264399 � � � � City of St.Paul �f�i�aICIL FILE NO. ' - r' �.�: t. � � ��` • Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY� `� � Condemnation and Awards of Damages . � and Assessment Therefor File No. 1�7Z�+•� � In the mattez of �� � �� � �� �; � �� �r� ��. t1� a�laps. ae�ts ud l�11�, i�us2wli� �i�1tt et t�rval of lai�ral aq�wtrt tro■ wb=�st laad ear rn■�i�t�ar e�r�a�C, oa�wurts�a�i y �avatioas �o! o�r efo�apn�tta� o! �rt+�a� !u� t6o �ii�o� MM hrtsa� �ettY bi�s •atiaeia� tla sll� iw �loait A� !��� � �Ititl�. t�e+«t �jl�� itr�tt t� I►bi�l lssMt. E�*�; � under Administrative Order d+13��! approve�l �1 13i 1�7� Preliminary Order ���� approved�X 1�� Z��+� FinalOrder ��� approve��tt �� ���� A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considerecT`•,�e same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati�ed, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. S � � COUNCILMEN \. Adopted by the Council: Date Q..(�T 16 t974 YeaChrlstense� aYs Certif ass by Council Secretary 0 T 1 a 1974 Hozza � o '� In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against .r..�,...__.. . Sylvester - Mayor �r. Vice Fr�.idYaTt�desca PUBLISHED OCT 2 s ��4 ' ����City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Report of Director of Finance BY on Cor�demnation of Lands File No. i»3"* In the matter of O�d�,� � t�,�Ml( M MNMli � !�t �iM �� � t1N �la�w� a�s� a�d !"111�, it+r�wtia� �1�1t� �! �wl � l,�sil �qprast l�xe�t s�ir�ss ta� �e ew■w�� tli�re�tt, asa�rL�i ►� ��,�r t1M�w�►! �e e�wari�stf+a� r� �Lp�r !� t� �i� +�It �e�iar� �iei i►ie�s Mt�atlatl tl1r1 s1111� la�t �'!wk �, D�se��• Mw1u�i �ii�ti��t� f�C� l�ll�r it1tM! tr �1►�i �tsMet. t�� under Administrative Order �"'���� approve�l +� 11� 1!� Preliminary Order ��3 approved ��� i�• ���� FinalOrder '� approve� � �• ���� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ' Director of Finance . • � 2b4399 f � �, ae��� w�Mw���� ; '. s ! � �..+'�'�� ^�\::.'. ��R YQ�i1O. ya�'�r,�j' � �Q� . � � � �. � "!i �.::-��..� In e � f�d eoadan�lnY and' � k 1W' ett��d the Lnd necea, �ry bhe� pe! Cuta d Slli. fR- elu ' rl;&t���b al o�atenF!enP�- �ort subjp�Ct �a,6!,or remainder ereo oad�a�+pnqd bY excaratioaa ereo!.oa� Cot�tstl�tian di s1opes !n �the 6n �rl� in8 sviYke bit�- minoua�a ey in 5,1�z. Dawroa�• � $trA� be1' ( ;� Or�fT D-} ' Ap�mvi4 TunQ, i,.11N4.Pse �_�r�r er �a rtWet�{, ;7v1y ,18�7,Yt'4 .� rdei .ilY►pr�vbd abiii(gMist A. 18"f4.. ; '1'A�' Ads�e�o'; oE' ��YfaanOe 'lisvf�g � his r�yoM in bhe �bove mai a�t fA 1�fie amount.of dnmagee aw'a !d, r ttf� �Y q�f the laad or � e 'Clier�!,. ��tplett for �tphae f�tij�dibrove�s�sct�d � w�m h1sy� � !nt�' Iu��tip��submi�ttedy i�osbl �ak�t o����f»vetne4st, �Reso � Thet th� �id �nt ot ti�7 #a 4e aad #te.aama f. hereby. a . . . �#v�eii. E'yrthar, That a Pubdic heari� 'be hsd itiefore.xhe GauHcil u on taid-repo��end-fi�t a"e!�n$rmntion o� t21e �ward� �tiaq�atd� inade by the I1Y�+eetor "�L ,llnan�e ' a�d' aleo uPOn the 1i�it� t o! bene$ts• at the�Councu in the cour� HouQe fn the Gif�y of� $t.. Paul•on' at DirecAor oi 1�'inance be and ��ie�is directmd to �ine notio� of said h�arlay ae eribed by the Charter. 1Mle�o.1T7ES-79. Acbapted bq tht Couneil Scptesnber ,j4. 1544. Approv6d 3eptesmber 27 1874. . i' (O�ctaber.5�1q'�s) , �+ I