264403 PRJKE -�F�NA CE RK ��� � . : BANERY-MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZIL COl1I1C11 r , `�' � � File N 0. � , 1 ` . O/ Z/��i/`Ce Ordinance N�. ��733 Presented By - /�-- � - `���� Refe c To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance Amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code by Adding a Chapter thereto Requiring the Regis- tration of Vacant Buildings within the City of Saint Paul; and Establishing Regulations and Procedures Therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended by adding a chapter to be designated as Chapter as follows: .�1. Def initions. The following words and phrases, when used in t is c apter, sha.11 have the meanings re- spectively ascrified to them in this section. 1. Building Official. The head of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement �° of the Department of Community Services of the City of Saint Paul. 2. Owner. The term "owner" shall mean any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall have the legal.�r !equitable title to said property and shall include executors, execu- trixes, administrators, administratrixes, trustees or guardians of the estate of the owner, and any COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gain s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . . . � � . . _ � . .. . . ' .s� . . . � � . - . ♦ � .. , . ' � . .. .. . � . _ ' .. . � . . � . Y. . . : ��4�3 . � . . . � - �,�.�O �s�3� : 2. purchaser or assignee under a certif�ca.te of sale: pursuant to a mortgage foreclosu�e. Any s�.ch person 'shall have a joint and several obl.i,g,atiori for compliance with the provisions of this c�a�ter. �. 3. Vacant Building. The � term�'�vacant building" shall mean any structure or .Fart of : a structure which is unoccupied and is deemed hazardous due to the fact th�a:t the building is open to trespass and has not been se�ured� 4. Secured Building. The term "secured building" s.hall mean any building on wl�ich any� of the doors, windows or other ogenings into such building are boarded u� or otherwis�- c2.osed � by any means other than eonventio�.a�.: methods .;. used in the design of the building. * t�, . .02. Vacant Buildi�gs to be Glosed and R�gister;�d, � , 1. Whenever any buil:d'ing in the. e.�ty is .or � � hereafter becomes vacant or unoccti,pie�d a�d an of - the d:c�ors, �tindows or other o er��ng�- into su� - building are ?�oarded up or ot�erw�:5e secured' by:- � any means other than the conven�ior�sl `�n.etho.ds used �n the design of. the build�ng, the owner thereo� shall within thirty (30):� days after securing cir vacat�ng the premises register such fi�ui7:ding wi�h the Building O�ficial for the period .pf tin�e s�u.�h° . : . � building is to remain vacant or unoccugied and pay the required fee as. set forth in Subsection of this chapter. Provided, that only one registra- tion per vacant bui-lding wi11 be required, �;nd that no registration shall be required of any building that has been d�:maged du� `to a.x� act of - God, fire, riot or accident for n.i�ety (90) days from the date of such occurrer�ce and whe�e such Y bui�.ding has been boarded up or otherwise `closed to safeguard the building. - - �. S�id registration shall be ma.de on forms . �u plied by the Buiiding Official and shall a��clude: (a� a description of the pr�mises; (b1`'the names - and addresses;of all persons having any. interest in the premises; (c) the names and add�esses of the p�r- ; san who shall be responsible for compl�.ance with � this .chapter; (d) the period of time for which the , < : : .; , _ . . �, a .��;,� .; : ; , _ ^.