D00913• �-r� �9 9� CITY OP SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP1.13 • • ADMINISTRATIVE OBDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demoliton Excavarion & Bridge Constmction known as Contract L Project No.014440 Edwazd Kraemer & Sons, is wmposed of the following: i� 3. _ - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) _ - Contracmr _ - Pro}ec[ Managee (CPML� Grout fill tunnels and install bulkheads � bridge and storm sewer. Reason: Unmapped tunnels impacting construction. Rerwte storm sewer @ Kellogg Plaza area per Contractor ProposaURequest for Proposal (CP/RFP) NC132. Reason: Actual sewer location different then drawings. Removal of fill at Exchange Street. Reason: Still conditions differed from actuai conditions cesulting in additional removal and replacement. and which amount is to be financed from: Total $52,485.21 ORDERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 52 485.21 . said amount to be added to the lump sum considexation named in the contract, known as contract L-. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. APPROV S TO OR�iI L Assistant omey Expansi n Coor ina g C mmittee p io oor ' ting Committee D"uector of Civic Cerner ������C�� Architect '�� 19� No. '.JVt�"1I� ,,; Date �A - n $4,650.00 28,935.21 : � 11 11 Edward Kraemer & Sons Contract� By a....�Jd�� GSi Assistant to the Mayor � i� � �r ' � J iG � GREEN S EE � �° _3 4 916 PAR7MENTDIRECfOR fA � A � O CffYCOUNCIL �NRIAWATE � '�.rj�/'Si.t'(J ASSiGN CffVATfORNEY C CLERK 5 �-• � F-S � NUYBERf-0N e BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� pOU11NG BUDGEf DIPECTOH IN. & MGT. SERVI r �(„ J � t �� �. OPUER I� l MAYOfi (OF ASSISTAPIT) m��j r y .rl 4� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) a ',� ' O JA.� _.�tl fA� . � I'`aY�G�� �J �C-14�t -H' �.� �j r L'c n ac,� AG. F-� ` i J i G_ l_E �� ° F' � V� 4 �S"d.rL �l/� (A) or Reject (R) _ PLqNNMG CAMMISSION CM�L SERVICE COMMISS106 _ CIB COMMITfEE � Tx� f�� a✓� _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORT$ WHICH COUNGIL O&IECTIVE? INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Wha, Whet, When, Where, ` a�- ��c�v�r� S�s co<.d'.��ror�S �S p�.c' A PERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 5. Has this personlfirtn ever worked untler a coMrac[ for Mis departmeM? - VES NO 2. Has this persanlfirm ever been a cily employee? VES NO 3. Does [his person/Firtn possess a skl�l not nortnally possessed 6y any curreM city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate aheet antl ettach to green sheet �1�a,��S ��������€� noR 11 199 � DISADVAN7AGES RECEIVEC APR 2 4199� C9TY ClEE�4K �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC7�ON $ �a� �� 5 � a l COST/REVENUE BUDGETE� (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE �-'� ������'�-X ��ntCd� C��'� pC71VITVNUMBER °� � O�t�' FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION: (EXPLAIN) g � � �/ �oq � 3 � • �' CONTRACT S"i'AT{t& PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Edward Kraemer & Sons 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, MN 55337 Original Contract Amount: $5,317,785.70 CO No. C1.1 C12 C1.3 C1.4 C1.5 C1.6 C1.7 CL8 C1.9 C1.10 C1.11 C1.12 C1.13 Subtotal Deduct Add 14,844.30 7,104.85 28,810.80 9,928.70 24,241.68 96,260.00 38,228.40 58,261.10 16,540.68 4�,158.38 17,650.22 44,180.73 52,485.21 $448 695.05 DATEISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE_ CONTRACT DATE: 26 March 1996 CP-1 Demolition, Excavation & Bridge Construction 29 March 1995 Net Amount o4 Contract including this Change Order: $5,766,480.75 � , . � �3 �� � 1 • CQN-TR.AC-TOR'S P Contractor Pr000sal No.: ! d' Oace:_ ?roject: Sa�nt Pa �I i i- nter Contract A change in the scope of the work is reaues:ed as indicated 'oefow: It is reQUested The campletion date be (�xtended, O decreased, ( 1 uncnanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted compietion date will be S • • 2. Descriot�on of the chan9e: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicabtel. (Reference RFP No.: � CCD No.: \•'l FO No.: ) 3. Basis of payment: (Checic one! ._ (] Firm price for performing this change is .................................... $ S S4 S Adequate supporting details and information (Increase Deductl must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. f) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed S () Aczual cost at compfetion of work S Submitted by: t.0� ���'+� � �� Contractor C ontractor 1 2. Action Recommended: (Check one) ( � Change wiil not be made. Explain: Date� �O s �t' CPMI Job No.: 3225 �.,Procaed on the foilowing basis: (} As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. �Change is acceptable, basis of paym nt is not accepta le. �f5 /5 A'�7�� �F � of a ment shall be S�� �N�' "f� K R&QI.�S1�D. (} The fo I owing mod fication is recommended: s �+� s �1 r� ��" P �� Nb ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. � /�j M � P ,� � w , NST�+K7�'�{� � ( 1 Change is accepta6le with �o change in price. `^" ""`�6. ����"'— "''�'� O Change is acceptable wich no change in completion date. Reason for Change: O Design Change f i Client Request (�i�ieid Condition () Suggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other (explainl 3. Is this a part of the originaai contract scope? O YES �tVO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES ( 1 NO 5. A/E consulied. YES (� NO Prepared by: � � CPMI) Approved by 7� G��'J HGA) Approved by E Ownerl Approved bY: �� � /�-�� �wnert cc: Chris Hansen BakeE Eriks l.udins 3225- Date:_ =�/! � 7 Oate: _ -- � DaLe• �Y� Mike Pederson Oick Zehnng 3225- Bl SAINT PAUC C1VIC CEN7E£i EXPANSION ��P11II1 _ � �i��nm� - c�� � 1vNE �-� � �3 A I-.�r�- - �'' �i 1�, fkT� _------- -j�� �.��� �S(�nP _�R��n�� - ------ - — - - - -- 8�3�'95 GP�ivr_�cc, %�.v.�;�,c..s J5'�2��� - - -- - - ec �� �Jg� - �;�� � �;�NEL� �-, o�� . 9��� � 9� C��r_�i� _�- � u�rr� .2v� �t� e.� � 2, 3� °° _ — -- _ _ ___ - �J�22/ ' ��GT_f} !-t. �., � IJLKt'f�'��fJ ! 3, 3 �, `° � _ _ _ _ - -- - `.��2-FS� � f� __ G.._Rovt' _ _��U � ; �:�..��_ _ ___�_ . _ _ 2 3 �, C °. � - -. �__ �_ �_�_._ ' •._ _ . _ . - -, �U$ '�71°t-t.- , �52,��`3� ��t��C��� , , .__ :_ , _ _ . __ __ _ _ , _ ,_ _ . ,_ - - ---� - - j , - _ __ _ - -------.----- ___—�_—,._. � -- --� --- -_ _ _ . . , , _ � --' -- , _ . 4� 5Q�' ___ __ _ � ' -; �o-TA1,.� �a'i�; _ ; � �7,_545 °° _� '� L -- y , , , _ _ _ __._ ¢ , --�— ; --�--- i --- � , - -__ -- _ _ __ _ __ ___ , ; , : , � , ; � � ; � ' � �__ . . - -�- -- - _ _ ___ _ . _ ._ - . _ , _ , ; ; � � � , , � r ____ - -...___. � - - - --- ----- ---.-=--_ _-� ---- r-- � - - , � - . _ . 1__ � ___ ._ �_---- _ , _. _ . , _ a � _ _ _ ; � � � - - --- + _ _ � ' __._ .... . - � _. _____� _ _ : - - � � _ _ - - �- -_ _ _ _- --__,_ _ - - - � i _ _ ---- . --- ; _ ___ . _--�---T----- - -- ---- -r __ _ _ -- _ _ _ - ------�-_ _ _ _ _ � , � ; � __ �. _._. �--- ;_ : � . , ,_ ; _ _ _�_ - - � � ; � __ � , , — � I — -- — — — _ —_ � I __ .,____ ._ t .___.._ .. �._ ...-- - ` - ,._ _ _ .. _. ___._ . . _— . . __. ... . ': ; : � '� i . . i- _ ;-- . . --._ _ _. �_�_— i ^ _ � � .- � - -- � ---- - --- i — ._ , -- -- t � � � : � k i . � i � �� . i , , � , , i I �. i ' , i � ; � ----_ � _. ,� ; .�.,-. '--`-- _-.--- -._�__ . . , . .,_._ . 7. - , ( —r-----,--_—�— i ; i ; ' -- ---�- --1 � 1 .,___- i ._'�— ,�- �-- J . ._a._ _ .._ , __.-� , �— ---`-- _ ___ .; ' ,. I _.__. i . __ ... i ! ... .____ � 1___ .L. .. — ___' J . __" _1 ' �— _ —�`--� ._ ; � � ' � �� �' , 4 , � , f i. i � ��. i , � I : _. �. ' � i 3 i � i i � , ' __i _ _ „" i'__ .,. _ . . . _ 4 ...f._ _ �.-._ ��� • N. September 15, 1995 Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Subject: Grouting Tunnels at Shotcrete Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Dear Jerry: ttu•�� . ej�C.° • As per our letter of 8/28/95, we have completed bulkheading and grouring our second group of tunnels. These are the tunnels encountered due to excavating the ramp down to elevation 60.5 and one mm�el under the new Kellogg Boulevard. Bridge (#62574). The sanitary sewer tunnel still remains to be grouted at each side of the excavation. This will be done once the sewer has been redirected to flow to the east. Attached are the grout delivery tickets for verification of the quanrity of grout. As you can see, the total quantity of grout used was 78.0 cubic yards or 2,106 cubic feet. The cost for this grout is 2,106 cubic feet at $10.00 per cubic foot or $21,060.00. Also, there were three bulkheads installed at $500.00 each. The total cost is therefore �22,560.00. It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. Should there be any quesrions, piease give me a call. �urvrv�@ �l'���; 3`x3'a1c�`'=/t3Ce.�c�,1C � Sincerely, Mi� Moe� Project Manager. �vruN�� � ��t�1 P t�vi,Kf; ��S �1,ao� � Buc,�-t�y ,� '�2.