264334 �_
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e� woR File N 0. �V
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Ordindnce Ordinance N�. �5/�Z
Present�d By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending the Zoning Code,
Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of
certain properties in the City of Saint Paul,
as amended,
Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
: districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District,
Al1 that part of Lots I thru 10 inclusive, Block 39,
West St. Paul Proper and vacated Delos Street and � -
vacated State Street adjacent to said Block 39 that
is encompassed by the following described line:
Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Block 39,
thence South 89°15 ! East, along the North line of �
Isabel Street, for 290. 0 feet to a point that is --
10. 0 feet West of the Southeast corner of said
Block 39, thence Due North, parallel to the West
line of State Street, for 30, 0 feet, thence South
89°15� East for 90. 0 feet to the East line of
State Street, thence Due North, along said East
line, for 154. 59 feet, thence North 50°15 ' West
for 104 . 05 feet to the Northeast corner of said
Block 39, thence continuing North 50°15' West
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Roedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attor �•�.
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By C b
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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for 95 .34 feet to a point on the North line of
Delos Street that is 271 . 07 feet Westerly of
the Northeast corner of the Northwest 4 of
Sec 8-T28N-R22W, thence North 89°15 ' West,
along the North line of said Delos Street, for
126.69 feet, to the S.E. corner of Lot 2,
Block 19 of said West St. Paul Proper, thence
Due South for 60. 0 feet to the South line of
said Delos Street, thence North 89°15 ' West
for 100. 0 feet, to the Northwest corner of
said Block 39, thence Due South, along the
West line of said Block 39, for 250. 0 feet
to the point of beginning.
Section 2, That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from "B" Residence District and Commercial District
to "C" Residence District, to-wit:
PARCEL 229-A: Al1 that part of Lots 1 � 2
Block 25, Brown and Jacksons Addition to West
St. Paul and of Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Sub-
division of Lot 1, Block 25 , Brown and Jacksons
Addition to West St. Paul and vacated Brown
Avenue that is encompassed by the following
described line : Commencing at the Northeast
corner of said Lot 2 , Block 25, thence North
63°30 ' West for 65 . 00 feet to the point of
beginnin� of the line to be described, thence
South 63 30 ' East, along the South line of
Robie Street, for 155. 95 feet, thence South
17°O1 ' East for 80. 62 feet, thence South 02°
19t West, along the centerline of vacated
Brown Avenue for 156. 29 feet, to the Northerly
line of Concord Street as widened, thence
North 63°26 ' West, along said Northerly line,
for 239.14 feet, thence North 29°28 � East,
for 97 . 0 feet, thence North 63°28 ' West for
46 . 75 feet, thence North 29°28 ' East for
104 . 0 feet to the point of beginning.
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PARCEL 229-B: Described As : All that part
of Lot 2 of Subdivision of Lot 1, Block 25 ,
Brown and Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul
and vacated Brown Avenue that is encompassed
by the following described line; Commencing
at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 2 of
Subdivision of Lot 1, thence North 63°30'
West for 25. 00 feet to the point of beginnin�
of the line to be described, thence South 17
O1 ' East for 80. 62 feet, thence South 02°19 '
West, along the centerline of said vacated
Brown Avenue, for 156. 29 feet to the Northerly
line of Concord Street as widened, thence
South 63°26 � East, along said Northerly line,
for 32 . 90 feet, thence North 02°19' East, along
the Easterly line of vacated Brown Avenue , for
169. 99 feet, thence North 17°O1� West for
63 . 44 feet to the Southerly line of Robie
Street, thence North 63°30 ' West, along said
Southerly line for 39. 12 feet to the point of °�"
That part of Lots 1 and 2 Westerly of a line
drawn from a point on the Northwesterly line
of said Lot 1, 30. 0 feet from the most
Northerly corner thereof to a point on the
Southeasterly line of said Lot 2, 70. 0 feet
from the most Easterly corner thereof and
also Lots 21 and 22, all in Block 14 of
Lawton�s Subdivision of Blocks 14 and 24,
Brown and Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul,
according to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds �
within and for said county.
Lot 2 of Paulson` s Rearrangement of the North
2 of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 13 of Brown and
Jackson� s Addition to West St . Paul, accord-
ing to the plat thereof on file and of record
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in the office of the Register of Deeds within
and for said County, lying Northwesterly of
the following described line: Beginning at a
point on the West line of said Lot 2 , distant
85 . 0 feet South of the North-West corner there-
of; thence run Southeasterly to the Southeast
corner of said Lot 2 and there terminating.
All of Lots 3, 4, and 5 of Paulson� s Rearrange-
ment of the North % of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 13
of Brown and Jackson� s Addition to West St. Paul .
� Lots eleven (11) and twelve (12) , Martinrs
Rearrangement of part of Lots 1 , 2, 3 , � 4
Block 13, of Brown and Jacksonts Addition to _ _
West St. Paul , Minnesota, except the Northerly
ten (10) feet of said premises taken by the
City of West St. Paul for an alley and except
that part which Iies Northerly of a line run
parallel with and distant thirty (30) feet
south of the north line of said Lots eleven
(11) and twelve (12) , according to the plat
thereof on file and of record in the office
of the Register of Deeds within and for said
Lot six (6) Paulson's Rearrangement of the
North i of Lots 1 � 2 of Block 13 of Brown
and Jackson� s Addition to West Saint Paul,
according to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds
within and for said County.
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Vacated Brown Avenue from the Southerly line
of Congress Street to the Northerly line of
Winifred Street.
All that part of Lots 2 and 3 Block 12 Brown
and Jacksonts Addition to West St. Paul and
of vacated Congress St. that is encompassed
by the following described line; Commencing
at the Southwesterly corn�r of Lot 4 of said
Block 12, thence South 65 00 ' East, along
the Northerly line of Congress Street for
180. 00 feet to the point of beginning of the
line to be described, thence North 28°04 �
East, parallel to the Westerly line of said
Lot 4, for 27 .82 feet to the Southerly Right-
of-Way line of the Chicago Great Western
Railroad, thence South 45°43' S2" East, along
said Right-of-Way line for 84.18 feet to the
Northerl� line of Congress Street, thence
South 65 00� East along said Northerly line
for 262. 13 feet to the Southwesterly corner
of Lot 22 of THONIAS ' SUB , thence South 28°04 �
West, along the Easterly line of Brown Avenue,
to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 1 LAWTON' S
SUBDIVISTON, thence North 65°00 ' West, along
the Southerly line of Congress Street, for
315. 58 feet, thence North 02°57 ' 28" East for
64, 75 feet to the point of beginning.
All that part of Lots 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
of Martin' s Rearrangement of part of Lots 1,
2, 3 , and 4, Block 13 of Brown and Jackson� s
Addition to West St. Paul, and that part of
Lots 1 and 2 of Paulson' s Rearrangement of
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the North % of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 13
of Brown and JacksonTs Addition to West
St. Paul, that is encompassed by a line
described as follows ; Beginning at the
Northerly corner of Lot 2 of said Paulson' s
Rearrangement, thence South 28°04 ' West,
along the Westerly line of Lot 2 , for 85 . 0
feet, thence South 10°02 ' East for 63 .10
feet to the Southerly corner of Lot 2 ,
thence South 65°0 ' East, along the Southerly
line of Lot 3 and 6 , for 153 . 50 feet to the
So�therly corner of Lot 6, thence South
28 04 ' West along the Easterly line of
Lot 12 of Martin' s Rearrangement of part
of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block 13 of Brown
and Jackson' s Addition to West St. Paul,
for 30. 0 feet, thence North 65° West,
parallel to and 30 . 0 feet distant from
the Northerly line of Lot 11 and 12 , for
75. 50 feet to the Westerly line of Lot 11
of said Martin' s Rearrangement thence
South 28°04 ' West, along said Westerly
line, for 94. 75 feet, thence North 7°26 � •
43'� West for 309 . 42 feet to the Northerly
line of Lot 6 of Said Martin' s Rearrange-
ment, thence South 65° East, along the
North line of Lot 6 and of Lot 1 of
Paulson� s Rearrangement for 63 . 0 feet to
the point of beginning,
All that part of Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block 71
and of Lots 1, Z , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6, 8 , 9 and 10
Block 70 and of Lot 5 Block 69 and of the
East 40. 0 feet of Lot 1, all of Lot 2, and
the East 67 .73 feet of Lots 3 and 4 of Block 90
and of Block 91 all in West St . Paul , Proper, and
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of vacated Clinton Street and of vacated Green-
wood Street and of vacated Winifred Street and
of vacated Robie Street that is encompassed by
the following described line ; Commencing at the
Northwest corner of Block 67 of West St. Paul
Proper thence North 89°45 '30" West, along the
South line of Congress Street, for 73 . 00 feet
to the Westerly Right-of-Way of the Clinton
Robie Connection as opened, thence South 0°25 `
30" East, along said Right-of-Way, for 40.38
feet, thence to the left on a curve having a
Delta Angle of 44°18 �30" and a radius of 211. 95
feet for an arc distance of 163 . 91 feet thence
South 44°44 ' East for 88 . 52 feet to the North
line of Winifred Street, and also being the
point of beginning of the line to be described,
thence North 89°45 '30" West, along said North
line, for 220.82 feet, thence South 0°25 '30"
East, parallel to the West line of Clinton
Street for 137 , 0 feet, thence South 46°02 ' S7"
West for 8 . 81 feet to a point on the Northerly
line of Concord Street as widened, said point
being 120 . 0 £eet Southeasterly of the inter-
section of the said Northerly line of Concord
Street and the �outh line of Winifred Stree�,
thence South 45 54 � 23" East, along the said
, Nor�therly line, for 623 . 28 feet, thence South
73 14 �30t' East �or 32 , 25 feet to the Westerly
line of State Street, thence North 26°08 �
East, along said Easterly line , for 289. 25
feet to the Southwesterly Right-of-Way of the
said Clinton-Robie Connection, thence North
64°44t West, along said Right-of-Way for 32 .82
feet, thence to the right on a curve having a
Delta Angle of 20°00� 00" and a Radius of 488 .70
feet for an Arc distance of 170. 59 feet, thence
North 44°44 ' West for 300. 55 feet to the point
of beginning.
(REGISTERED PROPERTY) All that part of Lot
Seven (7) , Block Seventy (70) , West St . Paul
Proper, according to the plat thereof on file
and of record in the office of the Register of
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Deeds within and for the said County together
with that part of vacated Winifred Street, all
lying North o£ the Easterly extension of the
South line of said Lot 7 and West of the Westerly
line of a strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in
width, being thirty-three (33) feet on each side
of the following described line: Commencing at
the intersection of the center line of Clinton
Avenue and the South line of Congress Street,
thence South Q°25t30" East along the said center
line of Clinton Avenue for forty (40) feet,
thence to the left on a curve having a radius
of one hundred seventy-eight and ninety-five
hundredths (178 . 95) feet, an intersection angle
of 44°18 `30", for an arc distance of one hundred
thirty-eight and thirty-nine hundredths (138 .39)
feet, thence South 44°44 � East for three hundred
eighty-nine and seven hundredths (389. 07) feet,
thence to the left on a curve having a radius
of four hundred fifty-five and seventy hundredths
(455. 70) feet, an intersection angle of 20-°0 � ,
for an arc distance of one hundred fifty-nine
ang six hundredths (159, 06) feet, thence South
64 44t East for thirty-three and thirty-three
hundredths (33 .33) feet more or less to the
West line of State Street and there terminating,
said terminating bearing and point being two
(2 . 0) feet Southwesterly of the center line of
Robie Street, as platted adjacent to Block 15
of Bell' s Addition, extended Northwesterly to
the said West line of vacated State Street,
according to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for said Ramsey Gounty, said Westerly
line intersects the North line of said Lot 7
at a point that is 43 . 53 feet West of the
Northeast corner of said Lot 7 and the East
line of said Lot 7 at a point th�.t is 10 .42
feet North of the Southeast corner of said
Lot 7 and the Easterly extension of the South
line of said Lot at a point that is 13 .48 feet
East of the Southeast corner of said Lot 7 .
The West fifty-six (56) feet of the East ninety-
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six (96) feet of Lot one (1) , Block
Ninety (90) of West St, Paul, according
to the plat thereof on file and of record
in the office of the Register of Deeds
within and for said County,
The West forty-three (43) feet of the
East one hundred Thirty�nine (139) feet
of Lot one (1) , Block Ninety (90) , West
St. Paul, according to the plat thereof
on file and of record in the office of
the Register of Deeds within and for said
Lot one (1) , Block Ninety (90) , West
St. Paul, except the East one hundred
thirty-nine (139) feet thereof, and also
except that part that lies Southwesterly
of a line drawn parallel to and twenty (20)
feet Northeasterly from the Northeasterly
line of Concord Street, according to the
plat thereof on file and of record in the
off ice of the Register of Deeds within and
for said County.
Those parts of Lots Three (3) and Four (4)
in Block Ninety (90) of West St . Paul,
that lie Northeasterly of a line drawn
parallel with and twenty (20) feet North-
easterly from the Northeasterly line
of Concord Street, as formerly
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lai,d out in the City of Saint Paul , and West
of a line drawn parallel with and sixty-seven
and seventy-three hundredths (67 . 73) feet West
from the East Iine of said Block Ninety (90) ,
according to the plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds
within and for said County.
Section 3 . Tha� the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from "B" Residence District to Commercial District,
(ABSTRACT PROPERTY) All that part of Lot 6,
Block 66 and of Lot 5, Block 67 of West St.Paul
Proper and of vacated Clinton Street adjacent
thereto that is encompassed by the following
described line; Commencing at the Northwest
corner of said Block 67, thence North 89°45`30"
West, along the South line of Congress Street,
for 73. 00 feet to the Westerly Right-of-Way of
the CLINTON-ROBIE CONNECTION as opened, thence
South 0°25 �30" East, along said Right-of-Way,
for 40.38 feet, thence to the left curve having
a Delta Angle of 44°18 '30" and a Radius of
211. 95 feet for an arc distance of 163 .91 feet,
thence South 44°44 ' East for 17 . 75 feet, to the
point of beginning of the line to be described,
thence continuing South 44°44 ' East for 70. 77
£eet to the North line of Winifred Street,
thence North 89°45' 30" West, along said North
line, for 229. 12 feet, thence North 0°25t30"
West, parallel to the East line of said Lot 6,
for 50 . 07 feet to the North line of said Lot 6,
thence South 89°45t30" East, along said North
line, for 179.68 feet to the point of beginning.
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one hundred (100) feet of Lot Seven (7) ,
Block Sixty-six (66) , ''West St. Paul Proper",
according to the recorded plat thereof, to-
gether with that part of vacated Clinton
Street lying between the Easterly extensions
of the North and South lines of said Lot 7
and West of the Westerly line of a strip of
land sixty-six (66) feet in width, being
thirty-three (33) feet on each side of the
following described line : Commencing at the
intersection of the center line of Clinton
and t�ie South line of Congress Street, thence
South 0°25�30'� East along the said center
line o£ Clinton Avenue for forty (40) feet,
thence to the left on a curve having a radius
of one hundred seventy-eight and ninety-five
hundredths �178 . 95) feet, an intersection
angle of 44 18 �30", for an arc distance of
one hundred thirty-eight and thirty-nine
hundredths �I38 .39) £eet, thence South 44°
44� East for three hundred eighty-nine and
seven hundredths (389. 07) feet, thence to
the left on a curve having a radius of four
hundred fifty-five and seventy hundredths
(455 . 70) feet, an intersection angle of
20°00� , for an arc distance of one hundred
fifty-nine and six hundredths (159. 06) feet,
thence South 64°44 � East for thirty-three and
thirty-three hundredths (33 .33) feet more or
less to the West line of State Street and
there terminating, said terminating bearing
and point being two (2 . 0) feet Southwesterly
of the center line of Robie Street, as
platted adjacent to Block 15 of Bellts
Addition, extended Northwesterly to the said
West line of vacated State Street, according
to the plat thereof on file and of record in
the office of the Register of Deeds in and
for said Ramsey County. The above described
line hereafter to be known as line "A", the
said Westerly line being on a curve that
intersects the Easterly extension of the
North line of said Lot 7 , 37 . 90 feet East
of the Northeast corner of said Lot to a
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point on the tangent of said curve that is
79,68 feet East of the Southeast corner of
said Lot 7 as measured along the Easterly
extension o� tfie South line of said Lot,
PARCEL #Z; The East one hundred (100) feet
of Lot Eight (8) , Block Sixty-six (66) , "West
St. Paul Proper", according to the recorded
plat thereof, together with that part of
vacated Clinton Street lying between the
Easterly extensions of th.e North and South
lines of said Lot 8 and West of the Westerly
line of a strip of land Sixty-six (66) feet
in width, the centerline of which is the
above described line "A", the said Westerly
Iine being on a curve that intersects the
Easterly extension of the North line of said
__ Lot 8 , 15 .63 feet East of the Northeast corner
o£ said Lot 8 and the Easterly extension of
the South line of said Lot 8 , 37 . 90 feet East
o£ the Southeast corner of said Lot 8 .
Lot 6, except the Westerly 20 . 0 feet thereof
and all of Lot 7 of MARTIN AND LIENAU`S RE-
ARRANGEMENT of Lots 1, 2, 3 , 4, and 5 , Block
16, BELL�S ADDITION to West St. Paul, Minne-
sota, according to the recorded plat thereof.
Subject to easement over and across and upon
the South 7 ,0 feet of said premises for alley.
Lot S , except the Westerly S . 0 feet thereof
and the Westerly 20 .0 feet of Lot 6 of MARTIN
AND LIENAUtS REARRANGEMENT of Lots 1, 2, 3 , 4 ,
and 5 , Block 16, BELL'S ADDITION to West St.
Paul , Minnesota, according to the recorded
plat thereof, Subject to easement over and
across and upon the South 7 .0 feet of said
premises for alley.
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Lot 3 � except the Westerly 25 . 0 feet thereof
and all of Lot 4 and the Westerly 5 . 0 feet
of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 , Block 16, BELL`S
ADDITION to West St. Paul, Minnesota, accord-
ing to the recorded plat thereof. Subject to
easement over and across and upon the South
7 . 0 feet of said premises for alley.
Lots 1 and 2 and the Westerly 25 . 0 feet of
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 , Block 16, BELL'S
ADDITION to West St . Paul, Minnesota, accord-
ing to the recorded plat thereof, Subject to
easement over and across and upon the South
7 . 0 feet of said premises for alley.
Section 4 , That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from Commercial District to "C" Residence District,
All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9,
and 10 , Block 36, West St . Paul Proper and
of vacated Delos Street, adjacent to said
Block 36, that is encompassed by the follow-
ing described line: Beginning at the South-
east corner of said Block 36, thence North
00°00 ' 19" East, along the West line of South
Robert Street, for 249 .60 feet to the South
line of vacated Delos Street, thence North
70°55t23" West for 126. 96 feet to a point
that is 20. 0 feet South at a right angle to
the North Iine of said vacated Delos Street,
thence North 89°17 ' l1" West, parallel to
said North line, for 180. 03 feet to the
East line of Livingston Street, thence
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South 00°04 �41" East, along said East line,
for 10. 0 £eet, thence continuing along said
East line, South 00°00 ' 19" West, for 154 .85
feet, thence South 89°17 �44" East for 150 . 01
feet to the West line of Lot 8 said Block 36,
thence South 00°00` 19" West, along the West
line of Lots 6, 7 , and 8 said Block 36, for
124 ,38 feet to the North line of East Isab�l
Street, thence South 89°18 � 19" East, along
said North line, for 150 . 01 feet to the
point of beginning.
Lots 12 , 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 10 of
Blocks 6 , 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12 , 13 , and 14 ,
Prospect Plateau, except the Northerly 5 . 0
�eet thereof and subject to Concord Street.
The Southerly z of Lots 2 and 3 Block 25 , of
Brown and Jacksonts Addition to West St. Paul,
according to the recorded plat thereof except
the Westerly 25 . 25 feet of said Lot 3 and also
except the Easterly 65 . 25 feet of said Lot 2
and also subject to Concord Street .
Lots 19, 20, 21 and 22 , Block 10 of Blocks 6,
7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12 , 13 and 14, Prospect
Plateau, except the Northerly 5 . 0 feet thereof
and subject to Concord Street.
Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 inclusive, Block 9 of
Blocks 6, 7, 8 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 , and 14,
Prospect Plateau, accord�ng to the recorded
plat thereof and subject to Concord Street.
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Section 5. That the Zoning Code , Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from "B" Residence District and Light Industry District
to "C" Residence District, to-wit:
(REGISTERED PROPERTY) Commencing at the South-
westerly corner of Lot five (5) , Block eighteen
(18) , West St. Paul Proper; thence Easterly
forty-five (E'ly 45) feet along the Southerly
line of said lot; thence Northerly and at right
angles to said line and parallel to the Westerly
line of said Lot seventy-one and ninety-three
(71. 93) feet; thence Northwesterly fifty-eight
and forty-five hundredths (NWtly 58 . 45) feet to
a point on the Westerly line of said lot; thence
Southerly along the Westerly line of said lot
one hundred eight and sixty-six (108 .66) feet
more or less to the place of beginning.
The South one hundred sixty (5. 160) feet of Lot
six (6) , Block eighteen (18) except that part
thereof owned and occupied by the Chicago,
Great Western Railway for the right of way, in
West St. Paul, according to the recorded plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of
the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey
(ABSTRACT PROPERTY) All that part of Lots 1 , 2,
3 , 6, 7 , 8 , 9 and 10, Block 20, and of Lots 4
and 5 Block 18, West St. Paul Proper, and of
vacated Colorado Avenue and vacated Greenwood
Avenue that is encompassed by the following
described line ; Beginning at the Southwest
corner of Lot 6 of said Block 20 , thence South
89°22 ' 37" East, along the South line of said
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Lot 6 , £or 190. 0 feet to the center of vacated
Gxeenwood Avenue, thence due North, along
sa�d centerline, for 110 . 0 feet, thence South
89 22�37" East for 40 . 0 feet to the East line
of Greenwood Avenue, thence due North, along
sa�d East line, for 71 . 25 feet, thence North
SQ 24 �`27'' West for 204 .73 feet to the North
line of vacated Colorado Avenue, thence North
89°22 *37" West, along said North line , for
72 , 21 feet to the East line of Lot 4 of said
Block 18, thence due North, along said East
line, for 45.13 feet, thence North 50°18t21"
West for 71.48 feet, to a point that is 5. 00
feet West of the East line of Lot 5 said Block
18 , thence due South, parallel to said East
Iine for 90.19 feet to the North line of
vacated Colorado Avenue, thence North 89°221
37'' West, along said North line for 95 . 0 feet
to the Southwest corner of Lot 6 of said Block
18 , thence due South for 60 .0 feet to the
Northwest corner of Lot 1 of said Block 20,
thence South 89°22 �37'� East, along the North
Iine of Said Lot 1 for 50. 0 feet, thence due
South for 115. 0 feet,thence South 89°22 �37"
East for 100. 0 feet to the West line of Lot 8
said Block 20, thence due South, along the
West line of Lots 6 , 7 and 8 said Block 20,
for 135. 0 feet to the point of beginning, also
all that part of vacated Clinton Avenue that
is encompassed by the following described
line, beginning at the Southwest corner of
Lot 6 of said Block 20, thence due North,
along the West line of said Lot 6 , for 150. 0
feet, thence North 38°24 �59" West for 64 .37
feet, to the center line of vacated Clinton
Avenue, thence due South, along said center-
line for 200. 0 feet to the North line of
Colorado Avenue, thence South 89°22� 37" East,
along said North line, for 40. 0 feet to the
point of beginning.
• - � .r
� d�cQ.,-�1,5�1�
Page 17 . .
Section 6. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Pau1 Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul , as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from Commercial District and Light Industry District
to "C" Residence District, to-wit:
All that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10
Block 37, West St. Paul Proper and vacated
Delos Street adjacent to said Block 37 that
is encompassed by the following described
line : Beginning at the Northwest corner of
Lot 1 said Block 37 , thence South DO°00 ' 19"
West, along the East line of South Rober�
Street, for 124 . 91 feet, thence South 89
22 ' 23" East for 300. 09 feet, to the West
line of Clinton Ave. , thence North 00°02 �41"
West, along said West line, for 165 . 00
feet, to a point that is 20 . 0 feet South
of the North li$e of vacated Delos Street,
thence North 89 23f41" West, parallel to
the said North line, for 180 . 0 feet, thence
South 72°06' 04" West for 126. 02 feet, to
the point of beginning.
Section 7 . That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64,
inclusive, of Saint Paul Legislative Code, pertaining to use
districts, height districts and rezoning of certain properties
in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is here-
by further amended so as to rezone the following described
property from Commercial District and "B" Residence District
and "C" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to-wit:
Six (6) , and the East twenty-six and two-
thirds (26 2/3) feet of Lot Seven (7) ,
Block A Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul .
The Northerly 40 feet of Lot 37 , Auditor ' s
Subdivision No. 30 St . Paul, Minnesota.
. `` ��4�
_ 6��, �s�zz
Page 18.
All that part of Lots thirty-six (36) and
thirty-seven (37) of Auditor 's Subdivision
Number 30, St. Paul, Minnesota, according
to the recorded plat thereof on file and of
record in the office of the Register of Deeds
in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, except-
ing the Northerly forty (N' ly 40) feet of
said Lot thirty-seven (37) , and excepting
that portion of Lot thirty-six (36) described
as follows : Commencing at the southeasterly
corner of said Lot Thirty-six (36) , thence
Northerly along the Easterly line thereof,
31 ,36 feet, thence westerly to a point on
the Westerly line of said Lot thirty-six
(36) 43 . 94 feet distant from the Southwesterly
corner thereof, thence Southerly along said
Westerly line to the southwesterly corner of
said Lot thirty-six (36) , thence Easterly
along the Southerly line thereof, to the
place of beginning.
All that part of Lot Thirty-six (36) of
Auditor' s Subdivision Number 30, St. Paul ,
Minnesota, according to the recorded plat
thereof on file and of record in the office
of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey
County, Minnesota, described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of
said lot; thence Northerly along the Easterly
line thereof, thirty-one and thirty-six
hundredths (31. 36) feet; thence Westerly to
a point on the Westerly line of said Lot,
forty-three and Ninety-four hundredths
(43 . 94) feet distant _from the Southwesterly
corner thereof; thence Southerly along said
Westerly line to the Southwesterly corner
of said lot; thence Easterly along the
Southerly line thereof, to the place of
t• ��,��
' `''�
. � �� � �s�zz
Page 19.
(ABSTRACT PROPERTY) All of Lots 1, 3, 4, 5 ,
6, 7, 8 , 9, 10 and 19, subject to the open-
ing and widening of Concord Street, all of
Lots 11, 12, 13 , 14, 15 , 16, 20, 27, 28 , 29,
30, 31, 32 and 35 except that part of Lot 4
lying Southerly of the Southerly line of Lot
16 extended Easterly across said Lot 4, also
except that part of Lot 20 lying Northerly
of the Northerly line of Lot 27 extended
Easterly across said Lot 20, all being in
Auditor�s Subdivision No . 30 .
All of Lots 1 , 2, 3 , 4 and 7 , except the
Easterly 26 . 67 feet of Lot 7 , subject to
the opening and widening of Concord Street,
all being in Block A of Bell �s Addition to
West St. Paul.
h.undred thirty-five (135) feet of Lots one
(1) two (2) and three (3) except the North
seven (7) £eet of said Lots, Block thirty-
four (34) of Linse and Zimmermants Rearrange-
ment of Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and JacksonTs
Addition to West Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Lots one (1) t�o (2) and three (3) except the
Northerly one hundred thirty-five (135) feet
thereof, Block thirty-four (34) Linse and
Zimmerman' s rearrangement of Blocks 33 and 34
of Brown and Jackson� s Addition to West Saint
Paul Minnesota.
Lots six (6) seven (7) eight (8) nine (9) and
ten (10) Linse' s Subdivision of Lots 9, 10
and 11, and parts of Lots 7 and 8 , of Block
34, of Linse and Zimmerman' s Rearrangement of
Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and Jackson' s Addition
to West St. Paul.
, ^'
- �,� ��,,�t�
Page 20,
Lot fifteen (15) Block thirty-four (34)
Linse and Zimmerman' s rearrangement of
Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and Jackson� s
Addition to West Saint Paul Minnesota.
Lot sixteen (16) Block thirty-four (34)
Linse and Zimmerman�s rearrangement of
Blocks 33 and 34 Brown and Jackson� s
Addition to West Saint Paul ;Minnesota,
according to the plat thereof on file and
of record in the office of the Register of
Deeds within and for said County, excepting
therefrom the following part thereof to-wit:
Commencing at a point on the East line of
said Lot Sixteen (16) Block thirty-four (34)
Linse and Zimmerman' s rearrangement of Blocks
33 and 34 Brown and Jackson's Addition to
West Saint Paul, Minnesota, according to the
recorded plat thereof on record and on file
in the office of the Register of Deeds Ramsey
County, Minnesota, fifty (50) feet South of
the Northeast corner of said Lot sixteen (16)
thence due West at right angles , with the
said East line of said Lot sixteen (16) and
parallel with the North line of said Lot
sixteen (16) to the �outhwesterly line of
said Lot sixteen (16) , thence Southeasterly
along the Southwesterly line of said Lot
sixteen (16) to the Southeast corner of said
Lot sixteen (16) , thence North along the East
line of said Lot Sixteen (16) to the place of
All of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5, except the North-
east 7 feet thereof taken for widening of
Concord Street, all in Linse 's Subdivision of
Lots 9, 10 and 11 and parts of Lot 7 and 8 , of
Block 34, of Linse and Zimmermants Rearrangement
of Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and Jackson's
Addition to West St. Paul.
. .
A ,
' Q� /�0�✓��L7.
Page 21.
All of Lots 4 , 5 and 6 except the Northeast
7 feet taken for widening of Concord Street,
all of Lots 12 , 13 , 14 and 15, and that part
of Lots 7 and 8 not replatted by Linse' s Sub-
division, all in Linse and Zimmermants re-
arrangement of Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and
Jackson�s Addition to West St. Paul .
