264357 WHITE�: — CITls CLERK �'
_ � �� 36�'3 ������
� �_
` � � cil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That upon the petition of Independent School
District No. 625, that section of public street hereinafter
described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued
as a public street:
Vacate Hague Avenue from the east
line of Oxford Street extending to
the west line of Chatsworth Street;
subject expr�ssly to the following conditions and reservations:
1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
' and co " tions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul
Legisl��ve Code, as amended.
2. That a gublic utilit� easement be retained acros�
the fu�l width of the street to be vacat�d to
protect the interests of the Northern States Pows�
Company, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company,
Board of T�Tater Coimaissioners, and the Department
of Public Works, subject to the following re-
- stric�ions:
a. No buildings or �other permanent structures
are permitted .within the easement area.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Roedler Against BY
Tedesco _
President Hunt
Form Approved b City ttorney .•
Adopted by Cou '1: Date � �
Certified P s by Council Secretary BY
r - �
�y �
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Council
By By
- 'r
, ����R.3'�
b. No change from the existing grade in the
existing surfac within the easement
area is permitted without written per-
mission from the City Departments and
Utility Companies concerned.
c. The petitioner, its successors and assigns
shall fully indemnify, defend and save
harmless the Board of Water Commissioners,
its officers, agents, employees and servants
from all suits, actions or claims which shall
arise from any injuries or damages received
or sustained by any person, persons or prop-
erty by any break or leak in any service pipe,
watermain or connection' in said dedicsted
3. That a specific pedestrian easement be retained along
the north 10 feet of the vacated area and the peti-
tioner be responsible for maintaining the sidewalks
in said easement free of snow and any other obstruc-
tions or defects.
4. That the petitioners be responsible for all costs and
expenses in the removal of 4 lights on Hague Avenue
and the re-routing of the underground circuits, under
the direction and approval of the Director of the
Department of Public Works.
5. That alternate lighting be provided and operated by the
petitioners to a level sufficient for pedestrian passage
on a schedule equal or equivalent tb the present light-
6. That the petitioners, at their own cost and �xpense,
must be responsible for the barricading, obliteration,
rebuilding and/or revamping of the street and street
intersections to include the abandonment, relocation,
adjustment, and construction of all existing and new
BLUE —MA+oR � File NO.�����
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
drainage structures as deemed necessary by
and at the direction and approval of the
Director of the Department of Public Works.
7. That the petitioner be required to pay $400.00
as campensation to cover the cost of processing
said vacation.
8. That in lieu of a bond, the petitioner be re-
quired to issue a written covenant conditioned
to indemnify and hold the City harmless from
any and all damages to conform with Chapter
228.05, section (b) of the St. Paul Legislative
Code, as amended.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine �
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt �
Adopted by Cou�►cil• Date acT 4'-��� Form Approved by Cit Atto ey /
- � i
- ertified sed b c' ecretary '� BY
By �
Approve y Mayor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
� �� ���
I cou� r�ue rro;.tieasaz�-s9 na�a x.
$eaoIved, That u�, n t�e yetition of
Independent �hoot',p i�tixict No. 823,
tiiat s�ection of Dub2!G,at;est hez�ein-
aiter described,be�ntl the wnne'hereby
1sv}cated aa3d d3t�qnt9nµ4d 9s a publfc
Vacate Hague An�nue t�4m the
eaat iiae ot Oi�Zd$trtet��
to the .w�t ISi�e �a8
subiect exprees�y t� the follawing con_
ditions alid reservy�ipns:
L �at��vacatf►�k.be sub�ltrt to all
l�iditiori�02 Chap-
^ter 228 01�8�. Paut Legisi�itfve
8. e'a�p+v��l�e uetd�, rotlwemdnt be
re eti s$rp� t�lef�full Avf@Lh of
the a8ie4t tb be d to,,protect
' ��t� .�►�� tfie �jort�rn
��C Dean.Y 1'�orth-
we�terR�e�Telep e �omPa�v.
Huard etea� onere,
and the plpattm�t' Public'
Worke, au'bject to the�bllowing�
!�.No bufbdlrigs, or o}k►er peima_i
neat atructutee are permttted!
�wtth�n the ea��a!nent arek.
b. No chaaqe te�a the existing
SI'sd"e !ri the e�dss'tin� surfacp
wfth�i'f7l� eAibetne�t area fs
pe_i'm���tttRd Wi�lfot�t writtext�per-
�stt�tl ,tcom e City bepart-,
ments 8nd U�tY Companies
c. Thp petftioi�er, its sucee�ors
und�e�sf�c shtli Yu11y ladem-
ssitY, defend and eave hermless
the,$oard o,f WateY Commis-
sioa�rs, ite ad�i¢dii6.�BY�ts. em•
. plm y�e3 Snc� �vAnte t�o#n ail
Quite, acq� or claia�s �►hich
' shali arlse f�p�'sny'dt�,ituie8 or
bd�rtt�ages recefveQ br s4etained
�Y b7,����e�or leapk �
axW+ eerviee pipe, waiermain or
ab�eotion in I�ald tledicated
easdment. , .
8i That a. speci8r pedeefrian ease-
m�t be t1ltsiaed alo�ng the north
10 feet oi ,tlie v�sAtedl erea and
� �et! .��Cde+,��i��n said
�sem�t, ee a! enow anfl u�y
oth+er obskruotiol�s aC dete+rts;
4: T6at the 1�tFCfoners be reapbx�eibie
fpr all, eo�l and exP�es 1n the
rernoval ut.4.liBhta pa An�gue Ave-
' nusg rand tlte �suu.tfn� irf thet1�
rect9� ��tif, under the df-
on alnd approv ot!he Direc-
Woriis.� ��t o! Pubiic
1 �8. Thst alteiaaabe 91�itiilg be�pi�ovide�
a*nd�op�rated bq��th� e�pretitfoner8 tb
Peqat��aQe o��eahedule��ualtri�
6. 'hat a�l,�t tp tioner�q� th�h c�vn
eoat anQ e�,nitips beres�oa
sdbTe tor the barrl¢ading, oblifera-
tfon, re�bui,ldtag aa pr ,rey,�_
�ectlona�kttr� t �eL intar-
�nt, relq� e.i�bandon-
coastructfoa .ot'��e�ing a�na
new drainu�e sfrualvres as deemec!i
�neaeeee�t� t�1' lufd<:at tltt`d�rectton 1
� d ap roval of tha Direc�or oE the j
T. 2'haf enpte�ot Publib Worlcs. �
Di►Y 1 .�`.���pn o.
��the"c�1t.:°€ ProCesaih� said
`, 8.�That ]iau ot a i�ond. tbe peti-
tionen��t14 ui�ed�iasue a writ-
ten eave��'cond3klaRlpQ to in-
dem�iuY��acld k[filkt the City,�Igrtn�
1 frora e�y attd all damag�
to�conic�ttfl� witlr C'ttap�er S�.OB,
sectfoa(.b)af t�e$t.,P9ui,tegle�la-
�tiv�e Cbde,aa ame�dad. ,
Code. as amended.
187#�ted by'tlie Councii Oetober 4,
APProVed October 6' 1974.
,, (Oa�r 1�1974)