�3� � t�� 2GQ _�� � 2a, zlao M F9ua! �PPoramiry E+RPlaYer OFFICES IN: DENV�R, COLORADO • PHOENIIC, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE C1TY, UTAI� • �� �3 . ��ty Area (6�2) 688-9520 �i _yatt Ready Mix (672) 7843512 �SE��� �. cE�s�TO� �o�cTS co�vrnaNY WYA'P'T'�READY MIX ""- 2025 CENTRE POWTE BLVD. MEtJDOTA HEIC�HTS, MN 55120 WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY GAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MA �e wie arA xxcusrve !zCifiN of tlre seller (or arry Eefect �n ihe accepted gaads 5iatl be fmtllea m repa�rcg or repla�rg me WAl �R ADOED AT CU: �acCS xs .ne sellx snall elecL The oEliSation to reQdv W repWC¢ the gaed5 sha9 temmiate N.o mantlts atlerthe GeWety. Free un:oaoing emx of 7 mmu[es Ger Yartl to be comP�eC fmn amvai m 7�- ��a9a 21560.00 0� twur must Ee P� q' FIRST :ne ourc.�aser nereatter. I aCKNOWLEDGE iHAT CEMSiONE PROOUCTS CO. is nm Gable torEamage of ary naiwe a mna inarteG W my requett The conaete SVength : to move tr.cR o� � bne or nght o( way limnx. arM azknowcbgps xa1&gnew w pay wrecker tee3.ar, wst m repartng' 9ua2nteed oniy wher. oart:agWrrocem/. �' - speaficatlons. Our conc CUSTOMEA RELEASE SIGNATURE . - f. atl0itlonal watervoiCS aa . + It is ihe buyefs respor �- -� 1: � during the firsi seven da� � . _' .` �- . . S��P'.=i_'�! O�JTLETS..OF•t�l SAT. 7 AM -NOON. CALL 774-757� FOR IP • • PLANT TICKETNO. TRUCK DRIVEii • . OflDERNO. POCKETNO. USE _ 111'�S� 5� AftLEY 6LAIM ` 1@4 109 F�UhiP SO4O TO: - CUSTOMEH NO. TiME DUE LOAD TIME =;��C� CDNST I'i�C .. 1189 La :Ql�ZJ 9:42 DELIVEAY A�DRESS PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. . �: i �:: � � cLiv ; �:=� �-� flRY.It�fG-STP _ _� : a ._. _ P75i-'71 :NSrRUCnoNS ^ -' � -�. � � :H=: i�12C .�,T �'O �.HEST`JUT &TD E�`EtiAiNG�-ST.: &-�Ei. L.THRL�_GATc & L �c�c�lh" .1 R6 � iNT� THE �f'UNNEL _ `"�` ' �: ';_'r ;� {; e. �`� �•''`=' . . .. -. . -, - ,,,�:-; 4�=F u.�� .. A� ,. _-� ;,;.. . " ! , - - _. .-.,. - _�t, �._ �. - .4"-� s..H='��`'_�" =�.ra-s-.,. i��. �u, � i:�. �N � �s.+aq _.._ aaa I_ _ ._ GEM 1 . ! �-- � � r, , _ �----- =- ' �=" . � _- _. _ : : �--� � : - - ---� -- _ . _ ,� =. , i7'�',� G_ _ _- � �`-�"*''�='<-, � 4 __ ��_ .��:.=4'2:x' .,�+'3:- �.N:'' . �-�-,:: � ' , '�-..�_: -:'-' _ e ' _ <.��s ��.:1?,= .5��?,E-� _=:.. a,�"""._ - - - " �` -' � c � ' -_ .._.� - '-_ " . '_ . _ . . . _ � `S ` ��...���.::.-:'.^,�,� ' � � . .t �i , � . . ��� C�MSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. • MENDOTA HEIGi-iTS, MN 55120 , Twm City Area - 688-9520 Sand & Gravel - 774-7575 WYATT READY MIX Horth Suburbs - 7843512 West Suburbs - 446-9090 CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY � South Central MN - 1(800) 366-6910 Cannon Falls Faribault Montgomery Northfteld Zumbrota f�_� ? I f= 1:�r� I 1�� ) I i 1 �rl f I I � WARNING_ 'LASTtC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY �ATA SHEET = sde anG extlimve tiaGlily of t�e seiler (or any tlefec[ in Ne aaepled 9cqds StWI Oe Gmrtetl lo repvrug u replaang ihe WATER ADDEO AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) :OS as ine seAN st�20 eleCt The opiigavon to repa�r or repldG2 the go045 shall tertnindte Iwo rtanNS �M me tlElivEry- - re uNOaduy fime ot i muwtes per Yazd to Ee compurea from amval on pb. Demurtage at SE0.06 per lwut m�t be paiC by RRS"f MIDDLE V+ST pum�asermereatter. 7KNOWLEOCEiHA7CEMSTONEPRO�UCTSCO.�srw�fia0�eforGartageofarryreareorltinAi(wrretlbymyreawest The concrete strength shown on th�s ficket is Me P07EMIAL strengt� z-c Tove mlck past an0 line w rg�t ot way Iim25. anE arymwletlge5 w+llingness to Oay wreticer fees ar msi m repamng �amnteetl only when tested antl sampled in accortlanCe wrth A.�' naged o�o7erty. specifications. Our croncre[e mixes are designea for speafic siump 2nges. - 1STOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE aatlieonal water voitls ail guarantees. . It ts the buyefs responsibitity to protect ireshty pouretl concrete trom iczez tlurinq ihe hrst seven tlays after dehvery. 1 111:�:.5 17.: YELLY JOIiN57G�lE 1�4 169 (-'Ui4� LD TO: CUSTOMER NO. TIME DUE LOAO TiME �tY{t5 COIdST I?dC 1189 1�:41 1�d:14 LJVEAY AD�RESS PROJECT NO. P.O. NO. ZVTC LE��TER GARY.IPdG—STG ME?51-4��6.; H��D._ST TO r_�{�;,TNUT, �TQ �XCHAhJ� ,...._. _.. � .,.� ..:....__ _ �..._ ,..., M... ..-._.-,. _._ '°4'°F2fii`t" '�":`f`CYtal4'E�"�� . _�'_w_ � � ••� � � •"s� •� '3. 0id 1`�. v�k'� 55. �D� 80 a J � �. • _' ` ` " --.. � �, s ; ;, LF T . _ , : "�,:...�_. 1 :� � : ; . — °_ �.�.i�r_ " FUAiP YD 0£s—S� p-95 CC SLUMP a. �aa . �a� LONE METEfl REAOING 01-1R The opemror o( N¢ hack is a wnze, u be biikw Ii�GLY �UTLc?TS. .�FF_N! �ftT. 'r At'! —DlQ�71�1. CALL 774-7575 �OF, il�l� t7. 0 Twm City Area (672) 688-9520 �yatt Ready Mix (612) 784-3512 � L f� � � ' .���� CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT 1�EADY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENOOTA HEIGFiTS, MN 55120 ���. Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. BOnifacius (612) 446-9pg0 � � �� � ,�i i � .- , � .- .._- f - ; . WARNIMG: P! AST(C CONCRETE MAY CAUSE lNJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MA7ERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET : sole ecw exctus�ve 4a�mtV o� tRe seltec to[ arry detect �n Ne aeszpte6 go015 stall be WrvteC t0 mpaicug M�eplzviy Ca WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) :�s �s me se�i2r sl�all elecL �e oDligaWn [o re{wr ot replaa Ne go0tl5 sh811 temtin3[e Mro mOnNS affer tlie delivery. ' a un�oamrg ame of � minures oer yartl to oe mmp�nee irom amval on iob. Oemurrnge a[ 560.00 cer nour must be paq py FlflST MIODIE LAST ourc�aserr.ereaner . . :KNOW�eDGE THAT CEMSTONE?RODUCTS C0. ¢(w[ fiable for Gamage of arry nawre w kirW mwrtea by my reQUest me COClcfete 5[rengN shovm on Ni5 ticicet is fhe PoTENTIAL strength ar rove tvcK oast cum hna or ngnt ot way lim�ts. ana actnmvieages vnilingness to pay wrecker fees or cost m repairing 9�y�a�� onty when tasied and sampletl in accortlance wiN A.S iac?0 oroperty � specifications. Our concrete mixes are designed for specific slump ranges. JSTOME: RELEASESIGNATURE atltlitionalwatervoitlsallguarantees. � � it is ihe buye/s resppnsibiliry to protect freshly pouretl concrete trom fre[ � ^ �• tlunng Ne first seven Oays atter tlelnery. _ , .�� . �.J., �.J. _�...._ � �. � _.�._ , ��,,. �..��-, ._ � �,�..... �� � � .. .�... ..� � ;,�%'.��`f �JLII_;=T:�..IJt- ';r=±i. 7 Ai+l -id�GN. CALL 774-7575 FOR INPO. AN7 TICKET NO. TFIJCK DAIVER ORDFA NO. POCKETNO. USE _ 71�_t?•�• 1b1 �iIL�_IRPt HG?_t+i; 1!d9 109 F'UMP tc� COi:ST 'iPdL i`�:L G�N?=!'t F'ti.i}?�'..AI�I� L 1 �59 Il 1: 13 Il+Z� : 43 1 ��JC J 0. v�Q+ 1 �� v30 1-lA � n�e, �vrva me operaroraMis Wek is � ��P.r� �T 70 C;-iE �T;vU7 2rT0 EXCHAAJGE ST R R�T THRU GATE 8 LF1' " :f f���l 1NT0 TNE T!INNGL - - __.. ___ . . .�_. . . _. .. . _. ..� _-_...__ a�,,,,,mo�_m wn�m ro wroaa r� ' 4 � Y __ :'�.P.7'� x.�'r43 : l�srtes bnge� wi4 be O�IIB _ _ _ _ ...� �..::> . " " ' _ _ . ... . ....... :. '"__ �...nwwn;�nrima.aew �. ��� -7. 2�k7 ss. ��N 8�c�3 f � �` �:. �-. ; - ...�� -�._ - �' . �, �. '; . � , � ! �: -� '� 1 � �;, � �� �`��. C�M iv7�d41 PUhiF YD - -- ..__ .:+ . :,� c :x5 � �"�r. �`�" . 'S �l°� �', - _, <. - _ r+icrnwaN r.nPv 0 Twin City Area (6�2) 688-9520 �att Ready Mix (6'12) 784-3512 CEMSTONE PF�ODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CcNTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS. MN 55120 �Q �3 Hastings (612) 437352'1 St. Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 LOAD LEAVE PLANT ARRNE JOB SITE I START DISCHAHGE FINI511 OISGt1AHGt LtAVt JU[3 JI I C AHHIVt YLAM � i � � .� ; �;, � '1 � ':!� 1 ( I � f � � WARNING. PLASTiC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER S1DE FOR MATERIAL SAFESY DATA SHEcT '.a wie a�w exc�srve eaoibry or Te sener �or ury aefea � IDe accepted 9oo0s snan be ���m1ea m repanng or repiaorg Ihe WpTER ADDED P.T CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) :JpS as ine seller vWl elecL T'ie o�1yaY0n!o reo2ir OIlCpla<E Ne gootls sf WI telmindte Mro monit�s after tl�e Cetivery. � 'ee �moatlui9 "wof� mmutes cer yaitl to ne wmputea from amvai on pb. �emurmge a[ Sfi0 00 per Fwur must be p2W oy FIRST MI�DLE LAST ? W(CtldSZ�" iiEl. :CKrvO:ri �1n7CEM5TONEPRODUCi'SCA.sroitaWafaCamageotany�tatureawnaukurteo0ymyrequeA 7}�y �pncreie strengih shown on ihis ticket is Ne POTENTIAL streng[h anr move .— ,. .. cur0 fine or agn� of way ��mas. aM acWOw�etlges wnlingriess ro pay wrecker :ees or cose �n repainng 9uaranteetl onry �.�hen tes[etl antl samoletl in aaortlance ,vith A.S.i ='�9�c�a+eM� specifiptfons. Our concrere mixes are des�gnetl for speciiic sfump ranges. USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE additional warer voitls a�l guarentees. It i5 the buyers respons�bihry to protect freshly pouretl concrete from free. tlunng the first seven tlays after tleltvery. !J��PLY is�JTL�TS..dPEt�l Si=tT. 7�t�i -i�lCi�N. C��_L Z7�F FOR IiVFO. _ � 111468 � 1t39 .��tES COivST I��C MAT7 ��JEFiPS z��;� c�r� F�Hi<r.:rt��—s-F° 1�d9 � 2439 � F'UI�iF' 1 1�39 IL 1: 4� 11 1:.:1 i -v_I.,� _ 0t3-S e p-=� � �. �n4a 1'L�I. LI:.l -1G RD S7 TU ��Ni=S-i�UT & I O E:{CNAId6� �T 3 R�T T'r1RiJ GA i i +3 i c j TheoperzbrofMiswckrsz 3 RrT I�J T4-4E TUNASEL '' ' �'' ��%-' w��mo �n ioae. irucr�s�i . . : . , . � IaE bn9er vni� Oa Oinea „' ' " ..""_ .. . _.._,_.s.._.—_. - :-. . _ _" ' " _ _ " _ . :�'N� cfdinqtime'rate.