264420 WNI7E - CITY CL}RK (/�? PINK -�5'INANCE CO1111C11 /�.64��0 CA[�IARI�- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � y � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��7 i� _ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, a franchise to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conducting and supplying gas for all purposes for a term extending from January l, 1975 to December 31, 1984, and deter- mining the amount which the Company shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated as � "Company" , being a public service corporation supplying gas for all ' purposes within the City of Saint Paul under Ordinance No. 15474, which shall expire on December 31, 1974, is, together with its successors and assigns, hereby granted a franchise to use the streets and other public property located in such City for such purpose for a term extending from January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1984. Section 2. The franchise granted herein shall extend to the Com- pany' s use of all streets and public property now being used by the Company in connection with such service and of such other stre�ts and public property as may from time to time be designated by the City Council. Such franchise to use the streets and other public property located in such City shall include such use for the purpose of erecting, installing, maintaining, and operating gas mains, and all other neces- sary appurtenances used in conducting, distributing, and supplying gas COUNCILMEN Yeas �Tays Requested by Department of: #��x Christensen �o�ca�ta�+t Hozza In Favor Levine 3��� Sylvester Against BY 9� Roecller Tedesco Mme.President��t� Hunt , Form Appro y City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . . . . , �:-. � . . . . � . .. � .. . • . � .. — . . . . .j � . - . . . . s .. .. . . . . . .. : � .. 2 i. . �P����r� � ,; - for public and private use and for the purpose� of ;cond�xctiiz.� said � ` gas �'to and throu:gh said City. � _ ` Sect�pn 3. In locating its' gas. facilities, the Ca�pa�,y �hall in no '�ry u�easonably interfere with �he safet� and. et9„t�venience of or- . , ;, dinary travel �long and oveX �said streets and gubii� prc,�erty nor in- t��fere with other uses ta which such places may`,be °�ut by the C�.ty " 1. of Saint P�t�l, and in the event it shal]. become necessary during �he °'' term of th�.s fra�chise to rema"ve or re].ocate the phy..�ical. .property of the Cc� an located within or u on an a�' the stti�ets or - P Y P Y publi� _ p�oper;ty �in the Ci.t� af. 3a3.nt Paul: because of su�h �inte,r�erence or ; . .. . t ,-: � f . .. .. , . ' : . use b�,.th� City, c� a$ .a. r�s�tl�._;:of a�� gtib�:�.e irnprave�tent �txncl�rtaken : ''=� �` by tl�e C�.�y, the Company shall, v�h�en �so �advised by t�ie Council, re- .r ` - move ax�d �relocat,e �said; facilit-i.es,�i�thnut cos� tc� the City o� Saint - Paul, and sha21 p��a��`.th� '�txe.e�'s«o� gub�ic�:=prt>perty` in the sam� , , co�ditimn r as �l�va�,i- were px'ior to said r�moval,- or relo�tatiQn. Any re- , ,,.,, _ lcacation or re�►oval;�-d�` `the Co�ngan'�i�� ;����3i�ti+�s m�d�F�-neceasary, because ' � , . _ of the extens�on thraugh or into-the City o€ a Feder�lly-ai?ded state. .: t�cunk h i h�a • : . , . : : g y,. �r.n�slu+�ec't .�i.thin.<t�e �tat�.onal gyst�n o� �:Inter�t�t� High- . ,: . ways, shall. �� � ±�qea���d `b the �-: : � � ,proY��,��s of Minria�c�`���tatute�':1971, ,. � = �ectit�n 1�i,1.4�;:.,,� . ` �° . < - ,:: _ :�� - - - :, }'s_ � Secta;cm 4, . �e Compan�,, in the �stal.lation•, tb�ter�anee, Aand ope�ati.anl: a� ��;��. ��c�.lities,, :a�hall '�e subject to,. st�cli, �e���riable :-'_�'�� � ��cegulations ��-t��y��_�:-provided by the `Caunci�.,, and not� gas��naa�. �t�d - : ' ga� servic.e app3;i���es shal�. hereaft�r be ir�stalled �K, laid by t�ie �' Company, °e�cep� upon applicati;on to the Department of Public Wor3ss `` . or -EE�ti�er persori�s designated by the City Couricil, and����►�;�°��ten per'- mission- therefor granted by said department or person. - _, .. .,_ Secti+r�n 5. - During the term of the fraachise her�aby g�sntad, the Comp�ny .shall .pay into the treasury qf �the City of �Sa�nt �P�u�� a ye�trl�r f��►nchise fee pf Sq, the monetary am:ount of wYiich :is. fio be measured by - the Ccxnpany' s gross- earnings during �g75 and eacM of �he .