264348 WH17E - CITV CLERK .^����� �
� PINK - F*INAN E TT COU11C11 ��
BLUE f�StqYOR• � A� .. Fll@ NO.
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Presented By
Referred To
Out of Committee By Date
.� Section 1.
That Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is
hereby amended by r�scinding Section 319. 12 in its entirety, and �
insefting the follo�aing in lieu thereof:
Section 319 .12. Cit De partment Shall Collect Solid
Waste. The Department�l�.'61ic Glor cT s s�ll collect aI�
so i waste, including bulk items such as refrigerators,
furniture, etc. , from residential property on which are
located buildin.gs containi.ng four or fewer dwelling units.
For purp�scs • of -this ord��.r. �ach rQOm in a roomi.ng or
�i$rdiug house which is let separately shall be considered
one-fourth of a dwelling unit. Owners of residential
buildings containing more tha.n four �welling units may
make application to the Department of Public Works and
receive City solid waste collection servi�ce. Collection
sha.11 be provided through crews employed by the Departrnent
of Public Works and private haulers under contract with
the City. The City sha.11 not collect commercial or in-
dustrial trash or waste of any kind, type or na.ture. For
the pv.rpose of carrying out this authority, the Ma.yor
sha.11 promulgate rules and regulations governing the
collection and removal of solid waste, which rules and
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against By
President Hunt
. Form Approved by City ttorney ,� •
Adopted by Couricil: Date � � ; �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �
� _V ` � ,
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
Amended 10/15/74
• •,�' ' ' • r �fi4348
, R • , r
2 .
regulations and amendments thereto sha.11 be ma.intained on
file in the Office of the City Clerk and sha.11 be avail-
able for public inspection during normal business hours .
Section 2 .
Tha.t Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 13 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319 .13. �Ma Contract. The Department of
Public Works sha.11 divi�e the City into collection areas
and sha.11 apportion the areas to City-operated forces
and to private ha.ulers under contract with the City. The
Department of Public Works will apportion the collection
areas between City;-operated forces and private haulers
in such a way as to preserve and protect the jobs and
work performed by City-operated forces as of the effec-
tive date of this ordinance. In accordance with
applicable law, the department is authorized to contract
for solid waste collection services with private ha.ulers.
The department sha.11 negotiate a contract or contracts
directly with private ha.ulers if and when the City
Council by resolution sha.11 find and determine that the
public interest will be best served thereby. Contracts
sha.11 be for a period of time not to exceed three years
and sha.11 include among other provisions the following:
(a) cost of collection of solid waste; (b) performa.nce
bond; (c) public liability insurance with coverage of
at least $250,000/$500,000 for persona.l injury and
$250,000 property dama.ge; and (d) agreement to hold
ha.rmless, protect and defend the City of Saint Paul, its
officers, agents and employees from any and all claims
arising out of their collecting or disposing of solid
waste under contract with the City of Saint Paul.
Section 3 .
That Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319. 14 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319 .14. Annua.l Re ort to Council. The
Mayor shall submit to t e ity ounci annua. y with
his proposed budgets a report, including a fina.ncial
statement, of the current year' s City-operated solid
waste collection program, together with his recommen-
dations as to any cha�,ges which should be ma.de to the
solid waste collection program.
Amended 10/15/74
• �
. � ' '
, , ,
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Section 4.
Tha.t Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319. 15 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319 . 15 . Service Char es Assessed A ainst
All Residential Pro erties. T ere is ere y impose
an evied upon a residential property on which are
located buildings containing four or fewer dwelling
units and other residential buildings requesting City
collection service in accordance with Section 319. 12
a service charge for the costs incurred by the City in
collecting and disposing of solid waste as required
pursua.nt to this Legislative Code . The service cha.rges
shall not exceed the City' s cost of collecting, removing
and disposing of solid waste, including administrative
and debt-interest costs . Annua.l service cha.rges sha.11
be determined and levied in the following manner:
(a) The Fublic Works Department shall
keep a record of all costs directly related to
solid waste collection and disposal and shall
report such information to the Depa.rtment of
Fina.nce and Management Services .
(b) On or before September 1 of each year
the Depa.rtment of Finance and Ma.na.gement Services
shall, with the aid of the Department of Public
Works, determine the total costs incurred for the
collection and disposal of solid waste from
residential properties for the period ending
August 31.
(c) The Depa.rtment of Fina.nce and Management
Services sha.11 report all such costs to the Council.
Upon receipt of the report, the Council sha.11, by
resolution, fix a date for public hearing at which
time the Council sha.11 consider the assessment of
service cha.rges, which hearing sha.11 be held prior
to October 10. The City Clerk sha.11 publish notice
of hearing in the official City paper not less tha.n
20 days before such hearing. At least 10 days prior
to the hearing, notice thereof sha.11 be mailed to
. , ,
. •. � , ,
- � ' ������
every known owner of property subject to an
assessment at his last-known address . For the
purposes of giving mailed notice, owners entitled
thereto sha.11 be those shown to be such on the
records of the Department of Finance and Mana.gement
Services, but other appropriate records may be used
for this purpose. Notices shall state the date,
time, place and purpose of the public hearing and
the amount of service cha.rge to be assessed against
the benefited property.
(d) At the Council hearing or at any adjourn-
ment thereof and after hearing all persons relative
to the proposed service cha.rges, the Council may by
resolution adopt the service charges and levy the
same against the residential property benefited
thereby. All service charges so assessed sha.11 be
pa.yable in a single installment. The City Clerk
shall transmit a certified dupli.cate of the_ res.nlu-
.tion to the Ramsey County Auditor to be extended on
the proper tax list of the County and collected the
following year along with current taxes .
(e) Any person aggrieved by the actions taken
by the City Council may appeal to the District Court
within 20 days after adoption of the assessment roll
in the manner set forth in Chapter 14 of the City
(f) The service charges levied in accordance
with this ordina.nce shall be a lien upon all private
and public property from the date of certification
to the County Auditor and in accordance with :�.aw
shall be of equa.l rank with the lien of the State for
general taxes which ha.ve been or may be levied upon
the property.
(g) The Council ma.y by subsequent resolution
or resolutions provide refunds to occupants of resi-
dential property receiving City solid waste collec-
tion services who are blind, disabled or elderly
persons eligible for income tax credits a�ccording to
State law.
� �•, ,
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S .
Section 5.
Tha.t Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and l
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319.16 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319.16. Solid Waste-S ecial Assessment
Revolving Fund. There is ere y esta is e a special
assessment revolving fund to be known as the "Solid
Waste-Special Assessment Revolving Fund", which fund
shall be a continuing fund to which shall be credited
all receipts and to which sha.11 be cha.rged all costs
incurred incident to such activities . This fund shall
be kept as a sepa.rate and distinct fund from any and
all other City funds and shall be used for the purposes
set forth herein and for no other purposes . All rema.in-
ing unencumbered balances in the previous "Solid Waste
Collection Fund (Rubbish Disposal Fund)" shall be
credited to the fund herein established. �
Section 6.
Tha.t Cha.pter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and '
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319.17 in its entirety.
Section 7 .
