01-1326� 4{ { council File # V 1� 13a,(A ?`�'` `� � i °* •s � � �+.9:�he�.ra.aN — '�'nnt, o. aooa. t `� � � � � � � �' �� �' � Green sheet # 'd�o0 �1 S �l Presented By Referred To , ,, . Date `� 1 i a 3 4 s 6 � e 9 10 11 12 13 ia is 16 17 18 � RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents�o and approves the appointments/reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the,�'b�llowing individuals to serve on the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluator�� APPOINTMEN�S Sean Brown. ark Evangelist Each of the two appointees will serve a thre ear term that will expire March 25, 2004. Gerald Be dle Clayton Larson Diane O' onnell The three reappoinhnents will serve three-yeaz term that will eapire March 25, 2004. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified� By: Approved by Form Approved by City Attorney Council Secretary By: . Date RESOLUTION CI�Y }OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: o �-�3ac� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElWUNCIL OATEINIMTED � r� Office 12/13/2001 GREEN SHEET No 200957 CONfACT PFRSON & PFiONE Innlaww NXWUD#s Ryan Kaess 6-8516 , m „�� MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGENDA. BY @4T� Al31cx XU�ERFOR QIYATIORIEY ❑CRYd.GK ' ROl(fll1G � A1WC14.fFRVICFiOR ❑ A1411fJ11L1ERWiRl6 ❑ WwrtloRYxsrIIMI) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REDUESTED Approving the appointments of Sean Brown and Mark Evangelist to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluatozs. Also, the reappointments of Gerald Beedle, Diane 0'Donnell and Clayton Larson to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. All appointments and reappointments will serve a three-year term that will expire March 25, 2004. RECOMMENDATIO Approve (A) or Reject (R VERSONALSERVICE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: 1. Hes this persoMrtn evervrorked untler a conhact for this tlepaM1ment7 PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hes this peisoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee9 CNILSERVICECOMMISSION VES NO 3. Does this perswJfirtn po�ess a sidll not riormallypossessetl by a�ry curteM cdy employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis peisoMrm a tarpeted �endoR YE3 NO Fxpiain all yes answe�s on separate sheM arM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why) _ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO r —_'___" _" _' . FUNDMGSOURCE ACTMTYNUMBER ' FINqNC1ALINFORMAiION(IXPWN) � ���f� a �1 G�r�2f ��� a. � ���� Jul 26 O1 03:46p Sean Carrie Brown (6511774-0849 � a�37 PLEASE RETURN TO: LUCII.LE JOHNSON CITIZEN SERVI�E OFFICE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD. SAINT PALTI,, MINNESOTA 55102 PHONE: (651)266.8690 FAX: (65I)266.8689 p.l 7 (� �I��i�b I � o � -i3ac� Notiee of Rights when Providing Information You aze being asked to provide information for your committee application_ The attended use of this information is to evaluate your application. You are not obligated to provide the information, but without i� your applicarion may not be considered. Officers, agents and employees of the City of Saint Paul wili have access to the information you provide as necessary to the performances of theu duues. In addition, the data mazked wiih an�` is public information and will be available to the general public. *Name: *Home Address: d07 (r CD 7' tl Cs *City: �S4 �OU / TeIephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) Fax Number: Email Address: *Planning District Council: *City Council Ward: *Preferred Mailing Address: �0/ri P *What is your occupation? �'Place of Employment: *Committee(s) Applied For: %YU fl� ifr /'/DL/Si/7!X *What skills, � � c� ,., �l !: .. or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appoinhnent? � Y ///� � �/ V � /'1 S / C-C .�/(f ,-� . * Zip: 5.5!/ 9 ti� (�5/ 77�f -OX�f % (w1 _.