01-1325{{ � , """" ,��i� � � ;3 s ` � `N����f`aWl�1 � �aN. .�� �00�. Council File # a� - �3 a5 ` ��� Green sheet # aoo q 5�o RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date / i z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 z� ia 19 ao v RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves e appointmendreappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individ s to serve on the Business Review Council. APPOINTMENT Thomas Moran will serve a three-year term that w' expire April 1, 2004. W11113ri1 J. �,`OS BEll D31}' Steve Zaccazd All three of the reappointments will serve a three-y�ar term that will expire April 1, 2004 Requested by Department of: sy: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�icil Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney &y: By: Approved by By: . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: D� _ ��ZS DEPARTMINf/OFFICNCAUNC�L DATEINrtu1Tm . ' r� Office �zi�si2oo� GREEN SHEET No 200956 COMACT PERSON & PFIONE MmmlDae� N�s R an Kaess ca,,,n,�,ruws,c,e u,rm,.,ri MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} �uswx xureatcort arcw*ma�r ❑arcaanc � ROUf1NG �� wlu1C111LafllVK£fmt nUlIO11LaFrtV/ACCi6 ❑ Wvdtlortuasraxp ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approving the appointment of Thomas Moran, and the reappointments of William J. Cosgriff Bill Daly, and Steve Zaccard to the Business Review Council. All of the appointees will serve a three-year term that will expire April 1, 2004 RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) or Re�eet (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: i. Fias Nis persan/frm ever warked under a canfrxt fa Mie depeAmenl� PtANNING COMMISSION res nlo CIBCOMMffTEE 2. HasMispereoNfrmeverbeenadlyempbyee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Ooes this persoNfiim possess a sidll not normaltyposaessed by anY �+rteM city emPb`/�7 YES NO 4. Is ttiis persaJfiim a tarpeted �eMoY7 YES NO F�ylain all yes answeis on separate sheet aM attach in green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wfw, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVR7UE BUDGETm (GRCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (IXPWN) �1 C,8P1�2f i� ° o � -t3a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilxnember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Ryan Kaess Assistaut to the Mayor December 13, 2001 390 Ciry Hall Telephorse: 657-266-8510 ZS West Kellogg Bou[evard Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RECEIVED ��.� � J Z�is�� � rrf, S r�`=.;- Cae�� e �L,.EY� AppointmenUreappointments to theBusiness Review Council. Mayor Coleman is recommending the following appointrnents to serve on the Business Review Council. Thomas Moran, will serve a three-year term that will expire April 1, 2004. REAPPOINTMENT William J. Cosgriff �ill Daly Steve Zaccard All three of the reappoinhnents will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire April 1, 2004. cc: Roger Curtis, LIEP � SENT 8Y: STAHL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; 651; MAY-12-00 2:07PM; PAGE 1/2 �� � PLEASE RETURN TO: TOM MARVER P.E.D. i3 FLOOR ZS'WEST FOURTEf STREET SAIPiT PA[3L, iVIINNESOTA 55102 Phono: (651) 266.6610 RAX: (651) 2283261 � �� ��j" o�_13as r,�c. � Z( oa C�� Name: �a'f0�'1►9 � /� ���/�/ • Home Address: � 3/pQ �/ — �� �Y� sd Streeh City: �12N5 ✓«�E Zip: �5337 Telephone Number(s): (IAClude Area Codes) Planning District Council: PreFerred Maillng Address: What is your occupaflon? Place of Employment: Committee(s} Apptied Fnr: CT�ON What sldlls, training or experience do you possess fur llie conimittee(s) for which you scek appointment? Q� '�}"�irlCM'FIC MEJh1��Ri l71A/CNSV /1-L� �'dbNOM [C lO�P.ANTI`F PDN/H�TT�E (9� �itE�,�v's fT�� r��fl � �v 7'! ES Ux 452-- 8�tz- 1 3 n� taSl -�'or - zS88 City Council Wazd: � u Sr �v�. S s �EvB �.d t� F�v T' / The 3ttformation included in this applicatlon is cuasidered private dats according to the Minnesata Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this intormatlon is nat released to the general public. _.. -. - . . - SENT BY: STAHL CONSTPUCTION COMPANY; 651; MAY•12-00 2:07PIN; PERSONAL �tEFERLNCES (Remiader to lnclude "lelephone Area Codes] PAGE 2/2 0�-1��,5 Name: �TE.vE LBe�f2 Address: '4�1 �D�¢.� ST S T�¢K C.. Phoue: tWork) �oSl- �S - b7/2- __-_ Name: EL12.�4/3�T)�- �}i r,1T2. Address: 2 1[� N w�sT' M�vv�e �3�.v7.� Phone_ fHomel L12. S9y- 3zS-v {Wor (r/Z -�`1 ��'� Name: Address Phone: lWork) Reasons for your interest in this patticulai committee: Iiave you had prevfous cantact with the commtttee for whieh yoa are maldng appiication? If so, when, and the circumstances7 /trd In an attempt to ensure that commlttee representation reflects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line appticabie to yoa This information is sirictly volantary. _� White (Caucasian) _ Black {African Amerlcan) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: l �� 3 t�� llisabled: Yes No ,/�_ _ Hispanic risian or Pacilic Isiander Male � Fcmalc [( specisl aceommodations are needed, pIcase specify: ,_���i Fiow d:d you hcar alwut this opening? �rf V�- �i.