proposed New Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
for the City oF Sa,int Paul.
Request of Koppers Company, Inc . for Change �
of Classification of its Saint Paul Plant Site
Property from Proposed Industrial-1 Classification
to Industrial-3 or Industrial-2 Classification.
Dear Mr. Levine : �
On behalf of our client, Koppers Company, Inc. , as owner and
occupier of the extensive tract of land Zying on the northerly side
of the Burlington Northern main lir�e and extending westerly from � :
Lexington Avenue for something over a half-mile to a point west of
Hamline Avenue in Saint Pau1, request is hereby made that the property
in question, the exact legal description of which can be furnished if
: needed, not be rezoned from its present heavy industrial classification
under the existing ordinance to an Industr?_al-1 district as proposed in
the new zoning ordinance for the City coming before the Council for
adoption, but instead be either left under the old zoning as a heavy
industrial district or if put under the new ordinance, be classified
as an Industrial-3 district, or if appropriate to present use an
Industrial-2 district .
The primary reason for this request is that it may be impossible
for Koppers Company, Inc . to continue to operate its plant and to make
essential improvements and additions not designed to increase capacity
under the provisions of the non-conforming use sections of the proposed
On August 13, 197�+, this firm, through its Ms. Laurel P�Zarch, attended
a meeting of' your committee and requested �the opportunity to be heard on
this matter before the entire comprehensive zoning o rdinance was brought
' �_ _.�
� �3 x�c c s ���D �•�o H G�� The Hon. Leonard Levine
� October 1�4�, 197Zi-
Page 2
before the fu11 City Council for adoption. Your committee declined to
do this, indicating it felt that the time was at hand when the whole
ordinance and all objections should be brought directly before the
full City Council for de�termination and action by it .
However, in the hope that this written request at this time may
still be given consideration by your committee, or at least by the
plar�ning staff, so that a resolution may be made of the matter prior
to action by the fu11 City Council, we are submitting this request at
this time. In any event, this �.etter will serve to spel:l out Koppers �
objections to the proposed rezoning, together with some of the reasons
for its objections .
The Saint Pau1 coke plant of Koppers Company, Inc. was constructed
at its present location in 1916 prior to the adoption of the present
zoning ordinance in about the year 1921 and long prior to the construc-
tion of most of the residences within the immediate vicinity. It was
located on undeveloped land lying between the Great Northern and Northern
Pacific main lines and just south of the Northern Pacific Railwayts Como
Avenue shops. This strip of land between these two rail lines, now both
lines of the Burlingto� Northern, has been an ideal one for industries
reqtnring direct railroad� service. Also, the two rail lines serve as
buffers to the residential and park areas lying to the north and south
of the two lines. An examination of' �the proposed new zoning map ti�,rill
make it eviden� that the only substantial areas in the entire city zoned
Indus�trial-2 or Industrial-3 are relatively minor ones covering existing ,
facilities such as power plantso Therefore, under the proposed rezoning
there will be almost no areas within �he entire City of Saint Paul avail-
able even for entirely clean, noiseless and attractively housed industries ;
requiring trackage for carload deliveries and shipmen�:s unless either
areas such as the one between the two rail lines and extending westerly �
from Lexington Avenue to the City limiLS are rezoned to at least the
Industrial-2 classification or unless the Industrial-1 classification �
is redefined to p ermit this type of industry. This basic question of ;
use is important to a number of industries presently within this strip. ;
It is important to Koppers, not only immediately, but in the longer future �
because of its possible effect on the value of its property when the i
tirne comes, perhaps a decade or two hence, for dismantling and disposal
of the 1and. We submit that to classify this area so as not to permit i
its use by industries receiving and shipping products in bulk and thus ;
requiring direct trackage facilities could very substantially adversely �
affect the value of the land on which the Koppers plant is presently
located. This area is ideal for trackage related industry. It is not
suitable for residences nor for commercial and shopping use.
Above and beyond questions of immediate concern or long-range
concern to Koppers, the City mu.st conaider the extent to which iti v�ishes
to prevent future industrial operations of almost all kinds within i�s �
_ ;
� --�
�x��GS �.v r�o�U=�� The Hon. Leonard Levine
October l�, 197�
Page 3
corporate liraits. We submit that the City Development Committee as
ti,rell as the City Council should rna,ke a serious effort to strike a
fair balance betUreen insuring a, clea,n, attractive environment for the
City' s residents and at� the sarne tirne keeping some land within the City
available for new as ti,rell as olci industry with the employment and tax
aspects involved in keeping such industries in the City.
Turning �ecifically to Koppers and to its immediate problems,
aside from the long-range effect of a rezoning on the future use and
value of its real estate, i� appears that Koppers � own needs for con-
tinual rebuilding, remodeling and adding to its plant just to keep it
properly operating will not be possible under �Lhe very limi�ed changes
�rmitted under the non-conforming use provisions of the proposed new
ordinance, Section 62.102. Tt is primarily for �his reason that Koppers
must ask that the property be zoned for its present use, either Industrial-3
or at the very least, Industrial-2, assuming its coke operations can
properly be conducted under the latter classification.
While Koppers does not intend to build a new coke plant on this site
or to add new ba�teries of coke ovens to it, it does expect to operate
the present facilities for at least a.s long as it profitably can, perhaps
for at least another ten or even twenty years .
Among repairs and additions it may wish to make or be required
to make are the following, which are given simply as examples :
1 . Replace five or more present bad coke ovens.
2. Build a new screening station on some of its now-vacant land
to meet possible changing coke size requirernents of its customers .
3. Ma�ke cha.nges in the tar processing equipment. �
1�. Make extensive and possibly quite costly modifications of a
structural nature to comply with PCA, EPA or OSHA requirements. As an
illustration of what might be required by one of these agencies, the
State Pollution Control Agency is presently discussing with the operators
of coke ovens at Duluth tne construc�ion of sheds over their ovens which
would involve an expenditure of approximately $1,250,000.00, a figure
which is substantially in excess of the $1,011,500.00 estimated marlcet
value of the plan� according to the 197L� Ramsey County tax staternent,
and far more �than the appro�imate $500,000.00 present book depreciated
value of these faci�.ities on Koppers ' books .
Section 62.101 of the proposed ordinance relating to non-conforming
uses prohibits any non=conforming structures on vacant lando This would
appear to prohibit construci;ion of an item such as the new screening
• ` __ ,_J
�r��c�c=5 �,:�b rl o r�U�N � Tkie Hon. Le onard Levine
October 1��, 197�+
Page �
sta.tion above mentioned. Section 62.101 limits repairs to non-bearing
v��alls and to 50� of �Lhe market value oF the property which would seern
�o be clearly exceeded by any construction of the extensive nature that
the PCA is considering requiring for certain other coke facilities above
mentioned, And it inust be kept in mind that inflation and the �reatly
increased costs of construci,ion of the type involved in these facilities
means that even relatively modest cYianges or additions could exceed in
cost fifty percent of the presen�; market value of this nearly sixty-year-
old facility. It is likev�rise very doub�cful whether the exceptions in
Section 62.102 permi�ting repairs required by publa.c officials f or safety
reasons WOU�d cover environmental (PCA or EPA) requiremen�ts. It is thus
apparent �that a number oF changes Koppers is likely to be required ta
rnake �,rill be impossible under a non-conforming use status .
The consequences to the local and regional economy of an . early
shutdown of the Koppers plant could be far more serious than most people
realize . First of al1 it should be pointed out that foundry coke is
presently in very short supply nationally and Koppers is the only sup-
plier of foundry coke in this region, hlilwaukee being the neares� other
source. Koppers is currently supplying about 25 sma11 foundries in
Minnesota with foundry coke, the majority of them being located in or
near the Twin Ci�;ies . If it is forced to shut d�wn, many of these small
foundries may be unaUle to secure foundry coke frorn other sources or to
convert to electric furnace operation, and they may in �urn be requir�d
to shut down. Furthermore, of course, the closing of a number of foundry �
facilities wi11 have a domino effect on many other manufacturers who use '
such foundries � products for further processing. In short, Koppers �
present operations as a foundry coke manufa,cturer a.re extremely important
for the economy oi' this community and region.
The other principal product from Koppers ' Saint Pau1 operations :
is gas. Prior �to the corning of natural gas here, Koppers supplied gas ;
to the City. Now it se11s its gas to Northern States Power Company for
power plant operations, its sales in millions of cubic fee� having
recently been as follows: ;
�-972 671,861 Mc
1973 702,563 Mc
197�� (through August� �19�4�,780 MC
Obviously, i f Northern St;ates Pozaer Company is deprived of this gas it
wi11 have to replace the fuel supply so lost ti�rith other energy sources
wnich may Ue either scarce or more detrimental to �the environment than
the manufactu-red gas it is now receiving from Kopp ers .
' �rz�c�s r�rv r1o1?G,Y The Hon. Leonard Levine
october 1�, 197�
Page 5
� The City should also be aware of the possible immediate �ax
loss from a closin�. Ttie 1971-►� taxes on Koppers � St. Pau1 real estate
were in excess of y�55,000.00. In �.973, total ta.xes collected both on
real estate and inventory or machinery and fixtures of' Koppers �ompany
in St, Paul approached $100,000.00.
Employment by Koppers at Saint Pau1 is currently some 150, of
whom 120 are union members employed on an hourly basis, with the re-
mainder being clerical or supervisory personnel. Many of the men
ernployed are older, longtime employees wh�� might find it difficult to
secure other employment. Additionally, Ko�pers ' operations bring in
about ten cars of coal a day from Duluth with substantial outbound
rail shipments as we11 as Fifteen or rnore truckloads of coke a day
going out . Obviously, the transportation e�iiploymen�t is substantial and
of course we have already pointed out the rnany o�her industries . depend-
ent on Koppers ' foundry coke, not only local foundries but many othe-r '
metal working concerns using such f'oundries ' produc�;s . It is apparent
that the �ermination of employment at Koppers ' St . Paul plant would
have a very much greate.r ef�'ect on employment in the area �than the
direct effect on its own employees .
Finally, the City Development Committee as we11 as the �ouncil of
the City must keep in mind that a rezoning of property can constitute
an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation. �rThile
all rezoning is by no means impermissible, it is fundamental tha� a
taking. for which compensation must be paid cannot be carried out under
the guise of zoning.
Koppers Company, Tnc . wi11 bf� pleased to present further testimony "
and evidence before the pl.anning staff, the City Development Committee,
and the City Council at such time or �imes as may be appropriate, and N
to answer questions which members of the Development Co�imittee, the Staf�
or the Council may have. We do request th�.� in any, ev�n� following re �:= '�
ceipt of this letter and its appropriate r��'erral to th�, staf�', we be V
given an oppor�unity to review with staff �he matters here presented� �
and to discuss with it the possibility of appropriate staff ��commer�s�a:-
tions for reclassification being submitted to the City Council befor� �``=
the ordinance comes befoxe it for adoption. �
Respectfully yours, �
- � ,
� .�.�t. • � �=�z�v v�, -
,' ...�-.r,.�.-c•r t`i, . G ..�
� � . . ✓�j �' � . . .
Samuel H. Morgan
cc : Mr. Charles S. McGuire
Zoning PlaruZer
�4 21 ti�lab a.sha Ave.
St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102
%� . .
_ , � - ....J
, �I�
�� ���
��� �F e
.. � `I C596f][1p'�
'�.\��..._ ,� � �.
PHONE �ia � �as-���s
October 23, 1974
Mr, Samuel H. Morgan
Briggs and Morgan
2200 First National Bank Building
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear I�' Morgan:
Tharik you for your letter of October 14 in which you detail
the background and history of the Koppers Company property.
I have referred your letter to Mr. Charles McGuire of the
5t, Paul Planning Department and asked that he prepare a report .
for Council considerati�n. I urge you to participate in the
upcoming public hearings on the proposed new zoning ordinance.
Again, tharik you for writing. I will, of course, keep you
informed of any hearings on this matter.
City of St, Paul
� � �-� �� � C�)
.. '� ,.1,: �-��-J��
Fort Sne��ing State Park Association
. Post Office Box 3505
_ °' :� Saint Paul,Minnesota 55165
f ,�-�:_..•. �
•• i.� �
ti�, •�1�:'•i.
.., 'f,�:;"� .� la�.• ..• �
�` i Dedicatec� to the Preservation of the Historic nnd Natural Values of the Fort SnelHng Area
� ' �K �
- � �
� _. _ .___
j_� November 20, 197�
«,K�o„, ; The Honorable Ruby Hunt,
`s��""" � President
''�»�� ' and Members of the City Council
�aM:�HeYY.Ir. ' .
OaM A.MOe�wn ' - .
SECRE7�RY Paul Porposed Zoning Ordina.nce
�..u.�..� � e: New S .
:�,�•rw:�,., � council No. 26�+550
"���' ' Zonin of Water ate A artment Site
a..n� g g P
E��...�w.� �
GrMa N.Nnren � .
�w�a'�� � Dear President Hunt and Members of the Council:
RWwmavD„4�c� �
�ii.i.�iww c.e.« I
�;�M�tT-� , The above ordinance proposes to zone for the first time
`µ�=:«�" � the reviousl unzoned land in the Mississi i flood lain
■oe..�i.u.ee P Y P P� P
�.::.o..,. ' below West 7th Street includin� Crosby Farm R-1 except the
WE�<Nw�� � so-called "Watergate Apartment site, which is proposed to -
�n,.a�.aM+o.�n t be zoned RM-3, presumably to permit construction of the long
"`'�'°�" deferred 26-story Watergate apartment.
[e.m s.[i..u,l.. �
pe„i i°,p1,„;a„ 1 .
Miulrn G.fiNSr I
M`""'°�" The Fort Snelling State Park Association has long opposed
a.rn.oa..t.F.n,sn. 1
'�5i►�°°"` ' such a high rise on this site. It would be a disaster visu-
4uN D.M�rmew
�,o,,, ; a11y to the view from the Fort, and furthermore, is not the
wwr os.r r�wsn�1.N.n�rw
•Wr�d4�,� � type of intensive develo ment that should be �
Don+aw.�.etin. P permitted on
,�.,�°E���, ' the flood plain.
:�...� �
�,�,���� � Therefore, the Association asks that the Council amend
Mn��%�.�«� � the ro osed ordinance so that the tract in
,,.,,,, p p question is
���„'°'" ; zoned at least for no more intensive development than RM-2,
���«".•.,-.�.. � which would permit up to 5-story apartments and which would
'.",:.�`�•Y � not create the serious density and visual problems of a 26-
a...e.e.a a..r s�w
w��� � story or more high rise.
.o�..o,�o �
hn.r O.�na��on
`.°"°"`�."" It appears that no work has been done on the Watergate
r.l.a....�..sw 1
°•�•�^°'"��°����� ' site since the sum.mer of 19?3 under the building permit
�w;.;;:,:�`W.`�'�N"W"�`" ; granted in December 19?2, and that the owner now has no
�'"""""'""""'"' � vested rights under that permit, which should now be revoked.
CmM�Iw.Myuro1�0u1M ' .
WN an 4rr •COww�rM.
S�r.�w�Me�l M 1r4 �
��-�.�. � It is requested that representatives of the Fort Snelling
w.�Y�a w,,.�»cr.n ,
:«....... State Park Association and others, including the citizens of
a.«w,r.....a•Mw.r�t.�.n �
u r wu.
a..w,s�.r r.�. � .
r....�.�.a..�..,�w c.....w..�
;ww�c c.°.w�.ww.�' � .
i��.�.uw�:,�t.wi �
tw»w.�.. 1 . .
nw.re�.���«. t .
Y+w.r�•�M N�w�w�
w�ru� (
rr.�r a.o,
�+�.�....t.a.p 1
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F�MnI h��.�I NnW�
frr��W M.ww�Yw� �
MM�1���M � .
f.In�wr+ls+1 M�H� �
W��.a� �
4�wN P�w�r NM�/
IW Lr.0
The Hon. Ruby Hunt, President
. and Members of the City Council
November 20, 197�F
Pa,ge . . . 2
St. PaUl who are concerned over this matter, be given an
opportunity to appear at a public hearing on this ordinance
to present their views.
Re�spe c t fully,
,''I ���
,�=: �G``�� ` -c„
� ��
. S. Axel von Bergen
cc: The Hon. Lawrence Cohen,
Mayor of St. Paul
Mr. Charles McGuire,
Zoning Planner
City Clerk,
Attn: Mr. Al Olson
Mr. Raymond Black
. Mr. Thomond 0'Brien
Mr. Russell Fridley
� Mrs. Martha Norton
, ' ,.
. � .
. " 'r-"1/ . 5
� �,r l!�� ���j /,l � G_� '
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i �11C1 l,� ��v G��?
' � ll �j�1JD �� � .
��SL�1oRAtdDTr�i .
I .
, Re: Request .�ar chan�e of zon:in; distric� of parcel on Btli�ns
, .
Ave, irom 13-2 �o b-�3.
Proper�y: Lo�s 22 a�.d 23, B:t.ock 20, Scenic �ii11s No. y.
These are tt�ro unsold 1.o;;s r�ounded on three sides i�;� e:r,istinb
A sinall or�fice builciing and a Za1�a-�a fast food build:in� to
th� r�oxth, an �ziii?:�,1 ros�i�Zl �co t�1c L�l��i� and a `.i'V;in C;�y Feaerul
� office p111.1.��Ilg �o the �as�.
The prorosed bow�.dary line bet�t•reen B-2 and I�-3 zonin� jogs
arour�d �'rlese lots to include ther� iAz the more resi.ric�ive 3-2
On Au�fus�t 22, 197�- the Plann:i�� ]3oard s�tafi indica�ud thel e
should b� no Q1.li1.C11?.��f i.n �ec;z=ui;in� -'ti:a proposed zonin� ;:.a.p �o
. include �his pareel in the B-3 district but �.hwt zhe orc:i.n«nc�
, was ou� oz: r;.eir 'r?�nds and being con��.ci�rad by the Ci�y �1��or.:eJ� s
Ofx'ice. .
, - - . ,. _ � , , f'
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�(/i/=�I7Li"✓����A(1(�N I�l►iIl , .
. � • .7C��it �i• ��3 'NU..� . .
REAITORS • 606 MI�dN�SOil1 BU1Lp1NG o �l', PAUL, M�NNE��TA 56101 • (612) 222-731 i'
. i
� �''] � �J .
� '' ��'
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�1�11��� ����' ��7
�.o� �� J � � �� � �� . � �
Re : P�equest for chan�;e of' zonin„ cate�ory in proposed St. Paui
`Loning Ordinance froin OS-1 �o i��S.
Propel�Ly: Par� of L�ts 17, 219 2?_, a�1d 23 and all oF Lo�:s 18'
19� and 20, Blocic 6, Scen�.c Hills� ;�icT��.i:�bht Road and I-9��-.
Factors i'avoririn ES �onir 1:
1. Adjacent uses clearly confor.;i ta ES Efp,essway S�rvice desig-
nation; namely� the Chain Lzn;t restaurant and a Philiips 66
service station.
2. Motel use is indicuted. Clapp-Thomssen Company has been oy�er-
ing these lots for sale as one parcel �or several y�a;.^s. All
serious prospects have been for mo�el use. Around Decemberg
1973 a plan for a proposed ��oliday Inn ���as revie��red by the S�.
Paul Planning Staff. T'r�e sale t�,as no� consum.�aied due �o lac�c
of financing, but the s�aif li�;ed t'ne location of the building
near McKnight R�ad and i�s orientation t�ward Burns �'�ve.
Factors adverse to OS-1 zonin� :
1. T.he 05-1 category restric�s building height �0 3 stories and
permits grea�er height only as any structure is moved away frora
lot lines. On this site su�h a restriction would have the effect
. of moving any structure a4ray froL1 its lo�ical loca�ion at the
Nor�;heast corner of �ho parcel and closer to the residences '�lcst
of Suburban Ave. ' �
2: Ex�,osure to the market has not developed any interest' in office
use in this neighborhood.
. REALTORS • 605 MINNESOTA BUlLOlNG • ST. PAUI., N�ItiNFSOTA 55101 • (612) 222-7311
'�'ra`ff�ic''Con�.idc�����,�_on: ,
In a rueetizi�; 1lubust 22, 197�+ of Messrs. fiyan and i�lcGuirc of the
Platining S�aff with ot�me'rs y F. H, C1app ��r,d R. �i. Thomssen, and
attorney� J�rnes Lano, �;he Plaru�in� Staf� indicated tha� an OS-1
zonin� ca�e�ory was selected in an ai�temp�; to reduce the arnaunt
of traffic on Suburban Ave. because af the resideritia�, area aci�oss
�he stree�. The oZ•rne�s affered to restxic� any .�u�urre o�m�;r� s �
access from i:his paxcel to �3urns �`�ve. on,_y Z�rith na access ti•rhatso-
ever on Suburban f'1ve. provided the ES zonin� is granted. The Pt.ulic
titi'orl.s DVpt. is pla�ni:�.g �o wikeri a:�d ,ap-grac�e Ba'rns Ave. i'o� grea�er
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Re: �'ropo;ed 7oizin�; Ordi.lance
. l�equ�s�t for chr_�nge o.�' zoninU desi�na�a�on i'roui P�1 �;o Y-2.
Proper�tv: Lot �.� rl_oc;t l�, Scer�ic t�i11s �7a. �-. LJes�; side of
Rui;h Strc:e�� be�L-z��eei1 Subur.ba�, and �Eurns.
Although �it1.e to f:his 1.0� _�.s stil'l in Clapp-Tnomsucn Co. 9
rix`. F�ube.1 .l�ridez'E.�;g of i.udon� 1::�.c:. -is eieveio:�' � ,
cerrl;er on th�_s lot and tr.e ad�oiniii� Lots �5,r116a 1 j,�1��•opn�rA19,
B1ock 20 tirhic'n 'ne oti�m��.
on Nove�ber �, lg��- tr�e Zor2in� Boa'rd approved P�:r.
�1nde�c��T � S I'GC�ll�'.S"� �Oi �. par��1l1n ]..Oi; perm�i� OVG7' �ri@ ET].�ll'� piece.
}3usinesses with wno:n he is neooi:id�in� are : Sn-;•der Dru�, , Cicero ' s
restaurant, I�rid;e;,�ans ior a si�: do��m res�;au�ant� an auto �arts
store and a 7-I1 t-�e dairy si;vre.
The B-1 desi�na�ion t��ot�1.d pro'r.ibiz use of �he prcp�i�ty by �hese
tt,ro restauran�;s.
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176 East Fifth Street
The Honorable City Council November 20, 1974
City of St. Paul
421 Wabasha Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Council Members:
This letter is in reference to the proposed St. Paul Zoning
Ordinance which is presently before the City Council for
Burlington Northern Inc. has previously expressed concern
and raised specific objections to the Council 's City
Development Committee about the proposed zoning classifica-
tion of certain parcels of Burlington Northern owned property
under the pending zoning ordinance. On behalf of Burlington
Northern Inc. , I respectfully request that the City Council
consider revisions to the proposed zoning map of St. Paul
relative to the following:
1. Area I of proposed zoning map:
That tract of land situated north of DeCourcy
Drive, south of Jessamine Avenue West, between
Lexington Parkway and Jones Street, designated as
our Como Shops and shown outlined by yellow lines
on the attached photo.
The zoning map proposes an I-1 classification on
this property. Burlington Northern hereby requests
consideration of the proposed I-1 classification to
an I-2 zoning designation. Our Como Shop area has
been considered heavy-industrial oriented for many
years, and this present and intended future utiliza-
tion of the property would be best suited to an I-2
classification. We feel that this property shoul.d
be zoned consistent with the proposed I-2 zoning of � �
similar BN properties, namely, the Jackson Street
and Dale Street Shop areas.
2. Area IV of proposed zoning map:
The parcel of land located south of Warner Road,
north of El.m Street, and lying west of Highway 61,
designated as Dayton's Bluff site and shown out-
lined by green lines on the attached photo.
, ,
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A. Set special hearing to discuss the text of the Ordinance only.
B. Not applicable.
C. Not applicable.
D. Initiator of request felt that the complexity of the text warranted hearing
as a separate but related issue.
E. No staff recommendation.
A. Entire Ordinance.
B. See text of Proposed Code.
C. None provided.
D. Ordinance is difficult to understand, needs clarification.
E. No staff recommendation.
Possibly need special section for whatever mass transit system we might have.
Bus shelters should be incorporated into the Code.
A. 60.301 Defi_nitions.
B. Student housing - definiti�n. Sorority cr fraternity houses - definitions.
A. 60.331 Definition of "family".
C. Ask that it be changed to include groups of people livi.ng together as a
single housekeeping unit.
A. Definition Section, 60.338, Institutional Group Homes.
B. A building or structure where persons reside for purposes of rehabilitation,
treatment, or special care. Such persons may be disabled, retarded or
orphaned, suffer chemical or emotional impairment, or suffer social maladjust-
ment.or dependency.
C. Break category into segments which relate more specifically to their needs;
1. Extended Families - This category would provide consideration for varying
cultural and ethnic philosophies.
2. Treatment Centers - Suggest .be classified into two categories: a. Living
in group homes; b. Group homes with services provided for both residents
and out-patient treatment (i.e. , counseling service.)
D. No specific justification.
E. Retain Section 60.340 as is. The definition is appropriate in its present
form. Out-patient treatment is a clinical function and as such is appropriate
to the RM-2 district and higher. It may be appropriate to provide a specific
definition for "Drop-in Centers" and other outpatient facilities. •
A. Definition Section 60.338, Insitiutional Group Homes.
C. Should recognize surrogate parent= and group of inentally retarded persons
living together as a family.
Too ma.ny restrictions for ma.ny mentally retarded persons to be able to live
in large portions of the City.
A. 60.338
B. "Institutional Group Home".
C. Should be "Group Home" (drop institutional) .
D. Trying to rescue these people from institutions.
A. Definition Section, between 60.341 and 60.342.
B. No present wording.
C. Add definition of "hotel" and "motel".
D. Terms should have definition.
A. Definition Section between Section 60.3b7 and 60.368.
B. No present wording.
C. OWNER: "anybody who has title to the property and others as a contract for
deed owner, long terni lease holder or option holder".
D. No justification stated.
E. Recommend that the provision of Section 50.301 apply. No amplitication or
extension of the normal meaning appears warranted.
A. Definition Section 60.377, Shopping Center Planned:
B. An integrated grouping of commercial stores, under single ownership or
control, on a parcel five (5) acres or over in size.
C. No proposed wording provided.
D. Present wording is highly improper; it prevents the new concept of condominium
ownership of sma.11 shopping centers.
E. The definition is addressed to "Planned Shopping Centers" and relates to
"Planned Unit Development" techniques. It in no way prohibits condominium
ownership of smaller shopping centers. The definition should be retained
as is.
A. Definition Section, 60.392 Paragraph b. Variance:
B. No change in present wording, additional definition requested.
C. Add definition of "Hardship".
D. Durrent definition not sufficiently restrictive.
E. Upon review of the request, staff feels that the matter which is in question
could be more directly addressed under Section 64.205 subparagraph b. , by
requiring specific findings prior to the granting of any variance. (See
TCR-38 and 39).
A. Section 60.410 through 60.414, ONE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS.
B. See Text, Pages 18, 19, 20 and 21. ,
C. No proposed wording provided.
D. Text of Ordinance should allow townhouses in single family areas. �
E. Staff recommends no change in this portion of the Ordinance regarding townhouse
development. One of the concepts upon which the Ordinance is developed is
that the life style provided by single family residential areas is appropriate
to the needs of Saint Paul and it is therefore appropriate to protect the
integrity of these areas. Inclusion of townhouse capacity in these zones
appears contrary to this premise. In specific cases, such as large tract
development, Planned Development procedures could be used to effect such
development at appropriate low density. In other cases, rezoning to a
classification of RT-2 or above under normal rezoning procedures would be
more appropriate.
A. Section 6Q.410 through 60.460, "R-1 through RM-3".
B. See text p.p. 18 through 30.
C. Provide capacity to mix densities through residential districts.
D. To conserve open space and accommodate the various needs.
E. Staff concensus is that indiscriminate mixing of densities in residential
districts would not be in the best interests of the City or its residents.
We therefore suggest that this provision be omitted. The discriminate
mixing of densities can in fact be accompiished through "Planned Development"
under the provisions of Section 60.580 of this Ordinance.
TCR- 16
A. Sections 60.412h, 60.422c, 60.432c, 60,442d and 60.452b, Institutional Group
B. See pp. 18 through 28.
C. Proposed that area requirements be amended to fit specific needs.
D. Organization submitting the request believes the added square footage area
requirements could be less restrictive. Recommends these requirements be
amended to fit the specific needs of group homes - such as needed parking
areas where out-patients would be visiting the center and/or where the hame
would have a larger staff employed. Tt would then be possible to locate
centers in areas of the City other than SuBanit-University and Ramsey Hill
residential areas where there i.s a concentration now.
E. The Planning Commission Sub-Committee on Institutional Group Homes has
reviewed the area requirements for these facilities with staff and has
determined that such restrictions appear appropriate. Staff recaam�ends
changes in the aforementioned sections as contained in Appendix I of this
report. �
A, Sections 60.412, 60.422, 60,432c, 60,442 and 60.452.
B, See pp. 18 through 28.
C. Would like to see: 1) formula for limitation of the number of agencies,
institutions, and group hames in any residential area by incorporation
into the proposed zoning ordinance and that any such use of property be
registered with the Planning Conanission.
D. Concentration of such uses changes character of neighborhood.
E. See TRC-10, Section E, and Appendix I of this report for limitations on
Institutional Group Hames. Regarding agencies and institutions, it is
apparent that such facilities are located on the basis of service areas
and needs genexally. To lzmit the number of such facilities arbftrarily
may in fact be a disservice to the community. If the problem continues,
however, some consideration could be given to restricting such uses of
residentially constructed and zoned properties through a Special Use Peztnit
procedure within these portions of the Ordinance. (See also TCR-16).
A. 60.413 e. (2) .
B. Opposed to requirement of additional lot sizes.
C. Already adequately guaranteed without restrictive lot size specifications
in the licensing process.
The home itself controls "density". No more than 2 persons may occupy a
norma.l bedroom. Home is self-limiting.
D. Provision unneeded and discrimenatory against those who through no fault
of their own must live outside their normal home.
A. 60.413 e (3) .
B. Density requirements are contradictory.
A. 60.413 e (4).
C. Do not feel '� mile separation between group homes is the way to accomplish
this purpose.
D. Should consider each application separately in light of its purpose and
projected use.
B. See pp. 22 and 23.
C. Add provision for townhouse development.
D. Current wording will prevent some development of City.
E. This consideration is similar in content to text change request TCR-8. The
staff recommendation is consistent with that of TCR-8, i.e. , No Change.
B. Present wording limits townhouse clusters to 6 units.
C. Proposed wording would eliminate this restriction.
D. Change in wording would provide more "elasticity that Ordinance needs".
E. Townhouse clusters of more than 6 units are permitted in higher density
districts, and could possibly be incorporated in the RT-2 district through
the use of the Planned Development provisions of the Ordinance (Section
60.580) . Staff recommends no revision to this requirement.
A. Section 60.463, Paragraph a, Sub-paragraph 1.
B. Restricts retail and office use in high rise residential buildings to
residents of the principal use. See pp. 29.
C. Strike the word "only" and insert the word "prima.rily" in lieu thereof.
D. Exclusion of users from outside the complex renders such commercial use of
property economically unfeasible.
E. Retain current wording. Such use is clearly intended to be ancillary in this
district and should be retained as such.
B. Current wording separates land uses when not essential.
C. Eliminate saction.
D. "certain areas ought to be allowed without creating a separate section for
it" (sic) "should be able to mix it (orfice service uses) with single or
multiple family."
E. Indiscriminate land use mixtures have historically provided substantial
difficulty in terms of adverse and diliterious relationships. It appears
that retention of the section is wholly appropriate to the rationale used in
developing the Ordinance. Use mixtures of a desirable nature can be
accomplished through Planned Development concept procedures.
B. See pp. 31.
C. Specifically include "offices of non-profit organizations providing services
to the community or neighborhood".
D. Provides for easier access via public transportation and allows adjacent
parking districts.
E. Staff suggests inserting as paragraph d. under this section the following
d. Institutional and agency offices providing essential services to the
immediate residential community or neighborhood. And re-lettering
the current paragraph d. as paragraph e.
A. Sections 60.480 and 60.490, B=1 and B-2 BUSINESS DISTRICTS.
B. See pp. 33 through 38 inclusive.
C. Proposal to combine the two districts into a single district.
D. Rationale indicates that it is difficult to distinguish between the two in
that both provide generally for the same uses. Further, it states that we
are "not building a new City, but revitalizing an old one".
E. Review of the intent paragraphs indicates clearly that differences between
these districts warrant separate designation. If we assume that a graduated
order of use intensity is appropriate, in new development it would seem
inconsistent to eliminate such capacity in revitalization or redevelopmEnt.
A. Section 60.503, Paragraph c, Sub-paragraph 2.
B. Present wording: No guest shall establish permanent residence at a motel
for more than one hundred eighty (180) days within any calendar year.
C. Delete the time limitation.
D. Where occupancy of this type occurs and is a problem, the provision of the
proposed code is generally unenforceable due to lack of records etc.
E. Staff suggests elimination of the time limit but retaining the paragraph to
read: (2) No guest shall establish permanent residence at a motel.
B. Hotels, motels and clubs used primarily fur transient occupancy.
C. No proposed wording provided.
D. "Should be able to have permanent residents and provide hotel services to
permanent residents".
E. No change recommended. The key word is primarily. This does not in our view
prohibit the use of such facilities for some permanent type residents.
TCR-2 9
A. Section 60.510, B-4 CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, Sub-paragraph b.
B. Present wording restricts usages on each floor to one use and prohibits
business uses on floors above residentially used floors, except for
restaurant use on the top floor.
C. Proposed wording would allow for mixture of uses on any floor an.d business
occupancy above residential use within a high rise building in the B-4 zone.
D. No rationale given for the requested change.
E. Staff suggests retention of the language as originally provided. It appears
desirable to separate commercial uses from residential uses to prevent
unnecessary and unusual security problems which tend to occur when these
uses are interspersed. Residential uses require continuous access, while
business uses are nozmally confined to business hours and days.
A. I-1 District 60.531.
B. Clear definition of. . prohibition of processing of raw material for
shipment in bulk f.orm to be used in an industrial operation $t another
C. Suggest: "The processing of raw material (in crude or a natural state) in
an I-3 district for shipment in bulk form to be used in an industrial
operation at another location is permitted."
A. 60.531 Intent.
C. Strike last sentence - "The processing of raw material in an I-1 district
for shipment in bulk form, to be used in an industrial operation at another
location is prohibited."
A. 60.532 e 4th line.
C. Insert before "bone" the word "chemicals".
A. 60.541 Intent.
B. "The I-2 District is intended to permit the manufacturing, processing, and
compounding of semi-finished products from raw materials and prepared material.
C. Delete this sentence.
A. 60.543 c, I-2 District.
C. Strike "or ma.nufacturing of tar products."
D. Unless this is removed, it would be incorisistent with Appendix B, item 15
listing permitted uses "including gas" and would prohibit Koppers from
continuing to manufacture tar products as a by-product of its coke manufacturing
A. Appendix B, and Section 60.542.
C. If this should be eliminated, insert in 60.542, "c. Coarl, coke or tar products,
including gas"; with following lettered subdivisions appropriately lettered.
A. Section 60.562, EXPRESSWAY SERVICE, Sub-paragraph c.
B. Current wording prohibits permanent residence ". . .for more than one hundred
eighty (180) days within any calendar year. . .".
C. Amend provision to read: Motels, hotels, and transient lodging facilities,
but not including tent sites, provided that each living unit shall not
contain less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet of floor area, and
provided further that no guest shall establish permanent residence.
D. "Permanent residents, single people especially, should be permitted. This
provision is in no way related to general public hea or welfare".
E. Provision could be amended. Dwelling unit conersion of such facilities
in not as much of a problem as it was in the late 1940's through early 1960's.
As indicated in TCR-18, the provision is generally unenforceable.
A. 60.580
B. Planned Development section should not have to conform with comprehensive
A. Section 60.580 through 60.588, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT.
B. Present wording has no provision for phasing larger developments.
C. Proposed wording would proVide for phasing, none specifically furnished.
D. "Should be permission to go ahead on phasing in circumstances where there
might be 10 or 12 acres involved. It appears as though th� whole program has
to be done at one time".
E. The test as proposed does not prohibit the phasing of Planned Developments.
If the concept is to work in the City's favor, it appears necessary that the
uses in any area be adewuately related at the outset. It would be un- ,
reasonable to assume that a large project would be done all at once.
A. Section 60.582, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, Sub-paragraph b.
B. A proof of ownership of the land being requested for rezoning.
C. No proposed wording provided.
D. "Aperson". . should be allowed to come in (for rezoning to a planned
development) if he ha.s a contract for deed or if he has an option or some
ma.nner or indication of interest in the land which gives him control of the
area in the event the planned development procedure is approved".
E. The provision as presently stated in the text is a safeguard for the City of
Saint Paul in that it requires the consent signature of the fee owner of
the property on the petition for zoning change. It does not prohibit others
having an interest in the property from pursuing the Planned Development
provided that they have consent of the fee owner. Staff recomanends the
rerention of the present language.
A. Section 60.582, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, Sub-paragraph e.
B. The proposed PD District shall be o£ such area as to represent a sound carrying-
out of the master plan of landuse, it not being the intention of this district
that an unrelated parcel-by-parcel rezoning be effectuated. In no case shall
the area be less than three point five (c.5) acres in size.
C. Proposed wording would reduce the minimum area requirement to two (2) acres
in size.
D. "Tracts of the 3.5 acre size are difficult to purchase and on large-sized
tracts it is difficult to get consent petitions.
E. The 305 acre site size is the average city block size in St. Paul. Smaller
sites ma.y provide problems in interrelation between uses on a single block.
Staff recommends retention of existing language.
B. Table of lot size heights, setbacks etc.
C. Proposal states that there ". ..should be some opportunity for change or
D. "Size has nothing to do with quality. In order to obtain a variance, proof
of hardship is required and this is difficult to do."
E. Zoning regulations are not specifically addressed to "qua.lity control" aspects
of development. The proposed "Schedule of Regulations" is designed to provide
the minimum requirements for light, ventilation, safety, etc., consistent
with the areas as they are currently developed. As such, this schedule
appears consistent with the State of Minnesota Enabling Legislation MSA 465
and with common current practice. Staff suggests retention of existing
A. Section 61.102, LOT SIZE VARIATION, Sub-section a-1.
B. Current language allows up to 10% variation in lot area and width provided
several conditions are met.
C. Proposed change would provide for greater variation.
D. "Restriction not worka.ble or in conformity with new concepts being developed
today. More density can be accomplished with more open space. Planning
Commission should be able to pass on quality performance rather than specifics".
E. It appears that some misunderstanding of the intent of this provison exists.
The purpose of the section is to allow greater flexibility in subdivision
design without an attendant increase in dwelling unit density, and without
requiring the substantial planning investment in a Planned Development District.
Staff recommends retention of the current language in this section.
A. Section 61.102, Sub-section b-3.
B. Current language provides for a minimum sized open space of 4 acres be
dedicated if this subdivision procedure is used.
C. Recommends that language be added to "...make open space a part of approval
by the Planning Commission and Council.
D. No specific rationale given in recoc�nnendati.on.
E. Assurance of the inclusion of open space as a part of this subdivision
methodology is contained in other portions of Section 61.102. This sub-section
merely assures that developers using this plan approach will provide useable
open space parcels instead of unuseable land fragments. Staff recoirunends
retention of existing language.
A. Section 61.102, Sub-section b-4.
B. Sub-section "asks developers to do all of the goals they are asking in
Ordinance". (sic) .
C. Requested change is a relaxation of the requirements generally.
D. Ordinance prevents performance.
E. Staff strongly reco�nends retention of the existing language in that this
subdivision method is optional, not ma.ndatory, and as such, adds flexibility
to the ordinance while assuring adequate protection for the City of Saint
Paul and its residents.
A. Section 62.102, NONCONFORMING USES (generally).
B. No current wording.
C. Suggests that language be added to provide for the rECOrding of nonconforzning
uses by field survey and possibly the elimination of some such uses by code
D. If the City's building stock and neighborhoods are to be improved, something
of this type should be done.
E. This ma.tter is dealt with adequately in the enforcement and administration
section of the text; see Section 64.101.
A. Section 62.102, NONCONFORMING USES.
B. Entire section, see pp. 74 through 78.
C. Requestor indicates that substantial revision is necessary but suggests
no specific language.
D. Party suggests that "if effectively applied, the section will: 1) drive
business out of the City, 2) put people in residential area on nonconforming
lots in a precarious position; 3) adversely affect rehabilitation program
because of the expense (of rehabilitation) being in excess of the amounts
of the 60% replacement costs; and 4) cause undue hardship because of the
3-month abandonment period.
E. Of the many and varied provisions of the proposed zoning code, perhaps the
best understood provision is that of NONCONFORMANCE. If effectively and
legally applied, the provisions of this section allow for reasonable
maintenance and amortization of uses which would not otherwise be allowed
to continue; or which would, if expanded, be deleterious to the other land
uses around them. On a comparative basis with other similar ordinances, this
section is in the opinion of the Planning Staff appropriate as it stands.
Regarding the above statements of rationale on an individual basis.
1. The ordinance will prevent inappropriate expansion of business places
in areas where they do not belong.
2. The Ordinance will not affect the general market of residential real
estate adversely or render private property "non-transferable".
3. The 60% figure applies only to structures which are a) nonconforming,
and b) destroyed to an extent of more than 60% of replacement costs. This
will not effect reha.bilitation.
4. The 3-month abandonment period pertains only to nonconforming use of land,
such as open storage of junk cars in a residential district.
A. 62.102 Nonconforming land and uses.
B. Suggested grandfather clause rather than nonconforming uses.
C. Suggestion of hardship clause regaxding nonconforming uses and reconstruction
after fires.
A. Section 62.102, NONCONFORMING USES.
B. See p.p. 75 through 78.
C. Should be amended to read, "Any building or structure which is erected,
altered, or converted or any use of premises or land which is begun or
changed subsequent to the time of passage of this ordinance and in violation
of any of the provisions thereof, or any building, structure or use of
premises or land which was in violation of the presently existing zoning
ordinance prior to the passage of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a
public nuisance per se and ma.y be abated by order of any court of competent
D. Distinction should be ma.de in this section so someone who has an illegal
use now is not grandfathered into the new ordinance as a nonconforming use.
E. The proposed wording appears to be unnecessarily restrictive. The function
of enforcement as indicated previously should be a policy ma.tter not in
ordinance. `
A. 62.103 c.
C. Should read: "Any area used for or designated as required off-street
parking shall not be changed to any other use and until equal facilities
are provided elsewhere.
D. Adding "for" confines word "required" to designated off-street parking.
A. 62.103 K (2) (IC) parking requirement auditoriums.
B. 1 for each 3 seats and 1 for each 2 employees.
C. Additional auditorium parking requirement be dropped from school parking
requirements. d) Due to the limited site areas presently available at
existing school sites and presently proposed. sites, doubtful St. Paul School
Department could comply with requirements.
D. Auditorium would not be used by outside group during school day.
TCR- 51
A. Section 62.111, EXTERIOR LIGHTING, Sub-paragraph e.
E. See text (especially re�arding flashing signs not being allowed).
C. Should be less restrictive.
D. As long as there is no interference with traffic, can't see why the flashing
sign are not allowed.
E. See proposed Sign Ordinance now in working draft form.
TCR- 52
A. Section 62.115, SIGNS, Sub-paragraph b-3,
B. Present wording restricted to sale of subdivision within the City of St. Paul.
C. Ordinance should permit signs on the fringe .area of �he City.
D, Growth of the suburbs helps the economic development of the City of St. Paul.
E. See proposed Sign Ordinance.
B. Commentary submitted is as follows: "A question of administration and the
Board of Appeals, its duties in relationship to the Planning Commission, is
yet unclarified, We notice that appeals may be made to one or both and
this, apparently, is confusing, , ,".
C. No proposed redraft of the section is su�mitted,
D. No specific rationale for the position is provided,
E. Section 64,101 defines the respons�biliti.es of 7.oning Administrator, Section
64.201 creates a Zoning Board of Appeals. Section 64.203, APPEAL deals with
the filing and handling of appeals :�nd states that either the Planning Cammission
or the Zoning Administrator is authorized to receive an appeal to their
decision.s an.d requires that they transmit the appeal to the Board of Zoning
Appeals for further consideration of the decision being appealed. Staff fails
to see wherein the alleged confusion ar.ises,
B. Section defines dutie� of Zoning Administrator.
C. Wording should include as a duty, "recording of illegal uses existing at the
tirne the new Ordinance takes effect.
D. The organization wished to guard against the continuance of illegal uses
which might be "grandfathered in" at the time the Or�inance is passed.
E. The section defining the Zoning Administrator�s duties requires the recording
of all nonconforming uses as of the effective date of the Ordinance. In
reviewing this request for change, staff opined that uses which were illegal
prior to the passage of this Ordinance would rema.in so under the new Code
and not in any way be exempted from correctional action. The recording of
all illegal uses, while having substanti.al merit in a theoretical sense, is
at this point in time a practical ir.ipossibility.
A. Section 64.200, BOARD OF APPEALS �general) .
B. See text beginning on page 101.
C. No proposed wording revision provided.
D. Would like to see more protection for the neighborhood.
E. See text change requests TCR-37 through TCR-39 inclusive.
A. 64.200 Board. of Appeals.
B. 30-35 day notification period for hearings rather than 10, and condition
of consent be clearly spelled out.
A. Section 64.203, APPEAL, Paragraph 3 and Section 64.204, DECISION BY CITY COUNCIL.
B. After conducting a hearing in accordance with this Section, the Board of
Zoning Appeals shall make a written recommendation to the City Council either
approving or denying the appeal. Such recommendation shall be accompanied
by written findings of fact in support thereof. All of the papers constituting
the record upon which the decision appealed from was taken, including but not
limited to the recommendation of the Board o� Zoning Appeals and the findings�
of fact, shall be transmitted forthwith to the City Council. Section 64.204,
DECISION BY CITY COUNCIL. The City Council shall conduet a hearing on the
appeal within thirty (30) days after the reception by the City Council of
the record of proceedings of the Board of Zoning Appeals. As required under
Section 64.207 of this Chapter, the City Council sha.11 give due notice of
the hearing to all interested parties and shall render a decision on the
appeal without unreasonable delay. Any person may appear and testify at
the hearing either in person or by duly authorized agent or attorney.
C. No additional or replacement language.
D. The rationale for the requested deletion is to place the decision making
power with respect to appeals within the Board of Zoning Appeals.
E. The State of Minnesota Ena.bling Legislation, M.S.A. 462.354, Sub-division 2,
requires that any Municipality having a Zoning Ordinance must create a
"Board of Appeals and Adjustments". The section further delineates the
powers of the "Board and provides three (3) alternatives with regard to. . .
"decisions of the Board on matters within its jurisdiction"... The alter-
natives are the decisions of the Board. ..are 1) final subject ta the judicial
review, or are 2) final subject to appeal to the Council and the right of
later judicial review, or are 3) advisory to the Council.
Under our present system the Zoning Board of Appeals functions in the manner
listed as 3) above. Were the proposed revision to be effected in the new
Zoning Code, the decision of the Board would be final subject to judicial •
review only by a court of competent jurisdiction. (Option 1 above) .
One of staff's major goals with regard to land use regulatory procedures is
to streamline "process" while retaining adequate opportunity for "citizen
input". To accomplish this end, we would strongly suggest the use of option 2.
Using such a system, matzers which are not highly controversial could be
handled in approximately 20 to 30 days less time than would be consumed under
system 3, or the p.resent system. (NOTE, this change would also necessitate
changes in subsequent sections of Zonin�g Code text) .
A. Section 64.205, Sub-section b. , Variance.
B. Variance: To authorize, upon an appeal, a variance from the strict
applications of the provisions of this Ordi.nance where by reason of exceptional
narrowness, shallowness, shape or area of a specific piece of property at
the time of enactment of �.his Ordinance or by reason of exceptional topographic
conditions or other extraordinary or exceptional physical conditions of such
property, the strict application of the regulations enacted �aould result in
peculiar or exceptional practical difficulties to, or excegtional undue
hardship upon the owner of such property, provided such reiief ma.y be
granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without sub-
stantially impairing the intent and purpose of this Ordinance. In granting
a variance, the City Council ma.y attach thereto such conditions regarding
the location, character, and other features of the proposed uses as it may
deem reasonable in furtherance of tne purpose of this Ordinance. In granting
a variance, the City Council sha11 state the grounds upon which it justities
the granting of a variance.
In consideration of all appeals and all proposed variations of this Ordinance,
the City Council shall, before making any variations from the Ordinance in
a specific case, first determine that the proposed variation will not impair
an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or unreasonably
diminish or impair established property values within the surrounding area,
or in any other respect impair the public health, safety, comfort, morals,
or welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul.
C. Between the words "property" and "provided" in line 8 above insert the
following: . . ." as distinguished from mere inconvenience if the strict
letter of the regulation were carried out".. .
D. Addition of the phrase will improve the enforceability of the Ordinance.
E. Addition of the phrase appears to more closely define the conditions under
which variance ma.y be granted; staff favors its inclusion.
A. Section 64.205, Sub-section b. , V"aria�nce.
B. See text or TCR-58 above.
C. Add to the "Variance" text a provision that states "No variance shall be
granted where the request for the variance is based prima.rily upon a desire
to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land..."
D. Improve abiiity to enforce provisions of Ordinance.
E. Addition appears to add to the conditions for variance approved; staff
recommends inclusion.
B. Last paragraph limits starting time for a project to within 90 days of the
receipt of approval from the Planning Commission.
C. Extend the time (Note, no specific time limit indicated).
D. Requestor contends proposed time period is too short for the climate in this
E. The proposed regulation is consistent with current pol.icy regarding building
permit issuance.
A. Section 64.210, CHANGES AND AMENDMENT�.
B. The Council may, from time to time, on recommendation from the Planning
Commission, or on petition after recommendation of the Planning Commission,
amend, supplement, or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein,
or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of state law
pertaining thereto. The City Council shall provide for an adequate review
and re-evaluation of this Ordinance at least every five (5) years from the
time of adoption of this Ordinance. The Planning Commission shall annually
review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state laws, such
district boundary lines should be changes.
C. "The Council may, from time to time, on recommendation from the Planning
Commission or on petition, as provided for under M.S.A. 462.357 Sub-division 5,
after recommendation of the Planning Commission".. .etc.
D. Provides for better understanding of the process for Ordinance amendment.
E. Staff finds no problem with this additional language except that any change
in the State Legislation will probably requir� ordinance amendrnent. The
State law for consent petitions in cities of the first class applies to the
City of Saint Paul and the conditions of this sub-division must be provided
for even if the statute is not directly referenced in the text of the City�s
Zoning Code. (Note see TCR-62 beZow).
B. See TCR-61, item B.
C. Proposed wording would eliminate consent petiticsn requirement.
D. Consent petition requirement "does not allow (the) City to act properly to
create a new and modern City".
E. While in certain specific bases we sympathize with the originators of the
request, the consent petition is required by State law. (See TCR-bl above).
B. See TCR-61, item B.
C. Add language which wi11 make provisions for compensation to be paid to. . ."those
people whose property values are decreased because of a rezoning.
Do To protect citizens from this type of land use change.
E. The normal rights of redress for damage suffered as a result of zoning action
is and should continue to be through court action. To impose this burden on
the City in ordinance form is virtually unworkable.
B. See TCR-61, Item B.
C. Reword paragraph so that it is clear that a petition signer has thE right to
withdraw his name from the petition within a specified time.
D. Signators to a petition may decide after signing that they are in fact against
the proposed change and wish to withdraw their consent.
E. The office of the City Attorney has been preparing an opinion regarding
withdrawal of consent petition signatures under the present Code. Preliminary
talks with representatives of the City Attorney's office indicate that a
signature could be withdrawn at any time up until the ma.tter of concern is
acted upon by the Zoning Board. Staff suggests that the City Attorney be
consulted as to the advisability of a specific provision for withdrawal of
signature in the Proposed Zoning Code, and the proper legal form for such a
provision if appropriate.
B. See TCR-61, Item B.
C. Change petition requirements, extend consent petition requirements to perhaps
300 feet around the property under considerati.on.
D. Provide additional protection for neighborhoods.
E. While staff can sympathize periodically with the concern for additional
neighborhood protection, it appears that this proposal would prove unnecessarily
restrictive in most if not all instances. More appropriate protection could
be provided through adoption of procedural policies with regard to rezoning
cases if such policies are consistently applied.
The consent petiti6n as indicated in TGR-62, is required under M.S.A. 462.357,
Sub-division 5. This same portion of the statute also defines the area from
which consents must be obtained.
The addition of the "Contiguous Property Law" in 1973 has given an added
measure of "protection" and simultaneously in some instances compounded the
procedures unbearably. It would appear at this time that a stronger case
could be written for repeal of Sub-division 5, M.S.A. 462.357 than for extension
of its requirements.
In any event, it does not seem appropriate to extend these requirements in
St. Paul's Ordinance. The defense of an Ordinance more stringent than that
provided for under State law would be extremely burdensome for the City.
A. Section 64.214, VESTED RIGHT.
B. Nothing in this Ordinance sha.11 be interpreted or construed to give rise to
any permanent vested rights in the continuation of any particular use, district,
zoning classification, or any parmissible activities therin; and, they are
hereby declared to be subject ta subsequent amendment, change or modification
as ma.y be necessary to the preservation or protection of public health, safety,
and welfare.
C. No proposed wording provided.
D. Commentor sees ". ..little point in having Ordinance if they (citizens?) can
not rely on it".
E. The Section as presently worded appears necessary and appropriate to the
Proposed Code. M.S.A. 462.357, Sub--division 1. Authority for zoning states
specifically that a municipality is giveri the police power of zoning "for the
promoting of the public hearlth, safety, morals and general welfare.. ." Use
of this authority for the purpose of esta.blishin� "vested rights in the use
of properties" would, in our opinion, be wholly inappropriate, if not illegal.
B. No current wording.
C. Add a provision in the Ordinance to insure that agencies concerned with the
general nature of the neighborhood (Public Works, qpen Space, Recreation,
Schools, Public Transportation, etc,) have reviewed the site plans, and that
a statement of the facilities available ta the site accompany any development
plan through all its processing.
D. Provide better coa�nunity protection.
E. Agency review of proposed development plans, etc. , is presently practices as
a policy matter and should continue to be handled in this way. If such review
provisions are written into the Ordinance, theq become, as a ma.tter of law,
rigid, and in some instances unworkable. The more specific these procedures
become, the less flexible they are, and the capacity to deal with changing
needs and concerns of the City's residents becomes unnecessarily limited. The
staff would strongly recommend that review procedures rema.in, to the extent
possible, matters of policy as opposed to ma.tters of 1aw.
TC R-68
A. A endix �
C. Suggest striking appendices A and B.
D. The uses enumerated are better categorized as specificity in an ordinance
would control over the general language. The various uses that are
enumberated today take into consideration only products and processes
that are known today, and yet it is co�non knowledge in indurstry that over
60% of the products being manufactured today were not in existence in 1969�
If the new ordinance is to be truly progressive in nature and to serve the
needs of both industry and our people, it should take into consideration uses
yet to be discovered and processes yet to be planned. By restricting our-
selves to known uses today, we tie ourselves unduly to situation� that will
change rapidly in the next 5-10 years because of the American genius and
ingenuity. Ex; Candles (permitted use in I-2 district.) Uaderstand uses
permitted in I-2 are by implication prohibited in I-1, however, is permitted
in I-1 district. On the face, adhesives, glue, only permitted in I-2; yet,
they are a �ood illustration of it��n allowed in I-1..
Request that uses 1) adhesives, 12 chemicals, 14 cleaning and polishing
products, 29 gelatin, glue or size, and 36 insecticides, f.ungicides, dis-
infectants, and reZated industrial and household chemical compounds in
Appendix B be added to Appendix A.
.. �.
A. Appendix
B. Suggested that the state law be printed as an appendix to this ordinance.
. . �-��-��'�
5aint �'a�l
APPENDI X A 3 I zb`,1�.
The list of industrial uses is intended to show possible simitar uses
for the I-1 industrial District. it is not ali inclusive of possible
similar uses, but is to be used as a guide for determining permitted
uses under SECTION 60.532.
The similarity of uses not listed must be determined in conformance
with the provisions of SECTION 62.114.
l . Adhesives.
2. Advertising displays.
3. Apparel or other textile products from textiles or other
4. Automobiles, assembly and storage only.
5. Awnings, venetian blinds, and window shades.
6. Bedding, including mattresses, pillows. and quilts.
7. Beverages, nonalcoholic.
8. Boats, buildi�g or repair for boats less than 100 feet in
9. Bottling works, all beverages.
10. Brushes or brooms.
il . Bus garages� lots, stations, or turn-arounds.
Q �'� 12. Cameras and other photographic equipment, except film.
���-�� 13. Candles.
14. Canvas or canvas products.
15. Carpets and mats.
16. Ceramic p�oducts and pottery, or similar products.
17. Chanicals, including household insecticides, fungicides and �
disinfectants, compounding or packaging only.
18. Cleaning and polishing products, compounding and packaging only.
19. Contractors' yards and municipal , county� or state public works
yards and facilities.
20. Cosmetics and toiletries, caapounding or packaging only.
Saint paul
21 . Electric and gas service buildings and yards, electric trans-
former stations and substations, gas reguiator stations, and
public utility buildings.
22. Electric appliances, including lighting fixtures, iro�s, fans,
toaster, electric toys, and similar appliances.
23. Electrical equipment assembly, including television and radio
sets� home movie equipment, or similar equipment.
24. Electric suppiies, including cable or wire assembly, dry-cell
batteries, insulation, lamps, switches, or similar products.
25. Food products, except the foliowing: dext�ine, fats, gelatine,
glucose, grain, feed, or fiour milling processing, or storage,
malt, molasses, oils, pickles, relishes, sauerkraut, shortening,
slaughtering of animals and preparation of ineat for packing,
sugar refining and vinegar.
26. Firearms.
� 27. Foundries� nonferrous.
28. Fuel oil wholesale and retail sales establishme�ts.
29. Fur goods, not including tanning or dyeing.
30. Giass products, from previously prepared glass.
� 31 . Hosiery.
v �
32. Ice, dry or natural .
33. Ink or inked ribbon, compounding and packaging only.
34. Leather products, including shoes, belts, or similar products.
35. Luggage.
36. Lumber yards.
37. Mathines, business, including accounting machines, calculators�
cardcounting machines, typewriters, a�d similar machines.
38. Machine tools, metal lathes, metal presses, metal stamping
machines, woodworking machines, or similar products.
39. Metal finishing, plating, grinding, sharpening, polishing,
cleaning, rust-proofing, heat-treating, or similar processes.
40. Metal stamping or extrusion, including costume jeweiry, pins�
and needles, razor blades, bottle caps, buttons, kitchen
utensils, or similar products.
Saint �du�
41 . Motion picture production.
42. Musical instruments.
43. Novelty products.
4�+. Optical equipment, clocks, and similar precision instruments.
45. Orthopedic or medicai appliances, including artificial limbs,
braces, supports, or similar appliances.
46. Paper products, including envelopes, stetionery, bags, boxes,
shipping containers, buik goods� tubes, wallpaper printing and
simitar products.
47. Perfumes� or perfumed soap, compounding or packaging only.
48. Pharmaceuticai products� compounding, or packaging only.
49. Plastic products, including tableware, records, buttons, or
similar products.
50. Research and testing laboratories.
51 . Rubber products� including washers, gloves, footwear, bathing
caps, and similar products, but excluding rubber or synthetic
52. Railroad right-of-way, including transfer and storage tracks.
53. Scenery construction.
54. Schools, industrial .
55. Sheet metal shops, weldtng and corrugating.
b ��
56. Signs, advertising.
��b 57. Silverware, pTate or sterli�g.
58. Soap or detergents, compounding or packaging oniy.
59. Sporting or athletic equipment, including bat, baskets, cues,
gloves, racquets, �ods, and similar equipment.
60. Statuary, mannequins, figurines, or religious or church art
goods, except foundry operation.
61 . Steel products, fabrication or assembly, including steel
cabinets, doors, fencing� metal fur�iture, and similar products.
Saint Paul
The list of industrial uses is intended to show possible similar
uses for the I-2 Industrial District. It is not all inclusive of
possible simitar uses, but is to be used as a guide for determini�g
permitted uses under SECTION 60.542. ----
The similarity of uses not listed must be determined in conformance
with the provisions of SECTION 62.114.