All of the 15 foot alley p�atted in Linse ' s
Subdivision of Lot 9, 10 and 11 and parts of
Lot 7 and 8 of Block 34 , of Linse and Zimmer-
man� s Rearrangement of Block 33 and 34 of
Brown and Jacksonts Addition to West St. Paul .
Prescott Street between the East line of Woodbury
AVe, and the West line of Brown Ave.
Section 8. That the aforesaid amendment to said Zoning
Code, so that the aforesaid reclassification and rezoning of
said real estate as described in Sections 1 through 7 above
be effected, having been initiated by said Council; said real
estate and other parcels of real estate having comprised an
area of not less than forty acres within said City, the whole
whereof having been made the subject of a survey by the City
Planning Board of Saint Paul and said Board having considered
whether the number of descriptions of real estate affected by
said amendment to said Zoning Code rendered the obtaining of
the written consent thereto on the part of the owners of two-
thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated
within one hundred feet of the real estate affected, im-
practical, and said Board having reported in writing to said
Council as to whether, in its opinion, said proposed amend-
ment to said Zoning Code is reasonably related to the overall
needs of the community, to existing land uses, or to a plan
for future land use; and said Board having conducted a public
hearing on said proposed amendment to said Zoning Code, of
which hearing published notice had been given in a daily news-
paper of general circulation within said City at least once
WH17F� — CITY � ERK �264334
BI.UE` —MAI�OR Flle �0.
• £ ��� •
Ordindnce Ordinance NO. /.� �2z
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 22 .
each week for three successive weeks prior to such hearing, �
stating the time, place and purpose of such hearing and said
Board having reported to said Council its findings and
recommendations in writing, in the premises; said Council
upon public hearing thereon and upon consideration of said
written report, findings and recommendations of said Board
and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, by a two-
thirds vote of all of its members in favor thereof determined,
and does hereby determine that the number of descriptions of
real estate affected by said amendment to said Zoning Code
renders the obtaining of the written consent to such amendment
on the part of the owners of two-thirds of the several de-
scriptions of real estate situated within one hundred feet of
the real estate to be affected impractical and that hereby
P` said Zoning Code shall be amended so that said hereinabove
described real estate shall be reclassified and rezoned there-
under, without such written consent, from "B" Residence
District to "C" Residence District, pursuant to Section 64.06
of said Zoning Code and Section 462. 357, Minnesota Statutes
Annotated, as amended, and as aforesaid, said hereinabove de-
scribed real estate hereby is accordingly reclassified and
Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and
COUIVCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler 6 Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Af'►T 1 S2 1�7A Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifie sed Council etary • B;/����!' i7�.7
Appr d by Mayor: D � Approve sion t C cil
By By
�, � �
August 26, 1974 ������
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Roo�m 386 City Hall
RE: Concord Terrace Rezoning Study Minnesota R-37
Dear Madam:
On May 30, 1974, the City Council referred a petition of the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority pertaining to the Concord Terrace Renewal Project
for Planning Co�aunission study and survey.
Pursuant to that referral, the Planning CoRmnission init#ated a "40-scre
study" of the area to determine the appropriateness of the requested
rezonings. A public hearing regarding the proposal was held at the regular
meeting of the Planning Co�nm►ission on August 23, 1974. Legal notice of
this hearing was published in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on August 3rd,
lOth and 17th, 1974. No one appeared in opposition to the requested
Following the public hearing the Planning Camnnission took action to
recoaanend approval of the rezonings as requested in the original petition
and concurred with the findings as shown in the attached staff report.
If the requested rezonings, and subsequently, the intended redevelopment
of the affected portions of the Concord Terrace Renewal Project are to
be accamplished, Council action on the returned petition will be necessary.
If our office can render any further assistance regarding this matter,
please contact us.
Charles L. McGuire
Zoning Planner
CLMcG:mcb � ��
1. August 20, 1974, Memorandum-Staff Report to Planning Conanission
2. Original Petition Concord Terrace Rezoning Study
421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
� .
To: Planning Commission PL_ANNING COORDINATQR
FROM: C. L. McGuire, �oning +�
SUBJECT: Staff Report, Concord Terrace Rezoning
DATE: August 20, 1974
I. Background Information.
A. On May 30th, 1974, the City Council referred to the Planning
Commission for study and survey, the petition of the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority pertaining to the Concord Terrace Renewal
Project. Pursuant to that action, the Planning Commission on a
motion by Mrs. Norton, seconded by Mr. Rupp and subsequently
approved by the Planning Board at it�s regular meeting of June 28th,
1974, initiated a "Forty Acre Study" under the provisions of Minnesota
Statutes 462.357 subdivision 5 and Saint Paul Legislative Code
Chapter 64, Section ,06,
In accordance with these provisions, legal notice of this hearing
has been puhlished in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on August 3rd,
lOth, and 17th, 1974, which notice reads as follows:
The City Planning Connnission of Saint Paul has initiated proceedings
relative to the amendment of Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, Saint Paul
� Legislative Code i.e. Zoning, etc. , so as to rezone certain properties
located within the Concord Terrace Renewal project, generally located
between the upper and lower bluff, Wabasha and Lafayette on the west
side of the City of Saint Paul. Legal descriptions for specific
properties to be rezoned are on file in the Zoning Section of the
City Planning Department located at 421 Wabasha Street, and may be
viewed there upon request. '
The City Planning Conunission has fixed the 23rd day of August, 1974,
at 9:30 in the morning in the City Planni�ig Commission Office, 421 �
Wabasha Street, and at said time and place the Planning Commission
will hear all objections and recoznnendations relative to said
The action requested proposes to rezone certain properties from
"B" and "C" Residence, Cammercial and Light Industry to "C" Residence ..
and Commercial.
B. This report is a consideration of the matters on which the Planning
Conunission must make findings and recamnendations as set forth in
Section 64.06 of the Zoning Code and are as follows:
421 1�'abasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 29&4151
r' \ ,
, � Staff Report, Concord Terrace Rezoning August 20, 1974
1. The Plannin Cominission should consider whether a surve o�����
g Y �
the whole area of the City of Saint Paul or of an area not
less then forty acres had been conducted by the Commission
within which the proposed area to be rezoned was located.
2. Consideration must have been given as to whether the number
of descriptions of real estate affected by such chan�es and
alterations render the obtaining of written consent impractical.
3. A finding must be made of or�e of the following three
(a) The proposed rezoning is related to existing uses.
(b) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to the averall -
needs of the cammunity.
(c) The proposed rezoning is reasonably related to a plan
for future land use.
II. Report
Date pertinent to each of the three points (I B, 1, 2 and 3) follows.
A. A study of the entire City of Saint Paul was made by the City
Planning Board in the form of the Comprehensive Plan (Couanunity Plan
Report 15) and its related elements. A further detailed study of
the 182 acre Concord Terrace Project Area has been made by the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority and adopted by the Planning
Board as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. The boundries of
the Concord Terrace Renewal Project are coincident with the boundries
of this study.
B. Consideration has been given to the number of descriptions of real
estate affected by the proposed rezoning. Under provision of
� Minnesota Statutes 1973, Section 462.357, subdivision 5, the number
of descriptions of real estate affected by such proposed rezoning
is 228 such as to render the obtaining of consents from 2/3 or 153 �
of the several descrip�ions impractical.
C. Data developed indicates that affixmative findings may be made for
all three alternatives nofied in Item I B 3 (a), (b) and (c) . ,
1. Relative to item (a) above, the proposed zoning is better
related to adjacent existing uses in that it removes strip •
ca�mnercial zones along Concord-Street. If the current zones
were to be developed co�ercially they would have a deleterious
effect on adjacent "B" Residence areas.
� The changes from residential to conunercial zones are confined
to areas of existing commercial development. These rezonings
will facilitate the cluster development of the c rnrnnercial
areas by enabling the provision of off street parking areas.
/• � .
, � Staff Report, Concord Terrace Rezoning August ���74
. ���4
(2) The proposed rezoning is related to the overall needs of
the co°mmuriity in that it will enaUle the initiation of
of construction of additional needed housing in areas
presently vacant and/or cleared, and provide the opportunity
to furnish needed oif street parking facilities for existing
commercial operations.
(3) Ttie proposed rezonings are reasonably related to and in fact
necessary if the objectives of the Comprehensive P1an of
the City, as amended by the Concord Terrace Renewal Plan,
are to be accomplished,
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: _ 264�34�
� nnEnnoRA�v�u�r � � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
, .
TO: Planning Co�ission Members .
FROM: Zoning Staff , '
, . . . .
SUBJECT: Rezoning necessary for the Housing Redevelopment Authority in the , �s
Concord Terrace.area. �
DATE: June 26, 1974 • �
On May ,30, 1974, the City Council referred to the Planning Co�nission
. �or study and survey, a petition of the Housing Redevelopment Authority
pertaining�to the Concord Terrace renewal project. The proposed
rezoning on the site involves 16 individual land parcels.
Do to the enactment of the contiguous property 1aw last su�ner, rezoning
of these parcels would necessitate obtaining over 150 consent petition
signatures. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority has requested that
� the Planning Commission initiate a 40 acre study under the provision
. of Minnesota statutes 1973, section 462.357 subdivision five.
�taff� review of the request and proposal submitted by the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority indicates that such a study initiation would be
�ppropriate. The proposed rezonings appear to be generally consistent
with the Concord Terrace Renewal Plan and the proposed zoning code.
' CLMcG:mcb •
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s �
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421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
(612) 298-4151
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-� _ _ �64334
, - . �
Notice is ltereby ga.ven that the City Couneil oP the City
� of Saint Paul will consa.der, on the l2th day of September, 19?�+, .
Pt 10:00 A.M. in the City Cauncil Cha�bers on the third floor -
of City KaJ1, the repor�c and recor.���ndatian of the City Planning.
Cor::�aissi�;n relative to proce�dings initiated by said commission
�o a����nd G'�i�pters 60 to 6�+, �nclusive� St. Paul Legislative Code,
so �.s to rezone certai.n properties within the Concord Terrace
Ren��al Pro�ect, general.ly located between the Upper and Lower
B1uff, Wabasha St. and LaPayette Rd., on the west side of St. Paul,
in accordance �rzth the terms and provisions of 2*ii.nnesota �Statutes,
Sec'cion �b2.357, Subdivision (5). Lega1 descriptians for specific
- �roperty to be r�roned are on file in the office of the City Clerk
of the City of Sa?nt Pat�l� located in Room 386� City Ha11.
. .
� - Said hear�,ng will be conducted to deterr,�ine whether or not -
to adopt an ordin ance to rezone said property in accordance with the
k•ritten report and reco�ttendations oP said Planning Commission and _
at said tim� an3 place, the City Council wi11 hear all ob3ections
and recom�nendations relativ�e to said proposed amendment.
Dated at St. Pau1., Minnesota, this 29th day of August, 197�.
, City Clerk . � _ .
(Au$ust 31, 1974) .
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�p; City Clerk (Council)
DATE: September 16, 1974
Your letter of September 12, 1974
concerning �roper instrument ooncurring in findinga
df plannin� board on '40-acre study o� property in Coneord
Terrance Ztenewal Area, gr�nting petition to rezone.
has been received. Mr. ;ianzel
ot this oiiice hae been assigned to the matter , and
you may direct iuture inquiriea ooncerning the eame
directly to him.
City Attorney
To the Attorney:
When you have completed this aseignment, let ue know
the date eo that we may note it.
Formal opiniona shall be routed over Regnier' s deak.
City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
� 2s4�
� 34
� ��TY �A
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Ros� Mi: a : .... a Aibert B. Olson
. .......o.
City Clerk¢nd a` .";'�C"t' � Council Recorder
Council Secretary/ �P ~ ,�o
388 Cit�/Hald St.Paul,Minnesota 5610�
Phwae 298-.42441
September 12, 1974
Mr. R. Scott Davies
City Attorney
Room 647, City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Sir:
The City Council requests that you prepare the proper resolution
or ordinance concurring in the findings of the Planning Board on
the 40-Acre Study of property in the Concord Terrace Renewal Area
and granting the petition to rezone said property.
Yo rs very truly,
City Clerk
aso:�� � '���
C.�' _.
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lst 0 3 2nd
3rd /O�/� Adopted / o �/�
Yeas Nays
HoZ� 2�4334
' � i
The Petitioner Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul, Minnesota has undertaken, with Council approval,
an urban renewal project designated as the Concord Terrace Urban
Renewal Area Project, Minn. R-37, in accordance with a duly adopted
Redevelopment Plan which provides in part for the acquisition and
clearance of certain areas within the Project and their redevelop-
ment as multi-unit residential necessitating "C" Residence Use
The Concord Terrace Project Area comprises 182 acres of which
63 acres are streets and other public ownership, 64 acres (190 parcels)
are in private ownership and 55 acres in Petitioner' s ownership or
sold or conveyed by Petitioner within one year of the date of this
Petition. Of these 55 acres, 9 were conveyed by Petitioner in the
last year, 10 acres comprise the Dunedin Terrace Low Rent Housing
Project, 4 acres are in individual lots and parcels, and 3. 7 acres
in the Bluff Park to be dedicated to the City, leaving 28. 3 acres in
13 sites to be rezoned under the Petition (Exhibit "A" attached) .
The existing zoning of the areas to be rezoned are "B" and "C"
Residence, Commercial and Light Industry. The proposed new zoning
of all sites would be "C" Residence except Parcels 40B and 185-188
to be rezoned Commercial from "B" Residence.
Under provision of Minnesota Statutes 1973, Se•ction 462. 357,
Subdivision 5 , the number of descriptions of real estate affected
by such proposed rezoning is 228 such as to render the obtaining of
consents from 2/3 or 153 of the several descriptions impractical
(Exhibit "B" attached) ; the proposed rezoning is reasonably related
to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and
to the Comprehensive Plan.
r i �
WHEREFORE, your Petitioner requests Council to initiate the
necessary survey, study and hearings upon this Petition by direc-
tion to the Planning Board to undertake all necessary action under
the "40 acre study" provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section
462. 357, Subdivision 5 , and make its report to the Council as
provided in said statute, and to rezone the subject property "C"
Residence and Commercial as requested in this Petition.
Dated this � day of May, 1974.
Its Executive Direc or
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''h.„r; '�5-��3 LAKE & LAND $URVEYING �OMPAVY
WARREf.I.fORSBERG,Repisicred Laod Surv�yor
DE S C R 16 E D A S: Atl that Dart of Lots 1,2,3,6,7,^0,9, and 10, Elock 36, West St
=, ai�d af vacated Delos �treet, adJacent to saici Block 36, that is encomuassed by the foilowin� described
Begi��ninq at the Soutil�east con;er of said Biock 36, thence North 00'00'19" East, alo��y the West line
Robert Street, for 24•�9.60 feet to tl�e South line of vacated Delos Street, thence North 7Q=-5S-23'�West f�
feet to a point that is 20.0 feet SouUi at � ricilit anc�le to the �orth line o( said vac�ced Delos Streee, thence
1.7�11�West, parallel to said North line, for 180.03 feet to thc East line of Livin�iston Street.,_thence �Soutt.
41��East, alony said East line, for 10,0 feet, thence continuinci alonc, said East line, South 00-00-19 West,
154.35 feet, theuice South 89'17-44"East for 150.01 feet �o the VVest line of Lot 8 said Block 36, thence :.
00'-0d-].��West, alon� the West line of Lots 6,7, and 8 said t3lock 36, for 124.38 feet to tlie �:orth line of Ea
Isabel Street, the�mce South II9�18�-19���ast, alony said North line, fcr 150.01 feet to the noirn cf t�eqinniny.
I . '
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---�` � TT -- 2141 E. Sth i�ree��
Ph.��.r;'135-4343 � t St. Paul. ;11inn �
. LAhE & I,AND SliRVEYIIVG CO�iPA�1Y ;;119 �
- � WARREN I.iORSBERG,Rcyistsred lond Survoyor
Suruey For: Ho��sinc� ancl Redevelopnei�t Authority of St. Paui.
Des¢ribed as: Ali[hat p;�rt of Lots 1,2,3,8,9 and 10 Glock 37, 1Nest St. Pi��l Pro4�er and oI vacatec! Delos Street
adjacenc tc��.�id Block 37 that is enconnassed by the foilowiny described li�:e: Eeuinnin�� ac the �'ortl;vJest con�er of Loc 1
said 6lock;�7, thence Sontli 00'00'19"West, alon�. the E�st liue of So�,th Robert Sereet, for 124.91 fer_t, thence So��th
89°22'23�' East for 3G0.09 feet, to the West line of Clinton Avc., thence North 00'02'41' �'�'est,�aloi�a saic! \Nest li��e,
for 165.0D feet, to a poir,t that is 20.0 feet So+�th of the �ort!� line of ��icn�ed Uelus Stree�., ti�e��ce No�th 89 23'41"
West, parailei lo the said North line, for 1:>0.0 Eect, the��ce So��th 72 06'04" �1�es! for 126.02 feet, to the r�oint of !�e�.-
i ' i
i �
---------- �� ....2 0.o o� 1--—
DELOS ��� p2` �+ �9 23'-�1" \N' 1.;0 0' STREET
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- 11'�/,!��i f.� •;>3 �w...v.�•w e.w.nr�.r.m.� / �7�.�� � �ad. � rw. �i� 'nw ,
1 Mr��Dt eMn�I1M�u� . .:� '. . /' -- —' "'..�. .
.�.�...,,.�.,......Rc V. a✓UPJE//, 19?.3.,....,.... �:`�;' ` . <� '•,.�r • ,
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I'hun� i»--l.il3 ' _ _ _--�--- - 21�11 (?. it.h �tr�•et '-
� r � ' . . �� �� � ' St. Paui, \linn. i�i!'1
�y�S�'y �s''r,•�e? i � :R.��t.i ,ry 9 :r.�r �`\7/�'?A .',^, �'r'.:0
.. ' LJ ..1.�-?.� .....i .. ...-� b.:ti,JV . '•� � ...i� to' `.' jiUJ' - �^J �f/�
� 4� � .
W.1;.2EPd 1. FOi:5`.�'�'t��. �tcristcre:! Len<) Surv�y�r .
i .
; St'1�.�'1�.�' I'QE'����OUSIi�!G Af��D_RCUEV�LO(?��1[:iJT..l1U.TiI��ITY, _CI:fY Of=_S�',IN7 PnUL�_f411iVi�._r ;
� ���r�b�a �s:�1�at_�,�:�of_LQts_LL-�ii:l._2.L'�lc�tcrlf Qf.s..lir�c �Jr��-�ui.trQ;iL a ��Uiut_o��_.tbL_]'�;s�riJ.u:�stcr.ly�____ '
. ;
fi�tQ oF said (�oG 1, 30 .Q f��.E fi•u;n th� it�ost f,��rtl�crly coi•r�er thcrcof to a point or� the Soutlie�stci•ly I
li��e of saic! �at 2, 70 ,Q �=cct �i'Oirl tlte tr�o5t EZSLE;rIy Cot•i�er tfic�reof ��i�cl �tlso Lots� 2I ai;d 22, �ill
. - � �
, ifi:G(oc!< l� oF La;�ton'� S��i�clivisiun.of L'lorl:s 14 �ind 24, Lro�.,ii ��i�cl J.�ckso��'s �1c'c!ition to \�Vc�t '
; St . P�1ii1, �'tGCOrclii�y to tl�y� pl�zt titcreof n►� filc ;iijct af recoi•d in the office of the Rec�i�tr.r o( Deecls
, .
� �,!itliin �u�c! fcir s�icl cviinty. .
�ND ._ , �
Lot 2 0� f';liilson's R��;ii•r��n��c���:�nt a( ��;�,�: ��da�;r��� a:�i � ols 1 ar�l 2_ of Glo�k 13 of �rr�:�rn �uid J�ck-
.,, •
_ , soii's Adciitiui� to 1�t;esG St . P?�il, .�r�;��,•r�i,�;�,�;i fi�� ���,� ���t tiier��f on fil� an�i of recorcf in li�� oirice of
=� ,
_y ,
tli� Rc;:ister of Deecls :vitfiiit a�,�l for ,:��u�cd': (�:�;��i�n��-, 8;ia1s� t€�rth:.�steriy uf the follo:vii�cl clescri!�eu
� . . .
t line: Eiec�innin�� �at �t ►�c�ii�t on tl,e 4'4'�5:f1 �1191t;,' :�;�� ���� L.�� 2, �ii5ta��t 35.0 fcet Sui�tl� o� tljc �'orll�-
� r� � � „ „ c �• � „�„ , . . ,��
L�.e�t cori��, tliLr��F; t��ciic� run _,o�;tr.ly[lJt��:L�;� �;w w�„� ���aF.Eu��st cor�;er ��f said Lot 2 �-��;c! tiier•e t��r�,�-
II!cltlllC3 . � •
' • IL�,�11i�
All of Le�ts 3,�, �zi�d 5 of P�tulsaii's f�:c�zrrra��;���zs.y�r��^m� �3 t�ie� �.�;,��ii '� of �ots 1 .�nd 'l_ of F�lock 1 �� �
�, of Bn��r�ri� ancl �ar_I<soi�'s Ad�li'tiun to 4'ltcs-#z �t.►... �F''���ip. . .
r .
� � � 9�11��8
i Lots elevci� (11) ai�d t�•relvc (1?_), i�,����tcino��`� I���nx��a�:���;��e�.�t of of pai�t of Lots 1, 2,� , & 4 Clock
13, of Ero�,�n ai�d .l��c�cson`s Aclditi�:r. it�;�1�'����� ��_ �'ar�l, F��i��nesot�, e.x,cc;�t lhe �:��,�thci•I�; tci, (10)
i _ , . � - '
} feet of s�ic! ��rer,�ises t��ket� by the Cat+:�vc�����'���� S�, P���i fer a�� �Ilcy a�1d except tf�at r�art ��rliicli
I � � �
i . - .
f Ih�reby ceri�=r �ha��„—.--1�!i��re1Z 25_— -- . 19 7-.:xt(muMmp�t� propecsr�+e�c.ibed Scale; 1 iorh - --.-----._.--.----. icet•
000vo cn,! �het tho-obove �In� is u corroct 7epresentuti�n of se.�d eunvNr,� � � • � �1n3ico�f �ror.hlonur»�nf,
� Y ' i. / �l .,.�_�..f.
, ..._ S/�Ptd.—Y-�
' .`.;!Y� �� 27 � - ," _ _ _�.'� _Sl�ect 2. ,�f 5
.____- - - _ ------ - � - - . _ _.. _ ,
� �f . ._ � .. • .
• . , .. ._. . ._.---- �- - -�-��. . . . .
. � • .
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�,�.,,,,►. .......-.................��.... _ . __ _ . _._.. _ ._ _ . . .
� .�...r.�........
s . �
I'hoiic 7;�-•I.i i� . 21-11 T:. Stli Strcct
• St. P:ut, \l�r,n. ��11'�
{� � r� O (�
�,'a�-�JQ..r:� �rt{�u�'! `i.a•�,1�'� -;� �:i�siJa���^►vn��X��r• irw���
., .,.�
W.Ai2EtkT! 1. ft��Z��C•ZG, i2oJistLrt�d l�nc1 Svrveyor
St't:��t�.1'� t�{<��:}.i4�l.�1��.!l�:P��_EiED�VCI_OP_i`�1L.�1�T.AUT1-IORITY, CiTY-Or_S��!"�T.-�?.'�UL-,-��ilivil.-- .
.[rs�rit>c�l .a�:-----------�-----�.__.�_ ---____. ------ -•-- ---------- —
:�,,, lies tlloith�r�y of :t li��c t=��>>n parzllel �vitl� �`ti,cl dist�t►it thirty (30) Fect south of the riortlt line of ;�tid
L�ts elev,�n (11? ,��iid t��yelv� (12), ,�tccordinci to the ��I:it th�reof on file and of r�r.orc! in tl�e offic,�
o( ��jc f�Cgistcr c�f Dcecls �v.ithin ancl for s��icl County . . . �
. . �1ND � . �
Lot six (�) f'�ulson's Rc�rr��t��c�ctnei:t caf �6�c �ortl� '�� of Luts 1 & ?_ of Elock 13 oF Erotivn and �
. • � � �
� J.�ckso��'s A�'clitioi� to 4�Jest S�int P����G, �-���vrc:istc� to t!?e E�I,�t tlicreof on filc ��nct of recorc! in thc
offir,c of the Rcui�ter oF Dcec�s ti�rit�����,a �a�r,T�l ��r saiz, County .
� - . M r`i'+1;f��j�� . ' ' F
. �
�✓�lC�lfC�� E�f'Ol'till n�1('III.IC f►"Q;;l t�l� �l:l{!It�!�i;c'1'���'� ��liA;�.• �o COi!t;l'('.SS S�CCI'f ii) f�ll� iJortlicr�l:r �IIIC' Of •
1�^Ji��ifrcd Street . .
� � �r�� . � � �
� � ��:5 T�R!1 C`f l�f;t��°�P:T Y
/111 th�it �r�rt �.f L�ts 2 ����d 3 I�lock li2 C'ru;��lr:n uur��aC .�.:c�;s�:s's �dcl;ti�n to �:�'e�t Sl , f'r�u1 ai�d � �
of vac�itecl Cc;�c�i�css St . ih�t is cr�cot;i{?l$3-(�;�' l��� �;ic foEla•:flF1� GeSCPI��CCS Il;�c; Co,n,T:ercing
t�t tlic So,ith�:�c��tcr1� ca�ner ��f L�t �� of s�:i�ef: ��Il�,c.k 12 � �piCItCL Soc!t�� u_`�°0��'C:t;t, .�lo��c� tEic � -
P�}ortlieriy iir:�-� of C�ncrress �tree� fa;� ll;'U _t�i� ff;��:t to t�zc� �oint �f �.e�Jin��ii.cj of t'��� li�;,: t�� be
desrri:,ed, t!icr.cc P�ortli 2�"'U�� E.���tt,. p:l�rca�Gii;�G �� t�ie�.`�esteri� Eii;e of s:�icl L_et �-�, for 27.�2
fcet to tl�e So�!thcrly RiCfit-�f ��d�aiv�- ICi�re ;����!,rm� C.�cr�_31�� Cr�.�t `.':estcrn Rail��;ri, t��ence Sout�i
�45� 43'S2" E�ist,.alor�g said Riej�l�!-r.�-�V(`�a;� qdnaL f�r 8=� r13 fcet to the i�oc�i��•;!v linc of
Coi�c�;ess Str:�ct, t��ei:ce So.yt��.������lJ°' �;��� �B�er� s�i�i ��ar�t���ely iire fcr 2C:2 .13 (cct to �
t(�e So��th:�:esterly corner of Lot ��' ��T�����;t��S.� SUC � f'ier:e S��:t'� 23°04' Yb'est, �1oii�� tlie
I hrrcS� ccrhfy thol or. _'v'c1�Cll �� _ , la k�ItaucwpK�iha prop:Ny dcscr�bed $calsj 1 in:h .� .. _.-.--'--_ -.- feel
aFiovs cind lhtlt the a�cvr: pluf i�b�.tr;tred repretentcGOn o�sa�{i ntm��t:�t / / �� /O—I���cales fron Me.wne�e. �
' s:e,,,d.f�� �>!.. ./__f�� ?.:%:j)..._ .
SITE ?_7 ��hr��t 3 t�' S
. , . �, . .
_ � .
r M •
� -
� • •
.. .. . � , � . . . - • .
_ ' _ •. ,..-..-- ___�--_ - -
. , . . ,l
�'hunr i:�:�_I:i-I:i ' , lt�•�.: �l 11 }:.i�t �t►� 1tn•�•t
� tit I':tul. \tinu i'rll'�
OII�.: .IS�I1 St't11��:�1�•r � e•�;u,• .
ti�. P.�ul, �linn. SS1I'a
�7 s
� ic;r�:'1 u...�0 4,:.v u ti�-1 i:�'�c.,.�..d r:.� e�„.;l:7.•�..�r I��� 1 t� ���`s��� �
I . i
I WAfi^EiJ I. F0�5��:2G, Rec�isterzd land Surveyor '
I s�'it�'E'�' � c��;t� I�OUSit�:G �`���U RE�DCV� LOP�;1[-i�JT 11UTf10(:ITI', CITY.OF S/11���T Pl�UL, P.IIf�1N . .
�, � '
.�. {II�N�I�I)1�.1 .1�� . . - . . � . . . . _ . . . . .." .
; Cristcrl�� ii��c uf E�ro:�n :�vci�uc, t� thc Nort'��lestcrl� cori�cr of Lot 1 t1�:ti'TOPti'S. SULCI`JISIO�,
, . ,
tl�e��ce (Vort!i �� '00' ��'cst , ��loiic; t!�e So:�t'�erl; li.�e of Coii�:ress �trcct, For 31 5.5� fcct , ti:ci;ce
� � � �
" Not�tli 02� 57'2�" E.ist for (�4.75 fcet ►� t`te t3oir,t oi !,er,irn:inc� , �
' '
� •
, . ;
� �
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• . �
. • . . �
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1 horeby Ce•ti'y !hnf tl�is surv�Y. p'sn O' ��DOf}.w�5 n•aC�rda� bV! 'n�� �u+�GU� .my d:r.:l ND�rv�1�Jr . • - .
ertd lhat I am s O�ry`B�qhterrd le�V $.,rre�nr .;na�•�� �s.�ss a$�iMw �.T,rstt�e m4 A/inneWU. � . �
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. St. f'aul,�f:un. ��i19
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1�ls`�E:t.L�J 1. i�:t'.s��:�L:� Regis4�rcd lund .`ic�rve�ot
� ;
_. St'lt���:1' i'C�t::d�_U_S(��!G�EiJ _Ri�Q�.�lL-L�J.t?-�'lE-�lt--,-C1�rY.Q�.S�If�!T_F'AllL,.�^��ili�ll��ESDZn---_---
dcs�ribc•�I as:��Ltl�.: [�:'�:__�b Lc�z�,�3.9,�0.'l:::d_12_�f_P��l::��tii.�'�.���zrrarslcme�:t_.nf__U:rL_�E_LQiil,_?,_�_��l�i_
' �, C4ock �.� o� E►•o:���i „�:�nr;� J.�c!<so�i's ncicliti�it to �ti'est �t . P�iul, a,�d tlt�-tt part of L ets 1 a�,cf ?. of �
j P�u�sa�i's Re��rra!�ci�n�r�i�t �i the �!ortl� '� of Lots 1 �tnd ?_ aF Clock 13 of 6rovrn �i�tcl J�ICICSOII�S Add-- '
itio��to b`�'est St , P�;t�.l, that is ciicom>>.�ssc�i E�y a li�ie descri!�ed �s fol lo�'J5� ECC)i�t�ti��c) ��t tit� i�o;�th-
i . . � •
; erly co;•�.e�• ef L ot � cF said t'a�ilsoi�`s Rc�ri-.Il[JCii3�i�t, thence Soutii 2u'0�' ��'Jest, :rioi�� the ".'t��t- '
. �
� erly line oF Lot ?, Far 85.0 fr_et, tf�e:ac� 5�;�;�h 10�U2' E�ZSt for b3 .10 fcet to thz Soutl�erly co����er °
� oF�Lot 2, tl�ei�ce �•o�rtl� b5°0' f�ast, ���r� ��er� Svutherl;l I�ii�c of Lot 3 ��nd b, for 153 .50 f�cE t� t;�c :�
. - _. ,�
- Sa��tlt^rl� co►•i;er �E� Lol b, the��ce Sr��u�.i��� ��,�a'��" l���st -�lonci the E�stcrly iiiie of Lc± 12 of iv1�i�ti��`s
�%_, � . ' ' � 1�
, 7 h � .° I�T Yl . � � P 1 ��: � I I'�.