- _ �. vi�3 �=i. • 3�, �ikt � �°,a t2�6� u433 �y ` E�iQ L�lk��J r_�Ui*i�' Y. , , i rticTnl� COP` 0 Twin City Area (612) vatt Ready Mix (672) 784-3512 � ���� CEMSTON� P$ODUCTS COMPANY WYATT.READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE 6LVD. MEtVDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 1189 Il ?: c0 11;= : 1 1 i � t <i { l Z L !✓ , t � 3 C� � � z �/ ! - - �- - _ ,- WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET � soie arw ezcusrve haqlM cf Ue SNIx br am aefea in the acceptetl gootls sna➢ be IuMeU ro repaiMg w replaang ihe WATER AODED AT CUSTOMER REQUESY (GALLONS) xis as �e seiler shall eiect The o�qaoon W�epairor replace Oie good5 �atl lemu�tate Mro mmlh5 aflxlTe OHivery. � ae u�baavg ame ot i mmwes Oer yaru to �e computetl from artral on pb. Demurtage at 560.00 ott Mw must be patl by FlRST '� - MIDOLE �- LAST : ourG�aser NereZtler. CXNOwLEDGE iHAT CEMSTONE PRODUCTS CO. rs rwt liable iw tlamage al am� nawre or k'rm uuvrrea by my repuest The concrete strengih shown on lliis ticket is ihe PO Slrength a� ^�we nuct oast curo line or nqnt ot way lim�. antl acbwwleGges vuilingness to pay wrecker fees or cost �n repainng 9 ��� � ,�ryen tested and sampletl in axordance with A.S `•a9e° °�'0'� ' � spepficafions. Our concrete mixes are tlesignetl for sp�c slump ranges, JS70MER'.pELEASESIGNA E additionalwatervoldsallguaramees. �, t , / It is the buyefs responsibility to protect fresh�y pouretl conerete from fre� i-.� dunng the first seven days after delivery. ,_,!�•�'-;� i �- ,�' ,. :��'�=�_ f OUTI.� i 5. . OP�'! SAT. ; Ai+1 —iVOQN. CAI.L 774-7575_ FOR INFO. ANT TIC�ETNO. TRUCK DRIVER OROERNO. POCKETN6: USE _ 11153� 168 MI1;E NASH 109 209 F'UMG :�f�S COi�IS i ii`ir i _+iC; r_�iaTEi2 ��GRK.zPd6-8TP I UCTIONS r=aR�? ST 7:� CHESTi*lUT �TG �XrHAi�GE ST .& ���� _: �i&T Ira � u T�IE iUtdrvEt �' - �. `.. +3. V_14.1 � 4,a. �Z�1i7 � 65. V7t�� 8V7fS • 1 �K�JC�J !.� � < ' � Hastings (612) 437-352� St. Bonitacius (612) 446-9090 @8—Sep-95 , �'- -.. CC " SLUMP �J.00 ik.04� ' ZONE . �31-1A � TM1e ape2tw W this truck is r THRU 6ATE 3 LFT - -- '' . f F ' . amvimianoi_R - �. ' .-' � -' �' � = " �,: � ;'. wF�icn'� unloatl. Tmda Y :.... - joUSnes bnger+m8 ee dik _"'{3.; - � _ 't���'r'; e . -. .. .r- -;_ . ... ...:=�.'+�`.. a.w :t:. curtanttal0in96memta. C�M 1000 pUMP YD � I. _ . -- - _-� �_;,::�. -_ _ � ,� ,� _ � �. _-,. _ . _.. .r> . - , ,- ' �"` rt �cTf1R� C(1F � Twi� City Area (6�2) 688-9520 �att Ready Mix (672) 784-3572 � CEVISTONE PRODUCTS CONIPANY �IYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55720 ��q ►3 Hastings (612) 437-3521 St. Bonitacius (612) 446-9090 � WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATEAIAL SAFETY DATA SNEET �e w�e ana e<C•.iive eaDnly of G�e se�ter 1w vry �efen m me accepte6 qoods sh�l 0e mmtea ro reoa�rNg or reyawiq me WqTER ADDED AT CUS'�OMEA flEQl1EST (GALLONS) .�CS as fie seller Sn211 eIECL The oolgapOn to rep8ir Of reoldce Ne yo005 SINII tertnuute MV mOn(RS aYx tl�E defrv¢ry. a wloaoug un_ oi 7 m�utes per yarE So be mmpuiee irom amvai on job. Demurtage at 560.00 per:imir must 0¢ pmd by FltiST MIDDLE LAST � curcnaser merealcer. �C7wOwlEDGEiHATCEMSTONEPRODIlCTSCO.amt�iableforOamageofairynawrewknc�ncurredbymymquest - rny mncrete sVength st�own on tt�is Ldcet is the POTENiIAL sVength ync :nove wck pas� cur0 line or ngnt of way limi5, aM ackno-Metlges vnifirgness W pay wrecker iees or mst m repa�mg 9uaranteetl on�y when testetl antl sarnpled in accOrdance vnN A.S.T �ma9ec oropenY. . specAicanons. Our concrere mixes are tlesignetl tor specfic slump rangea z USTOMERRELEASESIGN RE�'^� addNOnaiwarervoitlsanguarentees. It is the buye(s responsibilily to protect freshly poured concre[e from treez j _ _ during the firsi seven tlays after delivery. ;1 i�'�9_Y OUT��T�. . f�PEN Sr�T. 7 AM -iV00N. CALL 774-7°7� t=OR IiVFD. :, I115P2 lEi 41ILLIAt4 HELMS 14�9 JLD TO: CUSTOMER NO. T �;=1E3 rGrl�T iiV�� L L8S i ELVERYADORESS PROJECTNO. ZViC C�UT�R PARKIN�-STG la9 ` F�Ut*iP E DUE LOAD TIME : k�a i :.,� 1 �Y'vJ^'J i-+4?D ST TQ CHEST�lUI' �fT�J cXC!-iFiV6E ST & RGT THRU 6AT�= •� 1_FT •- �-- R6T iNTt7�- THE 7kJtdNE� . --�.��: __ �.---^--- ---- - ° ---:.. ..__ 3. �?,-� � -si � �, � �s. ��# - --aas � — —L�� re�w -�ur�� -�D � - - - � A7E inE�-Se p-4 � G SLUMP lil. !�'"yl 1 �Cl �Llll VE — �E-1 The ape2tor of fiis trdck rs a wn� ta unloatl, irucks n joCSdes bnger �mtl be bille� curtent �olavg Gme ate. l "- _• __ � Y t � '�. ^ � ` �� ' t ,� � 1 � c�L � , �; • � ✓ ��: �J �" t\ . _ rncrn�� rnpl 0 Twin City Area (612) 688-9520 �yatt Ready Mix (612) 7843512 ����� CEMSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY . WYATT READY MIX ��� Hastings (6�2) A37352� St Bonifacius (612) 446-9090 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 '��i�� WARNlPIG: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE 07HER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET x soie arw ewusrve tiaomry of ine sener tor any aetea m me aceprea gooCS swii be ��m�tea ro repairirg or repapng ihe WpTER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) - b5asirz5HlerstWle�ectTheoDlitJd9onW�eparorreqacel�eg0065sh2f11emnreteMVmolMSaftMVre6elnery. � � u�batl�ng nne oi 7 mmures per yartl ro be mmputtW trom amva' on pb. Demurrage az SfiO.Wper lrour must 0¢ pap by qq�{ MIODLE � LAST - : ouru�aser piereailer. i� . C�cNOWLEDGE iHA7 CEMS70rvE PROOUCTS C0. is no� uaae br Garnage ot arry �or kna iru�rted by my req�¢st ���y[e sVengih shown on this ticket is _the POTENTIAL strength ar mpve tru�cic y5t aro Iine or ngltt o� way limrts, arq actnowleCges vnllvmgness %p2y v.*erker te¢5 pr msl in repairing 9�y�nieeC onty when testetl 2nd sdmpled in aCW(C2nce vrith AS. magea orooerry. speafications. Our concrete mixes are designetl for specific slump ranges, JSTOMERRELEASESIGNATURE �-. �' atltlitionalwatervatlsallguarantees. _ , tt is the buyets responsibility to protect freshty pouretl concrete from hee �� . �� during IDe first seven tlays after Oelivery. UF'F'LY QUT�_ETS, . OFEiV SAT, 7 AM -NOrJN. CALL 774-7575 FOR INFO. .± � ilir,_o � .'_'14 )LD TO: ;�LS rp�yST I�dC �ARRY RQFERTSON � 2Q�9 � 109 ��'UMF' 11II9 11�:21 112:�1 a8-Sep-95 ��, f7LO SN S C� iViC r��(TEft RARI:Itv6-ST� I �IB751-036v �1-lA craucnons t��RD ST TO GHESTiVUT &TO EXCHR�.I�E ST RGT THRU GATE S LFT 4`t- � FFL:T. �I�iTO T}dE. TUP1NEl. - - 'i w,�;- ' - -..;._.__, -::.:;. �_ ..'-- - �r • _ . . • - . z �;�r , �._" - _. . . ' .. - . .n.�'.: - - � i �` � - - ----- ' - 1�. �147 u 61. �v7 I 65. 9 �8 �*t CEM 1000 PUMP . -- -- - —.�:.-�;"- � .y� = •� ."' �-. " /�, r '.>Y: �c: � " "..,. "' , .. �%v;:: ^ � _ ' ;_, . ',_ _' �`�.�.-.""'-.-.: '�;".'�"�: _ . . ' ;_�;�'?. ...�-Ar ., YD "":�or mis wck k � w� riicrnu,�R COPY Twin Cify Area (612) 688-9520 �att Ready Mix (612) 7843512 � ����� CEiVISTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MEND07A HEIGHTS. MN 55120 ��3 Hastings (612) 437-3521 St 8onifacius (612) 446-9090 WARNING: PLASTIC CONGRETE MAY CAUSE 1NJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATEFiIAL SAFEfY DATA SHEET a sote arW exCUSrve 4abtliry ot me setfec tw acry a¢te� u� me accepteC gools snan be 6mRea to �eoa�mg a teQa�g tfa WATER AflDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (6AlLONS) �ds as the selier snall Hect. The obiigalion to repav w replare t�e gooGS sha0 termntate Mro mqMS artu t�e ENrvery. � � unbatling nme d 1 mmutes per yartl io be mmputeE fiom armal on job. Oemwrnge az Sfi0.00 oer nour must be pytl by FlRST MIDDLE LAST a OurcnaserthereaftEr. �CIWOWLEDGE7HATCEM5iOrvEPRODUCTSCA.isfro[lublefordamageofarryrewrewkuwincurtetlbymyrequen The concrete sVengN shown on tliis ticket �s the POTENi1AL strength ar. :riwe uuck past ar0 Gne or rght ot way limvs, an0 acknowleGges vnliingriess Io pay wrecter tees or cosf m repainng mageOproperry. guaranteetl only when testetl and sarnpletl in accortlance with A.S: i ! specifications. Our croncrete mixes are designetl for specific slump 2ngzs. USTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE' atltliuonal water voi0.s a11 guaranrees. //{ j - �� It is the buyers responsibility to protect freshly pouretl concrete from `.ree '%/� tluring ihe first seven days aiter delrvery. — -- � sUl�+P�'i OUTLcTS..OG�tS SAT. 7 Af•1 —iV01�i`d. CRLL 774-7575 FOR INF�3. 