` Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to a consulting
report in 1970, adopted a transportation concept for the
downtown area of the City of Saint Paul wherein Interstate 94
is to be connected to the downtown area by means of Fifth and
Sixth Street connectors; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the development of this transportation
plan, the City of Saint Paul undertook a program in conjunction
with the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul to purchase property for purposes of the street right-of-way
system; and
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul and the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority entered into a contract dated February 8, 1973
whereby the Housing and Redevelopment Authority was to acquire the
Masonic Temple building located in the right-of-way for the proposed
I-94 connectors and whereby the City of Saint Paul would purchase
the property from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority would demolish the building; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to said contract, the City of Saint Paul
in March of 1973 purchased the Ma.sonic Temple property and building
for the sole purpose of demolishing the building so as to prepare
the property as a right-of-way for the proposed Fifth and Sixth
Street connectors; and , �
WHEREAS, it still rema.ins the intention of the City of Saint
Paul to construct the Fifth and Sixth Street connectors to I-94
in such a fashion as to cross a portion of the property presently
occupied by the Masonic Temple building; and
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
WH17E - CITY CLERK COLlr1C11 264449
B<;UE ' - MAVOR File NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, there presently exist numerous lawsuits, decisions
and appeals therefrom in which the City of Saint Paul, the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority and certain private persons are parties
and such lawsuits involve the proposed demolition of the Masonic
Temple building; and
WHEREAS, a proposal has been submitted to the City of Saint
Paul and the Housing And Redevelopment Authority by Performing
Arts Center, Inc. , a Minnesota corporation hereinafter referred to
as PAC, and Thomond 0'Brien whereby PAC and 0'Brien desire to
purchase the Ma.sonic Temple building for the purpose of moving said
building to a new location; and
WHEREAS, evidence has been submitted to the City of Saint Paul
which evidences the feasibility of moving the Masonic Temple building
and shows that available land for relocating the building may exist
in the near vicinity to where the building is presently located; and
WHEREAS, the proposal of PAC and 0'Brien is contained in the
agreement attached hereto which has been executed by Performing
Arts Center, Inc. and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority and
0'Brien, now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby �inds, determines
and declares that it is for the best interests of the City of Saint
Paul and the people therein to enter into the attached agreement with
PAC and 0'Brien and A. Kamish and Sons, Inc. pertaining to the sale
and removal of the Masonic Temple building; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves
the agreement as attached hereto and authorizes the authorized officials
of the City of Saint Paul to execute this agreement as attached hereto.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza � In Favor
Roedler � Against BY
President Hunt �974
Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT 2 4 Form A ed by City Attorney
Certifie s d by Council Secretary BY
B ,
Appro d by Mayo Date 4 4 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
A G F � E T�: E N T ������
THI� t�.�Rf�EMENT maci� this �� d��� of Uctober.� `�974, by �nd
b�.,t��:�er. the C�TY O�' Sl��CDii PAUL (ner�i.na�ter "City") , i:he HCUSING
1��i1t) R.EDEVF�LO�?I�I�1�JT I-�UT�-iURITX Or' TfTE CIZ'Y OF SAIN7.'• Pl�Ui,, I�IINNE�:OTA
(t�ereinafte� "F-fRA" ) , t,'z<� PEF:F�'i;it��.±_��G tlR^'S CLIITER, INC. , a Minnesota
cor����-at.ion (he�eana��i��r "PP.C" ) , THO.:OND Q'EI'.IEN (i�ereiriafter
r'O'litiCY'." � � G�1c+. I�. Y�?±I�i1STi AND SONS� .T�I�IC. � ct A�:i:1?1�SOu�: COl�O?��3.�10T1
(iic�_vi.r_af►er. "�.amish" ) .