� RE�lYCilli�enienl or «�II"L Uf LUC.`i 1 ��`.� il.JiluJi '�s 73�xDe:K 1� Uf Dt"U;'lll cll.(� ,�,1C�CSU11 5 Ni:(�1�IU11 tU �1::`�� :i1 .
P.:ul, f�r• 3U .0 f:_t�t, tl�encc� i`!arth ���",�":4�:�tts ��zr�Ilel lo i;;,! 30 .G fcci c�ist�i?t fr���t tl�� �!orllir•ri�y
iir�c af [_ot 11 anrt 7.2, for 75.�� fc��_ t+dt�l�,;� "."�`esterl, li�;c cf !o� 17. of s:ic! ;:���r��n's Re��r.;�;c�,,:n��nt
: th�r�cc Souti� 2�°04' Nlest, alornc� Sa.:u11�:±'��:�ter.lif li►�e, fo�• 9'� .75 f�ct , tl�enc� �doi�tli 7°26'�3" .
tti�est':for 309 .=��'fect. to tl�� f�,ortlYLrly ;!in�� m, Lc�t b of S�ic+ �r1�rtin'; Rc��rr��t���err,crt, thence 5����t��
E�5° East, aloi�c� liic i�Jartll liiie oF L'sn;t (� �a��di a� C. ot � df Paulso►�', Rc���ranc�ei�i�,�t For 63 .0 fc:�t
to tlie poi�it of be�iinninc� . , _
� � � . ��
. � � . . .
�/�rlrC�l 2.5 --- . . , 197� !sac�e ed t!» rov�rt dcsu�be S-ole: 1 ir.ch -.--- ------feM
1ha�fcy terfi�y 1ho1 OrN�-'.- --_ _.' - 1 P Y :� , '
obove end ihdl 1he c6ova plaf is>o��currrct rr.presentvii:.n oi sand wr�eX. /� . ;f' �(ndka'e;�1co����•.r,�r.:ont. �
. i-'•�.: /, . � i:' . .
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, ' , .
. r •
, � .
J `
� �
8 65, 770 Exh. A-1 `r` Commercial to C Residence
13 47,084 Exh. A-2 � Commercial and Light Industry
to C Residence
27 99,271 Exh. A-3 B Residence and Commercial
to C Residence
40A 166 , 700 Exh. A-4 �' B Residence and Commercial
to C Residence
40B 24, 375 Exh. A-5 �- B Residence to Commercial
57 16 , 822 Exh. A-6 �' Commercial to C Residence
65 522,628 Exh. A-7 -� Commercial and B and C Residence
to C Residence
103 99,358 Exh. A-8 : B Residence and Light Industry
to C Residence
170 13,658 E�. A-9 y Commercial to C Residence
178 14, 772 Exh. A-10 �,Commercial to C Residence
184 14, 739 Exh. A-11 �r'Commercial to C Residence
185-188 31, 735 Exh. A-12
through A-15 ; B Residence to Commercial
203 99, 473 Exh. A-16 1 B Residence to C Residence
229A 41, 927 Exh. A-17 �:� B Residence and Commercial
to C Residence
1,233, 947
or 28. 3 acres
E � �os�s.9.��
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i� 1'lu�ri�• 7:;;-1'i•F:S Rcs.: 21 FI E:ist :ith :�ttR..,.. �
! tit. Naul. Minn. 55r1i1�
� Cl{i.: 1�111 Still��,�trr :��r.�it�r..I
ISt. P:wl, �linn. 551:l� _ �
; La�{�e and Lcand �urveying Co. .
WARREN I. FORSBERf3, Registered Land Surveyor �
�ir.,��:t,�•,+, :�.: PARCEL 40 A . . . . . . _ - - _ —
� Ali that part of Lots 1 ,2 and 3 Block 73 and of Lots I ,�,3,4, 5,6,8,9-aiid 10 Elock 70 ai�d I
' of Lot 5 E lock 6 9 and of the �East 40.0 feet of ;Lot 1 , a l l nf Lot 2, and tite East 6 7.73� feet of I
; _
Lots 3 and 4 of Block 90,and of Block 91 all in West St , Paul Proper, ai�d mf v�ic�ted Clinton Street I
I .. � r.�.Y'. I
i �nd of vacated Greenwood Street and of vacated Winifred Street and of vacated� Robie Street that is
� encomuassed by t��e followiny descri'�ed li�►e; Co�nmei�ci►�c� at the Northwest eorE��r of Block 67 of
I -
West St . Paul Proner thence Nortl� 89"45'30`" 1PVest, �lor�g tf�e South line of Coc���ress Street, for
; 73 ,00 feet to the Vlfesterly Ric�l�t oF Way of ihe Cliirtoii Rol�ie �onnection as opened, tl�ei�ce South
� '
� 0°25'30" East, alonc� s��id Ri��ht -of-llVay, for 40,3�3 feet, tf�ence to the left on <-� curvc I»vinq a
� Delta A►�c�le of 44°lf3'30" ind :� radir�s of 211 .95 Feet for �n arc distance of 163 ,91 feet tlience
� - �
' Soutl� 44°44' East for �II .52 feet to tlye Nort�� �i�,e of Wii�ifre� Street, �nd also heiny the point of
�; hec�in��inc� of tl�e line to '�e descri!�cd, thc�ece INa�b� �9"45'30" West, alo�iy s�iid North line, for
220 ,�,2 feet, t��e��ce Sout�� 0 2S`30'° E�st, p�:�r�ellel [o tl�el,Vest line oF Cli��toi� Street for 137,0 �
feet, thence South 46°02'S7" West for ."',�� #��t to ��t ��oi�it on tl�e Northerly li�re of Concord Street !
� i
� as widened, said point !�eiiic� 120 ,0 feet Sout��easterl,� of the intersection of the�s��ic1 (Vortherly lii�e �
of Concord Street and the South lit�e of 1Ni��ifred Street, t►�ence South 45°54'23" East, ��IQi�q the �
said Northerly line, for 623 .28 Fcet, ther�ce So��ti� 73°14'30�' East for 32 .25 feet to the Westerly I
Iine oF State Street, thence Nortli 26°0£3' East, aloiici said E��sterly line, for-'��;9 ,25 feet to the
1 A�i�bY cNl({y M�f fhti lurr y. Ol�n or r�po[L.,Mra� pr• ��d b� nN p rd�r wA dir�N WO��rI►ion •
and /F�f I •m • dvl� R�pi r�d l�nd So�.ryer tlnd• . ���. d H. S�N�d M7�n��oN.
� ,/�ir��y �! �t'.,,. s�-�
Slannd:.. ._��/ �+(..1`. - - -- - — _ _
o.�. DCC . �'1 � 1') 73 _ �.a No 4�i40 _ � s..,..��:���� r,.�.
p- IeUI�.��� Iroe Monurn.nl �
$!1r`t�l 2 U(��
._ � . . . . .
. ' .
. _. ,
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� • _..
---__.. ---- -
_ --
- --
_ lt<•x.: 2111 East :�th .''1Rrrrt
}��u�nC �:i:)-'�:4'�•; St. Paul. V(iun 5�i;11�
OIT.: 1�1 1 Stilh�att•r .���,t�w•
� 5�. P:�ul, `tinn. 55a�};►
Lake and Land Surveyin9 Co•
WARREN i. FORSBERG, Registered land Suror�yor �
� ����,���t���i :�,: PARCEL -40 - - �
� Southwesterly Ric�lit of-W�y of tl�e s�id Ctinto��-R�ol��e Co+��►ection, tlrenae Nort�� 64"�}�' West, aloitg
f • .
; said Ric�ht-of�'Vay for 32 .�2� feet, thence to the ri�a}�r o�� a curve h.�v'r�u�;� Delt,i Ans�le.of 20"00'00"
,`; ai�d a Radius of 488 .70 feet for an Arc distance o� 1 �80 ,59 feet, tl�er�a� Nortl� 44"?�4' West for
� i
` 300 .55 feet to the poi�►t of l�e��innii�c�. :
! Afl that �art of Lot Seven (7), Block Seventy (70) , V9�A�.�tt St . P���I Proper,, accordiny Eo�tl�e plit
; thereof on File and of record in tlie office of the Re��istc�r�ff Deeds witl►in ����1 for the said� ouiity
; toyether witl� that part of vacated Winifred Street, lII Iyl0erC1 North of the Easterly cxte��sia,� of the
i - ISouth line of said Lot 7 �nd West of tlie Westerly linc «ff a strit� of land si�xt�� -six (66) feet in
� �i
� widtli, beinc� tliirty-three (33) feet on e.�cl� side of t!�e iol�lov�in�� descri!�ec� lir�e: Co�n�nenci�\i at tl►e i
�' intersection of the center lii►e of Clinton Avenue and tl�� ��it�► li��e of Coi��c�ress Street , t'ie��ce Sout�� '
j 0°25'30" East zloi+y t�ie s�iid ce��ter li��e of Cli��to�� A�en�+c f��r F��rtr t�*0) fcet , t!�e���e t_� t��c I^ft nn i
� a curve h�vin� a r�dius of one hu�,dred seve��ty-�iul�t a��d ni�►ety fi�e !���i�clreclt'�s (1 7�' ,`� '�) feet, ��i� I
� intersection ai�gle of 44"l�i'30", for ai� arc ciistanc.e af one ���iF��lreci thirtv-einht in�1 tl�irtv ni��e j
f�uncfredths (138 .39) feet, tliei�cc Soiit�� 44" 44' E�zstt 'fc�r t��rcc �►undre�l cig��tv -��ii�c .�i�d seven ��""�` I
� �
I redths (389 .07) feet,_ thence to the left oi� -� curve 'hrnvuir�xi �i radi�is �f fo��r !iiindrec! fifti Fi �e ���'d i I
I' severrty hu��dredths (4 55 .70) Feet, a►� i��ter5ecliam ,��ntcii�e qf ?_0"0' , for .��� ,ir�� c1 ist,ince of �ne ��ii��dre�f !
! fifty-nine and six hur�dredths (159 .06) (cet, tl�ei,��� ���t�� b4 �44' E.tst 'fc�r.t��irtv -tlirce ,����� t'�irty -
i . � r�d m• or vnA�r � ��N�•�l�inr
I Mr�b�r c�rNfr M�f fhi� w.+��. Ol�n p• r�1�T�r�� P
� �ed Maf 1 •m • dul� Il�qiyf�.�d 1�nd Sw�tlw w�A M. u ol Ih• SrN• o� MMM�wrnN�
'/' ;.�J`✓j9' � �.: -'�i.3 . ./-� � .
Siqn�d. _� _ � /1 A ,q
T7 •;is`t'Q ���1• 1 In.A I�d
O�1('. . 21 � 1 (� /J ��� No � (1 iwdt.wl.� 1.5w Mewum.wl
DaM . .. ����.� �j fl� �1
. . . F
1, .
• `
, .
. ,� '
, � .
- �•
_ _ _ _ _
� -- . .
Ph��nr i:t:i-a:i F:i
Iles.: 21-f1 �:ast :ith StrPrt
St_ Paul. .Ninn. 55119
O(i.: l�i l Sti�fl�,:►trr A�c�r�u•
tit. P:uil."':�tinn. 55119
Lake an�d Land Surveying Co.
WARREN 1. FORSBERd, Registered land Surveyor
����k•���h<•�� ��.: _ PARCEL _�.40 - - - - -
I three luindredths (33 .33) feet more or less to tf�e West line of Stnite 'Street and;t�t+e�re ter�nin<�tir�g, said
ter�rii.i�atii�g be�rin� and point beiny two (2.0) Feet So��thwesterly �ff tl�e center lirae�of Rol�ie Strect,
as platted ad�acent to Elock 15 of Be(I's Addition, �extei►ded Nort`iwesterly to the ���id West line of I
; �
�vacated Sf�te Street, ��ccordinc� to the plat tl�ereof mu� file �ind of recori� in tl�e office of the Rec�ister j
' i
�of Deeds i�� and for said Ra��isey County, said 1�es���y Iinc intersects tFie Nortli line oF said Lot 7 at !
' I
a point that is 43 .53 feet West of the Northeast �c,�m���r of said Lot 7 a4rcf t�ie E�st li��e of s�-�id .Lot 7 �
at a point tliat is 10 ,42 feet North of the Sout9»�1t cc�c�rner of s.iid Lot 'I aiid the E��scerly exterasion
ioF the Soutl� line of said Lot at a point that is 13��A#r� �eet East of the S�uthe.ist corner oi said Lot 7 .
iThe West fiky-six (56) feet of the E�st i�i��et�-si�c((�.6) feet of Lot or�e ;�l), �lock Ninety (90) of
� West St . Paul, �ccordiny to the plit the�eof oR� �II� �t�nd of record in tlie nffice of the Re��ister of Dceds
; withiri ��i�d for s:�id County.
AND ALSO � _ �
The West forty-tliree (43) feck of the East oi3e 'fa�i:�,yred Tliirty-��ii�e (139�) fecc of Lot one (l), Block ;
Ninety (90), W�st St . P.���I, .�ccordi���i to t'te pL� IUh�ercof ou fi le ii�d oirrecor�f ii� thc oFfice of tlie �
; Re��ist�r of Deeds witl�i�� �iiid for s.iid Cour�y . i
� AND AL50 �
Lot one (1), Bfock Ninety (90), West St. Pa�rl� ex�nt the E�st oi�e I��ir�dred t►�irty-nine (139> fcet
I Mr�by urflfy fAe1 Ihif turv��. Ol�n er r�po.� r�s pr�p qr T� a rwdk �II� eI���A1 �P�nbioe .
and M�f I am • d�l� R�qtifa�d L�nd Su,+•��• whr ��.n s�1A� S��f� �i �p. .
/ . .r
�� �
s�a�.a:..__�-l',�u:'�.�G_ �.!� ��'F_ _ _ ._ . . __ �
,� •
Dec; , 21 , 1��73 4�p40
Dat�- — —�- � . ��q. No_ .. .. .... . . t.��., 1 In.A 1��1
O Indl[�b�:l+iw �Iswvw����
- ��!��� � .Q' �t�
. . _ .. � , • , . � . . . � . . . � .
r ,
• _.. �
. `
� •
. � • .
_ _ . _._ - - �.
Ph��nc 7:{:�-}3�:i itc�.: 2111 I::+at itli tiU�-rt �
�t Panl. �Ninn. 5511� '
nfT.: l.`►Il Still��a�1•t :\��•nur
Si. Paul. \linn. 55119
Lc�ke and L�nd Su�veying Co.
WARREN I. FORSBERG, Re�istered Land Surv�yor
���•W ��i,�•�i :,.: PnR CE L =40 - - - - - - = - - -- -.. _ . _ �.
ithereof, �-�i�d also exceut that uart thlt lies So+ith�ve5terly oF a line dr�.�+i� pariltel to,���d twenty (�X)) I
� �;
� feet Northeisterly fro�n t!�e Nort��easterly li!►e of Co��cord Street, accord:ing to the pl7t thereof ori E�e i �1
� - � ' i
; and of record in the office of the Re��ister of Deecis v�itl�in ,�nd for said County .
� �
� Those parts of Lots Tliree (3) and Four (4) i�i Bla�,k �ia�ety (90) of West `St . Pac�l ,that lie North-
e�sterly of a line dra�v�� u��r��llel witl� a��d t�n�e��ty (20'9 �eet Northeasterly fro�n tl�e Northeasterly li�ie
oF Coi�cord Street, �s for�ncrly I�id out in the City of S,aint Paul, ii�d Wes�t of �-� line drawn parallel
jwitli and sixty-seven ��nd sevei�tY-t!�ree hiindrecitlis (67.73) feet West fro,n the East liije of s�id Block
, .
�Ni�iety (90), �ccordinc� to tlie t�l��t thereof on file ����d of r�cord in the offic;e of t�ie Rec�ister of Deeds
�witl�in ��i�d for s��ici Co�i�►ty .
; . ,
; '��
; - -
I h�r�b� urlil� fh�f Ihit 4�•�Y. P��n o� hfPOrt r�f r Pand�{ m• a ued�r �.r dkstf wP�rri�ion '
•nd 1Aa1 I am • duly ��i�t�r�d L�nd SuI`►{�ur u rA• i�t ol Ih• Staf• ol Y'�aed1+. . . '
! ' �
. � . i
� �i. ,, • � , l•.,. �
SIQn�d:__ .__ � _..L� _L'�.�w � . _ .: _: _ -. - _._ .- - - --- �
ar� . ?1 , 1<��j 4u 4a
ON�. . .. .... . �•q. No. ._- �— - Sc�l�: 1 in�A . _ .. _ . h��
_ J—Ind�uati �ron•Monum�n�.
Slicct 5 �� 5 �
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� Rcs.: 21�i �:ast :itli Stre•c� ,
Phc�ne i �:i-�:i�}3
St. Paul. Minn Sil l?
(�fl�.:. 1911 Stilh�atrr .�v�•nu[• '
tit. !'.aul, \tinn. 55119
Lake ancl Lc�nd Surveying Co.
WARREN I. FORSBERG, Registered land Su�veyor
���•�<���;i��•�� :�s: _ See sheets 2,3 ar�d 4 of 4 _ _ . _ - - - - - - - - _ --------
�---73.0.�. - . N 89°4��30��W
� . '� :W
� �� �W COHNER
I / /O J� ; �a i BL OCK 6�
y '7 0�
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� I� ----- - ------ ------- --- ______._-----
j �6°24'20'
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R_ 211.95
; � � t : 6p.56 2
2 � 9 '
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1 h���by'urlify thaf fhi� wr•�Y. Dj�p a ��0?�t ��+ pr��r�d b� or rwdar my dir�tf �uparisio�
•nd Mal 1 am • d�lr R'giiNr�d Land Suw��or and����h• 1�w fk� St�f� of Minn�sol�. ' `
� ; . f
stqn.e: .----��-�/,-r%�. .._.:' �,.�`�''� c�..� -- —----- --- --�--- —-- � � .
Da1e. lJ��. I�� �(� 7 J R•q. No._ `t� ''� " Sa+A!�: I inch 5 4' . _ hd
.. . ._-_ ____ . ._ _ ._.� ... . _ __- -- �--�—�----'
.p-.Indiul•� Iron Monum�ef.
R 37 / 24, 375 S� FT / 40 B � Shc��t Il ��f 4
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Ph�ine 7:i:i-434:� , Res.: 21�1�1 F..ast :ith Sireet
St.t'Paul, !�tinn. i:5�J 9
O(t'.: 1911;Still��atc�� :\�rnue
St.YYaul, �tinn. 59.1J9
Lake and Land �urvey�� Co.
WARREN I. FORSBERG, Reyistered land Surv�e-�dvr
Si_'R�'F,l' E(�R: _ — - -. _-- -----
c1�•srrihrcl a�: - .. - - - -- — - - — - — -- — - - - - - -- - -- - - -
i Ali tfiat nart of Lot 6, Block 66 and of Lot 5, Block 6� of West St . Paul Proper and of .vacated
� �
, .
� Clinton Street ad�acent thereto that is encompassed by �i�e followiriy described line; Co��amenciny
: at tl�e Northwest corner of said Block b7, thence North ��°45'30" West,:�long the South (ii�e of
i .
' Conyress Street, for 73 .00 feet to the Westerly Right-a�-�INay of the CLINTON-ROBIE �ONNECTIO
I as opened, thence South 0°25'30" East, alony said R ic�l�-of-Way, for 40 ,38 feet, theyice to the
I . , -
� left on a curve h�vinq � Delt�� Anr,le of 44°18'30" and �z �adius of 211 .g5 feet for an arc distance
, of 163 .91 feet, tl�ence Soutl� 44�44` East for 17.75 fret, to the uoir�t cff beyi��niny oF►t.he lirie �
i ,
� to be described, thence coi�tir���i,�g Sotit�� 44°44' East fur 70 .77 feet to tlte Nort!� line of VVi,�ifred i
i � �
� Street, thence North 89°45'30" West, aloiig said Nortli �line, for 229 .12 �feet, t�ience North 0° I
: 25'30" West, n�rallel to tl�e East li��e of said Lot 6, for 50 .07 feet to the North line of saici Lot
i ,
� 6, thence South 89"45'30" E�st, alony said North line, for 179 .6� feet to tl�e uoint ci� !�ec�i,�r�iny ,j
� PARCEL #1 : The East o�ie l�undred (100) fect of Lot Seve�� (7), Block �ixtv-six (f�6) , "West �
St . Paul Proper ", accordii�y to the recorded pl��t there�if, toyCthCr with tlT�tt pdtt of vac�ted Clintoi� �
i , i
' Street lyiny bet�veei� the Eastcrly extensio��s of the No�tt.�a and South lines. �:f siid Lot 7 anci West of '
the �Nesterly lii�e of ,� strip of l.iiid sixtv-six (66? feM i�� ,vidt'�, !,ci.�c� t'�iriy-t!�ree (33) fcet on e��cl� '
sicfc of t`�e fual���vii��; descri!�ed line: C��� �: iei.cir�u �t �°Ec i;der��ei:ti�n uf t'�� ce�.ter li�ie� di Cliriton �
1 h�r�bY c�Hil� fFN Ihit wrv�K pl.n or r�DO�I rh P��p •d bY m or und�r m� d�r�c� wp�rri��nn
and Mal I sm • dul� R�qi�i��d Und Sw•��m rnd�� ���� o��� SIN• of Minn�.o91• .
/ , .
SiQn�d:_.... _+.._ �.;,.. �'1�.: .�_ . ��� _ .r ... �- - - �
DN•. ... _ - OeC . ��� � 1 73 . ��q. No. ��"FO Su�•- 1 inch . •"1��1
_ . _. .. O .�nd�c�e�• I.er�MAon�T�er
Sllc.*irt 2 �)f 4
► � ' • • • :
Y '
� .
- - -- _ _ . ----- -- - --- --- ----�-------
� . - - --•--- --------
I Phune i:i:i-�;i�}:i lle�.: 21-lI Fktst :�th Strcrt
tit. Paul. �lina 55119
(t7fl'.: 1911 Still��•atc•r :���•r�u�
Si. P:iul,'�tinn. 5511!�
Lake and Land S�rveying C�.
WARREN 1. FOR58EttG, Regis�ered Laed Surveyor
st_��t��F:�' Nc»i: _ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT A�T� dDRlTY #40 B
- - - -- - — -- _ _ _ --- -
- -- -----
( �1ru rilN•�i .�c:
;and the South line oF Conc�ress Street, thence Soi�t;t� 0"�'25°�3D"' ���st aloii� the said center li�ic of
Cli��tor� Avenue for forty (40) Feet, thence to tlie le#� onr � aumx� !h►��.�inq � radius �of one h�u�dred sevei�ty
eiuht ;�nd nir�ety-fi�,re hundredths (178 .95) Feet, �rn prtr�t�ii�m :�a�gle of 44°18'30'; for an �rc
dist��nce of one hui�dred thirty-eiyht and thirtyl�ia��e ?In�uih,�'hts ;(1�8 .39) feet, thence South 44°
' 44' East for three hundred eiyhtv-nir�e �►nd seve�e fi�u�r�cdlt�ttsi(38�.0� feet, thence to thc left on
i a curve having a radiiis of four huiidred fiFty-fi�e at� ���r��rtty;hur�drredths (455.709 feet, an it�ter-
section anc�le of 20°00', for.an arc distance of ar� !h.u,nxMr�e�f ff'ifty -+nine and six liu�idredths (159 ,06)
fcet , t!iei�ce So��tl� 64"44' E�ist fort��irtr�tl�ree .�iixal .thi�y-�t►ree hu��idredt!is (33 .33) fect ��iore or less �
, to t�ie Wcst line of State Strect ,���d t!�ere terz�ioaa�imKCiN �ari�dl��er�nin�ting hearinr� ,�i��{ point beiny two I
(2 .0) (eet So+�th�vesterl of the center lir�e of R�-hi� ����tt,, �� platted .idi��cent to Glock 15 of Eell's '
� �
' n�i�i�t�����, extended Nortl�westerl: to tl�e s.�id 1�19est Na�rne c�ff ��un�mc�ii State Street, �ccordi►�y to the pl.�t !
; there�f oi; file ��nd of record in the office of tl�e R�R�ist�r :mfl' � gn ��nd for s��id R��rnse r County .
T��e �hove descrihed lir�e !iere�iRer to !►e known as 8iaq� °'',A,'"� tt'�►� ���id Westerly line heii�A oii �� curve
t!��zt intcr5ccts the E�isterlY exte�►sion of t��c North iine of saiidl L�t 7, 37.90 feet East of tlic North- I
er�st corner of s.�i�i L•ot to � r�oint on the t.�n�,er�t of sa�d cu�e� �►��t is 79.63 fe�t E�st of the.=Soutl�east
ccir��er �f �,�i� Lot 7 .i� ne.�si�rec! .+I�,i�ci t!�c� Fn�terly extC«� irxx o�f t�ie Sout�� liiie of said l_ot„ I
n LSO �
PARCF= L � 2: Tlie E:�st oi�c I►u��dred (100) fcet of L�t Eiv�it tfi), Clock S�ixc��-six (66), °�West
� A�.�F�. ,...tl� Ms� �ht. �al.•� n�.. �� •�no�l ��. p/��rw��A b� T• o� ��nd.� m� J{r.t1 wV+�daon
��.1 �F�� � •... � �u4 �.01(l..f.1 I.�nA i�..v��n� �in.�p �A� ytI ,.1 Ih• SN�• .d Min����.1�
S:an�A-.. _. . , '� . . .� � �'.� ,.' a r ., .- .
O��• I�l�(� � c� L I • ,, I.� ��� No �`V��V Yrd• I �ncA _ . . �}��1
O� In.licr��� I.oe Mt�wm�wv
Sli�,ct 3 �uF �
� • • • •
► -
Ph�,ne 7:;;>--}:i�:i Ites.: 21 �I F,ast :ith �Street
St. Paul, Minn. SSI)9
'C�f�.: 191I Still�.at�•r :\��enu<• !
S�. F'aul, \[inn. .551'19 i
� Lake and Land Sur�ve in �o. �
y �
, • WARREN 1. FORSBERG, Regisfe�ad Land Surveyor
des�•rilx•d a�: —
St . Paul Proper", according to the recorded ulat thereof, toc�eth�r, witi� that part. of v�-� c��ted Clir�ton
iStreet lyi�iq between the Easterly e�dtensiot�s of the Nort►� znd Svi�th lines of s�ad Lot 8 and West of
' the Westerly line of a strit� of larid Sixty-six (66) feet i�� width, �;�ie centerfine,of which is the above
� described line "A", the said Westerly line t�ei�ic� on a ctirve th�t i�ntersects the Easterly extension of ` _
; the North line of said Lot 8, 15.63 fcet East of the Northenst cc�ri�er of said Lot B and the E�sterly I
jexte��sion of the South li��e of said lot 8, 37,90 feet East r�f the Southe��st corner of said Lot £3 , I
, , _
, .
j - ` ��
i �
� �
� �
( �
� �
i . �
I -
; .
� �
I A�t�by Nrti1� Mtl fhi� Wrv�y. plsn or r�por� MN o�.p+r•7 b� rn� or rnd�r m� dlr.c� wP��•n;..n
•nd M�f 1 •m a dulY � qitNnO l�ed Su...��� rwd�r �h i..� u� 1b• 5���• ol Minn.��f� ' .
SipMd:._ _�� _..��_ i: _, /.,, J ' .
�/.t . i ��'
,.,. _ Dec. 21 , 1�)73 �} ,/�
��p Nn V`T� S.�i• 1 i�.F
r� Iwlll.�k.� I�..w M...�..w..w� '
'_ �l�l('/`.t � 11� '4
. - --.�-+as.
.. . , . _ . . ... . . � ,. ,. .. . . . .
r----^� .
I';.r�n�• ' �- 1 �; � ?I�I I�:. �rt•. Strrrt
�t f':�,�i. V:nr.. ;cj;',
L��e a�� ���� ��r��r����� �o.
WARREN 1. FORSBERG, E:egistered Lund Svrveyar
S�'�t��t:l l c��z:__fiQU_;_11,� l�tip R�DE;V.�:LQPil14:�N1 AU7ffGRlT'Y OF ST . PAUI., .
,��•��►;1,�•,; :�; l,�ts I?, i>, ��}� I; ,�� �� IC�, i�l��cl< 10 �;f Cl�cks G, 7,,"','�, 10, II, f2, I�i, ;��c'_���, �'r��l?s'�t_
Platc.���, c:�cceut t!�e N:;rt�,eri, S.0 fec}t t��er�e:�( �3� cf s��i��ect t� Cui.corcl �;tr��et .
. �
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CE"nTIFIC6.TF O� ;i:R4T'i
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'�I`j�,�'., `�"i , ,I sirveyed ihe pro��.,ity dcs:.�bed / SC:IIPf 1 inch �0
I hareby rert�.fy ti,ot on 19 ��- . .- ..f�et
a�?ov� �:od t�c'fhe cbJVe• 0I�1 �s c corrr.,-_� ;epresen��li�n of s:n..! wrvey / f /' Q--�}n.1l�utes Iron Mpn�::�enl. .