) . Aircraft.
2. Acids.
3. Asphalt or asphait praducts.
4. Beverages, alcoholic.
5. Brick� tile, and clay.
6. Building materials, sand, gravel , stone, and lumber storage.
7. Carbon paper and ribbon.
8. Cement, lime, gypsum, plaster-of-parts, or concrete, including
central mixing, and proportioning plants.
9. Charcoal , lampblack, and fuel briquettes.
10. Chemicals, derivation or refinement from materials in a raw or
naturai state.
11 . Chicie, gutta percha, or balata.
12. Coal , coke, or tar products, inciuding gas.
13. Cotton gin�ing.
�'1"� 14. Creosote or Creosote treating,
U��-u�-m, 15. Dyes.
% 'Lt, 16. Electric power and steam-generating plants.
17. Excelsior o� packing materiais.
18. Exterminating agents.
19. Explosives.
20. Fat Rendering.
• ' - .�tl F VI l f ry�/9
21 . Fertilizers.
22. Film, photographic.
23. Forge plants or forge hamnering.
24. Foundries, fe�rous.
25. Garbage, offal , or dead animal incine�atio�, reduction, transfer
station, or bailing operation.
26. Gelatin.
27. Glass.
28. Glucose or dextrine.
29. Grain, flour, or feed milling, processing, or storage.
30. Graphite, or graphitc products.
31 . Hair, felt, or feathers, bulk processing. washing, curing or
32. Ink.
33. Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants, and related industrial
chemical compounds.
34. Jute, hemp, and sisal products.
35. linoleum and other hard-surfaced itoor coverings, oil cloth,
artificial leather and similar products.
36. Leather or fur tanning, curing, finishing or dyeing.
37. Machinery, including trucks, trailers, electrical , construction�
mining, or agricultural , including testing and repair.
d� 38. Malt.
3�b 39. Matches.
40. Metai or metal ores, reductlon, refining, smelting, alloying, or
recycling excluding junk yards.
41 . Metal alloys or foils, miscellaneous, including solder, pewter,
brass, bronze, tin, lead, gold foil , or similar products.
42. Metal or metal products, treatment or processing, including
enameiing, japanning, lacquering, galvanizing, o� similar
43. Metal castings or foundry products, heavy.
4�4. Mol asses.
45. Monument and architectural stone.
t3- z
� � Saint Paul
46. Nylon.
47. Oils, shortenings, and fats.
48. Paints, lacquers� shellacs, turpentines, or varnishes.
49. Plastics, raw.
50. Porcelain products, inciuding bathroom or kitchen products,
or similar products.
51 . Pickles and relishes.
52. Perfume.
53. Pharmaceuticals.
54. Railroad cars and locomotives.
55. Railroad yardsw shops or similar facilities.
56. Rayon.
57. Roofing material , including building paper and felt, or
similar products.
58. Rubber, naturai or syn�hetic, including tubes or tires, or
similar products.
59. Sauerkraut.
60. Sewage disposal plant.
61 . Ship building or ship repair yards, for ships 100 feet in
le�gth or ove�.
62. Solvent extracting.
63. Steel products, including bars, girders, plates, rails, rods,
sheets, strips, tubing, wire rope or similar products.
64. Stone processing or stone products, including abrasives, asbestos,
stonecutting, sand processing, or similar products, o� processes.
65. Storage batteries, wet.
66. Sugar refining.
U 'r� 67. Textile bleaching.
���` 68. Tobacco.
69. Vinegar.
70. Waliboard.
. . > ..
Saint Faul
71 . Wood or bone distilling.
72. Wood or lumber processing, including sawmills or planing mills,
plywood veneer, wood preserving, or similar products or
�3. Wood pulp or fiber, reduction or processing, including paper
mill operations.
74. Wool scouring or pulling and shoddy.
. . � � � ��5�
3 � z�.\-,;
60.531 INTENT:
The I-1 industrial District is intended to primarily accamadate
wholesale and warehouse activities, and industrial operations
whose external , physicai effects are restricted to the area of the
district and in no manner affect in a detrimental way any of the
surrounding districts. The I-1 District is intended to permit,
along with other specified uses� the manufacturing� compounding,
processing, packaging, assembiy, or treatment of finished or semi-
finished products from previously prepared material .
In an I-1 Industrial District the use of land, the location and
erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, en-
largemeni, and moving of existing buildings or structures from
other iocations or districts shall conform to the following
specified uses� unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. All Principal Uses Pe rn►itted and Uses Permitted Subject to
Special Conditions in the B-3 Business District and meeting
at least the minimum conditions imposed in the district.
b. Any research usea
c. Warehousing and wholesale establishments, and trucking
d. Where retail sales is not the primary function, the manufacture,
compounding. processing, packaging, or treatment of such
products as, but not limited to: bakery goods, candy, cosmetics,
t- f- pharmaceuticals, toiletries, food products� hardware and
cutlery� tool , die, gauge, and machine shops.
~��'�f?,- e. The manufacture, compounding, assembling, or treatment of
' articles or merchandise from previously prepared materials
such as, but not limited to: bone, canvas, cellopha�e, cloth,
cork, feathers, felt, fibre, fur� glass, hair, horn, leather,
paper� plastic, precious or semiprecious metals or stones,
steel , sheet metal (excluding the process of stamping large
items such as automobile fenders or bodies) , shell . textiles�
tobacco� wax, wire, wood (excluding saw and planing mi1Ds) , and
f. The manufacture of pottery and figurin�s or other similar
ceramic products using oniy previously pulve�ized clay, and
kilns fired only by electricity or gas.
g. The manufacture of musical instruments, toys� novelties,
and metal or rubber stamps, or other molded rubber products.
h. The manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, electron-
ic instruments and devices, �adios and phonographs.
i . The manufacture and repair of elect�ical or neon signs, light
sheet metal products, including heating and ventilating equip-
ment, cornices, eaves and the like.
j . Laboratories carrying on experimental and testing processes.
k. Electric and gas service building and yards. Public utility
buildings, telephone exchange buildings, electrical trans-
former stations and substations, and gas regulator stations.
Water supply plants. Railroad and terminal f�eight facilities,
transfer and storage tracks.
l . Lumber yards.
m. Storage of contractor's equipment and supplies.
n. Automobile service stations and repair facilities including
undercoating, and body bumping and painting.
o. Municipal public works yards and facilities.
p. Greenhouses.
q. Trade or industrial schools.
r. Other uses similar to the above uses. See Appendix A.
� )� s. Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident
to any of the above permitted uses.
�`�-��, .' 60,533 REQUIRED CONDITIONS:
a. Activities involving storage, utilization or manufacture of .
materials or products which contain their own oxidizing agent
and which decompose by detonation are not permitted in the
I-1 Industrial District, provided that small arms ammunition
when stored for retail shall be permitted; and further pro-
vided that research, medical , and hospital laboratories, when
operating under the direct supervision of scientifically
trained personnel may use the above material for research,
medical and development purposes.
b. Al1 business servicing, processing, or manufacturing shall
be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
c. Outdoor storage areas shall be fenced or walled. On those
sides of the district next abutting a public thorofare or any
district other than a� industrial district the fence shall be
totally obscuring to a height of six (6) feet. Outdoor storage
excepting new automobile storage shall not be closer than three
hundred (300) feet to any residential district.
See Section 61 .100, "SCHEDULE OF RE6ULATIONS"� limiting the height
and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot by permitted land
use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
60.541 INTENT
The I-2 Industrial District is intended primarily fqr manufacturing,
assembling, and fabrication activities� including large scate
or specialized industrial operations whose external effects will
be felt in surrounding districts. The 1-2 District is intended
to permit the manufacturing� processing� and compounding of semi-
. finished products from raw material and prepared material . The
processing of raw material for shipment in bulk form to be used in
an industrial operation at another location is a permitted use in
the I-2 District.
In an 1-2 Industrial District the use of land� the location and
erection of new buildings or structures and the alteration, en-
largement, and moving of existing buildings or structures from
other locations or districts shall conform to the following speci-
fied uses, uniess otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. Any uses first permitted in the I-1 District as "Principal Uses
Permitted" and "Principai Uses Permitted Subject to Spectal
b. Any production, processing, cieaning, servicing, testing�
� �� rep�ir or storage of materials or products which shall not
be injurious or offensive to occupants of adjacertt p�emises
i by reason of the emission of noise, vibration� smoke, dust
�'! 1� or particulate matter, toxic and noxious materials, odors,
glare or heat, except those uses allowed as Principal Uses
Permitted in the I-3 District.
c. Sewage treatment plants and municipal incinerators.
d. Storage facilities for building materials, sand, gravel ,
stone and tumber.
e. Similar uses to the above uses. See Appendix 8.
f. Accessory buildings. structures, and uses customarily incident
to any of the above permitted uses.
a. Activities involvtng the storage, utitization or manufacture
of materials or products which contain their own oxidizing
agent and which decompose by detonatio� are permitted in
the I-2 District when specifically authorized under the Codes
and Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul .
b. Outdoor storage may be permitted, but shall be fenced or walled.
On those sides of the district next abutting a public thoro-
fare or any district other than an industrial district. the
fence shall be totally obscuring to a height of six (6) feet,
except where unusual topographic conditions render the effect
_ ,_ of such fenci�na useless•, Outdoor storage shalT not be closer
- ._ .. �..�...,._.
,.%"" than three hundred (30t�) feet �o any residential district.
c. Those uses involving the storage or refining of petroleum or
gasoline, or manufacturing of tar products shall not be permit-
� M' � ted in this district.
� . The following additional uses shall be permitted, subject to the
conditions hereinafter imposed for each use and subject to the
review and approval of the Planning Cortimission:
a. Junk yards� provided such are entirely enclosed within a
building or within an eight (8) foot obscuring wall , a�d
provided further that one property line abuts a railroad
right of way. There shail be no outdoor burning on the
site; all industrial processes involving equipment for cutting�
compressing� or packaging shall be conducted within a com-
pletely enclnsed building. There shall be no stacking of
material above the height of the wall � except that movable
equipment used on the site may exceed the wall height.
b. Extraction of sand, gravel . or other raw materials.
See Section 61 .100� "SCHEDULE OF REGULATIONS", limiting the
helght and bulk of buildings, the minimum size of lot permitted
o by land use, and providing minimum yard setback requirements.
'�/Z.� 60.551 1 MTENT:
The 1-3 industrial District is intended to provide sttes for the
development of extensive uses which are or can be objectionable
or hazardous unless surrounded by other types of industrial dis-
In an I-3 tndustrial District� the use of land� the location and
erection of new buildings or structures, and the alteration,
enlargement� and moving of existing buildings or structures from
other locations or districts shall conform to the following
specified uses, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance:
a. Petroleum and gasoline tank farms, includi�g refining and pro-
cessing, shall be permitted only in this I-3 District.
b. Stock yards, including slaughtering, rendering, and tanning.
`' ' � �ti � '�
AREA 1. North of I-94, west of I-35E to north and west City limits.
a. North side of Robbins from Raymond to Manvel.
b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c. Requested zoning RM-2.
d. Provide buffer between low density residential and Industrial use area.
e. Staff finds the requests reasonable application of the graded land use
intensity concept; recommends approval.
a. Area bounded generally by Highway 280, Manvel, Hampden and Raymond.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Requested zoning R-4.
d. The area surrounds parklands and is presently built up with predominantly
land 2 family housing.
e. The area is currently zoned "C" Residence and the RM-2 classification
appears to be the most logical translation to the New Code; however, the
South Saint Anthony Park PAC's position relative to conservation and
preservation of existing uses is well taken, staff recom�nds approval of
the changeo
a. Area north of Hampden, west of Bradford.
b. Proposed zoning I-l.
c. Requested zoning B-2.
d. Neighborhood development program plea recommended commercial.
e. Staff agrees.
a, Northwest quadrant of the intersection of Jackson and Rose.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
c. Requested zoning B-3.
d. Owner wishes to remodel or rebuild existing commercial structure at this
e. Traffic volumes of this intersection combined with street alignments
probably preclude residential development, staff recommends approval .
> r.� �
a. Southeast quadrant of the intersection of University Avenue and Griggs.
b. Proposed zoning I-1 and B-3.
c. Requested zoning I-1 and B-3.
d. Proposed zoning fragments ownership pattern, requestor would like all
property in a single category.
e. Staff recommends B-3 for entire ownership. .
a. Cohansey Street and Mackubin, south of Idaho.
b. Proppsed RM-1, RM-2, R-3.
c. RM-2 requested.
d. 1) Residential homes adjacent cemetery less ma.rketable. 2) To develop
Lot 5, Block 5, residentially, Mackubin will have to be put through.
e. (Consider RM, control slope density transfer)
a. West Midway/South St. Anthony Park (HRA).
b. RM-2, RM-3, R-4, B-2.
c. ?
d. �
e. '
a. 551 Kent - West side Kent between Charles and Edmund.
b. Proposed RT-1.
c. Requested P-1.
d. Razed multi-family structure for parking for Adam Bros. Funeral Home.
Presently have no parking.
e. (Non-con�orming funeral home)
f. `��M� v� �.��,.�, . ,� ,,
a. Koppers Company plant site. 1000 Hamline N.
b. Proposed I-l.
c. Would like I-2 or T-3.
d. Otherwise it may be impossible to continue to operate its plant and �
make essential improvements and additions not designed to increase
_ _ _ _ __
a. Southeast corner of Dale and Cook.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
c. Requested zoning B-
d. Land is now vacant but the owner has invested a lot of money to develop
them commercially by tearing down existing housing.
e. The area is surround by residential zoning and use. Multiple-family
dwellings to north and single-family homes on west and south. The
intersection at that corner is also difficult. The owner has evidently
demolished some housing on .the site in reliance upon the existing
CoIIUnercial zoning. If commercial is considered an OS-1 would be the
most appropriate category.
a. Area east of Jackson and north of Maryland �tain Cities Towing.
b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c. Requested zoning I-2 or I-3.
d. Would not allow for expansion of business. Property is completely
surrounded by railroad tracks and roadway.
e. Since the area is shielded by railroad tracks on the north and since
the property is not visible to the single-family homes to the south
and west because of a considerably lower grade and more railroad tracks,
the staff recommends an I-2 designation which would allow for continuation
of the current use.
f. ,�� .? 4- �h,�;
a. Jackson and Pennsylvania (Industrial Steel Container Company) .
b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c. Requested zoning I-3. '
d. Property previously zoned for heavy industry and have been planning
to use property as such when move from present location.
e. Staff recommendation is for maintenance of the I-1 classification
because of the potential adverse effect to the residential areas to the
east and south.
f. .�= a ylNf��
. , __ _.. -----__ - --- __. ____ _ ____--
���- � �
AREA 2. North of I-94, west of I-35E to north and west City limits. r / �
Z$CR-1 �,a�
a. Area bounded by I-35E, Larpenteur, Arkwright and Maryland.
b. Proposed zoning various, including: B-3, R-3, RM-1 and RM-2.
c. Requested zoning R-_ single family.
d. Proposed zoning "Jeopardizes good residential community".
e. This is an area having substantial development difficulty owing to a
combination of difficult land forms, transportation corridors and land
.�.�w,� use relationships. The proposed zoning with relatively few exceptions
reflects the existing zoning and/or use of lands in this area.
�.I'�l �
Except for the property defined in ZBCR-2 below, the staff recommends
retention of the proposed zoning boundaries as mapped.
a. West side of Arkwright between Hoyt and Montana.
b. Proposed zoning R-3.
c. Requested zoning RM-
d. Economically infeasible to build single family because area is substantially
below street grade and has poor soils.
e. The staff recommendation on this parcel is flexible. Retention of the
�' parcel in the R-3 designation will probably prevent development of the
�` site indefinitely. The property is not suitable, without considerable
� .,.,_�..,�,. investment, for useable open space or for low density single family
housing. Reasonable development of the property would require density
transfer teehniques at the least. The most appropriate use of the property
would probably be a low density townhouse development along the Arkwright
side leaving the western portion of the property open. To accomplish
this under the proposed code, a designation of RT-2 would be required.
a. East side of Little Canada Road between Larpenteur and Wheelock Ridge Road.
b. Proposed zoning R-2. '
c. Requested zoning RM- .
�� d. The property fn question has a severe grade problem; 25 foot or greater
grade differential on a relatively limited site.
e. Th$s property, as the one previously evaluated will probably remain
undeveloped under R-2 zoning due to the grade problems. Development of
the site would probably require a density appropriate to the proposed RM-1
zoning category.
� _ .�__ _._._ ..___ ...___._..._.__. ..._.—______. .._ _._.___ . _. ._ _ .._______.._. _____-__ _.________._.__—__—___'___��!_,�.:..,..—s�Y_��s..u::��_.."'__�i�.'�'+°e.:.�.awres.
ZBCR-4 .
a. Southeast corner of Wheelock Parkway and Desoto.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1.
c. Requested zoning RM-2.
d. The topography and aesthetic value of the property would be better served
by multi-family development.
e. The property in question is undeveloped except for 2 single family homes
` - / facing the Parkway which .are surrounded by the subject property. Single
cY ��v family homes and a church br.acket the remaining borders of the parcel.
Multi-family development does not appear to be consistent with existing
development in the area. Staff recommends denial of the requested change.
a. Southwest quadrant of the intersection of White Bear and Nevada.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
c. Requested zoning OS-1.
O }� d. Structure situated on this site has been a dental office for approximately
� II � 20 years, owner wishes to continue without becoming non-conforming.
e. Re-evaluation of the area the proposed uses and zoning classifications to
the north and south along White Bear Avenue leads staff to conclude that
the area should be designated OS-1 to the alleys paralleling White Bear
Avenue, between Arlington and Nevada.
a. East and west sides of McAfee from Maryland to Ivy (approximately).
b. Proposed zoning RM-2 and R-3.
c. Requested zoning RM-2.
w � d. The area has difficult topographic problems and use relationships including
paor soils, swampy land and railroad right of way.
`� !`,1 j e. A small portion of the site in question could be developed for single
family housing. However, staff feels after field review of the site and
its area relationships that the most appropriate development could be
accomplished under a "planned development" concept at an RM-2 density.
a. North side of Whitall between Arcade and Walsh and north side of Wells
between Arcade and Mendota.
� K b. Proposed zoning P-1.
yll� c. Requested zoning I-2.
e. The two areas are currently zoned heavy and light industrial respectively
and are currently used for parking facilities. Staff recommends approval. �
ZBCR-8 ,
a. South side of York between Arcade and Mendota.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1.
c. Requested zoning P-1.
�� � r\ d. Block is to be used for parking.
e. Property owners currently are in the process of rezoning this parcel to
� p allow for parking facilities under the present code. Staff recommends
� approval. The major property owner has agreed to the redesignation of
( �C� this property as a P-1 zone.
a. North side of Wells between Forest and Mendota.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1.
c. Requested zoning P-1.
d. Would like to use some of the property for employee parking lot which
would create a buffer zone between residential use and the industrial
� operations of the company.
r\ e. The current zoning relationship of a narrow street way separating a
�I,�; residential use and a heavy industrial use is not the most desirable.
Designation of the area in question as a P-1 would allow for the eventual
acquisition of older housing for redevelopment as parking area. This
use would provide for a better relationship over the long run for the ares
existing uses. Staff recommends approval.
a. North side of Cook between Arcade and Weide.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1.
c. Requested zoning B-3 or P-1.
0 �\ d. Purpose of the request is to allow for expansion of parking facilities
for the YMCA situated at Arcade and Magnolia.
� I� , e. One lot of the site is currently occupied by an old home. Considering
J the request is specifically to allow for use of the site as a parking
facility for the YMCA, the staff recommends designation of the subject
property as a P-1 parking district.
a. East side of Birmingham between East Seventh and Stillwater Avenue.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
�''�"i � ,, c. Requested zoning RM-3.
-GZ..� d. RM-2 constitutes a down zoning from current "C" Residential.
�...,.� �� e. Staff evaluation of site and general area indicates RM-2 proposed zone .
�f:� ��Z,y
�� � ����
��"� J � I J t �t � �624 ENDICOTT ON FOURTH
C��i ri� ! �7:' r ( 14C
�� ;. 1 1 1,{ TELEPHONE 222-6841
RONALD C. EvnNS ' �'�� AREA CODE 612 (tee7-ts7o)
January G / , 1975 ROBERT W. JOHNSON
To The Honorable The City Council
- of The City of Saint Paul
St. Paul, Minnesota
This letter is written on behalf of our clients Dean N. Sausser
and Paul R. Hedberg to place of record before the Council, prior
to final action on adoption of the new comprehensive zoning ordi-
nance, the various complaints and objections which they have been
voicing primarily to the staff of the City Planning Board, and at
prior informal public hearings over a period of two to three years
during which the proposed zoning revision has been under considera-
Our clients are the owners of all of the properties in the block
bouncled by Ramsey Street on the North, Grand Avenue on the South-
east and Western Avenue (which is not an open street at that point)
on the West. In addition, they are the owners of substantially
all of the properties on the North side of Ramsey Street between
the intersection of Grand Avenue and Ramsey Street and the line
of Western Avenue, including the old Cass Gilbert Church building
at the foot of the Ramsey Street Hill and the brownstone flats
which are known as Ramsey Terrace. Messrs. Sausser and Hedberg
have acquired these properties on a piecemeal basis over a period
of approximately twelve years. Their program of acquisition has
at all times been aimed at the eventual redevelopment of these
properties into commercial and rather high density housing which
will be compatible both with the freeway which will lie below and
to the Southeast of the properties and with the old section of
the city along Summit Avenue which lies well above the hill and
behind these properties.
Commencing with the properties in the block bounded by Ramsey,
Grand and Western, the property at the intersection of Ramsey and
To The Honorable The City Council
Page two �
January 27, 1975
Grand is the DeLaH�int Service Station, which has been zoned com-
mercial for many, many years under the present zoning ordinance.
Immediately adjacent to the DeLaHunt Station are Lots 17, 18 and
19, and a portion of Lot 30, Block 2 all in Whitacre, Brisbine
ana Mullins Subdivision, which were re-zoned to a commercial
zoning something less than ten years ago upon the application of
the parties who then owned or had options to purchase the DeLaHunt
Service Station. This re-zoning was apparently grantea with the
thought in mind of expansion of the service station facility. As
the service station now exists, it is not large enough to be an
economic use, either as a service station or for any other commer-
cial purpose, and a proper commercial use of this corner must
necessarily include the several lots from the Grand-Ramsey inter-
section through Lots 19 and 30 on the westerly line. We would
like to emphasize that neither of these properties were zoned
commercial at the request of our clients, but were in commercial
zoning at the time they acquired them, and their purchase price
reflected that zoning. They were interested in purchasing them
in connection with their plan for an overall development of the
area, a part of which is the maintenance of at least a limited
commercial area. Continuing on up the Ramsey and Grand Avenue
hills, our clients own lots 20 through 29 of Block 2 of Whitacre,
Brisbine and Mullins Subdivision, which constitute all the rest
of the block below Western Avenue. This portion of the block is
presently zoned Class C residential, which would permit rather
intensive apartment type development. The proposed new comprehen-
sive zoning ordinance would leave the corner of Grand ana Ramsey
Streets, which is the present DeLaHunt Service Station, in commer-
cial zoning, Class B-2, but would downzone the remaining commercial
zoning (Lots 17, 18, 19 ancl 30) to Class RM-2, which permits only a
very limited density multiple type clwelling. The proposed ordinance
would also downgrade the remaining portion of this block from its
present Class C residential zoning to Class RM-2. Leaving only
the DeLaHunt corner in commercial zoning, a tract which has only
7, 920 square feet, will practically deny any effective commercial
use of this corner, since the area is not large enough for any
feasible commercial use; in fact, this proposed establishment of
To The Honorable The City Council
Page four
January 27, 1975
townhouse type development only, and which obviously would bar
any continued commercial use of this building if it should be
necessary to move the building to save it from destruction in
connection with the highway plans. We most strongly urge that
reconsideration be given to the proposed zoning classification
which by its terms would require demolition of the church building.
With reference to the remaining properties on the north side of
the Ramsey Street Hill, extending West from the church site to the
line of Western Avenue, Messrs. Sausser ana Hedberg now own most
of these properties, incluaing the brownstone flats which are
known as Ramsey Terrace. The remaining property on the Ramsey
Street Hill is now zonea Class C residential which would permit
rather intensive apartment development, and in the preliminary
plans which they have developed for the area woula support a total
of 95 housing units. The zoning ordinance as it is presently pro-
posed contemplates the downgrading of this area to RT-2, which
would permit only a townhouse type development and would limit it
to a practical maximum of 36 units. In this regard we should like
to call to your attention that in the original proposal submitted
by the Planning Board for the comprehensive zoning ordinance, the
north side of the Ramsey Street Hill was proposed for an RM-2
classification, which our clients estimate would have supported a
total of 66 housing units. This proposal for RM-2 classification
was discussed at one of the several public hearings that was hela
in the past couple of years. Our clients learned sometime after
that public hearing that the Board had changed its recommendation
for this area from RM-2 to RT-2, and that this change was made,
without notice to our clients or other property owners in the area,
following receipt of a letter dated April 14, 1972 from a group
calling itself the "Ramsey Hill Association", incorporated March
10, 1972, thirty-four days prior to the letter, in which they in-
dicated that the "territory" of their organization included both
sides of the Ramsey Street Hill and in which they suggestecl that
the zoning requirements should be limited to townhouse type develop-
ments. We most strongly protest the action taken by the Planning
Board in response to this ex-parte request, with no opportunity
for further discussion, from an organization which has no right
whatever to call itself the "Ramsey Hill Asociation" , inasmuch as
no member of the association a�s property on either side of Ramsey
To The Honorable The City Council
Page five
January 27, 1975
Street. The members of the "Ramsey Hill Association" are by and
large residents of the Hill district on the North side of Summit
Avenue, who have a legitimate interest in the immediate area of
their residences but who we submit have no reasonable or proper
interest in controlling legitimate development of the properties
on Ramsey and Grana Avenues. The original proposal of RM-2 zoning
was at least consistent with the zoning which was proposed for the
other side of Ramsey Street, but we submit that with reference to
both sides of Ramsey Street a more legitimate classification under
the new zoning ordinance would be RM-3, which is most comparable
to the existing C residence classification. We should like to
emphasize that our clients are legitimate St. Paul businessmen who
have developed an interest in the Grand Avenue and Ramsey Hill
properties over a perioa of twelve years, having in mind its close
proximity to the redeveloped and expanded downtown district and the
present and proposea expansion of the hospital complex. They have
been aware at all times of the pending freeway aevelopment which
will abut their properties on the southeast ana believe that their
proposed commercial and apartment development can be adapted to
the ultimate highway plan without serious adverse effect. They
have invested a great many thousand dollars in these properties,
which they have acquired on an individual basis from 1 8 different
owners, and have invested substantial funds in preliminary planning
and design for the development of the area. They have planned a
high quality apartment residential development, centered around a
limited commercial area (being Lots 13 through 19 and a part of
Lot 30 of Block 2 of Whitacre, Brisbine and Mullins Subdivision) ,
and also around the continued use of the Cass Gilbert Church building
for commercial purposes. Realizing that their proposed development
would necessarily have to be scheduled over a period of many years,
they have conserved the properties in the area as well as possible,
keeping the church building maintained and in continual use, and
having spent substantial money in refurbishing and upgrading the
Ramsey Terrace brownstone apartments. If the commercial zoning is
now to be completely denied them, and if the areas which are now
zoned for Class C residence are restricted down to an RM-2 develop-
ment (the south side of Ramsey Street) and an RT-2 development on
the north side of Ramsey Street, they will be effectively denied
any practical use of their properties.
To The Honorable The City Council
Page six
January 27, 1975
Average land acquisition cost in this area has been approximately
$4.00 per square foot. We have attached to this letter a tabula-
tion showing the land cost per housing unit for the number of
units which can be constructed under the various zoning classes; C
(present ordinance) and RT-2, RM-1, RM-2 and RM-3 (proposed new
ordinance) . As applied to the Ramsey Hill properties now in
question, the tabuYation shows that if acquired at an average cost
of $4.00 per square foot, apartment construction under the existing
zoning ordinance would result in a per apartment unit land cost of
$4, 000.00 which is high in view of present building costs and
mortgage loan standards, but acceptable. If the entire north side
of Ramsey Street is zoned RT-2, and townhouse units averaging 2
bedroom and den are built to the maximum density permitted, the
per unit land cost will be $18,666.00. Financing and construction,
simply will not be possible at that land cost. Similarly, per unit
land cost for similar size units, the proposed RM-2 classification
will be $9,882.00, which obviously would make any such construction
financially impossible. It should be obvious that the RT-2 and
RM-2 zoning classifications for these properties are unacceptable,
and will prohibit new development ana will have the adverse effect
of inerely prolonging the present near blighted existing conditions.
Esthetic considerations are fine, but economic conditions should
also be considered in any proposea change so drastic as that pro-
posed for the Ramsey Street properties.
The properties ultimately developed in the block bounded by Ramsey,
Grand ana Western are going to be directly overlooking the freeway,
ana are not going to be highly desirable residential lands, upon
which it is going to be practical to develop the limited density
type apartments which would be permitted under RM-2 zoning. You
should also give particular attention to the terrain of these lands.
The properties on both sides of Ramsey Street are on a substantial
slope, and do not lend themselves to a low density well spread out
type of development. Construction costs will be high because of
the terrain, and if any clevelopment of this area is to be economi-
cally feasible, a maximum reasonable density of clevelopment must
be allowecl. All of our clients ' preliminary planning had been
done with the commercial and C resic7ence classification in mind,
and such c7evelopment woulcl be feasible. If the lands are now to
be downzoned to the restricted uses which are proposed in the new
ordinance, our clients will be denied any effective use of the
properties other than to continue to maintain them in their present
To The Honorable The City Council
Page seven
January 27, 1975
condition, and in view of the age and condition of most of the
properties, this will not be feasible on any extended basis. We
therefore submit that, for all practical purposes, the adoption
of the proposed new zoning ordinance, as it applies to these lands
will constitute the taking of our clients property without aue
Messrs. Sausser and Heclberg are also the owners of an unrelated
property, which they believe will adversly be effected by the
classification ascribed to it in the proposed new zoning ordinance.
We are referring here to an apartment complex at the northwest
corner of Grand and Dale Streets, being the builaings known as 623
627 and 637 Grand Avenue. This property consists of four separate
apartment buildings, three of which contain twelve housing units
each and the fourth which contains the boiler and heating plant
for the entire complex, plus one apartment occupied by the care-
taker. The entire frontage in this block on Grand Avenue is
presently zoned commercial and the new zoning ordinance would
restrict this particular portion of the block to an RM-2 zoning,
which permits apartments, but which would not permit development
to the intensity that the present four buildings have. This would
mean that the continued maintenance of the existing buildings
would constitute a non-conforming use, and if any one of the
buildings should be destroyed by fire or the elements, a much less
intensive development would be requirea under the new zoning ordi-
nance. This seems patently unreasonable, and at the very least,
a C residence classification (RM-3) should be continued.
In conclusion, we would like to point out that we have written
this detailed letter at this time for the purpose of placing of
record before the Council the various protests which we and our
clients have made over a period of several years while the pro-
posed zoning ordinance has been under development. Messrs.
Sausser and Hedberg have met on unlimited occasions with represen-
tatives of the Planning Board and have attended many of the public
hearings which have been held in connection with the preliminary
plans for the new zoning ordinance. Representatives of this office
have met on behalf of our clients with representatives of the
To The Honorable The City Council
Page eight
January 27, 1975
Planning Board on at least three different occasions, all to discuss
with them and to protest various of the changes which are discussed
in this letter. The objections being raised at this time are not
new, and are all well-known to the various representatives of the
Planning Board who have been involved in the development of the
proposed zoning ordinance. We feel that the proposed downgrading
of our clients properties, first by reducing by 65 to 70% the
existing commercial zoning at the Grand-Ramsey intersection, and
by the substantial downgrading of the existing C residence classifi-
cation on Grand and Ramsey Streets are quite arbitrary and unreason-
able and have no valid relationship to the zoning classifications
which are proposed in the general vicinity. This area is quite
isolated by the existence of the hill above it, and by the develop-
ment plans for the freeway below it. Our clients have put twelve
years of planning time and most of the personal funds which they
have been able to accumulate into acquisition and plans for
development of this area. The arbitrary restrictions which are
being proposed on the use of the premises will completely destroy
their plans, and as we have indicated would in our opinion amount
to an unconstitutional taking of their properties. Such require-
ments are in no way necessary for the protection of adjacent or
nearby areas, which have adequate set backs by virtue of the hill
ana the existence of the freeway. We have urged the City Planning
staff to give consideration to the matters set forth in this letter,
but without success, and we most urgently request that the Council
give serious consideration to this matter and ask a thorough review
of the entire zoning concept for the Grand-Ramsey Hiil areas before
the proposed new ordinance is adopted in its entirety.
As we have indicated, our clients already have a substantial
investment in this area. Delays which have already resulted from
the delay in the Interstate 35E development have obviously sub-
stantially increased th�ir ultimate construction costs. If they
must now resort to legal action to prevent the unreasonable and
arbitrary taking of their property rights by the unjustifiable
zoning changes now proposed, it will only add to the delay and to
their ultimate construction costs. Their plans for development
To The Honorable The City Council
Page nine
January 27, 1975
of this now somewhat blighted area will obviously be a great
benefit to this area and adjoining inner city areas, whereas the
imposition of the proposed arbitrary downgrading, by making any
development economically unfeasible, will only perpetuate the
existing blight.
Respectfully submitted,
<� .
BY ./u-���G�✓ �..r`_�`.�`_`'..._`_`.
Fred W. Fisher
Attorney for Dean N. Sausser
and Paul R. Hedberg
624 Endicott Building
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
cc: Mr. Donald L. Spaid
City of St. Paul Planning
Board Director
421 Wabasha Street
St. Paul, Minnesota
cc: Mayor Lawrence Cohen
Ramsey County Count House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Enclosures; (1) tabulation of land costs.
(2) map of affected properties.
cost of land per square foot
$2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00
Residential Zone cost of land per housing unit
Present 'C' Zone* $2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
Proposed RT-2
One Bedroom and efficiency $ 4,421 6,631 8,842 11,052 13,263 15,473
Two Bedroom $ 7,000 10,500 14,000 17,500 21,000 24,500
Two BR and Den ( or 3 BR) � 9,333 13,999 18,666 23,333 28,000 32,666
Three BR, Family room 8� den $ 14,000 21,000 28,000 35,000 42,000 49,000
Proposed RM 1
One Bedroom and efficiency $ 3,652 5,478 7,304 9,130 10,956 12,782
Two Bedroom $ 5,600 8,400 11,200 14,000 16,800 19,600
Two BR and Den (or 3 BR) $ 7,636 11,454 15,272 19,090 22,908 26,726
Three BR, Family room and den $ 12,000 18,000 24,000 30,000 36,000 42,000
Proposed RM 2
One Bedroom and efficiency $ 2,400 3,600 4,800 6,000 7,200 8,400
Two Bedroom $ 3,652 5,478 7,304 9,130 10,956 12,782
T;wo BR and Den (or 3 BR) $ 4,941 7,412 9,882 12,353 14,823 17,294
Three BR,�Fam.ily room and den $ 7,636 11,454 15,272 19,090 22,908 26,726
Proposed RM 3 **
One Bedroom and efficiency $ 1,200 1,800 2,400 3,000 3,500 4,200
Two Bedroom $ 1,826 2,739 3,652 4,565 5,478 6,391
Two BR and Den (or 3 BR) $ 2,470 3,705 4,940 6,175 7,410 8,645
Three BR, Family room and den $ 3,818 5,727 7,636 9,545 11,454 13,363
* Based on a single tract of 42,000 sq. feet.
** There is no RM-3 zone on the proposed zoning map that is not presently used for RM-3 size structures.
Notes: For detached housing (single family or duplex) in any of the above 'proposed' zones, the cost of a
lot would be 10,000 times the per foot cost of the land, i.e., at $4.00 per foot the cost of the lot
would be $40,000. "In an RT-2, RM-1, RM-2 and RM-3 District, no structure shall be built on a
parcel which is less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area." (Proposed Zoning Ordin-
ance, page 61)
The present "rule of thumb" for lond cost is that app�oximately $3,000 can be expended for land
for each rental unit constructed on a parcel.
Inasmuch as Saint Paul is already almost completely developed, to put together a tract of land
for multiple housing requires the purchase and razing of ol d structures. The price of this land
usually falls in the range of from $3.00 to $12.00 per square foot, depending upon the lot size
and the condition and use of the structure. The average price for a tract put together this way
usually falls between $4.00 to $5.40 per square foot. - �
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;, , ;�'' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5�102 �
612-227-0795 - 227-0796 i
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M\j �
Rabert B. Mirick � � . � �
A.James Dickinson � .
,.,, ������.es;den, �'ebruar3r 5, 1975
W. Brooks Cavin,Jr. � �
2nd Vire Presidenr �
Mrs.Joseph North �'
Reeording Sn•remrr ��
Mrs.Gale Frost � �
Corre.��ponding Seeremq� � �O ffiembers of� the 3t. �Paul .City. Couneil i -
James Ruavell �
Mrs.TCI'ifford Alexix �1�, ��l and Courthouae �
Robert Orr Baker ��• p8,�,� Ai=�e�Ota 5�102 � ���, �
George Bohrer . � .'� � � �
Henry H.Cowie,Jc � �� �
Anthony DeZiel � � �
Richard T. Faricy FTO�i The Raneey County and 3t. Paul �etorieal SocietT
Mrs.Stanley J. Forito,Jr. �
Jareph L. Fox �
Henry Hall $es ��B��ed ��n� Divlli�i�Ce '
- M�.John T. Henry .
William Kircher . �
Richard T. Murphy �I
Stephen A.Osborn �
Frank PaSkewiV �e�ae the Ir�ine Park Historical Diet ��. et�hae beea �
Emesi R.SAndttn
�����,Simmer eatabliehsd and lie�tsd on the l�ational $ giater of
Virginia Brainard Kuv. �$yOr�C Placee � the ro osed zon
Erre•urive Direetnr � P P �8 �ue���� reflect ths
seale and dsneity whieh ie eoaefa�aut sa� eospatible
2(N7GWebt LarpcnteureUm r►ith thia uniqt�e area. Speeifically, al� propart� � � � -
Saint Paul, Minnesota 5s��, ��� �he de�aigaated Hietoric District b�tm�atld be ���
Robert Drakc baeically residentisl; atr�ctures limited� to three . -
5;,�ManaR�'• atoriee meziaum hei�ht; no eurtace parlci. lots and
no open—a1r parkina rampa. 3peci8lty ahv e cnuld be
pez�ti.tted, but snbject to a revisw and a rcval pro—
a�dure b� the Heritage Preaervation Coamii�eion �d
the City Co�ncil. !,
Th�Lr poeition Aas unenimously approv�d by ;the Board
of the Society at ite re�ler meeting of F�abruary 4,
1975. '��
8e pectfully s b�i ted,
� �''t.�f -
�Tir�inia B. gunz � �;
Bzecutive Diractor '
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� 5�.�� Association for R,etarded Citizens, Inc.
529 JACKSON STREET, ROOM 329 ST. PAUL, MINN. SS101 224-3301
I. Overall impressiona
Ms. Mary Hinze
Jeff Levy A. We approve the addition of language that has as its
First Vice-President
Mrs. Floyd Frank
Second Vice-President purpose opening all zones of the CZt�7 t0 the es't��
Mrs.JoAnne Jackson
Franklin Smith lishment of small group living facilities for
Ms.Toni Lippert
Past President mentally retarded persons. -�-
Mrs. Norman Abramson B• We approve the attempts to see that similar type
Mrs. Robert Beard
Mrs.Arthur Bennett homes are not concentrated in one area by calling
Mrs. Lucille Bryant
Richard Buchman
Mrs. Michael Casey £Ol the S@ aration Of facilities.
Larry Cozad P
Ms.Jennifer Ellig
Mrs.James Frank C. We are dee1�]1V concerned that titlg zonin ordinance
Mrs. Miles Hubbard t .Z g
Mrs.Paul Jenkins
Joseph Keis
Mrs. Robert Klas Stll�. d0e8 nOt recognize surrogate parents and a
William K las
B.J. Kolbo
Mrs.Eugene Mason group of inentally retarded persong living together
Stewart Shaw
Kenneth Spears
Archibald Steele aS a f ami ly in the ordinary gense of the term.
Mrs. Nokomis Swan
Donald Velky
Mrs. Everett Voerding D. We are concerned that a nLUnber of restrictions
placed on "Institutional Group Homes", when taken
together, place such a burden on those appling for
conditional use permits as to actually deny the op-
portunity for many mentally retarded persons to be
able to live in large portions of the city.
II. Specific Concerns
A. Definition of family
60. 331 1. It is unclear to SPARC why language that was
P age 6
once proposed for this definition has been• drop-
ped in favor of returning to a restricti�e
Membe�� United Way of the St. Paul Area �,
Minnesota Association for Retarded Children, Inc.
Robe�i�.T�tt�e National Association for Retarded Children, Inc.
Executive Director
� p age 2
clause requiring "blood, marriage or adoption" as the only
basis for determination of family atatus. We have no clear
knvwledge of what the phrase "or legally cared �or children"
means, but have an informal 'opinion fxom zoning board staff
that it does not cover placement in foster or small group
h ome s.
Many cities h ave adopted the definition of family that in-
cludes groups of people living together as a single housekeep-
ing unit and those cities seem to be no worse for it.
There is, as we noted in our previous remarks, some sort of
magic that is assumed to come about because people are related
that is presumed missing when people are not of the same blood
lines. We know of no reasonable evidence that supports such an
assumption. We ask that the definition be changed.
Page 20 , 2. We are absolutely opposed to the requirement of additional lot
e (3) ,
among others sizes as specified as necessary conditions to the issuance of a
use permit.
We h ave heard only two rationales for such a provision and they
are both, in our opinion, invaled.
First, we have been told that this provision is necessary in
order that the lot size will be adequate to support the acti-
vities that are expected to go on in the home's "program" .
This is not a ooncern of zoning and is adequately guaranteed
without restrictive lot size specifications in the licensing
procesa without which none of these homes can function. In add-
ition, each program differs markedly in its requirements and
. ,
p age 3
cennot be covered in a blanket provision.
Under this language, it would be necessary for a sponsor of
a residence to housse six mentally retarded adults and two
houseparents to find a place in an R-1 category with over� one-
h alf an acre in spite of the fact that the people living there
would seldom be home ,and would require no more space than any
other similar group of people we call "normal".
Second, we have been told that this is a matter of controlling
"density" . Yet the home itself is the controlling factor� for
density. No more than two persons may occupy the normal bed-
room under existing licensing regulations. A plan to house °
eight people requires at least four bedrooms and is self-limit-
Also implicit in this "density" argument is that eight people�
who society has labelled mentally retarded somehow increase
the density of the neighborhood, where as eight people who have
not had that label applied do not increase the density.
This provision is at bes-t unneeded and at worst dis criminatory
against those who through no fault of their own must live out-
side their natural home. We recommend that it be deleted.
Page 20 , 3. We are not convinced that assigning a 1/4 mile separation� bet-
e (4)
wee� all group homes ia the proper way to accomplish the purpose
we all agree on, that of more equally distributing these fac--
ilities around the city and preventing unwanted concentrations.
It would seem better to consider each application separately in
light of its purpose and projected use.
, � '' . .�
p age 4
We are, hawever, willing to try the 1/4 mile provision out for
a time to see if it works any undue hardshi� on those we are
trying to welcome to our community.
60. 338 Finally, we should like to be more confident that this or�linance� is
P age 7
not written in such a way as to negate the effect of the welcome
changes that may allow mentally retarded persons to be equal in
access to housing. We are not encburaged by the use of the word° �
"Institutional" in describing group homes, since "institutions" �
are exactly what we are trying to rescue these people from in est-
ablishing group ho�les.
An institution is a pl�ce where a person ie sep�rated from society-
and needed services are, by and l�rge, brought to the resident.
The person is, in a very real sense, incarcer�ted.
A group home is a place which echoes a normal family l�ving situa-
tion to the greatest extent possib le. Pe�ple who reside there go
out of the home to school, work, recreation or a�y other needed
The juxtaposition of these two terms in other zoning ordinances
has worked againet the logical consideration of the real issues.
It is counter-productive becaus� of its semantic connotations.
We suggest th at the word simply be dropped wherever it appears
in this context.
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� ` : �b��� � BUILDERS OF HOMES
Phone 646-7901 2227 UNIVERSITY AVENUE
JanuZry 8, 1975
Rub� Hunt
Council President
St. Paul City Council
719 City Hall
St. Paul, Plinnesota
RE: Proposed ZoninQ Ordinance
De ar P�rs. Hunt: •
The new zoning map snows the pro!�erty, Lots 6, 7, 2, 9, and 10 Block 1 r;erit
Addition, which we own to be 3evelop�d as single �amily units and we �ould
like to �iave this propert� chan¢ed. so that t'ne n�w zonin� map would classifjr
it as multi resident. As sho,an on the attacned re�istered property survey a
lar�e portion of the property is enclosed by alleys witii no access to public
streets. ';le feel that tnis property would be best developed by constr,.zction
of ine�ium density anar.tment buildin¢s, usin� th� iortion bounded bj� alle�s for
gara�es and parkin�. T;e have sp�nt consi�lera�le rnoney on providin� i�nproved
alleys .f.or the ac,jacent resident units tahich to date have been of no benefit
to the property that tae own. Further, the soil conditions of the property
�acins� Stillwater Avenue is not su.itable for sin�le famil� development because
said soil conditions require pilin� and considera.ble `ill material, thz cost
of which would make this propert� pronibitive �or development at sinAle famil�
units. �our consid�ration for such cnanr�es to multi resident would be Qreatly
appreciatec� before the final ado�tion o� the proposed �oning ordinance.
If the propertjr is developed as sin�le famil� units, tYie property tax income
to the City would be a�proximatel� $2,000.00 ner �ear total whereas i:E devel-
oped with multi resic:ence units, as shown in tl�e enclosed propose�3 layout,
would provide a tax income to t�e cit� of approximatel� $24,000.00 per year,
or twelve times that of sinale family homes.
Very truly j�ours,
-E ��-x� � �`z��
Ber am Getsu� 1�
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� TI�ICI CITy Tf STI�G flCiD f�Gl�f f�I�iG LflB0�flT0�� �
JOHN F. CiI�LA90N. P.6.•G[N[IIAL MANAO[R s� np� '�� �J�k�� ;
NORMAN 6. HiNNIN6. P. �. •[Na�N[tRiNa
AL0[RT C. NOLLER. F.A.I.C.• c��M�..R„ April 27, 1975 I
���ance Cons�ru���Qn �. � . ;
� i
r, • ;
s.� ' I
St. P�ul, Minnesota. ,
Dear Sir: �
On April 21, �9559 we put down four soil borings on an area south of Stillwater ;
Avenue between Waukon and Howard Streets in St. Paul, to a3d in evaluating the i
soil conditiona for house foundations. �
The borings were put down at the locations suggested by Mr.Jerry Specktor, and ,
are sho�m on the attached sketch. Surface elevation5 were referenced to the hy- . i
drant bench mark where shown, taken �s 100 ft. (An assumed elevation). The logs
of the borings and a sheet giving our method of soil classification (U. S. Bureau i
of Soils) are attached.
7.he borings were put down uncasedo Soil samples were taken with a 2-inch 0. Do j
eplit dampler, and the bluws� per foot as given on the logs were recorded on thia �
sampler driven by a 11�0 lb. weight faliing 30 inches. The consistency of the ;
clayey soils xa� rated by the penetration of the bampler. i
The surface of the north and central portions of the area is relatively low, and
the topography of the area is generally higher to the east, w�est, and southe
Surface elevations at our borings varied only a bout 1� ft. It may be seen by the
logs that the soil conciitions are quite variable. Some fill was found at the
first three location� and varied 3.n depth from le�s than 2 ft. at 1 and 3, to �
about 10 ft. at No. 2. A loose, cl�rk brown sandy loam extended down to about k �
ft. at No. l, and a rather soft clay wa�s found to about 1t ft. at No. 3, and the �
soil below these depths at these two 1.ocation5 was a good sandy soi1. At Noe 2, '
a very soft clay loam was found below the fill, and very loose sandy and silty �
soilg extended to the depth of the boring. Soft clayey soils were encountered
to a depth of 8 ft. at No. 1�., and a modera�tely dense sanc�y loam extended from 8
ft. to the depth of the boring. �
Water entered the boringe and the le vels and times of recording are given on the
loga. The xater entered the fir�t three borings from relatively l.arge layrers of
37��1'lif/t �"01R ti7K/L��fON Of �fAltYtpTf� CONQ6Y�ION� 011 <%'f1�ACT� /ROM OII II�OAl101N0 OYI� 11ttO11T� 1/ 11Lft11V[O ►<NOtMO OY# M'RY/TRN /AI�ROVAi..,
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, � .
perviou� sand or loamy sand, bu�t at Noa !t the water appeare �o be"perched" in
lenses of sand in an otherwise relatively impervi.ous soile These levels can be
expected to vary with the s�easons of the ye�r and from one year to the ne�cte
We understand that you propose to place the house footings on the fir�t gaod
soil in the area of the f3rst three borir�gs and then fill around the houses. We
would suggest that the foundations be talcen down at least through the fill and
black s�oil a�t borings 1 and 3, and because of the loose nature of the �andy soil
at No. 1 and the rather soft condition of the clay at No. 3, we would suggest
the use of a widespread reinforced foundation at depths of i2 and 22 fte at bor-�
ings 1 and 3 respeetivelye Bec�use of the excessive depth of fi.11 �nd poor soil
at No. 2, the use of piling ig indicated at this location. At No. 1�, the houss
foundations should be: taken down through �he so�'t clayey soils to the sanc�y loam
found at about 8 fte Some difficulty would be exper.ted with water �t thi5 loca- I
tion, but an excavation could probably be kept dry during construction by pumping. i�
If a basement is placed below the lenses of waterbaari.ng sand, the floor and
walls should be waterproofed and some nreans of drainage provided around the baae-
Five borings were originally scheduled on th�s site by Mr. Specktor, but since
the work was liminted to �. day's time and �ince the boring� went cons�i.derably
deeper than he had anticipated, we were unable to go to the fifth loea tione
Several attempts were made durin� the day to discuss boring depths with Mre �peck-
tor,� but we were tinabTe to oontact him. It was decided to abandon No. 2 at 21 ,
ft., without getting through the poor soil, in order to get to several of the
other Iocations.
The recommendations and/or suggestions contained in thi� report are our opinions
based on data which are assumed to be repregentative of the site explored; but
because the area of the borin gs in re.lation to the entire area is very simall,
and for other rea�ons, we do not warrant condit�ons below the depths of our bor-
ing�, or that the strata logged from our borings are necessarily typical t�f the
entire site.
Very t ruly yours,
�� ��� ������ �� i
�IvGIf�N� �tt�tA��� ;
� � � � _��'' �
�it zius
. • •
•UR/AC[ [L[V. •URIAC[ [L[V.
�t •
Fill, mostly dark brown, bro�an
0� o and black sandy loam and sand
Fill, mostl dark brawn sandy (moist) with some clay loam
1, loam moist with some �vel and silt loam and a little
� Dk ra ish brn loam (moist gr�vel 2
l� .
Dark brown sancfiy loam (moist)
with some gravel �
�� 8
Brown sandy loam (moist� with
� 5 r ravel
Brown coarse loamy sand (moist 26
to about 8z ft. then waterbear-
ing) with gravel and a few 9
boulders Water
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - �3-level �
10� Water
9,_ � �eve�
Brown sanc�y loam (wet) with Black to gray clay loam (very
some lense� of loa�r�y sand soft) with lenses of sand
12 (waterbearing)
� _ 1�.
12�' Grayish brown coarse loamy
sand (waterbearing)
16� �
Grayish b�own coarse sand
��a�����e���) � �
Note: Water level recorded Gra�r soft loam (wet) �
about 7 hours after boring` 3 .
was completed. 21� ,
Note: Water level recorded
about 5 hours �fter boring Was
_._�-- _ - --- - - --- � -. .—---------- � - ------- ---- �
�� 8 � I
0� 9 z�a�_s_ rown s c �— - - - W�ter
Fill, mostly dark brown and bro�n �Qer°y soft� w1.th fibrous �e�
sand and sandy loam (moist) with 1�' �terial
some silty clay 2� � �
�� Black silt �.a�.m moi�t �� clay (sof�) with a lense 2 �
2 � of brown sand (waterbearing) at j
D�rk brown mottled c�..ay (rather 2 fte
�� sof t) with some gr�vel �' �
I.�.ght gr�y �nd t�n mottled �
Bz°own coarse loamy sand (moi�t silty clay �sof"t) with a lense i
to about 16�o then waterbearing) Water of silt loam at 7 ft. 2 ;
SeveT �
wi th lenses of sandy loam i
?+ �
2 I
Brown sanc�r loam (wet) with $ aP� 8 i
some gravel �nd lense� of loa�y Reddish brown sandy loam with �
gand (waterbearing) a little gravel t
8 16 I
i5o � :
15, �
Noteo Water level checked
Note: Water level recorded �bout 1 hour after boring was
about 2� hourg after completion. completed.
I ,
_ _ ------ --- ______-- _._ _ __ _._ - -- -- ____--- ____-- _ ___ . _ _ __--__ �
. IIe S. Bur�eau of Soils
100� 0
� s�
, 5o CY�AY 5� �
3o CS:AY �� i� .
20 �
, 0 1p0� .
� ioo� 90 So � 50 0
. � ' S� •
Thi� sa�e cla��ifiaation numerical.ly is as Pollcnrs s
� �#io to #270 #�70 �o °ao5 mm '
.005 �m ao�n ±
Sand �ilt c�a� i
� Sand 90 - 100�fo 0 - 10'�i 0 - 10�i I
���� ���� �o - �o Q - �� � - �� I
���d�r La�rn �ti - � � �- �0 6 � 20 ,
Loam �o - ;0 30 - 50 0 - 2�
Silt Loam o - 50 5� - l00 0 - �o
sar�ay ciay Loaffi 5a - 80 0 - 30 20 - 30
cia� io�m 2c� - 5� 20 - 50 20 - 30
Silty Cle�r Loam 0 - 3Q 50 - 80 20 - 30 I
Clay o - �o o - 50 30 - �oo
sanay cla� 5r� - 70 0 - 20 30 - 50 � .
9ilty Cl.ay 0 - 20 50 - 70 30 - 5o p
: The �at�d pre�en� �.n a �cail, i� �1,a��i�'i.ed a� cc�ar�e (#1,0 �a #�0), '
ffiedium (#�+0 �o #1Q4), csr 9'in� (#3.00 �c? �270) �o a �arid�r loa.m could �
be c81,l.ed a c�e.rs�e, �±�dium or �'i�e €�e,nd� loe.�no Soil� with aray appre-
ciable nmount Q�' �rav�� pr����tt ar� cl.�.�aified "with a little gravel,
with �ome gravel, with g�r°avel" accoxdinr3 °to the araount o�' gravel
preeente �.'he gr��rel i� cl.a��ified. a� coar�e (3" to 1"), mediuw �
(1" to 1�2"), or fine (1�2" to #10)e
. , , � . ; l, �. , \o � � •
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Phone 646-7901 2227 UNIVERSITY AVENUE
January 3, 1975
Ruby Ilunt
Council President
St. Paul City Council
719 City Hall
St. Paul, i�?innes�ta
'_�E: Proposed Zoning Ordinance
Dear I?rs. :iunt:
T�1e have examined the map covering the changes to be made to the city and find
that properties that we own are to be changed in classification which will
prohibit the development o:E the property different from the existing zonin�
now in existence.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 :slock 1 tTerit Addition, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Elock
2 ?lerit Addition, and Lots 7, S, 9, and 10 Block 3 '�erit Addition of tne lots
listed hereunder that we will be tinable to construct duplexes on tile property
and with the hiffh cost of construction toda.y, the land does not lend itself
from sin�;le family homes as on your property zoning map. Before final adoption
of this zoning or�iinance, we would like to have the property that we own con-
tinue in the zoning that would enable us to construct duplexes thereon at such
time as it becomes feasible.
Very truly yours,
'`�� '�_�'`%���<<�i
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; �o: Request �or chr�n�e of �;oninE; dxs�:ric� of parc�l on Burns
, .Ave. i'ro�ii .13-2 -�o b�3.
Yroper�y: Lo'cs 22 a�zd 23' T3:Locic 20� Scena.c fiills No. 5.
Th�se ar� tt�ro unsold 1o�s uounded on three sides by efisi::i.nb
st�.�uc�ures :
� �. small o�fice builcling anci a Zapa�ca �'ast i'ood build:ir.g to
�Lhe Nor�h, an anirnal hospi��,l �co �iie j�Jc:�i;, and a �'t�rin City r'eae�al
' office build�ng i,o the �as�t.
The pro��osed boundary li:�e betZ�r��n F�-2 and T�-3 zon.i.r�a jo�rs
arour.d �'riese lo�ts to include ttlei� i;Z che more resi:rS_c��.v�; �3-2
On Au&ust 22, 1.�7��- the Pl�tnn:i.�Za ]3oax�d s-caix^ indica�ed there
should be no aii.�icu1;,� in ��c�:����t�iii^� -cl:a p;coposed zonin, ;,a.p ��o
. includ.e �his parce�, in �he t�-3 clis��r:i.c'c bu�L i:�:;.�t; �ch� oa•�;i.n«nc�
, , was ou� oz� �;hai.r h�.nds and "c�e�,ng con.sa.der�d by �;he Ci�y tl��o�:;e f� s
, O�x'ace.
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�e : �;c�quest �or chan�;e o�' zon:i.n„ ca�;e�ory in proposed St. Paul �
`Lor�ing 0�:d:inance �:'r.oin OS-:Z �o i�,S.
Prop�rt;y: Part of Lo�;s 1.7, 2l9 2?_� a.zd 23 a.Zd all o�' Lots 18'
:1.9, and 20, Blocic 6, Scen�.c Hi7_ls� 1�icK?.�ight Road and I-q�i-.
Fac�Lors i'avorin�L LS �on�nry • �
1. �djacen� us�s cleaxly confor.m �o �S Expressway Service desa.g-
na�ion; namely� t'ne Chain Link r�s�aurant and a PhiJ.lip s 66
sexvice s-�af;ion.
2. P�Iote1 use is indicate�.. Clapp-Thomssen Company has been o.��er-
ing these lots for sale as one parcel for sevaral yea�s. All
sexious prospec�;s have been fo�.• mo�el use. Around December y
�-973 a p1,an for a proposed fioliday Xnn Z��as revie���ed by the St.
Paul Planning S�aff. Tne sale t�ras n.ot consumMated due to lac�c
of financing, but �;he s�aff li�;ed ��ze location of the buildin;
near McKnight Road and its orientation t�ward Burns �'1ve.
Factors adverse to OS-1 zoninm : �
1. T.he OS-1 category res�;ric�s building heigh� �0 3 stories and
permits grea�er heigh� only as any structure is moved away frorn
lot lines. On this si.�o su�h a restric�;ion would have the effect
, of moving any structure ac��ay fror;i its lo�;ieal location at tr.e
Northeast corner of �ho parcel and closer to the residences ;�lcst
of Suburban Ave. '
2: Ex.�,osure to the market has no� developed any inter.est' in oS'fice
use in this nei.ghborhood. ,
� . REAI.tORS � F(1[; n�ir��`if"C(�7A FZII�IfI��I(j w cT Cl,(1ii� F �Ea�^�r•r��•�vr, f'!°� °11 �, IR� ��1 �1'�7 `�r, , �
. � i
'.l'z:�t�� iy.ic; Con��:ic:c��;1''i,:101;: ,
Tn �a n��Qta.�i�; �,u�us� 22, 197�� of Messrs. Ryan and 1�TcGuirc of thc
Plaiining S�;af�' with o��mers� �. H. C1app and R. Ii. Thamssen, and
attoi•ney� J�rnes Lano, �ho Plannin� Sta.�.� a.ndica-�ed ��;hat an OS-1
zoning cate�or,y was :ea.��t�a in an a�t;�l:emp�L �;o reduce the ainoun�
of �ra.f�ic on Suburbati Ave. because of the res:i.de�itia:l area across
the street. Tne ot�rnex�s of�ered �co rest�:ic� any :�u�uro o���ne-r � s �
access from �;7iis parcel �o i�tlrns �'�va, on�_y t�r3th no <<ccess Vrhu�so-
ever on Suburban .�ve. provided i;h� ES zoning is gr�nted. The Pt;'ulic
ti�lorlcs Dept. is plannir� �o ��riden and up-grade B,�:rns �lve. i'or greater
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Re: �'ro��o�ed 7oninr; O:��iinance .
licc�ues t for chr.�nge of' zoninL; cicsi�;�,a°��.on tro:at T�1 �;o y-?,
Prope.r�t;;,r: Lo�t 1 l;l.oclt 1&, Sccr�-i_c ti:i_:L1� ;;o. �-. '�Jes�t; side o.�
l�u��h 5�;��ce�L bc��z��eeil Subu.r.��arl atld Fu;:ns.