�.t,, � ; : :. :.. � , � � � . � � ;� �, � „ � _ '. �. � , , . . _ .. . . _ Y � �: v . - . . _ 26 4��3 . . . � ; 3 _ � � , , 3. . . _ : premises are to rema.in vacant; (ey a plan for sell- ing the premises, or a plan for conforming the premises to applicable housing, health, fire and safety laws and regulations or a plan for raiing the premises. 3. The plan required in Section 2 must be implemented and cpmpleted within six (6) t,�onths of the date that the building is registered und�ar this ordinance. The Board of Appeals and Revie�w ct�ay extend the period of compliance for an ac�dit�or�a1 - six months. Provided, however, that said extension shall be granted only` in an instar�ce where the owner has detnonstrated a good fai�h effort to cotnply with the plan that he or she ha.s filed �pursuant to this ordinance." 4. No registra�ion shall be assigr►able. .� .;,K If the names or addresses of any of the.persons '`��"�� required as a`part of �the �egistr�tion s��a'tem�r�t . change, a new� registra�ian statem.e�t- sha1� b�e, '�" properly mac�e within te�� (1C1) d$ys fr�ttt.,��e'.d�t,e _ of said change in the same �ranne� gnd forcn as herein prescribed. If any registration is rLOt ma.de within the time set forth in �his chapter,,, the required fee shall }�e increased each month an additional five dol�.,ars ($5.00) tn�r the� � period of time that .the r�gistratian is del�nqt3er�t".1,: �03. Fees for Re ��istration. The fee for each quart+er of t e year or raction there�f for which suck� vacant or unoccupied bu�ilding is registered .shall be � Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) per quarter. .04. Ins ection of Premises. Upo�► registration � of any bu�.l i�ursuant to t is chapter, or whe� �,tty such vacant building comes to his attention, the Build- ing Official shalt cause inspections to be ma.de o€ the premises to determine the condition of such building ,and r-� premises and whether there exists any fire, safety or - healtih hazards upon the premises. .OS. Failure of the owner to comply with the fore- goi�g provisions shall -co�stitute a violation o£ this ordinance and shall perz�tit the Saint Paul :City Council to exercise those righ�� t� said Council by fi�innesota Statutes Anr�.Qtated, Section 463.151, Section 463. 1�2 Snd Section '4�i3.161. . ; WI-j+7E,� -�CITY CLERK P�NK - FMIANCE CANqRY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUI1C11 /� � rBLI�F„ - MAYOR � File NO. `�r �4b3 ' � • 4 Ordin�nce Ordinance N0. ��7�.3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .06. This ordinance does not in any manner abrogate the other provisions of the Health, Building and Housing Codes of the City of Saint Paul pertain- ing to the abatement of public nuisances or hazardous buildings; nor does it abrogate the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 463. 151 through Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Section 463. 261. .07 . The owner of any building that is required to be registered by this ordinance may, upon the showing of financial hardship, have the payment of registration fees waived or deferred upon recommer�dation by the Board of-. Appeals and Review. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza �_ In Favor Levine Rcedler 6 Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt 6 197� Form Approved b i Atto ey Adopted by ci : Date N�.V Cer ' ed Pass by Co cil Secretary BY Y Appro y Mayor: D e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBUSHED NQV I 6 �974 C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY November 4, 1974 R. SCOTT DAVIES Mrs . Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Building Dear Mrs. Mix: We are forwarding to you the enclosed Ordinance with the requested amendments . Sincerely yours, ,;�%� ,� � � <-:,-�f���� �� � . �l THOMAS R. HUGHES Assistant City Attorney TRH:cg encl. City Hail, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 WHITE - CITV � ERK � � . 