264301 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 264301 PINK -- FINANCE COUI1C11 BLUE�Y - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��� ou ' Resolution Presented By � Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date W�A3, The City of St. Paui, acting thraugh ita Valuation E�gix�eer, has secured an agreesnent for the purchase of that certa►in prcrperty described as follo�rs: Lots 1, �, 3, �, and 5, alock l, Aazel Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, acc. i�AS, The praperty deacribed herein is nece�s�ry for the i�i'LTE BL�AR AVffiqUS BRSDGE, improvemeat as approved by A�ei.niatrative Order I�o. n-833 arid Cauncil Resolution Final Order C.I�. E6g49�, approved l�ove�tber ?, 197�, e�rrd the price at which the praperty may be purehaaed ia at the a�nt of $31,300.00, being a fair arid reasonable price according to the appraieal obtained by the City Valuation Engineer; and, Wf�REAS, The City Valuation F�gineer has recaa�ended the purchase of said prop�rtq at the price stated above; naw, therefore, be 3t R1�30LVSD, That the Ccyuncil oF the City of 8t. Paul doea hereby authorize the ptrcha�se of the above deacribed land, and be it FtJRT�R RF50LYED, T'hat the proper City of'f"ieiala are hereby authe�ised atd directed to pay to Tony and Minnie 1Killette, r�cord fee rn�rnere, the �um of �31,300.00. Said sum to be paic� frao� PIR Fund Code 6f?000-7��-OOQ, to be reimbursed frc� County Aid Funds. The payment to be msde upon the City being flxrnished evidence of �c�d m�rketable title ia the afore�ai.d vendc�rs, and the total pay�ent to be made upon tender by said partie� of app�priate deeds conveying t�tle to eaid property to the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Requested by Department of: � unt �hriS�fl on at�P� � In Favor �nance and Managesnent S�rvicea L v ne � M edithRoedler � Against BY � ' S r fka gylvester Director �2�C ed sco p� Mme.P esid t �iTYi��CO President Hunt SEP 2 6 1974 Form Approved by ity A torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a s d by ounci cre BY By Approv Mayor: D e ? � Approv y M sion Council g By PUBUSHED �CT 51974 a. WILIIAM DONOVAN ����-�,jl`r � Voluation Engi�eer � ROY E. BREDAHL, �.. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L A�:�� vai„a��o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 266 Cif�r H•II S�inf P�ul, MinnHOf� 6b102 To: Phil Lee IAraan: J. William Donovan Date: Septe�er 16, 1974 Sub��et: WHITE BFAR AV�[JE BI�TDGE From Case Avenue to approstmately 1b0' north of Jessamine Pursuant to Administrative Order �833, dated September 5, 1973, and Final Order, C.F. �62�94, approved Aovember 7, 1.9?3, authorizing and directing this office to acquire property necessary for the sub�ect improve�ent, I have secured an ag�ee�ent with Tony and Mirmie M3.11ett, amers of the property deseribed on the attached resolution. The price at which said property may be purchased is in the amaunt of $31,300.00, wh3ch i� sqy opinion is a �air and reasonable price. I reco�tend approval of the authoriz�tion of' the purchase of said property, in lien of condemnation, at the said price oP $31,300.00, and submit herewith, for y�our approval and submission to the City Council, a resolut�.on authorizing �aid purchase. -1 /, � j ;f _.. Attach. ,�" �_ .