`_�TBL� �'�MSn1. ���?i✓I (over) Jul 26 �1 03:47p Sean Carrie Brown (6511774-0849 p.2 . cr � —132-�0 PERSONAL REFERENCEg [Remember to Inclnde Telephone Area Codes] Name: Address: PLone: ome l- �> r R77! ork �/ - ,-,2�i'6 -�f 7 4 7 Name: Address: ti'/G �.S�..m,n � Phone: �IomelL�/-7/�'-so25cf (Work) Name: Adclress S�So e Phone: (Homel�S/ - �8�-�8 7 (Workl G. J-'9 9-7,�07 X� ��> Reasons for your interest in this particuiar committee: L F� y / L cn 1/ �L.�L�1 c.{e O. Q�.��. % �-I�r: � T T! _ _ . L � . � _ .�-. . _ . Have you had previous contact wifh the committea for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstauces? 1 �� r�P.� �; «�� � Pu,,_ti� �P,r ,� y �T„�P Tf special accommodations are needed, please specify; Haw' did you hear about this opening? � � —�erry �jeec��e� Revised 1/1l2001 � T�u7�N %ti f�oUsiN� �O�/�d 0�" FvR4UAfi0�� PLEASE RETURN TO: TOM MARVER P.E.D.13' FLOOR 25 WEST FOURTH STREET � . ` �- b � f� �.t�'g � ,_�3a� SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651) 2283261 Name: /'�/T�K ��f}/l�C'iEL�'S� Home Address: S z� .�,�g/�O �}//�' Gt� Street: _ City: ST . P.4UL /11 N. Zip: � 55 //7 Telephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) � 6�5/- y88--7ys6 �wl � S/ — 2�� —k 9/S Planning District Council: City Council Ward: � Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: si-�r�E PROCUR,�'t SPEC„�t,'s7� C . � y O� �ST f�i4(IC Ti��'F/l/UQ�D6Y4�/�i�/U.4GE'a%G s.�ii �RUTH �N S'N-LE O� NOUS�idG� ldBQRd oF vRLUA7p2 c What sldlls, training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? ��i�' A-TI �'�/��rs The information inciuded in tlus application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result, this information is not released to the general public. a�-» a-� PERSONAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Inciude Telephone Area Codes] Name: CJ /Jy� ��C Z �O Address: 75/ - C/-�f_ YE'NN� L�/UE MEiVOTit�R NGTS Phone: Name: �4Vork) 6 Sl — Y87- ?2 06 Address: �� �i �. L�� l�( ST ST/�i�U� / Phone: SFiomel �vorkL� Sl - Z� G cS' 7�� Name: SCtSA-/� F� (l F'iQ�Jt=�J Address �� GtJ f�L � OG( [� (f (%'� �.Of�/'L/ � � Phone: (Fiome) (W ) `2b1� �S 90 Fl Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: /� UD L UNTF_E/P .SO/7F d� NI J�. o�t _r-� Q�I c�'l 7 TN� �', ��` .T �r+� y d y�iP 1'0� �N/= C�'�Y o� STi°RV� .QN/� SoL.'c� x" /.�,;F9�S f0/� .C/G f,Dl/l /{�/D G+/ol/Gt7 /!<'� 7 A�'S"s7` u1�/!''.PE � Ca{N Td �',�f//E 5��� Have you had previous contact with the committee for wlrich you are maldng applicaHon? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Wfute (Caucasian) Black (Afi American) American Indian or Alaskan Esldmo Date of Birth: � ! � /SZ Disabied: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Eiispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Male J� Female How did you hear about tlus opening? ��{��� /�/�GE O � -13 �-b RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT ATTACI-IlVIENT �r�M � ProcurementSpecialist N 1 Interac[ directly with vendo�, CiTy, County and S[ate Employees, including officials and legal counci] to facilitate a seamless process thaz resulis in the timely procuremrni of goods and services. • Responsibie for purchasing numerous commodives for E2zmsey County/City of St Paul, preparin� bids, evaluating analyzing, and awazding bids and reques[c for proposals ensmin� that all processes are in compliance with State and Local Laws. • Work with representazives from small disadvantaged business proerams to assist vendon in resolvin� conflicu and helpin� them to better undersuwd how to do business with Ramsey County and the City of SC Paul. • Resolve complaints deparm�ents have with goods, service, or billing pnc[ices of vendols. Negotiate sett(emenis benveen depazimenis and vendon. Handle bid prousts from vendon, ensuring Iegal oblivazions are met and effective procurement pmcesses ocwr with minimai wn4ict • Coach deparhnent pec�onnel how to property wlite specifications. ' • Web Master: Train all departments, updace and troubleshoot the Office Web Page. �T�� Z Storeroom Supervisor • Accountable for all aspects of warehouse operations. Supervised support sraff, hired, trained and coached new staff, designed appmpriate