264362 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINqNCE CO11RC11 _^) CANARY�-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. r_����/�/ �l.UE -MAVOR Cou�� il es ut 'on . Presented By LICENSE COP�iT�1ITTEL Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�,SULV�D: That Application N 161 lor the transfer of On �Sale Liquor License No. 8498, expiring January 31, 1975, issued to George and Charlotte D. Darnian at 501-3 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Damian�s, Inc. at the same address. OiV SALE LIi�UO:Z LSTABLTSHl�fENT T��;aF'ER (Partnership to Corporation) COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler B Sylvester Against Y Ti�Cl1� President Hunt 8 197� Adopted by Council: Date �CT Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie as y Cou il Secretary . BY �/ I Approv by Mayor: ate �97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBLISHED OCT 1219T� � �.r.�,.,. ._..., ;;� ° --��, ,�_ �_ ��,,,,,,,'<,4..;�=+ <� `�.ra� �.r . , ; : ,_ . � ��. ,.�. � r-� . i '�' . - -- 4,�S7 ` • ,� .v,T r� '#�» " � ='ti�,�� ,... > . ..:,. ...,, ' 9�. '� �y "..,a �:, ,' � �„� � � .. " � � .� �..:= ���s.-.vF"� _ �i� {��f � '�f��� - � - � � .:.... ;; � . �� �_ ° At�`rLIC.A.�'.�C)�T FO.Z (��i' ��'L�- +�,� ' �/ +�_ . APplication No .r _ y' ' Nax�e of APpIi�..a� �C��.i���c?.�`.,.._..��i'A�4.r f Da _iar,+g_ TS:.�-.� A�n �T _ �/N - _ , � ft?side�ce Add�esa �°R� ,�f�?vv�� ��_ �e�2?:, St. Pe.u�,,,T':inn. . Telephone R:a����:...�`m.__.....,....�.. � Af•e yo� a citi2en of ti�� Jnited Stat�? �"S , � � I-iare you �ver laeen enga;;ed in operating s saloon, c&fe, soft drink parlor, or buair,eaa o! ai�ni,a: na�ute? �{,`*' � When atd where?—J�.;`- ; �„�.+- , ^ R ,.� • _ ' � � �` 13y ��tr .}��7�e �3 -- �i�. � � r � Lf corporation, give uame and general purpose ot,co:poration- 1?amian�s, T,2^.a - ' � .y 4�� � ` When incorporated?_—Jtz�e 4th. 1�74 , 4� y -' � � " � � - . . . ... .. , . - 1Ty`'NuM M-� L ; � . ., '. � :. �� - ;- If ciub.ho�+;long has corporation owned or leased quat�q��r�b,�#em�era?- ••�y�A � . . . .,, , -. . � How msay membere? : 3 s -•: _ r = . . � " . � ' Names And addresses of all offi�ers of corporation, and name end eddress o4 general mana�er.............. ta . , , � . I, ' ' : , �' ._.:.,�Fe���e Damiar�8 ?'*�si�erif and Tr�asut`er, �rd C,ryr.er� Pda�a;er f, � ,';, " Ch��.,lc?t¢� D, '� zr.ia�Vlce-Pr��ident ar�d Secret�ry " . I _. y . ... , . ... �• � . . . � . � . .. �. �.. . k � - z � ! � � ; . • .. � ; �_ T'runes`and addrasses of Stockholdera: ` ��� ' -` ,�. �" C=.r�e� �x�r,."Y,.r��`�G`ta�:�a <:v�;�se��t. �":,;3, Nlin.iesGLa ��11� _ ,. r-�. ,,: � '' C�ar1L;t� '. �jaz'd1f�n;�32� �tawa Av�,�ae. St. �'at:l. i�fn.�eeota 55�28 .; ;� +* �. , � . , - ' � > Give name of surety company which will-vvrlte bond.if known� � ;�♦ , Number Street " Side Between What Crose$treets Ward f ' - � . 5�1�5fl'� `, : i3nivars�ity :, Noz'ttt � . Kent '; Mqci�ubin _ � B � ������ �4 ,� .. . . � '� Hnw many`i�et:from an academy.college or.univxreity4(mea3u�i alohg etreets)? ' m.z1�5 ,-. . ' ' � �� , 'How mariy feet from a church (measured along etreetd I� ' ►9 b1E�o':g � �;. `�� E � ?