264514 ����V��
City of St.Paul C IL FILE
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and ex�penses for _
_, ; . —�- ---- �
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Constructing a public storm sewer in Howard Street from East Fourth Street to Wilson �
Avenue; in Conway Street from Howard Street to Tower Street; in Howard Court from
� Howard Street to an easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height RecreaCion
Center property on, over, across and through that part of the Northeast• 1/4, South-
east 1/4, Section 35, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, the centerline of gaid ease-
ment being 15 feet Northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly lines of Lots
1 and I6, Block 4, Sun i�ay Terrace Addition No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue
to the west line of Lot 4, Block 3, Sun Ray Terrace Addition No. 1; in an easeme�t,
to be obtained, within the Conway Height Recreation Center property on, over, across
and through ttiat part of thn Northeast 1/4, Southeast 1/4 Section 35, Tawnship 29 l�orth, '
Range 22 West, the center.line of said easernent being 15 feer Northwesterly Of and
parallel to the Nor.thwesterly lines cf Lots 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun Ray Terrace Addition
No. 1 and extending from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot 4, Blocic 3, Sun Ray '
, Terrace Addition No. 1, from Howard Court to Wilson Avenue; in Wilson Avenue from an
easement, to be obtained, within the Conway Height �ecreation Center property on,
over`;7 across and through that part of the Northeast 1/4, Southeas� 1/4 of Sectiott 3S,
Township 29 North, Ran�e 22 West , the ce�ter.line of said easement being 15 'feeC North-
westerly of and parallel to the Northwesterly lines of LoCs 1 and 16, Block 4, Sun
Ray Terrace Adeiition No._:_ 1 anci ext�nding from Wilson Avenue to the west line of Lot
_ . _- -
4, B`lock 3; Sun �ay_ Terraee -ActB#.tion Nb�, =i; -�`�`�}`�aS.��Str��t�`� ,,,y��--�'t�� from `
290 feet South of W�lson Avenue to Wilson_ A'venue; �n East Fourth 5��reet' fro� Winthrop ��
Street to Pedersen Street; in Pedersen Street fr•om East Fifth Street to Conway Stree�;
� in Conway Street from Ruth Str�eet�t.o�_48�0 feet East of Pedersen S�reet; in Fremont Avenue
} from 48Q feet East of Pedersen Street �o Hazel Street; in Hazel St�eet from Fremont r
Avenue to Old Hudson Road; in Hazel Street (pro.c�isced) from Dld Hudson Road ro Suburban �.'
Avenue; and then outletting in that part of th� N hwest lj4 of the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 2, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, lying�rtherly .o����acchus St. Paul Hills,
Bisanz Brothers Battle Creek Terrace No. 3, and Hazel Street;- also that-�rt of the
Southwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 29 North, Rang'e��22 West,
lying Southerly of Suburban Avenue; in Pedersen Street from Suburban Avenue to BuY�,�..�_„x � �
Avenue; in Burns Avenue from Pedersen Street to Ruth Street; in Burns Avenue frqai �L;,��" '�`�
feet East of Hazel Street (produced) to Hazel Street (produced), all to be known.;�a�.s�;�'-'
_ the PEDERSEN-THIRD RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM, (5-1434) � ���,1/ � '
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date N�V i 1974
Yeas Nays N OV 4 1914
Ch�lsterls811 Certifie sse Counc' Secretary
� � !
Hunt In Favor y
�� , � Against
- Syiveste� - Mayor
���p .
' pt!$LISHED NOV � �97