stsndazd operating procedures, pumhased supplies and services, inventory wntrol, budgeting, surplus disposal and hazazdous waste disposal. • InROduced and oversaw the implementafion of new technology in the form of a computerized inventory system resulting in a streamlined records retention program . This new system greatly improved work processes thus reducing waste. • Interacted with Ciry Purchasing and Engineering departments, coordinating efforts to reduce exisbng inventory by standazdizafion of desired stock. • Incorporffied a"Justdn-Time" buying pmcess to reduce existing stock as standardization wu in progress. � �('rj 3 Storekeeper I • Responsible for inven[ory conVOl, to ensure delivery and distribuGon of materials and supplies to tradespeople. • Assisted in the establishment of a streamlined wazehouse process [haz resulted in reduced inventory Iosses. • Met periodically with vendors and tradespeople to review new produc[s, recommended equipment on a IIia! basis to Vadespeople for their feedback on performance. • Ma[erials Management f Custodial Engineer � L T�� - 1 L � , Supervised custodians and organiZed work plans. • Perforn�ed buitding maintenance and general custodial engineer tazks • Mechanical, pneuma[ic, HVAC maintenance and repair for multiple buildings • Worked wi[h Aincipal, Teachers and organizers ro set up special projects and events. • Accountable for grounds and pool maimenance. TTC.t, C Fire Equipment Sales, Design, & Installer 1- (' / 1 J Sy�es and service • Designed cusrom fire systems • Installed fire and Maintained suppressant systems (Electrical & Mechanical) � � !_ Manager/Mechanic �� Nigh[ Manager du[ies: SchedWed work, recorded daily receipts, ordered gasoline. • Trained and Supervised new hires. • Aum Repair including engine overhauls, valve �inding, air condi5onine repair. i' o. -i � a c� DUTIES ��TFM � Responsible forpurchasing numerous commodiGes for Ramsey County/Ciry of St Pau1, PreParin� bids, evaluating, analyzing, and awarding bids and requestc for proposals ensuring that all processes yre in compliance wit}� g� and Loca1 Laws. filso responsible for trainin;, updating a�d houb7eshooting the Office Web Page. STENt Z Accountabie for a11 aspects of warehouse operazions. Supe�vised support staff, hired, pained and coached ❑ew staff; designed appropria[e standard operating procedures, purchased supplies and services, inventory cotmol, budgeting, su�plus disposal and hazardous wute disposal. 7rF�r 3 Responsible for inventory control, to ensure delivery and distribution ofmaterials arid supplies to tradespeople. �/_ Supervised custodians and organized work plans, .Z7`£/�j y .2TFM ,5 Sales and service �T�./�'j 6 N�Bh� Manager du[ies: Scheduled work, recorded daily receipis, ordered gasoline. Coliege & ProfeSSional School Inver Hills Communiry Co]lege Lakewood Community College Nazional Assn. of Purchasing Managers Inverfiills Community College St Thomaz University EDUCATION AND TRAINING ATTACEiNIENT Inver Gmve Mn. 10/94 - 12/94 White Beaz Mn. 9/86 - I1/86 Washingron D.C. 7195 - �-95 Inver Grove Mn. 1/94 - 4/94 St Paul Mn 10/92 -11/92 National P ssociation of Purchasin� Mana�en Mpls, Mn 10/94 -11J94 Nazional lns5tute of Gov, Purchasing Wuhington D.C. 1/96 Bosiness, Correspondence, Trade, Technical or Vocatioval school • St. Paul T'VI. 105 hours • St Paul l'VI. 189 hours • Projecc Management. • Manaving Muliiple ProjecYS, Objectives & Deadlines. • BusinessWritingForResulu. • Speak Up and Stand Ou[ - • Negotiations. • Conflic[Resolu[ion. • _ Creating Win-WinDialogues. • How to make cus[omer surveys more praclical and usab(e. • LegalaspectsofGovemmentPurchasing. • Visioning & Innovazion 7 houn • Goal Setting 3.5 hours • Advanced Communicati0ns Skills 8 hours • How ro design and operate a modem Inventory Controi System Using the Principles of Just-In Time. • National Ins[itute of Gov, Purchasing. 24 hours • National Institute of Gov, Purchasing. 24 hours • City of St. Paul Human Resources. 4 hours • V.G.I. Training, EPA Approved. - 16 hours Accident Investigation. 