-/'�'� {{ � , """" ,��i� � � ;3 s ` � `N����f`aWl�1 � �aN. .�� �00�. Council File # a� - �3 a5 ` ��� Green sheet # aoo q 5�o RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date / i z 3 4 s 6 � s 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 z� ia 19 ao v RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves e appointmendreappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individ s to serve on the Business Review Council. APPOINTMENT Thomas Moran will serve a three-year term that w' expire April 1, 2004. W11113ri1 J. �,`OS BEll D31}' Steve Zaccazd All three of the reappointments will serve a three-y�ar term that will expire April 1, 2004 Requested by Department of: sy: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Co�icil Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney &y: By: Approved by By: . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: D� _ ��ZS DEPARTMINf/OFFICNCAUNC�L DATEINrtu1Tm . ' r� Office �zi�si2oo� GREEN SHEET No 200956 COMACT PERSON & PFIONE MmmlDae� N�s R an Kaess ca,,,n,�,ruws,c,e u,rm,.,ri MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} �uswx xureatcort arcw*ma�r ❑arcaanc � ROUf1NG �� wlu1C111LafllVK£fmt nUlIO11LaFrtV/ACCi6 ❑ Wvdtlortuasraxp ❑ TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED Approving the appointment of Thomas Moran, and the reappointments of William J. Cosgriff Bill Daly, and Steve Zaccard to the Business Review Council. All of the appointees will serve a three-year term that will expire April 1, 2004 RECAMMENDATION Approve (A) or Re�eet (R) PERSONALSERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTiONS: i. Fias Nis persan/frm ever warked under a canfrxt fa Mie depeAmenl� PtANNING COMMISSION res nlo CIBCOMMffTEE 2. HasMispereoNfrmeverbeenadlyempbyee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3. Ooes this persoNfiim possess a sidll not normaltyposaessed by anY �+rteM city emPb`/�7 YES NO 4. Is ttiis persaJfiim a tarpeted �eMoY7 YES NO F�ylain all yes answeis on separate sheet aM attach in green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wfw, What, When, Where, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVR7UE BUDGETm (GRCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAiION (IXPWN) �1 C,8P1�2f i� ° o � -t3a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilxnember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Ryan Kaess Assistaut to the Mayor December 13, 2001 390 Ciry Hall Telephorse: 657-266-8510 ZS West Kellogg Bou[evard Facsimile: 651-266-8513 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RECEIVED ��.� � J Z�is�� � rrf, S r�`=.;- Cae�� e �L,.EY� AppointmenUreappointments to theBusiness Review Council. Mayor Coleman is recommending the following appointrnents to serve on the Business Review Council. Thomas Moran, will serve a three-year term that will expire April 1, 2004. REAPPOINTMENT William J. Cosgriff �ill Daly Steve Zaccard All three of the reappoinhnents will serve a three-yeaz term that will expire April 1, 2004. cc: Roger Curtis, LIEP � SENT 8Y: STAHL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; 651; MAY-12-00 2:07PM; PAGE 1/2 �� � PLEASE RETURN TO: TOM MARVER P.E.D. i3 FLOOR ZS'WEST FOURTEf STREET SAIPiT PA[3L, iVIINNESOTA 55102 Phono: (651) 266.6610 RAX: (651) 2283261 � �� ��j" o�_13as r,�c. � Z( oa C�� Name: �a'f0�'1►9 � /� ���/�/ • Home Address: � 3/pQ �/ — �� �Y� sd Streeh City: �12N5 ✓«�E Zip: �5337 Telephone Number(s): (IAClude Area Codes) Planning District Council: PreFerred Maillng Address: What is your occupaflon? Place of Employment: Committee(s} Apptied Fnr: CT�ON What sldlls, training or experience do you possess fur llie conimittee(s) for which you scek appointment? Q� '�}"�irlCM'FIC MEJh1��Ri l71A/CNSV /1-L� �'dbNOM [C lO�P.ANTI`F PDN/H�TT�E (9� �itE�,�v's fT�� r��fl � �v 7'! ES Ux 452-- 8�tz- 1 3 n� taSl -�'or - zS88 City Council Wazd: � u Sr �v�. S s �EvB �.d t� F�v T' / The 3ttformation included in this applicatlon is cuasidered private dats according to the Minnesata Government Data Practices Act. As a result, this intormatlon is nat released to the general public. _.. -. - . . - SENT BY: STAHL CONSTPUCTION COMPANY; 651; MAY•12-00 2:07PIN; PERSONAL �tEFERLNCES (Remiader to lnclude "lelephone Area Codes] PAGE 2/2 0�-1��,5 Name: �TE.vE LBe�f2 Address: '4�1 �D�¢.� ST S T�¢K C.. Phoue: tWork) �oSl- �S - b7/2- __-_ Name: EL12.�4/3�T)�- �}i r,1T2. Address: 2 1[� N w�sT' M�vv�e �3�.v7.� Phone_ fHomel L12. S9y- 3zS-v {Wor (r/Z -�`1 ��'� Name: Address Phone: lWork) Reasons for your interest in this patticulai committee: Iiave you had prevfous cantact with the commtttee for whieh yoa are maldng appiication? If so, when, and the circumstances7 /trd In an attempt to ensure that commlttee representation reflects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line appticabie to yoa This information is sirictly volantary. _� White (Caucasian) _ Black {African Amerlcan) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Date of Birth: l �� 3 t�� llisabled: Yes No ,/�_ _ Hispanic risian or Pacilic Isiander Male � Fcmalc [( specisl aceommodations are needed, pIcase specify: ,_���i Fiow d:d you hcar alwut this opening? �rf V�- �i.-/'�'