264387 WH17E — CITV CLERK 2�643� PINK — F1,NANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUsE —MAYOR Fi1e NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointment, hy the Mayor, of the follow- ing named persons to the Saint Paul Human Rights Commission for three-year terms to expire October 9, 19'77 ; Daniel E. FitzPatrick Rabbi Bernard S. Raskus Esperanza Ceniceros Henry Greencrow COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler �_ Against BY Sylvester �r'T�lee�� President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT 1 0 1974 Fo Approved r y Certified se by C unc' cret By J ;y , `Y�/� Appro by Mayor: te l� Approv Ma r is o o C cil By By PUBLISHED 0 T 19 1974 � �6�38`� ` GITY OF SAINT PAUL ����� - O��'FIGI: OF THP: MAYOI� e4...4 o�oen�ao�a eeer _ • LAWRENCE D. COHEN MAYOR October 9, �-974 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed Resolution approving my appointments to the Human Rights Commission as follows : Daniel E. FitzPatrick, of 426 Wheelock Pkwy. West Rabbi Bernard S. Raskus , of 611 Mt. Curve Blvd. Esperanza Ceniceros , of 435 Clinton Ave . __ Henry Greencrow, of 309 E. Sidney for three—year terms to expire October 9, 1g77 . Present Commission members whose terms expire October 9, 1974 are : Stan�ord K. Robins , Jose H. Trejo, Dr. James E. Johnson, and Reverend Kneely Williams . espectfully ' ted, WRENCE D. C N Mayor Enc . 22 A GI�Y ��^ SAINT PAL' L ' ,;. o�Fiar: oF z�iF �rt�i�oii o�.i�.:"s��.c?�e � . . � � ���i_+i:a�sont!��t . . . . . . L1WRE\GE D. GOHEN �InYOa - October 9, 1974 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: , I herewith transmit for your consideration a proposed Resolution approving my appointments to the Human Rights Commission as follows : Daniel E. FitzPatrick, of 426 Wheelock Pkwy. West Rabbi Bernard S. Raskus , of 611 Mt. Curve Blvd. Esperanza Ceniceros, of 435 Clinton Ave. Henry Greencrow, of 30g E. Sidney � for three—year terms to expire October 9, 197?. Present Commission mem bers whose terms expire October 9, 1974 are : Stanf.ord K. Robins , Jose H. Trejo, Dr. James E. Johnson, and Reverend Kneely Williams. Respectfully submitted, LAWRENCE D. COHEN Mayor Enc. �'�22 , _ , . ... � • ' � 26438�7 , 264�� N�g Deniel E. Fit$Patrick 426 W. �eelock Parkwa0r . st. Paul, Minnesota 55117 BIRTHD�AT$ June �, 1934 g�IpygR • Dsvelopeae�tal DtLsabilities Pro�ect in cooperatian xith the St. Panl 3chool District �625 POSITION Project coordinator and advocate for Multip�Y Handicapped Youth in the Faat Metropolitam area of St. Psail. EDUCATIONAL BACRa�t�iD High School, A.A. degree, xorking �owards B.A. in Human Services & has certificate from the Internatianal Accountant Society. �IpYKIIdT gpCgal�UND 1. St. Pa.ul tioodwill Industries - Maaiager (il.as swares Department 2. IInicn (�ospel Mission - Accountant 3. Action Acconnting & Taa Service - one-half partnership in a business. !t. Nex Career's Progrenn, DVR - Caunselor Aid 5. St. Paul R�+mse3► Hospital, Pliysical Medicine Departmea�t - Consultant. 6. Thiversity of Minnesota, Human Se�cuality Prograia - Graup leader. 7. St. Pavl School District �6� - Consulta�t for Humaa Aalations xorks ps. 8. Hvman Aaso�urce Associates Inc.- Consultant, A�uaan Relations �o shop - hazi cappe component. ASSOCIATIONS 1. National liehabilitation Association 2. Mirmesota Fiehabilitation Association 3. Greater St. Paul Area Council on bnployme�t of the Aa�dicapped 4. IInited Handicapped Federatio�n 5, young l�en's Christi� Association INTF�ESTS Chess, Reading, Sports and People. . RI�CO(�1ITmN 1969 - St. Paail Handicapped Person of the Year t3pAL IN ISF$ To improve the "].ife-style" of the Handicapped in our conanunity and State. � �--� � F 2� t - R11I3�I H�Ii.'tARD 3. �LAS..1� �� ; , i Rabb i Be rnard 3� Raekae hds evr�ed ag �pirituGl lesde: oi tbe ; TemDlv ot Aaroa Cen�regation in Saint Pau3, Minno�oto !or more tb�a i twenty Yo�B• I Rabbi Aaskae wa3 born 3n Saint Louie� :►iis�ouri and recoived his i �uc»tion thore• lie attendod the iJaiver�it9 at Chica�o and ; early o � recelved his II.g. �1e�re� from '�aLriington University in 8aiot Louis. ; In 1948 tie Ras orc►�in::: vy Th� Je�is:i Tr.