683 CDNSI' INC PFtRN.I Nfi—STF' 6LAIM —03b3 RD ST TO C'r1E:�TiVUT 8T0 EXGNAN6E ST & RG7 THRU GGTc 3 l.F � & R6? INT� THE TL11ViVEL G� • 8. �tr—Se p-95 �. v7a 1 �c� st�,�uk a ue � The opemtm oi tnis trvc �s a mawmvm IN __ mi which ro wload. hucFs - jo0s[te5 bnger rnll Oa b�Hn rnRT(1t� COP' rwin City Area (612) 688-9520 �att Ready Mix {6�2) 784-3512 ����ro�� 1�- CEI�ISTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WY.4"�' �2E'�DY l�1IX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55720 �,, Hastings (612) 437-3521 St Banifacius (612) 44fi-9�90 WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE iNJURY • SEE OTHEA SiDE FOR MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ; soie antl exausrve iaomry of ine seiler for arry detea in me acceptetl 9ooas s�all he GmdeO m repanrg or replaung p�a WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMEA REQUEST (GP.LLONS) ;4s as �ne seiler Snall ekK.t 7he dNiganon m repa�r or replace Ne gootls sltall tertmrate two rtwnVts ater Ne dHivery. � e wuoaa�,y o,,,e m r �,,,�wies � yare m ce mm�,ced srom a� w, wb. oemuna5e azs5o.w cec nou� R,usc te aa+a W FlAST � MiD'DLE � LAST purchaserv+ereafler. :IWOWLEDGE iliAT CEMSTONE PAODUC75 CO. rs rrot iiaGie fw damage of a�ry rewre w k'uw iixuereG by my reques� The concrete slrenqN shown On Nis ticke[ is Ihe POTENTIAL SVengih an� nove Wck 0� aA line ar nght ol xay �imits. arW ad�mwletlqes mifngness to paY wrecker fees or mst m repainng 9uaranteetl onty When tested and samPled in aCCONance with AS.: "� � f0cem ' specifications. Our concrete mixes are tlesigned for specific slump ranges, 1STOMEA RELEASE SIGNATURE . atltlitional water wids all guarantees. , It is the buyeYS responsibility ro protect freshty pouretl concrete hom free. during ihe first seven days after delivery. JF'FI_'r O�JTL�TS..OGEiV �AT. 7 Ai*t —NQQN. CALL 7(�F F�JR INFO. lii?�� �5�• rEN LORENZ 109 iL0 TO: CUSTQMER NO. T •1ES CDNS7 Ii`dC 1 id9 1 LIVERY AODRESS PROJECT NO. I V I C CEiJTER Rt�RI'•.I NC—STP ;raucnor+s �AI<D ST TO CHESTiVUI' 8T0 EXCHANGE ST 8 RG " Pr R6T' INTO T'rIE, TUNNEL '� •'�= . . . . .. _ . .�F . . ' , ' . ' , . �i� la9 PUMP IMEDUE LOAOTi AIR ���6 Lr1:.J! P.O. NO. a751—�D363 T TIiRU GATE & L.FT ; - ' ' ryq " _ ". _" �r ,..rla:_ : ,F , a. ....K. >�zG.:::=;`:s,+-: y e. ��v� I �e. aa � �e. aal a�a M CEM iaa� PUMP YD • . _ �YM C�;:y . _ _ _ ` � �7M i''�Y• � Tf i . " ._ I � ���vai � ' . - v i . . ••\ - - . � . „�.. .� • -'���-�`W:�r:�='�n` .��s � �� s '.r'-',--_-_•':,-� _:.� -�': ^.: - , ,-. - . _ �3�ya.. $: � '..% ,. .,.- " !i�`- :�.+:[��-'7'i �' _"�' ° ' ` -,. - . TL�'- a y. _'""_""__ _ _ '_ .- -,._.. _. �_�,,._.._ :. � '.,.:....:.1;{-"a-_ "___� 0$—Sep-95 a. �a�+ i e S a� 31—IA .. .: . _ . rne o�aro� a m5 wd� a. . �'� - aenaomn�lmof�_mir -�' aMich M uM4aC. Trucks t �;-G��'� l��%s �9a� wi� OB b�lec riirrnuFR C4PY �q �3 � � September 28, 1995 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: Grouting NSP Tunnel at Hill Street Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 �4 e �����~` As directed, we have completed bulkheading and grouting the abandoned NSP tunnel penetrated • by the storm sewer between catch basin #8 and the existing manhole to the southwest. Approximately 9lineai feet of the tunnel was grouted centering on the pipe installed. Two bulkheads were also installed on either side to restrict the flow of the flowable fill. Attached is the grout delivery ticket for verification of the quantity of grout. As you can see, the total quantity of grout used was 5.0 cubic yards or 135 cubic feet. The cost for this grout is therefore 135 cubic feet at $10.00 per cubic foot or $1,35Q,Q0. Also, there were two bulkheads installed at $500.00 each. The total cost is therefor�$2,350.O�It is our request that a change order be written for this amount. �" Should there be any questions, please give me a call. � � J Sincerely, Z`�-�- � . Michael Moeller Project Manager. M Equa! Oppommiry Employer OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENL4, ARIZONA • SALT I.AKE CTI'Y, UTAH ., � Twin City Area (612) 688-9520 � Ready Mix (6�2) 784-3512 CEi11STD�1/� CEM5TONE PRODUCTS COMPANY WYATT READY MIX 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLV�. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 ��� Hastings (612) 4373521 St. Sonifacius (672) 446-9090 �� I ��� . I �:�y I �� I �j� ! f WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATERIAL SAPETY DATA SHEET Ttre sole antl exdisrve liability of the seller tur arry defeG in Cie acceptetl goads sha9 6e fenrtetl to repairirg w repiaang the WATER ADDE� AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) 3oods av Me seuer shau ekrt The aaigarim to repa�r u�eo�a the gootls stmn temmare nvo mmms after me aelivery. �reeimimdn99meM7murnesP�Y�fohammqastlfranamvafanjoQDeimme9%azS60.0�P�twrm�iLeP�M FlRS7 MIDOLE LAST �newmiasermereaner. . I ACIQdpWLEDGE THAT CEMSTONE PROOUCTS CO.'s not liade fof Eamage of arry nae�re w ki(M incurted 6y my request The rnncrete Strenglh shown on this 9cket i5 the POTEMIAL sfrength antl i; a rtqve wck pas[ aro hne or righ[ of xay IimiCS, antl ada�owletlges m�ngness ro pay wreticer ices or cost in repar'vg 9uaranteed only when [estetl and sampleU in accoMance with A.S.T.M �� ° specifications. Our concrete mixes are designetl for spec�c slump ranges, anc CUSTAMERflELEASESIGNA7URE � addiHonalwatervoitlsailguarantees. , � � . It is the buyers responsibtlity to protect freshly pouretl concrete fmm freezinc " . � � during the frst seven tlays aker delivery. , , ,. . . : � . ''�" .. : . _ _ ...� ..,__.._.. _..� _�. . _ ._�.. _. ..___..� ....' " '_'-_.. _ ._. _.. ...__ ..._' **�i39. 9� "� GRE�1T WHEEi_SflRROWS RT CNE GREAT ICE'. " -. - �a• %��%�� PLqNT TICKET NO. TRUCK DRIVER OqDER NO. POCKET NO. USE 8 125898 ;8� nTRt�'f�iJEI a 476 470 =O�TIIV6 AMES CQNS7 INC HILL -ST PRUL. 11Ci9 laa:as 11890�3 08:04 �6 � .��,.� 99/ -19'90< c8—S? p-9,.�i <CiG CTR EXRANSION ` �(�iIRIY�kD - ` - FQ' C1�fEST1Vt1T`"Ta HILL TAKE A" RGHT'`6Q"TFIRU._.____ ___ -=�. ��ENCE SOU � , h: x 4�. �- �+�*�, � �� g^ ,, '�tox�.«o-'-.r i�r.x'=r: x' .�!i+v." .'m. t-.r�=:4»zi*� .'i2 � y.�q} °�i- z[A�+:-...;-, r- mi i ..c-}m,x.�t#kk.ri"Y , �+,+; �'. � k''�cx�" �! zy • • � ! ! • ' � � ! ' � • • � ' � � � • _5, �0- --- -�. 0Q+- -- ----i..0 _ . 42�62 W 6 _ SAG C4�ncZ�Qt7 -tR YD 30.00 ��. �@ _�:-�6:.0 1� f�IR ENTRE�I1VMEiVT YD - • ._. .>.�,. _ � .,,,,- - "- rf. _ - � �.. � - - - �;b;� E...� - . . .. , —_- _ �:xr.:y.�.,-�:.�_ .s��;c:_.. - � - - �-? :�^s�^�' ,� '.�..� ° . - ' _ :s,- ° � , a . .. .. K.... �� i .. '..-� ..,. . . ...._v.T._.c. °v-",;`i..�.:.�- .'h3f .+= � _ .. � +�. 00 �}. �D0 ; �- - !1' � 7�n� Z • C: (7 I�ts T" R..4. C: T O R' S P R O- P O S A � Contraczor Pr000sal No.: >Z ! Projeci: SainiPaui Civic Canret Conirac; No.: CQ•i A cnange in che scope ot ,he worx is repues�ed as maicate4 below: it is requested the completion date be i'f exiended, () decreased. () unchanged by _ cafendar days. T'ne adjusted compieLion date will be �� ?�"�,S - oc< �8 - naav 4 C� • 2. Descriotion or the c7ange: (flerer to drawings, specifications, addenda. if applicablel. (Reierence RFP No.: G\•3z � CCD No.: � FO Na.: 1 Srz�eM �w�w 3. Basis or payment: (Checic one! () Frm pr�ca for performing this change is ....................................S 4� l�1- Adequate supporting detaiis and information ncreased educt) mus2 be attached to aiiow Owner to evaivate. () rme and mater�al per conuacL but not to exceed S i) Acxual cnst at completton of work g Submitted hy: _ L...Owt.Ai� �cQO,e.n..,� � 5,�,'� Date: �� i i Contractor � ,�7� Concractor Signa re FaR CPMI USE 1. Action Recommended: (Check oney ( 1 Change will not 6e made. Expiain: C?MI Job No.: 3225 () Procasd on the foilowing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is accapcabie. �Change is accep2able, basis or paymen i acceptabie. /'_ �►Basis of payment shali be S�a�� ep�- pp� ����i� fA�E,y�y�V () The foliowing modification is recommended: GvXIE�! GTE� () Change in completion date is accapted. () Change is accaotable wi2h no change in price. �Change is accaptable with no change in compietion date.��s �► 2. Reason for Change: {p� �$ �j �r �� ���� O Design Change ( 1 Gient Request ( 1 Feld Condition �� f) Suggested by Contractor � Design Omission or Other (exniain) Sf1� SL�2V� — sSTLKM NOT•SNOWN CA�10EG7Ly. 3. Is this a part of the originaai contrac: scope. 4) YES �yVO � 4. Is Contrac;or's Eszrmate arcached? }�YES (] NO 5. A!E consu(ted. �YES 1) NO Prepared bY:�� C°Mq Date: 3�,�i Approved by� �� _ r j HGAI Date: Aporoved byc� � fOwnerl Oate: Approved by: �� ca: Chns Hansen Eriks ludins 3225- 3225- 8L SAWT PAUI C1VIC CEiV7ER EXPANSIQN Date: �CPM 1 � ��}"% i, 3z � � �r�2 1N (r'C k- � �T..�, t-�-�n t?. IvP� �{�vm �.-in2 �{n_ �YO..in `�" PdG �Q i3 /�;� � ✓�'_ �—� ��;DF�' UN�. � �;��.cr�.���•,�.er� .52n�e��a-� ��"?rn^f. ;.o�a�.,`; �n ..�a �J✓.. ; amA� a�s I--�t�. r��.�.�A �s I1-�-95 �'2,4q$,� {�!}'r� /�'d',/l �Gt t� ( � �.�r�r,� ��� � _ _�m�.�; _ ; U: � loo. �-�br2ma-�. /�/at Gl�e��� �'1v! C o SDD -'7, 3, !o, G C�: � �o � �� _�� %v�- Q.cr.�+��.:�-- . ��r_ ��-� _ h _ __ _ --- ,,�2Q,�L_ t0. . � �a, � fLt�. Gl,'f �LO �Yc�h,.. � � � �D I.Io = �.3�. f f� , _ . - _ ; �, ,i _ � __ _ �_� . I �2�J: `�"�brm _ � ,11:8-95 . 2�,�i2G, _ _ —22.,53'�� _ - ---- � aer�'yr�l5`� - _ . ! -- - _ _ _ _ , _ ; i •`. f � * ' _ _. � if'� . s_ _ __ . , .. ----- . _ . --�__.. _ . _.LL — - - - , ( f1 /7 _ ;i liln 1'�t�.� �i—. �._ 11nr,._'c�.r � _.n.� . _,_ _ ., >_.�x�__.;7_��- �r�'ks Ls�i�s �iel�'_� n `�'hes�.�-.�a�'�s.: he� � i ' _- Ca�a-, ___ �_ _ __ _ _ , --- , � Gn.w�� ' .. n .Q �1 . n `..tl'VO i . �� � _, , _ _ -, � --- — --- ----- _ -_— , � � l . _ _, "_ '__. ' _ . _____T_�__��2rr)A�n,_�.R�_ ��__7ar. c�?-�src� - !�¢_.�0�2 a'�?'/5�-� , � , , �'t,,s't � , ala� �w,�., oo�'oa -7, �;_�o, �, . _ ____ , Q_; f�cfd.��! i l!o h-s+.+�- _ari _(!��___� . rI�%�'cr.�.^- o!o.�- __ _-- - , _�_ r_.-� �- �__ _ _._ . .� , �_ , � � . G. �'i�vt_u� _.GB'�� ,_ �f-F�-95' _ : �� �_9�-, � � _ __ O��-�,�,�....__�__.:�, � .