If any section or any portion of a section of this ordinance
sha.11 be declared unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative, in
whole or in pa.rt, by any court of competent jurisdiction, the
remaining sections and all portions thereof not declared uncon-
stitutional, invalid or inoperative sha.11 rema.in in full force
and effect, and no such determina.tion sha.11 invalidate the re-
maining sections or portions of sections of this ordina.nce.
CANARY.� D�£'PARTMENT - � File NO. ������
r c
� ' .. • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0.
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Section 8 .
This ordina.nce sha.11 take effect and be in force when the
City Council, by budget appropriation in accordance with appli-
cable law, sha.11 provide the necessary funds for the implementation
of this ordina.nce and City-wide trash service, and upon the City' s
consurrnnating negotiations and entering into a contract with private
ha.ulers in accordance with Section 2 of this ordinance. Sections
319 .12 through 319 .17, inclusive, of the Legislative Code sha.11
continue in effect and sha.11 not be repealed until such time as
this ordinance shall go into effect as provided above.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza �_ In Favor
Rcedler � Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date �CT 2 2 i974 Fotm Approved by City Attorney
Certifi assed Co cil Secretary BY
By • — '
Approve y Mayor: ate T Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PUBLtSHED OCT 2 6 �97�
WN17E - CiTV �LERK • . , � �
^ �. ' .
+ Zn n d ance N 0
Presented By
Referred To v� •
Out of Committee By Date
Section 1.
Tha.t Cha.pter 31 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is
hereby amended by resci ding Section 319. 12 in its entirety, and
inserting the following lieu thereof:
Section 319.12 . t De rtment Sha.11 Collect
Solid Waste. The Depart nt o ic or s s col-
e�a1T solid waste, incl ing bulk items such as
refrigerators, furniture, e . , from residential property
on which are located building containing four or fewer
dwelling units . For purposes this ordina.nce, each
room in a romming or boarding ho e which is let separately
sha.11 be considered one-fourth of dwelling unit. Owners
of residential buildings containing ore tha.n four dwelling
units may ma.ke application to the De tment of Public
Works and receive City solid waste coll tion service.
Collection sha.11 be provided through cre employed by the
Department of Public Works and/or private ulers under
contract with the City. The City sha.11 not llect commer-
cial or industrial trash or waste of any kind, ype or
nature. For the purpose of carrying out this a ority,
the Mayor sha.11 promulgate rules and regulations verning
the collection and removal of solid waste, which es and
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Roedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by C' y orney
Adopted by Council: Date
`�fied Passed by Council Secretary BY �
`4ayor: Date Approved by M or f r bmission to Council
� • , � , ` !
.�• � �i�����
L •
reg ations and amendments thereto sha.11 be maintained on
file 'n the Office of the City Clerk and sha.11 be avail-
able public inspection during normal business hours.
Section 2 .
That Chapte 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended rescinding Section 319 . 13 in its entirety,
and inserting the lowing in lieu thereof:
Section 319 . 3 . Ma Contract. The Department of
Public Works shal divi e t e City into collection areas
and shall apportio the areas to City-operated forces and/
or to private haule under contract with the City. In
accordance with appl able law, the department is author-
ized to contract for lid waste collection services with
private haulers . The partment shall negotiate a con-
trac� or contracts dire ly with private haulers if and
when the City Council by esolution shall find and deter-
mine that the public inte st will be best served thereby.
Contracts sha.11 be for a p iod of time not to exceed
three years and shall inclu among other provisions the
following: (a) cost of coll tion of solid waste; (b)
performance bond; (c) public 'ability insurance with
coverage of at least $250,000/ 00,000 for persona.l in�ury
and $250,000 property damage; a (d) agreement to hold
ha.rmless, protect and defend the ity of Saint Paul, its
officers, agents and employees fro any and all claims
arising out of their collecting or isposing of solid
waste under contract with the City o Saint Paul.
Section 3.
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legis tive Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 14 'n its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319. 14. Annua.l Re ort to Counc The
Mayor shall submit to t e ity Counci annua. � with
his proposed budgets a report, including a fi cial
statement, of the current year' s City-operated lid
waste collection program, together with his reco en-
dations as to any cha.nges which should be ma.de to the
solid waste collection program.
e � � I
.-. � � � � � � � . �64348 .
. BY •
: All Estimates based on 73,500 Units and Crews collecting 300 Units per day.
Citv Cost
13 Crews - Supervision and Operations $ 669,095 �
Bulk Pick-up Crew Costs 136,248
Overall Supervision -� 72,g65
Assessment Cost 18,000 � _
- `Tota 1 C i ty Cost $ . 896,208
� Private Haulers' Cost - 1,785,840
• Disposal Cost 825,000
� . TOTAL COST . : $_�,507,048
�. Cost per Year/Unit $47.46
- " . Cost Per Stop �
: Collection Cost: $ 669,095 �
: -• T,785,840
_ � $2,�+54,935 ' (51 weeks x 73,500 units) _ $ .66
� Disposat Cost: . 825,000 = (51 weeks x 73;500 units) _ .22 �
City Supervision � Assessment Cost • � '
. $ 72,865
9��5 : (51 weeks x 73,500 units) _ .02
� .90 .
. Butk Pickup •
$13b,248 = (51 weeks x 73,500 units) _ ,pt�
$ .94
, _Interest for Special Assessment Fund . � 14,�
� . $1.08 �:-�
� This cost is based.on a 7°� interest for bonds to f,irtance working
capital in a' special assessment fund. This may reduce depending on
the method used to finance the service.
** A reduction in cost �is being considered for the.blind, disabled and
� . ' t0/3/74
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' CITY OF �AINT PAUL ���" '`�`��{��
�- ��
October 7 , 1974
To : Persons interested in the proposed mandatory tras}�
collection ordinance for the city of St . Paul
From: David Hozza, St. Pau1. Cit� Councilman and
chairman of the Puolic �Uorks committee
Over the past three montlls the St . PauJ. City Council ' s Public
�Vorks committee has developed an ordinance to set up a mandatory
tra�h collection system for the city of St . Paul .
'ror your information, a copy of the ordinance , etihich was
ircr.roduced Friday (Oct . 4) , is attached, along with a summa.ry
of t}�e ordinance and cost estimates . � .
The City Council will hold a public hearing on the ordinance
'I'uesday evening, Oct . 15 , 1974 at 8 p.m. in the City Council
chambers . If you wish to make any comments on. the proposed
ord:inaace you are invited to do so at that time .
If you }:ave any questions or �vould li � additional
inTorr�.ation regarding the ordinance , p ase ca 1 me at 298 -4646 .
rely yours ,
Dav d �i. fiozza
��i �e - cilY CLt1iK �
, ' ' � � clin�n d ance N 0.
'resented By u'��%�
Referred To Qo�rtfiitt��s�
Out of Committee By Date
Section 1.
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is
he-reby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 12 in its entirety, and
inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319 . 12 . Cit De artment Shall Collect
Solid Waste . The Department o Pu lic Wor s s all col-
Tect a�T solid waste, including bulk items such as ,
ref-rigerators, fu-rnitu-re, etc . , f-rom -residential property
on iv��ich are located buildings containing four or fewer
d�ae1_1_ing units . For purposes of this o-rdinance, each ,
room in a ro�raming or boarding house which is let separately �'
shall be considered one-fourth of a d�velling unit . Owners
of residential buildings containing more than four dwelling
units ma.y make application to the Department of Public
Works and receive City solid �aaste collection service .