264403 PINK -- FYNANCE CO11IIC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE� -MAYOR , Flle NO. � ' . � , . . ` r in�nce Ordinance N 0. � Presented By � :��� � Ref rre o Committee: Date Out of Commit e By Date \ `�,n Ord' - . . r---� . Legi ativ� Requi�ng lst .�� � , within �.e 2nd �Q Z� Regulati� 3rd � ' ( v�� Adopted � THE COUNC] �� Yeas , � Nays Tha.t the Saint '��"`""' � ""R CHI2ISTENSEN � amended by adding a / , _ ; � as follows: '`��%� ,�" /�/30 HoZZA .01. Def -� � �VINE �644p3 when used in i ' � � r , spectively as< �- ! � � ROEDLER . ,...,._ � 1. , , SYI,VESTER 7 Division � u of the D TEDESCO City of , PRESIDEIVT (HUNT) 2 . , person who, alone �� ��s____, � others, sha.11 ha.ve legal or equita le Lltitc �.. _ said property and sha.11 include exe utors, execu- trixes, administrators, administratr xes, trustees , or gua.rdians of the estate of the own r, and any purcha.ser or assignee under a certific te of sale pursua.nt to a mortgage foreclosure . An such person sha.11 ha.ve a joint and several obligatio for com- pliance with the provisions of this cha.pt r. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attor y Certified Passed by Council Secretary By %C.- By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � ` �6440� . ,_ . 2 . 3. Vacant Building. The term "vacant build ng" sha.11 mean any structure or pa.rt of a stru ture which is unoccupied and is deemed ha.zardo due to the fact tha.t the building is open to espa.ss and ha.s not been secured. 4. S ured Building. The term "secured building" s 11 mean any building on which any of the doors, windows or other openings into such building ' re boarded up or otherwise closed by any means o er tha.n conventi�na.l methods used in the desi n of the building. .02 . Vacant Buil�ings to be Closed and Re�istered. , 1. Whenever a�i.y building in the city is or hereafter becomes va�ant or unoccupied and any of the doors, windows o� other openings into such building are boarded ' or otherwise secured by any means other tha.n t�e conventiona.l methods used in the design of the bu�,lding, the owner thereof sha.11 within thirty (30)` days after securing or vacating the premises reg�j.ster such building with the Building Official for '�he period of time such building is to remain vacari� or unoccupied and pa.y the required fee as set '��orth in Subsection of this chapter. Provided, �C�iat only one registra- tion per vacant building will '•�e required, and that no registration shall be quired of any building tha.t ha.s been dama.ged c�y.i.e to an act of God, fire, riot or accident for r�nety (90) days from the date of such occurrence d where such building has been boarded up or o�rwise closed to saf egua.rd the bui lding. ,� 2 . Said registration sha.11 be de on forms su plied by the Building Official and ha.11 include: (a� a description of the premises; (b) he na.mes and addresses of all persons having any 'nterest in the premises; (c) the namesand addresses of the per- son who sha.11 be responsible for complian e with this cha.pter; (d) the period cif time for ich the premises are to remain vacant; (e) a plan or sell- ing the premises, or a plan for conforming he premises to applicable housing, health, fir and , ; � � : �s�4o� . � 3. \ safety laws and regulations or a plan for razing the premises . � 3 . The plan required in Section 2 must b� effectua.ted within six (6) months of the da�e tha.t the vacant building is registered und�r this ordina.nce. 4.. No registration sha.11 be assigna.ble. If the`'��a.mes or