�2 ��ar� ! ___ : _:_ _ ,_ ; �D._ ��d � �___ l! - 8.-��� _: �' 33 �-� 5 � --- -� ��-� , '_�2.�5A�g_ � , �- - — � � Z 82 ��' �_ m__���� , .� _ _ _ . _ __-� __ _ __ ' G� p� �.e�;� `� ��.. � �2: �-- - , _ -; - �- �--; __ ; - - ���� /�'�_--�-�'�r'�2 -�:Z' ;� _ �-- --� ---- -- - � -.�� — 5�0 - - 5 � , ._ _ _ _ , _ � _. _ , , , _�_t;�� � �� 1 ��� ��L_-� --- —' - � !/YTn-t� Yirin J/ 't�l._ .n!i'YT:/!J � � .. , _ , . , i - , . .. � .; ___t__"_.�._._._ _... ._��'_.___.. : C` • November 7, 1995 AME5 CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BUgNgVII,yE, MINDIESOTA 553Q6 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: New Storm Line to Drain 4" PVC at West Kelloga Saint PauJ Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavarion & Bridge Construction ,,, �� t3 � .,�_ � J ` Dear Jerry: As verbally directed, we have proceeded with installation of a new 12" storm sewer line draining the exisring small catch basin located at grid N28 on sheet C504. The existing line shown draining that small catch basin was not found in the field. Instead, that catch basin drains to the northwest into the existing catch basin near the Civic Center stairs. This system apparently eventually drains to the inanhole indicated as a water manhole on drawing C204. The outlet for this manhole was also reconstructed by us. This is summarized in a separate letter. The work involved in this item consisted of installing 30 feet of 12" reinforced concrete pipe tying together the existing small catch basin and our new catch basin. The cost for this work is shown below. Labor & Equ�t 10/26 10/30 Total Rate Extension Foreman 2.0 2.0 $50.00 $ CAT 235 Backhoe 9.0 9.0 $125.00 6 k-�1,125.00 Pipe Foreman s.o s.o 3y-°g-�� �es:eo 2�2��f Laborer 8.0 8.0 $27.22 of� 5217.76 Subtotal �,$4�6 � � (p� =j, 40 Material 12" RCP Pipe �ii.00 bw- 5330.00 330, = Subtotal 5330.00 �, Mark-Up S�i-,4�98:6� z � 2 3'� , 21 30.0 15% It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, � 2-�---° n--� Michael Moeller Project Manager. M � ��� �� OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PFiOENIX, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CTfY, UTAH . . ..... . �• f .� � • Page 2 November 8, 1995 New Storm Connection at West Kellogg Foreman CAT 235 Backhoe CAT 235 Hoe W! xaznmer CAT 953 Loader Case Compactor Pipe Foreman Laborer The costs for this work are itemized below. �, ;�� Labor & Eaunt 10/27 10/30 10l31 11/1 1/2 9.5 �� �' '7,5 7.0 10.0 8.0 9.5 0.5 8.0 2.5 9.5 8.0 0.5 6.5 6.5 9.5 Material 15" RCP Pipe • Casting Precast Manhole �oa 1� . ,:- �-f'�K�TS � %�- ;�-.,�-5 :.:: c �� � i'} ��.L' t -�{}�� j}r�t7� G�cuJ�� � ti� 41�3 r-i�`E L' �jR'GlLi1�J� �NZJ kF/1'���✓ 11/3 11/4 Total Rate Extension yeTl io.o .se:�' $so.00�o���5ea�ea 500,�. �1,0 &� D�:s' Zk$5i25.o0 ,�.�e 3, 3/2;� s� ,a�a y.rs �zos.00 �o- 5, 02 2 so ��}-; a g,p 16.0 $80.00 $1,280.00 8.0 8.0 16.0 8� $1,280.00 � 9.0 8.o a�.o -��saee I, 6`� S ,"O 9.0 8.0 48.0 $27.22 $1,306.56 � subcorai �¢- 14, 3'�4'� I`��- O`��Q-� I�O M�- X(� c 2 8 � 14 5q4 64.0 $12.80 $819.20 1.0 $292.88 $292.88 1.0 $2,43437 $2,43437 Subtotal $3,546.45 3,���`�� Tota1 with 15% Mazk-Up $25,251.71 ���� g� 2 � ' � • Constructing Bullcheads to Grout Below Existing Tunnel Footing 2 $50�.�0 $1,000.00 Flowable Fill Grout to Support Tunnel Footing Due to Explorarion 2.5 $270.00 6$ 75.00 Grand Total Q""�� °'�_ �2 2�5 3�' � Please find the invoices attached for the material listed above. It is our request that a change order he ;csued for this amount. If there are any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, "�""'�.(� ��/� Michael Moeller Project Manager. r � 0 � • :� `� November 8, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435J142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: Rebuild CB #3 Due to Coordinate Problem Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavarion & Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: � 1�Q 1 �J �.,, �/� 0 . As verbally directed by Mark of CPMI and Eriks Ludins, we have proceeded with rebuilding catch basin #3 located in the north curb line of Kellogg Boulevard at the west end of the project. The curb alignment had apparently been adjusted so that the catch basin did not match the curb. The catch basin had to be rebuilt from the slab up to match the new alignment. The cost for this work is shown below, Labor & Eauot CAT 235 Backhoe Pipe Foreman Laborer Laborer 10/23 2.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 2.0 Total 4.0 i�.o 19.0 8.5 Rate Extension $ 2� S�..00 $500.00 .�ssa�e— 59: $27.22 $517.18 $27.22 $231.37 Subtotai —$2;698`Yr �� �4= Materia! Concrete 7.5 2.5 7.0 5.0 2.0 $331.08 Subtotai $331.08 15% Mark-Up �;79d:6F"Ta��L It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any quesrions, please give me a cali. Sincerely, � � `--^-'' /'�-� � Michael Moeller Project Manager. An E4ua� �PPomut+ry EmPloyer OEFICFS IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENLY, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH � , � � � Page 2 , , November�, 1995 Water Manhole Repair �� � The cost for this work is tabulated below. Labor & Eauot Pipe Foreman 11/1 11/2 11/3 3.0 3.0 11/4 Total �Ra Extension 3A , �� 3.0 $27.22 $81.66 Subtotai �,�}-6Cr �0 5 Laborer • Material 2 Bags Portland Cement 1/4 Pallet of Clay Brick 2.0 $7.24 $14.48 145 $0.31 $44.78 Subtotal $59.27 Totai with 15% Mark-Up '�� Please find the invoices attached for the material listed above. It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any quesrions, please give me a call. Sincerely, �"�"`� �� Michael Moeller Project Manager. / $--_---�� � 282. � 0 r� L ��� . November 13, 1995 Susan Jones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A. O' Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, MN 55102-1299 4..� I t K � EDWARD KRAEMER � SONS, INC. Re: C.P. 1, St. Paul Civic Genter Demolition, Excavation and Bridge Gonstruction RFP C1.32 Dear Susan: Enciosed is our breakdown for the costs associated with RFP C1.32. As stated in our letter of 11/6/95, we were delayed in completing the Kellogg Blvd. west • approach work because of the extra work associated with RFP C1.32. (Our cost submittal does not include any impact cost as a result of this delay.) We reserve the right to submit any impact costs associated with the delay. These costs would include but not be limited to: 1.) Cold weather protection for concrete work. 2.) Heated concrete costs. 3.) Additional bituminous costs associated with cold weather. 4.) Carry over work to be completed in 1996. 5.) Overtime premiums. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (612) 890-2820. Sincerefy, ��� '� �=�- erry Volz Regional Operations Manager !��° ��� ��r��� (ej0y / In v_' ( T7 !C • f ����+� � �a�,o m�-� -� � � +.� �" c�11-B.�SS G��ac.�e,� �zf' C�fl'i � f�v( 2c� C�`,� ��P,t `f�e�P -�r�l ,, / • cc: Bob Beckel/EKS Sergio, Chris/EKS CONSTRUCTION DIVISlON � 1020 WEST CLIFF ROAD BURNSVILLE, MINNESOTA 55337 612-890-2820 fAX� b l 2-890-2996 - ��- � ' _- n,�ea�ioca�n�,ye,�pwre. -�-._ �►3 • • • BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SA1NT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15 % FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTA� EXPENSES SOND & It3SURANCE PROViSIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAI. OF CHANGE PROPOSAI S S S $ s 3z , ss4 . DZ S \ le Z - 1 • '1 O & S S S S $ S 69 s 34 , �8\ .�z S SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION ��,� � � • a November 7, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURN5VII,LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Ierry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: New Storm Line to Drain 4" PVC at West Kellogg Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: "> - - e �� � � �� n �_.,-� r � �'j'; � � �; � �✓ � �� r �� ; € �; As verbally directed, we have proceeded with installation of a new 12" storm sewer line draining the existing small catch basin located at grid N28 on sheet C504. The existing line shown draining that small catch basin was not found in the field. Instead, that catch basin drains to the northwest into the existing catch basin near the Civic Center stairs. This system apparently eventually drains to the manhole indicated as a water manhole on drawing C204. The outlet for this manhole was also reconstnxcted by us. This is suaunarized in a separate letter. The work involved in this item consisted of installing 30 feet of 12" reinforced concrete pipe tying together the existing small catch basin and our new catch basin. The cost for this work is shown below. Labor & Eaunt 10(26 10/30 Total Rate Extension Foreman CAT 235 Backhoe Pipe Foreman Laborer Material • 12" RCP Pipe 2.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 2.� $$�.Q� 9.0 $125.00 8.0 $50.00 8.0 $27.22 Subtotal 30.0 $I1.00 Subtotal 15% Mark-Up a_ 1�1JeU6"° $1,125.00 $400.00 $217.76 $1,8A2.76 $330.00 $330.00 52,498.67 It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ✓ Mi�cttaet Moeller Project Manager. M E4ua! OPPortuniry E^P�%'er OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • pHOENL4, ARI7ANA • SALT I,AKE CITY, UTAH � � !!