A]_�;�'lOtlj;h �i��].e �o f:his �.o� ��s :.;�;i1�. in Clapp..Tham��cn Co.
rir. . l-;ubc.� ll�zcl�re�;(� �f i;udo�, y;�.c. . ,
is aev�1o���_r�; a rnini_�s�;opk�in.f;
cen�;cl� on �th�.;; 1ot and. �tr.e ad�oini�.�� Lo-L-s 15, .16� 1'I, 1�, anc:� l9,
B1ock 20 tirhich i1e ot�m�. `� �'
On I�Tove�ber �, a_g'7�-� -�lzc 7oliin� ]3oa'rcl app��oved i-.��.
�I?C�(?i C'��? � S �'L(�11�'•S'� �Oa c�, parrC].21(* lOi: � -G'7'i(1:1'G OVG'7' �11E.' CTl.i.1.I'C� ;b1C'C�.
�l1S:11"1CSSE5 Zq:1,�G,�'1 �J170ii7 rl� j.� neooi;ia�in� a:L'e :
res�aura��� 13rid;e;;,ans zor a si�c c1o��m�restau.�ant��anDauto C�cero ' s
stoi�c; and a 7--11 �;�e dairy s�c�a•e. � ��r�s
`r11e B-1 desi�na�io:� t�rol;l.a p�o'r.ibiti use o� �he pz�cperty by �hese
tt,�o restaul•an�;s.
---�---�r� .
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1. 3ough'C la.n:i �.., light industry zoneir�� � , , : ' �.
�. � 2ota r N.61� ,corner� of St. P�ul Ave. & �aunc�ers ,, ;
i n. ls��i; acro�s the street wF�s i�ter zpn�u residential - ?
� �' � :�
� 2 Built buil:tiinr; for U.S. Po:t Uf�ice ��
a.: City of St.P�u� w�s v�ry co o�era:tive in gettin� n permit ,'to �uild
b. nzia�ibox4 t:.cro�:s tne strAet objected to Post Uf'fice being;�puilt
1.;� �fter footings were constructe� an in�unction stopped constructian snd ,.' , �
wa� finally lifted an�� buildin� constructed �'or P.p':. � �
�'. P.Q. facility from .1956 to 1974, Feb. .�• ;
e. P.Q.. merged severLl f4cilities and moved ta �,'.&eve�th St.�---- now the neighbor��: 'ti
! ob j ect because they now believe, they need a P.O. ,faci�.ity in the neighbor��.. .0
, _ hood , ; , ;
3• Ssle or r�ntal of building 1iFted with qualified realtor� Ftobert Moder �hnw. � '
a:. 1/st contract-small etore-Dairf Horne-�90�00O..Oi� �� ,�
.nei.�hbors objected-zonin� denied
� b. 2�nd contr�ct- beaut;� parlor-9�75�GC0.00 � � '
, �.�
`neiohbbrs ob�ected-zonin� denied
' � �
. , $.�
Keep in.mind that this buildino i� �urrounded on three sides by �partment buildings ,;� .
and the anly ob3ectione are from tne few houees �crosa ��he street. �
4• k'e appeEred before the City CounciT for zoning-, Nov., 1974 ;' �:�
; ' Council agrees to office sp�ce zoning `�s �
� � a. present buyer-toy de�igru�ers-use �s of£ice spaae-need pe,rmit to add on�to �
� duiTdin; -.-addition will be W�thin city buildir�g, codes >' � ,i;
. ' 1. perr.�it was ap�lied for last week, but we have not reci,eved rep7,y ` �
- 5. � In the ��st the nei�hbpxE ,ob�ections have denied us the use of our propertq� �
destroyed oux, source of income--�,t no cost to tnem '1�" �
'the neiohbore opinions have changed from year to year as to' what they want ` '� �
� Since the property w�s zonad light inclu�try when we bought it �' we believe the ::�
; �city �h�uld �rant a pex�ini.t for the tof c�esi�;ners so th�t we can �e11 the ro ert i'
k'e hf:.ve been constantly put to thA �xpen�� of lnwyere fees� the city�s time usedyto 'k, y�
he�.r this ,� and �11 .the whil.e our t�xes keep eccumul�iting. It is unfair t�l� the : . ;*
neighbora �have been able to dictate ho�, our land is used. 1n!e have been denied our
. riUnts �tist t�' �f�cify their chan�ing opir�ione.
, ` l��e have ios�.*, an immense amount of cuah on the sa2e of thi� building, i��e xere �, -
,� � denied the sale of �90,OG0.00 and �75.�00.00. lvow our .ale is for� considerably less. `` " }
This, 'is our source of income. We h�ve,paid tax�s and assessments for30 years on �this
' " � �
, �
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January �, 1975
T0: Members of the St. Paml City Council
FROM: St. Faul League o.£ Women Voters
Mertyce Ma.yne, President
Mar,ylyn Deneen, Zoning Chairman
The St. Paul Lea�ue of Women Voters repeats its support of the
Proposed Zoning Ordinance for the City of St. ?aul. After seven
years of study, we urge the adoption of the ordinance by the City
Council as quickly as possible. We hope 1975 wil.l be a year of
implementation of the ordinance rather than another year of study
and changes.
We feel the Citizens of St. Paul need this new zonin� ordinance with
its clearly stated text, definitions, intent and purpose which will
help to avoid conflzsion.
We urge adoption with the understandin� that some nrovisions of the
ordinance remain incomplete, such as Section 62.].1K Signs. The
8omprehensive Sign Ordinance, which is now bein� studied, is needed
by the City of St. Paul to require strict controls on unnecessary
sign usage.
To properly evaluate the ordinance, it must become a worlcin� document.
A ma�or concern we would like to ca11 to your attention this evening,
for immediate change in the Zonin� Map, is the area around �'i�'s Eye
Lake with the I-2 Industrial District classification. This class-
ification is not consistent with the intent of the definition of the
I-2 Industrial 2 District.
We urge that this Flood Plain be returned to the R-I Classification
this area previously held. We ask that an ammendment concerning
this map change be passed this evenin�.
�he League would like to express their appreciation to the City
Council for scheduling this hearin� at other than their re�ular
meeting time.
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J�r 1�th, 1978
l;I�C t7�3tC3� �Ai��RB
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BU&T E.SWANSON January 10, 1972
City Clerk
Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re : Proposed New Zoning Ordinance
1/12/72 Hearing
Dear Sir:
Please be advised that the undersigned desires
to appear at the hearing of the Saint Paul City Planning
Board scheduled for January 12, 1972 and speak in opposi-
tion to certain of the proposed 'zoning classifications .
Kindly schedule my appearance on the agenda for
this meeting.
Yours ve truly,
� �t,�c.�'.2.. .
ALD:j w
� [ 1
� at �� �. �� � /
` LAW OFFIGE r , ��/
��,ES�.B$IO�s B 1-� A N D M O 13 G A N '�
January 10, 1972 ANDPE J.ZDHAZIL
City Clerk
Court House
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re : Proposed New Zoning Ordinance
Ja.nua.ry 12, 1972 Hearing
Dear Sir:
On behalf of Mr. Gunnar Ellstrom, District Ma.�nager,
United States Steel Supply Division, United States Steel
Corporation, 25�+5 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne-
sota, we respectfully request that Mr. Ellstrom be listed
upon the agenda of the hearing scheduled for Ja:nuary 12,
1972, to speak in opposition to the proposed zoning
classification applicable to property owned by the United
States Steel Corporation, as shown upon the proposed zoning
map, Area l.
Yours v y truly,
� /���'�'�`i°
ALD:jw v�.
cc : Mr. Gunnar Ellstrom
' �� J + � � �� �/
1 �� �i � 1 ,��
� !` f
January 10, 1972
City Clerk of Saint Paul
City Ha11 and Courthouse
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proposed New Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
Southwest Quadrant
Hearing January 12, 1972
Request for Hearing by H. B. Fuller Company,
2�-00 Kasota AvenueZ Saint Pau1, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
H. B. Fuller Company' s general offices and plant,
al1 of which have been constructed during the past ten years,
are .located at the above address .
It opposes the proposed zoning of the area in
question as I-1 and requests that either:
l. The area of its plant site (which is entire.ly
bounded by R.R. tracks and Highway 280) be zoned I-2 which
expressly lists as a permitted use adhesive manufacture; or
2 . Adhesive manufacture be expressly included
among I-1 permitted uses .
H. B. Fuller Company' s industrial operations at
this site include primarily the mixing of chemicals to
manufacture various industrial adhesives including rubber
cement. It has invested large sums in its modern facilities
at this location and has plans for further expansion of its
plant facilities at this site. If it should, as a result of
the contemplated zoning, be unable to do any further plant
expansion, it might well be compelled to look toward an
early removal of its manufacturing, and possible office
facilities also, to a new location, probably outside the
city, which could be costly both to it and to the city.
, 1 � . 1
1 � t
, u
City Clerk of Saint Paul - 2 - January 10, 1972
Request is hereby made for an opportunity to appear
at the hearing January 12 in respect to the above matter.
Very truly yours,
,, ,�.
B ,;..,�.�-�-.�-,.n.�v�' ,y'�.%-'.
y_.. ��- % ��-�--z
amuel H. Morgan
And �� /���j
A . Laurence Davis
Its Attorneys
W-2200 First National Bank Building
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
S HM/bh
cc: Mr. David F . Durenberger
H. B. Fuller Company
' r ` � i S .
K `�
N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
Januany 5, 1912
Mn.. Na�vcy �. Ma�c.aha,l'.�
C.i,ty C.�enk
386 C,i,ty Hcce.Q.
St. PauX., �N.i,rw�.e.a o�a. 5�]0 2
Dean Mn. rvlan,aha.�:
Aa you fznaw, .the ne,x� pub.Y.i,c hecv�,i,ng an �he pnopaae.d new Za►tiiri,g
�nd.i.nance w,i,eQ. be he�d wedne,aday, Ja►auany �2, 1972, w.i,th .�h.i.a
�e,tte�r. I w�.ah �a ne,<,te�caxe .th.e �cu,Q.2a o� pnacedune � appeaced
.i.n .i'he, pub.Q,i,c, hecvc.i.ng no.t,i.ce a.b pub.e.i.ahed .i.►1 �he newapap¢�c,
Any penaon wha wwi..ahu,e �a addne,�a h.un�te.e� �ta .the new Zon.i.ng
Ond�i.nance n�# bubrni.t a wn.i�ten no.t.i.��,ca.t,i.an xa �the C.i,ty C.eeh.Fz
at .�ea.e� .t.uxi daya pn.i.an �a .the mee�',i,rcg. Th.%a wn,i,t'�en a.ta.temen.t
muax �,nd.i.ca.te �he penbon'a nane, a.ddne,aa, mee,t.i.ng xo be a�tended
and a axatemen.t aa �o whe.tha�. h,i.a nenianFz.b w.i,� be, pno on con.
The P.eari.►a.i,r�g 8aand a���.ce cud.� nece.i.ve a copy a� #.lie, pe�caon'.a
uuc.i,tten d�tcctemewt ryu.an �o �he mee,t.i.ng an wh.i.ch w�,Q� be na�e.d
�he da�e an wh.i,ch .i.t wa..a necuve,d a.t .the C.i,ty C.C�i.fz'.a a��.i.c,e.
yawc coapehcr�i.on .i,n zh.i.b ma�telc w,i.?,�. be gnea.tY.y appnee,i..a�e.d.
VeJc y y yvW�.b r
` � .
N R. H¢.i,d
IJ ' ec,ton
> � � ,
, � ��
ST. PAUL DISPATCH - Dec. 7, 1971.
M • 1' } j�.:.
y T'_
{ ��A `� Yt 2 �� i
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�_� , .� ._ . — , . , � .. _ . ��1
� ' �� ! , �
�, Mr. S. Bjorke� 5�+�# White Bear Ave. Telephoned Dec. 8th 2 P.M.
2. Mr. John E. Daubney�Attorney, 738 Minn. Bldg. Letter of 12-9-71
3. Mr. Joseph Michels, 2183 Hendon Ave. Telephoned Dec.l3th at 9:45 A.M,
& �ave his name a.nd the
4. Mr. Paul Savage, 2170 Carter Ave. following ones from
St.Anthony Park area.
5. Mr. Waxner Shippee, 2318 Carter Ave.
6.. Robt. Diedrich� 232�+ Carter Ave.
7. Mr. Dennis Grebner, 85 I,an�ford Pk. .
8. Mr. Robt. Michaels, 2180 W. Hoyt Ave.
12-13-71 at 9:�+5 A.M. ana
transmitted this informa-
10. Mrs. Ma3me, League of Wamen Voters, will speak in favor. Telephoned 12-13-71 3P.M
11. Mr. Donald Wozniak.
12. A2r. Alfred A. Albert.
3 �� �,49" �'' '� �Y r� x �`. � �c�'+k' +[''' 'c '_�"*r =` . ' � � � ::� '�' .7'7� :..�'� .� ..
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Mr. Harry Marshall
City C1.erk
City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Pursuant to notice of public hearing on the proposed new
zoning ordinance, please be advised that I wish to be able to present
certain information to the Planning Board in connection with the
proposed new ordinance at its meeting on December 15, 1971. I wish
to state certain information against the adoption of the ordinance
in its presenc� form. Specifically,I wish to voice opposition to
the proposed section on Variance provision which I believe to be
both unworkable and unlawful.
Very truly y s,
. ;:,
f' � M1
�,,'"---''"",�„F '`y G'��
� + 3` �� a10HN E. DAUBfdEY.
r .
December 9, 1971
_ . �; .
_ ;:..,
Mr. Harry Marshall
City Clerk
City of St. Paul
City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Pursuant to notice of public hearing on tne proposed new
zoning ordinance, please be advised that I wish to be able to present
certain information to the Planning Board in connection with the
proposed new ordinance at its meeting on December. 15, 1971. I wish •
to state certain information against the adoption of the ordinance
in its presenc�� form. Specifically,I wish to voice opposition tc
. the proposed section on Variance provision which I believe to be
both unworkabl� and unlaVrful.
Very truly yours, ,
� , � �
• _ � c(i, � �-�
„ � . � ' COPY <�
. -
� i' `� '�
• �
Dsa�Ms •, 1171
City of St. PauZ �
Plan�ing Bo�Yd
Co�serca �ildln�
St. Paul, Minn��ata SS1�1
Attentionz Nolan Heiden !
Daer t4r. Heident
Please list my nasne as Yepr�sautina tl» Ni�sota H�ansia« I�stituii snd
the rtinnesata �partm�nL Associstion ior Lhe pmcp�aes of tasti.tyio= ia
person before the heariag to be held Uecambar 15, L971, at Lho Court
Hou se.
The �JOSl C 30II o£ o�r organizat�on is ona of getteral suppott for the
new g� ��;�osed zoning ordinence in principlt�. We, ho�wr, sLall be
atsking so�ne recocnmendatlons as to various chsng�a. I ttope b� tlut
ti�r.� H� �ill i�ave them fully ready ax�d in �rritin� to pr�sent Lo you.
it is a c�uest9.or. vf sirn�l� reducing che su�,eated cb�tt�Ma Lo a Writtea
form for pree�ent�tion to you.
4ur tcstimos�y will not he au fnd�ptb t�sti�auy eoac�ruin� all of th�
minor changes but merely oue with regar� to se� u9d�rlyiug basic
Sincerelj� yours,
j 7 '
� . ��• � '
�� �
Alfred A. Alb@rt
Executive Yica Preside»t
t r ''a ` �
N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
November 24� 1971
Re: Public hearing natice
New Zoning Ordinance
Harry E. Marshall �
City Clerk
386 City Hall �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 �
Dear Mr. Marshall: I
Would you please make sure that as each individual interested � ;
. in speaking at a public hearing meeting makes his request, that �
these requests are numbered in the order you receive them and
� also that you would make provisions for the Planning Board to
receive the list of names and their written comments two (2) I
days prior to the meeting. �
' Very truly yours,
; ' ,
/1:"f�� �', `"`-� �--
No and . eiden �
D' ector • i
• � � �
cc: James G. Dooley
Carolyn Cochrane
. ��
_ . . , , _ .
{ ' ., ` �
N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
November 22� 1971
Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Please find enclosed 2 copies of "Proposed Zoning Ordinance,
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, July 29, 1971," nwnbers 52 and
58. Each one of the copies has an addendum attached. These
copies are to be kept on file in your office and made available
to the public, however, please do not permit them to be taken
from the office.
Also enclosed is a copy of a public hearing notice establishing
a public hearing for this Zoning Ordinance. You will note that
the initial meeting will be on December 15 and that the first
date of publication of the hearing notice will be Tuesday,
Noveraber 23.
Very t uly yours,
G (, Z�"'""-
Nola R. Hei en
D ire tor
, , • , �• � ,
} ,y . .s '� ,. ., ' .
N 0 T I C E 0 F P U B L I C H E A R I N G
The City Planning Board of Saint Paul has initiated proceedings which have re-
sulted in the development of a proposed new Zoning Ordinance for the City of
Saint Paul. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 1965, Section 462.357, Subds. 3
and 5, the Planning Board of the City of Saint Paul hereby notifies all citi-
zens that a public hearing will be held for the purpose of clarifying and an-
swering questions concerning the text and maps of the new Zoning Ordinance and
for the purpose of securing public co�ent thereon.
This public hearing shall conaist of a series of ineetings. The firat meeting
will be a city-wide hearing o� the text of the ordinaace only (excluding the
Administration and Enforcement esction), and will be held on December 15, 1971,
7:00 P.M. , in the City Council Chambere, 3rd. Floor, City Hall and Courthouae.
In order to afford the citizene of Saint Paul a more adequate opportunity to be
heard, the City has been divided into the following four areas:
Area 1: Starting at the poi.nt of intersection of Interstate
Highway 94 and the western city limits thence northerly
along the weatern city limits to the northern city
limits and thence easterly along said city limits to
Interstate Highway 35E, thence southerly along Inter-
state Highway 35E to Interstate Highway 94 and thence
westerly along Interatate Highway 94 to the point of
beginning at the western city limits.
Area 2: Starting at the point of intersection of Interstate
Highway 94 and the weatern city limita, thence
aoutherly along aaid w�atern city limite to the
Mieaisaippi River, thence downstream on the Miaeiasippi
River to Chestnut Street extended, thence northwesterly
on Cheatnut Street to the right-of-way of Interstate
Highway 35E, thence easterly on said right-of-way of
Interstate Highway 35E to Interstate Highway 94, thence
westerly along Interstate Highway 94 to the point of
beginning at the western city limits.
Area 3: Starting at the point of intereection of Interstate
Highway 35E and the northern city limits, thence
south along Iatlratate Highway 35E to Interstate
Highway 94, thence eaaterly along Interetate Highway 94
to eaeC�rn city limit�, thence northerly along eastern
city limits to the northern city limits, thence westerly
along the north�rn city limita to the point of beginning
at Interstate Highway 35E.
Area 4: Starting at the point of interBection of Interstate
Highway 94 and the eaetern city limits, thence
southerly along said eastern city limits to the
southern city limits, thence weaterly along said
southern city limits to the Misaissippi River, thence
upstream along the Misaisaippi River to Annapolis
� � - �" �y' ,.a •� ' .
Street extendad (city limita) , thence westerly elong
said city limite to the Missisaippi River, thence '
downstream on the Mississippi River to Chestnut Street
extended, thence northwesterly on Chestnut Street to the
right-of-way of Interstate Highway 35E, thence easterly
on said right-of-way of Interstate Highway 35E to Inter-
state Highway 94, thence easterly on Interstate Highway 94
to point of beginning at eastern city limits.
Each of these areas will be considered at separate meetings at which time both
the text and applicable new zoning mapa will be considered. The dates of these
area meetinga are as follows:
Area 1: January 12, 1972
7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambere, Third Floor, City Hall & Courthouse
Area 2: January 26� 1972
7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall & Courthouse
Area 3: February 9, 1972
7:00 P.M.
City Council Cha�bers, Third Floor, City Hall & Courthouse
Area 4: February 23, 1972
7:00 P.M.
City Council Chsmbers, Third Floor, City Hall & Courthouse
Upon completion of the February 23, 1972 meeting, Che hearing will be continued
to a time and place certain, aC othich time a city-wide hearing will be held on
the Adminiatration and Enforcemant section of the new Zoning Ordinance.
The following rules of procedure will be followed in the conduct of the hearing
1. Any person desiring ta be heard at any of these meetings
must submit a written noCification to the City Clerk at
leaet two days prior to the meeting to be attended. The
written notification must indicate the person's name,
addreas, the meeting to be attended, and a statement of
his propoaed remarks for the hearing, whether pro or con.
2. Any citizene saay prea�nt a written atatement of position to _
the City Clerk in lieu of a personal appearance and oral
3. Those wishing to apeak at the hearing will be heard in the
same order that their written notifications are received
by the City Clerk. The opponente will speak first, follawed
by the proponents.
. .�
_ � , , � . • , .
, �
) �. � .' ti .. �.
4. All presentations must be confined to the proposed new �oning
ordinance. Other c rnm►ents will be ruled out of order.
5. Speakers remarks shall not exceed 10 minutes.
6. Rebuttal shall be at the diecretion of the chairman, and
when allowed, shall not exceed 2 minutes.
7. All questions must be addreased to the ohairman.
8. The minutes of each meeting will be recorded.
9. The Planning Board Mill take under adviaement all testimony
and report its findings and reconmundations to the City
Council at the conclusion of the public hearing.
Copies of the proposed ordinaace will be found at the following locations for
those wishing to read it:
1. City Planning Board Office
1010 Conmerce Building
2. City Clerka Office
Room 386
City Hall and Courthous•
3. Central Library and each branch library
4. Local Junior High $chool and Senior High School I,ibrarie
James G. Dooley
� w �
. • , > > . •
. �
. � y � .
N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
November 22, 1971
Jerry Corrigan
Accounting Department
St. Paul Dispatch
55 East 4th Street
St. Paul, Hinnesota
Dear Ms. Corrigan:
Pleaae find enclosad a aopy of "Notice of Public Hearing"
which concerns the •stablishment of a public hearing by the
City Planning Board of Saint Paul for the purpose of securing
public comment on tha propoead new Zoning Ordinance.
Would you please have this published in the Dispatch on the
following dates:
Tuesday� November 23
Tuesday� November 30
Tuesday� Deceatber 7.
Please forWard the billing to the City Planning Board of
Saint Paul, 1010 Co�aerce Building� St. Paul� Minnesota
Very truly yours�
James G. Dooley I��
cc: rry Marshall
Roger W. Meyer
' � -- .. ----- -
, � + __ _ __ _ _
_ __ ____ _ _ _ _
--_ _
N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Dlnctor
November 22, 1971
Legal Ledger
5th Floor
500 North Robert Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 i
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed a copy of "Notice of Public Hearing"
which concerns the establist�aent of a public hearing by the I
City Planning Board ot Saint Paul for the purpose of securing
public comment on the proposed neW Zoning Ordinance.
Would you please have this published in the Legal Ledger on
the following datess
Tuesday� Novembsr 23
Tu�sday, Novembsr 30
Tuesday, December 7.
Please forward the billing to the City Planning Board of
Saint Paul� 1010 Commerce Building, St. Paul, Minnesota
Very truly yours, I
James G. Dooley
cc: rry Marshall
Roger W. Meyer
t ��
J �
� � ♦ w + , • �
♦ �r� ` '
4. All presentationa muat be confined to the proposed new zoning
ordinance. Other comnenta will be xuled out of order.
5. Speakers remarks shall not exceed 10 minutes.
6. Rebuttal shall be at the discretion of the chairman, and
when allowed, shall not exceed 2 minutes.
7. AL1 questions muat be addressed to the chairman.
8. The minutes of each meeting will be recorded.
9. The Planning Board aill take under adviaement all testimony
and reporC ita findiags and reco�nendations to the City
Council at the conclusion of the public hearing.
Copies of the proposed ordinance will be found at the following locations for
those wishing to read it:
1. City Planning Board Office
1010 Coimierce Building
2. City Clerks Office
Room 386
City Hall and Courthouae
3. Central Library and �ach branch library
4. Local Junior High 8chool and S�nior High School Librarie
James G. Dooley
� ,
. ' ` � .
�r ,:
N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
November 24� 1971
Re: Public hearing notice
New Zoning Ordinance
Harry E. Marshall
City C1erk
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minne�ota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
Would you please make sure that as each individual interested
in speaking at a public hearing meeting makes his request, that
these requests are numbered in the order you receive them and
alsa that you would make provisions for the Planning Board to
receive the list of nataes and their written cor�nents two (2)
days prior to the meeting.
Very truly yours,
, /�J s
� �� :�
No a .,
nd . eiden
D' ector
cc: James G. Dooley
Carolyn Cochrane
. .
. � ' � �
,� .
N. R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director November 30� 19�1
Mr. Harry Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Marshall:
In your copy of Saint Paul Zoninl� Ordinance which you have on file for public
view there is an illustration titled "Building Setbacks & Bulk" between pages
72 and 73. Since this illustration no longer relates to the text of the or-
dinance, remove the illustration and return it by mail to our office.
Your help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. For your information,
a copy of the illustration is attached.
Very truly yours,
� .�
y��r -,�.�- --�._
o , H 1 n
Di ector
Attachment ' ��
� � r �� �
���l ` �'
. �
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1 (
I 3O, I
--- ' BUILDING '
`,�, STORIE8
.. ..-. y _
3 —
" I Z i
� �
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! b0�
r- 60.
0 �
� .i--'
� � �
a. b
t '
N.R.HEIDEN,Ph D.Director
January 31 , 1973
The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen
P�ayor, City of St. Paul
347 City Hall
St. Paul , ;1innesota 55102
Dear �layor Cohen:
On January 26, 1973, the City Plannin� Board adopted the attached five
findings relative to the proposed new zoning ordinance. The five find-
ings make a public record of Planning Board deliberations and will give
the City Council information on the Planning Board's consi�ierations in
adoptin� the ordinance and should accompany your transmittal of the
ordinance to the City Council .
Very truly s,
ames �. Doole
� Chai rn�an
C- °1-�
» i
. �
1. The City of Saint Pau1 encompasses some fifty-five square miles of land
area and has within its corporate limits 81,700 parcels of 1and. Therefore,
obtaining written consent of two-thirds of the descriptions of real estate
affected by the proposed new zoning ordinance is impractical.
2, The City Planning Board has made many surveys of the whole area of the
City beginning in 1957 and continuing into 1972. Such surveys consist of
existing land use surveys, existing zoning surveys, and surveys in conjunction
with comprehensive plans.
3. The Proposed Ordinance is reasonably related to the overall needs of the
City of Saint Paul as stated in Section 60,200, Intent And Purpose, page 1,
of the Proposed Ordinance as follows:
1, To promote and to protect the public health, safety, morals,
and general welfare of the community;
2. To classify all property in such manner as to reflect its
peculiar suitability for particular uses;
3. To regulate the location, construction, reconstruction,
alteration, and use of buildings, structures, and land;
4. To insure adequate light, air, privacy, and convenience
of access to property;
5. To conserve property values;
6. To protect all areas of the City from harmful encroachment
by incompatible uses;
7. To prevent the overcrowding of land with buildings;
8, To avoid undue congestion of population;
9. To fix reasonable standards to which buildings, structures,
and uses shall conform;
`►� '►� ��
. ,�
10, To lessen congestion in the public streets by providing for
off-street parking of motor vehicles and for off-street loading
and unloading of commercial vehicles;
11. To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water,
sewage disposal, education, recreation, and other public
12. To provide for the elimination of nonconforming buildings and
structures and for the elimination of nonconforming uses of
The proposed Ordinance is reasonably related to existing land use in the
City because the proposed districts are designed to a large degree on uses
of land existing in the City as to type, intensity, and location. The Table
indicates the degree of relatedness between existing uses and the proposed
districts, The Planning Board has related the proposed zoning districts to
the location of existing uses by conducting land use surveys in 1968, 1970,
and 1971.
The Proposed Ordinance is reasonably related to a plan for future land use
because the map, policy and standards of the land use plan of the Comprehensive
Plan and other adopted plans of the Planning Bosrd have been used as guides for
developing the district regulations and for drawing district boundaries of the
PROPOSED ZONING indicates the degree of relatedness of the land use plan and
the Proposed Ordinance.
4. The City Planning Board held a public hearing on the Proposed Ordinance in
a series of six meetings beginning on December 15, 1971 and continuing on
January 12, 1972, January 26, 1972, February 9, 1972, February 23, 1972, and
March 22, 1972. Notices stating the time, place, and purpose of the public
' , .
hearing were published both in the Saint Paul Dispatch and Saint Paul Legal
Ledger on November 23, Novemb�r 30, and December 7, 1971, (Copies of Affi-
davits of Publication are attached).
5, Based upon the above findings the Planning Board recammends the adoption
of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance.
� ,_� �^2��� �
- ���1� � � � � Affidavit of Publication�
County of Ramsey, }ss.
T s CitY Plannin0 Board of Saint � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�e�ri.Gor.rigau........................... being dUly BWOI'n� OII 08Lb
�aul has.initiatetl aroceedin9a which
a�e resuired in the deveiQamenr or saye: that he now is, and durin all the time herein atated has been clerk of the North-
� propo etl new ZoninA Qrdinance g
O�Minn��oia°stefufes a1965,seci o� west Publications, Inc., publiaher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Diapatch, St
e a:d�of�the Citv of Sa�int peue e�g Pnn1 Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereiaafter atated
: bY notifies all citizens fhat a Publi:�
heariny will be hgld I�r the oVroose
t°ions�concenina"the�iex�frandmas Thnt for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the
of ihe new Zonin9 Ordlnance and for
ihe purPOSe of securino Public com-
ment thereon.
Thls public hearing shall consist of T /� '
e series of ineetin�s�.The first meet- � pT1IItP.d ..................H�-°ga�.f�����t�.�.��......................................
ing wi�l be a citv-w�de hearinp on ihe
text offhe ord�nance onlY(ezcludin
The Administration and Enforcemen�
5ecr�oo�, and will be held n oecem- ,,...,.,., Hereto attached, said newapaper
ber 15, 1971. 7:00 P.M., �n tht Citv ................................................
He�land Cour}house,3rd Floor, ctrv W� �ted and ublished in the En hsh lan
io order ro effard rne c�rtzens or P P B� Buage from its known office of publication
sa�nt Paui a more adequare ovoor. in the city of St Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota frnm which it
� tunitv to be heard,ihe Crt has been � +
diviaed into the follawinfl�our areas: i purports to be issued daily, at leset siz detye of each week in column and aheet form
Area 1: fersecilon t to f �nterstete ! equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide;
� NiqhwaV.9I and ihe western � hgg been issued from its known office as above stated established in esid lace of ubli-
city limrts ihence noriherW �, ' P P
ts to the oeine n`citv iim- 'i qwpp d with ekilled workmen and the necessa material for
cation, e e ry preparing and
aiong seid�c iv limifs foeinY �� pnIlting the same; has had in its makeu twent -five
t e r s t a t e Highwav 35E, ' P Y per cent of news columns devoted
� thence southerlY along ir,- �. to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which
terstate Hlghwev as fo in- : has been done in its said known office of ublicauon; has contained
�ersfate HighwaY a and p general aews, com-
.hence westerly along Int r• � ment and miscellan
srare H�shwa sa ro r�e y; has not duplicated wholly, any other publicadon; has not been
wesr rnfci ve9�miiee ar me entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and
� Area 4: 518rtin� at tne poini of tn- ' near its said place of publicadon to the extent of at least 240 copiea regnlarly delivered
� � tersection of Intentate i
, Hi9hway 94 and the western i to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the
aion9�s�id western ci1V erm � local postoffice of its said place of publicadon; that there has been and is on file in the
its t ihe Mississipai Riv-
�er, f�,ence qownsfrgam on office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper
Chestnu�15151reei exr�ded roof b one havin knowled e of the facts, of its
I ihence norfnwesterir oo p y � g quelifications as a newspaper for pub-
I cn2srnut srreer fo tne lication of legal notices.
righi-of-wav of Interstate
H i 9 h W a v 35E, Thence
I easterlr on said richi-of- �
i waY o� Intersiate H19hwav .
'� �SE to Interstate Highway
�, ihence wesierlY alon9 ,,,,,,,,,8,a.](�,,,,,,,,, bereto 8tt8CbEd
I . Interstate Hi9hwaY 94 to ihe That the ......Z,,Cgg,],.......... NOTICE
"-' wesiernfcilve9imits9 at the W� cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and publiehed thereia in
% Area 3: 5lartin at the ooint of in-
/tersectPon o f Interstate �
� -� Hi9hwav 35E and the norTh- .
' ern citv limits,thence south the English lsnguage, once each week, for ...........tYlY'l,'C............succeesive weeke;
, a ong Interstate Highwav
��. 35E fo Interstate Highwav .
', 91,Thence easterly along In-
I tersiate Highwav 94 to east-
; ern c�tv rm�ts, rnen�e that it was fiist so ublished oa ......`�`�C.$G��Y ....... the .... th
p • �3xd.$�..'.�.Q..... da oi
I northerlv atone eastern citv Y
j limits To ihe northern citY
� limits, +hence w e s t e r I v
'�� alon�. the no�ihern ciTY Iim-
tfs t,�'he point of be9inning ... �JQY���x' ,,� 197�., and thereafter on ........�!?$�Y.......of each week
; at Ini�orstaTe Hi9hwav 35E.
. �� Area 4: Starttng at fhe point of in• � �
!� � tersethon o f Interstate
HighwaY 94 end thB 005fern
citv limits,thence southerlv to and ineluding the ...........th.......... day ot ....Deeember..,,,,,., 19.T�; and
aiong said eastern citv lim- �gt the followin �s a
its to the southern cifv�im- g ' printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive.
5afd rshoumern c tv�i mais°fo and is hereby acknowledged as being the aize and kind of type used in the composition
ihe Mississipuf R i v e r, ,
+ne�ce unstream alon9 the and publicadon of said notice, tawir.
MissiSSippi River Mq nnap-
� cils Street extended (citv .
limiTS), thence westerlv
aion9 eaia cirv Itmits to the
� �Mlssi sippi River, Thence � �
down�ream on ihe Missis- a b c d e 1 s h ! � t 1 m n o D V s t t u • w s 7 s
sippi River to Ghestnut
S t r tr e t exienEEd,ihlnce
� � nor�ryy�eterlv on Chesfnut � �
�.-. .�St�e-io Me rtphf�i-w�vof `�.� , .
�..� --
In}ersiate' Higt�wav 35E, �
thence easTerN on said
l �,
right-ot•waY of I nterstate . �... `�;,};.�,..,..�,j��' ...._:�.�j ��5�.....
H�phwsv 35E to IntersTate ''\
� � Hfgh �y 91,�thence�Casterty - �
on Ir�srstate Hishwa�9a to )
� . . .. Polnt Oi CPAfnnfnQ S M51• `/ �
enl CtW ilmits,
EaM'of;=hese areas will be consid- SI1b8Ct1bCd and awom to before me this.. ....day of ......��C1TJb�x'.........., 197 9.
� erld �{ s�ar8te meetings at which �
t�me Y!o?h ibe text and apPiicable \
t �1eW zoniq9 r��s wUl be considered. \
T�le dates of tlt�se area meeti�95 are
eS f0110WS t �..'• i'� �J•�5��
Arca 1: Jinuary�2,lA7Z , 4`"�� �, t �
� 7.00 P.M .. ..................... .......... . .................
� CitYGOUncilCbambers, � -�
Tbird 'Floor. Cirv Hall & No�ar}• Puhlic. State of ntinnesota
� COUrThOUSe �
Area 2: Janu q�26.;972,, , -
� 7:00-�yY1. . ..
Citv Council C h'�m b e r s, •
.. ��� Third Floor, City Hall & � �
F:bia�v 9.1972 Mf COmID1S8l0II ezpirea 19..
Area 3: ................. .................. ..
� . � � 7t1i�d�Floolr�C�tYnHaUr& � �� u6
� Ar?a 1:.February 23,1972 � . . .
7.nn p�n
� Are9 a: re�+ect on o% Yl��fer9taie . . . . . . . . T_ .�...^•�
` .» . H�ehwev, 94 and ihe rastern . � � .........7th.......... ....iRCCIDber....... ?1 . .
ciry limits,Mence southerlv t0 8Ad ineluding the ... day O{ ......... .. .� 19. ..� 8Ad
- alonv said eastern citY Ijm- �
�fs to t►ie 5outhern citv um- that the'following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclueive�
� � . Rs thence westerlv� alanv- . �
se(d s0uthern,citY limits.ro `and ia hereby acknowledged ae being the size and kind of type used in the compoeition
� . t Mississlppt R i v e r, .
� t�@nce uvstream alon9 tne ' and publication of said notice, to-wit: ) `�
� � Mf55iSSipPi Rwer to Annap- �1 C..-,--�
oRS Street extended (clty �}
limits), ihence wOsterW
aton$ aatd.citv,IlmitS to the
MississlDni Rrver, thence
downstream on ihe Miss�s- a D c A e t j II 1 � t 1 m n o D Q r � t o • w = � s
s;opi River to Ghesinut
. �5 t r e e t exfended;thence �
�nrthwc:ter�v on Chestnuf c-_
St�E! ta ihe riphaof-wev of �,��
Interytate HtphwaY 35E. �
...thence �aaseer�Y� on said� ��� `�.. 1 t �- ,� � � . r: �`.>j�
� riQhi•ofi-WaY ot� Interstate. � � .d.... �....:.:c'.�-r..\..Lv'..�:• .•�J,�,Sr� .... ' .
H1ghwbY 35E to Interstate '—
� � .F{Fghvypv 91,thence Basterly
� on InTErstate HiehwaY 94 ip . .
pq)nY�of hec;nnlnQ at east- . �
KD cIN Ifmits.
Each of ihese areas wili be consic� Subxribed and sworn to 6efore me this.. ....day of ......�CRCIIlb�'x'........-., 197�.
ered f se►arste meehnes at wh�c ` Y
time �th��the.text Bnd dPPlicable A �
new zooin9 mePS will be considered. �4 ,�
�i The dafes of these area meetings are �
as tollowr. .. � , . . .. . ,E,�„i� y
Aree 1: January 12r1972 .................................. . .................
-� 7•00 P�,M - .
Cltv Council C h a m b e r s, Notarq Public. Stat� of ntinne�otn
Third Floor, C�tY Hall &
Courihovse _-
Area 2: JanUary�26,1972 � � .
7:00 P,Nt.
CitY Counctl C h e m b e r s, , .
Third Floor, CitY Hall & � -
� Fobrt,erv59.1972 � Mf COD1III13410II expires ................. ............:.......... 19....
Area 3:
7:00 P.M.
C�t�i Council C h a m b e r s, .. . . r� us
�� Third Floor, Citv Hall �
Courthouse �
Area 1: Februarv 23,1972
7:00 P.M. � �
CitvCOUncilChambers, � �
Third Fioor, CitY Hall &
I UPon complet(on of the Februarv �
`� 2?, 1972 mBeTine .ihe hearin9 will he
iconhnued ?o a fime and plaee cer-
tain, at which time a citywide hear-
Inp will be held o�the Adm�n�sira-
� ifon antl Enforcement section of ihe �
� new Zonino Ordinance.
Tbe following rules of oroc ure
wf11 be followetl fn The conduct o Yhe
hearing meehnqs., ,
1. AnY Person desinn�,to be heard at
anv of these mee,ings must sub-
I mit�a wnften notiftcafion to ihe . . -
Citv Clerk at teast two davs prior
I to the meefing io,be a'fended.The .
written not�fiwhon musf indicate
the person�s name, address, the
� meeTing to be attended, and a
marksefor ihe hea p�ep�w ether
aro or.con.
2. Anr atizens maY p►esent a wrib
ten statement of oos�tion to the , �
CifY C:erk in Iieu of a aersonal ao-
ipearance antl oral Presentation � �
3. Those wish�n9 to speak at the
hearing wili be heard in the same •
order That Their written notifica• •
C erk.aThe opponed t b wilhe..a�ak
'�. first,followed bv ihe aroPOnents. � �
., 1. ioll}he v�npo�sed newt be cn9fordd . � . .
� �uled�ou�i of ordermmenis will be
5' ceed jOrminutes rks shalt not ex-
. 6. ofebihe�chaarmanatanddwhen��an .- � .
� lowed,shall not exceed 2 mmutes. . �
� � 7. All questions must be addre5sed . , . � .
� to ihe chairman. . �
8. The minufes of each meetin9 will � . . � � .
� be recorded. � �
9. The Piannin9 Board wiil take un-
der advisement alI testimonv and -
report its findin8s and recommen-
� dations To the Citv Counul at the � �
� conclusion ofthe eubiic hearing.
Conies of the oroposed ordmance
� � Will be found at ihe followina loca- .
tians far ihose wishin5 to read it:
�� 7010 oCmmerce Bu'��id�n9Ce - �
�� Room�3�bsOffice
Citv Ha I and Courthouse
3 Cb�a� Library and each branch
1. Laa� Juqior High,School a�d Se-
nior Hiah 5chool Libreries
JAMESG.c'Aei�rman ;
Dispatch Nov.23.30 , �
� --�.,.____DisP�tCh REi..Z.. .._ _ .. . . . . - � � . .
. ". . � � . . .. .. y .
fi�iOT.7C�-0F PUBLIC H�+�NG tixne both the text and applicable new� ��
� zoning maps will be considered. The
T�.,_City�• planning Board o! Saint dates of these area meetings are as ER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 1�
I�aul has iaitiated proceedings which follows:
have resulted in the development of a � ° Aiea 1: '
yroposed pew Zoning Ordinance#ar the January 12, 1972 �"�Z`�
City of Sa`�n�Paul,Pursuant to Minne- 7:00 P.M. \
sota Statutes. 1966. Section 462.357, City Council Chambers, Third Floor,
Subds. 3 and 5, the Planning $oard of Ctty xa11& Courtnouse �uly sworn,on oath says he is and during a11 the t�mes hereEn atated
Lhe City of Saint Paul hereby noti8es
all citizens that a publtc hearing�will ' Area 2: of t3te newspa�ler knou»t c1s Th6 Saint Paul Legal Ledget' dnd
be held for the purpose of clarifyinB danuary 26, 1972 � heredn stated as f011Ow3: (1) Said news�aper �e prvn.ted {n the
and answering questions concerning the 7:00 P.M. �� format anal i7i colzcnzn and sheet form equivalent 4n �rinted space
text and maps of the new Zoning Ordr- City Council Chambers, Third Floor,
nance and for tne purpose of securine City Hall & Courthouse �) Said newspaper is a daily and is distributed da4ly exce�t Sunday,
yublic comment thereon. Area 3: id r�ewspaPer )aas �5�Jo of 3ts news columna devoted to news oj
Thia public nearing shall consiat of Fenruary 9, 19�2 which it purports to serve and does not wholly duPl3cate any
a series of ineetings. Tne first meeting 7:pp p,M, made zc entirel o atents late matter ¢nd advertisements
trill be a city-wide hearing on the text Cit Council Chambers, Third Floor, p y f p ' p '
of the ordinance only (excluding the �ty Hall&Courthouse d in and near the mu�aictipality whtich tit purports to serve, ho�
Administration and Enforcement seo- Area 4: eliver�ed to payin� subscr2bers, has an average of at least y5%
tton), ana wi11 be held on necember February 23, 1s72 y �aid or no more than three months tin arrears and has entr ae
15, 1971, 7:00 P.M., in the City Council �
Chambers, 3rd Floor. City Hall and ��00 P.M. l �OOSt-office; (51 Sccid newsp¢per purports to aerve the City o/
Courthouse. City Council Chambers, Tnird F1oor, se nnd it lias its known o zce o issue in tlie Cit o St. Paul 3n
City Hall&Courthouse y 1� t y f
In order to afford the citizens of Saint Upon com letion of the Februar P�n dz�rin� its 7�egular business h0urs /Or the qatheri9tg of 9iew3,
Paul a more adequate opportunity to be 1972 meeting the hearing wili be con' of subsCriptions and m¢dntained by the »ianag%ng officer of 8aid
heard, the City has been divided into tinued to a time and place certain, at
the following four areas: Which time a city-wide hearing will be • ploy and subject to his direction and co�atrol during all such reg-
Area L held on the namtnistration ana En- ch said saewspaper is printed; (6) Said newspaper files a copy of
Starting at the point uf intersection' forcement section of the new Zoning he St4te fiistot�ical Society; (7) Sai�l newspaper has complied wfitA
of Interstate Highway 94 and the Ordinance. at least t�vo e¢rs >eCedin the dota
western city limits thence norther- :�/ P' 9 J or dates of pacblication men-
�y. along the western city limits to The following rules of procedure will per haS ftle� u�ith tlte SeCret(Lry of St[Lte oJ Min7aesota �1r2o7 to
the northern city limits and thence be followed in the conduct of the hear- r 1 therea ter nn a zdavit in the Or�ri �escribed b tlae Secretar
easterly along said city limits to ing meetings. �J f � t 1�� zJ �J
Interstate Highway 35E, thence 1. Any person desiring to be heard�2q2ng offiCer of said newspaper a�xd swor�a to beJore a notary picbltic
southerly along Interstate Highway at any of these meetings must legal newspaper.
35E to Interstate Highway 94 and submit a written notification toI� n 7
thence westerly along Interstate the City Clerk at least two daysp�, tllCll tlLe printed .�+.QtiC�,Q�",,,,1�lbsri.L�.,ge8��g.,.
Highway 94 to the point of begin- prior to the meeting to be at-I ''
ning at the western city limits. tended. The written notification attached (aS (L glart hCrBOf 7UCLS C1GE from tll6 COluyl1,7t3 Of sadd
Area 2: must indicate the person's name,
Starting at the point of intersection address, the meeting to be attend- d publislted tlterein in th6 Enc�lish Zanguage, o�ice each week, for-
of interstate Highway 94 and the ed, and a statement of his pro-
western city limits, thence south- posed remarks for the hearing, kS; th1Lt tt 2UCLS fi7'St 80 pzcblished on .TLt�AdBY........, thB
erly along said western city limics Whethe* pro or con.
to the Mississippi River, thence 2. Any citizen may present a written .��'......., 197�... and was thereafter prtinted and publi3lLed on
downstream on the Mississippi Riv- atatement of position to the City ; •T h,�
ei to Chestnut Street extended, Clerk in lieu of a personal appear- CL11.d 2ti2Cli[dilty tltB ...t��.. da,y oJ .RB.C��Y9�......, 19.��
thence northwesterly on Chestnut ance and oral presentation.
Street to the right-ot-way of Inter- 3. Those wishing to speak at the nted Copy of the Zower CcLSe calphabet from A to Z, bot16 vnClusive,
state Highway 35E, thence easterly hearing will be heard in the same being the S4z8 ¢titd kind or t�pe t63Cd in the composdtion 4?td
on said right-of-way of Interstate order that their written notifica-
Highway 35E to Interstate Highway � tions are received by the City it:
94, thence westerly along Inter- Clerk. The opponents will speak abcdef hi 1-lmno
g j 1 pqrstuvwxyz
state Highway 94 to the point of first, followed by the proponents.
beginning at the western city limits. 4. All presentations must be confined '-- '',� / [� f
Area 3: to the proposed new zoning ordi- �Gji�'M�(� L �(rL] �"�
Starting at the point of intersection nace. Other comments will be - L
of Interstate Highway 35E and the ruled out of order.
northern city limits, thence south 5. Speaker's remarks shall not ex- �
along Interstate Highway 35E to ceed 10 minutes.
Interstate Highway 94, thence east- •
erly along Interstate Highway 94 to 6. Rebuttal shall be at the discretion I y,
eastern city limits,thence northerly of the chairman, and when al- ?tfi.. d¢ o �.Ce�� . �,.
along eastern city lunits to the lowed, shall not exceea 2 minutes. sworn to bejore me this . . y f ....� 19.�1
northern city limits, thence west- �, All questions must be addressed �
erly along the northern city limits to the chairman. � '
to the point of beginning at Inter- g, The minutes of each meeting will� l
state FIighway 35E, be recorded.
Area 4: 9. Th� Planning Board will take un- C. M. LEWIS
Starting at the point of intersection der'advisement all testimon and I Notary Public, R�mS�y Cou�tty, Minn.
of Interstate Aighway 94 and the Y
report its findings and recommen--
eastern city limits,thence southerly My Commissioya F.xpires November�5,1976.
along said eastern city limits to the �tions to the City Council at the
southern city limits,thence westerly conclusion of the public hearing.
along said southern city limits to Copies of the proposed ordinance will
the Mississippi River, thence up- be found at the following locations for
stream along the Mississippi River those wishing to read it:
to Annapolis Street extended (city. 1. City Planning Board Office
__ _ __ _
limits), thence westerly along said 1010 Commerce Building
city 1lmits to the Mississippi River, 2, City Clerk's Office
theace downstream on the Missis- Room 386
sippi River to Chestnut Street ex- City Haii and Courthouse
tended, thence northwesterly on
Chestnut Street to the right-of-way 3. Central Library and each branch
of Interatate Highway 33E, thence library
easterly on said right-of-way of 4. Local Junior High School and
Eaterctate Highway 38E to Inter- Senior High School Libraries
state Hfg2tway 94, thence easYeriy JAMES G,DOOLEY,
on Interstate Highway 94 to point Chairman.
of beBinnA�B at eastern city limits. •. ,
Ltch,pi ,these areas wfll �p- (Nov.23-30-Dec.7) no alips
sidetld at 6eparate meetirige s�which �H�4EGAL LFDGER-+���r��
� .
. y�
-��; .. � . ',� �.�'�
�;�;,,�'' ' ��,R� 15 s PfiINTER'8 AFF'IDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 5 S .
` , r �`y o�vttPOltATlON, STATE O� MINNESOTA,ss. ��"�J
.- ;�, • aODA GRIL(,,,�r� COUNTY OF ftAMSEY,
�t"li[� 7l� �DBl, GTV� :
' +�,i�;, an4 puauant to the , 9 y ?/ 9
` •�1t+nn.aq 8iujn� pro'visi� �Qmuel E.Lewds,Jr. bein dul sworn,on oath sd s he{s and durtn al�tk.e t4mes here»r atated
�`y ���'�+t� +��,etut Cpp�Or�ion r��; has been the bus4ness manager of the newspaper known as The 8aint Paul LeqaI Ledger and
�i�y��r�' �n7.t and a11 atfi ��h ]anguage 4n�ne�a�rs�orm¢t and tn codumn and shee�form equ v�+�t 4n print d;sqoace
� `r, Su1� �'°O�r���8�dthe gy� Lo at leust 900 square inches; (2J Said newspaPer fs a daily and is distr3buted daily except Bwnday,
a,t at �'neyn�brr. 1
Mond¢y ancl Holidays; (3) Baid ne2ospaper h¢a �5% of �ts news columna devoted to news oJ
�01 A►nna��,",.;�n'�rorporaaon st, ;� �cal interest to the commundty wh%ch it purports to serve and does not wholly du�l4cate any
��` �a�'*° °t the �p��O�' other �ublication and is not made up entirely of patenta, �late matter and- advertisementa;
`���n.,ME,��t�nds7Avenue°ff� ': (4) Said news�aper is circulated vn and near the municipality which it purports to aerve, has
,�`.r arnd'iw ariJ .�t� " at Ieast 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at teast 75�Jo
�...�„�. !n�r ��.,, i��''�u ot the ince , oJ its totad circulataon currently paid or no more tTtian three months in arrears and has entry as
�i�,��"s��' k�ro.��`�4= X'• i"erat,°,sonizu,'r second-class matter in its local post-oJj'ice; (51 Said newsp¢per purports to aerve the C�tty oJ
t�r�p« p°°f• �innesc ,;'J, Bt. Paul in the County of Ramsey �nd it laas its known ojJice of issue in the Ctity oj 8t. Paul in
�i. ��"' t� dAy o� said county, established an.d oPen dzcring its regular business hours for the gathering of news,
p�t•��nN Nove�ber . 8a1e of advert�sements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by tlze managdng oJj�icer oj 8aid
•��• t��u..�` ���TO�, �� newspaper or �ersons in tits employ and subject to his direction and control during ali such reg-
1�rPn,•y.,�°SW.4NSON � ular b�csiness liours and at which sa{d newspccper as printed; (6) Said newspaper files a copy oj
si, y���ne q�KfAB's soaa Gri11, each issue immediately with the 8tate Historic¢l Society; (7) Sdid newsPa�er hus complied with
uvov.�� ��nn. sslp1 �'�., alE the Joregoting conditions jor at least two years preceding the da� or datea of publicat�ion men-
�����FC tioned belou�; (8) Said newspaper has ftled 10btTL the Secretccry oj State of Min�aesota Praor to
�KOgg F,Q A<<EDGER 15slips ; January 1,i966 and each January 1 thereajter a�e affidav�dt in the form prescribed by t7ie $ecretary
��k PROgqT�``�Rllya ����� of State and signed by the managing ojJicer of s¢id newspaper and sworn to beJore a notary picblic
ST NUTIC� Tp CREDA�E AND N F 8tating that the newspaper {s a legdl newspaper.
CountY�ofMI�E oS T ITpR$ r He further stdtes on oath that the printed .�.Qtic�,Q�',�?�}b�i.e,.�.e.���g,,,
RamSeY. A' (
pg —� � ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hereto dttached as' a part hereoj was cut from t)ie columns oJ sa3d
FO�No 18�eRT newspaper atitd was �rinted and �ublished therein in the English language, once each week,jor� :
'�atafe ot �� 4
aseqR i ..T��4.�3�successive weeks; that it avas first so pacblished on .�LtBAd$�........,-t1'iH
L p '
a1g�'kho��RSON, a ...��.3�'�. day of ...��?v�Iq��1�......, 197�., and was th,ereafter printed and pubiished an
' 7S OSC� pETERSON, h every .�ilBS�y••••••. to and including the ...7�i�.. da,y of .RO.��aO.�'......, 19.[�
� �u�RDg��$t �eDecedeht. Ca and that the �ollowing is a printed copy oj the lower case al�habet jrom A to Z, both. �nclusive, .
"'�''yy d1 trtdeceae tO probet t�tion C' and is liereby acknowZedged as beinq the size dnd k{nd. of type used dn the�compos;tion and
p DeCe�b tlon n be and/are the .9 � publicat2on of sadd itotice, to wit: .
�•M by ther 21, Ia,jeard on t h� abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
��tive'to aul,�M�eSttie Co IO f
,t�e duties aha APothtedtsubAury & / `
s ORDER ers �ect — ��1�'.I�.(.��1 � ���lfiJ •G1r+
n�81e thefrD that � Pro°ided � SAMUEL E. L�WI , JR.
��s�8ycls�ait� dath�o�� (�j
A.M�. In Feb be heard kereof
�st.'p�thls co�,�'. 1s�2°at the � 3ubscribed and sworn to bejore me this .T.�i�,. day oj A�4�� . �....., 19.Tl
� 1 M�neso� �e Co�� STA�
✓ `� GNLESg �e Ii0 C \ �
�L EIc°K er,°b��J�eE C. M. LEWIS
REF.NgT N2ZE, �� R¢mse Count M�nn.
h sN�'EANys., �� Re (Notarial Sea2) Notary Public, y y,
�; 5SjQ1 My Cnmmission Exp4res November�5,1976. '
,�Cq�LFOGfQ 6cds,
!vV�S�TE qND ht��ra � �.�. ��. �.,� k a _ ,� .;�.:
DE$�� ERAI, ca n° . , , � �` '.
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C32 .�ii:. i� � :i , �,,.,:_. .�,7wL:;+� �.`l. �.._�'i._� _. :* .. .. ..� ..�L, ���t'.y .»�: . ..)f.`. t ,... :i? sa,.'f'a.&.'
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il.s'"eL�.'t! ;.'�<' _,__...: `.,, , .'i�.'� :�?.u�vL_._...C?;. ._. ... . ?' .. tI}� '�i�.�.�. �,+'2 �L A,. °'t"! C`.
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_?: :'::DL.i� i��.-' !:;'.,'C;Rt..^..:C2':_ �_"..��i:� ... .... .. „ ..___,. ....'.?.�.i �CSL�.XCi iJ° �E''`'��•r:S�:?� L�C:e:.e: p.'L"
�sas� b�� viaible. Z� a l�rg� a��a, ���: afg� �o�ld be pan�cd a�d �o� b�
visi�le fram �h� El".Z'i3f.?t wh�r«� r��a� pecagle crould s�e iC.
�� s�coced puic�t LE �ec�ian F:�S.2�9, G'���a�La� of Amendments� Mr, Lc+a�d
s�aliz�s tha,C �o �,ro�ap �f E�uman. b�bu�s can put Cogether la�aaa e�hicY� �ould be
unchangembl�. �LI t�es� regvYa�ians s�a�xld not be put i� ein� sa� hoppEro
Same ar� no� Aa Lmpor��nc as Q�t±e�s; �h.�er� �re more importa�t C�at
staould be morc di�fi�vlt to ch�an�rz:o T� cs��;�it Co b� mor� difficul� to �hange
t�e �+aunaaries of f:h�se are�s� ��a� ar� dea�ribed in th� ardYnasec�. Th�re arN
soaie �.tIS��BCE� w�er�e thia s�c�s,al� �racoa�paea a lerg�r area �:hat pertiaps
ie sho�vld be 200 �e��. �or i�IItance? � ihi�-riae d�v�Ir►pra�nt evauld eeritainly
�aff�ct more peopt.e t�a� wi�hin �0� fe��. 'I�i� could in�Atsde en �neire
S-b1os:T: are�, Lvee� 2�� fe�C is a re�h�s �a21 sr�a i.a �I���e days �a�
easq mov,�enL-.
'!'4�e �hird poin� hns L•o do c�i�:Fz �;.�iu� li�it�tions abou� t�t�. emendu�nte that
ere bro�a�fa�t bE�ore tt�� Cit� Gnt��.�it snd L-..�i� Placmfag Bot�rd, If a thing
fias tseea de�ied hy ti�e Plmramin� Brss�rd �a�d Ci�y Ccsuncil, it would s��m
rathr�r pet�� to brin� i�: �ap r�g�fn � ��Che Lateg. Depe�,din� ugou th�
fmportance of the cta�nge Lt�vU).veda m�y �e som� thinga ahould not b�
bro�ght ug her�; o�:h�rs could b� �i�:tria� €+ix monehse To a�a� �11 of th��e
reguL�Cioa� iu the �am� vol�n�in.su$ �ctc�,m�u� ia too mu�h.
�lro Curia� no�Ed gha�: SecCiax� 6�a210 st�tes that the liaiitatiosi wotald
be au� yeer r�L•her i:h�� siA �ontha; ¢.h.ir� sppear� on Pege 119 of the proposed
Ord iceaac��
Mra �sld said �h� copy he ��ryd sair! efx a�ozi�hs.
DON REICRs N�x� �o apeak wa� M�e J� Reict�, repre�enting the Mid�a�
Givic Clab� Mre Reick suppo:ted Mr, :31ber�'s reques� for dels�r� T�e
�iidway Civic Club �h�s� s�� t,500 ra��a�ers ��d they are attemps:ing �v �et
feedbeck �rcxa these m�aabera. �3R:j� �tlai'JQ ha�d four �eetings to g�C e�v�ry9body
tog�eher� Theg er� gener�tly i� £�vor o� :iae t�nns that h�ve been
aet lEarthe and the�� �re pri�ariyy coza�exn€d wi� the �ldwinieCrative
ead Enforcemea� Sr�r.�ion. 'I`here sre a lmt �f bueiaesa peopl•� fm �e axea
and �heq �r� coacerned that t�h� �dvminf.��rafiive and Eaforc�n�. 5ectirnn
will infringe oa aam� of th�ir righ��+e Th� Midway Civic Cltsb c�ilt hsve
a writtea r�quest �o �e Ylactxai�g Board asi�fng €or Ch� ex��n�i�a and
th+�y will also have written proposcal� to M*°e CaLd�ro
Mrse Coc�rane eaked if tiiis would �ar�L- be a delay ia tI'e ,�d�iafatr.ative
aad Eaforcemen[ Sei�ion ead not � delnq in the delibera�i:ras �af �a�a o�hh�r
parC of th� st�a ardfa�nc�.