�olo�icw: Sominsry ot A�eric�, i Wh�;a he alao rECeiv�d hfs i�.F:.L. So �3 the ti�cat Jud�fca ina�ruc�ar i siwcaleater Cpllsba and is a maw�:.i oi th� Pres3d�n�'� Rdvi�ory ; at � Counci: o� tha Colle;e� o2 Saint Cathe�ino in Saiat Paul. ge le a momber v� th� L3nit�� Je�1�h F�nd aad C�u�ctl of Sai�t � .pa,11 aad sarle� aa the ehat�aa.�. of ths �uaa raisin� eg�or� auring --,th� 19s? Sis-D:�y �a� oa beh�I= ot the Qaited 3owf.ah ApPaml. He is ^. a. mc�b�r c� .tbe Rat��nal R�,bh3��a ��i=te� °= tha 3��te of Ier4o1 . j � --:r acC �Z�o �: II�bc�: ci tt� E��"� o: Lhe Na�ioaa: �o:at DiatributioA _ IIo�..... : Co;:�ittec ��d ^y c�::r�e��lg La��.�:.«.:� c'::��iW�� 02 tu� hsticawl Ear�llmen� , Plr.n ci T:_:: Jca��h ''i`i�:.loZ��,tc�: S��n�rp ot A-��i:.c�.. Rc:;Ui �a��a� h�a wl�� r:�::�i�•��:�` in tun� r�f..^.i�t; e��Lrts far th� . � � -���MtirIIly`E:J Y:.c:ectr��.2:.�v�ion Ce�t.=, ie a ra�b�� o: t�3 Ts��n C�_��fc� C��-s . �asrd c! Dfrecvcr� c� tl�e Grc�ter Sa3�t P.ul IIn3teai Fuad• �Ie hcs sv:�c:� g� C:z���nin to �;;� Iiouse oi F�epresentmtives oi the atate o! �!lnar-.sot�. and ta; be�� ect2.va in �any other civic endea�•ors. Asid� :r.a� activity in m�ny co�^uaity agenciee. Rabbi Raskae hae ea��RA.� �.n Qany Ziterarp and creat�!ve ei2orts. He le the autbor oi �r«r�r o� W.ibdoct. �-aic'1 ha� becn tra��l�tod into Br�illo and has �uet b�?r i�:','^� i� r. aeG��d p=inting. I_e har� aleo edited tcro other b�oks ; entt�.?_c�' F: So:� �� Fc�.*1� en:i Qc:^.ccr.L o� L.�gk�. Iio aleo contri.buto� ; (�'.�'1 wN�: ' ^ . r . � � � '�64�8� , _ � � �����' i�nbbi Bora� 8• ��� P�e z - - _ r��ularly to maay publicatioaa thct raa6e ell the aay trom the CazhoLi.c ��.g eix to the Reade.x tlg ca.t. Rabbi Ra.slcaa� ie iatereeted it: ltturgy and tias ccayil�� ov�r taraaty cont�mporery aerv�ca booklets. all oi �bich ara in yopul�: da��ad and hia �ermons have re�ularly a����3�r3d in tho yearly p�blic���oa oY Bebl Jew.�tfi Sei�crcb. Rabbi R�kas is o�sc�ti�:ly e�nd in�ividual eud h5.�e tQS��� a�d lt�te:a�ts includa ccs�3ap�:�Y �-"t. p�y�.�i��;.ry s�ad "people." �ie i� -'�'�.'.PP�3Gi �'+l' d �.be �siw�3T Ol� tY3Y'3G CZIs�(1Y'@�• ' � -1. , . - ,J� � I . �� . . i � _ � ��.: � � ����Ei��� � # �,. � ' , 3 � , � <.� �j�, �:, �. , ����,� . . � , ,; . _,� � September 30, 1974 r� ,: ;: � � r. _ _ � ,.._ '� . ����� � �a�� � t'.-..r�'.�� • �-.:.�,6...6�'� , Mr. DOn Le�ri s H� Ri�tS OCT 2 1974 515 city Ha.11 ,, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 pEpT� OF HUMAN RIGNTS � Dear Mr. Lewis: First let me apologize for not attending to your request sooner, but I simply forgot. My brief resume is as follows: I was born in St. Paul and raised on the West Side. I attended La,fayette, Roosevelt and Humboldt Schools. I also attended the College of St. Catherine for 3 years. . I a� the mother af 4` chil'dren. . -I was the egecutive secretary of the PAC group for Concord Terrace Urban Renewal Area, Rio Vista Citizens Planning Council from 1968 to 1970. I was also secretary on the Board of Directors ' for the Torre De San Miguel Homes, Inc. I am presently on the board of directors of the Riverview Memorial Hospital. I also served as president of the Roosevelt PTA for the school year of 1973-74. I also am presently serving on the Capitol Improvement Budget Coum►ittee. I am looking forward to meeting �,rith you to discuss the duties of serving on the� Human Rights Co�unission. Your_s. truly, ( -2f��- � ����iC��G�dt✓ ., '����� ,� Mrs. Espera.nza Ceniceros , �� , . 2�438'7 - 2s��� RESUME Henry GreenCrow 309 E. Sidne� Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55107 Married, Father of four children Born: LaCrosse, Wisconsin September 28, 1941 . Resident of St: Paul , Minnesota for the past 15 years. PAST EMPLOYMENT: Bloomington Police Department Bloomington, Minnesota Nurnan Relations Special ist State of Minnesota Indian �lffairs Comnission Native American Consultant Urban Affairs Independent School District #625 ' - AFFILIATIONS: - Chairr:an, Department of Indian Work St. Paul Council of Churches Chairman, P9innesota Indian Education Comnittee goard hlember, American Indian Student Association University of Minnesota Member, American Indian P�fovement Founder and Member of St. Paul American Indian Center, organized in 1968.