� NOFTH STAR CONCRETE COMF•ANY NW — 9y53 F.O. �OX 145p MINNEAF'OLIS �N 55485-9553 61�-432-6050 � B AMES CONSTkUCTIOM, INC. s AMES C�NSTFUCTION INC. � 14420 CDUNTY �OAD 5 H CIVIC CENTER EXF'ANSI�N E;UFiNSVZLLE I*Iht 55306 RE�E��E� P CF'—i � n„ � �,� 1 995 o ST. F'AUL M� 5510 <-oaa��a +`+v.:�i—�uli 1:_x8 GLS R4 48.00 3I.000 FT 528.00 6. 13�g 14537-0011 15X8 CLS k4 11�.00 12.840 FT 1433.64 �6. ,,7�.74 14537-0011 ,^_4X8 GL3 Fi4 48.00 �0.040 FT 960.00 -6. c^49.60 24537-0011 1�" Fi4 �—RING GASKET 6.60 t�l/ �Ic �b� 145�7—OOY1 IS" Ft4 O—fi2Hti GflSKET 14.00 N/ yc ^6. 14537-0011 ^<-4" R4 Q—fiIi�IG GASKET 6.00 i�l/ �c �E,_ � SPECIALINSTpUCT10NS Tf:ANSF'0�7ATION CHARGES EXEl9F'T suerora�s FROM SALES TAX =� 154.90 SALES TAX AMOUNT D oio.�.�....,_..,..._..........-'-- -- --�----- - -- 179.84 101.44 ��q �� • � ►� November 8, 1995 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West C1iffRoad Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: New Storm Connection at West Kellogg Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Constnxction Dear Jerry: AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 � ,,, 0 ��h '°j �rtn�� As directed, we have proceeded with installation of a new 15" storm sewer line and manhole • draining the existing manhole south of the Civic Center at Kellogg Boulevazd starion 2.70 at 30' left. This manhole was identified on drawing C204 as being a water manhole. This manhole was discussed in a letter dated October 20, 1995 from Mazk Gunderson of CPMI to Jim Goulet of HGA. Actually, the manhole turned out to be a water system access manhole as well as a storm sewer manhole. The work invoived in resolving this issue included some underground exploration. This included tracing the existing tunnel to deternune the most efficient alignment. The old storm tunnel below the new east riznnel was located and traced to the north footing. Tkere we detemuned that ttte new footing was expanded down into the tunnel effectively blocking the opening. This route was therefore abandoned and the area under the fooring bullcheaded and grouted. This was the work done on 10/27/95 on the tabulation below. The agreed prices for the bulkhead and grout were applied to the items used to provide support for the north tunnel footing where the exploration exposed the bottom. • The final solution involved running a new 15" line to a new manhole in the location of a manhole previously demolished in phase 1. We designated this new manhole #2A. We found that this manhole had a drift connection to the o1d sanitary tunnel that has since been converted to a storm sewer. The flow is to enter manhole #2A and drop to the tunnel below. There it follows the tunnel and connects with manhole #3. Manhole #3 was modified to accept the flow from the west. That tunnel between does not show on the drawings. M Equa1 Opponuniry Emp(oyer OFFICES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PfiOENIX, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH �� i3 � � Page 2 November 8, 1995 New Storm Connection at West Kellogg �- �r , ��:� � ` - �„ , - ; ; ' y f i �r�f�. ��� � .._..., /e �"� �+ ,�� The costs for this work are itemized below. Labor & Eauot 10/27 10/30 10/31 Foreman 10.0 CAT 235 Backhoe 9.5 CAT 235 Hoe W/ 7.5 Hammer CAT 953 Loader Case Compactor Pipe Foreman 9.5 0.5 8.0 Laborer 8.0 0.5 6.5 11/1 10.0 7.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 2.5 9.5 9.0 6.5 9.5 9.0 11/2 11/3 10.0 10.0 Material 15" RCP Pipe Casting Precast Mauhole 11/4 Total 10.0 50.0 9.5 8.0 41.5 Rate Extension $50.00 $2,500.00 $125.00 $1,187.50 $205.00 �8,507.50 16.0 $80.00 $1,280.00 8.0 16.0 $80.00 $1,280.00 8.0 47.0 $50.00 $2,350.00 8.0 48.0 $27.22 $1,306.56 Subtotal $18,411.56 64.0 $12.80 1.0 $292.88 1.0 $2,43437 Subtotal $819.20 $292.88 $2,434.37 $3,546.45 Total with 15% Mazk-Up $25,251.71 . Constructing Bulkheads to Grout Below Existing Tunnel Footing 2 $500.00 $1,000.00 Flowable Fill Grout to Support Tunnel Fooring Due to Explorarion 2.5 $270.00 675.00 Grand Total $26,926.71 Please find the invoices attached for the material listed above. It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any quesrions, please give me a call. Sincerely, `�"-•-� �'yL.�Q/� Michael Moeller Project Manager. � �3�� ' CEtI!lS��i lc ?€?CS3�JCT� t�pt1l�PAiyY WYATT READY MIX • 2025 CEMTRE POINTC BLVD. North Suburbs - 784-3512 NIE�iGGTA HEIGHTS, PAN 55120 West Suburbs - 446-9090 T�.a�in City Ar2a - 688-9520 Sand & Gravel - 774-7575 CEiNSTONE PRODUCTS COMPANY South Central MN - 7(800) 366-6910 Cannon Falls Faribault Montgomery Northfield Zumbrota WARNING: PLASTIC CONCRETE MAY CAUSE INJURY • SEE OTHER SIDE FOR MATEfiIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET The sole arw exCUSive lizbfl,ry af ine se!Ier for any tlefevt in me aaep;etl goods snall be Iimrtetl to repairing or replaa�g me WATER ADDED AT CUSTOMER REQUEST (GALLONS) gc'od5 aS ihesellcvshall z�xi The obliga0on to repv�crreplace the g0otls sha! tertranate nvo months alterfiedNrvery. Free unbatling eme of � mmNes per yard m be mmpuletl fmm artival on lob. Demvrrage at Sfi0.00 per Mur musYbe paq by FIRST MIDDLE IAST �ihepurtliasermereartec � — -- — � ' � ACKNOWLEDGE 7HAT CEMSTCNE PFODUCTS C0. is not hable for tlamage ot any naNre or Wntl inwrretl by my repuest -�}� concre[e strength shown on this ticket is the POTENTIAL strengih antl '. to mwe irudc past cwC nne or rign[ oi way Iimits, antl acknowiedges �a711ingness to pay wrxktt fees ar cost m repa�ruig yuaranteetl oniy when tesied antl sampled in accortlance with A.S.T M1 �� � specificanons. Our concrete mixes are tlesigned for specific slump ranges, an CUSTOMER RELEASE SIGNATURE atltlitlonal watervoids all guarantees. If is the buyeYS responsibtliry ro protect freshiy poured concre[e from ireezin ���� " during Ihe firet saven tlays afterdelrvery. ASI: �i� �C:.:i�1Ji::i�i'c i�:=:-'�`?=:a_=!'�IT'n�.i'�1�:. y:::��J" �Fi'c.'�E °;i-a� `�'�_-:-_`' 1 � :.=f7��41 � i5�: � i��:�N i Rfi*IF;3 CQ� i';- i; +l _C� � r.y��;_ , 4t: �-f�r� I Lr Ai'.it= , i-�- _,;�. t. 13,._., iNO. P.O.NO. � :.:5` `. �`. :'Y y'-�G'�!)I✓Ils� f�Ii: l�;rt _:i1-'-('il'JI.'�,ri7l�li ii'd i]N anCHRi�i��. i-Ki�id [.Fitc'nTi.i��T if�i (_:ii�' iN�.,_ `�.�'`_ 217Tu'"_TI�Ni`�F't _ _ _ '^f ,�v, _ . � J" .it t . .. .,. " ^ b 1:f�. ��� .. � � .-.._ , ..:,._, .. – . 1TE �"-'_� � i --":, SLUMP , }J'l!`t _"+7 E METER READING The opereror of Mis vuck is alic a maximum of mmut which to unloaC. Teucks hel �ebs�tes longer wiil be bllletl a � Y'�� �` m -: �.J=�- C.IC . � _ F K4 — ;Y.� -.: � '"d" Y a$�`� �°F.�.^��.� ._ . _.. ._.._ _ _. . _ '.�d.}�F,' . �-'�'= `' u � �-"_'- ORiGINAL w :��::�-�.�. E �0��� ���"�� ��ti :� w=�;a - � � 7EHM5 - NET 30 DAYS ! � S O T ; L O D :��j '� _ � !! NEENAH � FOUNDRY COMPANY Box 729, Neenah, WI 54956-0729 PHONE (414j 725-7000 FAX NO. 414729-3682 RE�E�VEO ►a av o s t�s5 SH�P TO (IF DIFFEflEM FFlOM SOID TO) AHES LEl�iSTR1TGTZQ3s INC. 1�t420 GOi3i+i7Y KI3. 5 SIT� 3Y TliE ST. QAiSL SURiVSVILLE ?!N 55306 GZVFG CENTER OF� KELLC36G ST. PAUL HN PLEASE F7EfER TO INVOICE NUMBER & CUSfOMFA NUMOEfl ON ALL COFRESPONDENCE CONCEANING TF7�S INVOICE — 2 3067fl014 30b7 ST.F FRAIi� � ' 2 329DOU41 6RATE - 2 1422t}t?l� I422—A2 SOLID LID Lt3CAL FREI6�fT GHARGES OF � _. ; % xr. � � • x� � 7 i. IS ��isKr STA3E ANII LOCAL TAX 22b.00 SET 49.4II EA. StJB—Ti7TAL 6.50fl� � T{3T AL PAti' 452.� 98.ff. 550.D 71.2 35.7 5�5.9 �° ._ . AMES` CL 7 NS7�UCTIOh1, 7h�C_ 144�0 C�UF47Y f�p�Z} 5 LiURNSVILLE MN 55�06 Y� I 7.00 6.04 7.0.67 4.00 J.00 ^ <.00 x.00 . i:oo 7� .00 64._00 ]. 537 I OS�3C750 � ^b7;,a'' O i7AYS CQj*( rvohrr-t srr�r, r_ar�cr;�r�- caihr-�ai�v hiW - 9 � 5�, � � .J r-•_o. ziox 145G MINNEAFOLIS MN Sg4gS_y 61 .? - ?'"�-60 Sr � 7-, fi4X6 4S" RASc S :�7. 48X72 fi2 GF MH/CP WS 1.7. 4�3X64 R� TG MI-1/CR iJS t7 4gX4g ft2 �-G MH/CLi DJS ��?"` 48X3d R.? TG MII WS :7'° 48X�4 R.^ TG l�Il WS 7= 48X12 R^c TG MH/CB W,:, .�:;,: <^.�xi� �: ccr co�v� .ws � 4a F<< o-�x�� ri� GASKET . 7 � 15X8 CI_g (':4 " ?,.' 15" R4 O-f�ZNG GASKET' ,} ..- , ���"' � a''�" -�; i a�' -�; �e . �. �. �� �;:.� �: _ : :. : � ��� � � � , � y AMES C,17h(S7RUCTIOf�t., INC. P CIVIC CEI�lTrR CX�•pNS:Ct�l�i • T �F•_1 7049��-G.i. ° ST. F'AtIL MF! 551(7Z-00 O • •. ] 1 . ^ c7.000 . Er1 ��.oao Fr: 72.aoo FT 72.004 `,. FT ° 7:_'.000 FT. 7.^.000 F�' . i�a .00n EA, 140 000 Cq ; ,NJC d; �= 1 2.800-:� �r_� ;, �' �� �: � � � � '- Y� :;'�' � � . ;x�_+ . F.. , a._ KPE� �. . . `Y rr�r�NSF•��i:rnr�:��y ciiF�t;ri_s r_xi_i�r-��r F�iCJF( SAI_E:S T�,X � g; 14�_01 SUB TOTqLS SALES TqX 227.40 -(,. ay2.�o :b. 767_5.^ -6. t8S.60 '6. .^7.6. 4G� � 6. x��:oo.-4_ 2 .:�0.00,:'S,� 140.OV`; b.' G] ��,� �„ � . *�'`,�'�' }. .5.t � 3j � ' i ��f �.'��lSJ . 7i 7.89.85 IiIS INVOICE. NO OTHER DOCUMENTS WILL BE SENT. A FINANCE AMOUNT DUE ;j;'�,j, 57 �SESSED ON ALL PAST DUE ACCOUNTS AT THE MAXIMUM RqTE 'E LAW. �-�-��� -- _ . . ._ __ CUSTOMER COpy ��.oz l I2.;;2 199:56 74 ; 88 ` �E+.16 37.44, JJ �� s6,40 °� �t; 79b.57 ��.:; . t1/3d/4S 9�.Qs �14'„d£i 567.96 2I;;_1� I59„84 106.56 96.c^0 10.:> . 60 606c-2i' .F� =��= , ,. .>...a;,;,�:,� ; , fi �.'tiy` �N s s���; ... �iF;;s:Kt..p. .. �`���t[��{.Y . �'."T.