Colleci�ion shall be provided through ��-rews employed by the
Depari-:ment of Ptiblic ��o-rks and/or private haule-rs under
cont-r_act wii�h the City. The City shall not collect commer-
cial or indusi�-rial trash or ��aste of any kind, type or
nature . For the purpose of ca-rrying out this auLho-rity, '
the Mayor shall p-romulgate rules and regulations governing
the collection and removal of solid �vaste, which -rules and
Aas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor
Roedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by Ci y � orney
dopted by Council: Date
ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY - '
By � ..
pproved by 11'Iayor: Date Approved by Mayor f r bmission to Council
. ..
�' . . . . • .
. i
2 . ;�
regulations and amendments thereto shall be maintained on �
file in the Office of the City Clerk and shall be avail-
able for public inspection during norma.l business hours .
Section 2 .
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 13 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in lieu thereof :
Section 319. 13 . Ma Contract . The Department of
Public Works shall divi e t e City into collection areas
and shall apportion the areas to City-operated forces and/
or to private haulers under contract with the City. In
accordance with applicable law, the department is author-
ized to cont-ract for solid waste collection services �aith
private haulers . The depa-rtment shall negotiate a con-
t-ract or contracts directly �vith private haulers if and
��hen the City Council by -resolui�ion shall find and deter- ,
mine that the public inte-rest will be best served thereby. �
Contracts shall be for a period of time not to exceed '
three years and shall include among other p-rovisions the
following: (a) cost of collection of solid waste; (b) � �
performance bond; (c) public liability insur_ance with
coverage of at least $250, 000/$500, 000 for pe-rsonal injury ;
and $250, 000 prop�rty damage; and (d) agreement to hold !
ha-rmless, protect and defend the City of Saint Pau1, its �
off_icers, agents and employees from any and all claims
arising out of their col]_ecting or disposing of solid
waste tmder cont-ract with the City of Saint Paul . �
Section 3 .
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul T�egislative Code be and
is hereby amended by -rescinding Section 319 . 14 in its entirety, `
and inserting the following in lieu the-reof : `
Section 319 . 14. Anrn_ial Repor_t i:o Council . The
Mayor slzall submit to �t z� e City Council annua 1 ry with
his proposed budgets a -report, including a financial
statement, of the current year' s City-ope-rated solid
�vaste collection program, together with his recommen-
dations as to any changes which should be made to the
solid waste collection program.
3 .
Section 4.
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 15 in its entirety,
and inserting the following in Iieu thereof :
Section 319 . 15 . Service Char es Assessed A ainst
All Residential Properties . T ere is ere y imposed
and levied upon all residential property on which are
located Uuildings containing f our or fewer dwelling
units and other residential buildings requesting City
collection service in accordance with Section 319 . 12
a service charge for the costs incurred by the City in
collecting and disposing of solid �vaste as required
pursuant to this Legislative Code . The service charges
shall not exceed the City' s cost of collecting, removing
and disposing of solid �aaste, including administrative
and debt-interest costs . Annu.al service charges shall
be dete-rmined and levied in the f ollowing manne-r: .
(a) The Public Works Department shall
keep a reco-rd of all costs directly related to
solid waste collection and disposal and shall
report such information to the Department of
Finance and Management Services .
(b) On or Uefore September 1 of each year
the Department of Finance and Ma.nagement Services
shall, with the aid of the Department of Public
�,Torks , determine the total costs incu-r-red for the
collection and disposal of solid �ti�aste f-rom
residential prope-rties for the period ending
August 31.
(c) The Department of Finance and Management
Se-rvices shall -r�port al1 such costs to the Council .
Upon receipt of the report, the Council shall, by
resolution, fix a date for public 1learing at �ahich
time the Council shall consider the assessment of
se-rvice cha-rges, which hearing shall be held p-rior
to October 10. The City Cle-rk shall publish notice
of hearing in the official City paper not less than
20 days Uefore such hearing. At least 10 days prior
to the hearing, notice thereof shall be mailed to
� , , , , ,
every known owner of property subject to an
assessment at his last-known address . For the
purposes of giving mailed notice, owners entitled
thereto shall be those shown to be such on the
records of the Department of Finance and Management ;
Services, but other appropriate records may be used !
for this purpose. Notices shall state the date,
time, place and purpose of the public hearing and �
the amount of service charge to be assessed against �
the benefited property. �
(d) At the Couricil hearing or at any adjourn- �
ment thereof and after hearing all persons relative ;
to the proposed se-rvice charges, the Council may by
resolution adopt the service charges and levy the '
same against the residential property benefited
thereby. All se-rvice cha-rges so assessed shall be '
payaU]_e in a single installment . The City Clerk
shall transmit a ce-rtifi_ed duplicate of the resolu-
tion to the Ramsey County Auditor to be extended on
the proper tax list of the County and collected the
following year along with cur-rent taxes .
(e) Any person aggrieved by the actions taken
by the City Council may appeal to the District Court
�vithin 20 days after adoption of the assessment roll
in i�he manne-r set forth in Chapter 14 of the City
Charter .
(f) The service cha-rges levied in accordance
�vith this or_dir��nce shall be _a li_en upon a]_1 private
and publ_ic pi_operty from the date of_ certification .
to the County AudiLor and in accordai�ce �aith law
shall be of equal rank wii�h the ]_ien of �he State for
general taxes which have been or may be levied upon
� the property.
(g) The Council may Uy subsequent -resolution
o-r -resolutions p-rovide refunds t�o occupants of resi-
deni�ial prope-rty -receiving City solid waste collec-
tion se-rvices �oho a-re blind, disabled or elderly
persons eligiUle fo-r incorne tax credits acco-rding to
State law.
' . , � � . ` i
, • .
. . � �i
5 . �' �
�� �
� �
Section 5. '
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and '
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 16 in its entirety, �
and inserting the following in lieu thereof:
Section 319 . 16 . Solid Waste-S ecial Assessment
Revolvin� Fund. There is ere y esta is ed a special
assessment -revolving fund to :be kno��rn as the "Solzd
���aste-Special Assessment Revolving Fund", which fund
shall be a continuing fund to which shall be credited
all receipts and to which shall be cha-rged all costs
incu-r-red incident to such activities . This fund shall
be kept as a separate and distinct fund from any and
all other City funds and shall be used for the purposes
set fo-rth herein and for no other purposes�� All remain- ; '
ing unencumUe-red balances in the previous Solid Waste
Col]_ection Fund (Rubbish Disposal Fund)" shall be .
credited to the fund herein established . �
Section 6 . �
That Chapter 319 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and �
is hereby amended by rescinding Section 319 . 17 in its entirety.
Section 7 .
If any section or any portion of a section of this ordinance
shall Ue declared unconstiLui�ional, invalid o-r iiloperative, in
wlzol_e or in parfi, by any court of competent ju-r_i_sdiction, the
-remaining seci�ioizs and all portions thereof not decl_ar_ed uncon- ' �
stitutional, invalid or inope-rative sha7_1 r�m�in in �u11 force
and effect, and no such determination sha11 invalidate tl�e re-
maining sections or portions of sections of this o-rdiz�ance .