4 hours Advanced Pool Training Seminar. 4 hours D � -1'1 a� 5 Cr Small Business Managemen[ 4 Cr Basic Microcomputers 4 Cr Purchasing & Materials M� 4 Cr Human Resource M�? JSCEVs BacicQualiryImprovementToolsFor Teams 4 Cr Purchazing & MUs Handling 1 ProYtssional CertiScatio¢ Tes[ Steam Powered Engineering Principles of Refri�eration and Elect Fred Pryor Skillpath Fred Pryor Ski]Ipath Mediation Center Fred Pryor Optum EBT Systems NIGP MGP National Insdmte of Gov, Purchasing. Na[ional Instimte of Gov, Purchasing. U of M extension Public Purchasing Materials Management Sexuat Harassment Seminaz CeRification Class for Refrigeraiion City of St. Paul Human Resources Commereial poois - Certificate CertifiCaze Completed Certified Universat Technician Completed Completed Compu[er Knowledge & Traiuing SOF'1'WARE • In[emet Web Page Training Received and Trained how to use our web page. Co-Web Master • Office Automation System (Raznsey County) - • Liaison for the Putchuing Office assisting in the original set up of the Ramsey Coumy Peoplesoft Accounting Package. • Aspen accoun[ing system • City of St Paul Finance System (fin-80) HARDWARE • ConVact Tncking System ' Excel PurchaseTracking System • Lotus 1-2-3 Fae on Demand System • W indows 95 I-Ip ScanIet Scannec • Word Intemet • WordPerfect39 Intranet • WordPerfect 4.0 E-Mail (Groupwise) • WordPerfect 61 Fac Server • WordPeRect Corel 8.0 Fax Machine • Great Plains Accounting Package (For Macintosh) Version 525, 6.0, 7.0 I-LP Scanjet • PC , Macintosh, Apple • Printers: Epson, HP 4 SI, HP 5 SI • Paperpor[ Scan Software Volunteer work esperience • Mazconi Club: • SL Pau] Summer Youffi Camp: • Minnesota Customer Service: • Habitat for HumaniTy: • Ciry of St. Paul • Neighborhood Volunteer: Vice PresidenUSet up fund raisers, Social d'uector, deliver food to the needy on Holidays. Supervisor/ Supervised work ofyoung peopie for the communiry. Swut/ Project to awazd good customer service for the Govemor. Laborer/Constructing housing Catastrophic Emergency ResponseTeam Member Volunteer Laborer/ Snow shoveling, do repairjobs ( Plumbing, Electrical etc). for the elderly & retired people at no labor charge. Cmduated, Licensed Graduated, Licensed 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU Ob CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU OJ CEU Completed Completed I.0 CEU ''�L o i'C6 � i : �`;,; :. �� r - J[M REITER caunci7member GITY OF SgINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI3E CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM December 19, 2001 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry FROM: SUBJ Councilmember Jim Reiter �� Suspension Item For 12/19/O1 Council Agenda b\—�7a'�v Please review the attached resolutiou I will be bringing in under suspension at today's council meeting approving Appointments/Reappointments by the Mayor to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Thank you for your consideration. JR:ds CITY HALL SU1TE 320A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 612/266-8650 n�,ae Printed on Recycled Paper O i -1'� 3 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: 1�1:7�7�A I �� L:�i Saint Paul CityCouncilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Counciimember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilxnember Patrick Harris Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Ryan Kaess Assistant to the Mayor December 13, 2001 390 Ciry Hall IS West Ke[logg Bou[evard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Telepiwne: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 65I -266-8513 Appointmentsheappointments to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Mayor Coleman is recommending the following appoinhnents to serve on the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Sean Brown Gerald Beedle Diane O'Donnell Mazk Evangelist Clayton Lazson All of the appointments and reappoinhnents will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire March 25, 2004. cc: Connie Sandberg, CSO � � 4{ { council File # V 1� 13a,(A ?