`': •c''s' �z�s�, �.:5 135,07 2405. <2 -- - _ -_. � : . =:`. =,: _ � _ ....- - -�- ...... ... ..:.:.:::.: �.__:.._.,.�. - -:' .- ---- -_ �_ . . _.. - - - - - - - - --° -: -_- __,_ : --------"_..__...._-=-' `- _ _. .__.:- - - - ;' :_ r:- � , _- ,..- __..._...---��--� - � ---�_.-:....-----'-�-'---- -.._..------_. .. . . . -_-- -- .. .:;-:i:�:�'_:- *�* 200'39tld 1tl101 ** • CPMI uc Sairt PaW Crric cenZer I.A. O'SheugMecsy Pleza 743 YVest Fourth S2reHt Saint Paul, MN 55102-7299 872295-6409 20 Octoher � 995 Jim Goulet Hammei Green and Ab�ahamson, Inc. t 201 Harmon Place Minneapolis, MN 55403 RE: SPCC - Water tunnel/storm sawer situati�n @ West Keliogg Dear Jim; !�� � As yau may be aware through Jeff Blackwell, thera is a manhole ide�tified in the plans as e water manhole on sheet C204 located at appro�cimately Kellogg Station 2+70 @ 30' left. This was designated for remavat 6y the CP-1 contractor. Upon invest[gation by the City ot Saint Paul, Sunde Surveyirig, and CPMI (10/79/95), the �orth invert of the manhole is actively accepting water from the Arena roof a�d exisiing catch basins to the east. 7he water then traveis east via 15" R.C.P. • An opening to a water tunne! fes di�sctly above this eastbourtd 75" R.C.P. and takes water when the manhole overflows at th(s level. The water tunnel tfes into the system 2het was previousiy bulkheaded in 2he vicinity of the 62574 bridge tunnei. it is critical that an immediate pla� is issued to reroute ali necessary underground piping. Cofd weether conditions are a fac[ar as tatal street repair could take two to three weeks. EKS is procesding as planrted with the curb and gutter instaflation until instructed to do otherwise. Please contact CPMI with any questions. Your immediate attention to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, COST, PLA IN6 MANAGEMENT (NTEflNA7I0NA1, WC. ya �� Mark u erson Assistant Project Manager cc: Chris Hansen Richa�d Hedman Eriks Ludins Mike Pederson Jerry Volz • �l'� � • November 6, 1995 Susan Jones CPMI c/o St. Paul Civic Center I.A 0' Shaughnessy Pl a�a 143 West Fourfh Street St_ Paul, MN 55102-1289 EDWARII KRAEJNER & sONS, ifYC. Re: C_P. 1, Sf. Paui Civic Center pemolifion, Excavation and Bridge ConsVucYion 4ear Susa�: � On 10/18195 it was discovered that the wafer drainage for the arena roof had been butkheaded {as shown in the plans) in the vicinity of the 62574 bridge tunnel and was causing water to backup into NSP's vauit. Compietion of the roadway portion of Ketlogg Blvd. was put on hold until exploratory excavations were done to determine if we couid re-tie into the water tunnel previousfy bulkheaded. After the exploratory excavation proved fruitless we were directed to insta(i a new drainage system down ttie Kellogg approach to remedy the water drainage problems. Ai! of this work is currently being complefed without any documenfation from the owner. We have proceeded wifh verbal approval on a time and material basis to expedite this work and to avoid further delays to ihe Kel(ogg approach work. Completion of this phase of the worlc is critical so that traffic can be temporarily switched onto fhe new pavement sa the rest of west bound lCetlogg at 7th Street can be campfefed. Our concems with the de(ays on fhe approach work is the cold weather protection required for the remaining concrete curb, gufter and median work and the remaining bituminous paviog required. AU costs associated with the extra work and associated delays wiU be submittad upon completion. P(ease issue a contract directive for the extra work involved. If you shoufd have any questions, please contaci me at (612) 890-2820. Sincerely, �� � Je . Volz Regiona! Operetions Manager cc: Mike MoellerlAmes Bab BeckeUEKS 102p WESTCllFf ROAD CONSTRUCftON DtVlS/OiV &JRNSV!!1F MWNES07A�5337 612-890-2820 FAX: 612-890�2996 �w�amv.�.rr�on,a. .. .*• ���� U • • : �, �� November 8, 1995 AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Subject: Dear Jerry: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Water Manhole Repair Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demq Excavation & Bridge Construction �h. 1�1� ° As directed, we have proceeded with repair of the existing manhole south of the Civic Center at Kellogg Boulevard starion 2.70 at 30' left. This manliole was idenrified on drawing C204 as being a water manhole. This manhole was discussed in a letter dated October 20, 1995 from Mark Gunderson of CPMI to Jim Goulet of HGA. Actually, the manhole tumed out to be a storm sewer manhole as well as a water system access manhole. This manhole was partially demolished during phase 1 since it was noted to be removed. It was not until recently that it was detemuned that this manhole also functioned as a storm sewer manhole and had to be repaired. Also, piping had to be installed to drain this manhole since the previous system was demolished during phase 1. This is suinuiarized in a separate letter. M Eqrml Opportuniry Employer OFFiCES IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENI7C, ARIZONA • SALT LAI� CITY, UTAEi . �� �13 • Page 2 November 8, 1995 Water Manhole Repair The cost for this work is tabulated below. Labor & Eauot Pipe Foreman Laborer 11/1 11/2 11/3 11/4 Total 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 • Material 2 Bags Portland Cement 1/4 Pallet of Clay Brick 2.0 $7.24 $14.48 145 $031 $44.78 subtotai $59.27 �� � ;� _�, � �i ! n� `j s � 1 i v� ���, � � � ' . ' �`, ; ��� �� �; Rate $50.00 $27.22 Subtotal Extension $150.00 $81.66 $231.66 Total with 15% Mark-Up $334.57 Please find the invoices attached for the material listed above. It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any quesrions, please give me a call. Sincerely, �`-�---t' ' " "- ti ` Michael Moeller Project Manager. • � ��^� - -- � ... .- -- �- -- � � —.... _V . _ ...... _._.�_.. , ...�.....�_�_�e:.:.,:_.:�c'_t. : ..:.�.� - , - . - � ' :. � -. .__ _.i.. ._,._ _ ..,._' �'��:._� .. i.; C::e��.: DATE NUMBER 7 EULL CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. '� � �� ^ 5836 LARGE AVE. N.E., P.O. BOX 158 A�sERNILLE. MN 553ot CUSiOMER R 1025 SHIP pATE; 10/11l95 PHONE: (612) 497-2136 • 1-800.964-4628 Construction, inc. ��p To: i4azu Caunty ltoad 5 �s Construction, Inc. Lakev i ll e Burnsvilie, M7 553p6 F�wr 46 East Of 3Sd ��n��� 120 ipp CURVE� � Z� 2X�C2 � 60 SULIp, 580 SBU RBRIqC 6 6 PALRE6 ��G� I -� � � ��1 ����s � cornINrs: Gurved MH Block 6X8X16 2' X 3' X?' C.B. Square MH Block 6 X 8 X 16 Manhole Brick PF+LLET CH4R� SEE BELOId RECE1vED h4�V 0 6 1995 TEk15; Net (6/ECM 1.09 3130.80 �•ZS f145.00 I.10 566.�0 d.� 8168.20 0.00 g,pp ���a�m iou:: SALES TAX: �SU.93 _ PALIET CFWR6E: 854.00 FREIGHT 8.00 ' � TOTAL SALE: E�6.83 : ' ^�°;-;r--<-�-.• ;,,-..�...� : � ;. _,.,__;_� . . . .., . . , , . . , .. �.,,-. - — - � . . - -• - . _._ ... „. , : . , . - - - -- ,.. . . � . , ,... . . ... . -. .__......_ ,: - . ; . : .., . . . , . . . . : . .. - ' . (.t�.1j•�t• .E�(a: G�iw�;.�r a �«'r'�.if���:. ` •�\��:.Y�X . � . .�ii1•' ..2v>�� � ...��, .�� ; }�.j�'��:>R1 ��..v��"F� ;Z:r :C^,'4J" (�, 6 �i °��. :i�> .w� �:�.:SF=��.. ..i`�S;i::d,.t`,- . t _ '_.:.� � �. . .: �, ' .:..:..! "�'•� �y. C.rY .i��:,S�n.r'., � . 1� ]S�•'.n.�::' T� :�•'�,; ? 'o �- • ? t �' i g�' k y '�,, t�+ k• � k " ':�... `... .: . ``^ ;`{!�`� .���...�1� „1. �h4 ��ih;�%� �'lY �.;�al.?Rd LS'CiY}�,,�`,4'ieY�i•f��P_. t"YS' �.:.`:.� �'� ' t. .� k. � `' :r .� t t _ � , nt� � .�:', •.'4 .. � '�,�:: ..�,:�'. _ . . . ... . . .. . _ . . • . . � . ' , , .. • . • . �� November 8, 1995 i��li AMES CONSTRUCTION, INC. 14420 COUNTY ROAD 5 BURNSVII.LE, MINNESOTA 55306 (612) 435-7106 • FAX 435-'7142 Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Bumsville, Minnesota 55337 Attention: Jerry Volz, Regional Manager Subject: Rebuild CB #3 Due to Coordinate Problem Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Excavation & Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: � �.,, e '-O �..aR� `, As verbaily directed by Mark of CPMI and Eriks Ludins, we have proceeded with rebuilding catch basin #3located in the north curb line of Kellogg Boulevard at the west end of the project. The curb alignment had apparently been adjusted so that the catch basin did not match the curb. The catch basin had to be rebuilt from the siab up to match the new alignment. The cost for this work is shown below. Labor & Eauut CAT 235 Backhoe Pipe Foreman Laborer Laborer 10/23 2.0 7.0 7.0 6.5 10/24 10/25 10/26 10/27 2.0 Total 4.0 17.0 19.0 8.5 Rate Extension S 30o �500.00 "� .�se-ae- 595 " $27.22 $517.18 $27.22 $23137 Subtotat -$r2;698`55- /��4'3F Material Concrete 7.5 2.5 7.0 5.0 2.0 $331.08 Subtotai $331.08 15% Mark-Up -$�94�9-'Taj�Q�� It is our request that a change order be issued for this amount. If there are any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, • "1-�-=� h�--_ Michael Moeller Project Manager. M E4va! OPPam*n�tY EmPlayer OFFICFS IN: DENVER, COLORADO • PHOENLY, ARIZONA • SALT LAKE CPl'Y, UTAH �� q IE�:?.:.,.—___,_---__,.._..____�._----- 2025 CENTRE POINTE BLVD. MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 55120 Phorre (6721 �8-9292 .