F S�p�.ed ��l� � '_ . "_ _ �/ �/` .. 1� . t '
5�° 16, ;2?_ . 5�� . F. . ' -
• EXH. A-6 PARCEL 57
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2l41 E.Sch Srrea
Yh��ur;735-4:i43 j,AKE � I,AND $URVEYING �ObiPA1Y �. P1,�'• Minn.
� SSI'�
M�ARREN I.FORSBE4G.R�yiit�nd lond Survya
. �
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� .►.r...a Nir w»r..��rlr�......s r.f..�Mr r..1r.wwr �_ �a4 � r/l _ TJQ N� . .
"""��E���''� �if �-' s� --- Sheet 1 of 2
R3 7/99 3 F � � /
--__:•____._----�-�--�--------- _T.__�___��
_ _��.�-...8:,_PARCE�..�143.-
.i.° . . . . . . ,. . .
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• V ' --- - - - - - .�.....,.�._...._.... � i� . .
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sl�i E.S�n k...�
�""�`�� LAKE & I,AiV'D $URVEYING COhiPA�11f �P=°� �'�°� i
WARRFN 1.iORSBERa.: ssiis �_
. .�a..a��a s,�.,b,
Commencing at the Southwesterfy caner of Lot five (5), Block eigtateen (18), West St,.�auil fProper, thenee�sterly f
forty-five(E'ly 4� feet alonq tE�e Southerly line of said lot; thence Northerly and at riqht�n��s to said line a�qd par-
all�l to the Weskerty line of said Lat sever�ty�ne and ninety-three(�1.9� feet; thence Notthv�sterly fiRy�ighi and
forty-five hundredths (NW'iy58.453 feet to a point on the Westerly rne of said lot; thence Southerly along tt�e�Nllest-
erly line of said lot one hur�rec! ei4ht aad sixty-six (I08.66) feet more or less to the place of beginr.ing.
; .
AND 4 -;
The South one hundred sixty(S.I60) feet of Lot six(6), Block eight�en (28) excevt that patt thereof owned and oc-
cupied by the Chicago, Gr+eat Westem Railway for the riyht of way, in West St. Paul, according to the record�d plat �
[hereof on file and of record in tF�e office of the Reyister of Deeds in a�d fa said Ramsey Cour�y.
Al! that part of Lots 1,2,3,6,7,8,9 and 10, Block 20, and of Lots 4 and 5 Block 18, West St, Paul Proper,:and - {
of vacated Colorado Avenue arx!vacated Greenv�ood Avenue that is eneorrnpassed by the following described line;t$e-
ginning at the Sau[hwest carner of Lot b of said Bloc;c 20, tnence South 89°22'37" East, along the South lin�af
said Lot 6, for 190.0 feet to the cerNer of vacated Greenwood Avenue, thence due North, alon9 said centerline, for • -
110.0 feet, thence South 89-22'37" East for 40.0 feet to the East l���e of Greenwood Avenue, thence due North, �
alony said East (ine, for 71.25 feet, thence North 50'24'27" West far 204,73 feet to the North line of vacated
Colorado Avenue, thence North 89V22'37"�Vest, alor�q said North line, for 72,21 feet to the East line of Lot 4 �
of said Block 18, thence due haRh, alonq said East line, for 45.13 fePt, thence North 50'18'21" �Vest for 71.48 �
feet,to a Doint that is 5.00 fieet t'lest of the East line of Lot �"said.�aock 18, thence due South, parallel to said �
East line for 90,19 feet to the Nartt� tine of vacated.+Gotorado Avenue,�hence North 89°22'37"West, alonq said �
North line for 95.0 feet to the Southwest cwr.er of Lot 6 oE said Block 18, thence due South for 60,0 feet to the +
Northwes[c ner of Lot 1 oF said 6tock 20, thence South 89°22'37" East, alonq the North line of said �ot 1 for
50.0 feet,�ience due South for 1I5.0 feet, thence South 89°22'37" East for 100.0 feet to the West line of
; Lot 8 said 3{ock 20, t4ience doe Souti�, alony t#+e�Vest (ine of Lots 6,7 and 8 said Block 2�, for 135.0 feet to '
the poir.t of beginning, also ali that qart of vacated Clirrton Avenue that is encompassed by the �ollowing described !
line, beginning at the Southwest comer�f Lat b or said B(ock 2�, therace due North, along the 1�Vest line of said '
Lot b, for 150,0 feet, thence Pitarth 38°24'S9"West for 64,37 feet,to the cerrter line of vacated Clirrton Averwe, �
thence due South, along said cencerline for 200,0 feet to the North line of Cobrado Avenue, thence South 89°22'37"
Eas[, atong said North line, for 40.0 feet to tbe poird of beginning. E
� ,
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• i
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R3 7.'99 3 58 i= - ` Sheet 2 Of 2
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2141 E. Sch Screec
f'n�:•r; ;;5-�34� j,AIiE & j,AND SURVEYING �OMPAVY
S�. Paul, Minn.
. WARREN L F085BERG,Rapiatvad Land Surveyw
Described,as: The Southerly '�ok Lots 2 and 3 Block 25, of �rowi� and Jacksons Addition�to lNest St. Paul, accor-
din9 to th¢ recordecl Ulat tliereof er,cept the �1lesterly 25.25 feet of said Lot 3 and also except the Easterly 65.25
fcet oF said Lot 2 ar�d also sub�ect to Concord Street. .
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Pllone 7?S-4.i93 2141 E. Sth Strcet
St. Paul,:ltinn. ��119
' _ Lak� ��� ���dl S��v����� Ca. ' � �
WARI�EN t. �ORSB�RC, Registered Lond Surve�ar
SL'R�'1•:1' FOK:_�II-ll.S1l�1.G.AAI.t�_�.EQ�-V_E.Lp.P�1dEALIAllT_k�.QR1TY_.IIF �L.�All_L__- — —�
� descrihc�3 a;:—._Lots 1�3120, 21�n�.1__22L�lock 10 of Blocks 6�7,8�9 10, 11,12�13 ai�d 14, Prospect
P{ateau, except ti�e Northerly 5.0 feet tt�ereof and s«l�iect to Coi�cord Street.
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1 hereby ccrti4y thof on —__Mc�.C��l 2-�-__---_- . �97? I►urveyed th�property de ibed Sc le� 1 in:h -.. �-0�..__--.---.____f�Qt / ,
�' abow and ebot tne obow pinl ��o correct represenlotio�o(t�id wrvey. � _.�'�Indlco%i Iron Nu�nurne.d.
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� EXH. A-10 PARCEL 178
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2t41 E. 5th 5trnet
�•�.���c: 7���� I,AKE & I,AND $URVEYING CO�iPAYY s=. P=�,, Minn.
[ 55119
t WARRFN 1.FORSBERG,Rsyi�t�red Lond Survey«
� .
� Described As: Lots 6,7,8, and 9 inclusive, Block 9 of Blocks 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, and 14, Prospect
( Plateau, accordiny to the recorded plat thereof and subiect to Concord Street.
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Phor�r 73:i-43-�3 -----
• Res.: 2141 East ith S[ree[ I
St. Paul, !�finn. 551 l9
Ofl.: 1911 S[ill���ater .��cnur '
St. Paul, ltinr.. 55119
Q.a�e ��d �.a�d 5�:���ve���� ��. ,.
WARREN t. FORSSERG, RegisFered Land Surveyor
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��������E,�<i .,,: Lot 6�_ except tlie_V1!esterly 20,Q fe�k there�f and all_of Lot Z_of.. 114ARTIN ANp _ _ ___
ILIENAU'S RCARRA�IGEMENT of Lots 1 ,2,3,4, and 5, Block 16, GELL'S ADDITION to �Nest
St . Paul, Minnesota,, a�cordiny to the recorcled plat titereof. Sub�ect to easement over and �cross
� and upo►i the South �.0 feet of said premises for alley.
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i Mreby corfify Msf lhis s�rvay, p1�n pr report w�s I �
yaparod by m• or und�r my dired tup�nifion
and thal I am a dWy R�qisf�r�d •nd Swveyor uad��tJw I�ot fh� S� • o( Mion�W}�,
SiQned:__._.,-::..���� 'f� '� ��� _
-�r*�' '"�'� - ---
, D�fs___�!C__t_S 9-1�9 '
-------_.__. __ Rp. No._._�84� Stelr, 1 fntA_ ___�__�O._�__f.fN1
R 37! 634 3 � o—��d��.�.� �,�, M011YM.�IIt.
`� Sr , Ft . 185
. . EXH. A-12 PARCEL 185
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i---_-- ------- ---- ---------------------------__ __.. .__ ___ __ _------- -- ---__ _--------
Phonc i3,5-�},">�3 , Res.: 2141 East 5th Strert
5t. Paul, Minn. 55119
Off.: 1911 Stilhvater A�<•nue
' St. Paul, �iinn. 55119
L��� a�� �and 5�arv����g ��. ..
WARREN L FORSBERG, Registsred land Surveyor
. NOUS.1�11G AN_D REDEVELOPMENT �,UT_HOR_1T.Y___ _ _______ _ __,_ ___.—___—
SURVEl 1'nR: _ _ —._- ---- -
��rs{•�,��x.�� ;,�: Lot 5, except the Westerly 5.0 feet thereof and the Westerly_20 .0 feet of Lot_6 of �
�►A(�TIN AND LIE�!A�IJ'S REARRANGEMENT of Lots I ,2,3,4, and 5, Block I6, BCLL'S ADDIT-
i0N to Vl�est St . Pau��, Minnesota, a�ccording to the recorded p{�t thereof. Subiect to easement over
and across and upon the South 7.0 feet of said pren�ises for alley. Np �N
I' R 0 ff I E S T R E E T
� __ 50.0� __
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I Mr�by esrtif� Nu} Th1s wrrey. Dlsm,or nport w�t Pr�par�d by m� or und�t my dir�<f suP�rvision �
en6 tfia! 1 am a du!} R�Qiftor�d Li,ad.S�rrsyor unc�r ftt� . ,ota1X St�t• Minn�sota. I
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Slgn�d:_�,....».�.'::'^`=-_ys"_,.:.� _ _._ �
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' o,,. Oct . 19, 19 73� --_ - ---- �.q. N„ 8 40 s�.�.; I inch----�O------.f�ef
—"—-- '—" O—Indtutas Iron Mooum�nf.
__.R37/63��9--5cI•_Et .�_18h---------- ----- --------------------- -------------------_----____�_
. , EXH. A 13 PARCEL 186
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Phone 7;i;i.-}343 , Res.: 2141 F.ast 5th Strcet �
St. Paul, Minn. 55119 I
Off.: 1911 Still��•ater A�enu�
' St. Paul, Minn. 55119 (
L��e and Land �urd��a�g ��. ,
WARREN 1. FORSBERG, Registered land Survsya�
�if,��.,.;�,,,�� ;,,: Lot 3 , except the Westerly 25.0 feet thereof and �II of Lot 4 and the Westerly 5.0 feet
- - - - - _ - _ _ — -------- ----- -----
of Lot 5 of N1ARTiN AND LI�NAU'S REARRANGEMENT of Lots 1 ,2,3,4, and 5, Block 16,
! E3E(�L'S ADDITION to West S•t . P��i�i, Minr�esota, �ccordinci to the recorded plat thereof. Subject to
� e��sernent over and across �znd upo�j tlhe South 7.0 feet of s�id pren�ises for aileY.
� .
; . R 0 B I E S T R E E T
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I Asn6y tarfify Mst fhis furv�y, plan o: r�porl ras p��p�r�d by m• ot und�r my dirocl su0��'���on
i and Met ( am • du�y Reqist�r�d Land Sa�veyat 4n�r th� I�w� { 1he Ste1• 01 Mioe�sot�. _
f�Y% ��' ��r'�,.�
S3qn�d:_..:__' .= Jf,�f���`.rP;.l�=��.._�i'�_.__�i""�. '1�._tw'� _
� o.�, 0 ct _ 19'_19 73 . - --- � 0.sq. No._. 4 H`t O s�.�.: � ���ti 3� �«�
O—Indiuhf Iro� �/oeum�nl.
R37%6�49 Sc� . Ft .!I87
EXH. A-14 PARCEL 187
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� .
Ph��ne i:;:i-�:i��3 . Res.• 2141 East �ih Street
. St. i'aul, Minn. 55119
� O.fT.: 1911 Still��xter A��enue
I` 5t. Paul, Atina. 55119
l��� �nd Lae�d Su�v�yin� �o.
WARttEN t. FORSBERG, Regestered land Survsyor
�;�•��.�.�t�,,i ;,,; Lots 1 and 2 and the VVesterly 25.0 feet of Lot 3 of MARTIN AND LIENAU'S
REARRANGEMEMT of Lots 1, 2�3,4, and 5, Block 16, [3ELL'S ADDITION to West St . Paul,
A/linr�esota, accnrding to the recarcled plat thereof, Sub�ect to easement over and across and upon the
South 7.0 feet of s�id premises foi• �Iley .
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WA0.REN L FONSBERG,R•yic��nd Land Surwyw �
SurveY For. Housiny and Redevelopment Authority o(the City of St. Paul. •
Described as: All that part of Lots 1 thru l 0 i�iclusive, 61ock 39, West St. Paul Prouer�t��i rkacAted Delos Street
and vacated State Street adiacent to said Bloc,: 39 that is e��compassed by the followiny d�xit�d line: Be9inning
at the Southwest corner of said Block 39, thence South 89" 15' East, along the North li�tie:6f�Isnbel Street, for
290.0 feet to a point thac is 10.0 feet West of t!�e Southeast con�er of said Block 39, therlr;�S1u�North, narallel '
to the Wes[ line of State Street, for 30.0 feet, thence South 89'i5` East for 90.0 feet.toftiteEEast line of State :
Streec, thence Due North, alony said East line, for 154.59 fe�t, tl�ence No►th 50'15'WestfEmr�ia4.05 feet to
• the Nortfieast corner oF said Block 39, thence continuiny North Sf)-15"1�llest for 95.34 feet°bo a;noiin on the
North line of Delos Street that is 271.07 {eet VV�sterly of the AlontNaeast eorner of the Northv.rsEt 'i of Sec 8-T28N-
R22W, thence North 89°15'West, alonc, the North iine of said DeEns Strzet, for 126.69 fee�, to the S.E. cor-
ner of Lot 2, Block 19 of said West St. Piul Proper, thence Diue�ae�Uh f�b0.0 feet to the�S�uarth line of said `
Delos Street, thence North 89`15'West for 100.0 feet, to the�6�r�sd comer of said Blotk339, thence Uue � R
South, alony the West line of said Block 39, for 250.0 feet to iNrr�ai;+�.aE be9inninq.
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PARCEL 2�2g'-A:: All that part of Lots 1 & 2 Block 25, Brown ai;d Jacksons Addition to Wes�St. Paul and of Lots 1,
�a' 2,3,4 and 5,c�f Subdivision of Lot 1, Biock 25, 6rown and Jacsons Addition to West St. Paul and vacated Brown Avenue
$ thrt is encomt�ssed by the following described line: Commencin� �t the Northeast corner of s�id Lot 2, Block 25, thence
North 63° 3f.if'West for 65.00 feet to the point of beyinning of t��e lii�e to be described, thence Soutl� 63°30' East,along
� the South lif�of Robie Stree[, for 155.95 Eeet, thence South 17° O1' East for 80.62 feet, thence South 02°19' West,
! � aleng tlie c4mtgrline of vacated Brown Avenue fur 15b.29 feet, to the Northerly lii�e of Concord S�reet as widened, thence
� �; F�u�th 63° �6' West, aionc� said Nortt�erlY tine, far 239.14 feet, tlience North 29° 28' East, for 97.0 feet, thence North
� 63° 28' West for 46,75 feet, thenee t��xth 29° 28' East for 104,0 feet to the point of beginning.
� 61ock 25 Brown and Jackson's Addition
t�ARCEL 229-B: Described As: All tF�at�.et of Lot 2 of Subdivision of Lot l, ,
to VVest St�, Paul and vacated Brovsn.��enr.�tlhat is er�compassed by tl�e followinq descrihed line; Commencinq at t��e Pdorth-
e�sterly corner of said Lot 2 of 5u�c?i�is�6cmr c�f L� 2, thence NoRh 63° 30' West for 25.00 feet to the aoint of be��inning
of t1�e line to be described, thence S��Fn fl�`S 6��' E�3st for 80.G2 feet, thence Soulh 02° 19' West, along the ceirt.erline
of said vacated Erown Avenue, foc �5@'a.��b� tm�tt�e I�oKherly lii�e of Concord Slreet as widened, thence South 63°26'
East, alonq said Northerly Iine,far3Z'_�D�'�, tt���:e h�orih Q2° 19' East, alony the Easter{y li��e of vacated Brown Avenue
fer 169.991eet, thence Rortli 17'' ��' v���ast.IF�r63.�4 feet to ti:e Southerly li��e of Robie Street, tlience North 63'30'
^�� West, alony said Scw�"r�n•1'��Ma�e fa�3g.12 feet to the point of beginning.
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that it has searched the records in the Real Estate Division in the
office of the Register of Deeds and/or Registrar of Titles ,in and for
the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and from such search find
that the following are the last apparent record owner of:
1 The S. 86 feet (measured due N . and S. ) of Lot 1 , and the S. 86 feet
of the E ' ly 42 . 7 feet of Lot 2 , Block 1 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition
to St. Paul , Minnesota.
Apparent record owner: Doris E. Walter
2 Lot 1 and the E ' ly 42 .7 feet of Lot 2 , Block 1 , Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to St. Paul , Minn . , together with that part of Lot "D" of
said Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn . , which lies im-
mediately N. of Lot 1 and said E ' ly 42. 7 feet of Lot 2 , except the S.
86 feet (measured due N. & S. ) of said Lot 1 and the E ' ly 42. 7 feet
of said Lot 2 in Block 1 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn .
Apparent record owners : Raymond R. Varela and Hope Varela
3 Lot 3 and W. 5 .5 feet of Lot 2 , Block 1 , and that part of Lot "D" lying
N. of and ad�oining said Lot 3 and the W' ly 5 . 5 feet of said Lot 2 ,
Woodbury & Case ' s Addition to St. Pawl , Minnesota.
Apparent record owners : Joseph W. Fenton and Colleen V. Fenton
4 All of Lot 4 , and the E ' ly 10 feet of Lot 5, Block 1 , Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota , also all of Lot "D" in said Block 1 ,
abutting upon and lying immediately N ' ly of the two tracts of land here-
inabove described , and more particularly lying between the E ' ly line of
said Lot 4 produced N ' ly and the W' ly boundary of the E ' ly 10 feet of
Lot 5 produced N ' ly.
Apparent record owner: Joseph Goldberg
5 All of Lot 5 , except the E ' ly 17 1/2 ft. thereofBlock 1 , Woodbury and
Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota ; the E � ly 1 /2 of that portion of
what was formerly Harvard Street , heretofore vacated , abutting upon said
Lot 5 aforesaid , being all of what was formerly Harvard Street; and also
all of Lot "D" in said Block 1 abutting upon and lying immediately N ' ly
of the two tracts of land hereinabove described.
Apparent record owners : Robert W. Johnson and Helen D. Johnson ,
Block 1 ,
6 The W. 7 1 /2 feet of the E. 17 1 /2 feet of Lot 5,/Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota ; the E ' ly 1 /2 of that portion of what
was formerly Harvard Street, heretofore vacated , abutting upon said
Lot 5 aforesaid , being all of what was formerly Harvard Street; and also
all of Lot "D" in said Block 1 abutting upon and lying immediately N ' ly
of the two tracts of land hereinabove described.
Apparent record owners : Edward I . Henly and Gertrude B. Henly
7 The E ' ly 38 1 /2 feet of Lot l ,Block 2 , and all that part of Lot "C"
lying N. of and ad�oining said E ' ly 38 1 /2 feet of said Lot 1 , all in
Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota , together with so
much of Harvard Street vacated.
Apparent record owners : Leonard M. Feyen and Gloria M. Peyen ,
husband and wife
8 The W. 20 3/4 feet of Lot 1 and the E . 19 1/4 feet of Lot 2 and that part
of Lot "C" lying N . of said Lots 1 and 2 , in Block 2 , Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to St. Paul .
Apparent record owner: Olive I . Rindfleisch
' � � � �
9. The W. 10 feet of Lot 2 , Block 2 , and that part of Lot "C"lying N , of and
adjacent to said W. 40 feet of said Lot 2 and between the E. and W. lines
of said W. 40 feet of said Lot 2 , extended N. , all in Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Joseph Monsour and Betty Jane Monsour,
10. Lot 3 and the E ' ly 18 1 /2 feet of Lot 4 , Block 2 , Woodbury and Case ' s
Addition to Saint Paul
Apparent record owner : Nicholas Vitally
11 . The W' ly 40. 75 feet of Lot 4 and all of Lots 5 , 6 , 7 , and 8 and the E: 1 /2
of vacated street adjacent to said Lot 8, all of Lot "B" and the E. 1 /2
of vacated street ad�acent to said Lot "B" , and all of that part of Lot
"C" lying W. of the E ' ly line of Lot 3 extended N. across said Lot "C"
allin Block 2 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn . , and
Lot 1 and the W. 1 /2 of vacated street ad�acent to said Lot 1 , and Lot
2 , Block 3, Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn. , except the
S. 113.74 feet, sub�ect to alley. S. 113. 74 feet of the E. 45 feet of
Lot 2 , Block 3 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minn . ; and
That part of Lot 4 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30, St. Paul , Minn. S. of
the NE line of Lot 17 of said Subdivision extended SE ' ly across Lot 4
to the W. line of Lot 2 of said Subdivision and Which is N. of the S.
line of Lot 18 of said Subdivision extended E ' ly to the SW corner of Lot
2 of said subdivision
Apparent record owners : Riverview Memorial Hospital , Inc.
12 . Lot 3 , Anna M. Regner' s Subdjvision
Apparent record owners : Matilde M. Moreno and Helen M. Moreno
13. Lot 1 , Anna M . Regner' s Subdivision
Apparent record owners : State of Minnesota
14. Lot 2 , Anna M. Regner' s Subdivision
Apparent record owners : Walter G. Jones and Mary/Jones
15. All of Lot 4 , also that part of Lot 3 , lying N. of alley, and that part
of Lot A lying E. of extended W. line of Lot 4 , in Block 3 , Woodbury and
Case ' s Addition to St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Anthony J . Koury and Louise Koury
16. The W. 1/2 of the E. 2/3 of the N. 1 /2 of Lot 3 , Block 49, West St.
Paul Proper; and
The W. 1 /2 of the E. 2/3 of Lots 1 and 2 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Anna Kiwas
17. The E . 1/3 of the N. 1 /2 of Lot 3, Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper; and
The E. 1 /3 of Lots 1 and 2 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Said M. George and Anne George
18. The S ' ly 27. 75 feet of the W' ly 1 /3 of Lot 4 , and the W' ly 1/3 of Lot
5 , Block 49 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owner: Margaret Romo
19. The E . 1 /2 of the W. 2/3 of Lots 4 and 5 , and the S. 1/2 of the E. 1/2
of the W. 2/3 of Lot 3, all in Block 49 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Refugio L. Mendez and Frances Mendez
e. : � . � • a
20, The E . 1 /3 of Lots 4 and 5 and the E . 1 /3 of the S. 1 /2 of Lot 3 ,
Block 49 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Albirty Kingsley and Helen Kingsley
21 . The W. 50 feet of Lots 6 and 7 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Wm. F. Kopp Construction Co.
22 . The E . 100 feet of Lots 6 and 7 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Jess Soman
23. Lot 8 , � B.lock 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Efrain R. Gonzalez and Rose D. GonzalE
24. W. 1 /2 of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Victor D. Loredo and Elia H. Loredo
25 . E . 1 /2 of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 49 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn .
26 . The W. 1 /2 of the E. 2/3 of Lots 6 and 7 , and the W. 1 /2 of the � E. 2/3
of the S. 1 /2 of Lot 8, Block 50 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent r.ecord owners : Theo�dore t�. Rivera and Constance A.
' Rivera , husband and wife
27 . The W. 1 /3 of the N. 1 /2 of Lot 8 , and the W. 1 /3 of Lots 9 and 10 ,
Block 50 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Mildred Ringhand , a widowed person
28. The E. 2/3 of Lot 9 , except the P� . 30 feet thereof , and the N. 1 /2 of
the E. 2/3 of Lot �3 , all being 1n [31ock 50 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Gerald L. Zigan and Joan D. Zigan
29. Lot 6 , Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company
of Minnesota , Inc .
30. All that part of Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper, embracing all of Lot 7 ,
and a part of Lots 4 and 3 , particularly described as follows : Commencinc
at the E ' ly corner of said Lot 7 ; thence W. along the P�. line of Lots �
6 and 5 in said block , 82 .2 feet to a point ; thence NW ' ly parallel with
the SW' ly line of Concord Street , 84. 76 feet to a point ; thence at right
angles 57 . 01 feet to the SW' ly line of Concord Street; thence SE ' ly along
the SW' ly line of Concord Street 143. 97 feet to the place of beginning ,
Intending to include the following parcel of property :
All of Lot 7 and that part of the E . 70 feet of Lot 4 , alock 72 included
in the following description : Commencing at the SE corner of the inter-
section of Robert and Concord Streets in the City of St. Paul , Minn. ,
being the most N ' ly corner of Lot 1 , Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper, and
running thence S ' ly along the VJ ' ly line of said f3lock 72 , a distance of
80 feet to a point , thence SE'.ly along a line parallel to the SW' ly line
of Concord Street to the intersection of said parallel line with the
N ' ly line of Lot 5 in said Block 72 , thence E ' ly along the N ' ly line
of Lots 5 and 6 in said Block 72 to the intersection of said line with
the SW' ly line of said Concord Street thence in a NW' ly direction along
the SW' ly line of Concord Street to the place of beginning , all in
Block 72 , LJest St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owner : Robert L . Klingel
.: . . : . i �
31 . All that part of Lots 2 , 3 and 4 , Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper particu-
larly described as follows : Commencing on E. line of Robert Street
(which is also the W. line of said Lot 2 ) 80 feet S. of SE corner of
intersection of Robert and Concord Streets in City of St. Paul , Minn . ,
being 80 feet S. of most N ' ly corner of Lot 1 in said Block 72 ; thence
SE ' ly across Lots 2 , 3 and 4 on a line parallel to SW' ly line of Concord
Street to S . line of said Lot 4 , which point is 82 . 59 feet W. of SW' ly
line of Concord Street ; thence W. along S. line of said Lot 4 to E. line
of Robert Street ; thence N. along E . line of Robert Street to place of
beginning , excepting , however, the E . 70 feet of said Lot 4.
All of the E . 70 feet of Lot 4 , Block 72 , excepting therefrom that part
included in following description : Commencing at SE corner of inter-
section of Robert and Concord Streets in City of St. Paul , Minn . , being
the most N ' ly corner of Lot 1 , Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper, and running
thence S ' ly along W' ly line of said Block 72 a distance of 80 feet to a
point; thence SE ' ly along a line parallel to SW' ly line of Concord Street
to intersection of said parallel line with N ' ly line of Lot 5 , in said
Block 72 ; thence E ' ly along N ' ly line of Lots 5 and 6 in said Block 72
to the intersection of said line with SW' ly line of said Concord Street;
thence in a NW' ly direction along SW' ly line of Concord Street to place
of beginning , in Block 72 , West St . Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Minnie L . Christians
32 . All that part of Block 72 , West St. Paul Proper embracing all of Lot 1
and that part of Lots 2 and 3 particularly described as follows :
Commencing at the SE corner of the intersection of Robert and Concord
Streets in the City of St. Paul , Minn . , being the most N ' ly corner of
Lot 1 in said Block 72 ; thence SE ' ly along the SW ' ly line of Concord
Street 145 feet to a point (which point is 143. 97 feet from the most
E ' ly corner of Lot 7 in said Block ) ; thence SW' ly at right angles 57. 01
feet to a point ; thence NW' ly parallel with the SW' ly line of Concord
Street 88.88 feet to the E. line of Robert Street; thence N. along the
E . line of Robert Street 80 feet to the point of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Dick W. Watts and Anne C. Watts
33. Lot 3 , Block 71 , West St. Paul Proper and all that part of Lot 2 , Block
71 , West St. Paul Proper lying S ' ly of line described as follows , to-wit:
Beginning at a point on E . line of Block 71 , distant 77 feet S. from NE
corner thereof; thence running W. parallel with said N. line 91 . 7 feet,
thence SW to a point on NE ' ly line of Concord Street, as widened , distant
120 feet SE from the intersection with said N . line of Block 71 .
Apparent record owner: Alice Coury
34. That part of Lots 1 and 2 , Block 71 , West St. Paul Proper, described as
follows : Beginning at the NW corner of said Lot 1 ; thence SE ' ly 100 feet
along the SW' ly line of said Lots 1 and 2 ; thence NE' ly to a point on the
N . line of said Lot 1 distant 100 feet E. of the NW corner of said Lot l ;
thence W. along the N. line of said Lot 1 to point of beginning ; AND
All that part of Block 71 , Town of West St. Paul (West St. Paul Proper)
lying NE ' ly of Concord Street as widened and E ' ly of a line running from
a point on N. line of said Block 71 distant 100 feet E. from NW corner
thereof to a point on original NE ' ly line of Concord Street distant 100
feet SE from said NW corner; and lying N ' ly of a line described as
follows , to-wit: Beginning at a point on the E. line of said Block 71
distant 77 feet S. from the NE corner thereof; thence running W. parallel
with said N. line 91 . 7 feet ; thence SW to a point on NE ' ly line of Concord
Street as widened distant 120 feet SE from its intersection with said N.
line ofBlock 71 , excepting from aforedescribed tract the E. 91 . 7 feet.
Apparent record owners : Hawkeye Liquor Store , Inc .
35 . Lot 1 , Masek ' s Re-ar.
