264289 WHITE — CITY CLERK �C��Q�
- un il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The City Council by its Resolution C. F. 263193,
adopted Ma.rch 6� 1974� authorized the submission to the Governor' s
Crime Commission by the Mayor of an application for Grant Funds
for the project entitled "Neighborhood Justice Center", said program
to be administered by the Neighborhood Justice Center, Inc. ; now�
therefore� be it
RESOLVED� Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby authorize the proper City officers to execute on behali of
the City a Grant Agreement with the State of Minnesota Governor�s
Commission on Crime Prevention and Control� Grant No. 3313714474,
dated the 31st day of May, 1974� pertaining to the project entitled
"Neighborhood Justice Center"� providing the City with the sum of
$144,874.00 and requiring that the City enter into a Third Party
Agreement with the Neighborhood Justice Center� Inc. , providing
that the program will be implemented by the said Neighborhood
Justice Center Inc. � and tha.t the 1oca.1 sha.re in the amount of
$30�000.00 wil�. be provided by the said Neighborhood Justice Center,
Inc. ; and be it ,
FURTHER RESOLVED� Tha.t the proper City officers be and are
hereby authorized to execute a Third Party Agreeme�t between �.he
City and. the Neighborhood Justice Center, Inc. , provi.ding for the
implementation of the said Grant Agreement in accordance with the
terms and conditions of said Grant Agreement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t the Ma.yor is hereby authorized and
directed to take all actions necessary and proper to comply with
the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement and to enforce the
terms and conditions thereof as pa.rt of the above-referenced Third
Party Agreement.
COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of:St. Paul—Ramsey County
Yeas Nays
Christensen � Criminal Justice Advisory Committee
Hozza In Favor
.�wi� i / .
Rcedler U Against
Sylvester -
President Hunt
�EP 2 6 �974' Form Approved b City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified s by Counc' creta• BY
By t9 A roved a'or or l� o unci
Approv by Mayor: Date pp y ' ,
By By
Ptj6USHED 0 C T 5 1974