`�'` `� � i °* •s � � �+.9:�he�.ra.aN — '�'nnt, o. aooa. t `� � � � � � � �' �� �' � Green sheet # 'd�o0 �1 S �l Presented By Referred To , ,, . Date `� 1 i a 3 4 s 6 � e 9 10 11 12 13 ia is 16 17 18 � RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents�o and approves the appointments/reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the,�'b�llowing individuals to serve on the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluator�� APPOINTMEN�S Sean Brown. ark Evangelist Each of the two appointees will serve a thre ear term that will expire March 25, 2004. Gerald Be dle Clayton Larson Diane O' onnell The three reappoinhnents will serve three-yeaz term that will eapire March 25, 2004. Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified� By: Approved by Form Approved by City Attorney Council Secretary By: . Date RESOLUTION CI�Y }OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: o �-�3ac� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElWUNCIL OATEINIMTED � r� Office 12/13/2001 GREEN SHEET No 200957 CONfACT PFRSON & PFiONE Innlaww NXWUD#s Ryan Kaess 6-8516 , m „�� MUST BE ON CIXINCIL AGENDA. BY @4T� Al31cx XU�ERFOR QIYATIORIEY ❑CRYd.GK ' ROl(fll1G � A1WC14.fFRVICFiOR ❑ A1411fJ11L1ERWiRl6 ❑ WwrtloRYxsrIIMI) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REDUESTED Approving the appointments of Sean Brown and Mark Evangelist to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluatozs. Also, the reappointments of Gerald Beedle, Diane 0'Donnell and Clayton Larson to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. All appointments and reappointments will serve a three-year term that will expire March 25, 2004. RECOMMENDATIO Approve (A) or Reject (R VERSONALSERVICE CONiRACTS MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QIIESTIONS: 1. Hes this persoMrtn evervrorked untler a conhact for this tlepaM1ment7 PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Hes this peisoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee9 CNILSERVICECOMMISSION VES NO 3. Does this perswJfirtn po�ess a sidll not riormallypossessetl by a�ry curteM cdy employee? YES NO 4. Is ihis peisoMrm a tarpeted �endoR YE3 NO Fxpiain all yes answe�s on separate sheM arM attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why) _ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETm (CIRCLE ON� VES NO r —_'___" _" _' . FUNDMGSOURCE ACTMTYNUMBER ' FINqNC1ALINFORMAiION(IXPWN) � ���f� a �1 G�r�2f ��� a. � ���� Jul 26 O1 03:46p Sean Carrie Brown (6511774-0849 � a�37 PLEASE RETURN TO: LUCII.LE JOHNSON CITIZEN SERVI�E OFFICE 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD. SAINT PALTI,, MINNESOTA 55102 PHONE: (651)266.8690 FAX: (65I)266.8689 p.l 7 (� �I��i�b I � o � -i3ac� Notiee of Rights when Providing Information You aze being asked to provide information for your committee application_ The attended use of this information is to evaluate your application. You are not obligated to provide the information, but without i� your applicarion may not be considered. Officers, agents and employees of the City of Saint Paul wili have access to the information you provide as necessary to the performances of theu duues. In addition, the data mazked wiih an�` is public information and will be available to the general public. *Name: *Home Address: d07 (r CD 7' tl Cs *City: �S4 �OU / TeIephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) Fax Number: Email Address: *Planning District Council: *City Council Ward: *Preferred Mailing Address: �0/ri P *What is your occupation? �'Place of Employment: *Committee(s) Applied For: %YU fl� ifr /'/DL/Si/7!X *What skills, � � c� ,., �l !: .. or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appoinhnent? � Y ///� � �/ V � /'1 S / C-C .�/(f ,-� . * Zip: 5.5!/ 9 ti� (�5/ 77�f -OX�f % (w1 _.