� PRODUCTS COMPANY/ FAX 612)688-09� T READY MIX ,_��:�- = S '=;>:" ` � -->:, MES CONSTRUCTI�N INC. p_ '- 34420 COUNTY ROAD S - � BURNSV ILLE (1iV 55306 ��� *..� :. . �0003 CI IC CENT R EXPANi C?214349 - 43 - �k. �s -"" s��� }�- � �e:y;'q:., 5?at N,.,. .. t 72"�4391 "_.: `;. q � .Y--.-.,.._„ 2- 51 1. :1147942 °-�: SO �,-� 2. � � .� .� �J ;�r-`. r.. � � ... r €�'�t�� TOTAL Y RDS 5. � ,a......�...�._.. ."u`x.-�..___,.,._.... � � �" ���� � e. . _..r ��.?.`�x.c� � i _�a�,sx�a.� , .,,.. �+�m.*' ti .sew�,:� a �.:�:,� x�-- i as =-" .,i"`w%` ;;.. .. , � E.i;�... ,�....,., ._ _ ,�, .v.�._..-� :, > -' �i� INVOICE PLEASE PAY FROM INVOICE - REMIT PAYMENT TQ: CEMSTONE PRODUCT CO. R ��� t` � E �, CM 9609 ST. PAUL, MN 55170-9609 �� i g� t� - 64E INVOICENO PwGE �— 1-95 `'4550b 81 3Y43—F+A3/4GR 62.Q0 MIIV. DELZVERY CHAR6E 70. 00 3Y43—F+A3l4GR 6�.00 MIIV. DELI�:::Y CHAR�E b5. 00 1000 PSI PUMP�� ��� - 40. 00 MIN. DFLIVERY CHARGE 65. 04 . - . , r_--.:_.�._ � ,._ . JOB TOTAL 486. 00 MAY� DEDUGT�-=: 5: 50 �:�-,:_� , - � �aY= r � . . , .. , ";-�*__ ;ii� '- ' . -- c - -. . �,�'.ur ' � , � - , . _ ' . ; ���;�_. .,,. . . , ` .:.-... :i'•G,;-x::�r. .. . .. d , .. .,�, �.^ _. . 7� �A4a+,�+ B?�15 CHARGED ON TNE MATERIALS 1 � � �'�EEIYFXYiSTA%E%EMPT.THESALESTAX RECYCUBIE ! ST P�AUL 3. 36 � 65. 70. 6. 72 130. 65. 4. 55 104. _. 65. .. i4. 63 500. r..e,a'�.� '�r eX.�' AMOUNT • /�� 3 Contractor Proposal No.: �, / Date: Project: Saint Paui Civic Center Contract No.: A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: � 2 It is requested the completion date be ( 1 extended, ( 1 decreased, �nchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Description of ihe change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). IReference RFP No.: : CCD No.: : FO No.: 1 1!� CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL 3. Basis of payment: ICheck one) () Firm price for performing this change is ....................................5 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. () me and material per contract, but not to exceed S Actual cost at completion of work S Submitted by: Contractor • � � Jr Daie: � �'� Action Recommended: iCheck onel () Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 NoTE : A�w�es Con�: �Proceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. '�(�Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not a�cceptable. `�Basis of payment shali be 5/S.QOD, (� The following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request �Field Condition ( 1 Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or 02her (explain) 3. ts this a part of the originaal contract scope? () YES �NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES () NO 5. A/E consu(ted. YES ( I NO Prepared by: /'> � ✓v� CPM1) Approved b � (HGA1 Approved by • � .!� � Approved by: cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Eriks Ludins 3225-_ Mike Pederson 3225- BL pr[L S Pa,y�, 2. /YOI"f�X+7C5f' BI �4/�7i/�QW. ata�lre55e�/ .sgoqn��� Date: �3/_�sIR� Date: Dick Zehring SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION • • � 0 BREAKDOWN SHEET 1 CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL � SA(NT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS .� �Q� Lpl��l.���� n 5% FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEI & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT S1TE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS S S S S S S S 9 0� �r� �' � �; �. I �� G�i,w� C�h'a�in. �`' Y' 3 �, �E S �S'7��-� / l $�9�� TOTAL OTHER COSTS $ TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAI. $ � ��S G� /he�i' ��.�tve2r/ �/'/,�s [,k�'� 5 / �� s S �: O��INa� C•I' �NGLV� • �36,623. A�mES 13, 3 95 �— l�oz�'hwest g�tumfrous ��P�� 2� S� I ,''�. t�orzfihwest ----'�— 6�ttlminws ' � 54,$B� 52 �R�-st��Pr� $ �� ��s S SUbG�o� S s �t,-�'�'_" 18,000 S !r1'7 7 7"" JHN 24 '% 10�49 FR -S BlRNSVIL�E 612 435 KRAEPER BVILL.E P.02i05 ��� u i 7anuary 24, 1996 AMES CONSTRUCTION, 14420 C�YTNTY 1i�AD 5 gt7gNgVII,LE, bgNNESOTA 55 (612) 435-7106 � FAX 435-714-' Edward Kraemer & Sons, Inc. 1020 West Cliff Road Burnsville, Minnesota 5533T .A,ttemion: Jerry '�olz, Regional iJlanager Subject: Exchange Sueet Removal and Replacement Saim Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-1 Demo, Fxcavation & Bridge Construction Dear Jerry: Yl� �/�3`� ♦�'�; As you wete notified by our letter of 7uly 5, 1995, and subsequent letter ofNovember 14, 1995, we havc had to wmpletely remove Exchange Street pavement and underlying fill material in • order to provide access to the south fUating of Bridge #b2575 and the aew �xchange Street retaining wall. This is due to zubble beneath Exchange Street where the boiings showed rock. We aze seeltin� compenisation for the addidonal removats as well as excavation and backfill. A related isaue is the repiacemeat of the stceet surfacing. We axe alerting you to the probtem since this ia not xn our scope of work. Our 7/5/951etter was ouz norification of this change of condition.. • The soil borings in the area led us to believe that bedrock was relatively shallow beneath the paving at Exchange Strcet. Boting #9 done in 1994 is the closest boring to this area That boring log is attached 'T'he thicicness of overbwdeu shown in this bozing is 7.S for aa elevation 83.7, St. Paul Datum fox the top of bedrock. 'I'b.e revised bottom of footing elevation is 6625, with the old Exchange Street pavement sloping from elevation 74.8 at the west to about 92.0 at the east. This indicates that most of Exchange Street should have had t�edrock either immediately beneath the paving or fairty close to it. Had $us been tb:e condition in the field, much of exchange stteet pavement could have remained due to a steep backslope in the bedrock. The existin�g zubble fill enwuntered in that area conuasted dramatically fram tha shallow bedrock depicted in the borings. We had a cut of from 9' to 26' below exchange street to the bottom of footing grade for the new Exehange Street retaining wall. 71ris meant that the entire width of F-�cchange Strcet had w be removed due W the rub61e. This is in caaurast w the nearly vertical backslope as pet our bid. This was explained to Erics Ludens at the time of construction. Iie wimessed the existing mbble fill at tbat time. Wc undeistood that he agreed witb, the additional removxls. We are therefore seeldng compensarion for ths additional zemovaLs as well as the additional excavagan and backCxtl. �,. Eprmt �oma�e+y Fa�tover OFt+lCFS IN: D�'d�VF.R COLORADO • PHOEF7(X. A�RTlONA � SAI.T I,AHE CCIX. tTSAH ,+ • LJ JfYJ 24 '% 10�50 F �_S BLPoJSVILLE 612 435 .�' KRREhER BVILLE P.63i95 '� 13 Pagc z January 24, 1996 Tsxcbange Stre� Removal and Tteplacement A,s di scussed in our previous lettcr, the addirional surfaCing remo'ved is SZd square yards of reinforced concrete pavement. This excludes the removals in the documents for the ventilatio pipes. We have already established that the unit cost of this remaval is S9.72 per square yard. The additional cost is therefore 820 sq. yd. at $9.72 ox $7,970.40_ Our cost for the see, thaf cost is; Exchange Street It is our request that a give me a call. since�relr, 2 r,:,� h�..,� ��t�i M�u� Project Managec. ��.V" � �� � n ��.�` `� � / � and backfill is tabulated on the attached spread sheet. As you can 1'hezefore, the total additionaf cost for the excavation and backfill of as additxonal removals is $46,593.00. order be issue for this amount. If you l�ave anq questions, please �' �� p� � �'� � � �� r.� 3���v �.►� Lvp�N� � M�� Mo��.- • . • r JfxJ 24 '% Se�58 FF � ES &�SVILLE 612 435 7142 TO KRREhD2 �ILLE P.04/05 LC1: r OF TES`r gORTNG �a i,3 � .aa �m. 4IZZ 94-10$4 vacrtcu >c��e i` = 5' sCa�uc Kn. 4 omi�cr YROPOSED C[ n*rElt AADTTP.: �- ST. PAUL MB�SdTA OEPYM ��FPifOx OF nAT£A[Al : (1ASSIF �p�pgj� � �� ��rORY 7ESTS FEET MPi1GE ECEVAit06f 9j.� ; lCAT[Oii OR2GIY Qt fil YO. TYPE i7 D LL PL p� 7 F� A j�[}(y'�g� OF Sni�iD, StL1 X FiLL Fill 1 FISA SAND. SANDY I.fA1`I CL.wY, GItAVEL. ISMF.STpTIE, SA2iDSfOr:E, aud co6bies, daAc bmom, 6rown, light bmwn, 10 2 SB Mfi taa, wbnte aa3 gcsy� y�wist, a 6` layet of bit�l�aous pavemrat af tfie suface ovrr a 6' liyer of mncmte reiaforccd witfi sted ry 3 SB . ..,,., ..._.._...._ I�0/3 4 SB ' moist, recy dmse, possibfe void or very loose weathered Gmest«�e Eroan 8_2' to 9.5' -� (May be F�11) 12.5 $IiALE, bmwa md gny and brown 14_5 �nottl°d, very desse. sandY. v�y bard SAImSTONE. light BrdY� ycttow and mu to white, sfuIey W ahwe 16`, very denu .1 5 SB G3en�wod 52 6 SB Fozmatiou � � .4 7 Sf3 Forraation ' IOO/.b 8 SB .2 8 SB 10 � SB �i] i�.�'-� End of Botucig • _.. ._ _' SIAIFR LEYEC IIEII�l�N7S ST6Ri OATE T!!{E SAMPI.� CASING GVE-lY iJllCFL OEPTt6 WTER NET1f00 oExTM DEPix DEPiN LEYEL 3-I/k" 7_1Q tY.d/� 'f.0 4� ...� .r- � 1`Io�1e ' �1VIII C[ty corporation � � . • � • JfaN 24 '% 10� 51 F�- S BL.RFI�� LLE 612 435 "142 TO FO�fiEhER &JILLE P.05� �4 3;�� Page 1 � ----- ` _ �__ __ - , ^ - -i '- -= - _ - _ - - = -i- --- = �� � _ � � ____. . __^___ _� ____— , 3� , � �� . _ _` ___ __.—i = � . _ ""_. 3 _. � _,� • \/" - A __ _ � i3 _ ,, ���� � . w f ' v t _. 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