Air. R�ici� replied t�ere er� s�:v�r,�t phras+ea that 8�e m�I��r� are canr.�rcicd
wfC� ia o��r p�rta, �toaever, t�� p�i�ne eoacera ia aith the A�inistrative
S�ecgfon� Niue�y-niue per��a� �� �heix° a�g�c�adations avill �e �aithi� that
B�RB SPANGE'NBERG: I+i�a�t to sp��i: e�a� Mr$o Barb Spang�a�b�rg, 21�0 Pin�hurst �v+�o
Sh� ie getaerally Ln n�spport of the new ardiasace and said ehe �aished to
underscore several poiats brox�g�at out in �h�e presaatation aade by� th¢ League
of Women �oters.
i E:�:'i� G, tft'�':�y:�L z_�'ti::.:f(';.S �Ces. �?.�i?8"•`±L� FIU':1.,:'E? �:�k �+f.AT3t��.?±.�.? l:t'r.'i.01].�.7?�; -SP�Kt�Ck C9�;1
El6Vh�V�:� �5Y'C?::.�L;;:a�',.
�f_�.`tc."fl �Jb �I�1.T'.�^ �.±i33,r;i::%ir^'.'SF 4}Kl .,_w:_:114\':i�atP,t !:::t1it.'�tFi} i?II'•.t' qFit '�.�'?C. � �i� �s� �S[t�S2C�
�z�rc:�*�3 ��c�v�lc,FSm��s�.� c.t: F�>u��:�a.t�� ;s��Y �=w,srid��s.
�ii'£s, ::a^;:�S�,T�-',t.T�'C?tiS:�T FFC7.r�+r�i�:�SC4 :;�:;:::F? �_'t7i.'L1.�.�C':i'_.ri �:� L�C:G�:3 5 $Q4;Z a- k�R1�lt?'13�A.A.� C�i1
�^ti5�� %, �J:� ;:�"'it'. �,L'aS��ziC-^. ?)<' �'�C'i''.'�.t'•,''..Yl ���s,S's'➢ f�L'c::�!'sw1'�::$tl.6'SCS �CCS�'if u:r4;:�`�.1-�i9C�.'��. 1��dA1�
4JhG3 V`_;3i:.`?3.�.�% F.:�i:.�.' r �..�.'f,.'s�C�,�'s:3x 5"G€` :: L�i:i��;Y,!{a l.[� '<.�.0136?:d B�➢Oy5�1LI �2�^ LIO��iZf?(�.
v`Jga'i���`aiK: iiS,'.�f°if3�, �':1.'�, i:S"tyi;r 1i1 iy' Y.FS�.L{l`-Z. �.4if�C+'.X'p^•i1�E��G.6:4 ,Si]Yd9g'�f9.i-F1�. �Ei,`C'�2: ii2�,���.�
C3C� �:t:LC!*i+: �::zF7� f�i'ti.."�C,' i� �"�SF:.�r? Cif..Y.':�'7?F"4?�S�C ic-t?i,� LL3F.' �?'L�F"Q �DL�.Lri� uii.,r,'?`��f)�4?C'�.
'T'�.Lre ::x� �i�r,c;.z:ira:_ �cG.r.si�r�r�?�i�x>.� r�� ��tl a�� pr��:�.f�cali,.�r 5��:�aw S.re+�wer.k�d
p�rtitb� 3�� �C ;m:�at r.t��t: i��.-s ;z;;�,��: :� €3c�4.�,��et' �r.e� sa L��z°z: �ZC:�;sl� �aL�sif.a
�:•�J'r4'� rC�'f:, 'rE�iY9�� .�J�.' :ti5;+ ��C3C'`a:.,. _.S,`:. 4^i.'�2:.'?� r'i?a C�a� �'S��.� «;?;A:4ti �t�� £1 =?i:�'i r.'9.y.:
�s�� ��. �a��^`�� .a �.;::•�:�c:t: r::�� �:,•n �.��: �•r���. :3�:.r it i� �s��:��:C �a� ::��, ��?��. :3�t�
ss��i}��=ar� E:�twt 4����rs ;����:.°� E:ic:� ..� e�.S:��ae� i� s:�a£� n�x�:. ��_ :1f3o�'!�! '�+�
SQ �aoz�t.i.n�, c��y�.
F�4ze�. S��a�g�n'��k; .Ksss'zry:� �.�� �a�:4���,>:���•c� i:��:.� �S f3r� ��.��� 1 r��av��i�;✓ �:i�� ci�u�dZice�
CTE34Q! �CiS s'tt3B::'�[�"s7.�IYt?. :i��e .^.�it.�Ci `:!"x.��:: !;�tr� �'�.�hhC3tS�;T:� $i3SYC�= ���� Fi L�c(;�1 g*s'E��.�y'�
�LT� chr�z���� cr;: t�:;i_fiz,z �3it_ ���;�.rz�;t� iA��. a-.°,:,.�°�: �ur �ac��-c�a�pli�r�ec� wi;.� t��
�s��;�. `1'r:�r.� �b,� u����;�.�:iec �.�s-., �5:�* �ir<;�;� ta;e P:r�r►eting �os�ra t�r��:e �:ti� 1.e�a1
ri`y,'z:4: �c: Ia:i.2�,�.z.� st:�t cAr. G�t'rzt,��.
pr. I;�idnt� s�Ec3 k;�r ��,�c�Ic? ��-,t:e ��s :�nsQ•��� w��".b fra� the leg�?I s�:3:xc�pc�i��.
Z"ni.s �ta�id 'e:� a �c3Cr�� co �-,�>��r ���cir t�a 4�t�e� �;ania� 1�dmfni��taCor mn3 th�n LQ
�F�e: C�r}sor�C:irn G'a=�:�set �
1tALPii �+I�i�T�l�ri: id�ac� f�;� �p��s?:: sa,vr: :1r.� �t,^.1;�11 S���r,sson, 916 �:3n3 5��:�e:., �ha
noted h� f. �i�o �ti� u�:cse;��r:�� �c,�- €�i�� C;r,z�r.:erned '�s:cp�ye�~�^ af �ii:��zesra�ed
lt�g�rd?ng �F.e 2l r_?,�sc if�:a:i.cr� .ir �:��� p:.°rlpa�ed e�xe3inaac�:, �.ITt` i`e�3C()d�17�Zr 8
�ssa�i.�LLcrc� cFe�L?r.r�^ S:�xaC h�r��:;� .:���c�rva:y �� t.�is ordin�ac� �aotsl.cs t�e �
mi.steke and :.3a�y s:Iei_r�T� rcar,y �:�o�?e> ��e :���: quitF f�sl�ly at����rc► of wlxst Che
zor�in� o�di_i:a«ce �E=�I.ty ms��r�s. �r�r �_���� �s,�,rany �IiPir or&anLa�tian thiakg
naore ti�ae shcul.ct be �ollrr�e� h�fr�;:e �:'�i;ti� i.s forca�lly edo�rCed; �x�d C:�is is
��►e �a�aition c�� �.l.aei�� ar�;xE�i��::�:�acru. :�'r. r4-xn.sasa sake�i wh��: pow�rc rhe Cifcy
Caur�cil �ilt. tz�v� c,�,r��; �Y�� p,-r���f:�d �r�nxrs� •�:p�s,ific��ic��� �nd �h� P��nning
Boa�d �nd 4s►z:��: �bcnt� �fC"i'L:1C1��'k3� ia� ���.�^ �i�.�:�=Y�.. 4I:.11 2h�y ��Lli �ome
befa�e th� Ci�y Cour�cil �s r��aLa"1
�Ir. l?ooley �.:u:r::d Pis. �>w��a€�a.e ic i-sie i�.�.L•s�z�±• �,.�� e� h�v� �h� Bnard c�noi.dert
tlzesc rec��ci�ei.s��c� ��d r,u�:�tci��� i<� i-�� �oar.c��s de2 ibp.a�:i.csns.
�I�. �k�ansr�n ��i.d �nc: srll_i �;ri�::� ..�erte e�..*� ��:�%' �`or��rd t�:�.�e �:.a �.�:e Pl�aaxsit�g
Bosrd. WEyere ttiere �.s isir��ac:, czi :,3»��� a:�:�t��f;� �pProv�d nav�, c�culd tt13_a tthen
becac�e r� uon-�cor�fo:�mi.r�� u�i ::.�,d �v;��».� �awr,�<;�� �� it? �E�f.E t�:as ber:z� ��:c:n�ht
up t�e£orr� but no ensr7e; ti�rs �ee.�s g:`.v�:io "tC:r �l�n questi.axsdd kh� me:� a+Lo�
aes�er sep��artvn. SJnd�� �I�� �+���s�e.��: Fsc��si�;;, sP�': nnd :�B°t r+_-e r�si.d��at�.�al,
th�� bLia� ��p snd �.s�cs £W�si.l.;° ia��:��e:�� 't'�:-vr�-, i.s n diffe�€rc�cr. o� f:�� r�rt�
pc�r squ�re fr,c�L- thac: i� cl���c;��c'r �n���rc��; a:cs �C�Se ,���� ci�»�ifi.r�tir�:�. Un�dPr
the neu� �o�L�� ar.di�r�s�ce, �;:.�.I €_°rY.r-c �,:,;:a� �;.a��sLfic��ion ��p3.�* u�ac�er the
r��wer i�78fiC'3bYiL:1�8`Z 1�II c£ �t�: �i��r1,�:> :is� �:4�as�fic�efQn of �r���r.ty ��f�cts
th� ��roperty taxes�. i�r. Sr�a�r,�a�s �:�Ed iw it. hia ur�ders��ia�isg t�r�t prop�rty
�°ac�eat for si:� maca�hs axzF� ?��� cn�afc?r�sie��. ue nu��d $� tha I�s� ptxblic
he�riag he brc���ee s�p Che q+��sti.r.�c� ��" c�ere± �c'�cre is � �.l+�ath L�a the f�mily
a��c3 n c��E����or� c�f wi���t �.a c?;a ���i�la ��� praa�rl5�. Many tim�� S:iif.a cr�xsld bp tn
�Zr�t��Ce �:�Yart e�p Lr �� icat� �s t►zar�� :a�r�ra. Wvutd Che prnvt�;Lon ��: �u��i� tE�at
i C cas�l d ctrnt inci2 ia�;o i C:c �3in2i1?�fii zcs�i�g. l�ow wouf d t��:� 1�� ��:�a:d 1;��7? .�t
�►�ee pres�nC �ii�a�, �a:nQ �3rc��s in LI�� �1.�y� are �a�a�p� �re �ss�ci as ra���lrel
overflow �:�d hcaZdir�� �ae►:tr��. H� ;���cc�d i; �uy nrovLsio�s havc b��a wa<3�
i.re ti�e ordirxrar��� tt��s� �h� t,i.t;* ia� ntit ��ira� tu F�sve ��i� st�p �hi�!�; r.�ne �p
ht in �.l�e iut�:r� s�.rc�� r� d�r•ulcsr�ers �i-w•���ira� up �hF pro,��rt�� und btvf j di�sg
€�pan i�. Ti�,zyse is s�� �,rovisiarx c�nde 1z� +�re ordfnaace r��r�.�:iirag r��.rsrn �ewers
s�d �ay La� �or �he�. z!: .s�l `1 � �D3�':: �y �.he ���e��,�rt� o�nr�~, to p�}� Eor eh�m.
t�r. C�sYrt��a .�;��d �Ia.. S�an�a�! ;�*.c�c�� u���,�t: i�i�r h� f�l t liis organ.i.s�tioa r�r��.�l d
aee;+ �n fiulsh t���i� rwponE:.
i�ir. ��:.y•:±.��,rn a��Ced f_� t;Y!�r�9 �,arz a� s•is� a+�4: tur the Cit}a Coucrwxl tc �do�t:
L.:��: .7,:�►�t�sg t3•r�i.r���ac�. F�r. ;�+��:�s:r�.� �.s:�:z•�;e�� s�r�ce �:h�e .7ew ct�c�roge c��31. e�a�.�
rliacc� i.❑ .J,ztte, Chis wcu1� ut�ly f;x.ve fii�.� t.k�r�e m�nGh�.
l�r.. L'�aol�y s�sia C�'kP_'�� Ls �rs ;.i:��� a��: a��:ti ic�r as tlae P)aanirag '�o�rd �;���.i.s�,
f_rs f�inet. r��qc�eura�!��ieau. ''�i� Bc��x� �;�5? �o over �hs� inpz�t ���r,� thvraugh�.y.
1'�� Bdc�r� h�as �ao }s�ictt ira �:.i.a�� c}��:�t�T ir.���ci w�iex� �hcir ree:r,�sn�r►da�ioa wtill
gfl for�h Y.o t�:t�e Ci�:y� Cou►zci � .�*� ��'h�:� ��:4ac�:, �c� e�pa� it. 'I`i�ee Boarci �ri! 9
E.=�r�: 9s� fa��: �� ch�.,y u�sDi�iy �c�r�. '�i�er� is a� sgeedy cu�.�:iu$ion wiChin
t�x� a�e�:t �:csc�tti 3r z:;.3o.
Mr. Sw�ns�rn �sid h� i.o glcad �;a h��:r. �ia,�L•. 'Iiz�r� ttas beete a x:rc�°,�ea.dc��s
:.�sau�t of �r�pu� giv�a �o t�i� LoG+ru. ar �aill taEc� six maat�:� or � �a�mr
t,ef4re iC is fiTt�wlly spercl�d.
�fr. Donley sai� he dm�� net ��cia-.�s�t��€� r;I�y �;r. 5�aenson.°s �r�.�r�f..t��ior, should
�Se wor�Eed euc�ue: the 2[ �c�r.in,� clo�r;z:�i��s:f.a�s in �iae tz��,r vr�ii.�rencc.
Mr. Swsnson ar�i.d iC is s �nP����r a'r in��rv�e��a i.c+�.. 'Pt�c�re is �r�u'st.p now
wi�h Che :�ix existL�� �lassi�i.cc:3tdion�. ir�s or.gania:�Ci.tvn �s wc�rrf.e�sa C�a�t i.f
thcre. are 21 ct,�s�:.fica2ior.s, �:�a�x�,> c�i.� i ��� �n:�re �robl�r�A th�� ti����� ar� nov,
rlr. S�ra�son s+�id tne ho[,es �:'s�e�� t�r� �a��;:�!:;,
i�ir. I�ol�y ssaid the �xistin;� �ct�is�si£L���iars ar� quiCe gener�l in s�ope,
Tsann[y-ane narrcnas it dotm Rss � �a�r= ,l�ftr�a�s4� L3At1� in @IAGi.t ��,s-ti.
Mr. Sw��.Saa sa�i.d w�.th tche rr�:a��a� c-.l�t�si.ii.+cntf.ane of �rr�°1 anc� '��:,
it �hould be vcry �c]e�r buC Ch�r�-; �re aErE11 Ln�erpre[arLons l�r►C,� sa�}�s.
Mr. Swaa�son ssid h� woiil.d l�av� �hat �ap �a Cfie �oard's j�sdg��nC..
LEE CO°JT.TERs 1Vext e� ��eok ws�s ?�sr. Le� Cr��:lt�r, 2169 Londi� Lc�u�.
Mr. �Co�t!t�r st�id he ��iahec� t•a� em�b,���L�r r.;�� por�ion o� �he L�nin� ����
�here Che dev�loper fs �llcav�ed l�k�*.rza�, ���pl� v�ichin 2(�G f�r� a�� r�ow
notified of rezoning,s. 'ih�ee g�aple �:re trr�t wiet�in ehe peri��:�r r�'
�Eee property but sre i� the p�rfras��er a� ��.h� 1�ne thse tt�,2 d�v�?.sper.
oaLght choose tco draw. Wher� ��ir. l�.Q�.'Z�'.a'±�• l:.v�s tlne develapef• pro�vi�LC�
� brufi�r sonp for his apar�.��e»�f[ �:am�l��xy �rad �e ane ga�.�� ti�,.Ls bu���r
�one was J8U feet• therefor�, �Il.oc�S.z�� .�aly 2b F��e whi�h aac�u3.d be p�zt
ssf the ros�dca�ay. �1s o resf,? �:, ��:��i� an '�c��h std�s of ►Yh� s•�^�d��y� �u�re
�xot noC[fied; tegal.ly, Chie i^� F,aasf.bl�., �'ez�h�pe wh�t s`�ou1d be
coust�e�red i.s not ttais ia�gin�r�+ line t�st theee develc�pers can dr�w
�he.ever i�hey wanG. It �er�a� th�� �l��e d�v�lap�r eaaa�� d�v�lnp on the
6uffer zone. It da�s reelly limie the oppore�nities he doe� receive if
h� ha� �ok a larg� enough mr�$ to proride a buff�r soae. This �ill
drastfc�lty affece the entire neig���r��od. The area shouid be 400 f��t
rather eh�n 20� feet, ar l�rger d��e�ding �pou Che size og the co��tex
ehat ia beit�g propoa�d. It shauld be extended £rom the property tine
ev�n ti�oug� there are buffer zones pravided.
ROSEMARY SCH2�iIDT: Neat to speak wa�a Aise. Rvaemary Schmidt, T 763 Burns
Aveaue, �ho noted she is r� c�e�aber Q� �br.4ti�*n�±rR Acr_t�n t�rna tc:AT�Ty, Shr
Addressed her cb jec�io�s �a l f.gh�s t�sn� bothRr e�►oale visuai lv.. She ha�
had a gre�� deal of �xperieur_e with ��tF in iz�r o�u ha�ae. Sne fei.t ehati
�+UO fest for ceotific�tt�ou c�oc3ld be �e�ter rhan 20� feet. She saoted Chst
l �.�it� trevel e gre�t dLs�anc�. If tY�er� are a Yor of bL� epr��t�enC
bufidings ead big par�fng 3aLs, they cai12 �se li�:. They can he s�tremelq
snnoying, Co say nothing �f th� uoise. Sh� 8�ked the Bor�rd if tt�e�r tc�ve
a�y thought� abvut t,his.
�Ir. Daoley s�id he hae no� t�sough� mbau� thesti, huC he is sure i:het the
comwittee has.
Ar. Heiden steted the propos�d zonic�g ordinance does addresa i�e�lf
Co �that. Ie ��y not be as m�ch as �ec�pYe would lfke, but i� daes �ddress
itaelf to �fcat eubject.
Mrs. Scl�mid� asked wt�at ordin�ry peaple caA dQ to eaforce �his provision.
The gpaeral gublic should bc mble to c�o �his wiehout geeting au org�ni�atioa
seact� aa CAN behine tbe�a.
Dr. Heiden ssid she ig speaki_ug o� r��y p�z�ticuZ�r deciaion tlr�� might
be l�i.d down abou� th� tiut� C�ase. d�evel��en�. fs r�greed upcni. 1ri�t wur�Fd have
eo be taken praject by project.
�Irs. Schmidt seid en�re. eoutd b� � provision such as ahielas over the
1 ights so th�t the}r do teot ��tend a�r�+igtte ouC.
Mr. MaieCCa safd he has coassLd��hd rhf.a prc�bleiu m�ny, maay tfines. ��ch
aad ever}r I igfbt coul d have +� �hade ov�r it so ttiat the 1 Lght it•sel f coul d
not be seeu. Mr. I�ieCta R�aid ��C s� p�ople's �yes cennot s�and atl of
that light.
7'HQMAS MURP�iY: Neac� ta s��a� �es I�s. T�io�ss l�urplaq, 626 Goodxich �,v�uue.
,'�lr. l�txrghq ca�ttended t�e P18nniBg Ii��rrd on the job they htsv� daue. I'e?
proposes theC �he new zoning ordfcna�c� end the adminLstraCion of it be
t�ade trt�ly reponeive to the r�uicle�te scsd aeighborhoods af St. PauS Uq
incl us ian of the fol l+�oaing poLnts o
N Cotial morstoriva� aa zonis�g ehm�gc esntil �lhe a�.�v �oning ardine�c� fs
Appnint�eat of a publ ic def�aader for �oni�a�, �hange aha �autd heLp neLghbort►ood
��sidenCs present thefr cas� befo�e the C�€:y Cauncil.
Elimiaat� teoporar}r approv,al on �anp zouia� ch�nge. �is Qr�ctJ.ce is a
blatant invt��ation for a �,rcitse�
. . , .
Require��nk f�r a public heari�g �y thQ City �oun�il wfth � quorum pres�nt
tn the neigh�orhood �ffezted by t�e proposed zoaing change wfth aLr.icC
�nforcement of ti�e pr.es�at rul� requiri.eg 30 day8 n�tice before �pproval is
An addLti.on ta the pro�osed zoni�g ordi��nce regarding gernissible height
of gas statioa signa �ad billboards, e�c.
Iseuanee o£ no ne�•� buil�ing pex�mits before review by �n srchi[c�t�rel
review co�ni�Cee L•o ���e certain thet tihe �ew buildtag wilt blend with the
extsting neighborhood s�ructures.
Mr. Dooley said a� the stiart of Ct�¢ pubSir_ hearinga on IIncemb�r 15, 1971 ,
fo�r aress of the ci�y w�re oa�elined and it w�s stated that a publfc heartag
would be held ou eeeh of the for�r �re�s. �t the coaclustoa of ehe �rea
four hesring, Ithe Planning Board would a�t �c date cereaia for th� hesring
on Che Admiuisgrative end Enforcest�nt Section of Che code. Mr. L?aoley atated
h� would �ot Accept m a�o�ion fran �h� Plaaniag Board for tbe adjQUrament
of Chese pu�sl Lc heAring^. Mr. Dooley aecl�red this hearing recessed
to a d�L€ Which will be annouQCed in t�*e fu�:r�re eo that the Board siill
have an opportunity to s�udy, evwluate s41 of the sugge�tione and ideas
that [he people have sh�red �ith t:he�a. At that particular meetiag, it
m�q be aecessary, through the public presa, to come back here and
secure additi�cn�l ide�s �sad ChougEits fram the people aad iF the Board
doee nott aeed thet they will snnoc.nce their recoumeudations probably
as to wlist they are gaing eo da fn the directian of the propoaed nev
zoaiag ordinsnce ta�ard the Ci�y Coa�acil .
The me�ting was recesaed at 8:10 �s.m.
Submit�ed by: Nol�ud R. Heidea� Approved by: James Go Doaley
Diz�ec�or C�ir�f rr�en
_ , � �- ��
��^r� �r.��ax�� �o�� o� s�.t.� F��zr�.
�Ulo eo��rc� Bu�.ldi�g
Sai.�s� �au�., Mirtrae�ot� 551(D�
A �b1ic�HcaQr�� was h�ld £ar tYae �xops�seci �;e� Zonia� Ozd in�an�� for
the �i�� of Ste P'aa3. ae� G3�d�t�sday, ��t�x�az� Z�g 19T�� a� 7:00 p.as. ,
in �he Cit3� Con�.ci�. Chavabers, tlaird €'lo�r, C�ty Lail and Cou�C �ious�,
St„ Pa�xl, Aiins�e�ol:a, {t�.t'ea� I�1)d
�'r�, se�t: I�m�s. C�ockrax�e, NQttr,�.+ aad (psast; M+�s�r�, Beushoof,
Cu�rac�, D�o1ey, Gi23espie, �oxs&, Schnaxr aad S+�esc�y
of �he �oa�d; Bv Rsitt�r, R. Ryan �xtd Dsr� %ideti af
�i�e s�af�o
Abs�t: M�ssrs. IYi��, Ja�ab4 A�ietta, McPartli.g, Prifre�
and Rocd4�xe
Th� meetiu� c��s �a�,1ed to o�der by Chrxi�a�� Doaley ast 7:I0 p�m. 1�:,�.
Doo3.ey r�ot�c? �hat to�i�ht's �.eetit�g is oz� AxEa IV aad r��d the gea-
g�ag�ai.� 'ba�darir�s for �:har axea as �cantrair�ed i�. �he pa�sl�c heax•ia�
aatice (cupy attache8�a Fr�� zhose �ba z�x�e mat famiAsr �r�:.��t th�
t�lea, i�� IS��.ey re�d t�:em rram the gubZ�c heariang s�wticeo Zn L•ha
oxi�i.s��� �ati�e thrit th� �:�a�in� Bosrd i.s�r��ds puesaaat to Mi.uu��ote
5ta��s �3F�5 Sectioa �+b?a�57, �r..��ed that a� th� eo�c�usia», o� Che
fon� area �etiags the Boa.�d wcsu�3 anao�ce a dr��r� csxtain �bea a
public �arizxg �ou1d be I:�ld �y the P�as�in� �a�d fcar the ptsrpa��
nf g�t�ting inpu� a�c3 Lb�� sec:ac�adae�.crszs of our ci.tiz�tto eeancex�ing
t?cte Admics�strativa S�eticrs of the �ropo��d �on�t�� ordiaaacee M�.
Dcal+�y r�et �bafi da�a �ox �':�3{? pam, on N.i�r+eh �25 �972 iA th� Ciry� C�uci�
�h,�mb�s�s, Chird �Iaas, ��art �{a:zs�a Ti��r pc;rpose af t�at �eCi�� w311
be fo�r sh� d�ocnsmiaz� o; �f�e Acireia�istra�is�e Sec�iou o� th� pr��osed
aes�+ Zaaio,g 4rdi��ca. Mre �r►c�7.�sy intrv�csc�d tt�re �'�aa�a�aiag B�,axd �bars
aac� tht seaff �c��,� �a��u�. �e t�c�n r�ad t1z� xis� af peop�.e that
�3.sb�d �a eithez sp��� or ba�r� s �ee��z tes� a� th� h�aring.
GYLLBTTl� C�iP�[: A 3��L� �es gec��L�ed ��o�s I�� J�a P. Remg�':
Lngi��ri�,g I3ix�ctor, '�he �f�.lett� C�nrpar�� �'��sonal Car� �ivisio�►,
�fth at Asr��kva�, 5�, �auj1, ��.�cata. I�ire Da<a�� a�ked if P4r�
K+�esx xas p�eaes�t n T��. �p�� �rs� �z�at �,��,s�a� �,r� Mx. Doale�r read
t!►� �e���ar. Th�e leztt�x ica da�:�! �ebz�axy 22, �.9?2..
BURLINGTt1�d t�Q�i,�'9i(F.[tDt RAZI.&Q!►U: P► �et�€r *�.��s secei�rErl �caas Mrp R� A., Ja�ba,
Di�ectr�x-8�a�. Es�ate, l�utr$i�ig�c� Pior�'c��ax I�Slsaad, date�d Feb�uasq �Z,
I972, I�r� Doo�.�tp read po��io� af tct�� �et���t„
��IP�R,_BSQiffi,_�iOL�I���i Ab1D Ft�fi�R �GT. D„ Ci.i1PP): A ��tts� vas
rec�eved Lzaai Mr. �am�e D� 3�s�s o� �b.� s�a�e �ia�, ��preli�►Ciag W. Aa
C�.a�p, irc� ti> lhvenss� +�.d Cst� g�altp G+��p+a�ts�io�o 7l'� l+ett�sr dataad
l�aebr�azp �3, 1972 eras ��� �� P�. ��.�,
D�i��.ti�i1�3�?�'`1 y �I�uD�:� ,t-iidD .7t'J�';.'�7S�.�T ��I�F.� SEEiR.. INC�2�O�TEa3 : A
������ �r�� ��z���.�r�e� �ro�,a A�tt�a�sg A� ��n� frc+on �ia� abav� fir�a ���SSE�
�era�in� �.i���� B�ax, I�as:a�pn����c�, c�s��� �`�bresary,� 23m Y972, 2�e �.et�er
c�as z�ad i�v i��� pc,fl��y,
A nras £xc� �he su�i�a��e as�d sp�cific.��.1y k�ha�C areag t�a DarRaa ia
speakiu� o� ira l�is &�tt��. Mr. Usa�� is j��t g�n�galigi�g aa �is
agea r�d �a� �r�u�c� lik� ��a I�c+�ox�r ear�ctly t��at hs� is sp�akic�� aboes�a
Mse Daole,T ask�c3 thi 5 ��,.� �a�� hie rosc:� ��as aad he �c�plied Jerzy Lar�.Cx'3„
2050 5ui����a� ��re��ea i�o e�oQ�e� �z���d �� �Se a no�� an �his �.ettC�x
tco A�o �I�id��e o� �� P�.�-�xi�g s����C ta c�r^i�e a ��et�ar to T�ita �u�
r�stci.�.g isi��a �a ��xe l�is :�e�c�r:daLi�s i� tJ�c� ��:caxd tsa that ths� S�aaPd
i�s �A�r�r �a�r�, s���� t�v ia t��kir�g a&r�L,
P�� �.�t�;�� sa�i� �:l�t �f�e a�a���hiu� �s do�te �u defer this �C�um this
cor�i��eL� �se �u�g�s�ad ��t p�b'�ic ac�ice ia easde of eb�� £ect �o that
a7t�. ��u��� �ho �e�e i�at�t�et�4 i�a �hi� ���s ��u �g imcle�d�d i� �h�
�frn �r�o�.�� �oeed that �ir. .7���a Y3� �aa7 e�pr�semmti�g �3. Ae �la�p: �aras
p��es�n� �t �� �t��Sstg �d a�ss�vgi�¢d e� htm� �o Doca��l as�d he
�as �ta� �x����C ts�;cac�se tHs�r� �s� a a�z���.*Ea c�i�atio�t► r�ad a�ak�ad
Pqs'. Le�o i� in� �ish�d �o ap.�gk,
M�c� T�ts rg��.i�d tkr�� t�� dac:. T�s: ieL-t�� ��+,�t ��� read bp t�� Doo�ey�
asQ�2y �a.�. s�aaes up lqis c�.i�aa�'s posftirck-�� IIc� i.� gep�+�s�tix� tdtll�i�
�7spp s�r1 �s�b�sr� Th�aa�, �o c� ��o pa�c��.s c�st by �tae S�-Ray
Sh�ppiu� ���t�� ��a�� �r�uld b� aff�e�r3 a;� �he s�� 2c�iag �diaau��.
Mr, I.�r�o i�;i�e��y �rx:era�aa��.�sd �ac� o� t�t� �ai.z�t� ia► his �etCer, �i�
c�i��s ��fe r�c���a3 a��rca���. c��ic�s�i�zs fx�an �tic9fviduals in���-�
�t�t�d i� �S�ch,�.si��; tlz� �Sx4p�x�;r �,�� ���ci�ic pcx��sea�, Oa�e i� a
�ost�azy a�s�; a�zc2 �t�carndlY, F��� c�E �u� p�o��ty it� +�det� optio�t �o
an ai� cca�p�r►y �a �s�e �ta� {��c��r��ty :Eo� � �as statio�, If �h�.� �onin�;
brdi�.s ia p�s�ec9, L•hit� op�io.� �:�r�� is �o��h ��Q,(3�Q *�IIA b�� 't,�ott�-
lmss for tt� purpos� �o� �hich �.ia� csg►ti� �as ar��.t�aR�y grasttec�. +Ou
ar�at��r yr�rt af ��xe g�a����y tk�e clieia�s� �v� an� 3aqu�.xi�e r�gardiag
��iAg �h� propc�:�.y io� a dritiF��i�n zeet��aa��n�, a �eCeriawaxy haapitalm
a car d��Ie�snip, aud a :no���.� T���e ��� a2�. e�t��� that ��d 3�� p�r�
mf.Ct�cI u�d�� �he �s���� �csrzit�g, t��aLr,i� :s Co�rc��a�., but t�a►.3�d �
prtohibit�d e�d�z �he� �xogusa�c3 ordi�R�ec� i£ ��t ia pas��d Ya iCe p�tts�a�
form, �� �ia�7.st �� ��ir�y e�ea� �i�a� the devel�p�nt otE tt�e parcets
a�rne� by �Is e�.�.Qffit� is �oi�e� t:o b� seai��,y a£f�ct�d by t!a::s fl�o-
po�d Zon�aa� O�c33.a�a��ces �h�yy wr��.�, is� x��std���d l��s �xket�ble, �'�tere
�ril� be R �.oss ra� �a�tae � �3�e gszap�a�;f, as�d tb�i� pre�nt g�aaaa for
d�vc�crni�� xhe p�co�c�rty hr�v� t�� pu� in tu��moi�. beasc��� of th3.e.
This p�rop�s�y 3s �sx�s�ntly r�gc��.at+�d b� a �a�ain� ordinaace, amci it
a�� �o hi� that �a3.s c�ies��a �hauld b� ��i�Iacl �o rely oa� ita pre�eat
sveguYatz�r�a �aa, slev��.ogr�esa� o� �4aia p�~a�art�� a� �east ia the abse��e o£
a ��li-�a��i;��d S�a� Qro�a ��,e pr�s�ic �a�r3s�go �ey ar� �o� ���e tif
a�y c�:.�gs�d eix�c��aa3ck:e $i��� the� p��c3Eec�� sonix�g � adopt�ad ��.ch
�rould r�xx�scss� ci�agi�� L�e ��nira� as �i�� cuse�v ordi��e r��celd da. A2saa
ebia ia a ct�vclop�r t6at d�u s�oz �,av8 a ��paata�iox► ia Sto Pav� of
d�retop��� aeet ic� �3�e Sem-ita� ax�aa �iy e�i.�nt� l��a e bistory of
deve�opmec�t activities in that a�za and tt�at histozy iadicates zeapo�-
sible developmeat; and again, in the abaercce of ehoiwing of harm £rom
tlse presentc zoain�, it seems use�ust for this ordi�aace to change ehe ,
uses �hich ar� preaeatly peronitted. They Faese aufipgised tio fiad out
Chat this proposed ordinaace wou�.d ch�se tha status of the property
bacause it t,tas so recently zoaed to its preseat status within the last
taro to thr.ee y�a•ss, This rezoain� s�ra� affeCted in coaAection wi.th an
agreement whereby his cli�uts c�ould coffivey propesCp to the City for
relocati.an �� roads aad ia con�ectioa �ith ehe opea space pzogram,
The �coaamic cost of this zoaing ordis�ce is somethiAg thaC shonld be
very carefully coasidezed by the Planni.ng Board, As iadicated in his �
letter, if the zaniag ordivaace w.1! suostantialZy diminish the market `
ralue of �hs property, a�d if th�ge ig no we11-defined publs.c purpose
�o be eerved hy that xaniag ordinaace, it is their op�iuiou ttsat r�oa�d
constitute a Ca3ciag of properCy far tahicb comp�usation eha�ld be paid
by the City. There ia a further ecoaomic �oat aad that i� a �ddcx�d
Cas base �ohich �aoulci ba brought abo�nt by the zcmiag. They a�e aslci.�g
that tue Plas�uing Board recoas_der the usee the� are s�t forth in tbe �
'" 2etter agd to determine whetber tbey a�e ccsmpat�ble �oitb t� campse- �
hensiv@ soaiqg ordiaaace ehat the Planniag Board is aaw cox�aideringa '.
If thep are ca�a►pat�bl:, tbey mee mmo reasoning for a rezaaimg, They
would hoge that the Board would €iced no rezoa�iag �ecessary or tha�
the prope�ty �ould be. re�oa�d uadrr t&e �et� ordtna�ce to a 3es� r�s-
strictiv� categorq. .
Mr. Dooley said that in Mr. Laao's le�ter it is stated that Lhia Zand
is ze9coaed e Mr. Dooley aslced haar receQtly this �ras doaeo Mr. Lano
replied ta►ithin the last three y�sars. l� maa fran the a�dieace ask.sd
bw much of the property c�as z�zoned at that time. Mro Lana rapliad '
oae hundred and fifty fectt ra�ia�g aio�g the sauth side of the parcel
between i�hite Besr Aweaue sad Ra�th Street.
Mre Dooley asked the maa from the audi�rsce aot to int�rrupt the speakers
aad to make his cocaaeats Iater� Mr. Daoley asked for which purgose
the property vaa rezosed to Co�a�mercial.
�c. ?.sao replied that at that time a specifir use wae coatempla�ced fos
the property excapt �ox that strip which at �he tim� of the reraonfa�
was resid�atisl uad�r tbe achshae o£ zoniag :.a the asea becausa it �aas
sand�iched bet�sean eommercial uses� This did aot make senseo
Mrv Dooley said as a reault of hav�ug i�eem ze�oaed this laad for a
period of Chree years or leas has been he�.d in abeyaace uader the
preaant soaing aad nothing �eas developed as a result of th� oti�iasl
Mr. Lano said there is a aucleas of a ahoppiAg ceu�er, aad ahopping
cent�sa ere aot bcsilt overqe�?ght�, Thia is not the traditioaal sYaoppiag
canter w6eze the buildiaga are ad�oiniag iu a seaified sche�eo Theae
ostabl��shments are separate. 1'his ie beiag bnilt over a period of
Mse Doolh said the effe�t is really a hoxdiag ac�ion fos its pseseut
_3p �
Mr� I.ano �aid he is not sur� wlaaC the connotaCivn of "holdin� aetioa�'
is� The fact re�ai�s that the psoperty �ras rezaaed Cammercial; it
�as a use that �oas merely a question of t3.me be£ore the pxoperty c3ould
be used for Cacs�zcial developm�nt i�. cannectio� caith the exiatiag Go�xcfal
developmex►t theae at the time,
Mro Swesey asked aboe�t the drivewin rc�ta�araat thet Mro Laao hsd n�tioa�d
previou�ly. He ask+ed if this is the one thae was defeated receatlya
Mr. Laao replied that it was noCe �
Mr. S�eteseq �aid he is sp�akia� o£ anoth�r one, aaotiher 1�cDonal3Eo
Mr, L�to said h� does not kaa�t if it is a McDo�alds or nate
Mr. S�vesey said �hat a drive-ia restaurax�� �as mentioaed end a�ain asked
�at rastaurant MY. Leno is spesking a'�oe�t if it ia uot a M�cDooaldse
Mre Lano said h� did aot lcaa� �P�at drive-ia it ise
Mr. S'�iesey asked ou what date did they gine la�nd to tbe Ciey that was
msation�d in th� le�ter.
Mr. Laao ssid there has b�ea ao foxmal coaveysnce of titlee
Mr. 9tteseq said that Mrv L�co did not m�r�tioa that.
l�c. Lano sa�d there is a l.etter oa file sent bq Mro Laao's clients i
svmmaritia� the agrerment. ;
Mre S�es�y asked Mr. Doalty to read tt:at portion of the 3.etter, �ahich �
Ific. Dooley did. �
I�cv 9t�e��y said he could not uuderstand Mr. Lac�o makiag a statemeat like .
that conta:ned ia the leCter wh�a it has aot actnally been done,
Mr. Leno said there is a letter os file� aad the p�operty has bc�ea re��edo ;
Actually, that soad has not been fiaaLly Iocate�d at tt� pres�stt t•Lme. ' �
Mr. S�eaey eaid he ie not talking about �he sozainge He asked Mr. 7�aao �
toheo did his cli.eata �?v� the lagd to th� City. �
Mro Laao said by virtwe of the Yetter that is oa, file s�ari�ia� tbe I
a�resanes�t that has bee� r�ached betvem �he City aad his clients t'hat �
they �ontd convey the laad necessarq fo� t'�e opea space program ia �
tbe axea as�d £or the r�loratioa► of the east aad �sgt eoatiectors oas
B�rns Aveaa:e �rhea Lht CiCy s¢qaix�d it. T'6��e ig a lettex oa fila
aasoarizia� this agretmeat� �
Mr. S'ofea�ey �aid ehnt a!1 ih8t is necessar3► ia for Ch� City to sag, "Yes, I
ve'lt talcs it,`� aad Lh�y have got ite
Mr. Lsaa said that �tould oa so �ler the terms of th� letCero
Mr. Sc:►esey said �ha� cahea he read i�, he did noC cmderstaad it thaC
atay o
Mz. 9e�e3�y sa��c� th�t Mr. I.ano FeZt hi� elieats a�ete surpxised 4�h�n a
ttonxn� chactge is prapos�d in the are3, qet his c�. eate asked for a
cha�ge in the �oniri� in this very ar�a less than a year ago. Mr. Lano
is suxprised that the Bosrd is trying to ch�n�e the tonin� be�t his
cly ec�ts �aaated the zoaing cha��ed this sp���n�e
Mr� Lano askgd l�z� S�veeety if he was talki� abont the McDaaalds.
Mro Sw�a�y said he is talkiag abo�t the ar�a near R�th or McRnight;
hQ di_d aot kt�as� �vst where it was iocated.
l�a Laao elar3.fied that Mr, Ss�sey m�ant part of the parcels in quastio�
nc�t, iis asked Ai�r. Stiweaey to shaw him oa the map where it is located.
1K�e Fred C1app, Clapp•Thamss�^a, aglced Mra Sveseq if he meant the parcel.
tha� is oceupied bq the apaxtmeat buildia�s t6ae sre ae� um�der conats-action
Mro Sw�seq said it ia t�oto FIe is �eferriag to tihe parcel that C3.app•
Thn�mssen prESe�ted befor� the Zoaing Bceard aa�d the City Cou�cil las�
spriag, �hich ia aesr &�th and Burns iea iisttle Creek for a chan�e a�sd
it t�tas d�f�ated.
l�s C�app sa�d ttnrq aere not and that is aot correcto He does aot �e-
lieve eh�y r�quested aaq rezoaing of �his area eais year. They r�qt�ested
a parki�g lot pezmit.
Mrm S�r�sey sa�.d Y�� �as sorrgr snd atood cozrect�d.
Mrs. Mari.lyra LaatFy, 2050 S�abnrban, said t�e �t�shed to speak oa this
mattsr. She noted they �ze th� or�es �ao c�ere fi�ht3ag tbe dri�e�ia
rea�auraat and �iiat she can assu�e f�om the lettcr is that Ctapp-
Thamssea is sti2� �xy_a� to get � d�ive-in rest8ura�t �_n tbe areab
She daes aot f�el ir will be naticessaxy �o go throuIIh all of th� �te-
bash-Lag ehat was dott� Iast tim� becau,ae they stat�d the reasons were
traffic aad fox the safety of the resideats ia the azea. As fet ao
losiug moaeq goes, sLe sealizes tbaC Clapp•T�iaaesea has an investmeaC
tbere; hawever, tti� p�ople vho ha�e liwd it t�s area iEor the past 12
y�sars a?.so have an iaveaCm�t th�r�, Th�y s18� feel thery have an eca�oaeic
rea8o�n fos not �uaatfsag aagr ehazega. She ifk�s tbe ��w xonict� aad agz�ea
vith it. The Isad that Clapp-Thomss�n is doaatlag to tbe Gity as gar
ss Mrsa I.aatry kaa�ts is a �r3mp and caano� be used for anything but a
avamp, T2�e Depeactmeat of Natural xeaaura�s wilZ not Iet as�yaue build
aa that piec� o� propex�ty becauae it ie a natural draiaage for the
v�ale sxea bouaded by 8�tb� aad Whi�e Bear. Sh� also t�ad a q�ec�tio�t ia
regasd to �hQ property cx� Fern and Hu�t1s wheze Knr�tsoa Compaay �taata Co
pnt thr�e ei�ht�atorjr apartme.�t bnildi�gs. Ia the eaw Zonia� Ordinas��
it ie RMo If �h�yy art uot building on thst yet aad thap have x�ot gat�eca
aay pezmit, �tc. seed if �b� ae� Zoaicag Ordiaaace go�a i�, a�i1lE theq be
bound by the a+aw 2Qniag Ordinaace oz the o2d o�e, �hich Was a hi�hW
density tpp�o Under the a�ar Ordinance. thsy o�o�1d be limited to ehre�
Dre H�iden ask�d I�Srsa Y,anery to sepca� h��r qe�sti�, Dr, Heidea said
til�IG ��3 Oxdina:ace �a�ld psavaile
Mr, Doso3�y uatQd tha� coaeludes �he list o� peop�.e wFio had filed t�ith
the Ciry Cierx, Oth�r me�bea� of th� aud3.es�ce wi�i aaow be heard fron�,
raow by raa, He asked th� to stat� �heir a�mes aad addresses.
RALPtI SWANSO�T: Next to sp�ak was I�Srd Ra1ph Swansoa, 91b M�wmd Stxeet,
ca�o notec3 he is aeege�ary af the Coae�rn�d Taxpaye�s of kiian�sofa. Mx�v
Se�ausaa asked t�� aad ahen this pro�osed Zo�ni.ag plan is to b� impiement�d,
He esked i� it t,ti8b be by p�tion of tBt City Council.
P�r, Doo��y sa�d the Board is hoidiag th�a� pub2ic hea�iags to get �11
tl�s iQpu� t�e Boarc} ca.a fran tl� eiri�e�s of the City of Safnt Penlo
At the coaclusioa. of these pub�ic heari�gs, a11 of the input will t►�
tabcelatec� aad dacwat�rated and fsherQ co�ceceiona are a�eeasaxy, they are
guing ta be tuade into tha Zoning drdin�ce. At thes canclusion of that
r�ork, they �iZ�. caeet aod decide to recaa�end or nat to recoa�m�d the
adoptian of a ac� 2oeiing Ordiaa:ace for the City of Saiat PsuYo I£ s�e
�eco�o4aad the adoptioo of �Lt, it wiii be £oYwar� Co the Maycr and
City Co�aciis
Mr. 8tsacaso►� asked �� th�s cames aftes t�e first of June ori11 the Citq
ati11 hav►e a City Co�cil a+r what c�nder th� ti�t fora� ofc gavez�meat,
Mro Doolegr s3aid th� City �i1T have a legis2at�ve body that �vi11 acL apcxa
this. There �sitl be ao clsaage ia tb�at.
Ia t�e preseat .+.aaiag, Mr, �+iaasca said there are si� classificatiaas of
Ps'opea�Cyr. A-ain�Ie; B-ttao-family; C-e�aul��p�.es; Csxnme�rc:al; LigYz� asd
Heavy Iadu�trp. 41� do haee �a exceptiax to this �hich is the det�i! that has
caused aYl of the treuble 3.ia the Ciey C�aucil, n�emely, spot acs3 islamd
xoaing, This has catised a �ot og t�pers fos the people iavolved, Wi12 tbis
sti13 coatiane even thaaigh �e have 21 C�ggsifiCttCion� of property uade�r
khe aRar Ordinaace? If th�re i� troubie naw with o�1.y siYC classificatiaae,
there �ti.11 ba anore troable �itb Zl aad will they have es�ep�i�s agaiao
Mr. 9evaaeaa said he vish�d the Boazd voaid coneidts tbia rraty earefallqa
Mr, Doolep noted tbet Mr. S+Kaasa�a is sp�akia� �tbo�st the Adasiaistration
Seeti.on of tt�e awt Osd�.mace m�d t�at ie not tmdeY discnasioc� toni.ght. A
fall h�aring t�iZl be held oo Marcb 2Y eo�rering that �ectioo of the Ordi-
nsace. Mr. Doolty► gaid he did aot �raat Mr, 9�raasoa to �eel he wa� beizig
cat off, mst ia t��e otfi�r heariags uo o� t�as sll�ed te speak an that
sectioa as it will b�t discuss�d ia ita eatirety at th¢ Marcb 22 meeLinge
� �ra 9�radson seked ig this meeting o� Ma�cY� Z2 t�ld be opea �o the paBaAico
Mse Doaley said it vould defiait�ly be opeta to the p�blice
Mro �raasaa said he had ano�r queation �hicH perlxaps �iou2d ce�e essder
the A �d E Sect_oda What pae�er �i.ii th� Citq C�ii �� aves t.i�
p=oposed clasaifiQStions?
Mro Dao�ey said that �oald come imder thst seCtioa also,
In Ai�e �a�a�sou's �rea, thc� Motatds park essd Dayton'� Bluf£ axea e �he�e is
a stoxm a��s �h�t�.:�s �o�t� to be put in. There �aes a heari�g ou it
be�ore �he City Cot�cil aot too loag ago. There are di�£�r�t �i�arg�s
beaed oa �he resid�uutial, elas� C, etco � will this b� tak�n cer� of
ia this �nc� Ox�dinanc�?
Mr, Dooley aslc�d Mr. �iaason if he meant the tax strncetiarae
Mro 5�vamso�t said tbat is �bat he meast,
Ms. Daoley said if the a!d Zooie�g OrdiaBace is adopted bp the City �oe��
ei2 the �onia�g thae is ia effect wiil be the pravai2iag base oa t�hici�
these ta�ea wiil be ci�arged.
Mr, St�a�ou ask�d if tbis c�i�1� casry a�er iAto ths aew �aaiag<
Mto Dooley said aot gtce�sarily.
Mr, 9�ta�zsota aoted that nae�c Mat�de Park School th�y taok eocagr seme homea
for che aa� playg�o�;d, aad ��a this sahoo� ia ca�.le�l oae of the life
hasard sctaa�ls. Mr. �raason abjec�s to this tffirm becauae these s�hools
bav� �e�ca r+ahabilitated to coa�fo� wi�h the code�o tiaa,�ever, thia is cx� flf
the sc�sools thst is slaCed to go if th� �o�d isst� is passedo Re asked
vt:at riil �happ�z� to tbia piee� of propertg af�er the eah�oa ta tara dar�►s
as fas as the ��s $o�ting is concernad.
l�ra Dooley aaid tha propsrty 'bel.onga to thrr achco� sysCeen aad he do�s nae
kaaWS vhat they are �oit�� to do t�ith ite �'he P�aaaiag Board `aould �ave no
coatrol over tahat thcy tcae��d do �si.th it, I� ia eap to the Sehool Boardo
Mr. Sleran�on said there wa� a rtmask �uade at the �eetiag toni$ht re�ard3ng
tbe �ampso This is so��lais�g Mr, �ras�son� fee�s is seri�e� 1'!ze City
hes graated ia maay easas that ewam�s be used for develo�rre�.ts. �'hie is
al� v�ell arid �oc�d, ha�wever, these ar� ias�d for the a�stntal ovarfict� ofc
the �atex aad poe'd�n� a�reas. Wh�a that is takes a�ay, theu al.l of a se�dd�n
w #iad amsel�ee ttiti.�h floading cosiditiaas b�cause of tbe ae�terso 1'tiis
is a aerians psobl�mm He does aot knae� ham this af£ecta tiae �oning: but
ht geels it shaa:2d be s�atiaaed and co�sid�r�d, Aa eh� t970 leud a�
map the Psop�sty ne�ct daor ta Mr. Scvaasou is s�ai-piu�lic. To his ku�v2edK�:
the fowr lota pere soe�d "C" Re�ideatisl, aa,d oca,e lot �rehiad oa Bate�
that �aa �oc�d �hie va�, Ie wae suppos�d to be a promi�ad� f;rvtmd for the
, sest boa�. Ail of this prcpexty is atao�a as se+ai•publia, aad l�ro S�aaeQa
astced whea thia aZI taak place�
1�. Ryaa sai8 t�e map I�r, �aasoa is lools�ng at ��sa� sh�s the la�d ua�
ae+d lsas nathiag to do i�ith �ha sosniag,
Mro �aa said �Lhere �Ias a r�meark a�e toai�t aC the meetiug whicb aaid
if a piecs ot p�operty is vacant fos s�.a maathe it �st theta coczform to
tl�e ac� saaiag. Be asfced far cEeacificatioa of that stst�at so that t�a�'e
�►il� �e ao misc,sdarataad3og,
Dta Hmidea� seked Mr, 3'�ma�son i� he is ta3kiag abaet a pieee of vacaat
l�d to �hich Mr. fivaasve! =ep�ie�d he �ae, Dr, S�idesi eaid i8 �� is �d
asd it is vacast, thes i� �ill ba ua�d for �ae it fa ��eci fore ?here is
w s� gbiss as �ew�ti� �as1c tv a�rthim�;
t�r. Swanson said that �he statement �vas made previously �hat if a piece
of praperry is vacan� for six mouths, ie m�st ehen co�form to the xiew zoninge
Dr� �eiden aaked M�, S�taason if h� was speakiag of a piece of denelaped
1a�.d� Thst c��uld then b� a aoa-conformiag �sse,
'Air� Sc:aASO� asked if �he o�ner beir:g o�t af ths pxemises fo�t sis moaths
wau�d p��tai� to him bsing iIl fos sia� montbso
D�n �£eide� said if 3.t t�re a noa-canfo�min� ase aisd i►ae reaaned to a
r��sidential clsssificatiocs, the� i� �ro�ld techn3ca�ly have to aevext
to a zeaideutial use i� it t�eze ief�. vacaa� �oY aris maathso
2dra S'����zsan said that m�m�r tisses �c� a p�raoai dics it �akes oae to tt�o
�renrs to go thro�t�h prabate, aad asked if this sis-mo�th c3laastt �ouTd
aprly ia► a asae sessh as this, • .
Dr� ��id�n saisl �h�a�• tvculd have to he �erta�tnn ��enus�ing ciscumstance�
cr�a►�side�ed urtd�a the Administsati� Seetfon ofc �he Ogdi�ance�
3�� S�a�.saa said he wou�d preseat this sgai.ai at t.lnat mcetiago
CO�RI�T�3LLA t�IG: Next to speabc �as Mrso Coz�elia xfig, �92 Coucord Stxeat,
�ho aated siu3 �ro�e n let ter to th� Pl�rr�aing Boatd dated Febsva�ry 18, I9�2�
Ia the 3,atter she r�rote tt�t she wanted to a�ppear befo�ce the Planaia�
Board eo p�oteot the proposed re�aaing of Co�eard SCrect betc�aea Raaeae
ac�d Page froo Coaeaercia2 to Besid�tetial Fours She nated Chat ase dir�ctly
actoBe Ccncord Stre�t from the 8ivernie� Iadnatrisi Park aad Alter's
Jank Y �zd� c�hich is C�ass �o Iadust�cial� A� ti�s the IIoise fram
th�re is d�afenings Bet��oa Couro�d Street an� the j�ank yard ie Lhe
Gtea� Wea��sn Railvay, Bepor�d the �ett�k yard is Holman field �tf.Ch ita
plaus a�d he�icoptessa The traf£ic couat aa Caucord Street is aver
20,tm0 csrs ev�eay 24 ha�sxso The fumes f�om the e�hac�ts of the cars
are ho�rib�.e„ Thcp �ust kk�eg thc �ixcdacas aud doares shut oa ttLe Coaco=d
S�rest sid� s�ae a�d mia�esv Their Iand has beer� Gomme�rcfai foe tea
yearsv At �ae ti� �an ths �t�ic yard cs�: ia, I�lrso Wig ealled aboat
pgttia� it in thst elose to the hauseao She taikcd to Fraak Ms���itelli
at the titae, and he CoIB hca� ehe 8hou2d � happ�y it ie there beas�cse
her prop�rty is �oreb s �ot mora nc� that it is Co�omercialo Naa� ebat
it vill b� �oade Resideatial it doe� uo� make i� c�ozth anyLl�iago Thryr
ca�Id not selZ tbei�° prapa�ty to aaycrae becavse ao oaa wants to li�re
thcr� i�x+cludiag them, Sh� is aslcis� that it wi�.3 stay Coa�mtrcfal and
LARRY P][EPBR: N�[t �o speak �tas Mro I�arry Pieper, 2Q83 Sub�rban Atrettue�
Mr. Pieper said he is t�it'� the peop�.e t�lso are �or this seaisbg� Se hae
be� tr�ia$ to aeiY 6is bas�e fat �v¢u maath� s�md the commessts. he has
heerd fraan peaple aho eoa� to Iooic at it in that thep axe coaceicned
about �tl� Cano�cial psopesty thst is so cY;os� �o th� hv�s�o Iti has
besa a detsi�t ise salli.aFg tba honse thraegh a$1 mea�s that sre 8t bas
diepcsa,o If tbis pteperty aoes st�r Co�cia�, Hr, Laao as�d hi� eii�te
shas!$ hearry �p amd g�t the martursry i� to help Chc peap�� t�ho vf�l
psabably be kii2�d cu tlae �txeeeso
�bco Doo1�r aated t.bat �!� P�iag Board has aa secazd of receieiag a
Ittt�r frca� Mrso �Jig � asked h�r eo 3��e a capy �i.th the Flsmaiog
�PR�TiC IcACP�ARCIK: Ne� Lo ffiFeak s�as �Jiro Z�t°anlc Kac��cik, ZObS Wi�,dr�it�t,
c�hc� no'�ed Ia� �aish�d to speak g�uerally �c�raxd ea�orsi� th� � �osting
glaua He called the Soard's attes�ticsn to the deveto�e�,t ar+sr�nd Pig'e
Ey�e Lak�e o ThQ ei���ests aloug the b�uff �'�c1 it ie very imgoreasat t�it
tbe Lsk� b� cnaintaiaad as �ch es po�ai��.e4 rira Kscsas�cik said thet
most p+�opl� as� i.n accard �ith th� ae� plaa s�d theq ho�e that �'hat-
e�er istduseria?. d�r�l�a� is b�il� there �i.l� heve desiga s�aadards
aa aesch to axaintaia th�aesthstic aad viet� rights �till be preaervedo
ahis should apply eo �SSiaear� tho�o�ghfares, tioo� He said the Yia�raiog
Board cauld go into �hrsA �
THCMAS ANTOLAK: DTest to epeak �as M�� Thoa�as Antoaak� 2034 �eaaard
Stzeet. �aho �at�d ha t�tonld Yiks to s�e�ck bri�fly �nn aa area aa the maap
t�hich �as bsez► dsei�aa��ad as R�Zn It ic� bacmded � the noath b►y �ras, ,�
thc� �sst Dq �thite Besr Av�aue, a�nd is t�isu�;uTatad ou tbe b�tt�a by
tT�px� Af�ca� Roadv Its Ithe c�n�er of thrae parc�Z o� � is a �t�iativ�ty
aea� c�evalop�n� aad it coasiate �f Iots �hich �� in �=c+�es af SQ fee�
e�idt, but 1ea� tt� &0 fee� t�fd�, a�a as $�b �t�y ao �� cc�ag$y teg�h
th: R-2 �ing. Theyc are r�i� �o eighe years oLd aad all o� t1E� e�truct+�s�re�
io �he �rea �vers txsi�C and maay 4� tF��a +�ith t�n� i�teFatioia o£ pr�tL9stg
�pas�aioaa � thos�e Aoaoeso Th�y mr8 zela�iv�ly emall--i,t10Q to 1,200
sqaxare feet. H� ia �a�e that the paap�e cabo sre there Qa�a todap tu�ve
no id�a tbat w+h�a ePtcp go do�v �o apply for a p�e�niC uadex this s�e�
�tat�i�ig 1an�, th�p wili b� d�ied a per�►it to aapand tto,eir propes'tyo
Ile�er ��� �a�t �oein�, th�► ��d aoe � alla�d Ca e�psnd ar impaoree
tha propes�ty.
Dre B�idan said it ia diff-ctalt tu speak to that as be is aot s�xe
esact�p of t,ha as�a er �at Mr, Aato2ek is �etti�a� ato fle s�k+ed i£
th�er8 iffi 5,040 eqnare fe�t �ith 50•foot fxaartagesa
Hra Antolak said Lbat is cazr�ct, bat the zonin� is 8-2 �hich teqairea
50-foot frantagese
Dre Boidea sai8 that i£ qou have a aictg8� lot i� sitagle awae�cehip t$at
dot� net mc�a yot� caaaot nse it,
Mro Atttolsk said 1u does aot u�daasta�d Cfiat.
Dr, Heid�uu said that i! he tsas a 55•goot Iot tha�e is Mai1t on tac�w, he
�• ZiAt SNb jlCC L'O t�14 R�� 8t8litT8Y'!jB e
Mr. Antolak said he tuad�rstafldo �hat,
Dr, 8,eid�a said he lee�ls Mr. Aatolak is sp�ekiag of nas�-co�foimi.ag�
Mra Aotolak said ttaat the �zistiag atpact�xzes v�a3d �e aaa-ca�fQra�reg
a#ter tbe Ordi�cs f.s passede
Dra Hefdea said this arozsld aot be trn� ia a lat of sisg3e a��s��.p�
Th�► �ii1 be a�le to p�t additioas ac� their prapcx�ty.