< �" _ ' - .:. - " - � . . . ..,. �,. �. , , : � � . .. .� ,+dDC,� .. ', " , H'avt man��feet trom cioaest public or parcchial grsde a�t high schsw! (measured aTon�etreets�? � �'7'�'�i`•� ' . `� Nume`of c3ases� schooi. S��^���#!� �ch�;s2 _ - , , . . . . . �_ "�iow sie+-premises e'laasi8� under Zoning Ordinaz�cei >'Cc�xnxnQ�C� �' ., ' .� , :. - -� ; ' � On W6xt�P.00r located?�_���5,�1��.'c'la�r . �� � ,� � _ . , � ` .,. � � Are premis�s,ovvned by you or lea�ed?=namr?! 'r�:���gJVe n�me�.oi owner _ � � � ` � _ � If a restaurant give seating,.capacity? � � if hotel, �eatin� capacity� of main daning reom? � �� � ' _ "; Give t2'sde natUe., i`Inv�r �'?�xh "'� - • ` - - --: ...., � - -<<.- , , " Give below tn_namP,or number,or other descrfptton of each additional room tn which liQuor ealea pre inten�ed:.�, . � . � ,. w � � � , _ � ; .. � ,. .� �:� - . . � ..: � � — � �� '-: � ." � -- " 4, {� . s i' t , ' . � :° i x , , t , �, . � , � = y �,. , ' fT6s itd'ormstiam abow mtat De qtt�n for botele ud reatanrant�w6leh �us mon t4aa:wis room for liqyor ealn). ,,, � � +� ' i "' How many gvPct rooms in hoteli - . ` =- -t.�. ('.. - Name of res'.der:t proprietor or muna2�' (restaurant or hotel) � , ^ t ' Give na�1eR ar,d addresse3 02 thzee buainess retereacea: ` . ~�' 1....`_��� ,�.*- 'r�.^ �, Fe::erc?at, ��dVtrP,^.�_GOZTlO �Vl11Ui?. .St.-Paul, MinnAgcta � � �.:_ '"'1.- r`'S.nnl� p r� rY ? . .. . � . . i. �, �, f f J�. ;� :��, L, C'��_•o - :�te B�.nk, Wast St. I'�.cl, 1�l�i�n sata , � . 3 . ..t_.r ' � .t_ �33.;,'�t, _'vu , _._��n�aOta : _, �� � , � � - � ���';:' `` -- r,� , . , Tiii3 �P�"?.iCA'T.ON MU�T �,� VFR*FIED BY TfIE ,APPLICANT AND IF COFtPORA:'ION, BY � A� 0�"Nic":R ;" A'rxE ;Gi.PO:[ATI(lN DULY AUTEIORIZED TO MAI{E THtu AF'PLIGr",TIQ1V; l,1�'D ' . �� `i`�'a.T'.�,i L..�iT.�F?'Fia:C�i{!'����/11QN Zs'F t�.�i�'t1v�C�D: . " f < _ . ��.;� �'�'W�it &1�� ' - �:" �- � -.. - _ ; ,. . ; r . ; ; . ; . , , �, � .. , ,_ � . .. ., . . . � _ . , ,� , ,���._ . - r ` � , , � . _ ,. : , . _ .; � ,- - � . . _.� _ : _ ! � � . , ; � . , � .:��. ;� � . '_;�,��.:� . ,r � . ; . ;, � :, .. _ ; , _ :,, , ,. . ;= '� x:_ , :, . _ � : , , _ _ . • .. � . .:. # � .. . . . .:. • � _:. ,.. � , �"�+i�:;A1c�N,�i��i'�i1��i��,��rs..+�l�sx'�rr��h:�r�yair�r�a��. �. :�dm.s�,� �., t- �.: � 2 b c� 3 �z �e�f � c�� . ����-��� CITY OF ST. PAUL P�PPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No Name of Applican Geor e Damian Damian's In , Ag� 51 R,esidence Addresa. 132�Ottawa Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. , Telephone No. 222-3307 Are you a citizen of the United States? �'es Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, aoft drink parlor, or busineas of similar nature? Yes When and rvhereY 501-507 Universit Avenu P 'nn If corporation� give name tuad general purpose of corporation �J7ti1�t�� ���- When incorporated? June 4th, 1974 � , , :. A r If club, how long has corporation owned or lea.sed qusi;te�s forcfubrnembera?,� � �� N/A_ _ Iiow many membera? j•, , , ., . ' . �" Names and addresaes of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . . . . . . Pr id Tre r Mana er �. - Charlotte D. Damian, Vice�President