`_�TBL� �'�MSn1. ���?i✓I (over) Jul 26 �1 03:47p Sean Carrie Brown (6511774-0849 p.2 . cr � —132-�0 PERSONAL REFERENCEg [Remember to Inclnde Telephone Area Codes] Name: Address: PLone: ome l- �> r R77! ork �/ - ,-,2�i'6 -�f 7 4 7 Name: Address: ti'/G �.S�..m,n � Phone: �IomelL�/-7/�'-so25cf (Work) Name: Adclress S�So e Phone: (Homel�S/ - �8�-�8 7 (Workl G. J-'9 9-7,�07 X� ��> Reasons for your interest in this particuiar committee: L F� y / L cn 1/ �L.�L�1 c.{e O. Q�.��. % �-I�r: � T T! _ _ . L � . � _ .�-. . _ . Have you had previous contact wifh the committea for which you are making application? If so, when, and the circumstauces? 1 �� r�P.� �; «�� � Pu,,_ti� �P,r ,� y �T„�P Tf special accommodations are needed, please specify; Haw' did you hear about this opening? � � —�erry �jeec��e� Revised 1/1l2001 � T�u7�N %ti f�oUsiN� �O�/�d 0�" FvR4UAfi0�� PLEASE RETURN TO: TOM MARVER P.E.D.13' FLOOR 25 WEST FOURTH STREET � . ` �- b � f� �.t�'g � ,_�3a� SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 Phone: (651) 266.6610 FAX: (651) 2283261 Name: /'�/T�K ��f}/l�C'iEL�'S� Home Address: S z� .�,�g/�O �}//�' Gt� Street: _ City: ST . P.4UL /11 N. Zip: � 55 //7 Telephone Number(s): (Include Area Codes) � 6�5/- y88--7ys6 �wl � S/ — 2�� —k 9/S Planning District Council: City Council Ward: � Preferred Mailing Address: What is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: si-�r�E PROCUR,�'t SPEC„�t,'s7� C . � y O� �ST f�i4(IC Ti��'F/l/UQ�D6Y4�/�i�/U.4GE'a%G s.�ii �RUTH �N S'N-LE O� NOUS�idG� ldBQRd oF vRLUA7p2 c What sldlls, training or esperience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? ��i�' A-TI �'�/��rs The information inciuded in tlus application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act As a result, this information is not released to the general public. a�-» a-� PERSONAL REFERENCES [Reminder to Inciude Telephone Area Codes] Name: CJ /Jy� ��C Z �O Address: 75/ - C/-�f_ YE'NN� L�/UE MEiVOTit�R NGTS Phone: Name: �4Vork) 6 Sl — Y87- ?2 06 Address: �� �i �. L�� l�( ST ST/�i�U� / Phone: SFiomel �vorkL� Sl - Z� G cS' 7�� Name: SCtSA-/� F� (l F'iQ�Jt=�J Address �� GtJ f�L � OG( [� (f (%'� �.Of�/'L/ � � Phone: (Fiome) (W ) `2b1� �S 90 Fl Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: /� UD L UNTF_E/P .SO/7F d� NI J�. o�t _r-� Q�I c�'l 7 TN� �', ��` .T �r+� y d y�iP 1'0� �N/= C�'�Y o� STi°RV� .QN/� SoL.'c� x" /.�,;F9�S f0/� .C/G f,Dl/l /{�/D G+/ol/Gt7 /!<'� 7 A�'S"s7` u1�/!''.PE � Ca{N Td �',�f//E 5��� Have you had previous contact with the committee for wlrich you are maldng applicaHon? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. Wfute (Caucasian) Black (Afi American) American Indian or Alaskan Esldmo Date of Birth: � ! � /SZ Disabied: Yes No � If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Eiispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Male J� Female How did you hear about tlus opening? ��{��� /�/�GE O � -13 �-b RECORD OF EMPLOYMENT ATTACI-IlVIENT �r�M � ProcurementSpecialist N 1 Interac[ directly with vendo�, CiTy, County and S[ate Employees, including officials and legal counci] to facilitate a seamless process thaz resulis in the timely procuremrni of goods and services. • Responsibie for purchasing numerous commodives for E2zmsey County/City of St Paul, preparin� bids, evaluating analyzing, and awazding bids and reques[c for proposals ensmin� that all processes are in compliance with State and Local Laws. • Work with representazives from small disadvantaged business proerams to assist vendon in resolvin� conflicu and helpin� them to better undersuwd how to do business with Ramsey County and the City of SC Paul. • Resolve complaints deparm�ents have with goods, service, or billing pnc[ices of vendols. Negotiate sett(emenis benveen depazimenis and vendon. Handle bid prousts from vendon, ensuring Iegal oblivazions are met and effective procurement pmcesses ocwr with minimai wn4ict • Coach deparhnent pec�onnel how to property wlite specifications. ' • Web Master: Train all departments, updace and troubleshoot the Office Web Page. �T�� Z Storeroom Supervisor • Accountable for all aspects of warehouse operations. Supervised support sraff, hired, trained and coached new