B'SRN�RD IDD�ONDB: I��st to spe8k eas Mre Bernard Bdm�ds9 Di�rect�ar fl€
Paaacs and 8ecre�tias, Ra�ery Countiy, l�iro Ed�ea�ds asid fu s�aats to
c&II atLentioo ta tbe i`ut that the Fatka DepaYtseOt in itstetest�d
ia acquirin� the properey in th� viciniCy of i:he sw�mp a� White Bear
Avenue �nd S�rns Ave�ue for opea space and ��o�ld Cie i� with the ne� pro-
posed R,aznaey Coun�y Oge� Space SysCeme Ttaey also have a �ery definite �ntes-
est in the Pig's Eye area and �e Fish HStchery area which is pzoposed for
open spscea He said tbe nEw proposed zoning wauld fit in with �heir proposals,
I�tto Cearran asked what the P�rks DepArCmene intends Co do wieh �ne swamp
c�tiea �he}r do ac�uire ito
Mro Edma�td� said ehe area at Whi�e Bea� aud Burns would serve severaR p��c-
poseso IC wauld be a panding srea which wauld work i� ccmjuncCLoa wi�h
tt►e proposed sCorin draiaege that 1�zblic Works is proposL�ig. It wa�nld be
develoged i.n a na�ural t�snaer a�d would sesve se a passive p�rk mrear and
if c�o:�ld be cor�.s�ec�ed wtth a l.ink down Lo Nor[h Paxk Drive ctad tcfie into
Battle Creek as s part of the LLneal park sqsterma
DON i�MPBELL: Hexe �o speaic was rir. Do� Campbell, w�ho resides La the BaCtle
Creek sreao He said a couple of thLtsgs Chat he learned abouC the Bsttle
Creek area eC th2 meetiag today are of � concera Co the peopLe snd to Che
Board, specifically, on the corner of Suburban arad RuB�he T'here Ls � �x�tec�t
to etarr a developmmC prograar h�re which itaitially �alls for 24 townhau�es
of various models consiating of fcw� aad �hree-bedroa�a units eix of each the
rest ua�specified. Zt►is is to follow by 40 mor� such un�ts. Beyond that
Chen tihey nre ealkiQg abaut deveLapiaeaC of thYee multiipLe dwelli�.g crnits of
133 dWelling un�ts pex huilding and by the timr� they are tchrougla, �here
will be a taftal af 500 �ew living n�a£ts nexL to th� BaCtle Creek Junior
High Schoolo By all st�nndasds, Mx. C�pbell believes ChaC this �s irrespon-
sible plaaning and plans for this development shonld aot b� a1Loc�cd to
progress beyond t;heir ps�ese�� s�aeeo The present sCate of things is tGhat
a parking Lot on thfs cor�er hsa been givea permission fos LSO carso The
City Council on March 2 will consider the buiLding of the firs� 24 tawn-
house units, Firo Campbell has spoken �o the Schoot Board abaut Lhis aad
they sre generally a�ainst wt:a� they �ee as the plan foz�ecomiog Ln Chis
pa�rticular arese ��re w£L1 be 1,000 cars buzzia� arouatd the school
property where tkae children han� to tg�av�to Contrarq to Whg� Mr. Lano
said ehis Ls not in tlie inteteat of paiblic safety, welfare, mor�ls, etc,
P'KYLLIS B2'HIER: Nes� to sp�a�C was Mrts, Fhyltis E�ier, wt�o lives in the
Battle Creek area. Mrs, Bthier comm�aded Ctie Pl�nniag �os�rd for �he ordi-
nsace Chat is esader co�esldera�ion a!� this Eimeo The Ba�ele Cseek area is
a be�u�iful ar�a and ac�,y o�� urho Lives i� i.� or h�s driv�n Chrough tt re-
cognises LC as suche I�a the past feW yesrs there has been a growiag CO!lCESi]
of rufni.ng �Fee outlay o€ the e�tise areao Mrso EChi.er further reco�nded
that new consider�t�.ous be held c�p untf.l �h�.s sex, canpseheasive ptaa ia
passeda Citizena of �t.his area have faaugh� spo�t zaain$s for a Long tfiney
aad mnch of ehe area has alseadq bee3t deetxoyedo 11iis nes�r, compr�heasive
plan vould protect what is left, St�e ao�m�d�d �he Board for tha�C �ad haped
that the Board would keep it aa a+uch c�atil this compreheusive plan ca� be
passed and prev�nt fnrther rui�ation of thz area,
FLOBEI�B AB�I.: N�zt to sp�ak was Alrso Floreace Ahel, who resides itt the
Battle Cree�. arcao Stse said ahe Ls not e verq good speaker as �he geople
before her but she said pleaa�e lceep the spartme�ts aue of the Ba�:�le Cr�ek
area, lbsy are belag s�allowed �zp ne��t like octop�ses aIl overe 59�e
has Lived there far ov�r 40 years, and �L was a far�ing zesfdence whe�
ehe �toved tiheren Yau Look a� the area naw sad you say, "WhaC happeued"?
If e�e a�r#:me�aCs are allowed to be builic in ehe aren, �u 20 years the�r
will be crumbled to the grounde Theq will start over and their children
will start fighting agai�st them� For all of the ap�r�ments Chee meaas
more childrea; then what do you do for schcsols?
ROSF,I�lARY 3CHM3�7T: Next to apeaYc wsa M��. Rasemary Schmidt, 1763 Bnrns
Aven�e, who noted they have live�i in that locatioc�, abaut 18 years aad desrtq
loved the Lacstiota when they first moved thereo Commercfal btsildfng ts
slowLy encrogchic�g upon Chem al�nng with Che apartmentse She det�ste very
much �he 14gl�ts �hat �a oa with sLl af the drive-ins, etce She would love
tu see A3ie parl� because thac is a oa�usal. habi�at dawn there and she feels
tha� by sll means it should be preserved.
JB�.RY LArl�RY: Nest to speak was Mre Jerry Lantrq, 2050 Sub�urban Avenuee
Mre Lantry qu�seioaed same of ehe rezaniug aud concurs veay m�tch and
thaaked t�►e Plauniag Board for all of ehe time and effort that was put ia�o
the new zomiisg ordinance. He Lives i� aa area where 13 pesrs ago he bui1�C
his oom houee. An �he proposed �oning map the deaign�tiaa is RT-1 which
means datble family u�if�s, Mro Laatry believea in the single-family uait
and the are� Chat ehey are encrnnpassing includes only oae loC Lhat is
aot Aaw b�ilt upoa. Mr. Lantry is woad+ering £f there will be the same
problem if t�e w�r� to move his honse off Che propereye He has 70 feet
of froatage by 125 feet deepe If he moved his hause off this lot, could he
build tao double housea on a 125-fooe deep Lot by 98 feet acrose the bscka
At the sidewaLk the lot is 70 feet, but et rhe bnilding lia�e it is over
90 feeeo Mro Laslcrq said he is very sesio�.�s Ln askfng �his ques�io�a as
he coasld b�co�e a land speculator �nst 1Lke CLapp-�omssen ia the areao
Dra Heidea asked Mro Las��ry Co take his questions oae at s timeo Yau
cacmot build a tiwo-f�aily home unless you have 7,500 sq�re feet. thsC
being 3,500 per unita
Mso Langry ssid that if qou m�ltiply 120 feet deep by 70 feet wide �ould
you have eaou$h,
Dra �Ieiden said you could only build oae double hoa�se aa thaC pie�e of
Mre Lan�ry said this is stili worth a heZl of a lot more money than s
single-family dwellinge T�e asea he is gpeatcing of eha� is bauaded by
�here they puC in 9 or LO �nits where there Ls suppe�ed ta be five which
upaets him considerablq� This is a Co G� Rein deveLogr�enC which was
originally aaned for five ra�ich is �ow h�s 9 aad Lt fs notb£ng bue a buneh
o� cr�po Hrs Lantry asid he wsnts to ta�or� what cauld happen to his area
in case some of hia neighbors are goia� eo be Land speculffitors which could
very well bapp�n as they ea�Ld do it es ea�ily as aay one elsee
Dro Heidea said he could noC answer that bat wh�C he gathers Mre I.antry
is telling him is thaC insofsr as the way Mra Lantry looks st iC 6e Nould
prefer that that area be designated for si�l�-family rathes thaa two-
Mr, Latxrry aa�.d i�e that area rig�� now �here are 7 or 8 ew+n-family houses
�nd one ee�pCq lo�e He just does not ws�nt so�one Co came in fn a fe�w
years ��tc� �µy �hat fne w£11 sell his ho�ss� off and mova his sangle-�amflq
out at�d build s two-family hotzse� T�ere are some people in �haC area tha�
have L00-f�a� loCso
Dre Heide� said �he Plsanfag Bo��d would like to Cake a�aather look st the
ere� and see if their dar3 holds c�pv
Mr, I.autry uo�ed that at the preae�t �ime there Ls oaly oae exnpty Lot,
a�td he �hinks �here shauld be eome recosssideratio� to �his iesue to maLn-
tain a s£ngte-femily dwelling. unit i� an agea ghat is primarily single-
family unfCs,
Dr� Heiden said the seaff gener�lly follow�ed the priaciple �ha� if 80�
or moge were developed Lu single-iE�nilyy thera L•hae wauld be desig�,ated
a siAgle-family area,
Mra Laa�ry said Che area in quest£o� is more �hara 80� siagle-famfly uni�s
bnt Che proposed map sYw�s !t as two-family tst�itso 'ffiie area is bowndsd
by �th, Suburban, �ed �he aoreh side of B+�rns Avenueo
NII.ES R�HRa 13est to spesk was Mx. NLLes linhr, aho noted tne does not Live
iu the Battle Cxeek area, bu� chAired �l�e first meeeing oE Che Bat�ie
Creek J�mior. Aigh PTA last eve�ixtg. (}ne of the pri.me maL�ers of coacern
for those peopt� at [haC �e�ing was �hhe preposed 8-atary spartmeat hauseso
Theq wsre coaceraed about tihe �raf�ic. An 8-story apartmcc�t building nex�
to the school, if tor iao other �easo�, woz�ld pr�vent the kids ia ths� school
from eeein►s a snaseCe He aeked the Baard Co co�side� �he children in ehe
BaCCIe Creek school asd the t�sffic tha� wt>uld be geste�a�ede
VICTOR T'EDESC�s Neg� �o speak was Mx. V£cLor Tedesco, 2160 Larry Ho D�ive,
vho said he feela the reasoa he purchased hLs lo� is beceuse �he City
Cauncil could �ot re�oae eh� psoper�cy �eross the street frem �� becsuse
thete is a ps�It therea He hopes that the Board will stay wiet� this plara;
there mighk be some slight modificstionso Y4ro Tedesco ha�sestly feels that
the fe:t�re of the City reste in the Boa�rd's handse 7a the past six yeara
he hss seect amatq chaceges attd unfartuaate�.y, he was respa�tsible for a couple
of themo 24r. Tedesco will support Che reside��s etand an any resoziic�g as
he hss done in the pasto We spend mauey £ar public defende�rs for people
who are Sa trouble. the i�digen�; we oughC to have a Lawy�r avsilable
paid for by the citisens to represeat acnr citizen graup thae opposes any
of these rezoainge. 14te Plaaaiug Boa�d has a very profound r�spo�sibili�y
io �his mattere
FRAIat MARZITELLIs N�sct to spesk w�s Mr. Frentik MmrziCetli, who ca�mended
the Plas�ni8g Bo�rd for attacking Chis psricic�lar problem bec�use as o�ers
know 6e has beeu pstiently weftfng for the� Ylaaniag Bo�rd eo co�e �ep wiCh
a Land-use pragra�a for the Ci�y of Ssine Panl ever siace Jamsssy 1, 19b2a
Re is v�ry hopelul rhat the jab will be aec�omplished, Mr. Marsf.tellL doea
not feel qualified to speak to t�e prc►posed ordiansace i.� its ea�tfrety
because hs hsa not had the opportnaai�y tc� re�d Lg is� detail, b�t he would
. ,
t�.ke �d spe�k xe ��.e �ig�'s E�� ?�ic� area� be�ause the Port Au��ort�y is
interes��ed i.n t�� �evelopaes�L of �ha� 8re� far indus�rial as we21 �es
dFen-sFac�e and re�re��i�al pu�rpases� 1'�e Poz�: Authori�y stfi.Ll saxpports,
aLo�t� wY'f� �he P3.�za.atn� Roxrd, �he C0t1E1�t1.k8tl�a S repozC ��C was jur��
r��en�ly r�ceLaed., '�+�� pzaposer� o�dt�s�ttc� �ad �hhe �aps om pui�l.ic display
�allos� tlze cons+�l��a�'s xepo�C insa�ar as �h� ca�c�pt ls corscex�ed� 'Ifie
coszcepic is the� i� keepi�g wi�lx Che Ecl:bo, De��a., AusCln sctd Willisoaa
Riv�r R,�poz�t �it►at ch,e Paxt Au�horlCp has sgrg�d wt�h, 'T�e prajec�s �T��ot
are s�nder st�ady �h�� �lae ��srs� Aa��hori�y �as advLs�d s�d ao�e�s�lled �+£th
zesiden�s o£ ti�e H3gt�vmvd �ark ar�a as we1� es w��h representeti:�e� af
M�CCA Are #.0 ��e pr�li�i,zga� sCz�gea �now, As R:he pro)ects develcp, f1�e
Por� �rs�o�i�:y i�x+��:c�ds �ca ai� daum with �h� Cc�mittcee heeded by F'rr�nk
Kac�arcik who re��ese�a�s the pec�gle iu �h� �rea �ad �II:C�P. so �i�c�� tlne�
k�ow tha�; �ha� aes��:e�i�s they are co�tcea�re�:d �bou� aeia Ctie land �ses
C�n�C ��e Por� :����o�{�s� i�temds to develog ��r #.a tc�epittg wi� �.r� program
t��� Itas be+�a ndvoca�;ed,: �.`�ee �'art Aas�horf�:� i,s ar►xicra�s �o wor�r t�n� ux�ly
wLt.� �he &'arks �i�ca:�e�� af �hL C�.�p of S�ia� Pau�., bu� �aith Bera�ard
�da�ottds, xhe z��sa direc�or of ttae R�mecy C�u.�g� Qpexe-Sgace Pz�;r.�me �h�
I�ort Ac��lho�i�y� we��a�as the appo���a�.Cy �o wc�rk wiC:h eliemo Mr. Marzi�elti
teop�� tha� these pr.c�rama will. be develaped b}• the tia� Che y��r 197� is
o��� Zt►e Por� A��hori�� �as h�d eaaee gdd�.�:�.c�aaL le�i�l.a�lcn p�ss�d at
th� tast sessio� �y �ie �xtra ses�icm o� el�e ���[� 3Legisleture sshi.ch invelves
apen epace. and gec�rea�fo�� H� b�Lleve$ �ha�. �hc �aoving iEBCtor i� Ck�e
apen-space p�vgra� �o be c$rried rsa��: Ln Y�tse Rgver bot�o�s i.�► ke�pLng wiCh
the fload pL�i�n l�gl.slatiatz and sxudies Ch�a� a�.e g�r.es�utly �eiag made whi�h
the Pos�t Au�hort�q �.e workfa.g oa otf.�h Cf.�y� r�g�aecLe� hse �o be carri�d
f�rth byv the City af Saia�t Paul �p�trtmsa� a� �urtcs, I�cr�a�€on, �d i'+��Lic
Buildia�gs r�s well +�s by �he Ramsa� C�nntcy Recreo�ior�a�. Prpgram b�ca�ssa
t;�,ayr are �he people tlra� will be givfag ccKSt£uui�y to whexc�v¢x° l�nnd ��e
prograa� £s fiaally� a�,r�ed ugoze antd r�Iiateve� i�ngsoveu►��n�s a�e mad�� ?�r,
1K�rziteLli ca�.��aded kh� Plera�nirig Baard �or �he work �.t lnaa braughC fortho
h� aaeured t�e� 3�I�a�► ��i11 wark wif�� the o�te� public bndie� a�d with �he
resid�aes Ln t.3�e �x�aao
Mr, Dooley �has�k�d Mr� t�rzitstli for� caai�� ta t�e c�e�iAg ar�d said �hat
he is sur� tha�. xh� Pla�it�g Baarci �emb�r� ead tha cftizeuzq �§�pxe���te
i�im sharireg his �hLnki.ng wLth Lhem �anish�o
RUTH 4�CLEOD: Nexci: to ap�ak ws�s li�ae �Cth McLeod, 489 Myat�c 5�reeCD who
com�s�deci �he PLa�aiug �oard for an exc�Yl�ant �ob �a a very d�fffcc�le
cask4 In her par�$cular reaidantfsl szeighbortso�d, Che Board �raa dc�a�
what the residec��s had hop�d t��y �a�sld da�. ZfRey f�el Cha� �.Ise Ciusa
/eA�� gesidentia� ��e3.ghbo�ood haa b;c�a m�s�sed up eaaen�gh wi�h Ctif.a e�Cexasive
cos�neraial �nd higl�-densit� c3tvetapm�t and ILhey are deLi��ed �o see
that the �ces� o£ �.h� ar�a with a f� excepeian� is recam�o��drad eo t�e �he
los��st denaity p�ssible uad�r �is plas� �hich ts �n 8�1-�oot sa�uimau� lot
because th£s �s hilly aad i� is hcavil'° wue�dade As�y �iigher d�s i.ty devetop-
mcat, ov�n if L� is resfdestttal, ieet�ds �a b� des��uc�iveo Tlaere are saa►�
hc�mea go�g a�p righe naw on flighwood :crass fram tisese �aanboa�ses fon w�iiich
tt aes necsasgs-�► eo gaa:ge out � ah�c a� ti� Foot of ttt� blu�f, This ia
goiag to cr�ate seriaus erosion� problemse 2fiey had to do thia £exr �e
tc�rnt�o�ses� �ooe �ee open ep�ce laad 4.s zoned R-L; woutd it b� paesible �o
Y+�ve a separste �c�c►is�g for apexe spacee Mrse MeLeod ssid fihs�t m��+ c�f �he�e
bluff lots should not be built upoa, even wtth 80 foot loes, She ask�ed
why there is no �epsrate cate$ory for opea speceo On Chis plen all of the
way through Pig's Eye Lake is 80-foot LoCse
Dre Heiden said it is impossible Co use zac►ing tor the purpose of totally
takin� awsy from a persan the right eo use his land, for some legitimete
parposea The Placming Board has fallowed the policy of pnttia.g the moat
restrictive use ou the so called open spaces.
Mrse McLeod said then it would be aecessarq for the Ramseq Couaty Open
Space Progsam and the Parks snd Recrestion Department to acquire the land.
She felt Chat would do the tricko Aside from that, most of �be residents
are delighted with the zoaing for Che residential areao Mrs. McLeod
spoke regarding the proposed coatiguous park system plat�d for Mouuda
Park, the Fish Hatchery site, Pig's Eye Lake, etco end aoted that with
Che industrial sad NSP rights-of-ways surrounding the Pig's Eye area, the
park and open sp�ce areas would literally be cut off from the people
who would be using thema
Mr. Dooley said her preaentation is very noteworthy aad the Board wil!
pay atcCeation to it as it relates to zoning.
Mrsa McLeod said the zoning is fine but !t is of no use if people cennot
get to the recreatioa areas to eajoy eh�.
Mre Dooley said this will take a cooperative effort beLWeen several sgen-
cies, and the Planning Bc�rd will certainly be the communtcatians bet�+een
D�ALE PBPPEL: Next tio apeak was Mre Dale Peppel, 34 Warren Streete Mro
Peppel wlshed to speak regarding the Rantson Property alo�tg Battle Creek
Junior High Schoola Mra Peppel Lives just off of Larrq So Drlve and has
a saa who is s stud�nC at Battle Creek Juaf.or Kigho Theq have �cesided
ta the area since 1965. �ey have seec► the epar�ents coane. Many people
bave done a lot of work to kesp the ap�rtmenes awdq; it has been snccesa-
ful ta a degreee 14iat area has an exceptional emount of agaremeatse There
will be 1,LQ0 st�,sdeuts at a ceneral piece of laad acceasible prl�asily
on North Psrk Drive, �ey are naw looking at a development thst has been
soaed RM-L snd eomeone has mentioued ehaC it is nice that theq sre oalq
three stories higbe Mre Peppel would like to have tha Zoaing aad Plaeaning
Boards consider whether or noe that shoesld not be redaced back to aingle-
f�ily and maybe enen open apacee
�e aneettng was adjoustiaed by Chsinuan Dooley at 8s45 pom. until Wedaesday,
Msrch 22, 1972, at 7:0� pame, City �amcil C6amhera, Third Floor, City Hall
and Coart Hot�se. At that particaLar meeting the AdmfnisCrstioa Sectio�
of the Zoniag Ordinan�e wi12 be cousidered.
Su�nitted bqe Dro Nolasad Ro Heidae� Approved by: Ja�es G. Dooley
Director �si�
. , C- � o
L Q��1
�z� n�t�i����:rv� I�t.i�':RI) c�T� SI�Ti3'I' PAUL
0�10 Gctn��erc;e �ssd ldi.�r�
Sain�t £au? ;�.�.�riesota 55?0!
A Ptabl �_c He�xi.nn o�a the I'r�»o�ed I3ew Gon:.n� Qrdinancz £Qr the Ci.ty of
SaiEZL Fa�z'��i'.�nesota �ags�ney.d �i7FClnasdaY February 9 1972 at 3:00 g.m.
C'.ty Cou!zc i l CE�ara�iex s Th ix�d :�I��r �i C.y ?�i�J 7 snd CourL I�ous�.
Pr�sFize: Pf��nes. Caci3�zue �:n� Quast; Messrs. Beashoof I)ooley. .Iscob
�� �.nd S4J?5£��� c£ tdz�� �La�nir�g Board; Messrs. Da�iel Rlas
anc� Ro;er '�eyer. o� t:�e Corporation Caunsel's Offire; and
�r. Heiden; �t. �:y.�:�u, ��nd B. Reitter of the s�aff.
Abe�nt: ��Sessxa. Curr�n, Fish:aaa Gi.11espie. Horglc, �I�ieeta;
?+�r..T�artliu, �'�if��L, Pcaedier, Schcaarr, an3 Pirs. Na�rtar�.
'I'h� me�tir.g wa� called �o ord�r j.�y Chairm;��� Uaoley at I:02 p.m. Mr. I3aoLey
read t�-ie pubii� r�s�ice o;` C�e h�as-ir�� wi�idh ag�eexed in i:r�e nec�sp�pe�s oa
i���ve�nher �3; R?vv�n�c�r 30, an� D�c:��n�e�: 7, 't991. HE alr�o ci_ed �he
�as�nd�rp Lf.nes of e;r�a i:ZI as dP.�.ri�sc�r� i�a �he published le��I notice.
�Ir. ICooley ir�tso�uced �:i1e mQ:a�ve�~s o� ~he Plt�c�ning Bosrd w�o wP�e iea
aCte+ada�ce, �a��. �las, i�r, t�i�yAr, �a�d s�i�� c���r�bers of ehe sta�F. He then
�.ated �Iz�e fnles �f pr:oce�u�-�, �s l.io�f�d i� �he publfe ��o�ice, xeq�ai.xing
t��t �n�c��r ir�Le�+.3Mi7� �.c �a�Lr� c� ��:�,s�r��:�ti.an �C arxy a£ �Ye �ut�lfc �h2arings
m:as� �i�str_ ti�e: �i�,wi� i3lc',dZIIL a e•riE.�? F�h4 �j#:� Cxerk, statia� �her.hc�� they
S�e far s�c agaius�;. ci�e ord i�n�:�r.r:�.
In obder thaC fare::n riI *�esid�n�.r rn.��� �e £�milia�r with ehe pusi�ions held
b�r t_he #�n�n�esCFd p�r�i2E, �ir. 31;�01_�;* �eav �loud the fnLlowi�g co�unica�ions:
(Copies af t���� le�.ezs �ar� a`€:t�c.it�r3.;>
,'•1. A ieL-r�� �r�m ��,:��a Siatter, Legislative I.isson
i�pr����i"��:�iv� �caz �.�� E�st 3ide Citiaea� Civic
Cnsnc i�., ���cpa s�v���y �, 19�2. Z4ie ��a ir�an
�5�:��3 ig ���x, Sia�,:er a��shed to spea8t but h� w�s
no� p��3r�t.
:�`2. E`, Le�teM 4:�cn; �'. Y.. Noxsileand, Pre3ideaC, HL11c�e�C
St�re �tra�.�c, 1�'+�3�� �a�I:i.�e B�ea� �►v�rs��, da�e� F�e�r�a�ry 4,
1972� �r. Norc��zisAd w�a� notc pre�ex�t.
:�3. !� le*te�� fra� ?I�d �;7.a�toa G. R�ita, P�r��ide�st, C. G. R�ia
Ca�np;ny, ci��ec� 1��'orue�y 9, 1972. �r�ly �he £�rst two
p��a����,��a y �:�h£ciz ���ricain�d to Ar�a �]'I were sead. �`,r.
F.ei_=_+_ w�?s r:t�i.: gs'�,fir.�.
;'t��•n � �e�.�ea: 4�:c,�s I;.. Jo Jabz�, Director--ReaL xa�m3:e,
' T.:=,�61$n�t�� i�I��t:.�era�, Y�tc, dated Febrta�ry $, 19?2. T�r.
Jub� caas zip4� p��se�t,
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�Iar��:i�;,� k1��arr� �r:� d:,s_��;£ bi,r1 <Ji:�c.���r��' i� w�L�'c'i fcta� �:�i:mta�s.i.t�� He �aid
�:�2+c f.:�.'+t C`.'.:1�: �?.�.'�.c�. �U?' F'f�lE; 4:'4�;'.. C:MT�.i..; F��?� {�!�`°C�t�d�����. .ASOCi�EIg 19LL� �g'dCiC'
t�'J�u �6'('.,^.Y �l LS�.Sr�.l.±+ii :'.%� a'r:is<;: :,.�G�1G,k�.%�f:,.i:1:� !AL'E'% ti'4'G� ,�j*C'FiY'f� �'�l'fW !.''iL !?t?;J �X11€f
�'cL'L'uE fiG �3L? £ iY�.`�!�:'.'� .::.I�::�lrl.' �'£+Z' �:�±r:os: C7}�.^JiC.? a�l"4".Ct,. ..
3r. li�ic�.� x•���sl;.rc:: .�4,.,s: M:_., :`t�P.'C:('_r�:•' ,.�s�F��-,^t<�:1�� �€a�� tal.�.°z.�g �ha�ne SLV2r�3'.
?t:L'ii: L``«°�'a." w'i:':.`��=��_�.�, �t'�s::���.:Lf$ 7�i:nLn ��:n£t '; '? L:�F1f� n'��i34[IlL. 1.?� ui1$� 3.'�a" ��1/�',.
> � , �'� i�:,s.. �:f_acz,: �c� �
t:�'.2.iiY2:..Tf"c,s �:iFE'% 7!.±';`.�.'� !:r�'!::"I::'i�Ci �::��'t�.a£ f.:^. e:13�?' �ry:ao 0
;�?r. "eY��:�;rc�r� ,:��_; ..�z"_��.. �.>� �-�;> �;��c_�<z�►c r�t a�:e .�L�.�y �o�nc�Y Lt� �aa� zra��rxz;
r:ile?�(�:l�Z`S "1`.6'Siy S:;�t T.'�'s:�?�C, ft"�2_ d: �7s`e=::{?f�tiI2�� �s'�;: x.ilf? �ii2$�Zi�LV }Y�C3p19aE'CI �f_'G��A3t3�3_()L!E
:��� �a�:i�:.��.�� a:Y��?.]_.��,�.
.�'C. Y�F..'kCt::?2 $'4:!�J���?i3 �`2i;�i:,. SjE''�i�.::�..�.;� #�'1-.'. ;�:«'�f:��'ys %..ti?!:�h' 4�T�'`.3 �»b."�.:h?'.
�'il'. �f,'L"C1��EI �:.l�+�i «,�?r:f?i�r:':t5 ?.:CJ :t3 �:�.:dif:6'�i:%�3: fL: ��I�' �t�. .i�.'i;���. 'lI:2� Cc'�LZ��
:�1�€��;��;��.;� x�=� C�f.xr�3 zs�i;�� �:._':��•:, t:� �,?�� �t°ea, Qx ��Y, c:b�y...�hiL�:�rlw°eliy
aCi Y'�9c 4i��Z.�.�.g`. [:1��:1z: 'f�ciilf �.iSC:'.'te ��:.:::s�6:�"L":c;�5' �:t� �rl�I+ui:. L'2>L@'ll�: �iiL^ 1'f.'$.LL3r`.?l.�:S
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t":}�.yii°�y�.+'„k' ��'13ii: at:Vi3 i:t:P.:�.a tii?i;f 3.`.' .a :'!'�i«'i.s:. CIS`.' ti:£:L:i2.Ch1i. %�i��},�;3.°b".f� ^'g.:�`. �]C
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�xiti�. �5���.�i�:_s� ':.:. �.� F����.d������.-�. :�.:•����:�.7;:i.�:�, c� c�r�a,P �i�e puc���ec� ::rs�En� �:c�
�S�1�1?�c?l.Ll! 5:�9.€.' .',�`.?.°�?d] ..i3 ).�: ;3.iJ*a ..ti , '
p�fb':. �D�C?� t7-�Yi.�£'C': R�`:'. .i�t?;�!+t:'?5`;'._ :::c't." «"� j•��'7F.s .:�(JLs;� �li� X;�S�.` g:�31.:i,°'.�� :?�1i4i. �{@
�:,L�� ..i:� *.., _,.,_b ..c..:`,: v:.. i�- ,�:: :r'� . .�:.K�.,.:�' :i ����s::� i:s kos���l�a� �=�r. .a��; �v
'G�'!F: r�,�'i'rTF1 Ct:: .�!e��4J'�:�:i'sk..`'_iSb ::Y' .., :1'd°. ?. u.l',. s:'':3Er:31_w�c�':,Li' ?:TS':�T$ L'1!C :i{T'r�:� i�"E.`E,-`CIS'eLIIC'.�St��.i1G4Y:8
:-'.i/'t: 3i.'u'��(:? ..:� :[kx;,'. f.;f.�:.�' f"i?r�;L%�'�., f�+:_ <C'-;.,...:L' kii3'+,`. ��lf tiL�jf �kr:A�'t��i.l. ttc��li �1�7�Lii)�
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?:�'tN FiL�c:':t: �:."� °:;�i1E@f'�'+?$:! �:??+'e! �_.�':tr��i'tU i;:?"?i.C:.�� ����;�:r. r"Gi: �.:Ll@ °:1ri:Bi:.�Esi .3�.�iCb:X,Ol2, �£'
.s:�ic' i:i5�7:�: ���� °,-;��;.'��l r�t:�r:�'n; ��•r�€:�e .,. i.c�ni;;'e�L' <�i��a f�Ftt +,Cx•y� �i:x�E�tt,�ly
:6±kL�iI�6' r�.�S.;s'. s:11c;w� �?i£?j�� ::.(-'�.:f. �.�`: �`_', ., _._-"?4A:� �i�.CX2+.+3,� 1r'�s 't
.�� r.tzai e... l�it:a�.zaza c�f E:h�Lr
�:e3ii�,242:_t i:;..
;'�ixo �:.�a�,��z�� a��c;.�d,��°�.fi., ;.r;33 ..r �zc:.,��,.�f;,�, ���_c; ':�� �*��� �peR3's��.�� �� b���l� vf his
!:9�ai:'f:Yv�s. .�'�.'C�`k�u7:'5.�, :i`�: .. %a,. ;?��._�?.<:'. >;:r;';y-., !,^.f,u,}�14:i.�"h •'�.y(i.a:E"nd f:C�+�:4.;�kC�:a �i+� b'Faid �'3E
e3�rzs,:�:r.1 �+.� L�gi.�swr.�: �;y.; a�g�•_>�_*.�F.._ ..�,..;.€:<r s��;... i�r..a�a-s�z'$ �;o�°,c�:.�:�i-�s� �it sr��.l� ?ie
t>i���a@'e'4�; l:�f* �t.;�'"« i:.;i, .:�3�2 Cce`� :� :t3,'� i ?i.: ,'.i." :'T�: .,�G`�e°e ��.'� 31iYECi �'ti�^�.S C�e$ff' F:�1�8
`:?'£'.t? ;�LlSi.:F;�`�.� I','v^'£;�?wEl ri F::u:`:ii,'""se" ,,.. "SY::�;s'�. �;�' t'�,`3f� �• � �
r� cheq to�_� �. r,c� �e ic��n�ia�.
7f;�'..'. ,'9�' '�'I�Y.'j�iwS��'! lSl:t' i}::3'F�7�'d'x:??::iP_ '�.:.`, :�% %�<=J>Cl Y�;i.& i'fC� �D�.OK:�i. �:s a� 'tr!wT�.�.Lt�� �� �'a�
i?�'�,r^.�j:�C31Ci5::���� �^�°�.S=�',,::Ti�F3 �"i.�?'r�k ... _ .:o;�.L`3 �:�' 'r.:?.�k� t.:..^14''i@:'"s�i: m� �E.':?�i3�`:f:r=� '�..i'a'.'a°y)�t?i.'i:)7
C>iti;nC?L'�� �f12�j` i;:C(e � 1'�:i4.C��+�7i:�b°3. ?.La� :°fi :,}1.6ta.:l f..�l¢`z VdS::E C�� r��;i��:�r+� 47i�L'i3i�
?t��; #`�e�:,. .�5.:��.�,:r- r_t�i_,.. �s::�r:;.�_°C�- ..<,<_ w:��dr.�_� fmr. �ul�::.gt� n����°�.i�,�,� i�
s"�'siik��'�� :'ss'3£:is t.,ti GG-i:.r2�'�:r:.�.��, v^:::� wS. :.:i?,".;:: �.:�'i3 iE: zS�4lf3 1CCG,��I�r�� �O @3c`35�� ;3
1}.� d�..S3Lif.�"a''S: (TC:Mi_t.k.(`x?_. `:i�tXf,' t'tl::��d:s�,;:�r°�t: �,"`.�'�F�'t�':,.� y�'iE'.El isF1S� �.� �9.`.* k�'a ��.�G'�+q1
Ll!�`£:CC'.Cawi2''i. ;.d�;l_•��"r. 7�!j i:�:b �:...,-. ;9iiC:G1�i_. ,:s,�.''!�.:a�f�'�> �.+`'ZRPL°t3 �l("� �:kia-. �i➢PpD�il�'IF2 C1LY�i
3�e�:a �:a..;,;s�urr+�rc� «trrF3% ::�:���.,. ;�;: iti;:.�i �afrr. :��.�:fa ���a �'ms�g�:: �j �;��a+R�fa �f' taia
:.�,�i:�y ��:-�.� �:';��,�:� kv� a:<�::ra� ,��t���;s. 1'� c�ca�la�dec� l�y seyi�� h� j�,ara� �ar��!��di
i:� �.F':3� '+;.5'�4 .1a.^.�..^_'3.'�i ;"C4(`P::B 1'�'.El¢?� �;::�:.'�';,`'�yL��SC' ('r�: f:�9�i.t3 t3l�TlFA��.CA ::�'k.t?Y.''i� �i�.'�E�? 'd`Of43�i1L:
�.�t..r, kx�� ����� ��i.�l�s���c�ti
t3r:, h,�?:�:�c� i`y�3:La:�L?.�i''.�, ?�w�F��:.��;���:, :i:�i.s.C.z:��� St:��r� ���k, a��� in�a�e�! by Mz�
L`avLey E:>:�;� ��i_:3 ".LCU�� k�z�.. �:;�c�:v�:,p r.>4�4;�z .6�4.d itxeo �;tae r�cc�rc�. M�c� �Iardtt�ncF
f.ia�{.� e @ �1a2•:M. tl.(J �L?.?'Gi1�?3.' f'�::?:t,TPi".°iA'..,
�3�,�vi.cic �;;��s.:��t �,� 7.��:3 ���-, : t .�. f � ..tx��:, F�i.d I�e Wan spe!ai�i�� iar ��
�ei3tAX'G':71G'Ga '��2�s?b:::Ci3�: %�.n �:f,t�f„s�=�r;;i �C'r a: lY'c°i`�i �?'.C� j?Q�.II�P_4 C1L��..'' �0�.`.5�' '1�°.�L"rfl1.�:Y.33�' 04E
k`i�.FiO€A ii'JE'3?�.n`?� �ciG2"x?:�4 433: ;if��C;l f?F?t1 FiM��'L`;�:'�' �.?e,YIA C.�4V@'�Oj�l'L:C� 1.iR�,C% t�l£[S133i. �.G't8�
�r? �i28?.i:l i:l'aE?�r S:'CLi�� �. :t� !' ,... ::3'y1?4 �,i�:,"<:ia'�n'% :.s.'ai:d ?i3Ltt'.Cl R�•'."'L $t2ti �{�i�k�fi �y��
'oea"JC�}s� U�"+.'.iS.:f•x'Lx c Ci1u;'..�' :Z3,C�_�.+:�>'%:;i�.?,,f' ",'P�?:'... ;t��€Ta14?:= Z'22LI �;7.'ui:�. i.� i.Yt $:CD `6:w2G�' ���.�+E]:il�M"��
I�Q��L"�� �L>�sC:�.
dalFi. a?Li�h.`?Ll$�U'ALy �E��? `L''; . 't�c)Vri.;.� .`�q'�t;;��i i';;'s.=._ �.:� L'. :r1C?�^�'ZSjJOi �f 1�t�7�3! �?£�'i.l�:°,i"�:".+_' cZCli� >�.1L�
v:��a�.7ecH�cr �9:.� Jr��. r.��cdr� L=.� �,�;���� '.��- v,*�_��� ;.��=�.x;�fcai?�� t:e g�L���
M�. E�.vi� Rin�ctl�r, 72f3 �, r�.�.°�g.��.d, �R�a.d h� ►ai��ed to crsr�c�cr wfth ev�rything
��Fr. F�rd�ze� r���d� �ie ��;.c� hc� i°a: ':;.yE�c� :�c thfs �ddreas �11 tais L��e and has
qi�ver i�e�or� h�:3 aa3���s€� �a�sc� .zc� ca�.�i� .� �a�:��sieion for �,rager�y rezo�i�ag like
this. Sac�hr►�a or o��ie� �h�� r��a� � cc�u��ei�l streek orst af �aryFand
c�nsl �e cerL�inly i�.�°� to� ;su}� ��e ccamrs��:cial rezoniag. He doe��a't i�go�o
arta�st ��hc�ity tl3r-_ �'t�r��.ira� }3c��rd �a;�s bat he is �trLcY.ly upgored L'a aay
,��re �:e�.t��i�g.
Mr. La,l Ja�r��c�s�, �.�'�i5 ��aer.��eaci ?��ae�,x.., Lx�e�'�zin� a� a p�iva�� r.itizet�,
s�aidmCliQ nr�got�ed ��esi�c ���� ir w ��i�z€� a�eg which shctald �S�tr�e �►eed� tm�et�
�tg 3=���� a�g�. '�`n� ue� of t�:� %3. ��a;?:a�ed d�.stricts ss �aeugar�d wi��e �he
pr�aE�� ia � ��:�i uchieve�:�a�co I,r a��i� wh��e s1�o�a1J b� �sddl�icauel
c:ia��iii��Gi.a:�+� �de��c� £ra ��ir��� �<ta�c����� �.cae .�f Che City �� S�.. �'nu? ex�aaiy
b�1€.a�vxs iR pl���ir��; �a �:�t� a�ar:a �c� c+3�3,:�mi !.�nd uoe i� �:be �uE:oare
d�ve�opqas:�� �f �+� �L�:�, ��� pr.��a���d <:r��i�� �cs�$ �ust be 1r�ak�� at �.s► an
e�c�:x�c?.y- c�z���xl �.�r�r��x�. ���u�61v ��;;t� �g��� �3ve aot be�s l.c�c�ked aC as
ca�eixally �?c ��aLy �h,�uid �.�v� ����a, p�;�.�,�f�y C�ne co�ae�cial or brssi�ess
dieC�ic��� Hn c��i�i I:,�� t��� ':�wic���a ��c: �a���or,ed cnde quLCe �ataer�sively asad
hz�s cii$c;�.ls�ed ri: iaL:'.rt c��be3.a ��� �;�zc� i��afz �usl be�.feves �here ��ce 8c�su�
�re�s �afieze t�« :���iEi�y �o p2�.,*a; ir� a very �c��srehea��eive buanaer has aot beeaa
used �o �ne fulies� ex�ent, .?.E��q:�� i� t�e a�:roz�gESt tool 8 city �ms to i�pt�meut
3�d cArr� a�� a p�a��in� prog���,. r1t� :�� ��,r�r�gle, LC appears t.l��t 2c► so�e
groposed ��.siuQss c�i�tric�s �.�say ����iba��s� ua�s, �reae�tly ad��ceaC �o oae
�rd tcao-fazniLV ���icier��ial �zsc:i;, a�e ;�a ��ara b�iag; crsm,p�i�ible with
adjoi�ai�ag zss�.s. ;�oni.�eg �rac�3.d Le ha�d��d iu r� ��ansitio��I en$nnero .�g�in,
exmmini�a� the �z�ps, so�.n� a£ e�p f�u�i.ae�� �ia�r�cts, partieuLarly "�-20�
which pe�rnie� sca�t2 s��ev �s "�aw�i�.;; 31�.�ya, ��vert�s, gnd liq�snr e�s[aablishment$,
�r� md j2�ceilt E:� s t7�Ie .��e a_�;c-x"�;;ut�.;�� �e�����uti�t;. �ase. T"�aie► ahau9.d be �uurther
ex�asfned �z�c1 #.f C`rier�e �� �;�y ���3r.�a�:��- iiz ����ic�i stAg� cen h� C��:en to g�c�vide
g�ep-cl�wu za�i�a�, ir �tr��ald T» �=�.as�. !� �i�� ��s� Sid� ther.� �se s� sreas
�l�s�i�icd a� "as_2': t,:zw B�c��i.�i ��e �9sfir.� �er�rice Distxict n� °1�-L.67
1�Sr. Ja€��.saiz poi���e8 �Y�� �r�o�:hcz ,��:Ea«-�¢-aa� ��f recipxocal ��rc�.�sea�t�--saLth
x�fe�e�•^c to .��:,etz�i:�c:���, re ��3�: ��:anis�� �:�t�e. He b�ILeveB �It��: Felic�u �
�or�i�zg �:uend�:t�e is be�ng p:a�:����:� ala�a�; a co-.�p�rate bound�ry�, tche p�opesty
�wner:� �c.�osg �h� s4r_ee� i.n taa� ��'�oini.�� r�aar�icipality shoul�F 4�� rsco$ni�eda
H� da��n't lcnmw �¢ this �.r: �:i�fu ;�e°e:;��zt c:Qds�--2C n�y aoC b� ia aay oClz�r cocies--
but tselfev�s L:�a.s i� a p3i�zr. r�.�.`�. �,?ac�al�� b� ��akea u�xd�r cox�sider�eimn
hecau5e � �artrcul�� uae fn o�:� �:ity �� a�.^�f.�.i�ati�ty o�y be de�z�i�eeatsl
E�:TOSS �lt� s�z-E�t ia� �t.�atgl�r :::<.�z�'ic�.���5 k.y�
2fir.e Dti+�Iey said �h�t 24r. .Tc�za:::a�.�s �-�i::�� c��� w�tL �ef�en bat t�ae►t does
de�1 wi[Ii. �he �du�i�i��s��iv� :���:�f.��. _.•;��rciz i� �cr�auled fo� �sublic h��sin�
a�zo�her evenir_g.
Eire J�o�ir��a�t co�.c�uda� b� �a�f�A� �e :��Lf.�v�� �he znni�eg code aho�ald be
�evie�wed eve�y i0 �o LS y�as��. T`��c ;.�a�s�a�� ��de has b��a fn eff�cC ffor �Q
ye�ars ��d onany reaii:.�� �h,.�� � ?.e�e r�fi r���.��a�� �Save beeu a�de et►rasaghoest the
� cit� itz �err�c ef L��d-t�se cca���,��:f�i.l.i�c�. 7�';�i� eti�saleZiort �haaid b� em�de
a u�r.t o� E:�� coc�e.
IieCCy Sg���, 5(?fl Sin;�, �:�id ��t'cCa 5:��:�:t�°����lyv, her �.rea is left a� i� is
preeeu�ly r.e�e�d< �ic����er, ��e.� ��c� �;f�:g at �to F�aal �K���e r�RCtnita� �h��r �r�
y I
�akin,�, ascay eminPU�: dQmairz, Ea o.ay not l.esve welt eao�agh alc+�.e. Tf
resi.deraC�: ir.. ��aMiou� are�� ca:.r��. c�,e=cfi�1 �:�iu�s, let them briag this
befo�e tl�� rlm�rcI as .� ��on.�w �?a� ��id tnia is our Cou�n �nd we don��
��ee� �t�y`b�3y io ���L�. t.�s t;cw to ru� f� mr �o te11 �s what is besi for us,
o� vice verss. �f �nsre ere probLe�s ia €�. srea, then iL• sha•slc� be
h�ad�ed a� � b�oup i�. thar are�. `i2iere is no ue�d for �his Boasd to com�
L� saying i� is ehe be�s� a�d te?I ireg us whaC is beat for us ox how �hLn�s
r�hou�rl be rta�. �11e said if BoaLd �c�i�erc:z afe gettf.ng paid fc+r tt�nfs the�
�he ci�izei�s �r.e ehe e�apZo;�ere arcl ��:e �g,Tiag for Checa wiCh �a:� mocxey.
Sbe car<cl€;ded by Fa,ving ��� Bo�rcl stio���d e��i: try to r�sr citizens° live�.
Mr. IZ�ole)r pof.riE:�d csut �I.�2: �he ��s°aers 4� t:�t� Pla�cnin� Bas�c3 �re citiize7s
Q� �� �fE:y a£ 5�;. �'at�? ��d s�rv� ��a :.t-�e �'i��ni�tg Bo�rd wi.ChaxaL p�ye
i�r. P.�alf Swansoxa, 916 ��ftsund ati.:���� s�>e�ki�g far his son c�re� l.ivcs a�
1889 Busfi �rcd �lsrs �pea'ci�ry �� Sec�e��ry o:� the Concer��d T�xp�yer.s of
�1Ln�eaoC�, aa'.ded r�oY: 3nd wh�rb t��e �E:�posed pl�n is Co b� im�le�eratLd.
idr. �eo2e;� s�id hc� cc�ulaxzs e^. �ive �a �e�ini4-� �aswer at ttais tia�e aud
�xpl�ained �h�� �:��.� �ur,»se o£ �i�s� I�ea��sxgs �e ro g�t all th� Lnput
pos�:bl� sc� t�4e :ht>azc3 c�n a���� � c�se�:x4. ���<�lysis of tfie aiCua�i�n. 0[bce
t:he Board natce� its �rLc���ea�icsn� `c �t-ie C.iey Counci�, it witl be up to th�
Co�nci.l i:o ffnr�Ily adap� r_he c�rof_r.ance �ctc� £�om thesa on it �aill be
imp�.e�n red,
Mr. 5waas�on �aic! �t: �i-ie pr��c�C �'ige ?-z�ez�E� �se Eix �oning clr�ssificatioss
and tx�d�� t�e �r��o�ed �s;dLns4 ce f:la�ze �ril.? be �1, which see�ss very
coat��.tsiza,�. Iic �st;.�d why ������ ��as�: ?ze �� m�ny classifi��9�fQas, Appaxea�ly
th� Cf ty h��, �otee.� .�1�n� c�i�� �3ie preFene �ouing a�.l �t�ese yesrs,
a1�ho�gh ehe�e have iseea �crasc vir�S.��a� me�ei�gs mnd gia�i�s� exaeagl.es
of b�d plau�ino, huC �o�t af th� �ra.�bR� I�as ca� froci spo� �oning. Msay
of �h� p:vbie�� �a°�� �siaer wl:�n r:he t'�L�y �:cuncfl htas vo��d fox sa�eChing
o�h�s �h�a� �iia�. E�cau�c�n�ed b�,� Ltz� 2c�Fain� �r�� Plauaing Boa�c�3s. He ssid if.
the Cf.ty Council I,wd oc,�e aigr,g u,zmeh �:e Go�,iag Bo�rd ars a���y m��tets thea
the C2ty �ro�sld�e � fzav� �L�. �la�e ir.eCUiR.:Lea pres�ne toc�syo �A� p�eseat
ther� �s� Che i.�l�r�a ��El^c8 a�ch �;s �=.a�afn�; Y�c�s, coraer gr.uceries,
�est ho��s, e�ca �� tl.e r�es� �L�s� i� �ut f�to ef£ect, �hea any of these
so-c�lled ist��.�i .,c>r�efi ��rill t��� uc�n-coc�for�iag �nd he aslced F�et h��pecas
Dr, Ii��der� said if ihe tzew zc�r,i�; ea=ap.� ��� et�ecked care£�all;�, i� c�i9.1 be
�ound th�t xa�os� o:� thes� arr��s hav� �ot beemm zoaaed out b�t Ii�sve beea
recognixec3, b�sicEily As tlx�y �r�o T`s�e b�sic appruacfi to the zoaia�g
dis�rice�c�g i�as he�n to dr�:v �h°: di�txice li�era aronud ex�iseiug sas:�s �s a�uch
as possi�.sle. '3�ie n��.� b�i�� c:��,eZ� €z.as �een �o wide-sp�e�d iganasia�g of
�xis�in� b�:sir�A�r, rsC3blfsh,3z2r:�:s �.ra � p�aaF:�.c�la� ares. l�Lso, Zf a�.
establich�nt i.s �.oc�-ccn�o�n�.�� �� �:�i�i �?ili be per�it�ed �o �tay �'h�re
ft i3,
?�Ir� S�:�nsoxa :.3�cec; �al�s�a p�,��r �:i�:� �i�:" r;c?-,���ij ot�Ll �ave ovex th� p��pv�ed
�lassiiieatio�s ,�csd 3�►e PZ���aira,� E�c��td, ��.�o, khere be �-e�r���a- falat�d
��xir�.gs or cafil z��y b� co-�c�ie�;�=; �A3.ea��:��e�c�Y
llr, Heid�� a�id �h!_s q�ea�tior� C4�L°^_� �a� cc�ve�ed ��asrt�es at � �tttu�e a�eeting
•.aiaicli wi11. desl wi�h� t�� r��ini��rative fi�C�:S.ASl �f Ghe coda but added
�g.. �
i'Lt�f: �?.Gk* ��11f� z.:i T:;'i�^ �:ti`::tiJ:�:: C:t°'s.. '�i'�.. .:Li.;� �)': ;�.� �'J ��4.2G �'�'"J { i�_ c'�i,��
� 4 .il}w:�i��w
a�.f:4'a�1rCi�.�;;� i..#J ,'M.:,.=.��4.=�.a. xvG..
��. `.r''e4��7f2�G�:3 F;�SL::;C'i 'ou':1:;2°". '?::CJT1CfI:: ':V. :` �• n�� r�,• n `
., C. � na�t :��.::,...,� h�t�.�es abottr attd i �t��� �
gr.:��L• �.rtvc��.ve�? Ln �>�iJ, r�F. is �.t�iu �cx�;,--a�xr��� pl�as�aing �C.-i�E:��r tsy ��e
?.li�aiafe�� l�uc�:r�c� i_L-s���:�?
i�r. I�?G��L:� .�+�i.�i i:!aC* ��:.-�4�L :-�ti,;.- �'.�,�F.,�:: .�Z�:�;?�r�::c±� a�aE� 3 �Te�i�Jd Etf yeZ�G ffind C1�ra
t3C3If3)7' i:?.�1:� h,r.;G'?� :7[.'r'J€C �GTE .I:i.i1:...��.�.T.i7 :a�i..�f3 l��;. �7S iC1L�YIl8'Li',�j� 1�41f'. �j►Nr'3i.:. �Z�
T����ry oL ��tre: ye�;:�, i:�ra ,_ ,.��::x:�J�,.;; �:3s:�r1�•d dt;ca�.�d Lo pic'.-c i.� t�� �r,ci �ec wh�t
�a.al.d bc c3E.E3� t,i�:�� ie., az3e {:� �1.�,�, ;.�y t�:��: ,�•���;��� o� ;�he i:iE:y o.£ �r. ;�auZ
Trl'F�L3it�d Ylf'tn* :QI'?.z.:.+;. d�l? :'af?fS€�:: ".:�'?<:i: �.: l.'',�, �ti;.°t3a?�L' �7r'�ZAi. ��, L�t� �:'�.ut�&IlA.i2�
�S78Y`� S91? � }'f?G:±?'^.;St.`ii!: i.l:� 3.� »'I;?`•:., ;�l.'.: .ri'.:�a'•:.'C.� z�rCiA�i 'l�f,S�ict?Ilt� ��.. t�@ �r^.,�C�
�'1`"EEZ'L LB C� �d'�"1�::. :_%tV�JLL'r'st'..
�5«Y� .�'�+W��iE s'JYt L:vi:i:iL?G:f?2 1"•t .t;.3 �1.:"f.�` ''_."� �';:,�'-- ? ,., ?�r.i • + �' i �.
� � i ` l.r��e c iL��eu� v.�.t, �r�:�y �hc ±e'+�
c�r�i►2�uc�: �rLth. �� in��:��s�Z�.a�. r���;�5, .zc.�:1 i�,r:-,�. A+� �.zid h� ��el.f_avGG .t�?t�:�d
��it¢� �hc�tx�.L '�s^ r_.�ia�d.-�:�.".�s� 3�:��t: _ra�� �s-��_�s�f.�: ^�:i?.t�� t�xdi►-t<�.r.. �^1 w
�E ,. l�ul�. 2sc r.Rt�4. ��dn
�t�rs. PE�te��Li�,�:.� ? ti::a7i Fa:���.i.�x�;i:.�:�, i�;.:".�; £� E�SF.iLi:� asa�slr� �ie rtsri;�::> b S�Y$e��fs���.
- f.`o�-
J�'!?'° 3GiC{ �'81�t� ,. ` � �,�'?•�✓r"' �Yi�r',t`s''f::,�' R i!f? ..`,:?:,^.r.� oi :.' � � q i a
r � ��'�1 t.:�:� tE�e ���a¢ �har_ ys u� ng u�
G3[x �:Jt��.'Y'LOLI c'�15:�.. .t.?:?�'�' ..., £C.', • •r'�, �tt: - " -�aa , ' �# .Al�t �
t7 .:4.. �3....: � �; �;,� . —sC��iy a��.�:a. ��r:��. � ��� �
1-� �?ltL.f� 1wCbtL'l.i'; f1C2� i')N : C�"C':%vt�� 5f.i.i:).!,';.2 72:,. e'�:rW:L a�t 133{.C?2 �I:Y.•r.' �'lL��3S:I_3C+5 tir
@'c7�7��C1 r�(1L'?j 41P_ 5::.^vl:�_�.'iE`ii f?'t � 3x'+7t.:�,i . �.'�.:
ii'.C. i100� �\T S<3i'� fi:.> :iA'C?C�.�?^ Li'a'.:% S�.e:G i'I:::?L! L"-:?t�, e'�$ S'.j� '1'(2K' ��l£j�ll I:4S,
!�'��'S,. Fil '..�:i �?wLi1S:L::� i:lS�: i:Zlt'?f: !:ir^�_•.^, i_; ��3�sC:a St?�: i$1C�6? �l2L" ::7j��!I:fiiYiA?:I�:7
r3ilU :;LR�yir� GF,iP_llI.t^.�$ e:1:C� ..^3=�:f?C� t:'�'1� �'.i.�;:'p.f�_.F,�E'S �.0111�S�aTA� � �`s� fOCia�LZ:.'L3' I.i]�O
rJ'Ctfz .'.tI'�cr. s2�t` %;Ct!i� �::*:).r: R•;l-}it?:;...,... t.Z.,�:.s?:'�w:'x:• :�7Y��'3 ���L'V�`3�i1€'t 7�Ylt� Y'vr:�Lt3
Yl4iCS!�"IE::.OTb� LLi4:�'G''fl:s�' %3_".^-'�?.C , s;'L�:. , fi:3� �.�'3; ���i�.t¢.'C�1 �� ��LS �185 �i?F_`e� f�:i3�:�E1
?11�0 CO�SLC��;'1��i.l�t7 ?ifi F]S ' ,
7i. 1`C'C���YI S£4�i�1 �r!t�'!:'V 'B ..� F1'tT'?.._; fin Cit.SE:<`.'t.C�. C8Z �Q� �pY' �.i'� �.l2E' a'.�7C� U� t.tYCa
rew oz�d�.n�:�n;:e� t:�� ;��f " c�i:;4:�-i:�r:., '�;�s: ±:;�c�asc of tF�c der.s� �i.e: en:l �reea�se
cr¢ th� ��ry ss:•�," k,-�.^; ;ec�e,::-:� it- i�� �:i;.r.:t?�13,r Lmpossit;le Co s��ecti
��h�s� s�;�c fSr_ ., .�:,�,, tt:et�<ar;-:�G,_ t.;s� ci . ,3;. ;�.ris ti��.
l�rs. Iil �.ss s<�a�.c; tP��, �*�Fe .�'a;;� �c �3:� . .. :;:ar° :ZU�asi.ug snci resnark�ci c:tzW�Y the
�:ast S'c�� cwr�:a�r�';� f;�, : r.s „`a�:°e� c+f.� i'>.^3-i_:�s��ts. Sh� �sU�ci i.�: �3.ar� ;�sr Si.a�
�R LSO�J CG U^-^.�,i i t:;s 5�!.eY'P_ C.�`�: x'. �^e�ilT.��,,_.� !3� .,C:
riY'. 1�!?�C�i�ii S�:�.� L i'SCicC? �� : f � - , ^�:..`� 5 r� i� j�L
` �:£ ; Jr Y'4': '1i)1:. fi6� _, ,. . ?I 1.�1P. 1:�Y%JS (!� "'�'1C21_i.2�;. i•
�n+d ��erc� ta�s ., se�•�'e.s 1;,= .. :;,,;�:; ;��� i::::r:�:, �nrl ��o�:Pd s�� by t�-4+� I?Zo=� ti?ut t�aat
is t�ao�iac�r c,ratt:�L.
1'1CS. I: . � �' .
`t i>e ua f?U i:1<'�'? i:�:EC_i? C(:�i1�:i:!:�' 1': _ '.�i:"s .".'i:.`f CTj-`_?T' f:t2F. �,r„r'17GSF.'L5 +.�I':jI.C'.FJYS�E*
t�ncl 1)r. 1'�1�let�. :�r.s=aere� #:t?�+? � .. ��:^�T; *>.:�cc.=.
,e- 7�?.�; P' c .F "1'; ;= "�"'r;�"t� ' . + �'� .1 a�� kl3@ �?.:1.*-"� "
],?Fil1 S'k. .r-i, >�d.'ri:7..i ,vf.a ,:.t,, '.�,':..;:... ..a :; i.<^ 3t? l *.,i.C;'�;.' �.:f Y�izLf�:.1
tsi.�.tt'1.�,' l.0lti�.i.°1.f .:E!LL� �71"S, �7�l.` .�_ t`_..:i �4i r''� �" ' �.l'vf.Q''�. 1':!3 �
s :i. .}.{s;��i: t1t� .a Ll�f,:�i3Q�:tx2af �' tr
ce.�s i.der,o.:.i�.r i., �f ve:`� s.;� t<_��;i_:t;` c�i:� ,� ..,. -;t�',?�orhood ti�r. Lr.�rx2���:�,a, ��±�viee
5��res, :,���cdr�i�s?:�cs, �.,Y�. , :�,::.d ,_;°=_�:r� s�:�r`:�;�iy .� ;Zt;�hrfsc� i$ �ega�ifc��r�c1 �o go
ri�h�: tu t�Ze c�i:�dl.ra t:,¢ �i�e rr.�cc�:�� ��,;.�.-P,?�i;^1 �rer�, w�aich a.��terty a����tx�s Lis�
e;3Ghc�r_i�c �•aT�� o� ��� s�?�s#.e nLLi;:i�3UY:i.�t..r, ��e ��id it°s �`uau� tins� �hat
i.��.:� °fss��r r�aci�ster,►' C':►� i'X;:i. �'�.>,ic�s ya ,�c�efQr� to s.n�e �hQ r�st an �the
. 'i
�eupi e cfo. �f the;:� .��:ce �;�.�i�-��: s::,3 ��� :;u�i.rs� 7 uws, goveacar.��n�: u�px�c iec shCUld
nue �sc ��I.csw�ci ::�s s��r_�zs�cY�: �?t ��:,, ���j�.�*Y_�4AA��S �.ha2; �i�i_;���a� asre cxp�et��
ta l ti•e c�itt��rt. I',�: s Nxc�PE47`,�'� r,•.?z:�r�;��d�r; ���A� Ch� �o�rd �ans�.der the
e�s�sin�tivs� n� �a;� ��r�:hr�r i:�.�I.��ise� i.:a x•�sldenttal a�-eaa or �lEe �t�raw o�►�
th� ZcmitA.� �a»*g,
rir. SY�i:�+r �cr���izau�d, ss,=i;fr; t�i..� s�rr,�;:�� ��.:ar sevetr:I �s�r�� ca3z��e t:tzraq wnu,ld
�i.l:c �� se� �j►e ��:,�1 � servi.e� ti:s:�>L�c::, "l;.�. 'vL���ret�d iu t.s �ouf��rmin�, rs��.+�z
�Ii�:� ��cf�-�ozif�i�ni.ti��;. �� �:����:e ;_�a ::rx>,ce:r=� {�r ci�_izen.~ hsvireg se�vices
�$d� av�ila�,;.� wi.�Pz r� mi.ni.�u�am �:�': ��:.a�r�1 i_:�.� ai��i expena�, 4[1?3� li��:�.2
star�� �s�d �E�c>ps s,�c?x�3.ci i�e r_nn�:.�p:♦-F��' �s c.�nforr�i.x��. Same o� �nc�m h,�v�
i?@@L: IS'! �FUt:s.iiC?9u '� I3i: �{•f�J F�;:CT3."i +^;:':?' C'.L's: :1T'F.• LIC�?' C�f1a8f.:`:1CC� £�$ C(Z�?�Or4Ylli]�1.,
1.11 �>!3P. "!f_�4T C��U6a, ii.13 ?-� V�= :� r ?}_�.'`i.�iE!d: �.�!',d+3- �0:1C) I' a #°SI �: LSYCI � f.lOd:
. -- . i...;;_ � . .. ;r Satu�r,�i�►„ � s
�-�c ov�r}d��.ed. 'L':;rx� <,rc=. � �or-. c;r: ?�ti.d� �?�:;I.T:L.'$8 loc�tic�x�� buu thP�.c is: a
nc�d �o 'i�:�vt? �:he�e s�e,s�"s } ::er��.�ir:;:�:, ;�rt���.93� <:.v�il�t�le �a r��i��ibr>ci�aod
a.ir. ilaol�s �s��r�cl t�?r. Sj.�;E��:T '_c; :::�� .> :.Li:�;c ta��-e fi�e�itxc iz� �h� �es3.tx�s he w�as
�?"y';xlg t(? ��i:;.;.,• rvl�i.
