264523 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council 264523 CANARV � DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE -MAYOR Flle NO. - ou c Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVF�D: That licenses applied for b�- the following persons:.at the adresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. 339 Wabasha (A. Corp.� 339 Waba.sha Hotel(296R� App.12115Rene�al James J. Verhulst 246 S. Snelling Ave Gas Station 4P " 14142" �� �, G�n.Rep.Gar. �� �� �� ,� �� �ig �� ,� ,� " " Cig. V.M. Oper2M'" " " Vincent H. B}�,ltes 734 N. Snelling Grocery A�2 " �5136" " " Butcher " " " �� �� Off Sa1G N12,1t �� �� �� n n Ci� n n i� Ar�hur F. Williams, Inc. 770 Lowry Medical Arts Optician " 15545" Arthur F. Williams 366 St. Peter St. Optician " 15546" Interstate United Corp. c/o Brown & Bigelow Cafeteria 450 N. Syndicate Rest C-2 " 15618" James Pharmacy, Inc. 482 S. Snelling Rest C-1 " 15690" " " Contect B " " " �� n L.i� n n �� rlrie & Germain M. Raess 1783 5t. Clair Grocery A-2 " 15691" " " Butcher "� " " " " Florist-Nursery " " " " " Off Sale Ma,lt " " " �n n C�8 n r� u Cynthia Claxk 364 S. Snelling Beauty Shop " 15732" Louise Bauer 2046 St. Clair Beauty Shop " 15755" Vincent H. B�,1tes 734 x. Snellin� Grocery A-2 " 15813" �� '� Buthcher �� �� �� " " Off Sale Ma,lt " " " n a Cig re �� e Edward N. Weber 1279 Randolph Bakery B " 15874" Crown Auto Stres, Inc. 474 IIniversity Gen.Rep.Gax. " 15965" Larry's Auto Glass Co., Inc. 406-8 University Gen.Rep. Gar. " 16083" �� �� Cig „ „� �� ypp�ebaum'a Food Maa[�et, Inc. 2147 Ford Pkwy. Grocery A-2 " 16121" n n ButhheT n n � COUI�TCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza � In Favor Levine Rcedler g B Sylvester ---�— A ainst Y Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY r DEPARTMENT File NO. 2�4�2�� BLUE - MAYOR � Co ncil solution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Applebaum�s Food Market, Inc. 2147 Ford Pk�y. Off-Sale Malt App.16121Renewal �� �� Cig „ �� �� Eric Hendrickson 516 Selby Grocery A-1 " 16144" Vendmaxk, Inc. 1255 Trapp Koad, Eagan Cig VM Oper 2M " 16154" n �� 8 AdC1'1 M n n n Edward & Ernest Gruetzman 856-8 Thomas Grocery A-2 " 16159" " " Buthher " " " n n Cig n n n Nia,r-Nic White GJay Clean.ers, Inc. 470 N. Leaington Ldy�D C PUp Sta" 16167" Twin City Ivovelty �%o. �549 Penn 1!lve. So., Nipls. ci� V1�I Oper 35M "16182" ked Owl Stores, Inc. 415 N. Lexington Grocery A-2 " 00059" " " Butcher " " " n n Hardwaxe n n� n " " Florist•-Nurs " " " " " Off Sale r"ialt " " " �� �� �ig t� „ �� Ruben Berg 774 Selby Gen.Rep. Gax. " 00094" Quality Metals, Inc. 2575 Doswell Scrap Metal Proc. "00168" Mar»Nic White Way, Inc. 800 Grand Ldy�D C P IIp Sta" 00179" warner Hardware Co. 1640 White :�ear Haxdware " 00198" " " Bicycle Dlr �� " " Keyes Antiques & Imports, Inc. 1043 Grand 2nd Hd Dlr Gen " 00204" Daxrell Hutchinson 1086 Grand Confect. B " 00263" YMCA i� 1761 University Rest C-2 " 00391" Ranald Hi�gins 1219 8andolph El�c App Rep " 00396" Steve Jaders�rom 2102 Como Gas Sta 8P " 00458" " " Gen Rep Gar " " " n n Cig n n n Minn. Ohio Oil Corp 243 N. Pt. Douglas Rd. G as Sta 5P " 00461" " " Grocery A-1 " " " �� �� �i� ,�$ ►� �� Arnold King Oil Co. 1445 Arcade Gas Sta 6P " 00464" n n ci� n n n COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza in Favor Levine Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITY CLERK ���52� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �Council CANARY �DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File NO. f Counci Reso ution Presented By CENSE COA'Il�LCTTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Erickson Pe�roleum Corp 629 Rice Gas Sta lOP 9pp.00465Renewal " " Liq Fuel Dlr " " " �� " Hardware " " ,� �� �� Grocery A-1 �� " �� " " Florist-Nurs " " " n n Fire&Titl$ n n ,� " �� Bicycle Dlr �� �� ° n n Lrig n n � Warren H. Smith 1817 Randolph Gas Sta 4P '' 00472" " " Gen Rep Gax " " " Delore Beach 1191 Randolph Gas Sta lOP " 00473" " " Gen Rep Gar " " " Hudson Road �mbers, Inc. 1758 Old Hudson Rd. Rest C.-2 " 00484" ,� �� �ig �� �� �� Mounds Park Lounge, Inc. 1067 Hudson Rd. Ci� " 00500" Martin Kirschner 495 �•Dale ldy/D C P U Sta" 00517" John Newman 1698 Randolph Rest C.�2 " 00555" �� �� Cig �� �� ,� Richar� A. Voas & Jerris Torgerso� 2103 Ford Pkwy Beauty Shop " 00570" Bethesda Lutheran �o�p. 559 Cap�tol Blvd. Besuty Shop " 00578" Paul Schnaidt 1154 Selby Beauty Shop " 00593" " " Barber " " " Lloyd & Agnes Beine 1053 N. Dale Beauty Shop " 00594" University Lumber Co. 601 University Hardware " 00595" Arthur Stites & John Norman 772 Raymond Gas Sta 3P " �598" Pauline Van Guilder 1926 E. Ivy Beauty Shop " 00604" Stanley Foss 760 So. Miss. River Blvd. Beauty Shop " 00616" Sherman Sokol 1034 S. Cleneland Barber " 0062A" �ielen Ruth Ca.mpbell 912 Wilson Mtr Veh Dr " 00632" Rayette, Inc. 185 Lafond �i� " 00641" Service Loan Co., Inc. 672 IIniversity Pawnbroker " 00650" ,� '� Firearms ,� '► �� COU[�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � 264523 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANqRVr DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - � Council Resolution Presented By r,Tr,�,N�H: �OMMT��;E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Yage 4 Phillip Skarda 786 Randolph Cig VM OperQM App.00652Renewal Space Center, Inc. 1145 Homer Priv Gas Pump " 00659" Eaxl Baiser 1514 Osceola Firearms " 006b5" COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine � Rcedier Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by C Date ��V 5 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ' ' d Passe Co il Secretary BY By � Appr ed b Mayar;I Date .�974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ ' °�-i ' � By f"�BLtSNED