Apparent record owner : G. William Smith
: . : . • a
36 . Lot 6 , Masek ' s Re-arrangement of Lots 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10 , Block 89 , West
St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Albert H. Miller and Rose Miller ,
37. Lot 4 , Masek' s Re-ar.
Apparent record owners : Toby Bogles and Julia Bogles
38. Lot 5 , Masek ' s Re-ar.
Apparent record owners : John Mike and Betty Mike
39� Lot 1 , Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots 1 to 5 , Block 89 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Lawrence J . Cline and Hazel D. Cline
40. Lots 12 , 13 and 14 , Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3, 4 and 5 ,
Block 89 , West Saint Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
41 . Part of Lot 17 E ' ly of a line drawn from SW' ly corner of Lot 12 to a
point on N. ljne of George Street 44.88 feet E. from SW corner of said
Lot 17 , Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 , Block 89 , West
Saint Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : Lavern Howard and Clarice A. Howard
42 . That part of Lot 17 lying W. of a line drawn from the SW' ly corner of
Lot 12 of the following addition to a point on the S. line of said Lot
17 which is 44. 88 feet E. of the SW corner of said Lot 17 ; and all that
part of Lot 18 , Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 & 5 of Block
89 of West Saint Paul Proper , described as follows : Beginning at a point
on the S. line of Lot 18 of said addition distant 34. 3 feet E. of the SW
corner of said Lot 18 ; thence N . 0°07 ' W. , a distance of 53. 6 feet to a
point; thence N. 24°37 ' W. , a distance of 8 feet to a point; thence N.
38°28 ' W. a distance of 2 feet to a point; thence N. 48°19 ' W. a distance
of 19 feet to a point ; thence N. 44°22 ' W. 22 . 3 feet , more or less , to
the W. line of said Lot 18 ; thence N. along said W. line to the NW' ly
corner thereof; thence SE ' ly along the NE ' ly line of said Lot 18 to the
NE ' ly corner thereof; thence S ' ly along the E. line of said Lot 18 to
the SE corner thereof; thence W. along the S. line of said Lot 1 $ to
the point of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Lavern Noward and Clarice A. Howard
44 . Lots 12 , 13 , 14 , 16 and 16 , Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
and 5 of Block 89 of West Saint Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Ora Frautschi
45 . All of Lot 19 and that part of Lot 18 in Hornsbys Rearrangement of Lots
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 of Block 89 of West Saint Paul , Proper, described as
follows : Commencing at the SW corner of said Lot 18; thence E. along the
S. line of said Lot 18 a distance of 34. 3 feet to a point ; thence N. 0°
7 ' W. a distance of 53.6 feet to a point; thence N. 24°37 ' W, a distance
of 8 feet to a point; thence N. 38°28' W. a distance of 2 feet to a point;
thence N. 48°19 ' W. a distance of 19 feet to a point; thence N . 44°22 '
W. a distance of 22 . 3 feet , more or less , to the W. line of said Lot 18;
thence S. along the said W. line of said Lot 18 to the point of beginning
Apparent reco�d owners : Harold Langer, 1 /2 interest, and
Elsie Langer , 1 /2 interest.
. - ' . � � �
46. Lot 1 (except that portion thereof embraced within limits of State Street)
of Lienau ' s Subdivision of Lots 1 , 2 adn 3 , Block 93 , West St. Paul
Proper ; and the E. 33 feet of Lot 2 and also , W. 5 feet of Lot 2 , in
Lienau ' s Subdivision of Lots l , 2 and 3 , Block 93 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner : Irma Niemeyer
47. Lot 6 , and the W. 4 feet of Lot 5 , Lineau ' s Subdivision of Lots 1 , 2 and
3, Block 93 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : John Koniszczuk and Henryka
48. The E . �100 feet of Lot 10 , Block 66 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Rentze Nicolay
49. The E . 100 feet of Lots 8 and 9, Block 66 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Jean A. Ditlevson
50. Lot 4 , except that part described as follows : Commencing at the NW corner
of said Lot 4 , running thence in an E ' ly direction along the N ' ly line of
said Lot 4 , a distance of 54.62 feet; thence at right angles a distance
of � 50 feet to the S ' ly line of said Lot 4 ; thence at right angles in a
tJ' ly direction to the E. line of Robert Street; thence N' ly on the E ' ly
line of Robert Street to place of beginning ; except so much of said Lot
4 as has or may be taken or conveyed to the City of St. Paul for the
widening of Concord Street , in Block 66 , West St. Paul Proper; AND
The W. 40 feet of Lot 6 ; the S . 42 feet Af the W. 40 feet of Lot 7 ;
in Block 66 , West St. Paul Prpoer:; AND
The W. 40 feet of Lot 7 except the S . 42 feet; the S . 1 /2 of W. 40 feet
of lot 8 ; in Block 66 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : John E. Blomquist , Inc.
51 . The E ' ly 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 , alock 66 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Mjnnesota State [3ank of Saint Paul
52 . Lot 3 , Block 6G , West St. Paul Proper; and
The S ' ly 10 feet of the N ' ly 25 feet of the W' ly 40 feet of Lot 8 , Block
66 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : Minnesota State Bank of Saint Paul
All that part of Lot 5 , Block 66 , West St. Paul Proper , described as
53. follows : Commencing at NE corner of said Lot 5 , running thence in a W' ly
direction on the N ' ly line of said Lot 5 , a distance of 96.27
feet to a point , thence az rignt ang �es in a 5 ' Iy direction a distance
of 20 .92 feet to a point, thence at right angles in a W' ly direction to
the E ' ly line of South Robert Street,thence in a S ' ly direction to a �
point where South Robert Street intersects Concord Street , thence in
a SE ' ly direction along the NE ' ly line of Concord Street to the SW' ly
corner of said Lot 5 , thence in an E' ly direction along the N ': ly line
of Winifred Street to the SE corner of said Lot 5 , thence in a N ' ly
direction along the E ' ly line of said Lot 5 to place of beginning , except
so much of said Lot 5 as has been taken or heretofore conveyed to City of
St. Paul , for widening of Concord Street.
Apparent record owners : John E . alomquist , Inc .
54. Lots 6 and 7 , Block 93 , Town of West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : Park Edge Apartments , a partnership
comprised of Bertram Getsug , Saul
S. Garelick and Herbert J . Garelick.
55 . Lots 4 and 5 , Block 93 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Leo Shattuck , a/k/a Leo R. Shattuck
and Helen Shattuck , a/k/a Helen M.
�� r �� � � � � i •
56. Lots 8 , 9 and 10 , Block 93 , West St. Paul Proper , together with E. 1 /2
of vacated Maurice Street.
Apparent record owners : Park Edge Apartments , a partnership ,
(same as at Entry #54)
57. The W. 18. 75 feet of the E . 56. 25 feet of Lots 6 , 7 and 8, Block 37 ,
West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Sadie Francis
58. Beginning at a point in the N . line of East Isabel Street , 28. 10 feet E.
of the SW corner of the E. 1 /3 of Lot 5 , Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper,
thence N . a distance of 125 feet , thence E. 17.05 feet, thence S. a
distance of 125 feet to the N. line of Isabel Street , thence W. 17. 05
feet to the place of beginning.
Apparent record owner: Ovine LaCrosse , formerly Orvine
59, That part of Lots 2 and 3 , Block 35 , West St. Paul , described as follows :
Commencing at the NE corner of Lot 2 ; thence S. on E. line of Lots 2
and 3 to the SE corner of Lot 3 ; thence W. on S. line of Lot 3 , 94.00
feet; thence N ' ly to a point on the N . line of Lot 2 , 98. 80 feet W. of
the NE corner of Lot 2 ; thence E. on the N. line of Lot 2 , 98.80 feet
to the place of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Maynard T. Marlow and Margaret E.
60. Beginning at a point in the N. line of East Isabel Street , 79.25 feet E.
of the SW corner of the E. 1 /3 of Lot 5 of Block 37 of WestSt. Paul
Proper; thence N. a distance of 125 feet , thence E. 17.05 feet , thence S.
a distance of 125 feet to the N. line of Isabel Street, thence W. 17.05
feet to the place of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Luverne F. Christopherson and Helen
D. Christopherson
61 . Beginning at a point in the N . line of East Isabel Street , 62 .50 �eet E.
of the SW corner of the E. 1 /3 of Lot 5 , Block 37 of West St. Paul Proper ,
thence N. a distance of 125 feet , thence E. 17.05 feet, thence S. a dis-
tance of 125 feet to the N . line of Isabel Street, thence W. 17.05 feet
to the place of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Stanley E. Bateman and Evelyn A.
62 . The S. 1 /2 of the W. 100 feet of Lot 3 , and the W. 100 feet of Lot 4 ,
Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owner : John Stefan
63. The W' ly 100 feet of Lot 5 , Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner : Mary Ann Mansur
64. Beginning at a point in the N. line of East Isabel Street 96. 30 feet E.
of the SW corner of the E. 1 /3 of Lot 5 , Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper,
thence N. and through the center of wall between the houses on tracts
No. 117 and 119 described in EasementAgreement in "266" Misc. 83 , a
distance of 125 feet, thence E. 27. 37 feet , thence S. a distance of 125
feet to the N . line of Isabel Street, thence W.28. 70 feet to the place
of beginning, beig part of Lots 6 , 8 and 8 , Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Earl J . St. Sauver and Julie A.
St. Sauver
. : : . � �
65 . Beginning at a point in the N, line of East Isabel Street 45. 15 feet E.
of the SW corner of the E . 1 /3 of Lot 5 , Block 37 , West St. Paul Proper;
thence N. 125 feet ; thence E . 17. 05 feet ; thence S. a distance of 125
feet to the N . line of Isabel Street , thence W. 17. 05 feet to the place
of beginning.
Apparent record owner : Clarence A. Brandel
66. The S. 1 /2 of the E. 1 / 3 of Lot 3, the E. 1 / 3 of Lots 4 and 5 ; the W. 1 /2
of Lots 6 and 7 , and the W. 1/2 of the S . 25 feet of Lot 8 , Block 37 ,
West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owner : William A. Reailing
67. Lot 9 , Block 51 , West St. Paul Proper, except the W. 50 feet of the N.
1 /2 of said Lot 9.
Apparent record owners : Gaertner Holding Company, Inc.
68. Lot 10 , Block 51 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : John E. Blomquist , Inc.
69. The N. 20 feet of Lot 4 , Block 51 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Mohine W. Bakhos and Lois G. Bakhos
70. Lot 3 , and the S. 25 feet of Lot 2 , Block 51 , West St. Paul Proper,
except that part thereof which lies SW' ly of a line parallel with and 20
feet NE ' ly from the NE ' ly line of Concord Street.
Apparent record owners : Nohine Bakhos and Lois Bakhos
71 . Lot 3 of Hilz Rearrangement of Lot 1 and N. 25 feet of Lot 2 , Block
51 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Jesse P. Moralez and Juanita D.
72 . Lot 2 of Hilz Rearrangement of Lot 1 and N . 25 feet of Lot 2 , Block
51 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : August L. Rieke and Sophie Rieke
74. Lot 1 , Hilz Rearrangement of Lot 1 and N. 25 feet of Lot 2 , Block
51 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Louis A. DeNardo and Irene M. DeNardo
75 . The S. 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 of Fred Brandt' s Rearrangement of Block
38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Reinhart W. Schade and Amelia C.
76. Lots 1 and 2 , except the S. 50 feet of said lots , Fred Brandt' s Re-
arrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Eli J . Kzaley and Delores C. Kzaley
77 . Lot 7 , Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Mary Kzaley
78. Lot 3 , Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Victor Loredo and Guadalupe Loredo
' � •
79. Lot 4 , Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38, West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Julian Casillas and Silvestra Casillas
80. Lot 6 , Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Anselmo Martinez and Agapita Martinez
81 . Lot 8, Fred Brandt' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Robert P. Marz and Elayne M. Marz
82 . Lot 9 , Block 38 , Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Pablo C. Vasquez and Lupe M. Vasquez
83. The E. 1 /2 of Lot 10 and all of Lot 11 , except the E. 1 .00 foot thereof,
Fred Brandt ' s Rearrangement of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : Robert A. Elizondo and Josephine M.
84 . The E. 1 .00 foot of Lot 11 , and all of Lot 12 , Fred Brandt' s Rearrange-
ment of Block 38 , West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : John Abdella and Amelia Abdella
85 . An area bounded by Wood , Delos , Wabasha and Robert Streets and vacated
portions of Streets accrued thereto , all of John Nagle ' s Subdivision ,
all of Thomas Walsh ' s Re-Arrangement and part of Registered Land
Survey #247 , and Blocks 1 and 2 Auditor' s Subdivision #36 lying E ' ly
of Wabasha Street, except the E . 20 feet of the N. 60 feet of Block 14 ,
West St. Paul Proper and except the N. 5 feet of Block 15 , West St.
Paul Proper and except the N. 5 feet of the W. 1 /2 of Block 16 , West
St. Paul Proper ; also all of Lots 1 , 2 , 8 , 9 and 10 , Block 22 and all
of Block 23 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Torre DeSan Miguel Homes , Inc.
86 . All of Edward Selfs Subdivision of Block 48 West St. Paul Minnesota
Apparent record owners : City of Saint Paul Board of Education
87 . Lot 1 , Block 18, West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Chicago Northwestern Railway Company
88. Block 91 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : City of Saint Paul
89, Lot 9 , Block 17 , and the W. 50 feet of the E. 150 feet of Lots 6 , 7 and
8 in said Block 17 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Peters Meat Products , Inc.
90. The E. 1/3 of Lots 6 , 7 and 8 , Block 17 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Hattie H . Poechmann
91 . The W. 50 feet of Lots 1 and 2 , and the W. 50 feet of the N. 3/10 of Lot
3, B1ock 20 , West St. Pau� Proper
Apparent record owners : Herman Schelberg and Cecelia Schelbert
. • . � �
92 , The W. 50 feet of Lots 4 and 5 , and the W. 50 feet of the S. 3/10 of Lot
3 , Block 20 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner : George Awada
93. The W. 50 feet of the E. 150 feet of Lots 4 and 5 , and the W. 50 feet
of the E. 150 feet of the S . 3/10 of Lot 3 , Block 20 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Keith Kolden and Shirley Kolden
94 . The E . 50 feet of Lots 4 and 5 , and the E. 50 feet of the S. 3/l0 of Lot
3 , West St. Paul Proper , in Block 20.
Apparent record owners : Richard D. Keiser and Betty A. Keiser
95 . The Middle 1 /3 of Lots 1 and 2 , and the Middle 1 /3 of the N. 3/10 of Lot
3, Block 20 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn .
96 . That part of Lots 3 and 4, Block 90 , West St. Paul Proper, described as
follows : Commencing at a point on the E. line of Lot 3 , Block 90 , West
St. Paul Proper , 30 feet S. of the NE corner of said Lot; thence running
W. parallel with the N. line of said Lot , 67. 73 feet; thence running S.
parallel with and distant 67 . 73 feet from the E ' ly line of said Block 90 ,
69 .83 feet more or less , to the N ' ly line of Concord Street, thence run-
ning E ' ly along the N ' ly line of Concord Street, 70.95 feet, more or less
to the E ' ly line of said Block 90 at a point 90. 21 feet S ' ly from the point
of beginning ; thence running N ' ly along the E ' ly line of said Block 90 ,
90. 21 feet to the place of beginning.
Apparent record owner: Bud George
97. Lot 8 , Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : �Issac Deeb and Amelia Deeb
98. That part of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper , described as
follows : Beginning at a point on the N. line of Lot 10 , 72 feet W. of
the NE corner of lot 10 , Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper, thence S. across
Lots 10 and 9 , 100 feet to a point on the S. line of said Lot 9 , 72 feet
distant from the E ' ly line of said Lot 9 ; thence W' ly along the S' ly line
of said Lot 9 , 28 feet; thence N ' ly across Lots 9 and 10 , 100 feet to the
N ' ly line of said Lot 10 , 28 feet from the place of beginning ; thence
E ' ly along said N ' ly line of said Lot 10 to the place of beginning ; AND
TheW. 1 /3 of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 21 , except the W. 28 feet thereof,
West St. Paul Proper.
Apparent record owners : Ernest Reynolds and Amelia Reynolds ,
husband and wife
99. The E. 1 /3 of Lots 9 and 10 , except S' ly 45 feet thereof, Block 21 ,
West St. Paul Proper; AND
The N . 5 feet of the W. 22 feet of the E. 72 feet of Lot 9 , Block 21 ,
West St. Paul Proper; AND
That part of Lot 10 , Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper, described as follows :
Beginning at a point on the N . line of Lot 10 , 72 feet W. of the NE corner
of Lot 10 , Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper ; thence S. across Lot 10 , 50
feet to a point on the S. line of said Lot 10 , 72 feet to a point in the
S. line of said Lot 10 , 72 feet distant from the F ' ly line of said Lot 10 ;
thence E ' ly along the S ' ly line of said Lot 10 , 22 feet; thence N ' ly
across Lot 10 , 50 feet to the N ' ly line of said Lot 10 , 22 feet from the
place of b,eginning ; thence W' ly along said N ' ly line of said Lot 10 to
place of beginning.
Apparent record owners : Gustav L. Peterson and Nelly K. P
• ' . � ' � �
100. The S ' ly 45 feet of the E ' ly 50 feet of Lot 9 , Block 21 , WestSt. Paul
Proper; AND
Except the N. 5 .0 feet , the W. 22 .0 feet of the E. 72 .0 feet of Lot 9 ,
Block 21 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owner: Charles J . Halloway , a single person
101 . Lot 7 , Block 21 , West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Eugene A. Tonda and Rose Marie Tonda
102. The S. 46 . 75 feet of Lot 3, and all of Lot 20 , Block 14 , Lawton ' s Sub-
division of Blocks 14 and 24 of Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Manuel G. Sanche? and Sebastiana
Sanchez ; and Luis Sa chez and
Antonio Sanc,hez each�in Und. 1 /3
103. That part of Lots 1 and 2 NE ' ly of a line running from a point on the
NW' ly line of and 30 feet from the N ' ly corner of Lot 1 to a point on
the SE ' ly line of and 70 feet from the E ' ly corner of Lot 2 , the
NE ' ly 90 feet of Lot 3 , the NE ' ly 100 feet of Lot 4 , all in
Lawton ' s Subdivision of Blocks 14 and 24 of Brown and Jackson ' s Addition
to St. Paul .
Apparent record owners : Chicago , Great Western Railway Co.
104. That part of Lot 5 , Lawton ' s Subdivision of Blocks 14 and 24 of Brown
and Jackson ' s Addition to St. Paul , lying N ' ly of Railroad right-of-way
Apparent record owners : West Publishing Company
105 . The N. 1 /3 of Lots 11 and 12 , and that part of Lots 5, 6 , 10 and 11 ,
Paul Martin ' s Re-arrangement of Block 144 West Saint Paul Proper,
lying N ' ly of Railroad right of way.
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn .
106 . The SE ' ly 1 foot of the SW' ly 70 feet of Lot 10 , Block 3 , Martin ' s
Re-arrangement of Block 144 West Saint Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : State of Minnesota
107. That part of Lot 1 , Paulson ' s Rearrangement of the North 1 /2 of Lots
1 & 2 of Block 13 of Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to West Saint Paul
lying N ' ly of the Railway right-of-way.
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St , Paul , Minn .
10�. That part of Lot 5 , Block 19 , West St. Paul Proper lying S ' ly of a line
extending across said Lot 5 described as follows : Commencing at a point
in the E . line of said Lot 5 , 62 1 /2 feet from the S. line of said Lot
5 , thence running in a NW' ly direction a distance of 32 1/2 feet more or
less to a point 21 feet from the E. line of said Lot 5 measured at right
angles thereto and 86 1 /2 feet distant from the S. line of said Lot 5
measured at right angles thereto , thence in a NW' ly direction a distance
of 31 1 /2 feet more or less to an intersection with the W. line of said
Lot 5 at a point which is 99 feet from the S . line of said Lot 5 , and
also the E. 5 feet of Lot 6 of said Block 19 which lies S ' ly of a line
described as follows : Commencing at a point on the W' ly line of said Lot
6 ,108 feet N ' ly from the SW' ly corner of said Lot 6 , thence SE ' ly across
said Lot 6 to a point in the E ' ly line of said Lot 6 which is 99 feet
N ' ly from the SE' ly corner of said Lot 6.
Apparent record owners : Orville Johnson and Gladyce E. Johnson
. - �. � • •
109. That part of Lot 6 , Block 19 , West St. Paul Proper, which lies S ' ly of
a line described as follows : Commencing at a point on the W' ly line of
said Lot 6 , 108 feet N ' ly from the SW' ly corner of said Lot 6 ; thence
SE ' ly across said Lot 6 , to a point on the E' ly line of said Lot 6 which
is 99 feet N ' ly from the SE ' ly corner of said Lot 6 , except the E. 5
feet thereof.
Apparent record owners : Michael Joseph Castillo and Judith
G. Castillo , husband and wife
110. All of Block 12 , Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul ; AND
Lots 21 and 22 , Thomas ' Subdivision of Block 11 Brown and Jackson ' s
Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : State of Minnesota
111 . Lots 13 , 14 , 15 16 and 17 , Block 15 , The West St. Paul Rea�l Estate and
Improvement Syndidate Addition No. 2
Apparent record owners : John Tschida and Ella Tschida
112 . Lots 18 , 19 and 20 ,/ West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate
Addition No. 2 Block 15 ,
Apparent record owners : Richard Schneider and Margaret
113. Lots 21 and 22 , Block 15 , The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement
Syndicate Addition no. 2
Apparent record owners : City of Saint Paul
114. Lot 23 , Block 15 , The West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate
Additian No. 2
Apparent record owners : Joseph Plant and Alice Plant
115 . Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 13 , 14 , 15 and 16 , Phjlip Potts ' Addition
Apparent record owners : Joseph Whebbe , Ann McCoy, Raymond
Webbe , Fred Whebbe and Mary Galep
116 . Lots 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 and 12 , Philip Potts Addition
Apparent record owners : State of Minnesota
117. Lot 1 , West Side Land and Cottage Co ' s Subdivision of block 36 of Brown
and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Arden Realty and Investment Co.
118. Lot 24 , West Side Land and Cottage Co ' s Subdivision of block 36 of Brown
and Jacksan ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners :Milton Kaup and Janet Kaup
119 . Lots 17 and 18 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : Riverview Memorial Hospital
120. The W' ly 19 . 71 feet , except the S. 12 feet of Lot 21 , and the E ' ly 3.29
feet , except the S. 12 feet of Lot 22 , Auditor ' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : Paul Abbott and Alma Abbott
121 . Lots 21 and 22 , Aaditor ' s Subdivision , except premises described at
Entry # 120 hereof.
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn .
. . � • •
122 . Lot 23, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : Paul Abbott and Alma Abbott
123. Lot 24 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn .
124. Lots 25 and 26 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : Paul Abbott and Alma Abbott
125 . Lot 33 , except the N. 40 feet thereof , Auditor ' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : David Rowley ,Sr. and Alice Rowley
126 . The No. 40 feet of Lot 33, Auditor' s Subdivision No . 30
Apparent record owners : George Antonsen and Lilliam Antonsen
127. Lot 34, Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owner: Verone Davis
128. Lots 38 , and 39 , except the N . 20 feet of said Lot 39 , Auditor' s
Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owner: Harry K. Lieberman
129. The North 20 feet of Lot 39 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 30
Apparent record owners : City of Saint Paul
130. Lot 1 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of lots 1 , 2 , 3, 4 , & 5 of Henlys Subdivision
of part of Block 25 of Brown & Jacksons Addition to West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minn.
131 . Lot 2 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, & 5 of Henlys Subdivision
of part of Block 25 of Brown & Jacksons Addition to West Saint Paul .
Apparent record owners : Juan Flores and Pauline Flores
132 . Lot 3 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , & 5 , of Henlys St�b-
division of part of Block 25 of Brown & Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Moncies Franco and Clemencia Franco
133. Lot 4 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, & 5 of Henlys Subdivision
of part of Block 25 ofBrown & Jacksons Addition to West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : Isadore Zapata and Isabel Zapata
134. Lot 5 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , & 5 of Henlys Subdivision
of part of Block 25 of Brown & Jacksons Addition to West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : Elias Romero and Clarence Romero
135 . Lot 6 , Lienau ' s Rearrangement of Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , & 5 of Henlys Subdivision
of part of Block 25 of Brown & Jacksons Addition to West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : Wenceslao Martinez and Margaret
136 . Lot 2 , Block 25 , Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Frank Lang and Myrtle Lang
. ' � ' � •
137. Lot 3, Block 25 , Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owner: Anne Donohue
138. Lot 7 , Block 1 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
except the W' ly 39 feet thereof.
Apparent record owners : John Stewart Construction Co.
139. The W' ly 39 feet of Lot 7 , Block 1 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 13 , 13
& 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner : Jacqueline R. Lang
140. Lot 9 , Block 1 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Sabas Gonzales and Jesusa Gonzales
141 . Lot 10 , Block 1 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner : Harriet Deuth
142 . Lot 2 , Block 2 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Joseph Tschida and Edna Tschida
143. Lot 5 , Block 2 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record Owners : Delano Columbus and Ethel Columbus
144. Lot 7 , Block 2 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner : Aurelio Verduzco
145 . Lot 8 , Block 2 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jose Arenaz and Petra Arenaz
146. Lot 10, Block 2 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , & 14 Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Rufus Zamara and Esther Zamara
147. Lot 12 , Block 2 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Holy Family Ca�holic Church
148. Lot 1 , Block 3 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Holy Family Catholic Church
149. All of Lot 2 , and the NW ' ly 10 feet of Lot 3 , Block 3, of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8,
9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Emil Esparanza and Ernestine Esparanza
150. Lot 3 , except the NW' ly 10 feet thereof, and Lot 4 , except the NW ' ly 20
feet thereof of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Antonio Zepeda and Petra Zepeda
151 . The NW ' ly 20 feet of Lot 4, Block 3 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9, 10 , 11 , 12 ,
13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Pau] , Minn .
152 . Lot 4 , Block 7 of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : George and Margaret Hottinger
. � � . � � � •
153. Lot 5 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Leo Niedorf and Sylvia Niedorf
154. Lot 6 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Frank Soto and Shirley Soto
155 . Lot 7 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Roy LaCasse and Emmie LaCasse
156 . Lot 1 , Block 8, of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8,9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Arturo Mendez and Patrocinia Mendez
157 . Lot 3 , Block 8 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Appaprent record owners : Narry Weldon and Eleanor Weldon
158. Lot 6 , Block 8, of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10, 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : David LaValle and Ann LaValle
159 . Lot 7 , Block 8, of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Platea
Apparent record owners : Frank Rodriguez and Ramona Rodriguez
160. NW ' ly 1 /2 of Lot 8 , Block 8 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 ,
Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Ernesto Zuniga and Olga Zuniga
161 . The SE ' ly 1 /2 of Lot 8 , Block 8 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 &
14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Ernesto Zuniga and Olga Zuniga
162 . Lot 9 , Block 8 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Perfecto Garcia and Domitila Garcia
163. Lot 10 , Block 8, of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,9 , 10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jose Garcia and Herminda Garcia
164 . Lot 1 , and the NW' ly 10. 2 feet of Lot 2 , Block 9 , of Blocks 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ,
10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Ap�parrent record owner: Cecil Angus
165 . Lot 10, Block 9 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : dames Farley and Marie Farley
166 . The NW ' ly 20 feet of Lot 3 , Block 10 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,9 ,10 ,11 , 12 ,13 &
14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : John Steward Construction Co .
167. Lot 6 , Block 10 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : John Rwas and Ramona Rwas
168. Lot 7 , Block 10 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Gavino Medina and Margaret Medina
. . . .� ! •
169 . Lot 8 , Block 10 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners :Jerome Holm and Martha Holm
170. Lots 17 and 18 , Block 10 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect
Apparent record owner: Walter Perlt
171 . Lot 1 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Timonthy Garcia and Mary Garcia
172 , Lot 2 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Richard Henderson and Maria Henderson
173. Lot 3 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14, Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Edwin Lingert and Clara Lingert
174. Lot 5 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Roger Grolla and Catherine Grolla
175 . The E. 1 /2 of Lot 7 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect
Apparent record owners : Carson Chapman and Jeanette Chapman
176 . Lot 6 , and the W. 1 /2 of Lot 7 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,9 , 10 ,11 ,12 ,13 &
14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jos�ph Salinas and Esther Salinas
177 . Lot 8 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 , 10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Carson Chapman and Jeanette Chapman
178. LOtS 10 dnd 11 , B10Ck 11 , Of B10Ck5 6 , 7 , 8, 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 & 14 ,
Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners ; Marcellino Lopez and Rufugia Lopez
179. Lot 14 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jerry Riley and Beatrice Riley
180. Lots 16 , and 17 , except the NW' ly 30 feet of said Lot 17 , Block 11 , of
Blocks 6 , 7 ,8 ,9 , 10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Manueal Capiz and Lupe Capiz
181 . Lot 21 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 , 10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Armond Winter and Darlene Winter
182 . Lot 22 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10,11 , 12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Joseph Lucio and Roberta Lucio
183. Lot 1 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Angel Centeno and Estella Centeno
184 . Lot 2 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 , 10,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner : Robert vujovich
.. . - : # �
185 . Lot 3 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10, 11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner: Minni Freiberg
186 . Lot 4 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jesus Garcia and Guadalupe Garcia
187. Lot 5 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 , 12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Howard Dow and Geraldine Dow
188. Lot 8 , except the NW' ly 15 feet thereof, and the NW ' ly 30 feet of Lot 9 ,
Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Jerome Dueber and Helen Dueber
189 . Lots 12 and 13 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9,10, 11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect
Apparent record owners : Union Gospel Mission
190 . Lot 15 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner: Arnold Johnson
191 . Lot 16 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 , 11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : James Reed and Lucille Reed
192 . Lot 19 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Cecilia Romancez and Luciano Castor
193. Lot 20, except the NW ' ly 30 feet thereof, Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,
11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner: Luciano Castor
194. The NW' ly 20 feet of Lot 21 , and all of Lot 22 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,
9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Balthazar Franco and Mary Franco
195 . Lots 4 and 5 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
196 . Lot 6 , and the NW ' ly 10 feet of Lot 7 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to
West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
197 . The SE ' ly 40 feet of Lot 7 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Neighborhood House Association
198. The NE ' ly 1 /3 of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
199 . The SE ' ly 2/3 of Lots 9 and 10 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owner: Philip Ravitzky
200 . Lots 6 and 7 , Block 16 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : J . and L. Realty Company
' ' • �
201 . Lot 8 , Block 16 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Ben�amine Mintz and Bernice Mintz
202 . Lot 10 , Block 16 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : John Mike and Betty Mike , 1 /2 interest.
