264488 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ,6'�/,��5 CANAR�.- DEPARTMENT �LUE - MAYOR File NO. � �� � v =o� B u il Re olution � Presented By � Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�AS, The City of Saint Paul, �cting thraugh its Valuation �ine�x, ha� secured an agr��maent for the purchase of that certain p�operty described as follaws: Tbat p�rt of I�ot !Ib Bloek 2 I,a�rering's Factory Warehvase ax�d Tranefer Property ].ying northerly of a lin� described as folla�w's: Be�3.nning �,t a, point on the easterly line of �aid I,ot �+6, l0 fee�t distance sauther]y of the north�st corner thereof; thence westerly along a straight liae 10 feet souther]y of and parallel to the �ortherly line of said Lot b6 for a distance o� 130.60 feet; thence southwesterly a�].cmg a straight line for a distance of 33.5� feet to a poi.nt on the westerly 13ne of �aid Lot 46, said point beiag 25.00 feet diata.nce from the r�rthwest corner of said Lot �6, ar�d th�re termia�ting. Tog��her with the right of access being the right of in�ess fi,c> arid. egreBS Frafn Zots 45 and. �+6 of said Block 2 to Transfer Road. WF�REAS, The property described h�rein is necessary for the 3�ao�rov�nent. oP �F&R AO�D i"�am Uaiversity Av�nue to Prior Aveuue, as approved by Fir�l. Order C. F. No. 261353y �PProved I�Y 29� 3973, arici. the price at which the praper- ty me,y be purchased is in the amount o� $2,500, beix�g a fair and s�asonable price aceording to the City Yaluation Tngineer; arxi W'H�REA3, The City Valuation Eng3.neer ha.s reco�omended the purchase o� said prvperty at the price stated above; na�r, theref'ore, be it R�SOLVED, That the Council of' the City of Saint Pau1. does h�reby e,uthorize the pureha�se of the above described land; end bt it COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas C���� H nt K pataki Ho� In Favor F � Le ne l.evine- M dith Roedler d Against BY S ka Sy�veStP.f� de co Mme.Pr side t ButT�eSCO Preside�Ht1�1t Form Approved by City ttorney � Adopted by Council: ate Certi ' s y Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approve to Co By By WHITE - CITV CLERK �+64�88 PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 �BLUERy?- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � �� � v�T�� B��'ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _2, FIA�'.CHER RESpLVID, T2�t the proper City oYfici,�la are hereby authorized and directed to p�y A1f�ed H. and Isabelle C. Bos, reca�d Fae owners, the suan of $2,500• Said s� to be paid froon PIIt Fund Code 6000(?-745-000, to be reimbursed �amn the 1974 MSA Funds. The pa�yment to be nrad.e upon the City being ftiirnished evidence of gflod m�►rketa.ble title in the a�oresaid ver�dors, and the total ps�yment to be m�de upon tender by said parfi,Srof appropria�e deeds comreying title to �aid property to the City oP Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Requested by Department of: un C���t'1Se� DI1�EG*1.'OR opatzki Ho� In Favor vine Levine ,w redith R�ler �_ Against BY Sp fka gyivester Te sco Mm .Presid t Butl� Adopted by C p�T 2 9 1974 Form Approved by Ci ttorn Viee Ptesideai �SC� Certified Passe�y Council Secretary BY / By r Appro d by Maxo Date T � �9 4 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY PUBLISHED N�V 2 �974 . . • J. WILLIAM DONOVAN ���~i�� 2�$—�31� Valuation Enginear ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ciiy Hall Seint Paul, Minn�sof� 56102 To: P'hil Lee Fram: J. W311iam Donovan Da.te: October 15, 197�+ Sub�ect: Transfer Road at Prior Pnrsua�nt to Final Order� C. F. 261353, approved M&y 2g, 1973, authori.zing and directin� th3.s office to acquire property necessaxy �'or the sub3ect pro�ect, I have secured an agreemeat with Alf'red. H. & Isabelle C. Bos, owners of the praperty described on the atta.ehed. resolution. The price at which said property may be purcl�ased. is at the amount of $2,�00, which in n�y opinion is a fair and reasonable price. I reco�nend approval of the authorization of the purch�se of said property, in 13.eu of condemnat3on, at the said price of $2,500, and submit here�rith, Por your agproval and su'bmisssion to the City Council, a resolution author- rizing said purchase. � dWD:PW:dm Attach.