264398 ��� 6 P i_ Couneil P'ile •Na. �-�Y �avid H. Eipzzai— Reeolved, Thati-,uD� � tfon qf NQr3tyan 8. �lars. Cuetom�iPerlies, Inc.. aAndu the I�onelni.and �efvelo8- her�einatfe,hrorl��C��be�a�n°IId.t�e�me hereby is v�ated a:}d'diecontinued as a pwb11C slleq: The!30uChrieeterly 34 ttlt at Late;i throug�d exceP�for the ioutheast- erly' lfi'9"th+�r�oi ia$kock 8.�kiit- ney and �m11t�'f[ Add�tios io sfizt �Paui: �Bms�Y�Ga1�kt�r:.l[uine�ota: eub�ect exDr . to t3se f�ll��rinS con= ditions and ?�: 1. That the vacatl�oa be subSect to all the ter� .and conditions a� iCh$�ter #8 .pf�, the"Salut Paul �.,cg3slarive COt1E as amende�l. 8. �TILa�t��8�8��aul a p�ernnan nt easem�ent #or atre� �d gublfc Bfdew�alkt purposeal ttHat �d de- soribed as�ollows. A�1 t.hat part of LotS ?, 8. snd A. Blpck 9, Whitx�eY and gxnit�i's Additio� ���_ easterlY oi a ���e bed as tollows: CammemcinB ah the awst then e nor•thea�ater�a1onY the southeasterly line of salti Lot � at'a distynce �of 1$' to $ pe�'des'cridea�e�e�arei g x�orLherly ddlectin� 30° to the leYt froan the lasc deecribed w th$li�ne�17�nor�tk►eTwes erly . of and pArallel o souttaeafterly lf�ne ,of aaid Bloek 8; theace nvrtheasterly-along said par- allel iine �to poin�t of interaec- ot sa�Lote7�in BlOCkrB and � there `termiaating. Said easemeate to be in a manner and torm aocaptable to. tlie Ciry Attc►rney and to be recorded by �ame. S. That the prino�arx �petitioner' for thie vacation�, 7'Y�ti someraet ,Ur- bau Development Corp. enter into a�i a8reezneat with t'he Cfty of t�o�coaveY woethe Cit�of Sain� . �Pat�tl an easement faF street pur- posea over the southeasterly 17' 9"O� Lot B Slack 9. Wiu�ey an�d �miYh's A�dttian to Saint 3'apl, �tamBey Coi�ty> Minnesota� said eaaement to be $ranted on or beibre October 1, 1977, !or com- vaue o$i1.�00 per�uare fpot,and oontingent uq�on said 3amenet Urban Development Cozy. haviaE gained title W said Draperty ,bY that date, and �� �►e furthe�' �un�deratandim6 t�at should said � CorYforati�a not gaixi tiue until a later da,t� 'that said'Corporatian woul@ aBree to convey said laad' for com tinn based on the cur- rent un t le7►d val�}e as determined' by Accredite� �qprurisal• 4. That the ,p�tia�ner pay to tlie City $18,270.00 as coarpensation for �the vacation aa+d Drqvide the City �with a bond ia the amount of $io,000.00. Adopt,d by the Cou�c11 October 11, 19T4. A�pproved October 17, 1874. (Octaber 19,1874) PUBLISHED OCT 1919T4