staff, designed appmpriate stsndazd operating procedures, pumhased supplies and services, inventory wntrol, budgeting, surplus disposal and hazazdous waste disposal. • InROduced and oversaw the implementafion of new technology in the form of a computerized inventory system resulting in a streamlined records retention program . This new system greatly improved work processes thus reducing waste. • Interacted with Ciry Purchasing and Engineering departments, coordinating efforts to reduce exisbng inventory by standazdizafion of desired stock. • Incorporffied a"Justdn-Time" buying pmcess to reduce existing stock as standardization wu in progress. � �('rj 3 Storekeeper I • Responsible for inven[ory conVOl, to ensure delivery and distribuGon of materials and supplies to tradespeople. • Assisted in the establishment of a streamlined wazehouse process [haz resulted in reduced inventory Iosses. • Met periodically with vendors and tradespeople to review new produc[s, recommended equipment on a IIia! basis to Vadespeople for their feedback on performance. • Ma[erials Management f Custodial Engineer � L T�� - 1 L � , Supervised custodians and organiZed work plans. • Perforn�ed buitding maintenance and general custodial engineer tazks • Mechanical, pneuma[ic, HVAC maintenance and repair for multiple buildings • Worked wi[h Aincipal, Teachers and organizers ro set up special projects and events. • Accountable for grounds and pool maimenance. TTC.t, C Fire Equipment Sales, Design, & Installer 1- (' / 1 J Sy�es and service • Designed cusrom fire systems • Installed fire and Maintained suppressant systems (Electrical & Mechanical) � � !_ Manager/Mechanic �� Nigh[ Manager du[ies: SchedWed work, recorded daily receipts, ordered gasoline. • Trained and Supervised new hires. • Aum Repair including engine overhauls, valve �inding, air condi5onine repair. i' o. -i � a c� DUTIES ��TFM � Responsible forpurchasing numerous commodiGes for Ramsey County/Ciry of St Pau1, PreParin� bids, evaluating, analyzing, and awarding bids and requestc for proposals ensuring that all processes yre in compliance wit}� g� and Loca1 Laws. filso responsible for trainin;, updating a�d houb7eshooting the Office Web Page. STENt Z Accountabie for a11 aspects of warehouse operazions. Supe�vised support staff, hired, pained and coached ❑ew staff; designed appropria[e standard operating procedures, purchased supplies and services, inventory cotmol, budgeting, su�plus disposal and hazardous wute disposal. 7rF�r 3 Responsible for inventory control, to ensure delivery and distribution ofmaterials arid supplies to tradespeople. �/_ Supervised custodians and organized work plans, .Z7`£/�j y .2TFM ,5 Sales and service �T�./�'j 6 N�Bh� Manager du[ies: Scheduled work, recorded daily receipis, ordered gasoline. Coliege & ProfeSSional School Inver Hills Communiry Co]lege Lakewood Community College Nazional Assn. of Purchasing Managers Inverfiills Community College St Thomaz University EDUCATION AND TRAINING ATTACEiNIENT Inver Gmve Mn. 10/94 - 12/94 White Beaz Mn. 9/86 - I1/86 Washingron D.C. 7195 - �-95 Inver Grove Mn. 1/94 - 4/94 St Paul Mn 10/92 -11/92 National P ssociation of Purchasin� Mana�en Mpls, Mn 10/94 -11J94 Nazional lns5tute of Gov, Purchasing Wuhington D.C. 1/96 Bosiness, Correspondence, Trade, Technical or Vocatioval school • St. Paul T'VI. 105 hours • St Paul l'VI. 189 hours • Projecc Management. • Manaving Muliiple ProjecYS, Objectives & Deadlines. • BusinessWritingForResulu. • Speak Up and Stand Ou[ - • Negotiations. • Conflic[Resolu[ion. • _ Creating Win-WinDialogues. • How to make cus[omer surveys more praclical and usab(e. • LegalaspectsofGovemmentPurchasing. • Visioning & Innovazion 7 houn • Goal Setting 3.5 hours • Advanced Communicati0ns Skills 8 hours • How ro design and operate a modem Inventory Controi System Using the Principles of Just-In Time. • National Ins[itute of Gov, Purchasing. 24 hours • National Institute of Gov, Purchasing. 24 hours • City of St. Paul Human Resources. 