addresses of any of the persons required�..as a pa.rt of the registration statement cha.nge, a`�.new registration statement sha.11 be properly made within ten (10) days from the date of said cha.rige in the same ma.nner and f orm as herein prescr�..bed. If any registration is not made within the.. time set forth in this cha.pter, the required fee�`��ha.11 be increased each month an additiona.l Five•.,,Dollars ($5 .00) for the period of time tha.t""�the registration is delinquent. .03. Fees for Registra�ion. The fee for each qua.rter of t e year or racti�n thereof for which such vacant or unoccupied building i:,{s registered sha.11 be Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) per �ua.rter. .� .04. Ins ection of Premises .`*, Upon registration of any buil ing pursua.nt to t is c ' ter, or when any such vacant building comes to his at ntion, the Build- ing Official sha.11 cause inspections be ma.de of the premises to determine the condition of uch building and premises and whether there exists any fi e, safety or health ha.zards upon the premises . .OS. Failure of the owner to comply ' th the fore- going provisions sha.11 constitute a violati of this ordina.nce,and sha.11 permit the Saint Paul Ci Council to exercise those rights to said Council by M nesota Statutes Annotated, Section 463. 151, Section 4 3. 152 and Section 463. 161; nor does this ordina.nce in any ma.nner abrogate the other provisions of the Health, Bui ding and Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul pertai ing to the abatement of public nuisances or ha.zardous bui dings . WH17E — CITV CLERK 2644�3 PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council CANA}��— DEPARTMENT BLW� —MAl'OR , Fll@ NO. . � . . ` . . � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � 4. Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. � "`. �,, ; � , ,, ,,. � '`�. ., , ,,� `,� �a �� A� �o COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By • CITY OF �AINT PAUL OFFIO� OF THE CITY COUNCIL �(?���� ...... [) N�f JOHN E. CHRISTENSEN CARL E. NORBERG Councilman Legislative Aide October 15, 1974 Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mrs. Mix: The enclosed ordinance requiring the Registration of Vacant Buildings is submitted for the Council agenda. The Legislation Committee has considered this ordinance and refers it to the Council with the recommendation that it be approved. � Very truly yours, � JONN E. CHRISTENSEN, Chairman Legislation Committee JEC:mI Enclosure CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 O t 'a,' y•. `, f � , _ t.'., �, 2, rN c�,.� i �„ #. � s�.�:��� �$�'1� #�a ��s. � ,' � �� = ii � a � # .y;�+ �3 '�`�`� 7„ �F� � , s r � ��i t .x� � � +»t,"° �''� i � � ,sr d\. � t t `�, ¢ �» . : r , � i' < � ii� �� ��<1 � � .t�is�a � � s � "� 'k �\ \ { �t '�'� � � '•1'�Y� a{¢ � � Y ;x ��y�� h.�,� i i � t' j .�'i4. �t; ;�: � �. . � � r . K . ::� .� � . �� tx � t� a �-i. �{� 2.-�� .,-rs-.- :.• . t � . .,.�� .. t t,,�� �' � -,� t �N..�,�-' ���--.A�� � � � � .' .. �,' . � . 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Delete paragraphs 3 and 4 of .Ol Definitions. 2. Change paragraph 3 of .02 to read: � "The plan required in Section 2 must be implemented and completed within six (6) months of the date that the building is registered under this ordinance. The Board of Appeals and Review may extend the period of compliance for an additional six months. Provided, however, that said extension shall be granted only in an instance where the o+�ner has demonstrated a good faith effort to comply with the plan that he or she has filed pursuant to this ordinance.° 3. End .05 at semi-colon. � . 