�ubsequent ` `: years, and the :payment of such amount �o be made` iii: qAarterly 'instail- ' m�n:ts on or before the 30th 'day of April, July and O��obe� af 1975 a�d of each stzbs�ent year, and on o� before the 30th da� of December, � � 1975, �nd of ;each subseque�nt year, so that tYie April �0 pay�nent, of the. franc�ise fee shall be�, 8°6 of the amount of the gross �a�ings of � tha Campan� during the three-inonth period of Jarkuary, _February �nd - ,. March of ea� year, the July 30 payment of the franch3se ���ee ;shail` be 8� of �he amd�int of the. t�rass earnings of the Co�any �.uri.ng the thre�� month peri:od of April, May and June of each year; the Oetob�r 3D :payment _�: . • ; _ - : _ , - _ .�..,::�-_. �.,. , . . 3. ,,������� � - 6� h� rs�� of the franchise fee �hall be 8/ of the amount of tl� gross earnings of the Company during the tliree-month period of July, August and September of each year; and the Decen►ber 30 payment of the franehise fee shall, if necessary, be based on a reasonable es:timate of the " gross earnings of the Company during the period from October 1 through December 31 of each year, and sha11 be appropriately adjusted by an additional payment by the Company or a refund by the City of Saint Paul when actual gross earnings for such pe�iod have •been determined by the Company. T'he amount of the franchise fee sha�l be allowed as an operating expense to the Company attributable solely to the Company' s,.c�perations within the City at Saiht Paul, and in calculating such amount, "gross earnings° shall be held to mean and include -a11 sums received by the Company from the sale of ga� di$t'ributed and used with in the �ity lim its of the City o� Saint Paul. Seetion 6. The gas service of Company and the �cates to be charged by` Company �or gas service in the Cit�r shal:l be subject to the juris-� diction of the Public Service Commissi�an" of this State. . Company' "shall provide reasonably efficient and adequate service to me�ers of the. , public within tHe �ity who apply for such service in �ecor,�3ance; with th,� -, ,. . rules and r�g�la�ion$. o� Company. ' Section 7, Z'h�'�Comp�xy shal� fil� with the Git�''C3�rk, and any other per��� dea�c��ed �y the Council, copies of all ra�.e s�hedul�s � ; and ruies a�d r��atior�s pertaining to t�ie sale of gas in the City of Saint Paul, which shall be kept open by city offic�;als for gu�lic inspection. Section 8. The Company shall file at the time of� eaeh qua��terly payment of franchise fee with any person designated by the� City �Quncil, a report of the number of customers, sales and revenu�s by c3asses o€ services for the preceding quarter based upon its gas operations within the Ci�y o€ ''Saint Paul. Section 9. Before this ordinance shall be finally adc�pted by the ' Council, a �ublic hearing shall be held upon ten (10) day� ' published notice in the official newspaper and after said hearing the Cquncil may pass this ordinance, �evise or amend the same. The Company sha1Z bear the costs of publ�.cat�.on o.� .t�ie ;fxanchise ordinan�e and shall make a suffi�ien� depqr��.t :±y��'�'� the Gi�ty ��erk� �o >g�araii�ee publica- tion before tk�e ordi,n�n�e �'is; �as-s�d�.'` �° � - �' Sectian:�0. The >�, , , , , ` , - , �q���.�, �ha13 �.r�d'�anr�i��,. a�� .sav�rt the City whole and harinless � fraan any and ,,all claims for ir�jury or damage to persons: or prci�ierty c3ccasioned_`b,�i��� arising out: of t�.ie' c���t�uction, rnain- �- ,. .... tenance, opes�.tion, �t>r repair of said transmission z�nd distribution .,� . - system �or by the conduct of the �ompany' s business in the Ci�ty. WHI7E - CITY CL�ERK 26 44�0 PINK +��IN�qWCE C011I1C11 CAWARY-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. d BLUE � - MAYOR i Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. 