;�C. Sitsi.et• st�ici i't� f1Wt� ��i:'��:r�:i :1:5:. ;.ti�'l.' } r�C:,27:3.0it8 �U rJYe �I�F.t�Gt2: Sl...f:tl 8Ll.�
�'OIQ?51:� 73 $:�4<r� i ��IQ±:::,'I;y! `rS��.';�['t?� `T�IlC'•:CS i:�G'� �t'Ct3i'�:I? ��r+,71°�£? r'] S�BLilXT :4l1G9�7� 811d
t���e:ai• dcn�rn Li�n L:�acic c�� �'a:r��=c::r�, ,_ ���cc�;��y ;.a�;czre� ?arj. r��t�I Burs�s, � sms�ll
gsu�cery s�arr_� orrz:r_h gr�C� ;.;�<:,�s� t:.�°c_. :::;- ���s; ���ci� �c�d s�•�v�� � v�I�ahie
p:arpose � -a11 the�� l v��tih�s �;�_•^ c.�.j K�f>::i.fic�ci �:� nc�n-c�t�ia�ing. T'n��e sCOree
&Il(� �llO�.k'v S�'?CItS�� 17C: ZC>aEC� �u' C:;�:'tiG:"C:iiL�`ci. M1i7'. .�.��.9"�.'F?Y L1�uJ L@t�flCt��f:C� ��t3�
awn�rs O� �YTA�'G'L''�V LCS �� ":�a':��Ss£'Ce :.i47TvSi.L;'3PCi t;dSlt"C' ..�IS Y'iESZOT.I�il� COZiN33�TCLa31
prape.CV �:O :"�£�LG'�f::i:�:i:.t{ � i?r, L'i63;:i :'it'iY t_R7. C;'��'1.�:LC� i�d',fCliL° ;�{'L 1'2f?21CF_Llg :�5�
eae�= r��y� Ue ;�caare oE i.�:. r�S;;:x�� �>.-.c.�=��: ��r,�u t k�; such g,raper.ty eod.�y r�U;� �ba�
�erics�as f y� Hu::i. �;: :h�s t�rP-�> �c_.�:rs.;.�::s;. I�r :,;axer as'�nd i:;' su�;� pe��'r� SJp.Y`
no C t f ied of. �i�.� ?��wo�ir:g.
Mr. IS�s:.�y a�:fc?. t.:h�;��� I-��ed :�:c.e�z �� t i�'�`i.� :��.*srin�. notfce �ublL�ah�c� in
the. newspr��a�a-s.
Mr Slot�er a�i�:� I�ae:+e �:aas na�aix�� ErE .r.�-�� p�g�x tac3ay about a psats�.ie lienring tonigh�L
�nd �aic� :�� �+cA� i.��.�nw t:�inv ar.•�.� ..�>;.�:�;:� ,. =.,e�::t�<.�:.�: jo� mi' �.�c+�SI.i<�i�.:ics;; �:i!�:s�:
her�rir��;a. (ri����r. ,.^a .,:a�n..��as�-<^ _..��s;-s 5:�:��� .;:z�.�.inr.:c:�.� ti� s�i� wi�en ��:���r��y L�
re�oned da�e�m�ar3rd ;:;�:z;i hd�n�r�.;� �,;,;:?�>.� :;we tz�� �.cstifi�d, i� c�n c..�us;� r.ea�.
1i."OTE."�9.L'C;� �a):S:1Ct.'t�Lli l.�j' �(.1 C:�LC�!?Y: :3G:�,'l7 f.� k�J�7i�6 �?.��El �_tiJ�14��C� ti'� #:�?LS �lYrl�tF:x'�J F��
�3! !ilp<3IY5 rJ� �.E'vL'4:]'�i.C?:iCi :?'71C� I:�"�'_'I}. i�.:Yrl L i: C�£?•���[f'Ci Ti��t� ETE':l^ri.°.rti::s2 f;dl�ZS,' iYOSta$.
This �.y�e S�f enisa�; �hvald aa�.: ':;•�:: ��.aTZe:,
I��.gx�r.rli��:� s�asain� c:: xs��;aer +�:-r?,s ±..;:, �;�r.°MLr..:�1ar c�ra th� ��si: yF.c�<�b ��r•. �l�t�x
�aic� t�t�r� see�s �:r t�e � :^.._c:;::u ':;c� �����.y t�.Ev �ui_�c�in� of c���les��q ia °:,�:�
resid�refi:ial ar_e�ra. `t".ar.�� :;�L•;:s;:9::.� c:M����n t.,� i�ave �een b4�mk��eu' �uC cai� d�e�,le�tis.
T�e smid �his sec�:s� �:rs ��e 's�u r_�F;�_�.,. �1��� ��ci.ni:e:d aut �:i3�t rit�ar�.r �� ti� �ret�
a�roe��ad �L..�xf� srert !'hi�,°� S�rt�c::.f ;_„�� �1�,.�:..�::_e� bu� t:Ii�r�� s��u,.c� t�R• gjxa�a;��io�
for �:he i�tzildin�y o� ��;-� d:.a�:i.e�:��^ :_.� ��:�;€: ��we� arQ�s. '�k���� rF;aui;i
�e �tor�e rei�fi-�e`i.or e`� ;��:�I.i: c,:'..,� �;,i:i::=:"�r.� crf �a�e d�:�?_�::c��.
rir. 51a��r rca�n Ff��;c�:I ca���t ,;-:? •.;�:a.rE.�.:�zi� :a�� I'Inn�eiug �a�gr� �ra��+ u:-z�::�a �he
M�tropo�.i��n �1�a�?-auix�;� �^��L:-::i�t^. ?�c= :�,s;'d ;..e: is aiis �srad�r�*4;a�;�� ���*
�h2 ���mp�Ii`;�x:. x?�us�i�.ag Gc:�z:�sr.�;�s.�,�� e;ca�s9•:� :�.avc� C;ae ii���. a�y Lr ���a�
�4r. Dv��.��t; ��id �e cii.c'�a't �cli..���� ���a:�P q�� r;,� s :��e�. Sa� :�m� �fa ��r�z the
�oard sict�q rs �ut-s�.cf�c�:�: i:n ��:.w::•�ss�:;i:z� ,��;�-.�:�.�;��, Tfze Pt��ninb Bo�rc; i_3
Mr. �ku;�r; �cs�c�uc�r�cy by ����rs.� �:F�i6ct: �;:l�.c: :�i1>..ning Bo�s�d n�ec�s tm ��.:e
� ��x� �;�c�3�nr. F��c�,�v e.� �_t��Q �.ra��pr.� s?s' �•::�.c:�r.���� FTV�P�4'�Y d��tallc�*�9.•�. �Ie s�Ld
i1c.�. 33(?�.i.�V!?:: �$li�: .TMnc,:��:j' �)1.'G3[3:.�i'l:�i flThtilv'=7:, �:?;C!^ Si:+� C.'VGI2 �1Ji41'E' �Fl+��: E:�2�8 1.6
ES�!LF�� COOi•.� ��.c� i£ ��iz�;�7 h�ci c�s;�ts�iz=;, �� rar.i_ti.��, Ct��y wat�Isi bs� �sds x�t�rar�
c�� iY_,
A°{C. !.X't�l'dP. i�iY�,E:r'.'�S tR�i{:F'C� �.0 ��`sf:�r�: �R's° t�:3E :i��:�'11C& �Li4ZC' 8Z1i7 �L4f'.�n�IC3fL�� C�'1'{�°
�Lo')GliC� �i�GcS�: A'CiS/ ���S8�e2�F: �EIo'Gli y�a#e -4tE. i f" ;:;1�' 1{e�ti YJ�tl�i �tl&? ��.�fi�2S3.�,,g', �.�sa3�(� KStf
�'�3+.i4 :tf'.f•1 �L� f:f}i;? ;",��?�; ::�J'=i E?��y C;'�'t(:4:. ?'C i`t..i� I�ft' �.>'?LL���.`S L:�1@' ��.:lYk'{7lYTiV', �!$:dY.C� �8
��:�.E+�*>L�:�, `.eiL £1CC�i �.��'Ll��,�, .:G��1t� �i::'.i�',,:,;.,'� r,�f Lt�:a S.`�tV����31G'L't�G ;,�3.€�Yt Y.ltf: l.if�2:� �Ti�
rZ�t�'',.�t� i�¢Ld- '�`�,." �iI�LxE:�-:7 �'Crw::�t7lf,:a'�`�.':3f.1.�.i� :Y:s/`rti' �...� �i-i.i.% �:L� �''Lt1t3S4Cf..'' 4..°G�Ldu'1.'�i����OSi
af �:�:��:�ti.r.: i:!��:`�'.z �t ��}�����s��a_� t,tt<^..- :�.,�;�a?d .-,�.;P,.: �+e i:�ertniA;��.�aln :artd��` �.h�
�Sr��rsr��L` bx�rY4.�x����c��.
I�r. `i:�ra�:�,: ����asi��d G:�a�f� t�;�,.�. �;�w�-;: r:�n ��.:�nc� i.��volvQCl t.n th� �Src+��E� of
�:onir�g ic� tis� i;i�ys o% �t:, k�ra1=.:., T�F:r t;��c; �,�':. �i�r��.:l.�r �»t� fne s,��: �Ic+i.�g �l�e
�'LcZili'L'i.iY� �'itid3^.''� �,til �.F:t'i43,'�.�'�::S:E ��� 9?'tw2°�;+_*^..�� a`;2�:?�?�::•8?'.:d14.`�Tt���IE:lf ��iL'� �CPil1��?(1 UU� C�i��
L��� ��.�r�r�s_x�g; �i�z+r� cuz.'r.,•�u i.t_� c��:;.. <.���e:•�..�f.r�;:cx,,, ,::clapt:� itu o�sct �ger��, r.�:xd
f.oxm����r�ca i�� ur,rza pi,-���r� .��,d ..c� wtc�;: i,�:t.��;: rt: F:Y�� ,i{�.���r_ar. �� ���. 1I:i�: �c►r
�n� C��:y L`a�s�;.�3.,. �?e :.�i� 1'i�a2•.:���;.:: ?i;.aa•�°d ���-:=�:t,��a a��� A1� �:c�Zfc�a�e�e�:•�
.�nc? �r.� hexo� �ici�;:f; f:�:` �aTy�.G1 ;aSI�':a:� �.,�2�,'n :a ,-�.�,;�r�i r.lgi�� �ad �;axs�sC�.n�a �� c�a.
�;. i}coA��{ ��ar�ozt�'sc+�s3 �:.zat tl�e �;����d�.e=.b� �t�:,y. e�::;2r.ds t'��@ss�� r+nd :h� �xe�:�:
?�ear.fn�; wf.: 7 b� �� 7.i�i� �.m. C��i [7:;::w•�..yA^c;. r•:�,, i97'?.,
M ` i� `""� `
1020 Co�oerce &ai�di�
S�itst Pau1, Minnasr�ca 55i01
A Pub�ic Neari.a� �n the F�aposed New Zc�rs�.,� Ordiaiaace £oz the Citv of
Saint Pac��,�, Minneso�a, �as h��.d Wednead�.y, Jat��rp 26, 1972, at �:00 p.m,,
- Cfty Co�cii Chamber�, �hird F3.00r, Cfty Fiall e�d Ca�rt Sons�o {ARBA II)
Pzes�t: I�.se Cxbrac:e, Norto�z r�3 tpsa�t; Messra. Bedvboo£,
C�an, Doo��y, Jacab, Scha�arr aQd S`saeseq o� Lhe Baard;
K. R�ltfltf7�iCL'� Dr. Se'.dca and R e 8y� a# the staff.
Estcuged: 1+R�. Gi2le�spie
Abseat: Y��srs. Fishman, Hara�, Maietta, M�cPart�ia, Ptifte�,,
and 8�edler.
It was aaao�nced bp chaira�a Doo2ey a� a:t38 pam. that dexe to the cold,
incl�ea� weathea, t�h� �eting t�ouYd czot be ogficially brought to o�dez
uat�i 7:15 p.m., �� order to allo� ouyre �it±��ns to arrive.
Th� meeti�►g �as callod to order by Chai��a I34ol.�gr at 7:I5 p.m. Mr. Dooley
r�ad the pub3ic aatice ofc the heariug ���ich �pp�ared in tbe aawspapera,
(eopy att�ehed). Mr. Dooley aot�d thez� ��e 9 rule� of proeed�r� ]�is�ed
ia Che p�biic aotice aas of ead�ir.h regui�vd �ha� artyo�e iateadiag to meke
� pxes�ttaLia� at aay of,• ti��se m��ti��� af �I��s pub3ic h�ariag arozsld fige
tbeig aa�es, snd �isthe� thry are far o� 3ga�?ast tha ordinance, �9.eh the
City Cl�ezk. Mr. Daalsy I� befor� hun � �iE� o� those iadloiduia2e or
caupa�aies �aho havs iu.dies�ed �Ixa� i� t�a:� ���i� itst�atio�e to appear be�cs
toaight in ord�r tha� their x�e�cks �ro��.d �e �lac�d ia ehe record for
�o�sidBratioQ. by the p;as�,ing 8�rd,
� A Iette� mas received ;:roa� Mro Josepb 8. Sa3Y�ad. attosaeq
fo9c Joh�n J. Sciasra, Pi.D., dated Janu�x� �8� �9y2. Mt. Dool�q sead th�
letter aaoe�. (copy $ttactzed).
�S�1IN CITY HOSPI,r„_�O�IATIOtd; A Igt��:z� qaa seceived from the lbin Cit�
Hospital Aasoci��:oa. Daaald E. t�lood, 8�:�c�tive Di�ectox, dst�d Jesuarq 24,
1972. The Ietter has s�cific refet�a.c� �xly to the parkiedg �rsaq�eire�m�nLa
that arca provided gor hospits�.s r�ad ir �� a ��g�iay letter. It eoti�id E�eve
�a effect otbsr thas� tas t� par�.ing re���i��ioa�a as it relatee to eonie�.
ffir. Doo3a�r eaid he vo�sB�i s�ot rsa�1 the I���t�s i��o the secosd bt� ft �i�1
D�ca�e a pa� a€ the r�cord.
�c A �ert�z �s s�ceivsd fr.o� QC�c{ �o �, Secs�ta�r•Tseas�rer
of tae High2�d Dnsi�sas ASSOCias:io�. P:�. Doco��y aots� Hro �� v��
preeeot +� ssked hi� �.fc be e�is�ae�d to ��:��s � gr��e�tatfoa at the aeeati�go
Hre Bt�er rep��ed tlaat he di� nc►t �a�e�a L� aea3�e � �te�e�tatioa F�t tri.st�d
tbe �ett�r r�ad iatm tise �teco�d. �, Dro��r read tbe letter sto�do Zt
�aa asted .i�y 2fl, 34��0
(Mr�e No�Cca arzfved - 7:25 pam,).
Mr. Dooley ehaakred Mr. Suaaaer for hi� kia�d remarks.
1,�„cDC�: A letter was recefv�d fzam th+� City Clerk statiag thaC Mr. Phi2ip
McDaraaZd, Presideat of �be Merz�iam Park Co�taity Coamcil, ai,s�ed to speak
at tbe bearia�. Mra Mc�nald said the ��riam Park Ca�uafty Cot�aci! is
imvolae� iu taltst the Ple�niag Board is atte�aptia$ to do �ed tbat is to
remov� some of the ia�t�titie8 that Uave c�isted for qnite same time. T'he�y
origiaa2ly atarted out in tha hflpe that the 40•acre plaaniag roould acb3tve
this end but it laoks to their particui�� canmua�ty as though a eexy
a�aniagf�i coiat��batioa �s bei�xg made as to haw these particalar soaing
districts are laid aet. Tbere� are oae o1 t�,tv plar.es that Mr. McUoenld
�tould like to calY to the Board'a attentiosi that the Co�acii fesYs should
be zeiafotced. TY�re is a defacto situstioa on tbe corner of Clecs»e3snd and
Mazehall. The bloi:k tbat is presently dc�acCo across oa the aozth side
has a aervice atatfon ar�d a drive•in. T�+�re is aat v�ry m�ch th+�q esn do
about that na�. 7�his ie not co�nsiste�t c�:ith the B•3 defiaition. The
Couaci7. car�uid Iike to �ave the Plaaaia� T;oard recoasider aud t�ava either
a B-I or B-2 there. When these particul�� t�onin� districta are msde,
Cos�sid$�atio� sho�id b� g�vea to the exi�;ti�e� resideatial property. The
Co�cil. feels that the �or�iRg ordi.�aace :;.s there to protect Lbe sesidente be-
cae�se t� are a21 resid�ts �ether we a�e presideat of an iad»stsy, psesi-
deaL of a coamercia� btss3aess, os aa apa��meat ds�ellea; we are a21 resi-
deats at same time os apother. The�e is aaother poiat wi.th regard to thie
S-3 oa ths aarthwcts� corner of Prios aad Carroll. It is preseatlq defacto;
it ia a pziat ahop, Tbe Catateil wasld �.�_ke t� have caossideratioo given to
a higher standard thau B•3, becaase the I�-3 does permi.t serviee etatiaos
aad drive•ias. The Me�rriam lPark are� ism:� had abvut eao� of that. Yhe
proble� �ow �ith servic� otati�s is th��: �sce thep ase there, thsy t�
into repais gara�es. T'he�p hav� a prob?er.a na�m �i.th D sad D �nlintited osi the
�oraer of Faitvit�a aad GYead. They ase �ery �rcb iuterested in �ehat ia
goiag Co �ead tip in tbie patt of �e 7aair:� drdinaace. Me'. M�eDooeld tbaaksd
ths P2attnfag B�ard for Lt3eir soiicitati�rzs o� Che Cotacil's ca�aeotsa Tbsy
appreciate the eaerq► sred timr th� Y�auu�:�ag Soa9cd bas put iato this as4
diaaace aad it is a v�rp sccurate, compl.a�e �ooiag ordiasae�. A n�a �oaaiog
�di.namce is most impott� for Saiat Yau�.. Tb� Gau4cil �auld lik� to hav�e
elarificatiou on ths goZla�in�. T'hay tia'� au�estsd some chsases �t'hich
they voald Iike the Board to co�oider. `?ii� it�ms are �mbeted to corresposa8
ai�h the aectiaes ia tt�e �oniag m$auai, The Ceuacii's ad hoc cammittee
spa�at many houts ia takin� tbis zoaiag o�~diaanae apart ia order to make sur�
th� people of the Citq of S�int Panl e�d tap as beat th�y caa. ?ha Couacii
is vezq conaciovs es to j�e►t how imparta�it thie pa�dia�a�� is. The people of
Saiat Pau2 �ill �.ive this �ay for SO pee���e Zn l9ZL vtwn the preeeat �onin8
ozdin�ace �tas �dopted. maay things �re �raad fethered i:►. Graad Avenu� s�as
sterted fsom Che datentc� aut to the KiQ:�y ead Cecetia ia l888. 2t
had the lirst electric rai�ay� �hhe� ca�no Raadolph Avenv�e In oordes to
satisfy thiag� at th3t time, Grand Av�ac� [�ss m�do cea�ercial frem aoe
end to the otber. P�eop3,e a�ca suaniag ia`�o p�ob�ems as to �at �s defacto
Itsnt 64.?A0, Pag�e I o£ tbe o3rdi�asce, Ie��aat aad P�t�xpoae �3. Th+ey Maa3d �ike
to have conaide�ed 3n t�tat item dedaliLi«�t �nd �emowale
• 2 ..
ICea� 60.302, P�ge 4, Acc�ssory �. ; does each dis[ricti have its awn siga
Item b0.306, Page 4; auto repair stationo Mr. McDonald said they know
auto repair stations have a defi.niCe, deci.ded effect on reaideatial pro-
perty. The Cauncil fiopes LhaC this would be cor�sidered whea they are being
assigned a particular place.
iCem 60.3Q7, P�,ge 5; Auto Service StaCfon. A Eilling sCation is a place
where gasoli�.e or any other �ugomobile f��l is ulcilized.
Item 60.359, Page 12; i�i�st does "m�y or a;�y �o� adopt it" mean? Shouldn't
the masrer plan be ffrmly adopted? �`iiey wouLd like to have this clarified.
ICem 60.384, Page 14; regesd£eg Trailer (;oach. �he Cerminology is listed
es a "conv�yasECe." No �shere does the S��E:e o£ MLsenesota tam term it as a
"cottveysncee" Mro McDonald said Chere is probably an i.�terface with the
State Building Code in certaLn definitiozis tha� are spelled oat in the
ordinance. Ms. McDoaald rea@ the definf�itm of a "Mobile Home" and "Iiaa�se
Trailer" from the State of Minaesota Appraisg�. Manual. No where does the State
Iaw refex �o "mobile homes" or "house Cr�il.eza" as "conveyaaces." Such
a reference would impiq rhat they ase ca�riers of ei�her persous or meterialo
Ite�a 60.403, Page 19; whaC i� vaeaCed a�e� is � baundsry between Cwo dif-
Fereatly zoued distrfcts? R�eey laxow that �he demarkeCion line is an alley.
Tttey would Like to have consLderatton gi�en tha� nnder no circumseaaces
Nould such a Chiug as Y-2 or I-3 be back-#:o-back with existing residedti�l.
Z4te properCy wil.l degrade very rapfdly<
Item 60.388; by definitl.on they h�ve in tize ardLnsnae a "varisace<" A
variance is a modificatioa of Che li�ex=a: pr�ovisiosa of the zanittg ordinatece
which seates if theq are granted with a�:;r.cr enforce�nt, theq wanld ca�se
undue hardship� Mr< I�DauaLd smid there �LL1 be more to sey when tbe
hearing comes up oci the Administrati�*e �:�d Es�forcement Sectioa o� Che or-
dinance. Tt�is ia the s�w�t import.�tit c14:_se in the soniug boak. 'i`itis pernitn
a variance fro� what fs sn establ:sehed sarmdard aad what the CiCq Counctl
approves ox� a vote wiLl be what it; is�
Ytem 60.472, Page 33, Principal aaaes; Th� principal us+e does mentf.an the
doving of ezisting buildia�gs or s•fructti���+.s fro� other locationg but it
does noC saq mavia►g out frem tbat par�ic:�L�r site a buildtng. Tbis is
ane of tha ehiags th�� they are c��acern€c: a�aut because they cenaot see
�hat there is s�ffi�ient Qro�ec�i�n �r �Tcx resident unles$ it is going ta
came ia later on as gar as petiti�a appr-�,va1 is cenceraed.
Mr. Dooley interrupted l�fr. I�cDonatd no�i.r>.r �hat he has excaeded the LO-
minute tf.�e atlo�encee Mro Doale;� aeker2 l��r. I'�Imneld if his comsen.Cs were
all in wsitCen form, to shich Mr. I�cI�ma .d r�plfed thep ver�. Mr. Daoley
asktd Mr. 14cDonsld to s�obait them to th� to�rrd a�d the� wt1L be taken i.nto
conaideration by the Plannin�q Bo�rd. (c�->Y �tea�hed�.
11z. bleDnasld �Ld the lienL�a Yer� Com�►►uctlCy Co�saG�t. e�fLl be availshle �c;cve� �
tfi� Pt�.ing Sosrd wuulld Li� �o dfst���� ��o consider eaei�r qnestions �ar�d
Mr. Dooley aaid Lf there is aay neeu i�Y Che Board to he in coutacC with �he
Council, they Wf1L gladlq do soa
- 3 -
Mt. Dooley said the sssne opportunity to apeak will be afforded all inter-
ested citizeas that have came aut an this cold, bleak night. Those in the
eudieuce who msy wish ta speak can do so, t��gi�nis�g with the first roir.
RpSBNTHAL: 8epresen�iag the Metropolitaa Tra�►sfer Mea's Association, Inc.
was Mr. Abe Rosenthal, Executtve Vice-Psesider�t. Mr. Rostnthal thanked the
Plauteittg Bosrd aad its staff for the assisCance they received receatly fraa
Dr. Aeidea snd Mr. Ryao in explaiuing the workiaga of the Plaoniag Board
and the iaform�tioa concerni�g the propased zo�iug osdivance. His Asaociatian
is atill engaged in s st�dy as Lt wovld relate Co over 100 fis�s Chat cover
large �reas of the CiCy. They uow have s �re+a�er uaderstanding md appre-
cia�ios for the Plam�ix�g Board ax�d belf.ev� Che seaff has a grester uaderetaudiag
of the individusla the Assaciatiar: represe.a�s. As time goes along, they
�vill be meetiag aith Che Planning Board s�aff and proposing cLsrificatiosss
and, with the able assisesnce of Che stsfi: once tbe propos8l hss been clari-
fied, the plao aad mep will be a grest sicl aoC only in serriag the CiCy
bnC al$o thelr indaatrq.
Mr. Dooley thanked Mr. x,oae�t�hal for his �-gmsrks and noCed �hhat they were
very much appreciated. Mr. Dooley stated �he reason for Cheae public
hearittgs iS to get all of the ingut that �:h� Boaxd possibly can.
�T�: Nest to speak was Mr. George R�Bachrter, 1804 Beasoa Avesue.
Combining Mr. Kuschner's aad his neighbor�$ propertq, they have enoogh Qro-
perty eo qualify fot as R-1 cl�ssifics�iora. TYtiei� area now is claesified
as S-4. Mre 16uschner asked if aaythireg fri the future could rednce the
classification. Ie eo happe�es th.�t beewe�,n he and his neighbar they have
eaoagh property but, they do not w�ut �o t�uild anything ia bei�eeao
Dro Heiden �a�id he wiehed to clar£fq Mre ':e�schner's queetfone Preset�tly
Mra Ruschaer end hia aeighbor have eaaeigh psopertq betwe� t6e two of them
to quslify for x-1, bat they have beed gi��en sn R-4e Are y+�u sskiog if
it coatd be reduced belc� R-4?
Mr. Suechner 8aid if something shos�ld com�: ap later aud the R-4 �auld turn
into multipLe-familq, he Nould not Like �:nsC.
Dr. Heiden said the intent x�ld be to rer.ain the 8-�a classificstiaa, vhieh
is for single-familp dwellinga.
Mr. Ruschs�er asked if thaE is cempared to what is na� called "A" R�esidenttalo
Dr. Heide� replied it wase
STII�ZIANI: l�eut to speak was lrl�ce Do4enic Sti�si�uui Wh� noted he is psre
of the L�d-Oae and Public Fmciliries Tas�c Farce of the West 7th 3trcet
As�ocietioo. Mr. Stiatiani is coscerned i�ecause aa�ch of S!. Paul's eingle-
family homes sre bnilt eet on 40-foot lot.�e Msay of the lots sre 120 to
12S feet deep, pins see alley. The thougt�x� occurred to hiee th�t if a�ny one
of these stractures wauld become destroye�3 gi.tcher by fire or be coade�atian
�hat �aoald happen to that piece of larud w[iea Lhe limit ia 5,000 sqaare feet
in order to bntld cne or t�+o-fsmily ho�ee,
- S -
� �
Dr. Heid�n asked Mr. Stfnzianf if he was saying that if a person o`rns a
single-fsanily loe can it he used for a single-faaily home if its 40 feet
or SO feet. Dr. Heidea said you can bnYld oa it. if yoa have single-
f�milq awr►erahip, theee regulatioas do no� apply.
Mr. Stin$iani saLd Che proposed code says ehat no matter �rhat the Lat �otdth
is qou must have 5,000 equare feet to hua.ld on� or tvo-Familq dwellinge.
One 6undred aud twentq times 40 does aot make 5,000 square feet.
Dr. fleiden said it is necesserq to go fu�ther into the asdinan�e. Zf
you owa oue Lot in siagle-awnership, rmder Chese condiCieese, you may coutinue
to use it. If qau own Chree or more, they a�rsC be combined aad broieght LnCo
Mr. Stia�iani alarffied that Dr. Heiden }s saying thst if a 40-foot wide
Lot aith 100 or 120 feet ia depth became.. void due to candemn�tion, fire
or aa explosion, that the owner can rebu�ld oa that lot as it is na�a. Mr.
Stinziaai said that clears the maCicer up<
Mr. Prokop said as long as a person owns a lot undss 4,000 be caa build a
siagle-fe�ily structure. 8e ssked why it: is limited to 5,000 sqwre feet.
Dr. Heiden aaid if you have Chree o� #au�- tots then you have to replat
them and bring t�hem back ineo conforaance�. If you have one lot it is oka�,
as Long as it is a siagle platted lot aacl in single awnership.
Mr. Prokop asked abos�t 32-fooc Lots.
Dr. Heidea sa#d you can stitl buiLd sing?.e-familq on it. If qou have thsee
of those lots you mast replat them.
Dr. Reiden asked Rager Rpan to read Sece:'.oa 620102, B. Non-Conforming Lots,
located oa Page 80 of the text.
Mr. Prokop aeked if thie lot must be owuer-occupied.
Dr. Heiden replied it did aot.
Mr. Curraa asked if single-aanership arocz°.d be a msu snd hia �vife because
thst aoutd b� joint oa�ershfp.
Dr. Heiden replied that aould be siagle-�wnerchip. Zhat meaas e person has
oae lot whether its in joiat tenancy or ��oe. If he has three lota or more,
that ia enother matter.
�: Next to speak was Mr. Fred R�enppers, 697 Goodric6. ge livta aa
Goodrich s�ear St. elbene, �hich is iu �he S�snmit•Hill area. Mr. Rueppers
said he geta the impresa�icM tha� the map was pat tog�thsr aag is s pictoral
displaq of w6at exists rnn many stre�zs. An approach to soning aad pla�ming
uaf.ng t6at b�eis is aot plenning st all. Zt is si�ply draatng s map of
vhet exiata. Ae �►ould Iik�e to see the Planaing Board plaa ahead. T�is Monld
- 6 -
iavolve an inittal decision of what the Board t-hough t was c�airable. fle
thinks that is the approach the Board should ase. W�at directiou ehould �re
try to head ia in a given area. With fh�� in miud, thw draa a a�p Chat pic-
torislly displays t.hat. Ths Board has t�kett a backward step ia part of �e
deliaeatiioa of the SummtC-Hill aeighborba�ad $loag Linaola Ave�se. It was
�oned "B" aC one time, snd abaut ten yeass aga aa effort vss �osde to
upgrade LC to "A" Residegatial. A Coae of upgrading coul.d be set ev�n thoagh
yau car:n.ot cha�ge exist£ag uses. T�e pe�ple of the area cama to the Plaanisig
Board end said they thonght it ahculd be upgraded. The Citq Council ehen
rezoned it tc "A" Residence. What the proposed map doea is talces Litticoln
Aveitue down ta a "B" again. Tbat is dis�ppoiating to maay peaple vlso case
about ie. Mr. Rueppera agsees t-hat you could disagree as Co ahaz is desirable.
17he BoBrd should agree that msin�ainia� � single-familq type of enviromraearC�
to Che S�a�mit-Hill aeighborhood is desir�:ble. He ehiaks the City ca res; and
if it does not, it aught to. Z'�is will �eg the tone for tha distrf:�t. If
it is set higb, thep will thtnk hfgh; if iC is law, they wiil think low.
Ms. Ru.eppers asked that the Board recansidc�r its appsoach. Yoa do twt �Ynrt
anyo�ee bq doisg that; existing uses wilt still be Chere.
F�: Next to speak was Mr. Rsy Faric3*. He compli�ted the Board for
t6e 6ard �ork that hae beea don�e. On beE�alf of the area he represents, he
wished to re-emphasize the posfSfon made by the Preaideat of the Metriam
Park Ca�mity Councfl regarding the B-3 s![nstian in tWO lacationa. Zhate
are probably meay ressons whq these Lwo F�reas woese given the B-3 classi-
ficatian. �e B-3 clasaificatian incle�des stdaographic sesvices and drive-
ins. 7he Bosrd s�ould co�nsider a separat:e classificatioa for drive•ias.
If drive-ins were takea aut of B-3, ther�� would be rtto problem !.n grea�
eztent. He feels Mr. Kuepp�rs mac3e a goc�d point thaC the camiountty ahould
try tco upgsade itself.
HOLLINSHEAD: N�ct eo spesk was Mrse Will.ism Hollinshead, 693 Goodrich. Tht
first �hLqg �hat bothered her was ghe ehc�rt noefce of ehe meeting. 1t�eaty-
four hours is sn ao�fully shore time. ShE= speat four hours trackisg dowa
the map and Che fold$r Celliag abaut the zoaing. She was givea very conrteous
treatmeat by Lhe Plaaniag Board on th+� ��lephon�. ltoo places osly had half
of the map, aad a school knew oothiug abaut ito From what she can make
out of t6e n� plan, ft Ls aot plsaaing ut all. It nekes more detailed
the stat�s q�o. Ia soade cases tt is dati►-ragradiug the preaent zonio�g. She
thiaks it is a far better policp if it i� gotng to be averall lang-sa�e
pl8aning is to have the aeighboz@�ood upgs�aded. Lincola Ave�ane for two miles
is now zoaed accardiag to the new pla�ce fc�r two-family d�ellings. At leaat
part of that area is oae-family wit6 esception of exLsting honeiog. It
csuses a terrible parking probl�m. For aereets such as Graad aad Selby,
her canceptioer of latg-range plana�ing woutd ba coraere ao that yon erould have
claster basiuesaes and this wauld preserve far mcre area for sesidential
instead of jast deaignati.ug a whole strect as b�sisese becausa th�re is
basiness itere and there. 3�ere ao�uld be cluetes busiaess t3�at vould serve
the entire �eighborhoode Sh� hopes ther� �aill be saoe recaasid�ratfo�
date on th ie new p lane
Mr. Dooley said he is sorry that ?Mra. Ho�.liaabeed hss a caaplaint abaut the
amoeAnt of ti�e. The notiee� appesred 30 cl�ya prior to the fiss� hearing �hich
took plac� in D�cevber. �ere vere a ser.ie,� of articles in the ne+rsgape�
for sa�reral dayt indicatis� thst these mPetireg• �ould bs hetd. Tit�re 6�s
al�o bem pstiwtaes notica as to vbere these maps aouid b�.
• � -
�11�: N�xxt to speak waa Mr. Jo�n D.3abn�y. Mra Danbney inqaised se to
vha prepared th� proposcd soaing map. Has it bees approbed b� ths Flanaiag
aad Zoniag 8osrds?
Mr. Dooley aoted that Mr. D�ubney sppearEd at a pnbiic heariag on�ee before.
At t.l�at tim� he vas aot appeariag as a private ait{r.en.
�c. Daubaep s�ated he `oas appeaxing a� a privste citisea at that tim�.
Mr. Daoley said tbe ataff o£ the St. Pau�. PZaanin� Board prepa=ed the
mape. No thep haoe aot, z� `rili they b� appravect� nntil sn�b time as
a21 0� the ioput that the Baard is askin� froaQ tbe v8siotss aseae tbrou$hatt
Cb� Citg+ has b�sa stndied aad ala of ttu iap�st ana3y8ed. T�u Plaaaiag Bcard
at that t�.m� vf.li sit in ��dgn�at, so to speak, at a12 of the s�ecanms�nda•
tioas tbey ase gettiag fra� tize citite� aad a�i21 tl�e m�alce tbeit te�omm�nda-
tiau to the Ciiq Conac±l.
Mr. D�abaep as'ic�d wbat cr3.teria �rras used in pre�asiag tbfs p3ad. Nas th�
staf� assiated by the MiChi�ac► fism?
Mr. Doo�ey rep2le� the staff r�eived no asaiatanee as sach fram tt�e coe:-
saltaats that did thie �ork. T�e a�a so�iag ordiaaace Mss uaed fac the pur-
poee o� dzatrLng np and msking whatever chaagea �ren oeeassasy in ordee te
bring tLe mags a�sd Isad e�s iato aeafos�.�ace with th� praposed n�iv aeoing
l�t. DauM�ey asked if tt� plaa is going t� be appro�ed by tLw Pla�mto� Hessd
or tbe Zoniag Baerd.
Mr. Doo1Qy said tharc are p8.aus far the ��oiug Board to apprare t6e n�v
soaiag ordiaaace. The c4�arga, as faz �es the Plaaniag Board can se+�, is
that tbe 2onla� �ard �afoacces th� pres�zu� za+€ting ordiaseacee Aap a�ment
or adoptioa of tha o�ar �oaiaB ordinaace c�ouLd be t�e prerogativs tif the
PlaYmiag Board as a �ho1e �ich �oaid mai:e tecomm�adat;oas.
�r. Daubaery asked if it is up to the Cit;r Covs�iY to matce the deCisian a�
ttcuYd it be diffeseae eaadet tbe ae� C�szt:�.
Mr. Doaleq said at this point ia tise th� ree�tiolt oar appacaral af
the a�e�t soaniag ord3aaaGe ss far sac it r�:�atea to the Plas�ning Boald �rill De
a racacm�eadatioa to the Citg Couacii for them to appro�e the nN� u�ing
ardiseace. As fsr as any seorgauiaatioza of the City. Mro Dool�t eelmot ens�►sr
tbis qns$tioa. H�e dos� aot kaao► �ea tln� Pla�ning Boetd tiill caeel� M�+tt
they a�e doiag here.
The n�eting was secessed at 8:I5 p.m.
S�bmitted by: �To�aed 8. He3.dc�► Appso��d by: Jaoes 6. Doo2�
Dizecto�r Chaisma�
g g ..
, ' ��1 '�"�5.,,
�i�jr $3sTiT2�.'s?�, BiB��d
C 3.�?y� O� �u�. P2'+.i�.
��� Z�a4�.r �ii.te���ra�� SS�.Q�.
A ?�u�r:��c �ew�:i��he��on�ia�_ F�o�e��a�� Iv��.r ���3.zt�;��d��nc� fox 1�h�
Ci�ea�" Se. �?�t��.��sz��uo��, �;?�3�a�Wt��;)'' J���.��y �.7; �:��2, �:4t3 p.�.,
C3ry Coua�ci�. CYa�tube�s, ��d ��a:y::, �is�� F�,��.:� aztc� t�aia:�� tics��.
A��ae,�: ;����w �s�clt�•�}e, I�pi���:�s2 �� t}trr�s�; Af��,»�a.
3����aac,:�q Cta���,..�, �tsr��ey, Ei�eit�a�:9 �3o�aka„
�a�o3�, Cti�1�:$'r�� �z� �'r�.�:.��., o� �1� B���;
F;., I�.".��:v�c:�:i.e::, i�r� ���ic���, :�. R�r�x� o� ���
A�7��: Z'1L$�S$.�. Y���GS'*��r�i.� Y'fE:.k�eRl:'LII°C:y RC3C�r.:rA<$�'.'y �SE�1
ur;d ���►�:.n�s c�� ���� IIc�ax3�
A�sQ P��senr: ltcr;��� a�epe�: .s�d ;�.�� �:.�.�� c+£ �h� C���o���ic�
��cseiy��`� t��:�_��.
1'h� �e��.s�� t�as A..u��h�: �:e cs:.€3�. b�r �h,�.z;:m.�:.� �;o�,��} ��: 7:3.0 �S.s�. 'Z'��is
��lti�tg i� � c�a�ti��ttics� �� �.�ry E?!�s�.�i��p :3v��'c��s �.�~�;:�r_�? �x�b�ZC
t��szin� �cad is purs�a�?t �cT =�?�e �:�.�b:�Y� ���:i�;� a7��.�� ;�ra s �s3:�c�d ?a �i��
nea-�apt�pe�� �3ece�i.�� ttx� '?a��. }�z��:a��c �aQ�ss�z?� ��al��.^r� �a�� ��c��sed e��Ci�
tb:i�s �a��e. �`hc ;���?63� o�: th� ���c�a�.r �e:e�.�ki�: �.a ��: o�'��� �o akfo�'�
the c�.�i���s o� ��. �'eu� �.rc a�3����e :�r�;rx:';:�.�.x_�y �:a �r� he�z��3 �nd �or
the �u�pa�� o� aue�Z p�a�:A�::y�.s��� a� �e����.� m��� �t�.�I� �4v ��Se ro�i.gh�.
Id� t�i31 dea� :�ith, �� c��., �a:t�, A�e� .� ���r� �:��,� ��cc�x��s�:� th� ax��
���r�ir�; a� 2I�� goi�C ��: i.a:tc::u���ia� o� Ts�tc��:��:��:sa �i�rTss,�.�y 9Fc artc? th�
c¢estexsa ci�� �.�.c�i�� �_Y���e �trs��Fze�.��.g; a1o�� ��:� a��s�.�z� �i.t� �.4s�.ts to
th� a�c�:Ghe�� �iz� �.i�i.�s ��xd �Iz��ac� e^a�r•±r�y w�o�� E�iEl ���y $i��s �u
Tntcrs�s�e FIi�Y��a� 3:aE, i�'�s�s c� sau�tae�ig �w�� s:�x�t,�sLate IIi�vag 3SL�
to Tr�t�rs�a�e High��ag ;'�:. �rc� �1���� s>�a�e��.y ��.�� �+���3�sLute Iti�rag*
94 sud tt����� t•F4��ex1y s��.n�� �a�t�r��F3�� h:i;i�:ra3� 9't �€� 4:�.ff� �SOiz�� of I��d
girut�.�g �t �hc ���L-�� eir g� �.i�i�a.. '�''��c �.sit�o�� z�*: �c��i�lat� ra��t�.��
i� �ia�p�y for i�z�u� �:o �;�e �s �ueia i�fos�aci.o� �G ��ae ��.�aaniag Boma�d
mem3s�x�s as �o�sibl� so �i�:��. i�t so�� �r��fi�:z� o� e�c���;� �r �hr� S.•a�t•u�� ��.�
Bo.i��d �_13. be ab3� to �iv� s���tsi�,::t�� ca��Yd;���t1�� �o a�� a� �he
fatctis tihat 3�0� k�av� c��.'�esi �c� ou� �i:�:��±�.ic�..*. w i.:�:t.� �aL•�ex�r� s��3t yo�
�sut ua tio give ga�g�zcu��� ����i8e:�w�:�.�a �o �:�r�„ �«s� a���.t�d7y,, �:Y��s�
ideas a�.d �hou���ts pc�u �h�t�•� ��ii:� �� �-�i�.:� ��� ���ei.��:s�p ccan�Ld�ed
tehe� a1� �ake �ur �e�e���d�.5.inu �o �L� t;'�:� Cr��tci�. �r �roler tr►
refre�h Lhe mi.��3� r�£' ��o�� of yuu �,'�c m�;T �:at�� ����:�.��t�a o� as� �xot:
as�ra�e a�, �ia�r� u�� c����a.r: �i��e� �� ��c�����i:��.r: a::��c���i.�x� �:�es� �ub����
h�m��.s��e. T�z�p 8�� �a+s �a����:s:
�) A�y p�rsos a3esi.�iag �o �� h���c� c��. �a� �s� �I��� e����g� �est
mu�it � t�a Y�t�st �a�i��.s��icx�a t_o �:�� �G�.� �a.��� �� �.���� �a
e�ys �ri� �ea ��� �e�ar.ir�g �c� � ����nr3ec�. �h� �r:i��� ncaCi£�icatfa�
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�1f:��aZ@3.' �77:'C! fi� F,�f:T,l.
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ri3.is"_'�i.:;,.~e,°��a�! ��0�£z:��.�I y'•,��?_;�;,G"bZt�y �. �da. ,!L':�}3
��. �L•nL�� �.�i�:Y�f.°.f:"4?r��_t :;4;ti�v �'£1.
A< u,R�^�1,rr� Y?��?r.:.�„ 33�`.�.;;�;:o :.�:d F�o�'��axy iJ��. �t•�u�'� :a����.�' �3��i8��
e3�: �r �o �tC��. t.4�;'�`{`,��i::zi:�£}Ll' 8�,a3U" Li.T.� �a -"t].�..�C$: �iif,rtT3�:3k�17
�Icsu��.r�; �d �'���'��,:::�.���;:.t::�� t���ho��.�y, i�,�ryw� �T. T.������.cy
�ld�.���.p��r�;f�.���r} ��z�rs:��` �'�i.��ei, £n�:.. ; �'. �f� �?���Fa�:�
��.�����2a-'�Fi��c��;;za� '�r:axr�. s��.�ae�, ���. . 3t��zx�;� '�.�. °Je�r��
�u�f�?: �,�� J. ��t�°�c.r.5 ��.�a G�s� ����<���, �:.a�.e �, �r�� �'{��u��63_it� e�
b��3s: c£ �i��e�.x a�r*�.� hL:� +.x.� a�ga*�:�t�; tfx;� ��:�.�.�3:�z�� �r���'��c� �� 2IS�
C�x�r� �R'�:�.��ri.
�I.'e ��L'��� E�.&�".`.LCa .*"..:� �2� i:Y3�i i-.^..;sxa^.�^c.��::i.".,?� i.:i:�:�: `'a:�:�3�:�! ;:��i�fcS ��':fr1LL�'�it'E.."Ct t".t4-f- �� s'l"'�,
�:c� �'��'. ��v`.�U�? t:>�i�: ';?� �r�t� :.c��. �� �.:�.*� r�,x� �:r�:�.�.�i�� �.��s3 ?�e z�s a� ::&��•-
c��t���€;�.�� f�� �'�� ���_:s:� ���.~�•::� '±��.���:�:s�r�-� €�r�::?�z.s���r. :�:�� i� �����.� a$ �
��i��� c��i��z.
�o �:.e>x�s� t�nic� '�i.� ��,���.�.��a-�a '�.r� :�:.� �?�^�s��:rx� �saa€^�t x� �rt �f� $m�m
V�w � �i�L�V�Ji' �'Ci ES�'V' .�i.�E✓ 'fr`:J4bk.i.Y.'.�w'✓° 4'�4'IPAS�.• T+��wtw ��.��°��'.�•�Sl# i.i����1G't�• �
P�m��.�.� ���a�W i� �a����3f�� �.;� *�s��: '�3s 7.�ax�:d�:�:Q �� ��� �.T—� �����i�i�»
c��i� t.�ii�� ;e�ea�d r��3� �e� �cs;a�� '�� �rs2� �v d� ������ a+� sa�p� �
i� �y���g ��a�r-�s±�:� �a���x �!.� ;r.a ���� .��:�a� 54� �r�� c:��� o�. ��e +�� ��
��al�e�i�t�; r� ���e��, � �:���;r� �i�a �� o£ �s�i::::srs ees�pa��s���re �.
B� �d�r�r� i� ���� z� ��' ?�us�i�a��3�;* �� �m��� �x�.o g�c���
ao�ed OS-� in��ea� o� �h� ���-2. I� �hia ca�,�oz �� do��, t�hat altss�e•
tiv�� �STa�u?r� �c. B�z-�au �a�a� �itt� a �fl� ��t i;� o��y 5,Qt�0 sqcsare feet
in ci2e. Fie ia tt�kia�� hig �eq�c��� thr�.t eriv b� ir�c:�uised i� the OS-i
P�c. no4lcy ��rlcecl Mr. �-��v� �rss }az� ��ea�s�4ati_oa a�l �sid t�e PZr�uireg
Board �i�� i:alce his st�raa��s i.zt�u coxasi�e�a�zaza aff���e tla� Boaad �aTses iCg
B�'R�,Tk�G�QV-irt�?`�1 P.AZ1�41�'Ai�: �. D�c��e�* no��� �I�a�: �ia� Bs�rd z��ce�ivcc�
a �fi:t�ra car��ica�z.au i�a��; �h� Bur�.irx��n�x�Y�o��cr.�. R�3.��oac3, sigu�d
hy ��. R. �.. Ju��, bi�ee����F�s�a� �s2�te, d�¢.:�u Ss�t���*y 1�,, �9720 (GOAg
�tCac��d}m ��.-. l3ooY�p sai.r3 �.hia ��r�zas.cm�'.an �•�i�.� h��mr�e a pa� of
ct�e r�corci a�c �a� o� t�� L?��2a�ie�g Boa�dge d��i�s�r��ic��.
�fs. �t�isx�aus��� gsk�d Iyfr. ��ca�.4�r �£ ia�c� �rau�.d �e�c� ��s� c�unica3:�ori frr�ra
th� �LT�l.tt$Cd�Jlw�o�the�z Ra�.'F.��ad ��oud as �r�op�e �.� tk�� auai�ac� a�y
�e irr��res��ed fs� i�. Mr. De�l� �I�en �.�m3 �h� cc�.3�i�arioa a�vud.
(ca�ay' aLtachec��.
ST�;T2tUCTURAL ����i� �CGr��.��Y: Ifi:�» IJ���.ey �cc���� �h� ��.�ex�i.sag Roard
t�ad r��ived a� c��ic�.�is�._..��er3 the St. €����? �"��.�:tc��•.��. St�1 Com����t,
e:iga��i h3� J�a 0. �:�fo;�, I�r�t��.c�e:*��� dazcr� .�����:�; 7, �:4�2. t�e
Daoley ���d €:Ya� ������ �la�sce. {capy �>��a�t•,+�d�.
A, �t�R?�'NCE D�,VI�: P�i�c. Ds�.�i� moted �s���n�� r��.e�;.cr� i� �S::t�seat tr�am
zhe U. S. Sfi��� �c��«ny �a�}�s��.p �nd �-rcr�?cI �.�t€� S�i.� �o �,.�s?� a� b�half
ot- his cosspatty.
I�. Gu�aa El�ss�r�m, Di3t�ic�. M��ag��. Uai��ec3 3�a2:es S�eE� Sc�P1y
����.�ioax, LTrai�.ec� S[:w�es �s���. Cs��e�:���.�n, ���d t�� Car�a�s�tic�. aar3
i�s pse��c�sso:.s, i�s cw�ra��:?, er�ci:pi:.�, at.�2 �.,.�Yc3 �c��e ea i�s �z�-
mi�es at 2�5 Uai�v�s:aity �:ve�::: �o� appx�:��ru�a���.�,s 5a y���es. Si�zee
�.9�.��, �secer� �th� �a:�c��� c�E ��e��t a� thy s ?oc�si:iu�, a.� Iza� ��� �c+�nti�-
taa�uoly o�cugic� �s a s�e��. c*��ehrs�t�ee I+iOi? tY2L' �i� o� �.�ac �daption
o� ��� �iYg� com�gei�cusi;T� :�c_tiz� oxc3��ts�ucw i€s �i�c:�� 1��2,, �iuy.s p�o�
p��c�p ha� be�n �r��e� �Qx �e��� i�a�tustry. e��r:p� fo� a�pxo;�ixaa���;�
16(9 fe�� i�a d�ptt� �.�u�ti.r�; c� �T�ivr�sa�.�� A���a*e ��I3icFa ��as wazeec"s. far
IighC indtea�ry. Ia ,�dditio� �� �he ��esent g3���z �F� c>3rz ap��ctixi-�
iaata3q f-_qe a��'e:s og cassd��,���.c�a�d �.�ncs �a tlz�: �o�i:t� �3�d aaac�h���� o£
ou� pTaat, atxstt��ssg a�a t�x�c:��aria� Rr�r-d g ��thic& i3�; �ea��a txe�d in, r�sr3�.��
for €�turs plsat ��g�,r.�3.�szs.
�� is cxsr esred�rs`s��ii�i� �I�st� ti�� p•rv��,r��� zc�ix�� .�ou�.c� c�as�i�3► 'aur
pzroperty a� sn ���. Z�due��i�� a7{�,�ri�� ��±� t.t���: �i.ac�i c�.a�sifictioa
da�� no� pe�ni.� .±-� r.,e�n�.7.tx�.r�3 u�� (�.�.c�Et� -i� � �o�b�ea���s��s� use}
aoci ���asiora o£ asis� �,��s�e��s fe�6 ��ti ax�,rc�l�a�r���:; �d r�acessi�g
o� �a��e� {�rod�c�s, iascl��i��; b�rB, r�+��-�:c�.�s�-4��, �s:��€:ss, ���s, e�he��s,
st�i�s, r.�bia� a�:d ei�f��� ��s:c�sYa��Ls.
T��, �he��fe��s �P��� t�� ��.o�u��d �a���i�� �� �s��.�s ��cc�.3 �tra au T-�
Iad�a�sia� i�iax�xi�� ��� �s�a���� �h��, i� .���9.� ��er�ex�.y �as�. b� �m�
�o�ad, i� �a ,���t8 �t� � i-� Y�t��as�si4�, 3�ic��ric�p ��Iaic�a Mra�x��
+el�assi�ira�io� �+ani� �e�� no� ot��.y� a c4���.�ss��i�: af ��ze ��e�c�att
usc of eRisting faciliti�s b�� also ezpan�ion of the preseat use
to the 2and wh�ch hsbs be�sa he.ld for mo�� thaa SO 5�ears for expansion
Thfs pgoperty 's ideally auited for clatssif?cation as an I-2 Itidnetzial
Distric�t. It is served by rail�oad induat�3a1 tr�c�age aad is fn
elose proximity Lo Minnesota St�te Tzunk. High�ay 2�0� �hich gives it
zeadq access Co the xneercgtate I�'r�et�ay Sy�tem. Z'here are no retsidenees
ciea�t af State Truak Fli;I�ay� 280 except fUS eigl�C resideaces alotlg
Euatis Street to the rear of the plant, with wham w� �ve lived in
peac� and harmany fox mor� thaa 50 yesr�. These homes are baus�ded an
ths �,�8� 8nd north by an I-1 ��dustrfa2 DiBtric:�t and it is �salikal.q
that xec2assif�i�ng the pxopezty �o the so�tCh fxam a "Heavy Induatsial
Diacrict'' to an �'I-2 Ynd+astrial Distriat ' (� moxe restrict�.ve c�.asBi-
f'_catiouj �rill hav� any ap�reciable advesa� eft�cr o�a them, Exc+�p�
for the0e f� t�omea aB.oag Eu��is SCr�e� �Inicn cve�r� lacati�d in rt h�svy
industry taztiQ� clsseificatiaa until th� zonictg was chaz�ged aboue a
year a8o, our prop$rty abu�s an Y-2 Indus�rial DisCrict oa tbe north.
The property eouth o� the I-1. Inde�strfal I3istxic� i� �arhich our pinnt
is �ocated is also cla�slti�ci �ts at� I-2 Is�dustrial IDistrict.
There t�ve been maay c:hang�s ux� the busines� o£ the Su�ply Division
ia recec�t year�. Tdhere �r� F��viously acted prinf.�ri�y aE a c�are-
houae, d�liv�rin� �he�t steel, bars. ,truc�c�ralsy pAates, rods and
other steel proc3ucts �o our customera in St. Pna�, �ti.nnesoCa, attd the
surrouadiag five-atat@ area in the �ana ia a�hich the sar►e ev�re re-
ceived from the eterel mill, tY� trend ia mar� rec:�nt ye�rs has been
to ssv, flaaae cut, shear a�ed o�Iierwiae pzocess tl�e steeR com�aueuts
to the e�stomer'�s x�uiren+ents. The St. P�ul plam� is nc�r bein�
operated �ear it� capacity. If additio�a�± p�oduet lin�s ar� �d�ed,
a8ditionaa p�ant spac� erauld he requise�. I� w�e are pxev�ented by
the St. Paal Zoatng Ordi.nancA �ram expaad�ng oa� bu«�ifl�ss and f3ciXities
-:.a St. Paul on property �tsic�i tre �lgeady rs�-n ad jac�cnt to onr plaxtt,
such plunt e�paneiat �ould I�ave to be acco�mplished at some other site,
pzobablq oatsid� of St. Paul. Zf nc�r £acilitiea are co�estructed st
another locat�oa, it is raot eialike2y that che 5S year oid SC. Pau2
plane might be closed. Snch a move t►ould be eostly both to the Ccmnpanp
and to tht City.
All tre sre aekiag for is e �oa�iag exassi£ic�.tioa a�hich u�ill pe�it us
to continue aad to t�cpa�d our b�siaess an d�sr pre��nt sitP. We be-
Iieve that this ca�n b� doa� hy classifyin� our prapert�► as aa I•2
Iadustrial Diatr'ct �ad We r�spectfully x�eq�eaC �fxat this t�e don�.
A: LAWItPtZCE DAVIS: A. I.svseaca Davie, Brig;s anc� Mozgan, atated he
aoesld lik� to sp��k for the �. B. Ptill�r Ccxi�p�s�y an� Kop�ra Compaaq,
The H. �, Fullmr Comp�ay occ�piee a s�ee t�hich is Tacaua�oled by ra_lroad
trackage oa the t�o of thr�e sicies and iiLgt�t�ay ZEiO on !:he thir,d side.
.�t the time thcy hui].t at ttaeir preffierat ��tioo,. mwca thao 14
�esrs ago, tht property �aB soned a� I�IcBVy� :ltsci����3�. 7.'���y ha�ae ap�a.t
substantial amonata o� moaey iu p�tting tha�ir pl�aa the�re snd recently
made an add�_tioa to the p3azat �►ad also have pYans for �n ad8itional
ba Id�n� to be coastssucted on this eit�. The psopased �oaiag of tbe
property i� I-Z c$hiclq does aot permit the m3at�£ac��sre of adhesiv�s.
It ia their op=nion tha� the zoaiug code ahaulcl b� cl�attged to I-x
�hich is comparable to their ps�sen� c�.assifiea�icui, oac that �be
definit on of the uses be chatn�ecl so tha� adiaes:�_ve� cauls� be maau-
factured ia ehis class:�fic�t.'._oia. There has bee� � Io� of chaage 3.a
the ffiaaufacture o! adhe4ives. These are ch�,a�?ca� psocess�s aud th�y
do �aot have objectionabl� odoxs and o�h�ic ��cete tt�a� a�e�:e geaeza�.�y
assoe�tec3 c�_th the maauiact�re a� glu�. I� is ce�tsinl.y t�iChir�
the paaa�r of t�.e P�.anninv BQaxd to chsn�e �he desi,nat-Lon so th��
adheaives could be manufactured in aa T-1 ciasaifiGa�iosa, �ad P�r.
B�vis urg�d either t4�a� th� cl.as�ifica�iori �� e'�ang�d to I-� so that
it �touid pearait future e�pr�nsy a� of �th•:�tr �a�c��.i�ie� or �ha� th� �s�a
be chsu�ed so th�y can a�aufactc�r� adh�siv�s.
Koppers Coeapanp, Incoxpo�at�c� �s 2oeated nd;joira3.�.�; �he St. Pa�l ahops
tha� �xe zeferz�ed tu by the Bc�rliagta��N'c�r�lhexa Rsi�.resad previousiyy
Rappera Comgsny has bccx� close �e?ghbosa �i�i� �them. Kapp�rs hes. b��t�.
�g,�8�ed ia t4�e �aufactu�� of �ot�, ne�:urPl gss, a�ac� ta�s for siaap, .