4. Add .Ob which should read: "This ordinance does not in any manner abrogate the other provisions of the Health, Building and Housing Codes of the City of Saint Paui pertaining to the abatement of public nuisances or hazardous buildings; nor does it abrogate the provisions of MSA § 463.151 through MSA § 463.261." 5. Add .07 1�II11Ch should read: "The owner of any building that is required to be registered by this ordinance may, upon the showing of financial hardship, have the payment � of registration fees waived or deferred upon recommendation by the Board of Appeals and Review." � rii-i�'i� -�c�'v c��arc • . F:�,� _ � ..�:c� T��o �, T Council � / f ` CA'VARY G �PARf`.!�NT �. GZ 1 � ��i �C'1.IJi 1 A r� �} IJ � C�� �- ' v�- . a�us o�. File ��. � c � .� �.�-t, 7� � fA���9,A O`�� �" `j ����` f�.�iy_���';���� Ordina:�cp �`i�. ,� . ,; - , t -'� ;�'i"'_� �`r __ s. P�ese;;`e�i E��; t-��--- /r . � � ��.r y:-.J =» - ----��-- -- -r=-- -- — ----- � �"�°rr=C�' 1�0 _—.__.�—_—_'_— -- Cp,m;;`ltt° �8t� .._i -• -- - ��_t of Comm:t��e �,- --_--- -- �--- Date . An Ordir�ance Arnendino the Sa;nt Pa�u1 - Legzsla�.�v� God� by �:ldi.�.j a Cha.pi cr T_hereLo F.eq?tiring tre R�o;stratio�. of Vaca�� Buildin�s . c.Ti�h:in �ne C�ty of Sai.��: Pau?; a�d Establishin� R2gulations ana Proced�.�r�s �h�refor. THE GOUr�CIL Ci THE GI�Y OF SAI1�7' PAUL D�JES Ot'tD�II�1a Sec.tion l . lhat the SainL Paul Legis�ative Code b� and thL sa���e is hereby ai!:ende� by a��'in� a chapte-r to b� desi gnatec� as Chapter as follo�as : .Ol . D�fi:��ti�ns . 1h� foiloc4ing woLds un.d �hrases, � - � k�znn �sed. in this ch..ap�er, s'_�all hav� �he near�:�n�s re- s�ectiv�l;T ascri�ed to th�,�� in this section. 1 . .�u�ld�_�.g Off�i ciaT . The h�a� of tl�e Div�ision ei �Icusii�g ar�d �?uilding Corle Enforcem��t oi the Depa-rtr�vnt of Co:�munity Services of the Gity of Sa?n�: Paul. 2 . t7tar?mar. 1he terr.l 1Powr�`-r" s'_na11 nean an.�j pRrson who� alon� or j o3_n�.ly or s��verally tvi}h ot�Lrs, shal�. have legal o� equ-i Labl e ti�le to said prop�rtv anu sh��l inclu�e exe�utors, e�.eLu- trz.xes, acL:!inistrato�-s, �dninisLr�trixes, tr�is�ees or guard�ans ai the esLa�e of th� oi;�er, ard ar�y pu-rc'n=�ser or assigr�e unc'er a c�-r�i�icate of sale pu_rsuan� to a m.�r�,oa�e forecio�u-r� . A��y s��ch Fers��n shall ha�%e a joir�� a�.d several oblibation for co�- plia_�ce ��i�h tre pro�ri�i��s of this cilapt�-r. CC�L::CIL?,IE�� ----- - -=- � — -��^— -- — � R�quested by TJe��ztm�nt o`: Ye�s Nay�s , Ch:iste�s�n �iozz� — _ irt Fat�ur - --- Le,rir.e F:�e�'_er _ • — A�air�t �Y ------- -- --- S�;:-.as.e� — T��.�g�p I . F''i°�ii�.:?^t �i�rt � - j F'ocr., «ppro-,-�d by city r,tto:n��� jil Ado., P,i �, C'o �,cil: Da e – -- - �� / � / .1 Cer __.. � �_-,..d }�, Cc�,ncil S c�et-_ry ( �y���/f �_._ !�� �,y '__�./f_���.� L-��-!�_J � �,.,�----t.- _%. n.. � � � -- ---- — -- � j �;�i,_oved 6� :�?ayor for Submzssion to Col:ci� ` F'•PP=o°.�d c� .,..y o:. Date -- ------ i i Sy ------ --- ' By --- -- � . 2 . 3 . VuC�.Tlr Baild����; Th� cer:r, "v�:cGi1� , bu-i �d,_.-r,g" s'r«:1J. mzan ��-�y structur� or �;�rt o� a st�-u.cLi?�e ��:'�icl�. is -uroc.cup-�ed a?�d is deer�_ed haza-rdo�.s au� ta the fact tha� i.hE ��T�ic�ing is oL�� to vrespass an� ha.s not been secur�d. - 4. Sec�ared �uildi�.o. Tne te:�m "secured b�iiJ_dirg" sh�.�_1 �r,ean ar_y b�uil.dino on t•;'�ich a�!�y � of tn� c.00rs, ��;ind�v�r� or a�hex op�nings into such buildina are boa-rded �p or o�'_nerwise closed by a�?y �eans other than c�onventio�:.al methods used ir�. the design of tn.e building, � .02 . Vacant Buil.dings t� be Closec� and Re�istered. l . ti��neve-r a�.y buiiding in th� city is o-r he-reaf ter beco�c2s vaca_«t or t?r�occupie�. a�d any of the doo?-s j winclo;,�s o= otner op�nin.