264516 City of St.Paul C IL FIL N . �45�6 RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND By ° FIXIN� TIME OF HEARING THEREON x In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction or reconstrnction of sidewalks and worlc 3aneidental thereto: Contract 73-K-0558, Dist ct po. 3, Levy lio. 1 -�•� -„��-�-�..�.-� . ` r +�..�'`•�,�.�.b-�U'� �_ �,�, � ' t ��� �:, � � � 1 ::��� �. . � .�s�;� �'� . . . 'e��y„rr ` ^,: +t �W����.w:., ,... . � . � '. � ti�. � �s'� �� f�a R�osa to Barl St �fi >' F.O. �26177A � �. �`H g�'., s�rtA st1e froa Dalrtb St. to th� �nat a p�t�t. � i'� F.O. #2 6 1 7 7 0 - B. S�V t 1 1 T i� ST., b otL sidea fra ite��� A�se to Fore�t St. '�6� 1�.0. i261770 - E. SBVB�IT�I S?., aoutb side lra� �rcad� St. to BascY St. F.O. #261770 - B. SB11g1iTH ST., aorth •i,de froa it�eactota St. to B�auhr wir�. asd 0a ti�� �wth side of 8. S�B�Tf! ST. frc� MistvtaLa Ave. to Re�a�y �w. �1D1�-4S8&4S,ABT�1',; , . ., . . .. . , . .:. .. , , . .:- .., _ _ 1�.0. f761�'7���= B. $SV�i1T8 ST.,sorth side frea Dal�tth St. to th� w�st appro:. 200 ft. F.O. ��3�� - B...�RYB�Tµ ST�.,: a�tl��aid� frw tl�ss. �.��srl- St. � F.O. �261770.�w lt. 8Bt�$11TH ST.. botls aid�s �rar iksa�� �ve. to For�st St. , - FA. �24�.770, -, ,� S1tY�lTi1 ST.., sovtL sids fr� A�;aai�A St,. .�t �aY-:gt� =- s F.b. ��61'��'� «►��. �BV�IITN ST.,north �ids fs� Ma�dota St. to Raan�� �w. aad oa ti�e . south side of B. S=V�iTH S't. f�s Mi�m�haha wve. to ltsae�sp eire. The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the twel'ity8evestth day of Nove�ber� 1974 , at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the uncil: Date NOV 1 �974 Yeas �;�riste�S�ays �,,�� Ce ied Passe Cou ' Secretary� riunt , Levine In Favor By ' (�g�'!J}9� J Sylvester Against �exo► PUBLISHED N V �7 Mayor