and Secretary Na�nes and t�ddresses of Stockho(dera: George Damian, 132 Ottawa Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 Charlotte D. Damian, 132Q Ottawa Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55118 � Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Croas Streets Ward 501-507 ; University , North , Kent ; Mackubin B How many feet from an academy, college or univeraity (meaaured along streeta) ? miles How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ? 4 ����� �� How rr�any feet from closest public or parcehial grade or h�gh school (measured along streeta) ? 5 blocks Name of closest school. St. Adalbert�s School How are premises classiSed under Zoning Ordinance? Commercial On w•hdt Roor located? . Are premises owned by you or leased? owned if leased give nams of owner If a restaurant give seating capacity? If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? Give trade A9►Y�P Clover Club ' Give below tna name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: (The iM'ormatioa sbo�s mnst be qivea for hotele and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor eales). How many guest rooms in hotel? • Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel) Give namea and addresses of three busineas referencea: 1, Alexandrian E Federoeal 560 W .Gt pmp AZrPm�P, �t_ Pa»l� MinnPCnta 2 James Gesell, Cherokee State Bank, West St. Paul, Minnesota 3 estern tate Bank, t. Paul, Minnesota THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT� AND IF CORPOItATION� BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPOBATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THI3 APPLICATION; AND THE SEAI. OF THE CORP08ATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTNER SIDE TATE OF MIIVNE80T�1, OUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• GEORGE DAMIAN being Srat du�y swosn� , aes and asys,that he haa read the foregoin� application aad Imows the conte�ta thereof�and that the same is ue to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. ° ` • GE GE DAM N Sub d aworn to before me t i 12 y Septem�ier . 19.3�. _ . � Notsry Public, y County. Minn. y commiasion expir E. W. MURNANE Nptary Public, arr�sey u , inn. NIy omm'�ssion PacPirea Mar.2. 3977. ATE OF MINNESOTA, UNTY OF RAMSEY, sa. GEORGE DAMI�N � ` � � � � � � � � � being Sret duly ewora, d poaea and eaye tha� he is_ F �� President and Treasurer . -- � Damian's, Inc. � ` ` � � � � ,s corporation; t at he has read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereof,and that the s me is true to the best of his .�owledge, information and beliei; that the seal afSxed to the f regoing inatrument ia the corporate aeal of said corporation; that said application waa aigned� sealed and e�c� c ted on behalf of'said corporation by authori�y of ita Board of Directo�s,and said applica'a�r�and the execution t; ereof is t�e volun.�ary ac�and deed of said corpozation. � GEO E DAMIAN s bed d sworn to belore me B 12 d y o September 19 74 Notary Publfc, amaey CounLy� . - commieaion ezpirea_...__._...._E...kIC.�waM�H� Notary Public, Ramsey Count�7,Mlnh. My Commission Expires Mar. 2, 1977. � r- � �_ i �