�s into s��.ch buii�?_?:b a.?-e boa�dicl i;� or otherv�ise ��cureci by � - az:y r�.�ans o�he-r i.har� tr� convLnt�io��al m.�tho�s tzse� in t:he design o` thn b�ild:i_ng, thn o�vne-r trereof s��all ti�itY�in thirty (30) days after sec�a.r;ng or va_c��ir�g ti�` pr2i�?s�� re�iste-r such baildi�o �viL�i th` Buildi�n.g 0�ficia.l fo_• the period of ti��:�� such bu.ildit-!o is to -rem��n ZTacai�t or unocc�ipied anc� �;ayr th� req�sir��. fec as s�t forth in Subs�c�ion of this ch�r��er. Provic?ed� that o�-�1;� anp registra- tion p�r vacar:� bui�din,� t:ill b� recluired; a�-� th�.t n� registratio� s�ia11 b� re�u?red of anST build_ng thai: has bee� d�m.age� ctue ta an act of Goa, fire , r�i_o�. or �cc�cle�!� fo-r r?ir_�ty (90) d�.ys fr�m th� datL or s��ch ecct�rrence a�.d ��:he-re s�7ch b��ildirlv r�.s be2n �ioa.rd:�d ttp or o�i�_�-!-�,r�se c7_o��d to , S�.L�_'�il�.i� �t2Q bt?1.�C�1i10 2 . Saic? r-�gistra.�?cn shall b; mad? on iorms su pliec by tn� t�-_�il�ii_n� O�Lic?al �ncl sha11 incl��e : (a.� a d�s�ription. oi th= premis�s ; (b) th� nar��es � an� a.ddresses af all p��soi�s hazTino �.n}T in�eresL in the prernises ; {c) th� r_a�^.<7s ari� ad�-resses of the per- son ���ho s'_n._�11 be respons�_b1e for co�pliarce t��ith t'nis chapte-r; (d) ti�e p�riod o` tim� for tia�ich the prem-ises a-re to remain va�ar?t; (e) a plan for s�ll- ir�.b th� prem;.s�s , or a pl.a�. fo_- confo-mzr�o th; ps_em-ises to ap��:LCab�� housir_J, Y�z•valtn, f�re ancl , , • r • 3 . sai e�y l:��as a.nd -re�u.la���ns ar a plan f or razing �.�L� p-r�i-nises . .. 3 . 1h� �l�n requi�re� ?_n Section 2 nus� be �f f�ctv.u.ted `�,ithin s?x (6) r�Lo�nti�s of th� date tha� tn` vacanL buildinb is regisi.ered �.nder this ordi��nce . 4. No registratian s'nail be assign.�.ble . If the na�nes or addresses of any oi th� persons required as a pa�t of the registration statem�nt � chanb�, a ne,a rebistration. statemLn'� shall be �rop�rly i.a.de ti��?thin tei� (10) d�ys from th� datA of said ch�.r�ge in the sa��� m.a.n�-�Lr and fo�-�? as � ilPL�pl�L7. prescr�ibed. If a�n�r registration is rot � .� . t�ade ��lit'nin �.ne tir:�e set forth in this chapLer, the re���.ired fee shall b� ir�cr�ased 2ach nanth � ali ad�iticna.l �ive Dolla.rs ($5 .00) for t±�� p�rio� o_� ti.ra2 that �he regisi racion. is cielinqu2nt. .03 . �'e�s f�r R��;istr.t.�on. lh� fee far eac� qu�r�er oi Lh� yea� or���a_ctio- thel�oy for �vhi�r stcr vacant or unocc�u.t iecl building is regis�ere:I sr�.11 be Fo�-ty--fiT�e D�lla.rs {545 .00) pLr q-�,tarteL. .0!-�. Insn;ct�c�� of �re�ises . Upon regis�rati�n. of any bu-i lc�in� p�rs�3�.r�t to tnis c��api�er, o-r t�;hen any such v�.�.ant bu;1�i-iig cor�,es to his at�e�tion, t��e B�aild-- in� nfficial sl�all c�.us� ins�,���i_ans t� b� na_de of th� pre�-'+_s�s ta dcte�_�_�?ne th� cor�.clitio� ai such �uildir�a z.rd p-re�:�is�s ar_d ��,�-!ei:'n�r theze exi sts az�y fire, sai;�y ar h�al�.�� haz�.-rds iir��� tl�e l�re��:ses , .C5 < Fai lurp oi t'r-i� o�:.�e-r to c�.��Iy �;��ith the i o�e- go;no ?,rovisi�_.s s'��411 consi.iture a. viol�.�ion �� this o-rdi n..�.nc; and sila�.l per�it the S�i�L Paul CityT Co�ti��il to ex�-rc�se th��� rig�ts to sa.id Cou�cil by ���nnescta Sta.tu.��s Annotate�., S�ct�o?-i 403 . 151, S�ct�en 463 . 152 a�d Secti�,:i 463 , 161; n�r does this or�i�ar�ce in a�?y r�:a�zner abrogat` tl�e ctrer p.�otTision:� os the Heal.th, �uilcii�� and tlousir._b Co�� of t�z: City of Saini. Paul p�rtair�ix?� to tne a.b�te�:>rt o� public nuisa.nces or hazu-rdous btild?n�,s . M�t!ITE — C�TV CLERK . � � - :ih�t ' ,_ �-r.•iAN=E y/�� �7' /'� A �,� A =T � CO1I1C11 C�a::.:1'/ — C_F>n:?inAENT V .Y .�..