4 hours • V.G.I. Training, EPA Approved. - 16 hours Accident Investigation. 4 hours Advanced Pool Training Seminar. 4 hours D � -1'1 a� 5 Cr Small Business Managemen[ 4 Cr Basic Microcomputers 4 Cr Purchasing & Materials M� 4 Cr Human Resource M�? JSCEVs BacicQualiryImprovementToolsFor Teams 4 Cr Purchazing & MUs Handling 1 ProYtssional CertiScatio¢ Tes[ Steam Powered Engineering Principles of Refri�eration and Elect Fred Pryor Skillpath Fred Pryor Ski]Ipath Mediation Center Fred Pryor Optum EBT Systems NIGP MGP National Insdmte of Gov, Purchasing. Na[ional Instimte of Gov, Purchasing. U of M extension Public Purchasing Materials Management Sexuat Harassment Seminaz CeRification Class for Refrigeraiion City of St. Paul Human Resources Commereial poois - Certificate CertifiCaze Completed Certified Universat Technician Completed Completed Compu[er Knowledge & Traiuing SOF'1'WARE • In[emet Web Page Training Received and Trained how to use our web page. Co-Web Master • Office Automation System (Raznsey County) - • Liaison for the Putchuing Office assisting in the original set up of the Ramsey Coumy Peoplesoft Accounting Package. • Aspen accoun[ing system • City of St Paul Finance System (fin-80) HARDWARE • ConVact Tncking System ' Excel PurchaseTracking System • Lotus 1-2-3 Fae on Demand System • W indows 95 I-Ip ScanIet Scannec • Word Intemet • WordPerfect39 Intranet • WordPerfect 4.0 E-Mail (Groupwise) • WordPerfect 61 Fac Server • WordPeRect Corel 8.0 Fax Machine • Great Plains Accounting Package (For Macintosh) Version 525, 6.0, 7.0 I-LP Scanjet • PC , Macintosh, Apple • Printers: Epson, HP 4 SI, HP 5 SI • Paperpor[ Scan Software Volunteer work esperience • Mazconi Club: • SL Pau] Summer Youffi Camp: • Minnesota Customer Service: • Habitat for HumaniTy: • Ciry of St. Paul • Neighborhood Volunteer: Vice PresidenUSet up fund raisers, Social d'uector, deliver food to the needy on Holidays. Supervisor/ Supervised work ofyoung peopie for the communiry. Swut/ Project to awazd good customer service for the Govemor. Laborer/Constructing housing Catastrophic Emergency ResponseTeam Member Volunteer Laborer/ Snow shoveling, do repairjobs ( Plumbing, Electrical etc). for the elderly & retired people at no labor charge. Cmduated, Licensed Graduated, Licensed 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU Ob CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU 0.6 CEU OJ CEU Completed Completed I.0 CEU ''�L o i'C6 � i : �`;,; :. �� r - J[M REITER caunci7member GITY OF SgINT PAUL OFFICE OF TI3E CITY COUNCIL MEMORANDUM December 19, 2001 TO: Council President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry FROM: SUBJ Councilmember Jim Reiter �� Suspension Item For 12/19/O1 Council Agenda b\—�7a'�v Please review the attached resolutiou I will be bringing in under suspension at today's council meeting approving Appointments/Reappointments by the Mayor to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Thank you for your consideration. JR:ds CITY HALL SU1TE 320A SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102-1615 612/266-8650 n�,ae Printed on Recycled Paper O i -1'� 3 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: 1�1:7�7�A I �� L:�i Saint Paul CityCouncilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Counciimember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilxnember Patrick Harris Councilxnember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Ryan Kaess Assistant to the Mayor December 13, 2001 390 Ciry Hall IS West Ke[logg Bou[evard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Telepiwne: 651-266-8510 Facsimile: 65I -266-8513 Appointmentsheappointments to the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Mayor Coleman is recommending the following appoinhnents to serve on the Truth in Sale of Housing Board of Evaluators. Sean Brown Gerald Beedle Diane O'Donnell Mazk Evangelist Clayton Lazson All of the appointments and reappoinhnents will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire March 25, 2004. cc: Connie Sandberg, CSO �