1 � ��Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4. Section 11. Every section, provision, or part of this ordinance is declared separate from every other section, provision, or part; and if any section, provision, or part shall be held invalid, it shall not affect any other section, provision, or part. Section 12. The Company shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage, approval, and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perform all the terms, limitations, conditions and provi- sions of this ordinance. Section 13. This franchise herein gran�ed shall not be irrevocable but may be ternninated and forfeited after notice and hearing for any breach or failure by Company to comply with any of the terms, limitations, or conditions hereof. Section 14. 'I'his ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed in Section 9 and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 12 hereof. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays x�rix Christensen x��� Hozza In Favor .�. x�t� SY�lvester o Against By �Roe�f].er Tedesco Mme.President B�l�X Hunt Adopted by C Date N�V 6 �974 Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ' P ss y Co il Secretary BY / Approve Mayor: e S � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PiIBLISHED NOV 16 1974 t-' ,; , CITY OF SAINT PAUL �644�0 � - OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL 'Mi ��i�.l�Y?! :e sa�fe�_eee %,9i_t.@(;.G�,fB � s va -�:'..�F,:::i...! RUBY HUNT Councilwoman October 21 , 1974 T0: City Councll Members City Clerk FRQM: Ruby Hunt, Chairman �� Council Uttllti:es Commtttee SUBJECT: Ordinances granting Northern �tates Power Company francf�ises for electric and gas operati.on in St. Paul from January 1 , 1975 to Decem6er 31 , 1�84. � � i The Utilities Committee, at a meeting on October 17, � 1975, revie�ved the above ordinances and recommended approval of same to the City Council . � � . , I RH/rs C1TY H.�LL SEVENI-I� FLOOR S.�INT P��UL, �1I�INESOTA 55102 612/293-5378 � ..... '.`J pUNH��UTII.ITY r't��.NCffi�E DIOT�CE I9 8�Y GI�N Thqt a pubU,c�h.ati wili be eld on at 10: CoUncil Ch�axqbere.Ci���p _ Sause. saint f',au1 �in� . pose .of tY►e .�rub�ia heprin6 belnY bn: comaider the Yd0ptl�oa O!•an Or���e grautiug a 3ranc�SC Co tffia NofCthe�+n Stat�es Povber C�an���'�e� service,Cou»cil chise bf�f4 the ounc uVt�n ea LY1e condilao�r'�tider wHtch She NirEhern States Power CompanY is to be en'titldd tc� use the �iLY ��ts arid Publib. pla �tor the Cot►ducL 4t i#s Bas bue�� � and presaribe'the Da9ment o���a iranehiae fee for ruch use durfa6 tt�e h.oan Januany 1, iS7i w ecerrtbe�r 81,�1954.7'his notiFe is �v�n pursuant to � �� �d S�n 16.05 of the 5a�lnt Psut� 'GYty Chartel'. and beyl�eatd t�e�re th Ci=ty C H��il a�the time axtd pk�ce recited above,� �I Daked at St. paul," Minnesota> tY�ai 24th daY of Ocbb�, 1974. � i �CfkS.�esk (OetoUer'98, 19743 � „ � . � �: . . v . 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V .. .'3�. ... .. . . .. . �a.':� { .. ��i�.�. _ 11T5P NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Sa401 � � November 27 , 1974 ��� � To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: 7.'he undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions and provisions of Council File No. 264420, being Ordinance No. 15732, adopted by the Council on November 6, 1974, and approved by the Mayor on November 8, 1974. NORTHERN ST TES POWER C MPANY gy I Division Ma � r, , E ,� �, And-���c`��s � � Y �o��t sistant 5ecretary .�.�.-M,�--,_ APPR��_�S TO FORM: _ _�_...,,,.. .^-'„ . . � • City Att ey lat � �d 2nd � a� 3rd , /0�3a Adopted lfl` Yeas Nays CHIZISTENSEN HOZZA � � �64420 ROEDLER SYLVESTER `� TEDESCO PRES IDENT (H[JNT)