Sam Mike and Mary Mike , 1 /2 in�erest
203. Lot 1 , Block 6 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul , Minnesota
Apparent record owner: Jacqueline Gryc
204. Lots 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 , Block 6 , Woodbury and Case ' s Addition to St. Paul ,
Apparent record owners : Warren Miller and Bernice Miller
205. Lots 6 and 7 , Block 23 , Lawton ' s Rearrangement of Block 23 Brown , and
Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : N. E . Vogelpohl and Patricia Vogelpohl
206 . The SE ' ly 5 feet of the NW' ly 25 feet of SE ' ly 1 /2 of Lot 15 , and the
NW' ly 10 feet of Lot 16 , Block 23 , Lawton ' s Rearrangement of Block 23 ,
Brown and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : George Kuhn and Hazel Kuhn
207 . The SE ' ly 40 feet of Lot 16 , and all of Lot 17 , Block 23 , Lawton ' s Re-
arrangement of Block 23 Brown , and Jackson ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owners : Guadalupe Area Project , Inc.
208. Lot 6 , Block 1 , and the W' ly 20 feet of Lot 1 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,
9 ,10 ,11 , 12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Peter Solas and RachaelSolas
209. Lot 7 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 , 11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Roy LaCasse and Emmie LaCasse
210. The W' ly 20 feet of Lot 9 , and all of Lot 10 , Block 7 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8,
9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Nicholas Ramirez and Patricia Ramirez
211 . Lot 11 , Block 2 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Church of theHoly Family
212 . Lot 4 , Block 2 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner : Mary Belair
213. Lot 4 , except the NW' ly 30 feet thereof , and all of Lot 5 , Block 9 , of
Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Juan Medina and Maria Medina
214 . The W. 3/4 of Lot 5 , Block 3 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 , 11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect
Apparent record owners : Jose Santos and Eusebea Santos
215 . Lot 4 , except the NW' ly 20 feet thereof, Block 3 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9,10 ,
11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
. J ' � � �
216 . Lot 3 , except the NW ' ly 20 feet thereof, and the NW' ly 30 feet of Lot
4 , Block 10 , of 6locks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Joseph Solas and Maria Solas
217. Lot 4 , except the NW ' ly 30 feet thereof, and all of Lot 5 , Block 10 , of
Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owner: Elizabeth Molina
218. The NW' ly 20 feet of Lot 18 , and Lot 19 , except NW ' ly 10 feet thereof, of
Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Joseph Amirez and Kosario Ramirez
219, Lot 12 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Pliteau
Apparent record owners : Thomas Gonzalez and Rosa Gongalez
220. Lot 7 , Block 11 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : E. 1/2 - Carson Chapman and Jeanette
W. 1 /2 - Joseph Salinas and Esther Salinas
221 . Lot 14 , Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12 ,13 & 14 , Prospect Plateau
Apparent record owners :. St. Paul Union Gospel Mission
222 , Lot 20 , except the NW ' ly 30 feet thereof, Block 12 , of Blocks 6 ,7 ,8 ,9 , 10 ,
11 ,12 , 13 & 14 , P�ospect Plateau
Apparent record owners : Luciano Castor and Mary Castor
223. Blocks 67 , 68, 69 and 70 , West St. Paul Proper
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
224. TheSW' ly 2/3 of Lot 8 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to West St. Paul
Apparent record owner: Philip Ravitzky
225 . Lot 3 , Block 15 , Bell ' s Addition to WestSt. Paul
Apparent record owners : Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
the City of St. Paul , Minnesota
226. Lot 5 , except the NW' ly 10 feet thereof, and all of Got 6 , Block 24 ,
Lawton ' s Subdivision of Blocks 14 and 24
Apparent record owners : Raymond Verila and Hope Verila
227 . Lot 5 , except the NW' ly 18 feet thereof, and all of Lot 4 except part
to Highway , Linsey' s Rearrangement of the Southerly half of Lots 3 & 4
of Block 13 of Brown and Jacksons addition to West Saint Paul
Apparent record owners : �eter Germain and Kay Germain
228. NE 1 /2 of Lot 2 , except the SE ' ly 65 feet thereof, and NE ' ly 1 /2 of
SE ' ly 20 feet of Lot 3 , Block 25 , Linsey ' s Rearrangement of the Southerly
half of Lots 3 & 4 of Block 13 of Brown and Jacksons addition to West
Saint Paul
Apparent record owner: Anne Donohue
NOTE : This report is not to be consrued as a legal opinion of title .
. � �
Taxes , Assessments and Judgments , not examined.
Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company
this 19th day of April 1974 , at 8 o ' clock A. M.
An horized Signature
For: Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
c/o Don L. Bruestle , Renewal Coordinator
124 E. Winifred St. , St. Paul , Minn . 55107
� ' �
S E C T I 0 N I I I
8 Delos, between Livingsto�i and Vacated: 6-16-72
Robert Petition VII
13 Delos, between Robert and Clinton Vacated: 6-16-72
, Petition VII
40-A Clinton, between Winifred a;nd HRA Board Approval
Concord 4-10-74
Winifred, between Concord and Petition XIII
Greenwood, between Robie and
Robie, between Concord and
103 Greenwood, between Colorado and Not Filed
Colorado, between Clinton a�id
203 Delos, between Greenwood and Not Filed
State, between Delos and
229-A Brown, between Robie and HRA Board Approval
Concord 12-12-73
� Petition XIII
� . v • � •' • , . •
`� and ,
_ '�
Your Petitioners, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of
. the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and John J. Tschida and Ella M.
Tschida, Arden Realty and Investment Co. , Inc. , Milton E. Kaup and
� Janet F. Kaup and Wallace Kallin, respectfully state and allege that
they are the fee owners of record of the real estate abutting those
public streets hereinafter described, to-wit:
Brown Avenue lying southwesterly of the southwesterly
right-of-way of Trunk Highway No. 3 and northerl of
Z��� the northerly right-of-wav line of Con reet
exten ;
Brown Avenue lying southerly of the southerly right-
of-way line of Concord Street extended and northerly
of the northerly right-of-way line of Page Street
. � East Morton Street lying easterly of the westerly
right-of-w�v 1 ;nP c,� RroH�r_ A�Ter_ue extended and :re�t_r�l�
of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway .
No. 3;
Prescott Street lying easterly of the westerly right-
of-way line of Brown Avenue extended and westerly of
the southwesterly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway
No. 3;
Andrew Avenue lying southerl�r of the southwesterly
right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 3 and northerly
of an extension easterly of the northerly line of Lot
24, Block 15, West St. Paul, The Real Estate and
� Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2;
Public alley in Block 15, West St. Paul, The Real Estate �
� and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2 lying easterly
� of the easterly right-of-way line of Brown Avenue extended
and westerly of a line drawn €rom the southe�st corner of
Lot 10 to the northeast corner of Lot 15;
Public alley in Block 33 , Linse & Zi�nerman' s Rearrange-
ment of Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and Jackson' s Addition
to West St. Paul lying easterly of the easterly right-of-
way line of Brown Avenue extended and westerly of the
� southwesterly right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 3;
and �
Public a1Tey in Block 34 , Linse & Zimmerman' s Rearrange-
ment of Blocks 33 and 34 , Brown and Jackson' s Addition
' to West St. Paul.
• � , . � � .
Petitioner Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota, pursuant to the provisions of the Redevelop-
: ment Plan for Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37,. adopted and
approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on .
March 22, 1968, Council File No. 237700, proposes to develop the
' \
� aforesaid public ways together with abutting land for park purposes.
Co-Petitioners John J. Tschida and Ella M. Tschida, Arden Realty
and Investment Co. , Inc. , Milton E. Raup and Janet F. Kaup and
; Wallace Kallin, join with said Authority in seeking the vacation of
the street hereinbefore described in order to achieve the objectives
of said Redevelopment Plan.
Your Petitioners herein request that the provisions of the Saint
Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to the reservation of
easements, rights and other claims fo'r the installation, maintenance,
and operation of any sewer, water, ga,s, telephone or electrical main,
� pipe or conduit of public instrumentality for the City of Saint Paul
; and for other persons or corporations having public instrumentalities
in the vacated street be waived upon �he presentation to and approval
: by the Council of the City of Saint Paul of statements of intent to
abandon and not use utility and other public easEments in the afore-
. said public street.
WHEFtEFORE, your Petitioners respectfully request your Honorable
Body to vacate the above described public stree ts for redevelopment
in the Concord Terrace Project, Minn. R-37..
.Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this ��� day of , 1974.
. E war N. He e , Exe utive Director
' Jo n J. Tsc i a
E la M. Tsc i a
• �
. . . � . . _ . R r ` '' ` . . . .� . � .
. . . . � . . . . , , � � - �.
( S E A L ) /
By .
� .
�---, � -
� � � l�
Mi ton E. Ka p
Janet F. aup
) S S. ./a' � ���t�-{r,tN ''
' COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Wa ace Kallin
EDWARD N. HELFELD, being first duly sworn, says that he is the
person named in the foregoing Petition on behalf of the HOUSING AND
he is the Executive Director of said Authority; that the seal attached
thereto is the corporate seal of said Authority; that he has signed
- and sealed this Petition by authority of its Board of Commissioners;
and,, that he has read the said Petition and knows the contents thereof,
and tha� t?:� �r.^;e arc .;.r. .:�� �h�;,y s tLue as se� forth.
Subscribed and sworn to before me '
this �� day �of , 19��,F-' � �
x ,�.a""�u►�►w*�►+t
'"'`' Notary
r�::,,�_ P��blic, Ramsey Co. �•
..� F b. 17, 1979
x�r rnrr�rr�r�r�rrrrrrr'
) SS. �
On this day of � , �9 , before me a notary public,
within and for said County, personally appeared JOHN J. TSCHIDA, to me
known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing
Petition, and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act
and deed. � '
. ,
�:,�_; �,
. -3-
.. . , • • � .
, , • Y • . : ' . �
) SS.
On this day of , 19 , before me, a notary
public within and for- said County, personally appeared ELLA M. TSCHIDA,
� to me known to be the person described in and who executed the fore-
going Petition, and acknowledged that she executed the same as her
free act and deed.
) SS.
On this � � da of 19 before me a notar
Y , ��. . Y
: public within and for said County, app ared � ,
to me personally known, who, being by me duly orn, did say that he
� is respectively the �j��4��L1�,1 of ARDEN REALTY
. AND INVESTMENT CO. , INC. , the corporation named in the foregoing
Petition, and that the seal affixed to said Petition is the corporate
� � seal of said corporation and was signed and sealed in behalf of said
: corporation by authorit of its , and
said � , acknowledged said Petition to be the
. .free act and deed of said corporation.
� � � .
. ?c AAAA.AI►AAAA�dA���►A,�A.A.A���`MX
: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � '"'����+�F�w Notary Pubaic, Ramsey co. Mn.
� SS. ��`�:r APril 7, 1978 �'. _
COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) xd�q�ti��'�It�Y�'��X
On this � day of , 19��, before me, a
notary public within and f said County, personally appeared MILTON
� E. KAUP, to me known to be the person described in and who executed
the foregoing Petition, and acknowledged that he executed the same
as his free act and deed.
_ X
• -xA�IARA�,1�,l�l�l����l���
� a��,c, ��: Notary p�,.�b!ic, Ramsey Co. Mn. '-
��;<;: : �p�,�;t!.SStON EXPIRES
� 4�r��c MY •.
A Y',1�� 7Y�'1�Y�(YWVI�1l
—4— X�'We�f'Y"tl'tlYbV� : .
_ • . . - � �
' ' � � - � r , • , • . • . '
) SS.
On this � day o ��,�..c-c.� - , 19 7 , before me, a
- �
notary public within and or said County, personally appeared
. JANET F. KAUP, to me knowri to be the person described in and who
executed the foregoing Petition and acknowledged that she executed
the same as her free act and deed.
• t
. �
a ;.
. ,,.r..hln.�d��aleQ,.AvR �A
:�'^:��. !.AVER�?E ISOt.ANI
� �;'t3p�';.�•.. Notary P �!ic, Ramsey Co. Mn.
�sv�•�-. fJ�Y i;i�i;"��i �',^�N EXPIRES
"�1E1-'��� �
April 7, 1978
.�lwrnr�►'��nr�tv����� ����' .
' i
) SS.
On this /� day of , 19�, before me, a
notary public within and for said Cou ty, personally appeared
� WALLACE KALLIN, to me known to be the person described in and who
executed the foregoing Petition and acknowledged that he executed
the same as his free act and deed.
x A�Ar►�A�.�► �
.......... Co. Mn. � .
`'",�.�'`'>: Netary P!�b{ic� RamseY �
� i;�{!` ..� tiiY �GI:;^,1!S�IOt� EXPIRES
� �t,.k qpril 7, 1978 �
. _xvaunrlri��'r�9Y��'�-�-����
. i
. i
• �
. �
� I�
5-- •,
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�: �
. �� i ���` y�
RESOLUTION N0. 74-4/10-
RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners. of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of-, Saint Paul, Minnesota that the petition to vacate: ,
Winifred Street lying westerly of the Clinton-Robie Connection
as opened and lyin� easterly of a line thru a point on the
northerly line of Winifred 220.82 ft. west of the intersection
, of the westerly ROW line of the Clinton-Robie Connection with
the South line of Lot 5, Block 67, -parallel to the westerly
• line of Clinton Street;
Clinton Street lying northerly of the north line of Concord '
Street, Westerly of the West ROW line of the .Clinton-Robie
� Connection and Southerly of the South line of Congress Street;
Clinton Street lying Southerly of the South line of Congress
�i:reet and nasLeriy o= tne East iine or the c;iinton-kobie
Connection as opened;
Robie Street lying easterly of the east line of Concord
Street, southerly of the west line of the Clinton-Robie "
Connection and westerly of the west line of State Street; and
Greenwood Street lying southerly of the west Iine of the
Clinton-Robie Connection as. opened and northerly of the north
line of State Street.
is hereby approved and the Executive Director authorized to execute the same on
� its belialf.
S' /l� �0
r'A ,
. ,
• � *
. �, .
• . . ' il+�i�l', � R-3 7 � _
, `
' �
MARCH 1973
' �
, .
. .
,.�;° April 19G7
�`- Amended July 1�7C
. :,�.
s :�,:
. � � �
S. ��Re 9 Section 2 I.and Use Provision and Buildin�►z Re�uirements
Re�ul�tions and Controls : Parkin� which reads, "One off-street
parking �pace sha11 be provided for each living unit" shall be
� amended to read, "One and one»half off-street pnrking spaces shall
be pro�ided for each living �nit".
�. Pa�� 11 Area No. 4 (Nei�hborhood Retai2) �which reads: "AREA No. 4
(Nei�hborhood Retail) Objectives The primary objective of Area
No. 4 is to develop a unified neighborhood shopping area which
- includes existing sa�en� uses and incorporates a shopping nucleus
F .':..
;:-. : of retail uses orient$[ed to the daily needs of the people resid-
, . ing within the sugraeending area. The shopping nucleus shall be �
. , lacated on the nort& side and orientated to Concord Street be-
tween State and �fnifred Streets. Permitted Uses Permitted
uses in the area Iocated on the north side of Concord Street
between State a�d [Jinifred include supermarkets, drug stores,
variety stores$ �oy stores, hardware stores, liquor stores, flower
stores, hobby ��mps, sports and photo shops, beauty shops, banks,
pro£essional o�fi.�es, clothing stores, shoe stores, 3ewelry stores,
� with repair an� �ales shops, restaurants, ice cream and/or candy
shops, gift an� card shops, and similar appropriate retail and
service uses. �amitted uses in the remainder of Area No. 4 shall
' include in addi�.�� to those mentioned above, cleaners and laundries,
service statio�, t�le�vision sales and repair shops, sewing machine
slhops, vacuum c.�e�mer �ales and service shops, discount stores,
ba�ery shops, furni�mre stores, bars, indoor recreational uses and
si�ilar establish�n�s, Permitted residential uses shall be
limited to second floor uses and to those now existing, providing
no non-residential uses are provided on the same. floor", shall be '
amec�ded to read, "AREA No. 4 and No. 4A (Nei�hborhood Retail)
Objectives The primary objective of Area No. 4 is to develop a
uniffied neighborhood shopping area which includes existing sound
� uses and incorporates a shopping nucleus of retail uses orient-
�,n�-•-.� ..�,.�.-� ,.�,:.�. .:. � ..�.,�,.�,��,
' n.. -.:�..: . •...kIIW!,'4�'.�ny4'R�'+6`.� .�h�x��•rY�D:dM•i?w'YF.irl�r�.':"^'TM'M�t�.'.1:+rtll..�.�Y!�3M�II.i�NI�`ylY�iY"�++��.�4.F�PR�pR�!!I'Mf�Kwn1�lr..i�Z�.�LL:.rtia[. . � i��,:��.
, ; • •
, ated t� the daily needs of the pe�ple residing,within the
surrounding area. The shoppin� nucleus shall be located on
- the north side and orientated to Concord Street in the
' uicinity of State and Congress Streeta. The objective of
,€Area No. b,�1 shall be to provide adequate off-street parkir.g .
�.or exis�.�ng adjacent neighborhood retail businesses in order
to realize better vehicular traffic movement and to enhance
the eco�om+� viability of local commercial enterprises.
Permitted Uses Permitted uses in the area located on the
north side of C.oncord Str�et in the Vicinity of State and
� :��.
� Congress shall include snpermarkets, drug stores, variety stores,
, . . . -
, �
, toy stores, hardware stoses, l�quor stores, flo�ver stores, ---
" � hobby shops, sports atsd ��to s�tops, beauty shops, barber
shops, banks, �professio�.al af.ffces, clothing stores, shoe stores,
� jewlery stores, with se�ar aind sales shops, restaurants, ice
cream and/or candy shaps., ��ft and card shops, and similar
� appropriate retail emmc� s�a�*ice �sses. Permitted uses in the re-
mainer of Area No. 4 sha�fl i�clvde in addition to those mentioned
aboye, cleaners and lasurn�s�s, service stations, television sales
,. and repair shops, sevin� +mm.c.�ix�e shops, vacuum cleaner sales and
� ,
service shops, d-iscormt a�ses, bakery shops, furniture stores,
bars, indoor recreatfayn�l aases and similar establishments. Per-
• mitted residential uses. �eall be limited to second floor uses and
to those now existing, IIrrowisifng no n�n-residential uses are
provided on the same �laor�."
� • ' . � • •
1. Bound�ea of Urban Reaewal Area
2. Rede�lapmeat Plan Objectives .
3., Proposed Rene�ral �ctioas
C. LAND USE FLP.ri � �
lv. Land Use Map s�owing:
` �'��� s. Thoroughf�:re and street right-of-way
{' - . . . -
b. Yublic uses, institutional snd special purpose uses �
�� ' c. Land uses
2. Land Use Provisions and Building Requiremeats
' a. Statement of uses to be permftted and regulations,
controls, or restrictions to be imposed by the Plan
on the sale, lease or retention of all real property
b. Duration of controls .
c. Application of regulations to property not acquired
1. I,�nd Acquisitfon
a. IdentificaCion of pxoperty. proposed to be acquired
b. Conditions under which other property not now desig-
� nated for- acquisition may be acquired
c. Conditions under which property identified for acqui-
., sition may be exempted from acquisition
d. Conditions under which property identified as possible
acquisition may be exempt
2. Rehabilitation and Conservation
3. Realeveloper's �bligations
4. Unat�r�round Utility Lines �
...�,.. R-213
f . . � �
1. Boundaries oY� Urban Renewal Area:
The following is a boundary description of the Concord Terrace
Project� as shown on the Boundary and Acquisition Map No. 1 -
CONCORD T�CE PROJECT - and is bounded as follows:
$�:g#tnning at the point of interesection with the
m�s�hern right-of-way line of Wood Street with the
ea�Cern rignt-of-way line of Starkey Street, then
ea�terly along said line of Wood Street to the point
� a.attersection with the eastern right-of-way line
a� Robert Street, which fs also the southern right-
�-way line of tb� Chfeago, Great Western Railway,
�tian southerly a�a�g said line of the Railway right-
of�way lide of �����do Street, then easterly along
sadd line to the �i.�nt vf intersection with the east-
tern right-of-w��r li�e of Greenwood Avenue, then
:.�'•�• s�uther2y along �nd lane Co the point of intersec- �
. t�ion �aa.th a loL-1� b�8 feet north of the northern
right-of-way lix,n� �� �los Street, then southeasterly =
- • along said lin� tAntC� point of intersection with a
: . lot line 100 fe�t: e�ns;t of the eastern right-o£-way . �
� . line of Greenw� �tt�eet, then southerly along said
line to the poi:� m�£ intersection with the norChern
ri�ht-of-way Ii�a� m�F: Delos Street, thea easterly along
• said line to th� �nt of intersection with the eastern
r:tght-of-way L�.a�• c►� State Street, then southerly along
said Iine to t� paint of intersection with the northern
right-of-way line of Isabel Street (projected) , which is
also the nortl�errn baundary Iine oi Dunedin Terrace Pro-
ject Number Minn. 1-9, then northeasterly along said ,
Project bounda�r�►� to the point of intersectivn taith the
w�stern right-o�way of T.H. No. 3 and the southern
right-of-way of the: Chicago, Great Western Failway,
Chen southeaste�ly along said Railway right-of-way
line, crossing &:�ncxoft, Brown, Andrew, and Kansas
� Avenues, to th�: �,m�iat of intersection with the south-
easterly right-o�-�y line {projected) of Che alley
between Kansas a�dil�itham Avenues, then souChwesterly
along said lin� t�> trhe point of intersection with the
eastern right-��-�a�� line of Kansas Avenue, then south-
erly along sair3t11nm� to the point of intersection with
the southern xi;.g�iut-m�f-way line (projected) of the alley
between Morto�t �m�dt �age Streets, then westerly along
said line to ti� ,�m�tt of intersection with the lot line
� 120 feet east mff t� �astern right-of-way line of Brown
Street, then s���sEg along said line to the point of �
in.tersection w�ftfln t�n� northern right-of-way line of East
Y�Ige Street, tta�n �terly along said line to the point
c��¢intersectioar �ntt� gfie western right-of-way line of
�fitrown Avenue, �Ha�m �mrtherly along said line to the point
o:£-.�.intersection �a��a t�ee southern right-of-way line of
�i�$catt Street, tdx�n northwe�terly along said line to
tt�� point of in�Qrs�ect3on with the western right-of-way ,
liinte: of Bancroft ��reaue (projected) , then northeasterly
farr203 feet alang said line to the point of intersec- '
4aio� with a lot line, then westerly along said line for
7A70 feet to the poiut of intersection with a lot line,
Chen� northeasterly alonJ said line for 75 feet, plus or
mfi►nus'�,. to the point of intersection with a lot line, then
sc�uthu�sterly 97.5 feet along said line to the point of
i.nters�ection with a lot line, then southwesterly along
sa�d 2':�ne for 25 feet, plus or minus , to the point of
fntersaction with a lot line, then northwesterly along
said l�ne for 143.25 feet to Che point of intersection
4�ith a �ot line, then southwesterly alon�; said line for
84.79 feet to the point of interse�tion with a lot line,
then westerly along said line to tt�e point of intersec-
tion with the souCheastern ri�ht-of-way line of State
SCreet, then northeasCerly alon� said line to the point
-2- R-213
. . • �
this neighborhood is to be accomplished to the extent
feasible through:
(1) Elimination of structuraily substandard bvild-
(2) E2imination of blight and causes of blight. "
(3) Elimination of inappropriate lan3 uses. �
(4) Impr.u�ement of the residential livability and
g�nera� appearance by rehabilitation o£ atruc-
tures and property improvements.
(S} Increasing the residential composition of the
neighborhood by providing more housing.
F ,`�� (6) C�rouping of similar land uses into separate �
Iand-use areas to minimize adverse land-use
: , relationships.
(�) Strengthening af the aren hy encoura.ging new
private invest��nt.
(8) Improvement of the marketability of existing
(9) Encouragement of new construction of commercia2
buildings on land designed for cocimercial anct
residential buildings on land designated for
residential. •
(10) Provision of land for needed public facilities.
(11) Assembly of adequate disposition parcels.
(12) Promotion and encouragement of joint-use and
. shar.ing of community £acilities which will bene-
fit the neighborhood. �
(13) Provision of adequate sites for new and existing
social, cultural, religious, educational and rec-
reational institutions and faci2ities. .
(14) F�a�vision of adequate of£-street parking in con-
ju��tion with Iand uses.
(15) Improvement of existing or replacement of inade-
quate r�treets, alleys, u�ilities, sidewalks, and
pedestrfan ways; as well as street furnituze and
plant materiala and improving traffic circulation
within the nei�hborhood.
`�" R-213
_ ,
� , � �
(16) Promotion o£ land utilization through the as-
sembly of existing undersize and. �nu;�able par-
cels with abutting ownerships.
(17) Enhancing .the attractiveness of the bluff areas
' within the project by creatir.g a city-wide vis-
ual amenity. �
(,I8) Clarification, redefinition -and fmprovement of
the spatial and functional relationships within
this neighborhood and between this neighborhood
and adjacent areas.
(19) Timing of redevelopment to provide maximum commu-
. ;:,;
-` nity �2�enefit.
, .. . . . _
, . (20) Project improvements which provide high quality .
� stree� construction, topographical revisions to
prov�ide desirable sites and to effect maximum ��f�'�>�'��
7f �
� uti�.azation of land areas. The design and con-
str�ction of these improvements shall achieve
higt� standards and wi11 be so coordinated to
facalitate rehabilitation and redevelopment.
(21) Arc�sitectural design, site planning, landscape
�_ des�.gn and esthetic relationships of hi.gh qual-
ity in the trea.tment of open space, buildings,
use emf materials, scale, appropriateness , func-
' tionm��s utility, and harmonious relationships to
existnng development.
(22) Conce�trate neighborhood retaii uses and reduce
existi:mg strip cocnmercial patterns.
(�) The Redeve�apment Plan provides for the achievement of
these objec�ivES in the following framework:
(1) The can�truction of limited access Hig.iway No.
3 thraug}� the Droject Area wzth a major access
point at �ancord Street.
(2) The clearance and redevelopment of the 273 acre
Riverview Industrial Park project by the Port
Authority of the City af Saint Paul on the north
and e�st projecC boundary and within ttie River-
view General Neighborhood RenewAl Plan a�ea.
-5- - R-213
-,: � �
� �J) �e clearance �
n and redevelop�ent of the 1�s8
acre Riverview Industrial Projeat by the Hous-
ing and Redevelopment Authority on the north
project Boundary.
� �4� ��►e renewal through clearance, redevel
rehabilitation and conservation of the entfre
w RivervieW General Neighborhood Renewal plaa
M area as approved by the City of Saint Paul.
��) The development of Dunedin Terrace public Housi
�� .
Pro 'e�c t �g
J (Minn 1-9) within the Project boundary.
� _ . 3• pr�sed Renewal Action
F ���... . .. �
' Pro�ed rEnewal acti,on in the Concord Terr
, ace Project Area in-
clu�� rhe following;
� �:
' �a) Assistance toward private rehabilitatxon �
and public �
rehabilitat�ion where appropriate.
�b) Provision of pubZic improvemenCs.
��) Acquisition of properties,
�d) Relocation of site occupants.
te) Property mana�emA�t.
�f) Vacation of unnecessary streets and alleys�
�b) Elimination of easements and other subservient i
�Z1) Disposition of Iand .for public and private use�.�'
�i) Enforcement of �developm2nt PZan requirements.
�J) Other related redevelopment, rehabilitation and conse _
tion activities.
�• LAND USE p�v
�• Land Use Ma p ,
The Iar��d uses to be achieved are shown on the Land Use Ma
No. 2 � Ps Map
a t�tached,
�a) T��'ot�hfare and Street Ri hts•of_Way
Th� ma-Ep shows all existin ri hts-of-wa
� g Y to be retained
and tt�+e teratative locations of other rights-o€-way. Ad-
ditianal public ri�hts-flf-way may be provides� to serve
projected land uses. AZ1 rights-of-way locations and di-
mensions are approximate.
�_ ��_w„ .�,�„
"�.""„"`_~`,�.�. �. �.
�y e`7e,CL� "�a'atir'Mr .u.W✓. � ��� T�fi3Ntiv�� ����«s. '.L A.AN 4f�atNLr��yya/I.y,#y�HyWY..i�����aM:i�.fe! � . .. . .
. � . .sn . , . ,r ... . . oe�m.�.__. � . . � . ..
__ . _ _
_ ._ _ .�....,,. ..�. . _ �,...� �... ___
> � . �
(b) Public ttse��. Instituti.onal and Special Purr�ase Uses
Public uses to be established or retained in the area .
ir.clude necessary arxeets, alleys, schools, recreation-
al and neighborhood facilities, fire station, post of-
f�.ce, and public housing. The plan contemplates the es-
. �ablishment of a joint-use community facilities struc-
ture within the park area and adjacent to the existing �
public school, which will provide maximum community
services to the project area.
(c) Land Uses
. Other land uses not referred to above are;
• Y�• •
• ` . � (1) ' ('lA) Residential _
' , (2) Residential-Passive Recreational ,
' (3) Edueational-Recreational
, �4) (4A) Neighborhood Retail
(5) Cor..unercial � '
(6) Industrial .
2•. Land Use 1'rovisions and Buildi.nn�ReQUirements �
ta) Statement of Uses to be Permitted and Re�ulations, Con-
trols or R�stri_ctions to be imnas2d by the Plan on the
Sale, Lease, ar Rete�tion of ali Rea1 ProDerty Acauired.
Thi.s plan sets forth six categories identified on the
• Land Use Map, Map No. 2 Amended February 1973 attached. .