�Y Yeage. It is their ac�darEta�ding ��t �h� gF� pragos�d �oning
�1d pezmit th� to da this ae a aoa-ctua�8�af.�� ��ae bu�: they coit�.�
nat cxpaad Cheix pla�t ox �ts�i,� a��df�fon�l p�op�x~�y �h� ar� $djoinit�g
the px�aent pTa�t. If t� p1�t �s�s� fJ$Bt�A��C� �)► �7L'r@' they could �
mot rebai�d. This haQ 'bpen ar► existiag facility fo� a 3.oa� �inne sad
they think th�y �tiou�d be permitted to co€:tit�r�e i� au Z-2 c�.assitica-
tioa. If the Conno shopa a�e put iato asa �-� di�t�:ic�, tih�n certai�tlq
Roppers shonld be ��.so.
U. S. Stee1 is located o� Y7�iversity Av�ncse b�t�t:��n Hi��ay Z80 and
ti�e City �imita. TY►e �ropus�d zoni�g tak�ea a sC»~ip a1on� �Taive.�sitp
Aveaue appsoaci�aately t�o i��o�ks aad claesitir�s t�.at ar� �-1. It. is
bounded both oa the aost� ��! aa�th bp I�-2 d3e3:x�c��a. ASse Davfa
,�aid ti��t� docs tio� e�:�a to b$ a�ty �,ogie��. jcss�i�iea�ion �o this
�rh�ct tbis asea is suitcd f�r the i�adust�-i��. us� �o s�hich it iws be�
put for so manp year�. The t�to houaca on L"���Cis �o eh� rea� af �he
p2ar�t te��ce rezoste+d froa� ]Heavy Ind�st�y to � r�ai.c�eatial use. The
propoaed �an►ing osd:��aace c�.a8�ifies s�he�t �E an 3.�3 dio�rict. I�x.
D�vis said thiet U. S. Ste�l.`s co�srtes� icr R.�tt=�g �h�s� bocaes 'be
�aaoaed to � reside�tial uee ahvnlld reo� t��v� a bea�;i�tg an the chati�ing
of their s�ouiag �h3.ch �rould not permit tY�c�i to cxsparad,
Oae o€ the�s clie�te, �►mericaa C�n Co�m�an�, dc�� �ot l�c�av if �bey
� are i.a apposition �o th� ord�aazece or ao�. It i�; d:;.ff��ult to de��z-
mine from the us�� �hether ar �ot thegr c�n �anti�a� t�.ei� ��esen�
btasine�s aad expamd it ia t¢ra I41 dis�rict. They feel they caa uzac�es
the I-1 claasificatien a�d �h�y t�ve ao ob��ctiau to tha� classifi�
catioa. They do emmcoesrag� the Board �o b� a �.i�ti3e mor� specific,
if at all possilo�e, so �t�e th�s� could b� �so mi�uad�zs�.n�ding that
thia use msy b€ cantinaed.
Mz. Davis also spoke `e'or Eb� Weqesl:aec�ser G�at�y, s�o occupi�g p��-
perty at the City 1.imits at �canklict. A� tH.cy s�e �res�at�p usiug
th�ir psoperty the �oasing cla��ifieaCiote �aar��.d aot intes��e�e �tri�h
their pres�at nsa. A yaar ar aa ago W�yerk►�+�u��r had s �i�ca aad e4�e
plaaaing mill ban�c! ���a. It hss a�ot ��en ��+Y�u�It rna t�Ze lacn�ioY►.
in-Iasas are �o Ioager living. Th�s area i� ad��c��t to the pazk.
Over the 50 years �hat h�.s iu•Ia�s had &ece� th�r� tlhe area has aI-
e�aye b�en resfd�ntial. Thres ox faur doar� fro� Mz. flol�et:'s homa
�h�ze ia a dap�ex �hich appar�atXp wae`,buiit i���gallp at the Cim4
aad �ass nener zon�d as a du�plex. T'heq 'are coace�aed n� bacense
a 9.i� hss Been dra��ci �ah�.ch aau includ�� his par�ieular agea, hi�
teame and mazey oehet�, a�►d �h.ey are uc� in �n a�� tha� is Dei,ng
zoued so ae to al�.aw dup�e��s �o be beai�t. Yt ��1s3 b� a v�Yy saed
miatatio to rexo�ae thzs pxoper�y so ttiat tiha.a ty�,� of hausiag coald
ise bnilt there. Mr. Rohai�a said the S�. Anthaceq I'8xk A�socistioc�
doos uo� speaEc for and �cep�ese�t all�. of the pasoplQ f.a St. Autha�nq
P++eraic. Mr. Hahaea gsked �ia� ��i� cut �c�s mas�e �hr�� hou�es f�yro�
hia home. Mr. Hoha�a hepes and p�rays �:hat the P�aaaic�g 8c»rd �f2.3
�ak� a rea� cios.� look a� that a�d nveke s�nre �4��y i�e3. thi� is the
�►rop�r �aay.
D�INIS GR$�NI3TL: Next tu sp�aZc �ras D�ie G��6a�er, 2�I2 Va�.entia�,
a part o4rner a� �hat prop��t�. T�� pro�rt� +c�as p�areha��d gad it is
aat be�ag ased ae a�a archi�ectur�l busins�s�. r5c. �z�b�ze� �ata'�ly
endorse� the px�opos�d ac� aa�i�g ardi�a�c� �xcepe Ss i� app3i�s to
his piece of properfcy.
2t fs be'.ag ased as an oEf'.ce a�d i.0 i� beis� r¢�oned �o a ger�iden�
tial use. Mr. Gr��nex r�quest��3 that it �:�in a cas�ae��ial ns�e.
Se hates to b� st�art-chaag�d �� ��ing mad� g�eid�ati81 as�d �tot bein�
able to carry out the p1�as fo_ the p�ope�:y. �. G�e6�er etsked 3.f
it was aec�ssary tlzat he w�iC� a 2etC�ac to th� Boax�d.
Mr. 1�oi�q said his �r�m�a�ks� �ao��d be �ad� � pmrr. uf the: recarc3 Snd
ttritten co�aeat� �ra��e ao� a�ecs�s�ry.
Upoa a quasCion F�azn i�r. G3.�leap�e, Y�'ix�. Gx��;I��.e� �ai�3 h�s cs�fise ia
located at ?�►i2 Va3e��i��,. ��as k€igtzs��p �?�f� and Ct��a�o.
M�RI$ YEARSON: NexG to sp��k +�as Msri� Pea�eon, ��6� �:ra�t Cosao
Boulevaad, t+�ho said sh� came �o get a rea�c�:-i o�. a�td tl�ar i.s ��fia�
ahe fears. Homea�wa�rs hav� ��ry li�t3.e �o s� �Q �x�ot��� �h�si� ho�aea
and it '.s pastlq t��•�r os�se fa��t becacsse .e�vverp�o�� sg��l�ise� tozt$ght
ia ��ski�g ia� �eet�sl� of i�.deastzSr aad �olev�y is ��Ik9.tag fns t�e
ho�o�er. 1�Sisa P�ar� �sid siie a�aYd s��t� �o� ��e ��ueax�cte�c.
St� li�eg oppoaite Rop�ars Ca���y. PL�r t���� �-a��e ��is�a 350 do3�a�ra
thim y�r�r. She ��i� eh� �ug�ao��� it �as t���s�� m� e Iaig'�sr rea�i.�mn�ial
aget. She �ts �lt�� to the �ouatc�g ss �b�c� �� ��'���' �t� e1x� �na-
fsc�uriag df s�xict a►� s�e� �+1ao�1+� e�t h�mc� to pap �h� ictc�s.�ts�
t�e. Shte �rat� e3.I �� thra ��avk� � $��¢c�� v,��o�s +�7 d��►e af
suif:� �o� K{o�p�r�rs az� it �c.ea hez t�o ��y s�a� c�sa tna�d�.y �1�ati
a4�o4nt it. Shc� 2ost 3�r �iat�� ��o�r Taemalc�ncnia aud �s'&� is s�a�e i�
traa iadn�e� by t� E�ase� ��rr�ca R�rp�gs� �c $�5@ ��� ia� a�ditia� �o
htr pr��aioue �s so mhe 3�c� eo �r $95�1 ��are� �a� � fiv�-�oc�aa
laaaga�a� Ysat ���Y. �t 3.� a� e�fa� �.o•� �� p� c€h��. �o�x ��e g�tCiag
gatt Pyc+�� t�at ie �ais�se S�� does s�at �,c�r a�� ���e casa �c�
froa� tha� Cit�r ena �h� �las��t�a� Bomrd �i �ha� �Y� �n 8� to �t�-
tset osirs�2�ao �h� �es �rci�tari pl�atq. �� �b�.a� b� ��� t� �b�
Citq Clerk beca�s� she has put a�I of her thou�hts i� v�itiQg.
In sasc�er to a qaestiou frana Mr. G,3l�epie, Miss Peareon replied
her tgxes were $950. 1►�. Gilleep�_� said t�iex� is sa�ehiag �roug
a�d something �st be doue about thl.s.
Miss Fearson said she had �o pay $30� to h�ve a s�er pipe ii�ced an
th� �oulevard. She aaid sh� did not break it aad �he feels pnt
FREDffitYC STBINHAIISEit: Ne:�t to ���ak oras Mr. Fred�ric Seet�user,
�21a� Scudder. H� i.s speski�g far th�e Assoeiatia� of St. Paul
Coaa�aities �'hich is a g�oup �rhich �as as �.�s �r�rs 2t saaa�mity
groupa ia St. Pau1. Por the ls�se t�ro os ��x�ee years t�e As�socistion
�g8 ���.n.$ ��tr��.y ��a �a �c � �n�a c��� ���i�g �z�a�.���.
Mr. 5teinhe�aser �sranted to u�ke orfe point, ehat b�iag Lha City i8 b�iag
t�tkest ia snich ls�ge ehnmke� ttaa� �ay of �bq co�5.��tea are ao� goiag
Lo be abls to loak at thia close�.y �ith Cite PYa�aitig BQasd an a
s�a2ler scaie. Fir�t o� al�, ao move �as made for thr� y�ars and
na�ta w �re �:�� so snp-d�g. The Boa�+d ah�Id �ak� a eituatiaa that
co�eaity grou�s eovld m�eee au a small�s ac�Ie. l�ssiq e� them do not
kaoa� �Yrat the Board ia doin� h�re and �ill come dex� to �hs Citp
Cou�►cil. Mr. Steint�et�aer �tct �hrou�h this ia MiueQapolis. Yt �►as
usnal�.y doae there by co�itieg. Z`[�ae Bo�rd probabLp h�s sia
com�uuities ou the aiape Coasi�ht.
S.� �dext to speak �a� Pst. S. BjOTk,E:' S�a�r Whi�e }3eaz Aa�enne.
Mr. Doole:y toid Mr. Bjorke �hat he wae no� �n the ar�a f�eirtg dis:�
cussed nt tanight'� mee�in�.
Mr. B3orke �id he voulf! Yil�e te ask aome qu��a���.cs�s. For�r Mipor
D�anbaey spoke at the �usC g�blic he�Fiag sn���ipg �d so di8 Mr.
B�orke aad there �a8 ttothing in tbe paper.
Mr. Dool�ay eug�est�d Mr. Bjork@ discuss �hia �vith the �te�spapere
2�c. Hjorke ssid th� mee�iIIg� are mnff�ed '�ike the Cs�em�il meeeiaga
are. He asked the Boasci E�� hi.s are� �i�Z h�ve ma� �pa iu the
LibraYy for the pub2ic to vi�, so tha� they ca� ltu� �bat goes oa.
Mr. B'orke said he tsould lilce to bave ae� ar.�eser. He eaid �here
ase no maps ia the Lib��azq ia his area.
Mr. Dool�y said �3aen the a},sp�opriat� tira� cbm�o for Mr. B�oglce'�
aren, �he�e �rii2 be ai�p�.
iKr. B�orke ssked mh�r th��ee is such a shoxt �•:.me �+� �eopie caa 2ook
them over.
Mr. Dooley gaid tiier� a�e 5,000 blocks i.s Sr. Pmu�.. T,�e cit�r e�raa
di�ide8 iata areae aad th� ruapa are beisz,� ��oc�raa�ci bq �rea.
Mt. B�urke said peop3e should have tisae ka �ook th� maps o�er.
l�e. Doolnq raled Ms. B�o�tke out oi order �tnd MY, E�arke snid he
thie �ras a free country a�d peopie co�ld spesk aay ti�e th�y �ted
1Ks. Dvoley told Mr. B�orke the meetia� Fo� �is aree �on�d be Febtuarq
9, 19�2. The maps »ouid be ava��lable for vi�in� agp�oximately oae
�ek before the maat�ng.
The n�eeting �ass recessed st 8:(Y+ p.m. uati�. Januarp 2Ca, 1972.
Sab�oiLt�d; No3�ad R. H�idea Approved: Jam�� G. Doolep
Director Chai�rmar�.
, , .
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be bper.�.6�n�:;.{ .�a.�";J�4 >luz. l�eu;��e, �:�� �ca„�fau�l �±'o �;�e.aiz a.� a;��vr�e.�i�t.e �a .ti�e..
tYtOpOd��,� �:`tb�d,�3�t Ojt�.c.t-u�.>tC�?. uL�,�� ��� +t.�Z�ifi.d z;.;a.h.����
JAUv,�t4': �.�.tcr::� �tr� �.j.��atz u�cc;,� ,,l.�.a JG�rtii S.: Ja.u�r�e�}<. �t:�an,�ec�n 136 ,:li.rix2e,�d:a
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.,ln„ Jcus�abe�.y ��:u >i.�.�U.�.ri �r.t .�e� .�.�,�n_ v� �;i�. ,��.�.�;b rx;.b�.i.c ��eaa.i.,u� wr�.;c w�i,�
aci�e�a �s��;� .�c� �'e� �,�.►ci.e,�ic.a,t.��e. c�nci L���r��,r.,�,s S'(?1.:.�`(.G"I! ail xr� On�d.u��ic.2�
.�ino Uaut�i�ey .�v_.e.c� .e.t. .i..� �s��te.�i .�� �t;c� }a�.�a4�a�e ;zea.ta.i.yt3 izot..i,�� .�iaat �ce cioutr.�J.
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�to ���a.c� �;,att u�6y ;to„�e vc�,teno T,�e�e �;au��.t az au,;��x,u.�i� �..t t.�z �jc�u.«.i�lc�
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�a„se, c��.v�,;�� aja u, �%.gbi a�xct.s:►2,xjtcz.
S�IIFY�k:; ,.l�^c, J��.�,� t;c2�i e�z.�e�t u}�o,� •l�e� �J�,t�n S;a�.;.�;�e� ta �;�za.;�. It
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t�e ���.� a�t .t;��. o��cu�.i.ify 4
•ICi10��ALJ: ,Jc�x,�' �o �t3e�iz wa.a .f�.o P'�.i,� �.IcJa��:z�.d, b�JO�z2o+►�aj� jan .G4e .{2�,i.a„r
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-to b� da��i.0 .�l.yt�.�gi� cs.t �;ie „iee,ti.��;�. �tc�. Cau�tc,i.i'. ai,b �o�iy -ta ea�,��Je�.l:z
�.i� �xny wcty .tsd.e,� c,cx.� w�„t:sE .t,�e Plcutsu.►iy uo�v�l .e�c �nc��h .tv ,��Z �;og�t.ten
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auc�i ,�ao�.Q C£�11C.'P�'f�96e.1.� �it+� �,a�ne .e.,� �a vetr..� z��e�a,i:i.v�. O�c..i.i.jz�s.,ccr� �a� �vy�..t,cz�ti,
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n�.i�tej� }���sa��a�� it�.x.;3n� s��r�i.,:�g �,� u,� .�o �,tb ;���e�t-t b.tcta�.t�e e T.aUc.:
�uce c.a'.i.�,s�°r�.+ic�� �z.�5 xu ca�zc�.Ga.�i �t� uo�t y�u avice �a.�sc� �u ca��a-�..c.l�r. t;�e z.��r;�z.a�t
u,j ��.i.�4��►� ca.�,��� .tlap n.�z�i�e a;y xh�. r�<d„uaii,�,t�a�ztm��� cx►� e.�b�o,ce�,rr�►� �vc.exa
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►�2�.t,a,riJ �k::� cz,�bdz�� ,.in� .•dc�1���c�k.,,t .�:� cvsiv�i,s�e ,Li.�, n����xnia.� ta t;tiw ane� veJ��
.t.te �.*v�vc�d �a�a.a.,���:�
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�a�,r:j �to �f�>.��;.�� � �,a�,c�a. �t.ss,E�. ,�.ls ��v���.Ea.�e .t.,c �n,�lr�h �a �c,kt�:.�zz t;cz ;afr.r�;.�����t
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�.vca.te.�l �.a.x �ea,t ,�na�,a a �!o�t .L<.�Pe �i.,� a b�:ac1L. ,.1ne ..feJ�►R�,t .ca�te,l trb�a,t
wd�r�:a.��,��:�r�,� ��k� c��t.ie�c, .�w3�es ,�uaa�. �.vc� uta,Q�e uti�.�f� �e;��tt.a.tz n��.,.le�a��
a.a�.! ;�� 9����� .tia�a� �. I��a..� cl�e,� yta� gc+ �,rt �s.i.d c{,iJ�ec,r�,�j�.
a�vice, Cunr� �i�e�d whe��e .�.�.c� �,��%n�� .i..a ��a,ir! �,�t z;b� U�r.cli►uz►«.�e ars�t .i�C
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.�;�e. �u�,a��.-�. ��;i �a�,a;a.F.� �.�4 a�e�, .tr� �,�gon�.e �t�� ;��..�i.c.�.�an ��c,tc.aaa, tfe
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G� >tc€�.i��,,� e��i �,�.a��e �t�a� r�hs� +�u.�cL ;iav�. �ta ��.a.�z, a t�t�clt.i,ag e�ac2. Afi
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ut��� t�u�l a���� ��'a� u�c.,a,�i:est n�.�::�y.��,t�.ojc.
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ba.�n� Nca���.i �eacl ru;,a ��to�e c�� gna„�tsa.t;��n.ecl .�r�. �.c Q :To,��ca�tso�.►�wig u��.
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r,�a.a �icl?.�.►cj ;n�4.� �:��,�=;n,�� c+a�,�'{*cu,t ����dl,�,ir�c��v�t. 1� y�,.c �c �ta.�e �o,��,�Jcc,i.c�p
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HIpZ�•dn91c�:, r��1,. li�'d:y�� �� •r►2Ph'�' CUCQ. ii1�Q.l16 J(.i2 �13�. Cy(r�� �.`0 rL29-Lc5�P.1C C(11ii�7.�Q.-LrIL`4
au.c,z �, �a.i,r.� Qt�,l .ce� .i,� a��.� �. r�x�p�. c�rP.�t�Jc c�+u�.�lelc�,t�}a c� t,�e r��b.�,.i.�.
xU3TL�� ,J�:�,� .��a �,a�.�la u� „L�.� duu 7'u.t-t'-l'.�, S.t. Pauu� /�a�tr�.+�oj� �v�s. K�wL�t��l
��`n���� o t��.z r�� s���n t7e��Y4C.(.(1 it f��.r;u3 i� .�o a ;�vco u�n a,� .i,t �ieec>�.�y
�ame. �cp i��,�rj�c; .�►g� ��7r�.i,ryg :��cviclF ,�i�.9 �'c�.t.t�2 ��.<,�.d fe� .e.a �cax aukvice -�.j �.�
h�aa ��.�� �;a��er� sy�avcr� o� .�.yt �;�e ►� (?jra(.i.,ca�tce, .lac�y j,e�o,a�.� ane ur�eJ�z.t,i�+i;�
u►�c.te.�c �o►��r� la�,rct �� h�xsul.i,c.a.�� tfarty �;u,�e�'► ..�„t •� ,,v�.��.G.�e �t� �.i.v�. �i �'lcet.�...�
ruttc�.�� �r,�u�� fi"�i�.� ue�.i►z �a be c1.��a�82�I o� !a� �eac.i,�.ty. tJ,� to ��.f.� ,aa.�si�t,
�►�e �;ua�c.� t��;f.��?�. -tJe���e�ut �� .ta �.►za.�i,t�a�t�i..o►�a.e.i.ze xhe►,� r�e� a,��.c.�r .�ou�,i.�
urut .i►� �r.ge. ������i.oru5o �.� .€.� ►z�w b�g�.►zj�i.ng xo 62ea���e a caneennr
T,« pr�;�n,� �.�ear�.e ,i,a ��a� a� �e�i.b�.►�,ng .��e.�e �eo;�k¢. .ta �ae,ia. co,,�riuit��.�.�o
(�Yb�. 0� �.��. ��36YC.�;7�a �,illdCl�.V�c:d �f.6 ��CL� s�� CL��OV,�6J'i� .tile �►iQ.b'1.���J �i.2�QJ(.(�ec�
�ta �.l.v�. � �i:�n��.�,� .�,i,3e, l��,�:cu�.�, .�.►u,�ao►��, �z�..u! o� pa�u�y a2.t,ti.eige Tede��
cvc.� �a �a�.��4 ����en, ho„�e,�<, �iu.� .c.� nc�.� a .���.�ta.s,��it iz.i.i� �� .�un�o I�t
.�,e czt3 c���.gru,►����' �il ��La��ti.�tc.a.�..�.ng r��°�2r��ba I.� ;ucb �a.e�.v��y co�,ze .ta 4;i.�l�,t
�duzt a(aav� .�;c� r�v.�;s�ie�a.a. ��.v4 «�� .t►i�be t.�eo��e �t;1e�c�. ctr�e �o►��. c�u�b�s.a�ta a.s tQ
.ttze �eg�.f.trq �.►b � z��i� '3�i°' .�.�ig�e°4a„�y ne$.r.cte.+ct,i..a.� r✓c�an 5�'A�C See��
.�>a� �,����tc 6�►f��. �e� de.�.�.:��f �ri �h� (�a.��e�. �iabti� �.a.�Q,�.3�,yag �.�g�ti.o,ib .t.� %.rr.
c�e�,a wi..r:��dsa �r��: c,�r��epa.� �� ��t;�r.�,r �u+� c,ct�+',� a �a►r.E.�� �►� .e,t •s� a �.%,►�g����a.�%,�ry
a��sr� �� �.r;.��.,�„�2�a�:��� W�ier� �5��� eh.c.��i�.�n! get a-4:�leJ�. x��ey u�..�K. go .�►s,�a bou�c�
��r�.I n��af,� ��:3� ��(� �a.�i.�.�.e¢..� �:� �.a��.3k�a�.�y ���.,� �� ,cn� Ge,��oeg .ui t��e zoa6�.
9tl/,67 ���.d,t„ ���� ass�c��. �.�ou.�,� �.r'woua c� �o.s.teh �at�.�r�t u��c�'s.� c,�.��, Uy �te�.ui�,t,i.r�c
oe a 6ta,rii.��� �.��. <:a,rs� u,a.r��t �� �;pe� ,��ov.i.��i,can �� ta�. u.�c'.o��� .�o ..�e..v¢.
w>de� ��.ca ��r�. �,c.,�>.� r.a��.� x�� t�¢��✓e. �;iae p2�;�.Yat, �.st �,ce,i..� c:t:�uc�e,
,�tas.,, Jvca.r:�y r«.t�.�a �:�.u,� 3'ay� � �y .�;�e. ra•tc,f.�.►w.iv�.�:p S2c.�'.I.oai. �j:�L� c�,ttc�,�.n�
xhe. ira�Ee�d�s�:�,�,���� a.�.�> �'�a,t.��e �u,P.�t dae, �.bi.te�r.��.t.�.ct �,it, t!� cGc:,���,t��l :U�r T;��t�'�
�t� ��t.a.�:�, ��. .��-�t�.�. ,t-u .�,�� Y��.r�.r��k ��a�c;t �can �cas�...t;ce� c;n►e.��,�(�z�t.�.cs�t a,
��i4. »1C6.�'iL`'�'�'�.�
L�.�S�J; �Je�,*� .��a ��xa.s�.z wcsa .Jea� LZa1�d, 2�� �ov��i�.ia A��v r ur�w �tat��! ;i� �
�}��e�.i�i,��g a� �� p,Lt,��s�c: ��.t.d,z¢.nA �'�t�. o.��t zo►ung ,n�t,�e :t�,.xi� �+te �.t�c,i.r� ^,.��,d,tsz,�.c;i.�t�.
ca�c� ���r�✓.-C.L.z.►a;�f� �as�. ,,�ar} �,�cru�.d �� de.b�r�t�c� .tc� ���,u.��t� �g� �d�.ce���zra.�
�v,Jc.er.i.c°�,� �'��.�,�; ��rr��a.� �a2 av�u.�.�'�a�.�e c.s►�.t�,�,s.re ���,cderz.�ti�x.� �.s.�s�'.�ii�,t.�o ��c�. �c.�;��.A
.�,:t�,op� .�� .�;�� ;>>s��nt �,l� �.e.ga.rar�...�.Yka,� �'oc� �e�r.�.i,��, �.��°�� ,��ur;t�.r,�e.
dw�,,��gge ca��s: ��,�� �.t�s.i.ngvr�ry ;.� ;.�5 ►,��.e �e��tUrni.�a.�.�� ��cu9.u��e ��n a
bu.d.��E�t�. �to #,�..�,f,�.l a .�hne�°b��Jcy �u,e,.t.�.nu ;;gn ;�;cccn.c.�a.t: nea,�a��� I�t %a
,.f�o �..L.g.oy�I'� ���� �i� ura�t�c xlur, ��e.c�^ ca�d� 2r�a%ace�,azjLt .i,� wacc..��t ►ia .f.�►igen
����ize �,.�' t.va.�5.�a��� �ta i��.s�f,,�,.! �tr�re.��R.t��c�� w�x.�lz�ca;� tl;�e a,��u�br�e��t�. I�
� , �
.. � � `
cz 1��,�'�_t�;�� �c�s� 1��,�..�r1 �sa���. ��� tt �c��scuti� �Qo�,i' a�a;:t �.ave.pc ���.C�.i.�� ;,��,t.�i.o;�d
ofl �:F�.�.�,� €������.,� r'a� 'rfa,� ct �;r ���c,yQ.de�'rd�a.an o� �t.a��.v.ic,tcca�� c�s,�:� �. .�>.}r�t,�:�d
�p�� �;��:;�.� �ti��;. ����a.n.�b .Cv �.�a.� �.ii ��wl e.,�.�rUi�� c,r,.t.sx�►r.� .tcr b�.�d �'�
.�i�� ���u ���:�,�. c��.:��geu b� .�0��ca.� .��r� .��vc�:e°s�on, u�o_��cl �e. �.�z;�-�ccce�t br9 a
d.�ix .��'.��� U�.F..�.:��.�a�s ,s�: �.� �,f�a, c.�a�fd°� ca:�.i�ri,t,i.ast �,t dsaou.�,.� ue. ma��s,� �.ic�r�a?e.
.t� x�,vc? .�►� a �r..:-�.�a�� f�d��i�'���iyxg ��a �i� �cu,uz [Jfd.00ditl,I J3�f3� W�C.�i3 1)DG�'LQ. �:A���(..td�
��e.�?. <S}'+�,?.•'_`�H
.6Cr�.t;J��t> ,��..�,� 4� �tr��af� w:� S�i,b�ele. E.�.�.zafa�fi►c l�lc,eeiu.�e., �+3�5 Sc�,a�i.�.c' A��,
��:,��pi���� �f�.<.te�r�.r�.�Gc.�.� s�c�.�,�.��a� iw+�a�d cvse ���' �:�.�ua�.Gte�t �,rt a��� �tvc.v�zc�n
�Z=-��' �l.e,�.�t;.�;�'�3n :S� ��� p���n�� .�:�n�d .t� uaa.r� $a ���ut�.rt �.pi �;�e�%�°d di�.i.�►'�Lao�.b�.�ad
�ah �e,es��,�, c��r�a.�g �ney �e�uS �a ��ay .i.nn �t�e�z, ow►a L1a,�ede 3�;u.� c�zu t�n.r��iu�e
�r.ecc.0 cl�����.�t�.�si1 �.���c�3 ��i .��� r�2,�.gl�avfi'ra.,aad« �� 6�e,,� .t'v ,xe�i. .tii�x.t �t;ze.
P�ar�.�.bag �a���.x�.t ��u�'�! �aiz�. .��s �r�q co��.i�t�n�an. �'iue.�.�. .d.� one a�cea ���
,.I.i►irx��,�s;.�1�,.b •�f� �o�.� n�a.� ,c�.�� �cr�y nu��.hig iu�►�s�� ��! 'i,t ,f,e� a ���,i ►,ua_tc�;d�,
hUGl�LL: iJ��st �t� ��ak. u:a� ��,'a�� Kca.u�.�a 230� S#:c�n���9 ce e.t;.ccle�a�t a.t .�ri�
1lf���`�.i.��� �� ,.1R.�st�.����., !-t�, u��h.�c� �ta �x;y�.2�b C.°.412�FfLil o�+�tc .�,00►,�r.o ►�u�. k;¢,i,�e4
a.QX.�ww�..c� �,r� ��-�,dD�.r�'� �l�s�'.�::�.�¢�a S�a.d�►tita ,;�.�.t b� a.�a:���.�.t a�,� .�,c.�se �,ra
�ls2.be ank��.e � 4�.�¢ � v5a�a.�.�.�br� �� ehv.i.��� T;ie. PJ .� c� v2�.� .i�e�.e.at.i.�tcj
� �a�.� �a ,:I�.:, n�.��a�d'.r. c�, cc �.�c���.Mr:t w,�w .�,� ��.iung ca�.tli �'i� P�z,i,aa.i..ng a,� -L':a_
�o �GkA� {�LYJ���'tk-l�-�, tl,.L-r �. •G:�� f�S�yYQ..°�1C6i�:,� .�i�Cd.� .�r22 ��C, ftQ�if6al�Yl�P..� � �00 �
k:a�ce, .tc� ta;� ca,��3u.� �►2 ��..�.i� r��caa%..ru� �ca�r.� R:ba�a.t �ze .i,m g�,.1..Y,�.�x�. uai.-tht.
�t�'t.�o C�m�?�>a.r��, e����d ,:�c� s�.ur�✓�,w ��„� �1ce>a,�, wa� a� r�„ibe�r. Ea..� wow2�L .�ugged.t�
..6�e, �j'.� �:a,%,�f �'�av �fe, -t.'i�c,� air. �i�e iZ�"�-8 �.rfd r;3'=2 �.L�S�.�c:��.
�� � �::�as4.��� d��� ���P.�.> ����y ccrx�d �e.c;onclr�cl u� :.l��.e ,,d�,ee,��. �a r..e,�e.b� �ce �c���.r�. r
rze.�/a,�c�g. �'�r� a�?�.�.�.�� �cc-'-.>ut�.�°�� ra.r.s�,i;n��,�.?�, .�.drr� �a�..i.►a� c�rct3 !c�s��66e� �t; �'>°0� ;:�v�r��
�ar�►,�PCi; ,V;�:��r,� K� ►i��.�.t.>z.�. �;aa.�co:red: Jr�ao2b �n �J�ox�.�
��>'t.�.c:ta�'� Catet,flu;e�,ec
* ,�_
- ' Z
' � `�`I-���
St. Paul i Mi�.
d�l� 21,1975.
Ho�mra'ble Bii�.�•r
Ci�g Cev�ail
S�. Pau1, �ti.�.,
Friday� Julg 18��,f1975 i� wa� rsuggsated I wri�e a le��er regardigg
ZBCR-l2 ��. Rezoxi�g ppeper�y 1•ca�ed S•trr�h sf ���kkeel�ck Park�vay be#�+reei
Arumdel a�d I�ackubim �s reque��ed bg Mr. Ted Biea aad m�sel�.
F�llo�i.�g ia a ffiu�ar� �� ��.�.t �u� ��ken place.
A� ar�icsle i� �Ye Di�pa�c3c �.ppeared �l�e la�ter p�.r� of Jv�e c.veri�g
��e Pr�pe�ed Ci�g W3.d� Ordi�a.�,Qe s�. Z�xing.
NL�. Bie� �,d m�elf aoxi��oi�ed i��.e Pla�i� Boa��d. V�1e were ims�ruated
�o �e�.d a le�ter �s COUxoi1�� Levi�.e a�.d Mr. M�G�ire ef �l�e plau�.iffig
cemmu.�siex. V�'e did �hia,
'�Ye received �. le��er fre� btiir. Levi�e. a��e "?�a erder fer ��i� r�tter
�� b� co�.sidered bg �)�e Cit� Cou�cil �s �. affie�.d��n� �o ��.� pr�po�ed
C�ffipre�e�.sive Zaming Ord3.�.�.c�, i� i� r�eceas�rg f•r �0vr reque�� �e be
reviawed bg the r�taff' �f tke Pla��isg Depar�ffie�.�c. I am ref erri�t$ ;�eur
le-���r �s ��e1� �d ask3.�.g �I�te�t �� 3.ee�k i�i�e �1�3.� ma.t�er.rt
L�..-�er w� received ��e fellvwing le��er fr�m �ir. �cGuire. �u_e_`�_e_:
0�. Wed�esda� Jul� 9 1975 t�e C3�g Cot�cil �rlll ��asider requ�d c�ge�
�� ��.e preposed z�m���g tex�, �r� Frid�.y� Jul� 11 f 1975 �.d �'ed�esd�y
Jul� 16,1975 ��te Ci�� Cmu�cil wi1Z e��.�ider reque��ed bou�.d�.rp ck�.ges
for ��.e Gi�y�s new Prep�sed Ze�ing G•de i.� all area� •f�he Ci�y►, Thi.a
acheduled ffiee�img i� �. e��.�inua�i�� of �3�e required third re�dimg s� ��i�s
Ordi�.a�ce. Y�u laave e�pressed � i��erea� is� a z�mi�g deai��ati,e�.�
�1e �..re t�eref�re x���i�-ir�.g y�u �t�� ��.��e �.��era v�3.11 be c��.aid�red ��
the r��v1�r C�u�ci.l ae�siaa lOsA.�. 3� t�.e Gi�y C��cil C�bera.�
�« Ted Bie� �d r�pself �.�te�ded �he�J�t7.g 9t�. r�ee�ir�g �.d lis�ened ��
��.e di�cussi��� o�. ��e Zenixig Csde "�e�.
�r. Bie� a.�d ��elf �.�te�.ded -�he Jul� 11�� mee�3a�.g a�a,d li�te�ed �•
the Propoaed c�igers �d �.ppr�v�.l of �ha��es. Ovs requea� ZBCR-12 vr��
fer nultiple keusing a�r�.d �I�e Pla.n�i�g St�.ff �.�reed. V�e� were no� �rging
�e �nee.k �r�.pthi�.g i�.y we were 1'�ll�wi.mg pp�ceedure �a �utliaed zn le�u�ers
fre� COUmcilr�. Lev�,�.e �d �ffr. �ScGuire.
Cav�icil� Syl4ea�er s�.3.d �urr�w�diag pr�pertg e�w�er� �.re pr�b�bl�r a��
a�w�..re of' -��is reque�� �a.d he wauld auggea� a reze�mi�g pe-�i�i��. prmce�s
u�1.e�a ��ere i� �. �peci�'ic devels�e�� pla�..
__.__ __.___._._.........
�r°�e h�..d ne� bee� n�tified t1�.�.� a d��el�pz�.e�.� pla�. waa r�ece�am�r a� �Ite
� .
$'t. PtlLZ].� M.�2I]!�
J'uly 21,1975.
Honorable bSayer
City Council .
St. Paul, 1di�..
F`riday� Ju1F l8th�1975 it was suggested I write a letter regardiag
ZBCR..l2 oa Rezo�.ing property lacated S�u'�h •f' 1�V'�eeleck Parkwa�r betweea
Arundel auld Mackubia �a requeated by Mr. Ted Bies and myselt'.
Fallowing is z su�ary ot' what h�a ta�kes place.
A�rt artiole i� the Dispatc�t appeared �8e lat�er parfs ef June cmveriag
the Pr�posed Ci�y W3.de Ordinanoe �x Zeging.
Mr. Biea �,x�.d myself ae�tacted t�e Plar�n.in� B�ard. We were instructed
to aer�d a letter t• Coun.ail�x Leviae a�.d Mr. MaGuire �� tke pla�ing
co�.ssi�n. We did tl�i�. - . -
We received a letter from Mr. I.evi�e. uote "?.�i order fer tl�is m�tter
to be cansidered bp the Citp Cour�cil a�s an arr�enc'�ae�tt to t�e propased
Coaprehe�aive Ze�siag Ordinance it is x�ecessary fwr your requea� �o be
reviewed by the atatY o� �Ya P�a�g3.ng Departner�i�. I a�n re2'erri.ag your
letter ts tken auld �skir�.g tkem t• l�sk iate �his n�a�ter.n
I�ater we received t�.a �011awi�g letter fron. Mr. �dcGuire. �u_e_'��_e___:
On ��ednesda3* J'vly 9 1975 the Cit� Council will cogaider requ�ed changea
on �ke proposed zon�ng te�. On Friday J'vly 11�1975 �d Wedneaday
July 16,1975 the City Council will c�nsider requested bou�dary c�iar�gea
fAr the City�� new Proposed Zoning Code i�a all areaa •� the City. T�ie
scheduled meetimg ia � continuatian af the required tkird readir�g aP t�ia
Ordinance. You ��.ve expressed an in�erest ia a zoni�g designation,
We are t�erefore �atifyin� you t�.at these ma.�tera will be c�r�aidered a�t
tke regular Cott�cil aessioa 10:A.E�. ig tke City Council C�bera.�
b�r. Ted Bies a�d r�pself attended the�J'ulp 9th �eetir�g ru�d listened t•
the discussiona �n the Zonixig Csde Text,
Elr. Biea and �paelf a�tended the July lltlt meeting �d liatened �•
the Proposed chaz3gea and appr0val •� c�anges. Our request ZBCR-12 wus
�or �ultiple kcusir�g and the PlanAi�g Staff' agreed. Y�e were nAt trying
�o sneak �nytl�ing ia, wa were �'ell�wi.mg pr�ceedure �.a 0utliaed in le�tere
t'roa COUnci� Levine a�.d Ms, b'leGuire. _
Cauncilr�n Sylvester aaid surrounding property� awners are pr�b�bl� �.o�
mware oY thi� request and he wmnld auggea'� a rezer�iAg pe�itioa process
unless tl�ere i� a� �peci�'iC development plar�.
We �.ad mot beea notified �kat a� develepraeffi� plan waa �ecesaary a� the
, .
Jvl�r 16'�k we atteMded �the Counail Meeting witY a develepm�.eat plan
sMow3.ng street developnent� twA apar-�raen� buildinga �nd ofY=��r�at
parking. Due to the length of the meeti�.g we were not l�er�rd.
Julg 18th I at�ended the Counail rseeting but waaY heard, I wa�s t�ld
to write �. letter. T�i3.s letter ia �ubrsitted with a requeat. .
I re�pectfully reque�t t�e Ci�p Cauncil ta �et a �.e�ring date on
ZBCR-12. I wi.11 no-�ify all nei�libors wit�ia a 200 t'o0t r�diva, aa required
by l�w, bg S eci�l Del_ i�er�r letter Return ��i� Reauested �o in�ura
otimers are proper y natif�.ed. -
Vle are not asking �or �pecial cansideratier� but equa7. aon�ideratiog.
Las'� �'rid�,y Julg 18th� ZBCR-5 covering praper�y o� West side A� Wb.ite
Bear Ave. �'rom Ross �a E. 7tk St, was Rezaned f'ro� R-4 t� B- b�c�.use
nreque�tvr wi��e� to u r�da real es-�ate.� Planaing Staf� reco�egded
retainin.g property in a R4 categor�. �ere was A�e-titio�., �a develo�- �
��.ent_ �� Al2�. �d �. F2c Quire wa� instrueted by the Ceunci o co�. �c nexx�
o�r nei�labors ta see if tl�ey �qad been noti�'ied.
If this prvper��r cas be rezoaed es ��ia b�aie, cer��ial�' eur raqueat
t'or rezoning witk ro er Moti�'ica.�ier� tA n�ighber�� develo tnea� lai.x aad
Plannin� Staf1' recora�en a • a��for rau �iple uni�s cr�n�e canai ere�y the
Coun.ci �$ its �er ts.
In addi'tion i� �sigl�t be poir�ted 0ut there were ather pa.rcela �f' la�d �
Rezvned by Council actiax� wi-�hou� etitio�a wi�hAUt ro er wri�te� �otice
wit�out developrien�plans �m� rary • e Stiaff rec��msen at on�.
Si��a erel�r,
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Ro$e Azm Miz
City Clerk
Coun� Hoaae
st, Pau1. �s. 55io2
A�g. 7. 199'S
Des�r Ms. Mix:
I �ould lilce to recp�est a clarificatio�a aYxi redefinaticn of t�ua� a�ations of the
P�Pm�� �8 ordinansea that deal �i.th mini� diatanoe bei�n zoffing lota+ ot
resirdantial group hc� atid cv�u�ni.ty reaide�ti,al t'aaili.t.ies.
Beoasase ot �y ecuusern� regardi� tha w�eq�al di.�trib�ticn oi suah Paeilities, I
hav�e d3.�eo�ered tbrough talking to peaple in the Zoning and Plana�in6 ottie�s, the
C ity Attorr�sys office and oone�rn�c! property c�t�era that there appsa�ra to be a
d�tisiate n�sd tor au�ah c�arificationaand rsdetieition.
D�� A�cierson, Port].and Av�enue reaidsnt and Boru�ia Hell.�, La��ue of Wooen Votera
vtw sea�v+ed oa ths Residmrrtial !"reatareat 1►rieility Stib-Ca�ittes to tha Pl,ar�oriirr�
Gceisaio� state thst the Commc�..ttesss defisition of a �esideritial ?re�atment laeilit�
in re�atta� t,�e i3ao tset minie�a di+etanes bst�sn sc�n� lota for aneh Yaeilit..iea
�a aa follo�s A Reaidential Tr�eatment �'acility ia a dKel].i� oaeaapied by more
tt�an five clients Who are, i. Jnv�eeni].ea who nesd superriaioa. 2, bc..ofter�r�.
3. C�mi.eall� dependent per�or�s. 4. Ths mentally ill and S. T'ha mentally rstardsd.
The reaaor�t for the Cc�.i.tttees reec�andstion ragardin� the � diatanee �rere;
L. To p�ev�at an o�ereonoentration of Residential Trsataa�nt lracilitiea as defi,aed
abome, 2. To pzoteet the ehararbsr mf a nei�borhood, and 3. To p�ev�nt deval�stion
c�t Propmrty bscause cf ov�r�or�csentration of suoh �scilities as defiru�d abovb.
I wi11 appraeiate hearin� fro� yaa coneerni� �t requeat,
?crors trnl�'.
� 3 -7�- � �
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Constarice Perosino
84S Tus�arora
St. ,Paul, Mn. �5102
Q.e. MaBor Cobea
Co�ncilmar� �iasza
B3.erre R�gnier
Wayne Miller
Rep. Don Moe
, � I
� �
Name Address i
Z c. ��.��Z�`G�"`� '�//�( /i�i'�!1 f f� O�..�.�.��-�1,��,/�'9_-�t--f.
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We, the undersigned, ad�acent property owners object to any
spot re-zoning to either B-1 , B�-2 or B-3 classi�ication
�or Lots 24 or 25 in block 1 , Wanns Addition �o St. Paul,
Raasey County, Yinnesota..
. .
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City Hall .
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Re: Grand Avenue Zoning
Dear Members of the Council:
Because of the numerous questions raised �,at the hearing on
July 1Z, we have since conducted a complete sulrvey of land use on
Grand Avenue. The results of this survey arelshown an the enc3osed
map. The three kinds of uses, which are showr� in different colors
; on the map, are (1) single-family or duplex (b+'lue) , three or more '
families (red) ,_ and (3) commercial or office ��rown) . The 2oning
map `which we used for th3s' purpose was dated �3ianuary, 1973, so the
. zonin� designations on the map might not confofim with the current `
recammendations of the City Planning Departmen�. "
As you can see from the map, there are e�en�ive stretches
of single-family housing which could be zoned �esidential without �
week�iWenalsoesuc�est�thatf?where�thereaarehsi�uhlic hearing'last� � �
g P
g� mgle-family homes or
duplexes surrounded by multiple-family dwellin�;s, the single-family
or duprex areas should also be zoned RM-2 to cc�nform with the re- �
mainder of' the block. Examples of such instan�es would be the mid-
dle portions of the block between Chatsworth arpd Oxford, and the
south side of Grand Avenue between Avon and Vi�toria.
There was also discussion at the hearing c�oncerning th� desig-
nation of residential property owned by Wil.lwersheid Funeral Home
and Grand Avenue Ford. We do not bel�.eve it wquld be appropr3.ate
to zone this property B-3. If it were ever to 'be used for parking,
the appropriate categary would be P-1.
� We will have a representative at your mee�ing on Wednesday
and hope to have an opportunity to discuss the�ie factors briefly
at that time.
Ve truly yours,
DLS:�jr pou�las L. Skor, President
Enc .
cc: Mayor Lawrence Cohen (w/enc. )
Charles McGuire (w/enc . )
, . , . _ :_ _. . ..
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r��am-��di1�r•��.¢� ��Cit�s�in�r�r���4 a���Pgbok�i�>tad��.=:�s�rt��i��' : �1U5
return address: ms.rossmary kiosterman,executive secretary 644 goadricM avc�nue saint paul m'innesata 55105
;;;• � : �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�� �j��
r�� r..bs,�'r;`n_
� :�i•is��l•
'y,r �
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June 14, 1975
T0: City Council ; .
Pete Regnie �
Chuck cG ' re � � .
Ro Mix
FM: Da've Hozza
RE: Fi�a� Third R adi of the Zoning Ordinance
The final third readin� of the zoning ordinance will take place
according to the following schedule:
Wednesday, July 9, 1975
10 : 00 a.m. to Noon ,
Text revisions �
Friday, July 11 , 1975 �
10 : 00 a.m. to late afternoon, if needed
Map questions and revi'sions
�'i�� jti'ednesday, July 16 , 1975
10 : 00 a.m. to Noon
Any remaining or undisposed matters .
Please try to keep these dates open on your calendar. It is
especially important that a full council be present for the
Friday, July llth nearzng on the ma�. My office will see that
an ad is taken out in the St. Paul papers to notify the public
but Chuck I�icGuire will be responsible for not�fying individuals.
If you have any questions on this matter, please talk to me. �
Thank you. I
. �
DHH/hhd � . �
. �
� �
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r/�.� _
�'�`� �� �
July 15, 1975
Hon. David Hozza
St. Paul City Council
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Hozza:
Confirming our brief telephone discussion with you today,
because of a prior commitment in an extended arbitration
proceeding, it will not be possible for me to appear person.ally
before the City Council at the continued zoning hearing on
Wednesday, July 16, 1975 on behalf of our clients, Dean Sausser
and Paul Hedberg. We therefore request that their request for
hearing on the zoning classification of the Ramsey Hill properties
be continued until Friday, July 18 at which time I will appear
in person on their behalf. You have informed me that it is
- e�ected that some of the Wednesday hearings will be continued
to Friday and we therefore assume that the Sausser-Hedberg
matter can be so continued.
Very truly yours,
� �r�.� ��-l���..�-t
Fred W. Fisher
a. North side of Case between Barclay Street and Hazelwood Street.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
c. Request RM- .
d. Only one lot is developed. Because of unusual topography of approximately
60 feet difference in elevation and expensive development cost it does
� r not lend itself to single family residence. Multiple family housing
� would be desireable buffer from RR tracts to the north.
e. The area is partly developed with single family homes with vacant lots
�/"L�'� interspersed. The Comprehensive Plan calls for single family home develop-
ment. This parcel was the site for a petition for rezoning in 1971 for
the same purpose; the petition was denied. Proposed development appears
incompatible with surrounding uses, Staff recommends denial.
a. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and Kennard.
b. Proposed RT-1.
°1,�_ c. Reques t I-_.
�•� d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased. There
��� is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
� e. The site is partially occupied by a buxned out storage facility. Developed
land in the area is with few exceptions low density residential. Street
access to the area is not conducive to truck and commercial traffic. Staff
recommends no change in the proposed zoning.
S/ a. White Bear and Seventh.
b. Proposed R-4.
�r.,.,�,,,,.,� c. Request B-
,�,� d. Truck route, •busy corner.
_p _ - , e Staff recommends denial.
� 1�
a. West side of White Bear Avenue from Ross ta alley south of E. Seventh.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
� c. Requested zoning B- .
d. Requestor wishes to "upgrade real estate".
'�. e. Addition of this parcel to the B-1 area to the north at the intersection
.� of White Bear and Seventh does not appear to be logical. Staff recommends
iretaining this property in an R-4 category.
,� �,"..
S ,
a. Northeast corner White Bear and Bush (76' on Bush).
� r b. Proposed R-4.
c. OS-1 requested.
�I '� d. Purchased 2 lots with p�ans of building dental office with small parking lot.
e. Staff recommends approval.
ZBCR-17 :
a. South side of East 7th between VanDyke and Hazel.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2 and R-4.
c. Request a combination of B-1 and extension of RM-2.
d. The zoning as proposed splits the property ownership and may reduce .the
potential value of the property by eliminating the commercial zone.
e. The block in question contains a few single family homes on the west
end facing both East 7th and Ross. If the alley between East 7th and
Ross were vacated to the eas.t of the single family homes and the rema.ining
G � property developed with an orientation to East 7th and Hazel, a multi-family
housing development could be accomplished with minima.l effects on the
lower density housing to the west and south. The property except where
� `� filled, is considerably below the grade of existing development and
street ways. Staff recommends approval of the extension of RM-2 to the
`�\ �� center line of Ross and would not be adamently opposed to retention of the
first 4 or 5 lots west of Hazel and north of the alley line in a B-1
designation. -
a. Area between Stillwater and Ross west of Howard.
� b. Proposed zoning R-3.
c. Request zoning RM-2 and RT-1.
d. Large portion enclosed by alleys with no access to public streets. Soil
conditions not suitable for single family development.
� e. The specific property in question is presently vacant but the entire
� surrounding area is developed with single family homes. Multi-family
housing would be inconsistent with the area's present use and responsible
land use planning. The staff recommends denial of the request. The most
appropriate use of the property in question is low density residential
and open space use.
a. Southwest quadrant of the intersection of Hopkins and Brunson.
�t„�_ b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
��`�'""��— c. Requested zoning "buffer zoning between residential and light industrial,
`v. use.
d. Requestor has recently constructed a warehouse structure at this location.
�'"^'Y�� e. Staff recommends retention of proposed zoning as previously mapped.
4!1 �..
a. Area west of 8th Street and Maria.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. �
5� c. Request I-lo
0' d. Area is presently used for employee parking and a warehouse. Purpose of
� the request is to include all of the owners property within the same
� zoning classification and to conform the present uses.
��/ e. Staff finds the request reasonable for above stated reasons and because
of topographic conditions. There is a considerable grade drop-off to the
2� north of the parcel with the remainder of the surrounding property in Swede
Hallowo Staff recommends approval of request.
a. Both sides of Minnehaha between Birmingham and Hazelwood.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Requested zoning B-
d. Surrounding property has not been changed and the owner plans on additional
development of commercial use on the site. The property was previously
��� a combination of commercial and light industrial.
e. The current use of the site is not generally consistent with the general
character of the area which is low density residential. The proposed
zoning of RM-2 would allow for redevelopment of the site which would be
more consistent with surrounding uses. If a business designation were to
be considered staff would not recommend any business designation higher
than OS-1.
a. Northwest corner of Old Hudson Road and VanDyke.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Requested zoning P-1.
I.{ll,r d. Prospective purchasers of the property want to use surface parking in
conjunction with a proposed expansion on the south side of Hudson Road.
� �',,� e. The requestor has been unable to obtain a consent petition to rezone the
� f property to commercial as would be required under the present code. The
�� The stated intended use according to the petition is for parking only;
however, under the present Code the developer could not be held to that
use of the property except by deed restriction. The parking area appears
to be the only solution for expansion of the existing �ae.t�1_facility.
a. Northwest corner of Old Hudson Road and Hazel Street.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Requested zoning E-S.
� �� d. Special use permit application June 1974.
� � l � e. Permit was granted in October, 1974, for the construction of a 96-car
� parking lot on a part of this site. In addition, a permit has been granted
for another parking facility for a "steak house" type restaurant.
Designation of the property in question as an RM-2 as proposed under the
uew Code, would ma.ke the recently permitted usas non conforming. It
apgears that extension of the E-S zone in this area would be appropriate.
-6- �
ZBCR-24 .
a. Southwest corner of Wilson and Ruth.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2 and B-2.
c. Requested zoning entirely B-2 for lots 1 and 2.
�_�� d. Commercial zoning to a depth of 150 feet is impractical. Area to the
immediate south is zoned commercial.
. The lots were split at the 150 foot line because the grade drops off
abruptly to the west of that. While the land form appears to be better
� S 7 related to the lower area west of the site, an appropriate development of
r commercial facilities on a split level is possible. Staf£ could consider
� the request favorably if all vehicular access to the site is accomplished
via Ruth Street.
� � �� �t����
AREA 4 and 5. South of I-94, east to the City limits and south to the river;
downtown; and West Side.
a. Northeast corner of Smith and McBoal,
b. Proposed RM-2.
c. Request B-3.
d. Owner bought property to expand garage with the knowledge that the
o ,r-\ � property was commercially zoned. Maintenance of this parcel in a commercial
zone would not violate the general character of the area.
j� e. The property in question is situated on a block containing a mixture of
� uses includxng commercial, residential and a Wilder day care facility. If
proper. landscaping and buffering of the proposed development is provided
at the time of development, designation of the property in question as a
B-3 appears to be a logical extension of the proposed. Zoning staff
recommends approval of the requested change.
a. Eagle Industrial Park area.
b. Proposed zoning B-5.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. The area is presently used for industrial purposes and redesignation would
a�"�"� preclude any expansion of the existing use.
e. Staff suggests that possible change in text may be a more practical
solution to the problem. The designation of property between B-5 uses and
��,� RM-3 uses as I-1 does not appear to be a logical gradation of uses as
originally intended.
a. Area bounded by I-94, Lafayette Freeway, Prince, and Broadway.
b, Proposed zoning B-5.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
c�� d. The conformance of present uses is questionable and plans to expand
facilities to include captive manufacturing operations could not be
accommodated by a B-� designation.
S�� e. Staff recommends no change.
a. 293 Commercial (under the Third Street bridge) .
b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c. Requested zoning I-3.
d. Land is presently being used as a petroleum tak farm and the buildings
have been specifically engineered for related operations, There are no
harmful effects to surrounding properties.
e. The area has a great expanse of railroad yards to the west and south.
T 0�\ There is a steep grade up to I-94 connection to the east. The residential
/ area to the northeast is separated from the subject property by a great
�'�'� expanse of roadway including I-94 and Mounds Boulevard. The subject site
j�� has limited visability from this residential area due to this roadway area
and the steep grade down to the property. The staff would not recommend
consideration of this site for designation more intense than an I-2.
a. Area southwest of White Bear Avenue and Highway 94.
b, Proposed zoning R-3.
c. Requested zoning B-?
d. Area to the north is commercial property and the proposed Suburban Avenue
extension will traverse the property on the south boundary making it
� �� suitable for commercial purposes,
7� e. Staff considers the request reasonable but feels that due to the plans
t S for roadway construction in the area and the proposed ES designation and
/ use directly north of the subject property, that the best classification
S '� of this parcel would be the ES category. Contingent upon the development
of the Suburban Avenue extension, staff would recommend consideration
extension of the proposed ES area to the south and west to include this
particular property.
a. West side of Ruth between Suburban and Burns.
b. Proposed zoning B-1.
c. Requested zoning B-2.
d. In view of the responsible development in this area to date, there is no
6 � reason why this property should be placed in a more restrictive category.
e. The subject propertq plus 5 lots to the west are the site of a proposed
�, �� small shopping center. During January of this year the City Council
granted a special use permit for the installation of a parking lot on
this site to be used in conjunction with this commercial development. The
westerly lots of this property are proposed to be in a B-2 designation.
Extension of this classification east to Ruth Street to include the subject
property is the most logical designation. The general character of the
commercial development has already been established by previous development
of the existing uses and it does not appear that the low-density housing
across Ruth to the east will be adversely affected. Staff therefore is
recommending approval of the change request.
a. Northeast corner of Suburban and Burns.
b, Proposed zoning OS-1,
c, Requested zoning ES.
d. Adjacent areas conforn: to the ES designation and the subject property is
proposed for motel use. No interest has been shown for office development.
e. A stxbstantial portion of the site is presently under water leaving only
the area immediately adjacent to Suburban and Burns intersection readily
� �-� _ developable. There is substantial storm water and spring runoff ponding
L ; provided by the site. Review of storm water ponding needs for the area
�'�-�.. will have to precede development of the property. Except for the low-
� . density residsntial area to the immediate west, the general area is
� � rather intensively develoned within the City and undeveloped outside the
City. Designation of the parcel as an ES zone might precipitate develop-
ment. The current designation of commercial however would allow motel or
similar use, and preliminary fndication of interest has been entertained
but not pursued.
a. Property along Water Street west of Bellows.
f?"�,�, b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c, Request zoning I-3.
d. Present use would be nonconforming and potential future uses would be
;/,� frustrated,
e. Staff recommends no cY�ange.
, a. Southwest corner of Stryker and King.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Request B-2.
T� d. Property is presently developed commercially.
?� e. During March of this year an administrative permit was issued to allow
.�.� the installation of a parking lot in conjunction with a 7-11 food store
� at this site. The subject property contains the only 2 lots in this block
� �� not designated as B-2. Staff therefore recommends extension of the B-2
designation that is south of this subject property northward to include
this parcel and confoxtn the proposed use. Staff recommends approval of
change request.
a. Entire length of Smith from Steven� to Annapolis.
b. Proposed zoning R-4, RT-1, B-1, B-_'. and B-3.
c, Strip zone commercial.
p �� d. Al1ow for expansio�. of existing business and addition of new business
� along this street.
�Ie. Staff has reached an agreement with Smith Dodd Businessmen's Association
1 which includes the following:
1. Additic:m of B-1 between Morton and the B-3 area to the north,
2, RM-2 along the block from Page to Morton.
3. RM-2 between the B-2 soutr of Page to Curtice.
4. RM-2 from the B-2 south of Curtice.
5. B-1 from the proposed B-1 on the east side of Smith along both sides
of the street to Annapolis.
a. Two parcels between Point Douglas Road and Highway 61, south of Pullman
b, Proposed zoning R-1.
c. Requested zoning I-2.
d. Land is suited for commercial and industrial use and was purchased with
�/ this in mind.
� ? e, The comprehensive plan calls for this area to be used as open space.
Staff recommends retaining the proposed R-1 zoning.
_ `
���> >�
s/: � �;
AREA 3. South of I-94, west of downtown to City limits.
a. Area bounded by Concordia, Grotto, Carroll, and St. Albans (HRA) .
b. Proposed zoning RM-1.
V j-- c. Requested zoning RM-2.
��J� d. Redevelopment Plan shows use category of multi-family and current
' redevelopment proposals indicated multi-family density of 114 units
�']'�„� � which exceeds allowed density in RM-1.
" e. The area already has RM-2 and RM-3 classifications inters ersed.
Request seems reasonable and staff recommends approval, provided the
zoning on adjacent properties is adequately related.
a. Block bounded by Ramsey, Grand and Western (not an open street) and
the north side of Ramsey between the Grand/Ramsey intersection and the
line of Western Avenue.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2, RT-2, and B-2.
c. Requested zoning is to extend B-2 west to include lots 17, 18, 19, and
30 with the rema.inder of the block RM-3. North side of Ramsey RM-3.
d. The small amount of B-2 classification would not permit effective
commercial development. The steep terrain of the land requires higher
density development to be economically feasible. Overlooking the free-
way will not be highly desireable residential lan� for limited density
� e. Staff recommends denial. Nature of the topography does not lend itself
�\ to high rise high density apartments. This site has been designated in
� the proposed Urban Design Standards and Policies as an important "vista
� '� and view" site. This factor combined with the nature of the topography
��;' ��
raises substantial question as to the advisability of high rise
�'-� construction on the site. A "Planned Development Project" on the site
which holds this at or near the RM-2 level and restricts the structure
height to a level below line of site from the bluff line, would appear
to be tfie most appropriate solution to the problem of development on
this site.
a. Northwest corner of Grand and Bale.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
v1,S1� c. Requested zoning RM-3.
� � d. Existing apartments are of higher density than would be permitted
; making maintenance in case of dama.ge unpermissable.
e. Because existing apartment buildings are less than 5 stories they would
have to conform to the requirements of the RM-2 Schedule of Regulations
anyway even if they were in an RM-3 c.iassification (Notes to 61.101, j) .