. . �
9/4/74 ;
E - IiIAV OR „
� � � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0.
sented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
6 .
. ;
Section 8 .
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force when the
City Cotincil, by budget approp-riation in accordance with appli-
cable ]_a�v, shall p-rovide the necessary funds for the implementation
of this o-rdinalzce and City--��ide t-rash se-rvice, and upon the City' s
consurnrnating negotiations and entering into a contract with private
haule-r_s in accordance wit�h Section 2 of this ordznance . Sections
319 . ]_2 th-rough 319 . 17, inclusive, of che Legislative Code shall
contilzue in effect and shall not be repealed until such time as
this o-rdinance shall go into effect as provided above.
. � ,
! I
� I�
!� I
--- - - -- --- -_ ----� I
Requested Uy Departir,ent of:
s Nays
Iiozza In Favor --- ---—-
Roedler l�gaittst BY --
Tedesco �
President Hunt I
Form Approved by City Attorney
pted by Council: Date _ ` ,
ified Passed by Council Secretary BY I
✓ — '
:oved by '.1layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� — BY
, A Summa "ry of the �iandator.y Trash Collection Ordinance
, . 1Vho would get the service?
f\11 dwelling units in structures of four units or less will
have the service . For structures larger than four units ,
trash must be collected but it may be done either by the
' city system or a private system.
tiVho will collect the trash?
A combination of city and private haulers will mane pick-ups
once a week.
How much will the service cost?
The estimated cost of the service is 94 � cents a week. This
inclu�es a�itional pick-ups of bulky items , such as stoves ,
mattresses and other items . r�n additional fee of 14 cents may
be added if the system is financed through bonding, �ut "
alternatives to this are being explored.
Ho�� much tivill senior citizens , i:he blind and disabled pay?
For those people who qualify for property and/or income tax
relief under State of Minnesota la�as , the cost would be about
one half, or an estimated cost of less than 50 cents per week.
How tiaill the cost be paid?
Once a year , the actual cost of tl�e service for each structure
wi11 be assessed on the real estate taxes and paid along with
them. Thus , if the system starts in 1975 , service costs for
that year actually will not be paid until the end of N1ay, 1976 .
tVhen wi11 tlie new system start?
If the ordinance passes , service under the new system will not
start until funding is available and contracts with the pri�rate
haulers have been negotiated. Until then, service will continue
as it is now.
Why is the City Councii considering this ordinance?
There are several reasons why the Council is considering this
ordinance :
1 . N1ore than 10 , 000 households currently have no
trash collection at all .
2 . The present system is inefficient , with several
collectors vying for the same collection areas .
3 . Trash is presentiy being disposed of improperly,
leading to roving dogs and rat infestation, as
well as strewn trash.
4 . Proper disposal is becoming a problem. This system
is one step in the right direction to a proper
disposal and recycling system.
• . ' aY
All Estimates based on 73,500 Units and Crews collecting 300 Units per day.
'City Cost
13 Crews - Supervision and Operations $ 669,095
Bulk Pick-up� Crew Costs 136,248
Overalt Supervision - 72,$b5
Assessment Cost , 18,000
Tota1 City Cost $ 89b,208
� Pr+vate Naulers' Cost 1,7$5,$�+Q
Dis�osal Cost 825,000
- � . TOTAL COST $ 3,507,0�+8
Cost per Year/Unit $47.46
• Cost Per Stop
Collection Cost: $ 669,095 .
• 1 ,785,840 . _
$2.454,°35 ; (51 weeks x 73,5�0 units) _ $ .66
. Disposal Cost: 825,000 " {51 weeks x 73,500 units) _ ,22
City Supervision � Assessment Cost
$ 72,$b5
90,865 : (51 weeks x 73,500 units) _ .02 -
$ •°0
Buik Pickuo �
$i36,248 ; (51 weeks x 73,SQ0 units) _ .01�
$ .94
lnterest for Special Assessment Fund . �1��
$1 .08 .�
* This cost is based on a 7% interest for bonds to finance working
capital in a� special assessment fu�d, This may reduce depending on
the method used to finance the service.
^'` A reduction in cost is being co�sidered for the btind, disabled and
. � `
, � w , �
�' ' ����` _
�. �r,� 4�.`
: t � i� �
� �� � �
�, i E ,y��` �.
�} .- - �.
� �
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1974 - 9:00 A.M. - ROOM 707
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman David Hozza, Chai.rman ' �
Councilman Patrick Roedler
Councilman Victor Tedesco
ALSO PRESENT: Bill Donovan
Jim Sch�Jartz
Daniel Dunford
Bob Trudeau
George Larkin
George Oxford
Frank Rauschnot
Neil Convery
Marilyn Lantry
Jerome Segal
John Kelly
Stan Turner
Valerie Cunningham
Marilynn Egner
Ghairman Hozza called the Public Works Co�ttee meeting to order on
October 2, 1974 at 9:07 a.m.
Chairman Hozza reviewed some of the points which came out of the hearing on
October 1. He stated that negotiations vs. bidding was a critical part of the
ordinance, and that the committee had only t�oo options to discuss, either to have
the existing systen or the new system as spelled out in the ordinance.
Mr. Segal stated that the new system cannot start until the city receives
funding authority, yet the ordinance directs the Department of Public Works to
collect trash from al1 residential property. Mr. Segal suogested that the last
part of the ordinance draft be changed to reflect the fact that the ordinance
will not be effective until funding authority is obtained.
. . . -2-
Chairman Hozza stated that the committee would need a good estimate of cost,
and a finding that negotiation is permissible, together with the ordinance,
ancl that this package would have to be put through the Council. He acknowledged
that if the proposed system is to be financed through assessments, the city will
be required to ask the state legislature for bonding authority, unless a billing
method could be developed through the water department billing system. Chairman
Hozza agreed with Mr. Segal that the last section of the ordinance should reflect
the fact that it will become effective only when money becomes available, or when
a method of financing becomes available.
Councilman Tedesco stated that passing a concrete ordinance would be a step
in the right direction, since the Council had been talking about this for a long
time. He said that a couple of months delay in putting the ordinance into effect
so that funding can be obtained shouldn't be an impairment.
Bob Trudeau, from the Department of Finance and Management Services, stated
that if the co�ittee decided to establish a revolving fund for bonding, there
would be a substantial difference in the cash needs than if a billing system
were to be used.
Mr. Segal stated that it would be helpful if the committee knew what
contingencies existed before the Council wants the ordinance to go into effect.
Chairman Hozza suggested that the committee deal first with the contingencies
that would have to be met to trigger the ordinance, secondly financing, third the
question of whether the finding tfi.at negotiating was permissible should be in
the form of an ordinance or a resolution, and then the verb ehanges. He read
the last section of the ordinance:
"Section 8; The ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from
and after the day of 1975."
Chairman Hozza suggested that the following be added to Section 8: "and
after the Council has made the finding mentioned in Section 319.13, and after
financing becomes available."
Mr. Segal suggested that the committee adopt just the sections of the
ordinance that do not pertain to methods of collection, and wait until the city
has received bonding authority from the state legislature before providing the
system of collection within the ordinance.