The abjectives of the P2an, uses permitted and require-
ments to apply to land sold or leased pursuant to this
Plan for each area are as follows :
(1) AREA N0. 1 and N0. lA - (Residential)
� Ob�ectives :
The objective of Area No. 1 and No. lA is to maintain
and enhance the existing residential neighborhood
through the rehabilitation of existing properties and
the construction of new residential buildings com-
pati�le with existing buildings and the following
specific objectives shall apply to Area No.. 1. and No. lA;
1. Imprave the street system by pro- �
viding a necessary circulation sys-
tem by the construction of connec-
tions and turn-arounds atid by elim-
inating unneceasc�ry streeta. '
_. _ .__ __ _ -- - . R-213
_ � :
• � `
' � � �
2. Disc�urage through traffic.
3. Improve pedestrian cirr_ulation
through the provision of easements ,
pedestrian overpasses and other
' feasible means.
4. Eliminate dead-end alleys by pro-
viding adequate connections or
S. Remove incompatible commercial and
industrial Iand use.
6. Assemble with abutting lots unusable
. �;.,
� � _ land fragments created by land acquis-
, . . . .
. - L
, , ition for street or highway rights-of- ,
: , �
way, or fragments created by the divi- �
sion of ori�inally platted lots�
7. Frovide an appropriate visual connec-
tion of the residential develapmeat
. on both sides of Robert Street through '
the selection of buildirg mater;.a�.s,
siding, and orientation of structures,
, landscaping or any other means feasible.
8. Create mar,imum safety and convenience
for pedestrians crossing Robert Street
' by providing appropriate facilities.
9. Provide an adequate baffer between the
residential uses of Area No. 1 and the `
industrial uses of Area No. 6, the com-
comerciaZ uses of Area No. 5, and the
Neighborhood Retail uses of Area No. 4. and No. 4A
10. The design of new construction shall be
compatible with the surrounding area
� and uses.
Permitted Uses:
Permitted uses stiall include single-family at- ,
tached or detached houses, duplexes, row houses,
apartmenCs, und similar multi-family housing,
churches, actiaols, recrea[ional uses, institu- �
tions, community centers, and orher eimilAr uses
"$" ` R-?.1.3
. ; � �
. `
which suppurt or odd to the desirability or
� livability of a residential neighborhood.
Re. tilations and Controls: �
. Densit ' -
Parcela of land less than one acre in size :
shsll not be developed to a density of more
than 20 dwelling units per acre. Parcela of
land ov�r one acre in size shall be developed
to a� density of a c�inimum of 15 dwelling units .
per acre. Variations to these requirements may �
• '�`' be made by the Authority i£ the development de- �
. . . .
- siga offers other compensating amenities. � `
� ' Covera�e
Newly. constructed principal strnctures shall
' aot cover more than 30% of the site.
� � 1. Structures facing Concord Street, located
between Ada Street and State Trunk i�3igh- '
way No. 3 shall not be located closer than
16 ft. to Concord Street righC-of-way.
� .
2. Structures ahutting Robert Street shall �
. not be closer than ZO ft. to Rohert Street
. ' right-of�way. '
3. Structures abutting Sosth 47aba�ha and Con�
cord Streets located �etween the north pro- t
�ect boundaiy and the fire station shall
n�t be located closer t:han 20 ft. to righes-
. � of-way of Concard or South 4labasha Streets. �
ParkinQ � � 1
- �
p�� and one-half off-street parking apaces shall be provided
£or cach la.vi.n�; u�1it .
(2) AF.EA P:o. ?_ - (Residential__;__Pr�ssive Recreational)
Ob ecti.ves
r(Ze abjcctive of Are� Ro. 2 is Co develop b2uff �
housin�; nnc',for. �►assive recr���c:ioual. preas. oriented
to Concord Sr.reet Anct intc�;r��ted ��i�h chc blufC,
- -9- � _ fi-21� ,
. �
which takes full advantage of the natural
� � features and esthetic quality of the bluff.
In additioa, rhe followin� objectives shall
• apply ta A�►ea No. 2: �
1. Froimote a development of bluff-type
hou�eing, the design of which is com-
p�ible with the natura2 features of
tt�►e bluff.
2.. Provide for the utilization of the
area to take adva�atags of Lhe view,
� "�' � plant materials, r�+pag��phy and any
" . . . . •
other hatural am�sai�fes,
� ' Perarri.tted Uses
I�ermitted uses incl��de :�u�iag, passive rec-
' �eational, cultural, ec�atf��al, religious,
ar other accessory �es �it.tt�!�1� i.n design j
for bluf f and s teep �lc�e �s�s, �
8e�ulations and CantaoT� ;
Density � '
P�aximum overall deaa�it}� �19. be 15 dwelling �
�units per acre. Var3���ms ta thi� require- !
ment may be made by tt� ,�Ann�tacerity if the de- �
. uelopment desi�n off�x� ���r s+�mp�nsatory '`
� �c�eni.ties.
t�ave�a�e � �
Not to exceed 20% of Ar�a �.I.
� Se�►���ks
N� �xincipal structure �hall he built within
2Q� f�t of the Concord street right-of-way. ' '.
Pas�iirrpz Space
One° crff�-street parking space shall be pro- +
vio�e� �r cu_h living unit.
Eluff Ite��ntion
Any excavst3,on or grading o£ bluff property
shsl� be subject to the approval of the Auth-
ority. •
•10- R-213 '
_ _ . ... . __. ._ _ . ___. ___..___.�_._ ,_,.�..., __�... ..��
.....___�_. ___._..�._____..._
. , --� ..--,.,�
_ , _. d.�.�w ._. .. <. . .. ..v . . _ . ..f..�,�r.�r���..,. �, �._ . . __ _._ �.�.,�..,,.� ,.. _. �... . .
' (3) AI21�io. 3 - (T:3iicational - RFCreat�alj
The principal objective is to develop inter-
related c�mplexes oi educ.ational, institutional
ar�d recreational facilities to meet the needs .
a� the nei�borhood and community.
$erm�tted Us°es
Permitted uses shall include coaununitvi centers,
educational, recreational and social service
Re;ulations and Controlr
; ;�<. All permitted uses shal? b� aesigned and developed
;: . - . . -
in a mann�r satiszactor�r t� t'�e City of Saint Paul, i
~ • �
. , and the 5;t. Paul Housi� am�i �;e�evelopment Authority. �
(4) AREA r'o. 4 and r?0. 4A - (,.����;:a�o��.ocsd i�etail)
, Objectives
The primary objective aff �s�� �io, 4 is to develop �
� a unified neighborhood �T����r�,rn� area wh�ch includes
existing sound uses a�afl �r��a-��a�es a shopping
nucleus of retail uses m�i��x��.�e� to the daily
needs of the people resasfl�� sr�i�,3ia the surrounding
'�rea. The �hoppino nctc�e�.s s�all be located on .
• the nortk side and ori.e�r�a�� �� Co€icord Street
in the vfcinity of Sta�e �an� a�ng;�ess Streets.
�he oU3ective of Area Ada. �a� s�all he to provide
adequate off-street parkf� ��r existing adjacent
n�eighborhoad retail busi�e�s�� in order to realize
better vehicular traffic �v���nt and to enhance the
economic viabilitv of Iocal �c�m�ercial enterprises.
Permitted tTSes - ,
Permitted uses in the area located on the north side
of Concord Street in the vicinityo uf State and Congress
shal.'1 inclucfie supermarkets, drug stores, varietv stores,
toy stores, 1h�rdcoare stores, liquor stores, flower
stores, hobby sTlops, sports and photo shops, Ueautv
shops, bnrber s�aops, banlcs, professional offices,
clotl-�in�; store.^,, shoe stores, je���elry stores, witti repair
�nd eni�es ��t�o��, �r+�sta�r�i�ts, �.c� =crea:n and/or c�nciy
- -11- R-213
�... __ _ . _ . _ ._.. �.. ,
. �'°.� `_c�� .�x:`, , � � � � , a w 'a�.
` �
.., . . ., .._ a....0 .Mtn.ef-ti�:,TS,s.�rr±E:.- +.-. .. ...�_< a�'.+:_�x-�,_. . 3�,e.e. vour4���.,�..r ,...'kr. . ., _ . . . .. ....�`x��a±.. .�`+!k . ',d�.'"�yy` .
- shops�ift and card shops, and simil�ap-
ropri�te retail and service uses. Permitted
uses in the remainder of Area No. 4 sha11 in-
clude in addition to those mentioned above,
cleaners ��d l��ndries, service stations, tel- "
. evision �a1es and repair shops, sewing machine
shops, �a�umn cleaner sales and service shops,
disco�sttt:� stores, bakery shops, furniture stores, �
bars� indoor recreational uses and similar es- .
tablishc�ents. Permitted residentia2 uses shall
be �ira�ked to second flaor uses and to those now
- ;:h, . _�. .
-� _ existing, providing ato non-residential uses are � �
, , praeided on the sac�e �.Lm��, .
• - �
,' � Reg�l.ati.on and Cor.t�r�� �
� Off-�Street Pax�:inQ � '
A mf;nimum of t�•�o sc�r��s� ��ee�t of parking space
shall be provided €ar ��e�a �zquare foot of floor
spaae far new devel�g�mo�n�. . � �
Landsca�ir.� -
All required non-st���as�A or paved areas
shall be landscapec� amafl � �ini�u�n of S� of the
. sho�pi.ng center si_t� ��1� �e .Landscaped with
pl�nfi aiaterials anc� dc���°��ed tirith� street fur-
� nituse and art objec��, �s ag�propriate,
A buffer shall be �rc�u����s� �a�ich shall gi��e
adequate protection te� �bAa�ting resideatial �
propert•i.es. Ttiis buff�� iis to be gr.ovided and �
maintrk`ined by the devel�+p�rs of the cortmercial
area. .
Si ,n�-
All s�o.�n� shall be svbject to tl�e approval of
thc �ut�hcsra:i.ty and shall not extend beyond ttie
huilcting su�face morc than 12 inches. '
De�.ik�� of P�e�ncrr.i.�: Ahur.tin�
I:clucari.un::l :a4id {,��cre,�tic,nal
n r F A F:-______. . ___
i �'.Fze ci�.��9 r,A, ��t•rrurz�e�u�:cn-e �r�d x���t:�acn L a f a l l�
. �1?- R-213
,_ q� ^�
i-w..l�,.� � a.aY��z'4,f.t..�'�w ✓i} . . . .- . ..��. .:. �..... . w��. << . '? .. . .. . .... .x..t� � ..5,>. �}# .�.i:�". . .
.+�w.. { 3i.`.?+i, .._.,.L6.'�'"".�Yw'�., ..:1...1.��...w:_ 5�..�... '......e.,_. . . . ,. � . . .. . __ . . .,"vti�Ati.�r . �"fy ..6'1'{'�1K'P'TLCI`� .
- � �
structures and opPn apaces abutting Ar�
No. 4 and 4A shall he complementary and harmonize
. esthetically with the adjoining educational
and recreationel development.
DeeiRn ac�Maintenance__Controls
The Autt�.x�ty may require that the developers �
• � enter ��o joint planning and maintenance
agreecments to insure comp�tible and hazmonious
deve.lA�xnents which will be properly maintained
and mi�tually beneficial.
. �,;:
�5) ARE� No. 5 � (Cocrsnercial)
,'�. : Obi4ec�tiv_,e • .
. , � The principal objective of Ares No. S is to
� , re�ia�bilitate existing ss�d zisvelop new commer-
ci�tY uses.
Pexsmitited Uses
' pe�nitted uses inc2e:�e n�i�hborhoad retail
u�es permitted �.n d��ra ��, 4 snd other com-
mercial or service rrsea� �pproved by the Auth- •
o�ity. Permitted zea�����1 uses shall be
`• l�mited to those na� eais�ing.
R�ulations and Can�aa���
0�'f�Street Parkin�, �� �����
Sha�ll be provided in � mm�nmer satisfactory ,
-� tc� the AuChority. `il� �ea�ber of Qarking
sp�oes shall be ade�vate to accommodate em-
� ploy�ees, visitors and �ustomeru.
Entxances and �xits �
Sha�11 be provided in a manner satisfactory
to ��: Authority and sha21 nat be locat�d
closc�r than 50 feet ta any street intersec-
tio�.� '
Blu�f &etenCion
Any Qx��vation of bluff property sha11 be
subjact Co the approval of L-he Authority.
Visible Outcloor Stora�e
.�A11 outdoor storage visible from a public
_-13- R»213
•....+...�ryYMu+i......rRr���... , v.v�„.;'.' �a-.w...0�.�.... .,.,v�,�wau�w�... . . ,...�..o-.-.,,.. ,.wr..m � . . i .
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- �.,
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.. -_ .. „� � .; .. .. - ,,,� '
.r; ,.... .,. r.� � ;: r. ,� _ ...:.:.. ... . : .. ,..,.. �„ .
. ,
' . � � �
view or public street is prohibited. All
screening shall be provided to th� satis-
faction of tae Housing and RedevelopmenC
ActtMar ity. -
- Buf$e� r for Adi_ oinin�; Residential Uses
A. buffer shall be provi.ded which shall give
� �dequate protection to abutting residential
properties. This buffer shall be subject to
the approval of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority and shall be constructed and main-
� ;�-: tained by the d,ejae7�oper of the commercial
�; .. . � . , .
area. _
� Si�ns
All signs sha�B� be su��e�c� to the approval
. of the Autharalt�►�
(6) AREA No. 6
The principal e���c�ae�� af Ar�� No. 6 is to
� remove inco��at�Er� ��s�.dential Iand uses
and create m�� �Ye �du�trial sites of
�, adequate size as�l ��aqs�.
Permitted Us�s
The permitte� ws� �11 be a m�at process--
ing plant en� tBne �eneraZ uses accessory there- .
to. Such use� ��11 �ot be obnoxiaus due to
odors, smoke� �saise, fumes or vibrations.
� . Alternative �se
The Housing and Rsd�velopment Authority may
permit the residzntial development of this area
� �ubject to the controls and restrictions of
�r�sea No. 1 (Residential).
I��„ulation and Control •
� Pg•rkinR
Ad�tQuate off-street parking, sufficient to
accammodate employees, as well ns customers,
shall be pravided Co the sati�fACtion of the
Houaing and Redevelopment Authority.
, -14- R-213
.: , :
.,..s�.-,:,._. _,. . . ,�.::. .. _ , _ . . . �. ..�._._., s � ,�,.��� .�
_ . __ ...� �,.,.. ,,.. , .,; ,, .,,'. , ..�*
. > . : .�,,
; .
. .. .. _.� .___..._ .. .� .. � . . ....�
- Off-St�et I.oadin� - �
Adequate provisions for off-street loading
and unloading shall be provided to the sat-
isfaction uf the Housing and Redevelopment
�- Authority a "
Setbac�s �
The £�el3iowing building setbacks from prop-
erty li.nes shall be provided:
•- A11 structures and parking are�sshall
� set back a minimum of 10 feet from
all public streets. -
. ;:::
' -- No structure shall be located closer
s.- .. . . . , .
, than S feet t� an�r ather property line,
� ' and no struct� st�ll be Io�cated closer
. than 5 feet ta � a�jacent detached
� structure. t��� ��cks from a publfc
street shall � �caped to the sat-
is faction o f tt� �1tHa�sity.
Entrances and Exi��
ACGES8 to sites sh�fl& � ��bje�t to the ap-
_ pro:val of the Housar� � ���evelopment Auth-
Buf�er for Adjoini� ���H�ntial Uses
• A buffer shall be �ra+mvciaaed vhich shall give
adeq�ate protectioc� +t� �a�tting residential
propesties. This b►uffer shall be subject to
the approval of the �uthc�rity and shall be con-
str�cted by the developer �f the industrial
Si�ns: �
All �i:gns shall be subject to the approval of
the Au�hority.
(b) Da�cation o�f Ga�atrols ,
Th� provistons of this plan specifying the land use
fam the project area and the regulations and controls
wi:t� respecC thereto shall be in effect for a period
of thirty (30) years from the date of approvnt of this
� .
. -15- R-213
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���' .'.:r.' ,ne �-:a
n..ax�- ,.4_'�•��.._ ..r..Y;�}^_'.:.....�5.,:..s. '...A,...¢ e. -.. : ,...�:� .:dT '. '^r f� . ` .lc�\.'. '.aY�nv..r3bl'ol:�::._ �,_ii.wii:.%ex...� . 4uj.ti
.. .a.s ... _ `Iu?
. - � �
plan by the Saint Paul City Council:
, (c) Appli_cation of Reaulations and Controls for Pt�nerty Not
to be Acquired
The Laad Use Provisions and Building Requirements enumerated
alDove will be applicable to real property included within
� -- tbe project area when the owner thereof acquires other
�eal property in the project area fram the Authority.
1. Land �cquisition
(a) Identification of R,eal Property Proposed to be Acquired for:
; .�•• � ��1) Clearartce and Redeve2opment
• Propeaties presently identified for acquisition or � ��
. , possi�nle acquisition are shown on Map No. 1 entitled �
Acqui�ition Map, Amended July 1970, contained in the
Land 6�cquisition Data Report, R-222. .
(2) Rehab�litation and Censervation
In order to demonstrate the value of rehabilitation
and cmnservation and to help generate neighborhood
enthusiasm, it is the Authority's intent ta acquire
for rehabilitation a namber of structures, which, under
the U�rban Renewal Plan are to be repaired or rehabilitated
and tm make such repairs and rehabilitation prior to resale
or ta dispose of such property for repair and rehabilitation.
(b) Conditions� Under i�hich Prot�erty Not Now �Jesignated for Acquisition
May be Aca�ired•
Structures which do not meet applicable laws, codes, ordinances
and regulations of the City of Saint Paul or property rehabilita-
tion standards of this plan, and are capable of being rehabili-
tated, but whose owners are either unable to or refuse to take
sc.x�ch measures, or properties which are ir. such a substandard condition
t9hat the carre�.tion thereof cannot be accomplished through the enforce-
. aa�rnt of the abrnre regulations, codes and standards or properties in
w�ch the owner refuses to assemble residue parcels of land having
no y�ublic street access or use to any other parcel of land, or
property which has a detrimental effect on the disposition and
redevelopment of abuttin� project land, may be acquired by the
____ ___ __ _ _ -16- � . , R-213
. . ,.,.,.,,�..��,�.
` .�....-�....---
_ -__. _,,,.:�......-..,:.,.�.._.....:..,..-,--,�-,._...„......�.. , :
_ �,
_- . .�, . .r � .
.��4.: � F.,
.. .�. .��-y .. _.,... , � . . . ..., a '...: . .. ..... . .. e.�,._ . .-.. �� .��-.._ �._ �. . , _, .. . ..:..: . � �:.... n „k£::/Aw�^ry4 �' . ..� . . ..sK�:tG ..
. Ltpon�e acquisition of such propert�LR's, the Auth-
ority will elect to: .
• DEMOLISH the structure or structures thereon
, and dispose of the land in accordance with
� � the Urban Renewal Plan at its fair market value
to a dev�loper for redevelopment, or
SELL th� property to a private purchaser sub-
ject t� its being rehabilitated to all the con-
servation objectives, or
REHAB7�LITATE such a structure prior to resale.
(c) Conditions Under 47hich Properties to be Acquired May be
E�empt from AcquisiCion:
- ;:.:.
�•. = (�) Any� property that is now designated for acqui- : L
. . sition may be exempted from acquisition if the � �
� � use af the property fs in confor�iizy with this
Plan and its ot�jectives and if the property own-
er w�ll entex into a binding agreement with the �
Authority to carry out the provisions of the Plan.
Such properties must be located on an existing
street expected to remain in accordance with Lhe
Redevelopment Plan. The property owner must pre-
� sent specific plans or a program of action satis-
factoay to the Authority showing that the pro-
posed use, construction, reconstruction, or re-
� habili.tation is in conforu�ance with the objectives
of the Plan and Saint Paul codes and ordinances.
The owc�er must satisfactorily demonstrate the finan-
cial fe�asibility of the proposal and clearly indi-
cate that the property rehabilitation standards will
be met.
�d) Conditions U�der 4lhich Properties Identi£ied as Possible
Acqu;isition P;a�y� t�e Exempt from Acquisition.
(1)1 Any prop�ty Chat is now designated as Possible
Acquisitiaa o�a Map 1 may be exempt from acquisi-
�ion if the property owner will enter into and
�arry out un agreement in accordance with the pro-
cedure noted in Section (c) above. The property
- - -17- R-213
.�. ..�.�... �.... _.y....x.�,....� .�..�.... . ...,..�. ,,,._... .., .r.�,�,��,.,.:...,w.3.�.. .�,.,.,,�,:� .
�� �
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.St2 k'^^' =��.k
• owner�11 be giver a reasonable peri� of
time in which to subn�it his proposal to the
A�thority. If a satistaccory proposal is not
submitted wit,�in a reasonable period of time, ..
she. Authoritq may acquire said property and _
take suc& ��eps as are necessary to bring about
said rehaffi�;litation or may elect to demolish
any stru�tures and dispose of the land in com-
plia�ce u�ith this Plan.
�e) Special provisions under w�ich the following
parcelssMay be exempted from acquisition:
_ Properties identi£ied �� Pvssible Acquisitions
� . iri BYock;s� 3, 4, S, 9, �1�3, 17 an� 13 may be i
' exempt from acquisitac�m ��Ez��e�t t� the conditions
� noted fn (d) and (c) ��� a¢� subject to a find-
ing by the Housing acw�t ��ee�$.apment Authority
that ttie design of tt� ��¢����. �i.11 !�e ia confor-
� mity w�th proposed de�l�e�mi?t�:.
2. Rehab�.�lit�tion and Conservatio€�
The L'��an Renewal Pla� has dev��op� ��ei€.ic piaaning proposals
whict� will improve the living esa�ri�� of �he neighborhood,
and wi.11 encoura�e the physical �e�8�alita[i�n of its housing. �
A conLinuous and vi.gilant enfore��� a� the applicable existing
laws, codGS, ordinances and regca:���:a� o# the City of Saint Paul
and the :State of Minnesota ki11 � aaa �ffe�t and in force within
the urban renewal projec;. ar2a, �'���t �tinn. 8-37. Such codes
as applicable are, (1) llousic� ���, {2) U7ified Building Code,
(3) Zos�it�g Ordinanr_�e, (4) Air PaT�v.�.ia� Or�iinar.ce, and (5) Health
and Fire =Regulations. All laud acc��ired bg the Heusing and Rede-
velopment Authority shall be subject to tllE objectives of the plan
fft►d the con.trols 2nd re�ulations i�entified in Section C - Land Use
Flan. Th� goal for° tY�e rehabilitation of all the existing structures
�+�: remain 3.n� the prar,�ct area is L-he achie��ement of not less than
;:t�te followi'i�g prope��.}U rehabilitation standards.
` (��) Reside.ttial Properci'es
At the �ompletion o� all reh��bilitation activities, the
praperty should be safe �and sound in a11 physic�l res-
-18_ R-213
, _.._...._.._ . .�._ ..._...
.__. � _. �.. . . _
_ _ .:, ._ . . .._ .
. . ' ... . �. •,s...:�,..::� k'Yv�y�i�..+Ma r...::_,�"r. ..
., . _ . . . . . . . ... ... .. _ .,... , �,. ....._,. ... .A,s:� .aw- �... .. ..y.,.+..... �. . . �w....r...e.,. _ �1���°_ — _ .
. , . - . . . ; .. . . ` . . �.
� pects end i� desirable ma+�ketab2e conditi� Char-
acteristics of ]ivin� arrangement, design, finish,
- ' equipment, and other building :eatures shall �e jud�ed
:" � � ' on the basis of l:vability and inarkeCabil�ty. 2tesiden- -
•� k'
'�+.:�.a:'::. . � . - .
� � � , tial pro�erty shall comQly with tne appli.;able provi-
sions of state law and the Saint Yaul codes and ordi- �
� aances �nd the followin, additional Rehabilitation Stan-
-- Open Space
Every dweliling shall have yard space which
will perenht conven:ent access for maintenance,
� ��•`- adequate light and ventilation of rooms and
" _ . . . • t
spaces, and provide reasonable privacy. The open
• , space may be at the rear, fror.t, or one of the
side yard areas.
. -- Lot Coverage
A residential structure may cover no more than
50% af the lot.
-- ParkinQ
Fo� each property containing one to three dwell-
, ing units, one off-street parking space shall
be provided per dwelling unit where feasible. �
For properties containing four or more dwelling
units, .75� off-street parking spaces per dwell-
ing units shall be provided where feasible.
-- Yards anc3 �ourts
Thexe shall be at least two feet between the
side of the� house and the property line and a
minimum of Eive feet separation between prin-
cipal buildings. Outer courts shall have a.
Ieast dimension of 8 feet if windows of hab-
itable rooms oQCUr in walls opposite each other.
-- Site I�provemen�s
The op�n space or each property shall provide
appropriate pa�ed walks, pazking areas, drive-_
ways, exterior steps and landscaping. '
. �19.. , R-213
, 1 x��
. . ,� .��.��.. �-_�..�.��-`��,.���,,:,�f��
. •- Min� Room Sizes �
Raom sizes shown below shall be the minimum
� permitted for any subdividing of existing
spaces, or far the construction of any new
rooms. Unremodeled existing rooms, where -
considered adequate in siZe and arrangement
- for the iatended function may be acceQtable
� if not ancsre than IO percent smaller than the
minimum given in the following schedule.
(Minimum Area (sQ.ft,) (1) Least
�me of Sg�;ce 1 & 2 BR L�I 3 or more BR LU Dimension (2)
��ving Room • - •• " 140 150 10'-0" s
Dining Room 80 lU0 ��.,g��
' Kitchen Sp 60 3'-0" (3)
Kit,chenette (4) 40 NP 3''�"
Bedroom �p 7Q 7�_���
Total Bedroom . 1 BR, 100 3 BR 240
� lst BR of each
2 BR, 170 4 BR, 344 Liv Unit = 8'
, Other Habitable Room (S) �p �p ��_0��
Living Room-Dining Area I60 180 �g�
Living Roam-Dining Room 2p� 22�
LR-DR-Kitchen (6) 210 240 �8�
Kitchen-D�ning Are�.;i (6) 80 100 �8�
�a tchen-Drning Roo�a: (6) !20 140 C8,
Kitchenette-DA (6) 60 �� �8�
LR-DA-BR (7) 220 �8�
LR-BR (7} 190 � �8�
.." �$)
NOTES -- �
(1) Min�r variat�as to these areas may be permitted when existing partitions
preciude com;313ance.
(2) Leas� dimens;�ns shown s�f�all apply for 90 percent of the required room �
area. Minor va�riations L�o these dimensions may be permitted when exist-
ing p�rtitions preclude compliance.
(3) Clear �.passage space.
(4) In Li.�ing Unit a� no Bedroota or one Bedroom, no Kitchenette shall be less
than �4 sq, f�.
(��+� An Other Habitable Room sha�l�l.� meet all requirements for habitable rooms,
have a:�Loset �f., approximately 6 sq, ft. , and shall have a means of com-
plete se�paration from other ro�ms. . .
(,6�` The cocn�bining of:a Kitchen oz� I�itchenette eaith a Bedroom in a single room
shall no3� be per;n-iGted. Th� de��ignation of Kitchen in combination with
other sp�'sces may be� considered either as a Kitchen or Kitchenette.
(7) PermitL� only ic�i Li�ving U�it haw�3ng no separate Bedroom.
(8) Least di��nsion c�f� ��propriate ro�m func[ion applies.
� w �. � � � � � � � � .. �. � � �. �
-20- ` R-213
...,........_......_,._..._�..,,,,�,..�..�.�..._.. _.�.._......_.........._.. ......�.
�j3__ .,..a�mar£'. , -wt. ._....., . . ,n.r� . , .....a,.._. � - " ..iqi4k.in a' .�..
�:� , . .: ..�-.wwa��u1;:� - .
, : . � .. , ' . . �� �
. . . .'. . .__ . ......',.� _. .. �. ... , . .; . _: ��m
. � .
CeilinR Nei�hts
The ceiling heights for habitable rooms, bathrooms and halls shall be
as follows:
Habitable Rooms
a. Average height for required room, 7 feet - 6 inches.
bt Floor area wvith less than 4 feet clear headroom not
to be inclusded in required room area.
�a�hrooms, toilet compartments, utility rooms, etc. , 6 ft.
� i�n. clear.
�11, 6 ft.-$ in: clear.
Yrivacy Arra� r�ent . ,
- , A�cess to aIB parts of a living unit shall be possible with-
R '
� .. . . � � • - '
aut gassing 9tfirough a public hall. A bathroom location is -
, , not acceptafi�� i£ it is used a� a passageway to a habitable E
� room, hail, liasement or to the exterior. If there is onZy �
one bath, �9t shall not be locate� ic� tt►e basement.
Bath Facil�.ties '
Each livin� unit shall include �a vater-closet, s tub or shower,
and a lavaCory, arrange for ttae ��nfortable use of each fix-
ture. Wall' space shaZl be ava�l�bZe for a mfrror or m�dicine
cabinet and towel bars, A sl�over, if provided, shall have a
least insi�s' dimension of 30 inches.
Kitchen Faci;lities
Each living unit shall have a s�e�cific kitchen space, which
c�ontains a s3mk with counter wortc �pace and adequate space for
i�tstalling c�king and refrigeratfon eGuipment, and for the
storage o£ c�oi:ing utensils. At least the following amount of
k�i.tchen stor�ga space shall be provided:
a. 30 �q;. Ft. of shelving in wall and base cabinets.
b. S Sq. Ft. of drawer area (Usable storage shelving
in �o�king range or under sink and con•�eaiently
locate�i pantries may be included) .
Spaoe� for Launci:ry� Facilities
Adeqpate space ffrar laundry trays or equipment shall be provided
in. ey%�her of the ��llowin� locations:
•- �.uitably locat�d within each living unit having two or
m�are bedrooms; and located in the kitchen or other suit-
able service sp�ce; or
-21- R-213
,.�...m✓'N..nwat�a,�,..t.. . .xf.i..^:n �F•V,•. >N'.>:iL�..J..ifix �'.-:�i+�...
.::�"'�-.: :•.,�.., .
.���c r�.ar cl�vu ��rpiJYEf�ppYiWwK�� -xn•i�Ji�K+�Mw�r nM�MlYVi�MU++.�t� . . .... .
