264285 WHITE - CITY CLERK 26428� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PA l} L COUACll CANARY p DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ✓ C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, pursuant to authorization by law, and upon advice of the Council, the Mayor has reappointed the following named persons to serve as members of the Planning Commission for terms to expire on September 14, 1977 : Joseph Prifrel Marie Slawik Austin Sherwood now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said appointments are hereby concurred in and in all respeets approved and ratified, said appointments to be effective upon passage, approval and publication of this resolution; ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ( Christensen Hozza [n Favor •b�anQ i Rcedler �J Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Sf P 2 6 1974 Form Approved by City A torney Adopted by Council: Date ��� Certified ed Coun reta BY By Appro by Mayor: Date � Approv by i Council gy $y _ �BttsH�o OCT 51q�a ' � , ,,r. �=� �� I 1'1 O 1� 5 A I :�1 I�A TJ L ra >ec�es=: - O 1'1'I(i}: O I' T I1 I: Al:11'C)12 .•ce es've�:e�ee �oe��:e �: •t. ., ;; ",(. �;:..�`-'- Lw��-ie��cr: ll. GoiiL� September 25 � 1974 ?1wroR Council President Ruby Hunt and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear President Hunt and Members of the Council: I am herewith submitting for your consideration a resolution approving my appointments and reappointments of several individuals to the Saint Paul City Planning Commission. As I indicated in a recent letter to President Hunt, I am proposing to fill all vacancies not filled by reappointment with existing members of the Capital Improvements Budget Committee. I feel very strongly that this is a major step forward in making our planning process more rational and more orderly, and I am convinced that these CIB members will bring a great amount of knowledge and experience to their new positions on the Planning Commission. I look forward to your early approval of all of these appoint- ments and reappointments. -----Cord ia 1 ly, - __ _ �� �-- RENCE D. COHEN Mayor LDC/lm , . �_>