Chairman Hozza stated that it would be better for the committee to pass the
ordinance as it stands with the amendments discussed and state in the ordinance
that it will become effective when the finances and negotiations become available.
Mr. Segal reiterated his belief that it would be best to pass the ordinance
after bonding authority is assured, and he suggested that the Council express its
intentions in a preamble to the ordinance, such as ''Whereas the Council desires to
collect these charges from the property being served, either through a system of
assessments or direct charges, whichever is most eff icient" or "Whereas the Council
recognizes the need for new legislation. . .".
• ' " ' -3-
Councilman Tedesco stated that he preferred to pass the ordinance and then, if
needed, make amendments at a later date.
• Mr. Segal stated that if the Council adopts an ordinance stating its intent but
qualifying the effectiveness of that intent, then at that point the ordinance would
be officially on the books, but the city would also be recognizing the fact that
funding isn' t there. Then if the method of collection changes and the ordinance is
amended, it would �mean changing what is an intent, rather than changing what is
already a law.
Chairman Hozza explained that the Council would be pursuing the possibilities
of setting up a billing system because the cost of financing the collections
•. system through the assessment and bonding meth.od would probably be more expensive
than a billing system.
Councilman Roedler spoke in favor of passing the entire ordinance contingent
upon funding arrangements, .
Chairman Hozza stated that the proposed ordinance as it now stands encompasses
a complete system, and the Council can consider it and vote it up or down based on
its total aspects.
Councilman Roedler agreed, stating that the Council was going to have to "bite
the bullet", pa.ss a mandatory collection ordinance and take whatever repercussions
that arise.
Chairman Hozza offered to entertain a motion requesting the city attorney to
add language in Section 8 of the ordinance stating it would replace the existing one
only when and if the financino became available and the conditions in 319.13 were met.
He said that in this way the sections on negotiations not only would have the power
of resolution but also tlie power of an ordinanee.
Councilman Tedesco so moved.
Motion carried.
Chairman Hozza suggested that the language in Section 319.13 be made consistent
with the words in Section 319.12, whieh are "sha11" and "and/or". The first
sentence in section 319.13 should read ". . .shall apportion. . .and/or private haulezs. . ."
Councilman Roedler so moved.
Motion carried.
Chairma.n Hozza explained the term "debt cost" in Section 319.15 of the ordinance.
The committee has an estimate figure of $.94 per stop per week for each unit collected.
The $.94 figure includes city costs and estimated private costs, but does not include
interest on the bonds or the amount needed for amortization of the principal.
Mr. Trudeau estimated that the first year's interest cost would be $511,000, or
$.14 per unit. The principal over a 20-year period would be $365,000 for the first
year, or about $.08 per unit.
. , � -4-
. , Chairman Hozza suggested that for the sake of the ub '
cost figure be made separate and distinct from the interest
P lic hearings the
and that the $.94 figure be used, and amortization costs,
the proposed system would actuall Since normal city hauling costs are 1
serviced without additional investments insequipment. $ Per unit,
primarily to the increase in units
�'. Trudeau pointed out that
� service, bulk item $•04 of the $.94 figure is for an additional
broke down the. Pick-ups, that the city has not previousl
, $.94 figure as follows: y offered. Mr, Trudeau
$.66 collection cost
$•22 disposal cost
$•06 overall supervision, bulk
' $.94 pick-up.
Chairman Hozza suggested that the cost estimate be stated as $,90
service, plus $.04 which is for an additional bulk
and amortization costs, with the ex licit for the
pick-up service, plus the interest
try to develo P understanding that the committee will
p a billing system through the Water Board.
Mr. Trudeau stated that if the city borrows $6-7 million
, system, the money could be placed in a revolving fund so that if
to get out of the hauling business, that mone Wou tO start the neW
the general fund the city decided
, and the general fund could ya ld be available to go back into
, the principal would not have to be included in hefcosteestlncipal. In this wa �
imate. Y'
Chairman Hozza asked if it would be appropriate to substitute the wo
and/or principal" for the words "debt cost"
in Section 319.15 of the ordinanceinterest
�. Segal stated that this would
interest and the principal or both in heechar esty the option of including the
decide which option to follow, g Mr• Trudeau asked who would
. Chairman Hozza told him that the Finance Degartment
would make a recommendation through the mayor's office with the final
with the City Council.
decision resting
Councilman Roedler suggested that only the word "interest" .
offered to entertain a motion to amend Section 4
be used. Chairman Hozza
debt costs" to "including administrative and debt-in9erestcco gsng the words r'
asked if Mr. Segal would check on the le alit and
that he was not aware of anything that would be illegal about it Councilman Roedler
y of this language. Mr. Segal stated
the original language under the assumption that the cost figure wo
to interest. , since he drafted
uld be limited
Mr. Trudeau suggested that the wordin ��•
and/or principal. Councilman Roedler moved thatuthe language„beachan than interest
"includin administrative and debt-i�nterest costs."
ged to
Neil Convery, from the St. Paul Sanitation Cooperative, asked what t
revolving capital fund would earn in interest each year.
Mr. Trudeau stated that each assessment period is essenti
with one year of interest while operating on borrowed funds and one e
. waiting to collect. ally a two-year period,
Mr. Trudeau stated that if the bonding route isychosen,lthe
interest on the principal will come due each year, but the interest fro
fund could be used to pay tize interest as it comes due before the col
m the revolving
lections come in.
, , . -5-
Chairman Hozza asked for a motion to direct the city attorne
the Department of Public Works and the Finance Department, to prepare the red
ordinance as we specified, to come up with the best estimate as y' W�rking with
based on this and other discussions, and also to prepare the resolution f, rafted
it is in the best public interest to negotiate, far as financial cost,
inding that
� Councilman Roedler so moved.
Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.
. � . . •
• , g�-��.�'"�, � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
r� / � �
` ! � a, .��
. .` �i :;��..�a � . . .
. �i� 2Sn f � . .
TITESDAY, OCTOBER l, 1974 — 3:00 P.M. — ROOM 707
MEMSERS PRESEPIT: Councilman David Hozza, Chairman �
Councilman Patrick Roedler
ALSO PRESENT: Ruby Hunt Bob Bums
Jerome Segal Ted Jansen
Daniel Dunford Frank Staffersen
Valerie Cunningham Jofin Hegge
Mr. Gordon Haugen Frank Rauschnot
Mrs. George Vasko Rodney Kogen
Emil Oehrlein Jim Tsihida
Fred Hess Neil Convery
Mrs. Frank Kruuse George Oxford
Jim Bearth George Trayard
Harold Neumann Clarence Dittel
James Buquist Mike Brennan
rirs. James Cashill Gordon Hsilk
Marion Splichal Kenneth Sann
Valerie Splichal James Logan
Dan Gunderson Vanderbilt Tyerse
Donald Kraus Wyman Smith
Harry Hellier Rick Renner
John Wynne Marilynn Egner
Diane Soutor
Chairman Hozza called the Public Works Committee meeting to order on
October 1, 1974 at 3:Q5 p.m.