..7::� •�sr!f. .... s�a�r:, .. �-rr� . r?�.,�_..,...... _...,.,.,b.. . ..__ v_.1_nw4.� w ,Y�.eKa�,." a a, ..,d .,. ..:^ak.��..,..,:'k. ._._. .__v.�..�..4.�.��.:a*J�`�`.� -..�._. �. ;»,�..�n�..e�a:,r.�_s;.�u�&ti�. .
. .. . _ . .� v . - . . _ 1 .
� • '• � � • � � .
-- In basement, cellar or other suitable public space with-
in the building for the use of all occupants.
- Closets
. �S�aita:bly located e�othes closet space shall be provided within
ear.� living uni� an the basis of approximately 12 Sq. Ft. for
t� �irst bedrm�ar, plus 6 Sq. Ft. for each additional bedroom.
� Ntme: of the a�imvm clothes closet space shall be located with-
�..'rtr �he kitches�. Clothes closets shall have a shelf and a rod.
FF�ithin each �'ii.ving unit, total shelf area or built-in drawer
s�ace of at leraa'st 8 Sq. Ft. shoutd be provided for linens. More
_ space should bte provided fvr li�.ia�g units having 3 or 4 bedrooms.
- G9neral Stes�ra�e � ' L
• Lach living. unit shall hav� � ��signated c2oset or other suit-
. able space o€ a minimum vo�� �� 1�D0 C�;, Ft. af general stor-
age space provided within tt� m�Ct or in �ther suitab2e locked
space, and s:hall be appropraattte@.�r �rs.ased £or 3 or 4 bedroom
living uniC.s.
Lfght and V�ntilation �
l��rtificial light shall be p�� � so distributed as to as-
sure heal thful and safe co cr�n.�n�mo,s..
� Pu�lic Spaces
Pablic Entrance Saaces to g�n.IEa�� �nal Hallways and Stairwavs
a;: All pu�lic entrance spa�e s�i�. have natural light pro-
vided b�y window, doorwa� os �uitv,ale�t olass area of at
• least TO�percent of the ff]l.�mr area. '
�. Either r��tural ventilati�� �:� at least 4 percent of floor
area or are�hanical ventil��tfu� �hall he provided.
A.tt3�c and Baso�ent S�aces
Ascess to atti� and basenientless spaces shall be provided by
mea�ls� of convecTa.ie�tly located scuttles or openings of a minimum
of IX� x 22 inc�he�, or of sufficient size to permit the removal
or re�placement of equipment. .
Ha 1�w��s
Hal�.wa}�s providing aacess to stairways and serving mare than
one faa�ly stiall b-e nmt less than 3 iC. wide.
_2:2_ ,R R-213
.�";�y1G�"�",'.T"^ . <t..^�,,,�' ...:� .�a � ..� �ra�a�..+.rw.::a..k�ea..x.n.�..:a'.r;�w�..►e.. �• �.MR'G+l4as�w.r z �++R�?e�PM�t,a[�)�;.:.r�r.
- . .. ,..,. . .x._._s.�,Le�'.e .. ... ..... ...c . _,.,. .._. ._ ....� .. .. . . . . ... � .
. V , ' � �
Exterior Fire Protection
. � . , An existing residence less than 6 ft. distance from an adjoin-
'i+�g b�uilding where the r::terior walls of both have a combustible
finish material shall have a noncombustible exterior finish mat-
' eri�l added to the wall, or replace the existing exterior wall
fanish with no¢ec�ustible materials. Where an exterior stair-
way is used i.m; �la,ce of a required interior stairway, or with
ffi�iildings th�e� ot more stories above grade, it shall be self-
�upporting andiconstructed of noncombustible materials.
Basement or C�llar Floors
, ��e floor af a11 furnace rooms ar �abitable or work spaces shall
`� ' b� surfacec�'iix- ari acceptable �a�n+er.. --
� ' GuCters andtD�wnspouts
' Each dwelling shall have a c�tr�lisd �ethod of disposal of waCer
from roofs where necessary.
Interior Wa11 and Ceilin� Fim��sln
All interi�x walls and ceilim�gs �f roo�s and halZways shall pro-
vide (a) a. suitable base for �e�.arative finish, (b) a waterproof
and hard s�rface in spaces subj�tt to moisture, and (c) there shall
not be not�ceable surface irxe�nalaritfa�� �r cracking.
Kitchen and• Bathroom Floors
. Floors� in �.itchens and bathro� at�i1 be made completely imper-
vious to mcri.sture wieh a durab�e, baaterproof, nan-absorptive mat-
erial. Woad finish flooring for th�se rooms is not acceprable.
Paintin� ar��dr. Decoration
Where needed;, a protective amd d�cor�tive finish coating shall
�z�r�vide, (a) adequate resistance t� veathering, (b) protection
o� £inish surfa:ces from moisture or corrosion, (c) an attracCive
ap�pearance, anc� (d) reasonable durability. Appropriate cleaning
of`-existing sint�rior and exterior finish surfaces shall be pro-
vid�d. �
Eactt� property �flral�. be provided with a centralized furnace or a
bua3lu-in type wa]t1 h�ater with or without distribution system and
be ea+�able of mainta�ning a temperature of at least 70 degrees F.
in all habieable rooms, bath and hallways wtien outside tempera-
t�r�e �s �C °� �i3n��s � dye���e�s �. �taet�� air• fro:a a living unit
-23- R-213
...,. .�......._ ._.> : .;
.,...�..z._...�.,s....__�_..:....._._.,.._...,... . ��.v... . ,_, ;v :.�:.,a:.. . -� �:"�za,�.,��'�:�;:s�-�;:
,, ,, _r ..
� shall not be r�rculated and delivered to any�her livable
unit. No open-flame radiant type space heaters shall be per-
mltted. The maximum distance between the source of heat and
ce���:ar of any room to be heated shall not exceed 18 feet, or
• through not more than one intervening door.
� Dom�tic Water He�tan� and Stora�e
Ca cx,�c:i t ies
Ea.ah building, �r living unit within a building; shall have
aui*amatic domestfc water heating and storage equipment in serv-
ieeable conditj.an supplying hot water in adequate quantities
in relationshfA to the number of units served. No waCer heater
' ���� �a�31 be inst�lled in any room used or designed to be used for
. . . . • .
�:I.�eping purpa�s�es. No gas or oil fired water heater shall be
� ' �a'cated in a �athroom, clothes closet, under any stairway, or
�� a canfined. space with access only to the above locations.
� �fi) Non�Resr.d"ential Property
At the c�mpletioa of rehabi2itation activities, aIl
non-res�.dential property should be safe and sound in
all phy�ical respects and should be refurbished or so
altered as to bring the property to desirable a:arket-
, able coa�ciition. Such condition as a minimum sha11 comply
_ with the minimum objectives of the Building Code of the
City of 3aint Paul and the "Lan d Use Provisions and Build-
� ing Requ�rements" contained in this Plan insofar as pos-
� (c)' Non-Residfential Use in Connection with a Residential
The non-r�sidential use nust conform to good standards
- of plannin�, and zoning, and should be beneficial without
being detr?.au�ental, to the residential use of the property, ,
and should grovide for the dispensing of the services and
tHe marketirn� cm� goods needed by the families residing in
�e neighborFn��d',
:�:. Redevei:+c;�pers Obli���ion� �
(a) Tht� redevelopers of properties, their successors or as-
si�:.s wi1Z be required by contract between the Housing �
-24- ' R-213
.__,.__,....._..--..�..�....._...�,....�...�..,.m_.�...�.,........._.....,._.�.�...,��....,,,.mw..�.�..�.....�.,.P�.�_„_...__...�,,.....T.�..,��..,.,��, �...,�>..
;Y k . .
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s..,,d,.� h,. .., • _ < ,�.. _..,. .._..., . : , �_.�.. :� � .:�.�_w. _ �.,:_���.�� ., _:,�,..� - �.,._ .. _
� . �
, �
and Redevelopment Authority and ehe redeveloper to ob-
serve all provisions of the Redevelop�vent Plan. The
contract and the disposi[fon docum�nts will spell ol►t
in detail provisions, stand�rds and criteria for achiev-
� ing the dbjectives and requirements set forth in the
Re�e�a�elopment Plan. The Housing and Redevelopment Auth- �
or$tty will select redevelopers on the basis of their
�rraposals, its de�.ermination of their ability to carry
out such proposal$ and con£ormance to the Redevelopment
Plan. This may �e through fixed price offerings, through
�egotiations wheae objectives are determining factors or
; .''�
{�. . by ott}er-means �a+hich in .the deterniaation of the Housing y
- • and Redevelopment Authority will best assure the attain-
� menC of the design and development ob}ectives of this
Redevelopmsnt Plan.
(bj The Authority may give priority to developers whose prop-
erty within the Concord Terrace Area has been acquired
by the Authority or property owners who currently own
groperty within the area and wish to exp4nd.
(c} Redevelopers will not be permitted to defer the start
of construction. for a period longer i_han that required
to prepare architectural plans, obtain satisfactory financ-
ing and for Che review and approval of such plans by Che
� � Housing and Red�velopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, Minnesota� in order to establish their conformance
�ith the require�nents of this Plan and the disposition
4� Under�round UtiliCy_Lines
A21 underground utili't�t lines shall be constructed, retaained, aod-
i£ied, or replaced to provid� maximum benefit to the City and the
Project. Area. �
1. Non-discri�inati.on
Every contraet for the sale, lease or redevelopment of prop-
erty within the Project Arca will include prohibitiona againsC
l�nd speculation, require compliance with all State and local
R-213 .
. .-�,�..»..............�......_...».�....t�..,..«.».,.... �.�.........-,.—.,.-..,,..-----° - ..»..�.,....�.»°-..�..-�..;,...�.-e
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laws in effect from time to time, prohibit discr ;. ination or
segregation by reason of race, religion, color or national ori-
, gin in the sale, lease, or: occupanc,� of the property; and re- .
quire that this Iatter provision be made a covenant running with
� the land aa�_b� biuding upon the redeveloper and every successor
in interest t7a the property. -
7„, Oth„� er�c�ons Necessary
. Vacatio� and dedications of public rights-of-way shall be ac-
eompli�re�.by separate actions in accordance with the State law
and loeal ordinances and will be initiated by the Authority. ;
�he RedeveL�.Ypment Plan may be �nodified at any time by the Housing aad
. . �
• , Redevelopaa�nt Authority of the Ci�y af Saint Paul, Minnesota in the man-
ner provided by law. ,
:.: : . . . _ . - - ,+C��t,���
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_ _ = - � -26-: _- - - - = : _ _ - - _ R-213
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IN I�ITNESS In'HEREOF, the Autf�ority has caused these presents to be executed
in its corporate name by its Treasurer and i�s Secretary, and its corporate seal •
. to be he�°eunto affixed the day and year first ab�ov� written. �
� . �SEAL} _ . ` � �
. sy C��l��
� � ts rea'surer
� . In th� Pr�eser�ce of: � � . . �
Y '
`Jr ?/, . s Its Secre�ary .
---��,-�/ r' . : : -
. �
�� . � : : : . . �
On thi s �hday of June, 1972, before me, a Notary Publ i c wi thi n and for
` said Countys personally a.ppeared Donald De1 Fiacco and
� Rosalie L. Butler � to me personally knovrn, u�iho, being
each by n�e duly sworn, did say that they are each respectively the Treasurer and
Secretary of the Nous i ng and itedevel opment �1utl�ori ty of the Ci ty of Sai nt Paul , �
�iinnesota, 'Li�e corporatia�� named in the i�oregoinr instrument, and that the seal
� af�ixed to said 7nstrum�nt is the corporal:e seal ofi said corporation, and the said
instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its
Board of Commissioners and said Donald Del Fiacco and
_ . _.._ _ _ _.____ , ----- . _. , . . _...
Rosalie L. Butler acknowledged said instrument to
be the free act and deed of said corporation. � � -- � � � -°`""- � ` � �
. . . . .. .- .. . D .
. � ��.�.� . . . . . . . .
_ .. . . ' ......,:.... .__._ ..__ .-:.. .. ' ......a-_.._�...:.. . _... _ . ' _
. . .,. � . � . - .. � � . � . ., ..... . //"/�/G .
. _ - JOANNE G. CEHN _
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
. � • _ .-.- - - :, MY Commission Expires. Feb.17. 1979
� •>. _ _,__ ,.: __ __
, , _._ _ ..---_ _ . .. _ __. ._,
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. .' � . •.:.. � H.�:��<��. / � , 1 . YY�y'T.: .�, - . , . ' � �........... r�....
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w��n76:' - C�TV C��Cr.�< . . .
r•�F'�f✓' - r r�t,-iCE` COUI1C11 �) • q
r.C�.4P,s — C�ltaqN:MFnT . . . i . L
�,c - v��o:+: �i I '1'1" �> � ��1 I �'Z' �>."� I :' File N 0. f-� ����•}
� ���!r�al ��s��,�t�f};+� � ; c' , L�-�;:�I��
_� - z,� ._ _�
A �� .,� ;,,-�.��� .� �-., �`=~� �
Presentecl Rv _�: ���.s�%� _-..��_�`.�_��� _ �'" �—l. _ _
' ' �.���J��„
Referred To � Commi ttee: Date —
-Oi�t �f CommitteP By._ _ Date
_ . ;
. ....
• /✓/ r ,�I`i-
�-�. .
. • RESOLVED, That upon the � p,etition of the Ho}�sing
� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul that
section of public street hereinafter described be and the
� same hereby is vacated and disc�ntinued as a public street:
Prescott Street between Brown Avenue and ��
. ti�oodbury Avenue. �
All that part of Prescott Street Iying
between the westerly right-of-�aay l.ine . °
' of Bro�-,m Avenue extended and an ex�:ension '
� northerly of the easterly right-of-way
��4� . ,Iine �� �Jc�d�ury av�r.u�.
' ��s All that part of Lot 1, Philip Potts' . • �
5��� Addii�ion described as follows:
6� Beginning at a poir.t on the westerly
line of said Lot l, a distance of
15 feet south of the most northerly
. corner of said Lot 1 ; thence easte-rly
to the most easterly corner of said
, Lot 1 and there terminating.
subject expressly to the follo�ving conditians and reservations: �
1. That the vacation be subject to all the terrns
Ye��� �,��,s Reyuested by Degartment of:
1:��+,�>E�;�czki In Fa��or
11�n•dich Against BY
a'�czr�cnc Roed1�r
11m�.Yresiuent F3utler , ,
Form Approved ° City. ttorne;� /.1
Aduptcd b�• Council: Date i• ��
Certifi_�cl P;�ssed by Council Secretary By �
� ' ���a•""�� .. .
�y _. �
�1 �r�i �� �, ; ' A ��rovc � h1a ci"f Submi�:�ian ,.r '�
��E 't �, ,�.��;�,�: Dat�: __.__...___re._.....�.�,.,..,,, < < �(�'Y Y ,�L,, sr:,;�car
. . �
. ,,
\� /� ,/ /
rc„ . ., .. 1 1� �i'J�;3 -'/ ('� _ r-t .c -
,. � ��.• • �
and conditions of Section 228 of the
Legislative Code, as amended.
� 2. That a 20 foot wide �crmanent easemen
centered on the existing storm sewer
. line be maintained subject �to the
following restrictions: .
. � a. No building or other permanent
. . structure s are permitted wi�hin �
.. the easement area. . ���
, b. No change in grades from the existing �
street grade is permitted �ithin the
easement area.
. .
,c. No change in surfacing is permitted � �
within the easement area ��ithout the '
Wr�.��Cli t�iLilll'1jjlVll Gl LIIZ Lilt_C�I.UL� '
• of the Department of �'ublic Works. .
3. That a specific easement be reserved for the
maintenance of an access to the existing retaining
� wall at the intc�rsection of Woodbury Street and
Prescott Street.
4. That the cost of removal of the street lighting
, on the existing wood utility poles be borne by
, the petitioner. �
S. That the petitioner authorize tg�� Board of j�ater '
Commissioners to cut and plug t�,e six (6) inch
water ula.in on Brown Avenue at C�ncord Street, all
at the petitioners expense.
6. That a specific easement be retained to protect
the interests of the Northern S�ates Power Company.
7. That the peL-itioner, being the �ousing and Redeve�op-
ment Authority, a public agency, not be required to
pay compensation for the va.caL-i�rn, as subject land
is being developed £or noii-subs�dized housing pur-
suant to the Concbrd Terrace� Pr�ject Minn. R-37 ,
adopted and approved by the Cit� Council on March
' 22, 1968, C.F. 237700.
_ _ __ __._ , _ __._ _. _ � __._ _ __
_. -_____ .
,. _ _. __ _ _� 7_.._ _._.-.- .
. � .
,..; .
.,F_ �,;;,� „ , . . .
°. . . � �� �. � �o��ci�� �-�es��'���1�
Presented By .
Referred To _ Committee: Date
Oct of Commiztee By_ Date
� 8. That in lieu of a bond, tlie Cit� be provided �
with a written covenant condit�aned to indemnity
and hold the City harmless for any and all
� damages, claims for damages , cfls.ts , charges,
� � judgrnents , and expenses of eve�y kind and nature �
. arising or gro�aing out of the ��acation of �� .
� stree�s described in the petit�.on. � - ,
� .: . �.:.
- � . .
COL\CILIIEN RequeSted by De¢�rtment of: .
Ycas B~u�� Nays
' �"�c?;-� ,^
h,���P.+czki '�� In Fa�•or
Lc�•ine �
�"""�`'��' � Against BY
S�ho Koedler .
limc.Yresiue�tt�L�C HuAt �
p � 0 CT � � �a73 Form Approved IY� Cit�Atto�ne��
Ado tcd b • Council: Date �
Certified Y•�sed,b�� CqlinciYSt*�relary� Qy � � _
�Y — - �.���,��_�)���_-.. _ 1 � --
Approve l,y� 11a�• �r: I)atcU,,. .__��"'� I__ �973 Approve y Ai��i•-{�ir Sub 'ssion t�Council
�3�� _-R-�--�it����l.�, ���'?:�;,..�--�-... 13y � 1�--�,(.-� �._....�__ --
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REPORT TO THE COMMISSIONERS DATE trtarch 7, •1973 ��,� ; -{�` ,�� �= ��.1
REGARDING Resolution Accepting Vacation of Parts of
Brown Avenue, Congress Street and Sewer Easement
Concord Terrace Renewal Area
Project No. Minn. R-37 ,
On February 13, 1973, the City Cour►ciZ adopted a resolution (Council File 260,681)
vacating portions of Brown Avenue, Congress Street and a sewer easement in
Concord Terrace, subject to certain terms and conditions which are acceptable
to the staff. These vacations are necessary for assembly of Disposition ParceZ
No. 27. .
Staff recoaunends adoption of the attached resolution accepting the vacation of -
the above mentioned streets and easement.
Attachment �
- �/� •2 7
�i;)JJ.,_A��J�( uc1 f.�.,.,- �..�.;ITYC .
' a GI'TH: CITY-0� S��`.i AaUi.. '.��;�;?1;::;(iTi,��- .
'^ ' :. �.,' ,.
Uv�i..� �� �.. . ., ' ' . . .
! ibi�;� � �Y:i��+ '�; .
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Viji M.��..-i L� ti'::�f i C:L,.. �
;��ie+rsf���aon f,�ti�,�;r�.�;-;i;�
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-�OLUTIOi1 ��0. .73-3/7- .
4iHEREAS, by its Resolution, Council File ho. 260681 , adopted February 13, i973,
and approved February 13, 1973, the Council did vacate and discontinue that part. of
the streets located within the City of Saint Paul , County of Ramsey, State of ;�linne-
sota, described as follaws:
• All that part of Brown Avenue lying between the southerly line of
Congress Street and the northerly line of 4linifred Street;
All that part of Co�ngress Stree� lying bettiveen the easterly right-
of-�ray 1 i ne of Trunk Hi gharay �;o. 55 an� the �rresterly 1 i ne of Brown
Avenue; '
A1so vacate the i0 foot tvide sewer easement on and along the south-
erly ten (10) feet of the easterly ninety (90) feet of Lot 5,
Paulson's re-arranger�ent of the north half of Lots i and 2, Block 13,
- Brown and Jackson's addition, in �he City of St. Paul , Mrnn.
subject to certain condi�ions and reservation in said Resolution set forth; and�
' WNEREP,S, the Commissioners of the Fiousing and Redevelopment Authority of the .
City of Saint Paul , Plinnzsota, desire to accept the vacation and discontinuance
of tf�e above described public street and to accept and agree to corrply with the
ter�is and conditions .contained in the Resolution.
NO��l, 7t{EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Con;missioners of the Housing and Re-
development Authority of the City of Saint Paul , P�inneso�;a:
7 . The Flu�hority does hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms
and conditions of that Resolution Council File P�o. 260681 adopted
February 13, 1973, and approved February 13, 1973, by the Council �
_ of the City of Saint Paul , t^innesota. •'
2. . That the proper officers of the Authority are hereby authorized on
behalfi of the Authority to execu�e and deliver to the Clerk of the
. City of Saint Paul ,_ a written covenani in conformance with Section
228.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended by Ordinance
No. 12956. �::, _
. �
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� �� `° COVE�tANT TO IT�DEP"1��IFY �ND HOLD HAR�1LESS ` � � �
'FNTS AGREEi•1EP��7, made this � 7t.h day of March, 1973, by and between the
_ ,
. . �
� a public body corporate and politic, ' '
� .. `organiz�d and existing under the laws
�� -.'- of the State of Minnesota, hereinaftew ' �
referred to as the "Authority"
. ,. .
, , and . :
. _ .
municipal corporation, organized and �
� = . existing under the laws of the State �
� � of t�innesota, hereinafter referred to :
: � .. as the "Ci ty��. �
` WHEREAS, upon the Petition of the Authority, the C9ty, by its Resolution ho.
, 260681 , adopted February 13, 1973, and approved February 13, 1973, did vacate
certain streets described as follows: �
All that part of Brown Avenue lying between the southerly line .of
Congress Street and the northerly line of t-lini�red Street;
• - �� � All that part of Congress Street lying between the easterly right-
of-way 7ine of Trunk Highway No. 56 and the westerly line of Brown
. � Also vaca�e the 10 foo� tivide sewer easement on and along the south-
. erly ten (10) feet of the easterly ninety (90) feEt of Lot 5,
� ; Paulson's re-arrangemen� of the north half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13,
Brown and Jackson's addition, in the City of St. Paul , Minn.
, WliEREAS, the City did vacate the above described streets subject and con-
� ditioned that in lieu of a bond the City be pro��ided with a written covcnant � �
� conditioned to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and all damages,
, -�------ -_-_—___ _ --- _
claims for damages, costs, charges, judgments and expenses of every kind and
: ; . , nature arising in or growing out of the vacation of the streets described above.
_ - -- - _---- -- -
_---____ . _ ._. _...___.__
--�" " � NOW, TNEREFORE, the Authority in consideration of the vacation o-F the above .
: - described streets, and in compliance with the terms of the Resolution set forth in �
�. � Council File No. 260681 , does hereby covenant and agree with and to the City to
indemnify and hold the City harmless from any and al] damages, claims for damages ,
_ � costs, charges, judgrnents and expenses o� every kind and nature arising ir� or
- ' ,growing o�it o�F the vacation of the above described streets. � :
_- _ - - . . ;: : .
-. _ . . ,r ' Y + `�:.r +:��.�. i � � �, �-r�". .. . .
�. . ,. , . ,�,e,i��,� , . . "r�.,� j , ., ., .. � ., t :,�-,7 i �.,.i. .. .. . . . . , T. . , ..
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. � :. . . . . . '.. . . . . ' �.L�
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Ih �`�TSd�S� �:��L?Ei��q �"�L �tut�orit, ras c��sscd �i��s� pr�senLs ta be execu�ed .
Proper Officers
in i�s corporate n�:r� ��� ;�� �'�t�,����/`�'�/X�'����"�!'��ir',�� $nd 1 ts corporate seal
ta b� he��n"�� a��ixed t;�� day ��d y��r �irst a�ove written. :
. (S�L�. .� _ _ I;QUSI;;G �,ti� RE�LV�LOP��E!17 AElTF�i2ITY :
� _ t?� 1Ctf� CITY OF SAI�ST PAl3L, �sir3s��s�TA :
.:. Ir► the Presenc� ots ' _ .. _ : . BY
_,., . , .
, , �� . . .. :.M . . . . . ' . . . ... . . . . . . � . � � .. . . .
. , ... � � : � . � . g� „
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" STF,Y� Or 3•►I��«;.S�.Ft) � .
) SS. •
_ C�U;i Y {?F t�,��5�1' ) . . �
' /��
On th3s �aY o� /�,�`/• 1973. be�'ore ne. a hotnry Public v�ithl�
� t , r�� �rsor��lly spp��r�1 ,; L/�,���������C-�'C�'-� and
ur�d aor� sa�d ��.� y. �
Gt/.C-��� ���-�f ""/��Z�� �o me p�rsonally �: awn, vsho, �eing each b� me
duly ��ror�. d�ri say t��� tt�ey ara r��p�ctively �t��
� / '
� ��d L�,�'�Y,YI%7�����n'��J oP �h� tlous�tng �:�d t��d�v��ap�er�t .Au'�o�;�� af the
Ci�y o� Satn� �aul y t�ir�r��soiz�. ��� cQ�por�t�on nar��ci �n th� far��o9r�g ins�rur:�nt,
_ _- _ __ _
IIn� �hat t�►c s�al af�ixeG �� ����;���'��'��:�+� �s tn� eorpora�e seal o� sa�d �arpor-
atqmn, ��d t,�� s��d 3�s�ru�:r+t ��s� s��n�d and.-���led on �ei�a]P of said coa^para�ion
_ . - - . - � Cocr�i ssi a�ers and s��d,%�X�o �'' .�-�'G�-c��/
by a�Ln r�ty o� i�s &oard a ---
/ ackno�le�g�d sa�d i�+��rument to be the greQ
� ar�d��C ..C,�� Z ���
, . _ - --�- - -
_ - �c� and d��d oti� sald corp�r�tton. � . : . - - -- - . _ - • , ' , -
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of intersection with a Qoint 202 feet, plus or c�inus,
south of the southern right-of-way line of Concord
Street, then westerly at right an�les to the point of
of intersection with the northern ri�ht-of-wa y line
of the alley between E. Gcorge and E. Stevens Streets,
then wes�erly alont said line to the point oE !nt^r�
sectiocn with a laC line which is 150 feet ease of
Maurice Street, then northerly along said line to the
poie�C m:f` intersection with the northern right�of-way -
li�e c� E. George Street, then easterly for 70 feet,
plms ar minus, along said line to the poinC of inter-
" se.��isart with a lot line, then northwesterly for 250
� f�et along said line to the point of intersection
w�th a: lot line, then northerly along said line for
711. faet to th� point of intersection with the southern
�ight-of-way line af E. Rabie Street, then westerly �
aFoctg� said lin� 96 feet, plus or minus, to the point
of intersection �i±tl+� .a 1ot line (projected) , then
nor�tHerly along ����d �.�mm� for 110 feet to the pvint .
af intersection �aatt� a 1�t line, then wester2y along
s�ai•d� line 30 £ee��, �1+�� or minus, to the point of
i�ersection wit� � ��� �i.ne, then northwesterly along
; .��•• �!i line, paraPIl�b �v.a� and 80 fe�t sau.th of the
� . - - �uitharn- right-r�i��g� �ine of Concord Street, to Lhe �
�int of inters�� arith Che eastern right-ot-way
� L�.ne of S. Robe�st �>t�eet, then noztherly along said i
: . Iine to the poi.ar� �f intersection with the southern
, rfght-of-way lame arr� Conccrd Street, then northwesterly
slong said line 3�f�. feet, plus or minus, to the point
of intersecEioin wixii, a lot line , then southerly along
. said line 120 :�e.�t. to a point, then westerly 50 feet
to the point o€ in�ersection with a lot line, thsn
northerZy along; sa�d line 55 feet to a point, then
westerly at a a�gh� ang?e for 180 feet ta the pof.at
of intersectiorn wi�fi the western right-of-way line
of Livingston A.�nu�, then northerly aZong said line '
to the point o� inu�rsectzon with the southern right-
of-w�y line of L�:.� Cbr.gress �treet, then westerly alang
said Iine to t� p�ant o£ intersection with the eastern
right-of-way 1� (;projected) of the alley between S.
Wabasha Street anctiHall Avenue, then northerly along
' said line to th� Enaru.nt of intersection with the north-
ern right-of-w�� 11une of West Isabel Street, then
easterly along ��.c�i; line to the point.of intersection
with the eastera: Fs�dary line of Terrace Park, then
aortheasterly a�nr� said line to the point of inter-
. section with tl� amr�xthern right-of-way line o€ West
DeZos Street, t�4w;e�terly along said line for 140
feet, plus or mi��a��:,, to the point of intersection
eaai�tb a lot line, �3'cx�,m mchrtherly along said lot line
�'0136 feet, plu� cenr mr"r.nnns, to the point of intersec-
L'i�e►}with a lot :��% �tt�i�n easterly 26.9 feet to the
po�.�t of inters�tt:�i� cati.th a lot line, then northerly
68� feet along sancdt 21ri� �o the poinC of intersection
e�.3.ttt� a lot line, �ltu� �stheasterly along said line
t� tt�e point of i��tt�s��tt�on with the eastern right-
a#rc�a��r line of SC��� ��xeet, Z00 feet south of the
�cu:Cfil��n righC-of-� '�a�a� o� Wood Street, then north-
e.�'ly, along said S����.y Street to the point of inter-
sc�etiar� with the ca�-�a�ran zight-of-way line of Wood
Stts�et; which is tta� p�iaat of beginni.ng.
�::� RedeveY'g�ment Plan Ob,�ectiv��
(a) The G�.tyvof Saint Paul, tt�rough this Redevelopment Plan,
de�ax�s Go improve the Concord Terrace Area to the high-
` est p6�ssiE��e standard as an �ttractive well-designed neigh-
borhood c�taining good qu�lity homes and appropriptely
served with commerci.al, social, cultural, reLigioUS, edu-
cationnl and recreational facilities. The up�rad�.ng of
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