� ti�� �i��.3 �7 �. ��t, �} �� i � e�u�' _ �nt;vpR • F312 �i�. r o , • ����t:�.;�������'��� - Ordinar.cz Ta�. . Pre�ente�t By' — — - ---- — R�±e::e� To — - ------ -- Cort���2t::e: �ia�e —_ Oat o: Cor�;r:�:iitee By-. _--- ----- - D�tL - 4. . .. Section 2 . This ordir��r�ce s��.l± take effect and b� in force th�-rty {30) days fror� and after it� passage, �.p�-roval ancl publication. , _ �-- --- -- ----- I -��,—;----_--. - --- -- --- _� ---- _—_- r--- ------------ C�Lt'i C._u. :i�T I� Yeas Na;s Rnques•`_�� b;� Depact.:�e,^.t of: Ch-ister.sen Ii �ioz,_a I;� Favor � -�-------- — Levin� � Rc�dler A,,-,;nSt i �y' ----- ---- Sy:=:tis`2r -. , o� -- Ted�sro � Pr��si��.:�t H�snt � � � . , F'or;n A�i roce� b}� City Atto:��s . A�,r._,' },_ Councii_ D:t� —_ ___�_ Cer_i:i�-_.' r4-se�' b; Counci: ��c;e:a:;, !+ B�_ _— I+ 8;° — _ _ � t .r � � - � A'�j:GV°ft b3 *�Bj�OL �O� �:I.�^a:T.3JSIOR i0 C.GL•.^,CII �� � A��,:o✓ec b, .:.a•yor: Da�e --.- ---- ' B� ---- --- j BY— . — I . � . , ��`� �;3 . , . � �3� . CENTRAL M ANOR � +����� LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 26 EAST EXCHANGE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 222-3178 October 30, 197�+ T0: St. Paul City Council FROM: League of Women Voters of St. Paul, Mertyce Mayne, President Dru Osterud, Housing Committee The League of Women Voters of St. Paul supports this proposed ordivance requirir� the re�istration of vacant buildings within the city of St. Pe,ul. Much of the charm, chaxacter and sense oP history that sets St. Paul apart from the surrounding communities is found in our housing stock. These older established neighborhoods have much to offer. Maintained in good condition they axe becoming more attractive to young families frozen out by the high cost of new housing. However, these nei�hborhoods are paxticularly sub3ect to creeping blight and deterioration and much effort is needed on a contin- uing basis to maintain the quality of life. Concerned residents with pride in their neighborhood and faith in its fliture axe a neighborhood's greatest asset. A vacant or boarded building can have a disproportionate effect on the stability, vitality, and the sense of security of a neighborhood. Solutions to the problems created by them are usually beyond individual control. It is clearly to the city's advantage to have any boarded building repaired, if need be, and occupied again as rapidly as possible. The Minnesota State Le�islature in its 197�+ session passed several measures designed to provide municipalities with additional tools needed to solve serious housing problems. These include amendments to the Hazardous Buildir� Act, the Absentee Landlord Disclosure Act, the Urban Homesteading Act, the Bank Red-lining bill, the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency loan and grant bill and the legislation allowfng St. Paul to establish its own loan and grant housing rehabilitation program. This proposed ordinance fits in well with these other new laws in expanding St. Paul's ability to meet problems head-on and take an active role in solving them. This ordinance can play a constructive role as an encouragement to owners oP vacant property to take positive action and work together with neighboring residents to preserve the property and prevent flirther deterioration in the neighborhood. The inclusion of an appeals procedure should ensure that this ordinance will not work an undue financial hardship on any property owner and protect an owner who has shown good Paith and is havin� difficulty com- pleting his plan. Council support for this measure will add a new dimension to official responses to housing problems and increase the potential for neighbors to help one another in making their community a beautif"ul place to live.