Chairman Hozza explained that the purpose of the meeting was to hear testimony
regarding negotiation of contracts with haulers for the proposed mandatory trash
collection system, and that the meeting was to deal exclusively with whether
or not people are in favor of negotiation vs. any other method of handling hauling
• . . . . -2-
Chairman Hozza read Section 319.13 of the proposed ordinance:
"Section 319.13. Ma.y Contract. The Department of Publie Works
shall divide the city into collection areas and may apportion the
areas to city-operated forces and to private haulers under contract
with the city. In accordance with applicable law, the department is
authorized to contract for solid waste collection seroices with
private haulers. The department shall negotiate a contract or
contracts directly with private haulers if and when the City Council
by resolution shall find and determine that the public .interest will
be best served. Contracts shall be for a period of time not to exceed
three years and shall include among other pravisions the following:
(a) cost of collection of solid waste; (b) performance bond; (c) public
liability insurance with coverage of at least $250,000/$500,000
for personal injury and $250,000 property damage; and (d) agreemenfi
to hold harmless, protect and defend the City of St. Paul, its '
officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising out
of their collecting or disposing of solid waste under contract
with the City of St. Paul."
The meeting was opened to testimony.
John Hegge, 641 Western Avenue, an employee of City of St. Paul Public Works,
� asked to speak. Mr, Hegge suggested that the verbs in Section 319.13 be made
consistent with the verbs in Section 319.12, by changing the phrase "m�
apportion the areas" in the first sentence of 319.13 to "shall apportion the areas".
Chairman Hozza stated that this was a concern of both the existing public
employees and the private haulers.
Councilman Roedier inquired whether Local 132 had been informed of today's
hearing. Chairman Hozza stated that the �eeting notice had received wide
distribution, having been sent to every licensed hauler in the city of St. Paul
along with all the people who have been involved in this issue over the past
four months.
Chairman Hozza asked if anyone else wished to speak.
Mr. Segal reviewed a 1973 decision handed down by the attorney general
which dealt with bidding on contracts involving the collection of solid wastes.
The opinion was that the state law did not specifically require that contracts
involving a service be awarded based on competitive bids, and that the proposed
contracting of collections of solid wastes would probably fall within the definition
of a service rather than the purchase of materials or supplies or labor. However,
Mr. Segal also said that the attorney general's opinion emphasized that even
though public bidding was not required by the statute, the obligation of the city
in all cases was to try to obtain the best bargain for the taxpayers for the least
amount of money. Mr, Segal suggested that the City Council should make some finding
that the public interest would best be served by negotiating the contracts, and
emphasized that any benefits of negotiated contracts vs. .bidding would have to
run to the taxpayers rather than to the private haulers.
. Mr. Neil Convery, from the St. Paul Sanitation Cooperative, stated that if the
city decides to negotiate with the private haulers it must do so on the basis of
a clear finding that the arrangement is in the best interest of the taxpayer.
, . . - -3-
Mr. Convery stated that tfie haulerst business situation was not parallel to other
businesses such as construction and sewer building, which are continually serving
new clients.
Councilman Roedler pointed out that there are ordinances encompassing sewer
work, for example, bacause the city has deemed it a health matter, and that parallels
exist between this and solid waste disposal. Mr. Convery stated that he did not
question the city's authority to handle waste disposal if it is not being handled
Mr. Convery continued his testimony, outlining the substantial investments,
personal obligations, friendships and specialized equipment which the private
haulers had at stake if the city chose to bid for contracts instead of negotiating
with the private haulers. Fie stated his belief that the private haulers have a
proprietory interest in their businesses and if the city adopts a course which
will not allow them to continue in business, it would involve a taking of� property
for which they would be.entitled to be com pensa te d. M r, Convery stated that if the
city decided to put tfie fiauling contracts out for bids, the private haulers would
not be able to compete with. the larger national companies, and there would be a
danger of rigged bidding among the large companies.
Councilman Roedler reviewed an opinion issued by the attorney general
pertaining to bidding by governmental bodies, dictating that th�se contracts had
1 to be put out on bids. Then the question arose over whether this applied to the
removal of garbage and solid waste, and the opinion from the St. Paul attorney's
office was that it would apply.
Councilman Roedler stated his concern about a possible loss of customers by
some of the private haulers if the new system is implemented. He said that he could
see a balancing factor in the form of the 11,000 units which are not now being
serviced by haulers. Tfiese 11,000 units would be included in the collection routes
under the new system and would compensate, in terms of added revenues for the
private haulers, for the fact that they might lose some of their steady customers,
Councilman Roedler stated.
Mr. Convery again stated that putting tne contracts out for bids would
eliminate competition from the samller private haulers, depriving them of the
'chance to make a living, and it would be the beginnings of the creation of a
monopoly. Councilman Roedler assured him that theCouncil did not want only one
company taking care of solid waste disposal in St. Paul because of the danger of
one company hiking its rates so high that it would deprive the city government
and the taxpayers of a fair and competitive price on the collection of solid wastes.
Chairman Hozza announced that the final public hearing on the proposed
mandatory trash collection ordinance is tentatively scheduled for the evening of
� Tuesday, October 15. He emphasized that even if the Council passes the ordinance,
part of it is a request to the state legislature for bonding autnority to finance
the system during its first year of operation, and that the mandatory collection
system cannot go into effect until fundin� is authorized. Also, if the courts
overturn the ordinance, the present system would still be in effect.
Chairman Hozza asked for additional testimony.
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Bob Burns, 1072 rlarshall Avenue, asked to speak. Mr. Burns stated that there
is another dimension to the issue, the relationship between the private citizen and
his private hauler, and that he didn`t believe that he should be denied the right
to choose who he wants to do business with.
Mrs. Marian Splichal, 1620 Niles Avenue, asked how the Council could take
private businesses and put them out for bids. She said the people ought to be
able to vote on this issue. Chairman Hozza explained that at _this point nothing
was being put out for bids, and that the Council did not intend to take away
anyone's business, but rather to provide all the citizens of St. Paul this service.
Chairman Hozza asked for additional statements. There were none. He then
read a few of his own observations into the record:
"Whereas in tfie City of St. Paul there are 84 licensed private
haulers with 125 licensed trucks; and
Whereas the City of St. Pau; itself has 13 trucks; and
tilhereas the existing public and private operators represent a
substantial investment in time, equipment, operation, goodwill,
accounts receivable, customer relations and other tangibies and
intangibles built up over time; and
Whereas negotiation will provide the city and its residents
' with guaranteed, regular, efficient service; and
Whereas continuity of service is desirable; and
Whereas open bidding in sor�e types of services may lead to a
violation of anti-trust laws as shown through experieace; and
Whereas, bidding may encourage cutting corners and consequently
lower quality of service; and
Whereas prices of negotiated services taould be comparable to bid
prices by comparing these prices to past experience and experience in
other cities;
Therefore be it resolved that the City Council of the City of
St. Paul, Minnesota, finds it in the best interest of the public,
as required for Section 319.13, to have the Department of Public
Works of the City of St. Paul negotiate for solid waste collection
Chairman Hozza stated that he had spoken with Nancy Latimer, from the St. Paul
League of Women Voters, who could not attend this hearing. Mrs. Latimer told
Ghairman Hozza that the League does support the negotiation for services as opposed
to bidding for contracts.
Rick Renner, from the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, asked to speak and stated
that his organization also support the negotiated contract.