RM-3 classification inappropriate for Grand Avenue. Staff recommendation
is for denial.
a. Southeast corner of Snelling and Ashland.
b. Proposed zoning B-2.
c. Requested zoning B-3.
d. Owners of the property where Applebaum's currently exists feel the
highest and best use of the property in the future would be a motel,
which would require a B-3 minimum designation. '
e. The area for the requested change is surrounded on 3 sides by proposed
�' RM-2�zoning. While it does not appear that the requested use of the
'� , property would present substantial difficulty to immediate neighbors,
the designation as a B-3 would allow uses which may be in conflict
� � with the character of the business develogment on the corner, and the
area generally. It appears that designation of this single parcel of
limited size on 1 quadrant of the intersection as B-3 would constitute
a spot zoning. Staff recommends denial of the requested redesignation.
a. Grand Avenue - entire length.
b. Proposed zoning OS-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, and RM-2.
c. Requested zoning B-_ entire length of Avenue.
d. Redesignation of portions of the avenue to residential classifications
will inhibit the long term development of business and the initiation
of new business along the avenue. Area businessmen feel that retention
of the B designation will help to continue the character of development
that presently exists along Grand Avenue.
e. The staff has reviewed and reevaluated the proposed zoning along Grand
Avenue with the Grand Avenue Businessmen. A substantial number of
/ cha�ges have been recommended with respect to zoning district boundary
S' lines along the avenue in area adjacent to existing business .
establishments. The staff recommendation at this time is to hold
..` to the changes which have been worked out with the Association. Retain-
5 - / �' ing the strip zoning along the entire length of the avenue would place
. several hundreds of good sound residential structures in a "nonconforming"
classification and could jeopardize the retention of such structures.
Logical expansion of existing business areas along the avenue which allow
for growth, and the removal of decaying residential or commercial structures
should be encouraged, but handled on a case by case basis.
a. West 7th, northeast corner of Smith and McBoal.
b. Proposed RM-2.
c. Request B-3.
d. Bought propertq to expand garage.
e. The property in question was �ur.f.:fiased by the present owner for use as a
parking facility and to allow future expansion of his existing business,
'�"'a � which is to the north of the site. The current zoning of the site is
light industrial which would allow the proposed use. The site is in a
Mjrt � NoD.P. Area and the proposed zoning is consistent with current NDP plans
for the area. The requested zoning would allow contfnuance and expansion
of a viable operating business and should be considered favorably in staff's
� � �
a. Area bounded by Osceola, Tuscarora, Juno, and Drake.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. Currently zoned light industrial. The area would he surrounded by
commercial and industrial property according to the petitioner.
e. The request is in conflict with the NDP plan for the area. Property '
situated to the west of the site is currently zoned B Residential. The
c'�~"��-�, site was purchased for the relocation of a business which located at
an alternate site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on
�/�� maximizing dollar return or sale option$ and in that it is contrary to
the approved NDP plan the staff would recommend denial.
a. North side of Ford Parkway, east of Kenneth.
b. Proposed zoning OS-1.
c. Requested zoning B-x.3
d. Area adjacent is B-3 and an extension would not be contrary to actual
uses of the area in general.
e. The property in question is comprised of 6 lots which have a difficult
topography. Adjacent property on 3 sides of the site is designated
residential, R-4 to the north, RM-2 to the east and RT-1 to the south.
The general area is fully developed. The purpose of the designation as
OS-1 follows the "graded intensity" concept of the Ordinance in general.
Designation as OS-1 appears appropriate.
a. Shepard Park, area bounded by Alton, Stewart, Springfield, and Benson.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2.
c. Requeated zoning RM-3 vs. RT-1.
d. 1) RM-3 would more closely approximate density provided by "current''
"C"Residential zoning.
d. 2) RT-1 would more closely approximate former-current zoning and existing
� � e. The site under consideration has been the subject of numerous public
� r p hearings and actions by public advisory bodies, the City Council and the
District Court. The property zoning status is presently under appeal to
/ Q„�r� the State Supreme Court from which no decision has been received to date.
�,.� The staff .recoromendation for zoning designation of this property is to
retain the bulk of the property in an RM-2 designation and 1 block of
��3. the property (bounded by Rockwood, Rankin, Benson and Springfield) in an
RM-3 designation which combination most appropriately reflects the "C"
Residenti.al classification given the property by Council action in 1973.
. � �
a. Southwest quadrant of the intersection of I-94 and White Bear Avenue.
b. Proposed Zoning ES and R-3.
c. Requested zoning ES.
�j d. Proposed zoning splits property in such a way that the ma.rketability of
�� the parcel is effectivel,y reduced.
��O e. Staff concurrs that more appropriate designation for the property,
� considering adjacent zoning and property acces� would be to include the
1����total parcel in an ES category.
��.,����� ��
727 GRAND AVENUE Q��p�� TELEPHONE 226-1586
.A,t�pC1A 5i1pN .
The Saint Paul City Council is considering adopting a new zoning ordinance.
The Grand Avenue Business Association and members of the City Planning staff have
spent many hours reviewing and attempting to resolve their different views on this
Numerous concessions were made in attempts to gain support of the Grand Avenue Business
Association. In spite of this, we believe:
(1) This ordinance will down-zone all of Grand Avenue and shatter for all
time much of its unique character as one of the finest residential
shopping areas in the �ain Cities.
(2) This ordinance, even as revised, perpetuates the worst features of spot-
(3) This ordinance, by down-zoning Grand Avenue, will ultimately destroy
property values along Grand Avenue and strangle any attempt to resolve
the Avenue's parking problem.
(4) This ordinance, even as revised, will severely limit business expansion
opportunities along Grand Avenue and force many small businesses to
leave the Avenue for the suburban areas.
Therefore, The Grand Avenue Business Association opposes the proposed recl.assification
and down-zoning of Grand Avenue as proposed in the new zoning ordinance.
We propose that the entire length of Grand Avenue, either be given a B-3 zoning
classification or that a Special status district be created.
Adopted by the unanimous vote of the
Board of Directors of the Grand Avenue
Business Association, May 6, 1975.
Ratified unanimously at the Quarterly
General Meeting on May lOth, 1975 which
was held at the International Institute.
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a. Area bounded generally by Duke, Erie, Grace and W. 7th Street.
b. Proposed zoning R-4.
c. Requested zoning B or I.
d. Present use of the property would be nonconformed by passage of the
Ordinance, and the prop�rty potentially would be down graded in value.
Zoning on this portion of property is consistent with the NDP Plan
and with the W. 7th. Street Renewal Area. The site is surrounded on
3 sides by residential districts and does not appear to have expansion
potential beyond the limits of the site for which the re-designation
is requested.
e. Staff recommendation is for denial.
� ������
,� � /
AREA 1. North of I-94, west of I-35E to north and west City limits.
Z.BCR-1 �o�j�
a. Di�erth side of Robbins, from Raymond to Manvel.
b. Proposed zoning �i-1:r� zCurrent zoning predominantly "C" Residence with
spot Commercial and Light Industry.
c. Requested zoning 1�4-2. :
, d. Provide buffer between low-density residential and Industrial use area.
e. Staff finds the requests reasonable application of the graded land use
intensity concept; recommends approval.
a. Area bounded generally by Highway 280, Manvel, Hampden and Ra.ymond. �
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning "C" Residence.
c. Requested zoning R-4.
d. The area surrounds parklands and is presently built up with predominantly
land 2 family housing.
e. The area is currently zoned "C" Residence and the RM-2 classification
, appears to be the most logical translation to the New Code; however, the
South Saint Anthony Park PAC's position relative to conservation and
preservation of existing uses is well taken, staff recommends approval of
the change.
a. Area north of Hampden, west of Bradford.
b. Proposed zoning I-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Requested zoning B-2.
d. Neighborhood development program plan recommended commercial.
e. Staff agrees.
a. Koppers Company plant site. 1000 Hamline N.
b. Proposed I-1. Current zoning Heavy Industry.
c. Would like I-2 or I-3.
d. Otherwise it may be impossible to continue to operate its plant and make
� essential improvements and additions not designed to increase capacity.
e. The staff recommendation on this parcel has been consistently for denial
based on the adverse relationship of this use with the surrounding area
including both low-density residential uses to the south and the major
recreational facility to the north.
a. Area bounded by Lexington, Jones , and Jessamine.
�' b. Proposed zoning I-1. Current zoning Heavy Industry.
� �'� _ c. Requested zoning I-2.
d. Burlington Northern Como Shops and Koppers plant site. I-2 is needed
'. for continued operation and improvements and is consistent with past
} and future use of the area.
e. Staff recommendation is for denial based on previous considerations.
AREA 2. North of I-94, west of I-35E to north and west City limits.
a. West side of Arkwright between Hoyt and Montana.
b. Proposed zoning R-3. Current zoning "A" Residence.
c. Requested zoning RM-_.
d. Economically infeasible to build single family because area is substantially
below street grade and has poor soils.
e. The staff recommendation on this parcel is flexible. Retention of the '
parcel in the R-3 designation will probably prevent development of the
site indefinitely. The property is not suitable, without considerable
investment, for useable open space or for low-density single family
housing. Reasonable development of the property would require density
transfer techniques at the least. The most appropriate use of the property
would probably be a low-density townhouse development along the Arkwright
side leaving the western portion of the property open. To accomplish
this under the proposed code, a designation of RT-2 would be required.
The staff recommendation is for an RT-2 designation.
a. East side of Little Canada Road between Larpenteur and Wheelock Ridge Road.
b. Proposed zoning R-2. Current zoning "A" Residence.
, c. Requested zoning RM-_.
l��i/ - d. The property in question has a severe grade problem; 25 foot or greater
grade differential on a relatively limited site.
< ' e. This property, as the one previously evaluated will probably remain un-
� � developed under R-2 zoning due to the grade problems. Development of the
site would probably require a density appropriate to the proposed RM-1
zoning category.
a. Southeast corner ��f Wheelock Parkway and Desoto.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1. Current zoi?ing "A" Residence.
c. Requested zoning RM-2.
d. The topography and aesthetic value of the property would be better served
�' `�-� by multi-family development.
" , e. The property in question is undeveloped except for 2 single family homes
, facing the Parkway which are surrounded by the subject property. Single
" � family homes and a church bracket the remaining borders of the parcel.
Multi-family development does not appear to be consistent with existing
development in the area. Staff recomnnends denial of the requested change.
a. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and Kennard.
` � b. Proposed RT-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
,,,_ c. Reques t I-_
' , d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased. There
is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
e. The site is partially occupied by a burned out storage facility. Developed
land in the area is with few exceptions low-density residential. Street
�! � . access to the area is not conducive to truck and commercial traffic. Staff
recommends no change in the proposed zoning.
a. Area bounded by Case, C. ST. P. M. and 0. Railroad right-of-way. East and
west of Herbert.
b. Proposed zoning R-_. Current zoning Light Industry and "A" Residence.
r� c. Requested zoning I-1.
`' � ' d. Site conditions render development of the property as a low-density �
residential area economically impracticed.
� e. The site under consideration is substantially below the grade of existing
streets and public utilities. There would be considerable fill required
,� ��4 to bring the site to constructable grade. The site could be used for
warehousing without need for utilities normally associated with other
types of development. The staff would recommend designation as an I-1.
a. Area between Stillwater and Ross west of Howard.
b. Proposed zoning R-3. Current zoning "A" Residential.
-�� c. Request zoning RM-2 and RT-1.
`�' d. Large portion enclosed by alleys with no access to public streets. Soil
'�� conditions not suitable for single family development.
� e. The specific property in question is presently vacant but the entire
surrounding area is developed with single family homes. Multi-family
p, � housing would be inconsfstent with the area's present use and responsible
land use planning. The staff recommends denial of the request. The most
appropriate use of the property in question is low-density residential
and open space use.
a. Both sides of Minnehaha between BiYmingham and Ha.zelwood.
b. Proposed zoning Rt�[-2. Current zoning Commercial and Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning B-
d. Surrounding property has not been changed and the owner plans on additional
development of commercial use qn the site. The property was previously
a combination of Commercial and Light Industrial.
e. The current use of the site is not generally consistent with the general
character of the area which is low-density residential. The proposed
zoning of RM-2 would allow for redevelopment of the aite which would be
more consistent with surrounding uses. If a business designation were to
be considered staff would not recommend any business designation higher
than OS-1.
AREA 3. South of I-94, west of downtown to City limits.
a. Northwest corner of Grand and Dale.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning Commercial.
c. Requested zoning RM-3.
d. Existing apartments are of higher density than would be permitted
making maintenance in case of damage unpermissable.
e. Because existing apartment buildings are less than 5 stories, they would
have to conform to the requirements of the RM-2 Schedule of Regulations
anyway, even if they were in an RM-3 classification (Notes to 61.101, j).
RM-3 classification inappropriate for Grand Avenue. Staff recommendation
is for denial.
a. Area bounded by Osceola, Tuscarora, Juno, and Drake.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1. �
d. Currently zoned Light Industrial. The area would be surrounded by
commercial and industrial property according to the petitioner.
e. The request is in conflict with the NDP plan for the area. Property
situated to the west o� the site is currently zoned "B" Residential. The
site was purchased for the relocation of a business which located at an
alternate site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on maximizing
dollar return or sale options, and in that it is contrary to the approved
NDP plan the staff would recommend denial.
a. Area bounded generally by Duke, Erie, Grace and W. 7th Street.
b. Proposed zoning R-4. Current zoning Commercial.
c. Requested zoning B or I.
d. Present use of the property would be nonconformed by passage of the
ordinance, and the property potentially would be down graded in value.
Zoning on this portion of property is consistent with the NDP plan and
with the W. 7th Street Renewal Area. The site is surrounded on 3 sides
by residential districts and does not appear to have expansion potential
beyond the limits of the site for which the re-designation is requested.
e. Staff recommendation is for denial.
a. Southwest quadrant of the intersection of Western and Goodrich.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning "B" Residence.
c. Requested zoning Commercial.
d. Owner wishes to expand older commercial structure for storage and truck
e. The current use of the property is a " nonconforming use" of residentially
zoned land. The request is to spot zone a single property into a conformance.
Staff recomznends denial on the basis that expansion of a nonconforming
use does not appear to be in the best long term interest of the area or
the City.
� +..
a. Sturgis Street, south side, between West 7th and Garfield Streets.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning "B" Residence.
c. Requested P-1 or B-2.
d. Requestor intends to purchase older house for demolition to allow for
the development of a parking lot for his business at 475-477 West 7th Street.
e. The request appears reasonable in that it is a logical extension of an
existing operation. Staff recommends designation of the effected property
as a P-1.
AREA 4 and 5. South of I-94, east to the City limits and south to the river;
downtown; and West Side.
a. Eagle Industrial Park area.
b. Proposed zoning B-5. Current zoning Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. The area is presently used for industrial purposes and re-designation would �
preclude any expansion of the existing use.
e. Staff suggests that possible change in text may be a more practical
solution to the problem. The designation of property between B-5 uses
and originally intended. Upon review of the matter with the property owner,
it appears that a change in the text language with regard to permitted
uses in the B-5 area would be a more appropriate solution to the problem.
a. Area bounded by I-94, Lafayette Freeway, Prince and Broadway.
b. Proposed zoning B-5. Current zoning Light Industrial and Heavy Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. The conformance of present uses is questionable and plans to expand
facilities to include captive manufacturing operations could not be
accommodated by a B-5 designation.
e. Staff recommends no change.
a. Northeast corner of Suburban and Burns.
b. Proposed zoning OS-1. Current zoning Commercial.
c. Requested zoning ES.
d. Adjacent areas conform to the ES designation and the subject property is
proposed for motel use. No interest has been shown for office development.
e. A substantial nortion of the sita is presently under water leaving only
the area immediately adjacent to Luburban and Burns intersection readily
developable. There is substantial storm water and spring runoff ponding
provided by the site. Review of storm water ponding needs for the area
will have to precede development of the property. Except for the low-
density residential area to the immediate west, the general area is
rather intensively developed within the City and undeveloped outside the
City. Des�gnation of the parcel as an ES zone might precipitate development.
The current designation of commercial, however, would allow motel or similar
use, and preliminary indication of interest has been entertained but not
' - �+.
a. Property along Water Street west of Bellows.
b. Proposed zoning I-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Request zoning I-3.
d. Present use would be nonconforming and potential future uses would be
e. Staff recommends no change.
.ti - 1� � �
�- y - ��-
TCR-1 �
A. Definition Section 60.372, Restaurant, Fast food
S o r B. See Text of Proposed Ordinance
�/� C. A business establishment whose princ�pal business is the selling of pre-prepared,
quick order, and packaged foods in a ready to consume state, in individuel
servings, for consumption on or off the premises; and where tihe package, wrapping,
or container in or on which the food is sold is paper, plastic, or other subatance
of a non-returnable and disposable nature.
� A. Definition Section 60.374 Restaurant
� B. See Text of Proposed Ordinance
C. A busin�ss establistnnent whose principal business is the selling of unpackaged
food to the customer ia a ready to consume state, in individual servings, or
in non-disposable containers, aad where the customer constunes these foods
while seated at tables or counters located within a building.
A. Definition Section 60.3�3, Junk Yards.
B. An open area where waste, used or second hand materials are bought and sold,
exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled, including but not
limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rugs, �e��er tires, and bottles.
�-� � r A "Junk Yard" includes automobile wrecking yards and fncludes any area of more
s „� ;.� than 200 square feet for storage, keeping, or abandonment of junk, but excludes
'��� uses established entirely within enclosed buildings. It also excludes establish-
�� ments for the sale, purchase, or sale of used cars, and the processing of used,
,�.� discarded, or salvaged materials as part of the manufacturing operations.
C. Change "an open area" to "a place". Change "establishments for the sale,
purchase and sale of used cars", to "establishments exclusively for the sale,
purchase or resale of used cars".
D. Clarification and definition.
A. Definition Section, 60.365, Nuisance.
Sa �
� B. That which reasonable disturbs a person in the area and which a reasonable
person could find to be an offensive, annoying, unpleasant, or obnoxious thing
�/V ox practice, which is a continuing or repeating (1) invasion across a property
line, or (2) generation of an excessive or concentrated amount of people or
C. A substantial uareasonable and continuous invasion of the use and enjoyment of
a property right which a reasonable person would find annoying, unpleasant,
obnoxious, or offensive.
D. Simplification.
A. 62.103, k. �
B. No present wording.
� � C. Section 62.10� is amended by adding at the end thereto the following:
� J n. Where automobile parking spaces are provided, at least one space per 50 spaces,
' or fraction thereof, shall� be provided for the use of the handicapped. Each space
reaerved for the exclusive use of the ha,ndicapped shall be designated by an inter-
national wheelchair symbol.
o. Parking spaces for the handicapped sha,ll be not less than 12 feet in width
and shall be located so as to provide accessibility to ramps, elevators, side-
walks, buildings, and other public rights-of-way in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter 55 of the Uniform Building Code, Facilities for the Ha.ndicapped.
(5) Each 1,000 square feet of floor area devoted to such use shall be
counted as one dwelling unit in the computation of allowed dwelling units
on the lot.
(6) The principal structures shall not be less than 150 dwelling units
notwithstanding subdivision (5) of this subsection.
A. Appendix A. , ,
�` B. No present wording. � "'r'�
� u
�� � � ��
� C. Insert "Printing and Publishing Establishments� , �
D. For further definition and clarity.
A. 60.350 definition; Lot, Zoning. �
B. A single tract of land, located within a single block, which, at the time of
filing for a building permit, is designated by its owaers or developer as a
tract to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under single ownership or
control. A zoni,ng lot sha.11 satisfy this Ordinance with respect to area, size,
dimensions, and frontage as required in the district in which the zoning lot
S � is located. A zoning lot, therefore, may not coincide with a lot of record as
~� filed with the County Register of Deeds, but may include one or more lots of
'�rv record.
C. A single tract of land, which, at the time of filing for a building permit, is
designated by its owners or developer as a tract to be used, developed, or
built upon as a unit, under single ownership or control. A zoning lot shall
satisfy this Ordinance with respect to area, size, dimensions, and frontage as
required in the district in which the zoning lot is Located. A zoning lot,
therefore, may not coincide with a lot of record as filed with the County
Register of Deeds, but may include one or more lots of record.
D. Further clarification.
A. 62.102 d 2.
B. Should such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than sixty
C � (60) percent of its market value as shown on the records of the County Assessar,
1""� exclusive of the foundation at th� time of destruction, it shall not be recon-
6 structed except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinaaee.
_� ��C. Should such structure be destroyed by any means to an extent of more than sixty
(60) percent of its replacement cost, exclusive of the foundation at the time
of destxuction it sha.11 not be reconstructed except in conformity with the
provisions of this Ordinance.
D. For conformity with proposed change in 62.102 f.
A. 62.102 f.
B. See text of Proposed Code.
C. On any building devoted in whole or in part to any nonconforming use, work
may be done in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months on ordinary repairs,
ox on repair or replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures, t�iring, or plumbing,
� p � to an extent not exceeding S�xty � percent of the current replacement cost
� of the building provided thfa't?�he u ic content of the buflding as �.t existed
r at the time of passage ot amendment of this Ordinance shall not be iacreased.
9 �� j
�Nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or
restoring to a safe condition of any building or part thereof declared to be
unsafe by any official charged with protecting the public safety upon order
of such official.
a. Section 60.522 , subdivision h, 6.
b. See text to proposed code.
c. Delete "Printing establishments and advertising displays". Insert
�� � 'Plastic products including tableware, records, buttons or similar
roducts. Renumber current numbers 6, 7, and 8 as numbers 7, 8 and 9.
� � d. sent wording lacks clarity.
�rn.�.�.,�d' .,� �# 6
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a. Grand Avenue general .
b. Proposed zoning mixed, OS-1 , B-1 , B-2, B-3 and RM-2.
c. Requested zoning; see attached letters.
d, The requested designation ailows small business to grow when warranted,
exciudes expansion of community oriented business while allowing the
continuation of residentiai use.
e. Staff has spent considerable time over the past year reviewing existing
land uses and proposed zoning for the Grand Avenue area. Early this
spring a parcel by parcel evaivation of the Grand Avenue strip was made
with the Grand Avenue Business Association, At the termination of that
r .�.�::. ._. evaluation meeting staff assumed that we were very close to agreement
although some specific parcel requests were not resolved,
� The July 3rd ietter from the Association (attached) stating their curren�
position with respect to the Avenue's proposed zoning raises substantiai
concern on the part of staff. These concerns are:
l . Designation of the area west of Nowell in a residential catogory
unnecessarily non-conforms some 10 or 12 existing business establish-
ments. This is not consistent with good pl�nning practice.
2. Designation of the remaining part of Grand Avenue i,�.
east of Howell in a B-2 configuration with B-3 where necessary to
conform existing business, is not without swbstantial problem to
owners of residentially used property in thet area. The non-conformance
provisions allow for reconstruction only to the original density in
the event of disaster. Land economics over the past years have been
such that an increased density is almost invari�ly necessary to make
reconstruction affordable unless governmental subsidy is used.
Since the area proposed to be designated 6-2 by the Association contains
considerable high value high quality multi-family and low-density residential
development which should be adequately protected, staff recommends that
the zoning pattern for Grand Avenue be consistent with the proposal deve)oped
in conjunction with the Grand Avenue Businessme� during the aforementioned
Spring 1975 meeting, and as shown on the current proposed Zoning maps, 200
scale on file in the Planning Department and with the City Clerk.
a. Arsa bounded generally by Duke, Erie, Grance and W. 7th Street.
b. Proposed zoning R-4. Current zoning Corronercial .
c. Requested zoning B or I .
S � � d. Present use of the property would be nonconformed by passage of the
`�;ti.,,,:� ordinance, and the property potentially would be down graded in value. ,_, , , ,
Z -_ � e, Zoning on this portion of property is consistent with the N PD Pla nd i��1 ``''`-�
� with the West 7th Street Renewal Area. The site is surrounded on 3 sides
5� � i� � by residential districts and does not appear to have expansion potential
� beyond the limits of the site for which the redesignatio� is requested,
Staff recommendation is for denial .
a. Area bounded by idaho, Larpenteur ard Van Dyke behind existing Hillcrest
Shopping Center,
b. Proposed zoning OS-i , Office Service District. Current zoning Canmercial .
c. Requested zoning B-2.
d. Proposed OS-1 zoning would prohibit the expansion of the existing
�-�-�"' �-� � commercial center.
e. The designation of the pro�erty in questio� as an OS-1 is consistent
� , with the "graded land use intensity concept�` which was used in where
practical throughout the City. Staff reco�ranends that the designation
be retained unless and untill plans are prepared for the expansion of
the center �Nhich proviae for minimal adverse use relationships by
adequate setback, landscape buffering and/or topography.
a. Area east af Jackson Street north of N.P. Tracks described as ; All of
Lat El:sven (li) and Lot Twelve )12) , W.W, Bass Garden Lots except that
portion of Lot Twelve (12) tying south of the northern boundary of the
railroad right-of-way.
�� � b. Proposed zoning 1-1 . Current zoning Heavy lndustrial .
' c. Requested zoning I-2 Indsutrial .
�- , 1 d. Proposed zoning would not atlow intended use of the property.
e. The property described is surrounded by I-1 or I-2 zoning, and other
(� r� uses in the area are similar to the inteneded use of the parcel in
� question. No residential areas or uses abut the subject prope►-ty. The
staff recon►mendation is for approvai .
a. North side of LaCrosse between Fland�au and Kennard.
b. Proposed RT-l . Current zoning Light industry.
c. Request i-_
d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased.
There is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
e. The area to the west of the site is partially occupied by an abandoned
coal yard and some storage structures one of which is burned out. The
developed area to the south of the site is low-density single family
housing, The local streets are not adequate for heavy truck traffic
access� To gain access to the site using present streets would require
routing trucks past low-dens�ty residential housing. The site appears
to be at ar n�ar the existin� �treet grades in the area and appears to
be buildable as a low-densi �y �~esidential area. Staff recommends denial ,
a. Area generally north of LaCrosse west of Ken�ard.
b. Proposed zoning RT-i . Current zoning Heavy Industrial .
c. Reque�ted zoning !-_.
d. Propos�d zoning wou3d not permit intended development.
e. This property is the sit� of an abandoned coal storage and sales facility.
(see ZBCR-5 above) . It appears that considerabte filling has taken
place on the site. Some structural remains presently occupy portions of
the site. The staff evaivation and recommendation for this property is
the same as �BCR-5, recommendation for denial .
a. North side of Marytand between Rice Street and Park Street.
b. Proposed zoning R-4. Current zoning spot zoned Light Industriai .
c. Requested zoning B-3.
d. Property wouid be more easily marketed with commercial zoning.
, e. The property in question is presently occupied by a relatively new
(` house in excellent condition. Properties to the east, north and south
� � � of the subject parcel are occupied by single and two family housing,
, in generally weli maintained condition. The property to the west is
J`� commercially developed with a super market. Other quadrants of the
intersection of Rice and Maryland are commercially occupied. Designation
as a B-3 would nonconform the existing structure. Staff recommends denial .
a. Area bounded generally by Maryland on the south� Soo Line right-of-way
on the west and City of St. Paul Water Department right-of-way on the
east and north.
b. Proposed zoning RM-l . Current zoning Heavy Industrial .
"" -,� c. Requested zoning industrial .
`�-- '� ;� d. � The site contains considerable area and could accomnwdate a substantial
apartment complex using appropriate density transfer development
�'� techniques. A large portion of the site has poor soils and will present
difficulty for any type of development other than low value storage or
extremely heavy industrial use. The site is generally below the grades
of surrounding property. The property has railroad access via a Spur
line serving other industry to the south of Maryland. Staff would prefer
retention of the proposed RM-1 zoning designation.
a. Area bounded by Juno, Armstrong, Duke and Osceola.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning Light Industrial .
c. Requested zoning 1-1 .
�.,,�, d. Currently zoned LFght Industrial . The area would be surrounded by
`" commercial and industrial property according to the petitioner.
�.� e. The request is in conflict with the NDP Plan for the area. Property
v situated to the west of the site is cu�rently zo�ed "B" Residential .
The site was purchased for the relocation of a business which located
at an alternate site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on
maximizing dollar return or sale options, and in that it is contrary to
the approved NDP Ptan the staFf would recommend denia) .
a. Both sides of Minnehaha between Birmingham and Nazelwood.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning Commercia) and Light Industrial .
c. Requested zoning B-_.
'T" d. Surrounding property has not been changed and the owner plans on
� +'— additio�al development of commercial use on the site. The property was
� previously a combination of Commercial and light Industrial .
� � _ e. The current use of the site is not genrally consistent with the general
character of the area which is low-density residential . If the current
industrial use of the site is to be continued� every effort should be
made to buffer surrounding residential properties to minimumize effects
of the existiiig adverse use relationships. Staff suggests that OS-1 ,
RM-2 and P-1 . Areas bracket the industrial use area on both the north
and south sides of the site.
. � �
a. Dale and Cook.
b. Proposed Zoning R-4. Existing Zoning Strip Commercial.
c. Requested 2oning B-_.
� � d. Owner has removed old structures to construct commercial building.
` ^ " e. Property to the north of this site is developed with multiple family housing.
tl� f,;; . -� A storefront building is commercially used across Dale Street. Properties to
�,/ the east and south of the site is occupied by single family housing. The staff
' ° recommends retention of a residential zoning designation.
a. South of Wheelock Parkway between Arundel and MacKubin.
b. Proposed Zoning R-3. Current Zoning "A" residence.
�/ c. Requested Zoning RM-2.
,S/ d. Development of property at R-3 density economically infeasible.
�1k� e. Development of the property in question is complimented by steep topographic
a� �. conditions. The property is bounded on the south by Burlington Northern
. � Mainline right-of-way. Development at the foot of the slope across the tracks
'' is mixed mu:,tiple family and commercial uses. Single family homes exist on
� a the northern portion of the site facing the parkway. Low to moderate density
multiple family housing appears to be appropriate if the site is to be developed.
a. Park Nursery site.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-1 and B-3. Current Zoning A and C Residence and Commercial.
c. Requested Zoning:
1. All property presently "C" Residence RM-1 or RM-2.
2. All property presently "A" Residence RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1.
3. Al1 property presently Commercial B-1 or B-2.
d. Proposed designations most closely reflect existing zoning.
��- �;; e. Staff reaction to the requested zoning is mixed. The designation of current C
residence property as RM-2 V�ould be the closest possible translation from the
old code to the new and consistent with practice in other areas of the City.
" Designation of the current "A" residential portion to a new residential class-
ification would now conform the existing business use of the site. Designation
of the current Commercial portion of the site would create a small Commercial
spot zone of questionable capacity, value, and viability, a poor planning practice.
The staff would hold with the original proposed zoning approved by the Planning
Commission and forwarded to the City Council.
a. Area bounded ger�erally by Frontenac:, Curfaw, Desnoyer, and St. Anthony.
b. Proposed ZoninQ R-3. Current Zoning Commercial.
c. Requested Zonin� I-4,
d. Proposed Zoning would endanger continued operation of existing facility by non-
�t conforming it.
e. The five sided parce� in que.stion is bounded on three sides by well maintained,
sound, low density residential development. A moderate to high quality apartment
�' facility abuts the property on the east, across the city limits. To the north
of the site respectively are St. Anthony Avenue, the Milwaukee Shortling tracks,
and Interstate 94. If the current use of the site were terminated, redevelopment
of the parcel as an I-2 wauld be dif£icult if not impossible without injury to
the quality of the surrounding residential uses. Staff recommends denial.
a. South side of Robbins from Raymond to Manville.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-2. Current Zoning "C" Residence with two spot-zoned Commercial
� c. Requested Zoning I-1 for existing commercial parcels and vac�nt land between them.
d. Owners wish to have conforming zoning so that expansion can occur.
e e. The current proposed zoning is consistent with the NDP Plan for the area. Staff
recommends denial of the requested change.
a. Area bounded generally by Highway 280, Manvel, Hampden and Raymond.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-2. Current Zoning "C" Residence.
c. Requested Zoning R-4.
� � d. The area surrounds parklands and is presently built up with predominantly 1 and 2
��' family housing.
e. The area is currently zoned "C" Residence and the RM-2 classification appears
to be the most logical translation to the New Code; however, the South Saint
Anthony Park PAC's position relative to conservation and preservation of existing
uses is well taken, staff recommends approval of the change.
a. Southeast of Bradford, North of Ellis to vacated alley.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-2. Current Zoning Light Industry.
c. Requested Zoning B-2 or 3.
� ' d. Continue conformance of existing use as Dairy Queen.
e. The Approved NDP Plan for the area designates the site for multiple family housing
use. Staff recommends denial of the request.
a. Area north of Hampden, west of Bradford.
b. Proposed Zoning I-1. Current Zoning Light Industry.
' c. Requested Zoning B-2.
d. Neighborhood development program plan recommended commercial.
e. Staff agrees.
a. Hancock Nelson Parking Area West at existing warehouse.
b. Proposed Zoning I-1. Current Zoning Heavy Industrial.
c. Requested Zoning RM-2.
d. Approved NDP Plan designates site for Market Rate Housing.
e. Staff recommends approval of the request when parking problems for adjacent
property owner are resolved.
a. Northeast corner of �uburban and Burns.
b. Proposed Zoning OS-1. Current Zoning Commercial.
-� c. Requested zoning ES.
"� d. Adjacent areas conform to the ES designation and the subject property is proposed
� for motel use. No interest has been shown for office development.
e. A substantial portion of the site is presently under water leaving only the area
immediately adjacent to Suburban and Burns intersection readily developable.
There is substantial storm water and spring runoff ponding provided by the site.
Review of storm water ponding needs for the area will have to precede development
of the property. Except for the Iow-density residential area to the immediate
west, the general area is rather intensively developed within the City and
undeveloped outside the City. Designation of the parcel as an ES zone might
e. (cont.) precipitate development. The current designation of commercial,
however, would allow motel or similar use, and preliminary indication of
interest has been entertained but not pursued.
a. Property generally known as "Watergate.."
a. Property bounded generally by Benson, Youngman, Alton, and Rankin.
a. Minnesota Milk Property University Avenue.
aa�a�am� '.
'727 GRAND AVE'NUE W��� TELEPHONE 226-1586
J�Y 3, 1975
Mr. Chasles L. MeGuire
Zoning Planner
421 Wabash�, Street
st. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 .
Deax Mr. MeGuire;
At the July 2nd. meetin� of the Grand Avenue Business Association's
directors, the following motion was ma,de concerning the rezoning of the
We the owners and mana�ers of businesses on the Avenue wish to
insure that the unique aspects o.f the street be maintained.
Therefore, w�e request the street be rezon�ed in such a way to
a]-1ow smal.l, neighborhood businesses to flourish. Specifically,
we request: 1. ) The axea w�est of Howell be zoned single family
with nonconforming use permits granted to those cor�mercial
establishments currently located there. 2. ) The area between
Howell and Oakland be rezoned B-2 (neighborhood. business)
excepting those locations currently occupied by establishments
disallow�ed by B-2 criteria. Those locations should be rezoned
Rationale: Thi.s zoning con�Piguration allows small business to grow
and expand when warra,nted, it excludes any expansion of community oriented
business (E-3), and allows the continua of a11 residential use accordin�
to "Proposed Zonin� Ordinance for the City of Saint Paul" 62.102., e.7.,
��•77). In any OSOl, B-1, B-2, B-3 District exis�ing residential uses
sha11 not be nonconPorming as to use of structure and land and may be
structural,ly enlarged, extended, reconstructed, or altered provided no
additional dwelling units are add�d on the lot and only af'ter the
approval of the Planning Corrnnission.
`�---__._�._ � ,1 ,a
David A. Lane �
gran PhD
Associate Professor and
Chairman of Geogra�hy, Ma,calester
, Member G.A.B.A. Board of Directors
��.� `�- ���
a. Grand Avenue general.
b. Proposed zoning mixed, OS-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, and RM-2.
c. Requested zoning; see attached letters.
d. The requested designation allows small business to grow when warranted,
excludes expansion of community oriented business while allowing the
continuation of residential use.
e. Staff has spent considerable time over the past year reviewing existing
land uses and proposed zoning for the Grand Avenue area. Early this spring
a parcel by parcel evaluation of the Grand Avenue strip was ma.de with the
Grand Avenue Business Association. At the termination of that evaluation
meeting staff assumed that we were very close to agreement although some
specific parcel requests were not resolved.
The July 3rd letter from the Association stating their current position
with respect to the Avenue�s proposed zoning raises substantial concern
on the part of the staff. These concerns are:
l. Designation of the area west of Howell in a residential category
unnecessarily non-conforms some 10 or 12 existing business establish-
ments. This is not consistent with good planning practice,
2. Designation of the rema.ining part of Grand Avenue i.e. east of Howell
in a B-2 configuration with B-3 where necessary to conform existing
business, is not without substantial problem to owners of residentially
used property in that area. The non-conformance provisions allow for
reconstruction only to the original density in the event of disaster.
Land economics over the past years have been such that an increased
density is almost invariably necessary to make reconstruction affordable
unless governmental subsidy is used.
Since the area proposed to be designated B-2 by the Association contains
considerable high value, high quality, multi-family and low-density residential
development which should be adequately protected, staff recommends that the
zoning pattern for Grand Avenue be consistent with the proposal developed
in conjunction with the Grand Avenue Businessmen during the af�rementioned
Spring 1975 meeting, and as shown on the current proposed zoning maps, 200
scale on file in the Planning Department and with the City Clerk.
a. Block bounded by Ramsey, Gra�d, and Western (not an open street) and the
north side of Ramsey between the Grand/Ramsey intersection and the line
of Western Avenue.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2, RT-2, and B-2,
c. Request2d zoning is to extend B-2 west to include lots 17, 18, 19, and 30
with the remainder of the block RM-3. North side of Ramsey RM-3.
d. The small amount of B-2 classification would not permit effective commercial
development. The steep terrain of the land requires higher density development
to be economically feasible. Overlooking the freeway will not be highly
desireable residential land for limited density development.
. �-
e. Staff recommends denial. Nature of the topography does not lend itself
to high rise high density apartments. This site has been designated in the
proposed Urban Design Standards and Polic•ies as an important "vista and
view" site. This factor combined with the nature of the topography raises
substantial question as to the advisability of high rise construction on
the site. A "Planned Dev.elopment Project" on the site which holds this
at or near the RM-2 level and restricts the structure height to a level
below line of site from the bluff line, would appear to be the most appro-
priate solution to the problem of development on this site.
a. Park Nursery site.
b. Proposed Zoning RM-1 and B-3. Current Zoning A and C Residence and Commercial.
c. Requested Zoning:
1. All property presently "C" Residence RM-1 or RM-2.
2. All property presently "A" Residence RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1.
3. All property presently Commercial B-1 or B-2. �
d. Proposed designations most closely reflect existing zoning.
e. Staff reaction to the requested zoning is mixed. The designation of current C
residence property as RM-2 would be the closest possible translation from the
old code to the new and consistent with practice in other areas of the City.
Designation of the current "A" residential portion to a new residential class-
ification would now conform the existing business use of the site. Designation
of the current Commercial portion of the site would create a small Commercial
spot zone of questionable capacity, value, and viability, a poor planning
practice. The staff would hold with the original proposed zoning approved by
the Planning Commission and forwarded to the City Council.
a. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and Kennard..
b. Proposed RT-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Request I-
d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased.
There is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
e. The area to the west of the site is partially occupied by an abandoned coal
yard and some storage structures one of which is burned out. The developed
area to the south of the site is low-density single family housing. The
local streets are not adequate for heavy truck traffic ac�:ess. To gain
access to the site using present streets would require routing trucks past
low-density residential housing. The site appears to be at or near the
existing street grades in the area and appears to be buildable as a low-
density residential area. Staff recommends denial.
a. Area generally north of LaCrosse west of Kennard.
b. Proposed zoning RT-1: Current zoning Heavy Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-
d. Proposed zoning would•not permit intended development.
e. This property is the site of an abandoned coal storage and sales facility.
(see ZBCR-4 above.) It appears that considerable filling has taken place
on the site. Some structural remains presently occupy portions of the site.
The staff evaluation and recommendation for this property is the same as
ZBCR-4, recommendation for denial.
+ . M
a. Area bounded by Juno, Armstrong, Duke, and Osceola.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. Currently zoned Light Industrial. The area would be surrounded by
commercial and industrial property according to the petitioner.
e. The request is in conflict with the NDP Plan for the area, Property
situated to the west of the site is currently zoned "B" Residential.
The site was purchased for the relocation of a business which located at
an alternate site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on
maximizing dollar return or sale options, and in that it is contrary to
the approved NDP Plan the staff would recommend denial.
� -
2��.�.� S-�
a. Area bounded by Juno, Armstrong, Duke, and Osceola.
b. Proposed zoning RT-2. Current zoning Light Industrial.
c. Requested zoning I-1.
d. Currently zoned Light Industrial. The area would be surrounded by commercial
and industrial property according to the petitioner.
e. The request is in conflict with the NDP Plan for the area. Property situated
to the west of the site is currently zoned "B" Residential. The site was
purchased for the relocation of a business which located at an alternate
site. The petitioners request appears to be keyed on maximizing dollar
return or sale options, and in that it is contrary to the approved NDP Plan
the staff would recommend denial.
a. Area west of 280, north of Doswell
b. Proposed zoning I-1.
c. Requested zoning I-2.
d. Site of Rheem Manufacturing, an I-2 use.
e. The site in question is physically separated from adjacent residential uses
by` limited access throughway right of way and topography. Staff recommends
change from I-1 to I-2 as requested.
a. Area bounded generally by Frontenac, Curfew, Desnoyer, and St. Anthony.
b. Proposed zoning R-3. Current zoning Co�nercial.
c. Requested Zoning I-2.
d. Proposed Zoning would endanger continued operation of existing facility
by non-conforming it.
e. The five sided parcel in question is bounded on three sides by well maintained
sound, low density residential development. A moderate to high quality
apartment facility abuts the property on the east, across the city limits.
To the north of the site respectively are St. Anthony Avenue, the Milwaukee
Shortline tracks, and Interstate 94. If the current use of the site were
terminated, redevelopment of the parcel as an I-2 would be difficult if
not impossible without in,jury to the quality of the surrounding residential
uses. Staff recommends denial.
a. Southwest corner of Hudson Road and McKnight.
b. Proposed zoning OS-1. Current zoning Commercial.
c. Requested zoning ES.
d. Adjacent areas conform to the ES designation and the subject property is
proposed for motel use. No interest has been shown for office development.
e. A substantial portion of the site is presently under water leaving only the
area immediately ad-jacent to Suburban and Burns intersection readily develop-
able. There is substantial storm water and spring runoff ponding provided
by the site. Review of storm water ponding needs for the area will have
to precede development of the property. Except for the low-density residen-
tial area to the immediate west, the general area is rather intensively
developed within the City and undeveloped outside the City. Designation
of the parcel as an ES zone might precipitate development. The current
designation of commercial, however, would allow motel or similar use, and
preliminary indication of interest has been entertained but not pursued.
a. West side of White Bear Avenue from Ross to alley south of East Seventh.
b. Proposed zoning R-4. Present zoning Commercial and "A" Residence
c. Requested zoning B-_.
d. Requestor wishes to "upgrade real estate."
e. Addition of this parcel to the B-1 area to the north at the intersection
of White Bear and Seventh does not appear to be logical. Staff recommends
retaining this property in an R-4 category.
a. Block Bounded by University, Western, Virginia, and Aurora.
b. Proposed zoning B-3 and RM-2, Current zoning Light Industry and "C" Residence.
c. Requested zoning I-1 entire block
d. Requested zoning would allow continuation and expansion of existing use
of property.
e. Staff has reviewed the matter and is in receipt of information from appropriate
PAC group and H.R.A. indicating that the change in designation would be
appropriate. Staff recommends approval of change as requested.
a. Southeast corner of Dale and Shurburne. .
b. Proposed zoning RT-1. Current zoning Commercial and "C" Residence.
c. Proposed zoning P-1.
d. Needed to replace a parking facility which has been removed due to the Dale
Street widening.
e. Designation of the parcel to a P-1 would provide necessary parking area
for the facility fronting on University Avenue. Such action would reduce
the damages payable by the City and at the same time minimize risk of
commercial expansion into the residential area to the North. Staff
recommends approval.
a. Block bounded by Ramsey, Grand, and Western (not an open street) and the
north side of Ramsey between the Grand/Ramsey intersection and the line of
Western Avenue.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2, RT-2, and B-2.
c. Requested zoning is to extend B-2 west to include lots 17, 18, 19, and 30
with the remainder of the block RM-3. North side of Ramsey RM-3.
d. The small amount of B-2 classification would not permit effective commercial
development. The steep terrain of the land requires higher density development
to be economically feasible. Overlooking the freeway will not be highly
desireable residential land for limited density development.
e. Staff recommends denial. Nature of the topography does not lend itself to
high rise high density apartments. This site has been designated in the
proposed Urban Design Standards and the Policies as an important "vista and
view" site. This factor combined with the nature of the topography raises
substantial question as to the advisability of high rise construction on
the site. A "Planned Development Project" on the site which holds this
at or near the RM-2 level and restricts the structure height to a level
below line of site from the bluff line, would appear to be the most appra-
priate solution to the problem of development on this site.
a. Park Nursery site.
b. Proposed zoning RM-1 and B-3. Current zoning A and C Residence and Commercial.
c. Requested zoning:
1. All property presently "C" Residence RM-1 or RM-2.
2. All property presently "A" Residence RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1.
r .�►•
3. All property presently Commercial B-1 or B-2.
d. Proposed designations most closely reflect existing zoning.
e. Staff reaction to the requested zoning is mixed. The designation of
current C residence property as RM-2 would be the closest possible trans-
lation from the old code to the new and consistent with practice in other
areas of the City. Designation of the current "A" residential portion to
a new residential classification would now conform the existing business
use of the site. Designa.tion of the current Commercial portion of the
site would create a small Commercial spot zone of questionable capacity,
value, and viability, a poor planning practice. The staff would hold with
the original proposed zoning approved by the Planning Commission and
forwarded to the City Council.
ZBCR-l0A '
a. Area bounded generally by Highway 280, Manvel, Hampden, and Raymond.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning "C" Residence.
c. Requested zoning R-4.
d. The area surrounds parklands and is presently built up with predominantly
1 and 2 family housing.
e. The area is currently zoned "C" Residence and the RM-2 classification appears
to be the most logical translation to the New Code; however, the South Saint
Anthony Park PAC's position relative to conservation and preservation of
existing uses is well taken, staff recommends approval of the change.
a. Southeast of Bradford, North of Ellis to vacated alley.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Requested zoning B-2 or 3.
d. Continue conformance of existing use as Dairy Queen.
e. The Approved NDP Plan for the area designates the site for multiple family
housing use. Staff recommends denial of the request.
a. Area north of Hampden, west of Bradford.
b. Proposed zoning I-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Requested zoning B-2.
d. Neighborhood development program plan recomanended commercial.
e. Staff agrees.
a. Hancock Nelson Parking Area West at existing warehouse.
b. Proposed zoning I-1. Current zoning Heavy Industrial.
c, Requested zoning RM-2.
d. Approved NDP Plan designates site for Market Rate Housing.
e. Staff recommends approval of the request when the parking problems for
adjacent property owner are resolved.
a. South side of Robbins from Raymond to Manville.
b. Proposed zoning RM-2. Current zoning "C" Residence with two spot-zoned
Commercial properties.
c. Requested zoning I-1 for existing commercial parcels and vacant land between
d. Owners wish to have conforming zoning so that expansion can occur.
e. The current proposed zoning is consistent with the NDP Plan for the area.
Staff recommends denial af the requested change.
. �r►
�b � �S �
a. 60.316(1) .
b. No present wording.
c. Community Residential Facility: A State licensed group home or foster home
serving mentally retarded or physically handicapped persons.
a, 60.338
b. See �ext of Proposed Ordinance
c. Group Home, Residential: A building or structure where persons reside for
purposes of rehabilitation, treatment, or special care, and which is not a
Community Residential Facility as defined in Section 60.316(1) , herein.
Such persons ma.y be orphaned, suffer chemical or emotional impairment, or
suffer social maladjustment or dependency.
a. Amend 60.412 by adding new h as defined herein. Change old h to i.
b. No present wording.
c. A State licensed Community Residential Facility serving six (6) or fewer
mentally retarded or physically handicapped persons.
a. Amend 60.423 by adding new e. Change old e to f.
b. No present wording.
c. e. Community Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions:
(1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
(2) No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be housed
in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family," except that
structures designed or newly built specifically for such use may allow a
greater number provided that all other conditions of Special Use Permit
issuance are met.
(3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum �sstance of 300 feet will be required between aoning lots
used of Co�+inity Resider.ti�l Facilities.
a. 60.433 Amend by addition of new d. Change old d to e.
b. No present wording.
c, d. Cocrnnunity Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions:
(1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling,
(2) No more than 16 community residential facility r�sidents may be housed
in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family," except that
structures designed or newly built specifically for such use may allow a
greater number provided that all other conditions of Special Use Permit
issuance are met.
(3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum 2listance of 300 feet will be required between zoning lots
used of Community Residential Facilities.
� .
a. 60.443 Amend
b. No present wording.
c. d. Community Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions:
(1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
(2) No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be housed
in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family," except that
structures designed or newly built specifically for such use may allow a
greater number provided that all other conditions of Special Use Permit
issuance are met.
(3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum distance of 300 feet will be required between zoning lots
used of Community Residential Facilities.
a. Amend 60.453
b. No present wording.
c. Add new f, change old f (Accessory Buildings. . .) to g.
f. Community Residential Facilities subject to the following conditions:
(1) It shall not be located in a two-family dwelling.
(2) No more than 16 community residential facility residents may be housed
in excess of the persons allowed by the definition of "family," except that
structures designed or newly built specifically for such use may allow a
greater number provided that all other conditions of Special Use Permit
issuance are met.
(3) The minimum lot size is that prescribed for one-family dwellings.
(4) A minimum distance of 300 feet will be required between zoning lots
used of Community Residential Facilities.
�-'� �-�J�
a. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and Kennard.
b. Proposed RT-1. Current zoning Light Industry.
c. Request I-
d. Intention was to construct a warehouse when property was purchased. There
is limited commercial and industrial uses already in the area.
e. The area to the west of the site is partially occupied by an abandoned coal
yard and some storage structures one of which is burned out. The developed
area to the south of the site is low-density single family housing. The
local streets are not adequate for heavy truck traffic access. To gain
access to the site using pre�ent streets would require routing trucks past
low-density residential housing. The site appears to be at or near the
existing street grades in the area and appears to be buildable as a low-
density residential area. Staff recommends denial.
a. Area generally north of LaCrosse west of Kennard.
b. Proposed zoning RT=1. Current zoning Heavy Industrial. �
c. Requested zoning I- .
d. Proposed zoning would not permit intended development.
e. This property is the site of an abandoned coal storage and sales facility.
(see ZBCR-1 above.) It appears that considerable filling has taken place
on the site. Some structural rema.ins presently occupy portions of the site.
The staff evaluation and recommendation for this property is the same as
ZBCR-1, recommendation for denial.
a. Southwest corner of Hudson Road and McKnight.
b. Proposed zoning OS-1. Current zoning Commercial.
c. Requested zoning ES.
d. Adjacent areas conform to the ES designation and the sub,ject property is
proposed for motel use. No interest has been shown for office development.
�� e. A substantial portion of the site is presently under water leaving only the
`�� area immediately adjacent to Suburban and Burns intersection readily develop-
able. There is substantialistorm water and spring runoff ponding provided
by the site. Review of storm water ponding needs for the area will have to
D S '� precede development of the property. Except for the low-density residential
,,��� area to the immediate west, the general area is rather intensively developed
within the City and undeveloped outside the City. Designation of the parcel
as an ES zone might precipitate development. The current designation of
commercial, however, would allow motel or similar use, and preliminary
indication of interest has been entertained but not pursued.
���,E:ast , ;' ': `:treet, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 01. Edward N. Helfeld, executive director. phone 298 5218
: ,
. � �-b•�;��
DA7� Jul� ls, 1975
T� Councilman Robert Sylvester
FRO M Gerald J. Mangle
• 1. The area is currently zoned light industriale
2. The proposed zoning (new ordinance) ir.dicates RT-2,
3. The "approved" redevelopment plan indicated Residential II which
is Medium Density (20-'LS dwelling units per acre).
• The closest zoning classification available under the new ordinance is
RM-2. We recommend this zoning classification.
1. Drake Street provides an excellent opportunity for a land use
boundary between different land uses due to the grade change in
the terrain. There is a substantial slope downward from Drake
Street. Topographic changes of this type usually make good zoning
district boundaries.
2. In the two blocks immediately south of Armstrong, there are approxi-
mately twenty single-family homes and duplexes, The ultimate use
in the subject block will certainly have an effect on the area.
3. Multi-family development in the area provides the opportunity to
create transitional uses between industry and single family.
4. The RM-2 classification has the potential of making the land
more valuable than the RT-Z because more intensive development is
possible. Certainly, classification as multi-family would mean
' values would be more closely comparable to the values under the
existing zoning of light industry. •
� lJ LI U
�llU ,
.. " -2-
S. MosC iraportF.ntly, the RM-2 classification provides the opportunity
for new residential construcCion in a portion of the k'est Seventh
neighborhood that is experiencin� some deterioration. Planners
and resident groups from the area bounded by Drake, West Seventh, •
She�ard Road and Otto have agonized over plans for this area for
several 'y��ars. The one common goal that all of the various plans
deve?oped have i.ndicated is that new development should complement
the residential character and livability of that area.
� cc: C. McGuire
R. Cady
�; b
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DATE: July 17, 1975
T0: Citp Council Member
FRO�i: David H. Hozza
Timetable Is Proposed Only, In That the Council May Be Ahead
Or Behind Schedule, Depending On the Time Needed for Con-
sideratioa. However, Debafie Will Be Limited, and the Chairman
Reserves the Right to, Within the Time Limits Proposed, Cut
Off Debate) .
DATE: Friday, July 18, Z975
10:00 A.M. - City Council Chambers
1. 3uno/Armstrong/Duke/Osceola (National Checking)- 10:00 - 10:15 A.M.
2. �iest of 280, north of Doswell (Rheem Manufacturing) - 10:15 - 10:20 A.M.
3. KEEYJWLOL- 10:20 - 10:35 A.M.
4. Hudson Road and McKnight (Clapp-Thomssen) - 10:35 - 10:45 A.M.
5. �thite Bear Avenue and East Seventh Street - 10:45 - 10:50 A.M.
5. ;Linnesota Milk - 10:50 - 10:55 A.M.
7. S.E. Corner of Dale and Sherburne -10:55 - 11:00 A.M.
8. Ramsey Hili between Su�nit, Grand and Western -
(Sauser/Hedberg)- 11:00 - 11:30 A.M.
9. Park Nursery- 11:30 - 11:45 A.M.
I0. West Midway - South St. Anthony - 11:45 - 12:30 P.M.
DATi: Tuesday, July 22, 1975
It�:00 A.ri. - City Council Chambers
1, i�arth side of LaCrosse between Flandrau and
Kennard (Okonski) - 10:00 - 10:10 A.M.
2. �rea Generally North of LaCrosse West of Kennard - 10:10 - 10:20 A.M.
�:�t�.:i s
cc: �ify C1erk
C�ty Attorney
Charles ?-icGuire
Johz Connelly
�:;i.'�i' I�Aii SEVF_NTH FL�OR S.AINT PAtJL, MINNFSOTA 55302 6i2129s-4fi46
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�So��IT �#� �xt���uz�� ��r� ���act�#YII�t
Z3s0 HAMPDEN AVENtlB • ST. PAUL, MINN860TA 8&U4 , e��
Phon� a40•i��4 �,�,,,r
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Ju7,y lo, 1975
_ .�
Re: Zoning of residental land use - South St, Anthony' Park
Soath St. Anthony Park Association received two pieccs of communication
today - one� the notice of the, Zoning Ordinance Hearing and the other
an eleventh hour H.R.A. staff recommendation (no PAC input in it or
working o�ledge of it) design for expansion of Hancock Nelsrn which in
essence propose to extend within the residential laad use area on the
western side and on the northern end take out three housing sites - -
approximately taking ofY 5 acres of the already declared residential
land. - , .
The PAC has had absolutely no time �or review and does not feel that the ,
eleventh hour decision of this type adds ar�ything to the integMty of �
the program for which we have fought for duaing the past 5� yeara.
South St. Antho� Park wishes to go on record in protest of these kinda
of tactics and we think the city of St. Paul must show some consideration
for the residential reconstruction. effort being exerted in our isolated
north westcrn part of the city.
From: Elizabeth J. Clark, president
l. �
�y , �. ;
DATE Ju�.y is, i9�s� , ,
. �
; .
TO G. Mangle '
FROM D. Anderson
SU BJECT West Midway/Minn. A-1-3 •
Site Office Position on Potential Zoning Changea �
�' . .
The West Midway site office feels that Chuck McGuire should be aware that two areas, '
in klie South St. Anthony park area, will most likely be contested at the next. zoning
hearing. These two areas are outlined on the attached map.
Area "A", located on Robbins, is south of an industrial zoned area. Midwest Sign �
(Parcel 8-9), a going business, has stated that unless they are able to expand .
tl�ey will be in effect, put out of busineas. The HRA owns Parcel 8-10 which will
facilitate thei� expansibn needs. Parcel 8-11 is owned by Cory Trucking. Because
of their position we would expect them to request a zoning change from residential
to allow for their expansion. If the anticipated objection is raised we would support•
a zoning change to I-1 for parcels 8-9,10, and 11. This would not adversely affect
the residential area to the south, becauae these parcels are isolated by the topography
in the area. In additi�on, these parcels have limited long range marketability for �
housing due to the land use to the north.
Area"B" is occupied by the Dairy Queen (Parcel 27-10), The Carpenter Union Hall (Par-
� cel 26-10), and Gopher Bearing (Parcel 26-9). The vacation of Bradford St. is pro-
I grammed for vacation to facilitate the off-street parking needs for this area. In
addition, the Dairy Queen needs to expand their busineas into an all-year "restaurant
type" business if they are to continue their operation. Because residential zoning
• of their property would not allow this, it is anticipated that they will ask for a change
in their zoning. In addition, Gopher Bearing is under study by the PAC and IiRA to determinE
if a different occupant in the existing building might be more compatible with the sur-
rounding area. To facilitate the Dairy Queen's expansion needs and the potential re-use
of Gopher Bearing, the site office would aupport a change in the zoning to B-2 if
asked for. We do not feel that the existing facilities would exert a long range
detrimental influence onto the surrounding area. In fact this node may w•ell evolve
into a more neighborhood orientated center to serve the area.
CC: South St. Anthony park Association �
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920 sum�:it avenue • saint paul 2, »:innesota
July 18� 1975
Mr. David Hozza, President
St. Paul City Council
15 West Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Sir:
This is to advise you that the University Club of Saint Paul' s
Board of Governors, representing over 900 members, has gone on
record by an unanimous resolution opposing any changes in the
proposed zoning code insofar as it applies to the Ramsey Hill
One of the major attractions of the club has been its unique
location, the remarkable view and sense of privacy available
to its members. The Board of Governors feels that a change in
the proposed zoning code ma� have a drastic effect on the club' s
aesthetic appeal and may result in loss of inembership.
Respectfully submitted,
! / / _ ^
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Z. W�illard Finberg, President
cc: Dr. E. C. Emerson� House Chairman
Mr. McNeil Seymour, Vice President & Club Counsel
Irna Conroy, Club Manager
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Councilmaa -
T0: � City Council Member�
� FROM: David fl. Hozza
I As a result of the discussion at t'�e City Council meeting Friday, here
� is the latest timetable for the complet�on of the proposed zoning ordinance:
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1975
10:00 A.M. - City Council Chambers �
1. North side of LaCrosse between Flandrau
and Kennard, (Okonskf) . �
2. Area generally north of LaCrosse west .
of Kennard.'
3. Southwest corner of Hudson Road and McKnight
( Clapp-Thomsson).
10:00 A.M. - City Council Chambers_ .
1. Aancock-Nelson parking area �:�st of existing - '
TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1975 �
10:00 A.M. - City Council Chanbers
1. City Council acts on motion *_`at says third reading
is completed and the text a�d the map are in final
10:00 A.?i. - City Council Chambers
1. Fourth reading and council action.
If anyone has any general or speci=ic comments or requests on either the
text or tne �.ap, those comments shoulZ �z directed in writing to the City Council.
If you have any questions regardiag this timetable, please bring them to
my attention i�ediately. -
cc: Charles McGuire Rose Mix � John Connelly
Pierre Regnier A1 Olson Mayor Lawrence Cohen
CITY HALL SEVET.�iTH FLOOR SAIN7 PAUL, '_�iINti�OTA SS102 612/298-4646
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