There being no further testimony, the meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p,m,
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Cou�cilman -
WED�IESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1974 - 8:30 A.M. - COUNCIL CHAMB
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilma.n David Hozza, Chairman
Councilma.n Victor Tedesco
Councilnan Patrick Roedler '
ALSO PRESE;3T: Daniel Dunford Valerie Cunningham
Richard Wheeler Marilyn Lantry
Roy Bredahl Lola Stickler
Bill Buth
Chairman Aozza called the Public Works Co�ittee meeting to order on .
September 18, 1974 at 8:40 a.m.
A motion was made for approval of minutes of September 4, 1974. Motion
The first item on the agenda regarding systematic Public Works improve-
ments was presented by Chairman Hozza. He stated a number of questions have
come up regarding this matter. Inasmuch as the CIB program will be ending
sometime in 1975, the City is entering into a new period of Federal programs
with the co�unity development revenue sharing. One of the questions being
asked is where does the City want to put its money as far as local improve-
ments are concerned. Chairman Hozza stated he would like to talk about what
he sees basically three questions: 1) assessments, 2) bonding, and 3) some
type of systematic Public Works improvement program that would involve the
problems that were discussed on approximately July 20 at a Public Works meet-
ing. Chairman Hozza further stated what may happen is that the committee may
want to come up with not only a new assessment policy but a package for the
State Legislature that would include some type of bonding. Mr. Dunford
stated he had seen a slide presentation on the community development block
grant-in-aid program. An application is required from the City by a certain
time in 1975 and the City Planning Department is attempting to have this
accomplished by February. He also stated there is no need for matching funds.
The items that qualify for the money are listed and outlined; however, they
do not have any Federal rules and guidelines published as yet. Mr. Dunford
stated further as far as public improvements are concerned, the Department of
Public Works has a five-year program for streets, sewers and bridges. This
program is set up on a priority basis.
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Chairman Hozza asked as far as improvements are concerned, how are they
funded? Mr. Dunford stated there are many different methods of funding projects.
Some are special funds which may be used only for certain types of projects such
as rISA funds. These must be used on street improvements.. Some MSA funds may
be used to build sewers in the streets and sidewalks. M,ainly, these funds are
to be used to improve the street up to a certain minimum standard; in fact, the
amount of money received from MSA is based on needs. The needs are based on
the difference between what the City already has as a MSA Route up to this minimv.m
standard. When the City asks for an improvement on a MSA Route, the City states
it must come up to minimum standards or the MSA will not fund it. There are also
some CIB funds for paving, Mr. Dunford continued. Also County Aid funds available
for paving. On local streets which are not on MSA or County Aid systems or not
financed by CIB, funds must come from assessments.
Chairman Hozza stated he would like to explore the possibility of the City'�
Council developing a policy stating the City of St. Paul shall have sidewalks
and on that basis come up with an assessment that would be somewhat comparable
to a rough estimate of the actual improvement to the property. After that the
other cost could be picked up some other way. Mr. Tedesco asked if it would be
possible to implement an ordinance that would make it mandatory for construction
of new sidewalks. _ Chairman Hozza asked if requesting the administration to set
up a task force to study the problem would be well received. Mr. Dunford stated
he believed so since administration was considering asking the Legislature to
extend the CIB program; in fact, to increase the amount.
Motion was made to set up a task force, to be followed by a request to the
administration to participate. Motion carried.
With regard to mandatory trash collection, Chairman Hozza stated he had been
advised by Mr. Dunford that the Department of Public Works would have information
on costs in approximately one week. Chairman Hozza further stated Mr. Dunford had
suggested there be a public hearing on the question of developing the rationaZe
for going on a negotiated contract basis rather than a bid basis and have the
various organizations testify as to why it would be preferable to go on a ne-
gotiated basis. On the basis of that meeting, Chairman Hozza continued, Council
would be asked to draw up a resolution that would permit negotiation.
Motion was made to have a special public hearing with regard to a negotiated
basis rather than a bid basis concerning mandatory trash collection. Motion carried.
Mr. Roedler asked �Ir. Dunford about the street oiling program. Mr. Dunford
advised the department had just finished the slide presentation and this Friday
there would be the final showing within the department. After viewing the slides
a time would be set up for a presentation to Council.
In conclusion, Chairman Hozza advised one of the things the committee wants
to look at is how to shift more money to non-tax levy funds so that there will be
some consistency in the programs.
Adjournment: 9:30 a.m.
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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1974 - 8:30 A.M. - ROOM 707 '-�
MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman David Hozza, Chairman
Councilman Patrick Roedler � � �' -
Councilman Victor Tedesco �- ;
ALSO PRESENT: Daniel Dunford Allie_ Broc,m ' Ed�vard Helfeld
James Stahnke Stephen Havier John Norman
Claude Thompson Robert Anderson R. T. Wallner
Al1en Shetka D. R. Hassett J. A. Lehn
William Donovan E. J. Clark John R. Jensen
Mariiyn Lantry Sherman Eagles Tom Fiske
Mrs. Margaret Reiling Jerry Mangle , Harold 0'Shaughnessy
Mary Ann Maggi Raymond Cady Dean Shelton
Mrs. Joseph Geisen John Schneider Sheldon 5tewart
Mrs. Joseph Mueller Louis Continenza Robert Gastler
Mrs. Chet Jablonski Stanley Boleen John..Holman .
Joel Doren Harold Sackreiter L. D. Furnell
Georgia Doren Will Pearson . L. P. Reiland
Ladd Brabec H. Tarras Lola Stickler -
Chairman Hozza called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at
8:30 a.m. , September 11, 1974.
A motion was made for approval of minutes of August 21st and 29th, 1974.
Chairman Hozza asked the Department of Public Works to give a presentation
regarding sidewalks on Old Hudson Road. Mr. Allen Shetka of the Department of
PuTilic Works presented layouts of the proposed sidewalks in the Old Hudson Road
area. It was shown that between White Bear Avenue and Ruth Street, from the freeway
to Third Street, there are no existing sidewalks. For this reason pedestrian
traffic must go to Third Street.
Mr. Brabec of 20�s1 Old Hudson Road asked to speak. He stated he does not
beli.eve the sidewalk is necessary as far as his property is concerned as fe«
pedestrians pass his home; also, the assessment would be a large one. Chairman
Hozza advised the committee would take his comments into account.
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� � Mr. Joel Doren of 1763 Old Hudson Road, an employe of the Department of
Public Works, spoke. He stated he had been counting pedestrians for eight years
and his department does all the counts before sidewalks are installed. He stated
it has been found to be true that 60% of the children going to and from school
walk in the street whether there are sidewalks or not. Mr. Shetka stated this
could be true but if a child should be hit the City would be liable. Chairman
Hozza stated one of the problems the Public Works Comm�ttee is faced with is
that once the City is put on notice of a hazardous condition it must take some
action or else be l�able for the condition.
Mrs. Margaret Reiling of 1921 Old Hudson Road spoke. She stated she does
not see people walking in her area but one of the problems there is the increase
in the amount of traffic and also many drivers exceeding the speed limit. She
reported this matter to the Minnesota Highway Department and received a reply.
Chairman Hozza asked her to mail him a copy of this letter which she said she
would do. In conclusion, Mrs. Reiling stated she does not want a sidewalk.
Mr. John Schneider of 1767 O1d Hudson Road spoke. He advised he runs a
business at this address and very few people walk into his store.
Mrs. Joseph Geisen, 1597 Old Hudson Road, asked to speak. She spoke in
favor of a sidewalk as the children must walk in the street in order to reach
the Sun Ray Shopping Center and other facilities.
Mrs. Ramona Jablonski of 1579 Old Hudson Road also spoke in favor of side- '
walks. She believes if there were sidewalks more people would be walking in the
rirs. Joseph Mueller of 1637 Old Hudson Road spoke in favor of a sidewalk
as she feels there is a definite need for one.
rirs. Georgia Doren of 1763 Old Hudson Road spoke and stated she is definitely
against a sidewalk in her area.
_ Chairman Hozza asked for comments from the committee. Mr. Tedesco stated it
was his belief a sidewalk was needed on Old Hudson Road. Mr. Tedesco moved to
delete the portion of the order east of Ruth Street and to move approval of the
other sidewalk orders. Motion carried.
Mr. Ken Lynch of I535 Old Hudson Road asked to speak. He stated the Ci.ty
Charter stated the land must be improved to be assessed. His property abuts 23�`
on Old Hudson Road. He does not feel he should be assessed for City property on
Wakefield Avenue. Mr. Roedler stated he had looked at this property and does not
see any equity in this type of assessment. The topography of the area does not
indicate anyone would be putting in an alley or street, Mr. Roedler concluded.
' Mr. Roedler moved for approval of all the assessments with the exception of
the portion of 1535 Old Hudson Road that abuts Wakefield and also to have the City
Attorney give an opinion. Motion carried.
Chairman Hozza asked Mr. Edward Helfeld of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority to present the proposed street vacation of portions of Charles, Ter-
- ritorial and Seal, Mr. Helfeld stated the street vacation they are requesting
relates to the West Midway-So. St, Anthony Park NDP area and will do a numb er of
things toward improving environment in the area and also improving the traffic
.. ', . . � , . - 3 -
situation, Mr. Claude Thompson stated the Department of Public Works is in con-
currence with this improvement. Chairman Hozza asked for comments from the audience.
Mrs. Elizabeth Clark of 973 Bayless Avenue, President of the Midway-So. St. Anthony
Park PAC asked to speak. She stated the association has spent years in restructuring
this neighborhood especially the portion east of Raymond Avenue, and the PAC goes on
record favoring the Charles Street improvement.
Mr. Robert Gastler, Vice President of the Hancock-Nelson rlercantile Company,
asked to speak. He stated he was representing ten business firms who had met and
have objections to this vacation. The firms he represents are: -
Hassett Oil Company
Sales Service Machine Tool Company
Havier Realty Company
Loumar, Inc.
Harris-Stewart Companies, Inc. �
Central Warehouse Company
Minnesota Transfer Railroad Company
National Fire Sprinkler Corporation
Mr. Gastler stated it is believed this vacation has the best interest of the
high-rise only and somewhat lesser concern about the affect it could have on the
businesses in the area. He further stated the presentation should not be made
without an in-depth study with all industries concerned as to whether the Charles
interchange is the best possible route. After Mr. Gastler read the petition ths
firms had submitted, the original was given to Chairman Hozza.
After the businessmen present had stated their views, Mr. Roedler made motion
for the Public Works Committee of the City Council, with an invitation to other
members of the City Council, to meet at the So. St. Anthony Park Association for
a tour Monday, September 16, at 10:00 a.m. In addition, the City Administrator's
office, the Department of Public Works and possibly the City Planning Department,
together with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, will be asked to come up
with- a staff report. Motion carried.
Adjournmentt 10:05 a.m.
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2095 Scenic Place,;
3t. Paul, MN 55119,
Oct. 6, 197�+.
St . Paul City Council,
st. Paul, P4N 55102
D�ar Members:
I note that there is atrong consideration to
set up mandatory municipal rubbish collection:
at an annual cost of �48.88 .
I cannot understand why a mun�ipal service, not
paying buainesa. taxea, .has to charge such an:
amount when a private hauler., paying all �uch
taxee, can do a very eatisfactory �ob for �30.00
per year.
Increasing a taxpayer' s cost by 62.9� ie a very
poor way to slow down the rampant infl ation now
threatening our very existence.
Yours verg truly,
ohn Engstro
. . ` ��- �. �� y� ��
� � (612)445-5080
• s
� � P.O. BOX 253
,. �,y PRIOR LAKE,MINN. 55372
rF � (612)447-4012
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' St. Paul Cit Council on Tuesda
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�� �, o� ' - �,�;, ��:,� titions which have been submitted
�`���� : ' 'ashill and rejected by the City
• �� � ` . . �y�+ �iate your informing me as to
'�Z, ,. °Lw�-� en I might expect to address
�'� ,� �ours very.. �ruly,
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January 20, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER
To the Members of the
Saint Paul City Council
City Hall
Saint Paul , Minnesota
Re : Referendum Petition on Mandatory Trash
Collection Ordinance
At a recent meeting of the Saint Paul City Council ,
�ou requested advice as to the following questions :
1. The council having previously determined that the
first petition was insufficient, when must the
petitioners file the additional signature papers
and corrections to the petition in order for suc�
petition to be valid?
2. When can a person who has signed the petition
withdraw his name from the petition?
The answer to your first question is found in Section
8.08 of the Saint Paul City Charter, which provides,
in part, that after the city council has determined
the petition to be insufficient or irregular, the
city clerk must deliver a copy of the petition to the
person named to receive it togeth� with a written
statement of its defects . Upon receipt of this in-
formation from the city clerk, the person circulating
the petition has 30 days in which to file additional
signature papers and to correct the petition in all
other particulars . Therefore , the petition, in order
to be valid, must be returned to the city clerk within
30 days af ter the city clerk has delivered an insufficient
petition to the person named to receive the petition.
The answer to you r second question, regarding the with-
drawal of names from a petition, is found in Section
8. 02. 4 of the Saint Paul City Charter, which provides
in part as follows :
"Any person whose name appears on a petition may
withdraw his name by a statement in writing
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
t �
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, � i
City Counc il
Page Two
January 20, 1975
filed with the city clerk before the clerk advises
the council as to the sufficiency of the petition. "
While the charter does not provide for a time period
within which the city clerk must examine the petition
to determine its sufficiency as pertains to a situation
where the city council has sent the petition back as
insufficient and a new petition is resubmitted to the
council , it is the opinion of our office that Section
8.03, regarding the determination of sufficiency, would
be applicable both to the original petition and to the
petition as resubmitted. Section 8.03 provides that the
city clerk shall examine the petition as to its suffi-
ciency and report to the council within 20 Calendar
days, at which time the council shall determine , by
resolution, the sufficiency of the petition. There-
fore , after the new petition is resubmitted to the
city clerk, the city clerk has 20 days to determine
its sufficiency, and any time during this 20-day period�
before the city clerk advises the city council as to the
sufficiency of this petition as resubmitted, a person
who has signed the petition may with�.raw his name from
the petition by a statement in writing filed with the
city clerk.
Yours truly,
City Attorney
cc : Mayor
City Clerk
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