I�7HF�F�,A��, tne Z�iaSOni.c Tcm�le Bu�.laing is �.oc��E� i.r. the richt-
ot--4,a1� f�r ihY proposf�c� I-9� coi�r.�ctors �,r_d n►us� n-� re.noved iri
or�'�•r to rr�a.cc s�,ay f4r_ ti-ios� coi.�a�c:tors; �nd �
:•��HEP�?1;;, i�i, at��e��.rs to f�e fe��ib].e to mo��e thE Pr�a.sonic `�''em��.e
a��,� z.vw�l�Ab�±c: l�ind fcr relor_at.�n� t?.� Y�lli 1.(�zng n�ay F•�>ist in th�
ne_�.� -;�.cinit.y� cLri�?
�'.''ii���iJ � ��1E�1:`_ IiOTd E.'�?7.5"L.S ??.UT11°�'O;1° Zc 4lTSt1J'..tS� C�E:.�31UI1S c3=!�
�.pz>:'�+_3.:; i��2�:::�':Y_'UiTi 111 E'I11i.Ci1 '�:.il� L'±��r� f�.lZ.l?� 71 iSi�G�il d'11:x Y��Ii11S�� c.Z'E'
�;�?""��J_E:a J ti•7'tiO:G' :3�.ItJ��Ct I�ta���FY' 1.c f;!',.G pr_apo5�'Ci demo�i�iUn Of t��
I�:c.SC?i:7.C T�'iT4�1.<. �uil.�iilc�; �I1C%
t�7Ti::,r:;_�Z��;, �-+_t��, HItra, O` �3x'ie�31, I�a1i.i�h �'_Zd 1�AC cl::si.ze to se''.:tlE:,
co�.�:��oi�l_s� a�c1 cii��miss ���ritlx prej u::iee a].1 viak�Ie actians and
���.�G.?.s �ar���e.r.��inc �.he �r_c�osed d�m�?ition of th� ��la;-anic Te�n.f�7.e
r�oc� bc,.'•=or� reu�r_ai and SLate Co�ar'�s and all acLnini�t�ritive boclies;
c0.7!Q .
S^7x31'REfiS r '4118 Cit.�� ana YRA Y�iG1�rG e:ztercd :�ntG � con-L-ract dater3
Ff_'s��-?iary 8, l�'13 fo� i:r� acquisi.t:�:�r: ���d cle~toli-tior� Ci th.e l:asoriic .
Tr�Ii?`IL Builaing; and `'
�r���F:F.;�1S, Cit�, Iiiu�, P11C and O`Rrieiz des�.r_e to cc�op�r.ate in an
c�i:'t.r?lii;u� '�O }:'LG-.SE:.r'vc? 'I��lE: I��a.sonic. `,Cc:�p1..e 8ri(� I?tc�:�E LlSE'_ Of 1t �S a.
���r�c�r.�iny arts cezztc.r �or_ the cori�nunity.
RT�I•Y', T�EREx;;}'�, it is agreea by an�. b���=�en �che par4ies here-
t� a� fo�_?o:rs : .
. -,_ . . .� ...<..-. . .- ::.:, . _. •::= ._.f .._:, z .._.....w._r 4�:. .�::
The prcmzses involved in ihis agreeinent consis-t of the Masonic
Temple and Scoi�tis�� �tite Buil�:ing, h�reinafter refer_red to as
"Premises" , which is located upon the following �described property:
. The northerly 2/3 of Lot l; the northerly l00
feet of Lot 2; Lots 3, � and 5, Rice and Trvine' s
� Addition. to St. Paul, accar_ding to the recorded
Yla-E thereof on file and of record in the office
o� th� R��gister of D��ds in and for Ramsey County,
The term of this ac�ree�n�nt shall. co:n,'nence on the day of
' � 1974_ r �i1C3. shall tei-minaLe or� the _ day of
+.. �, 19_, unless: �
a) This agreement is terminatcd earl.ier by mutual
, agre�m�r..t of ��ie par_ties, or PAC and/Ur 0' Brien
breacl� any ter�}�. �f th�_s ac��_eem�nt, ��,r.ereu;��on
City and F�RA may imm�d�a�e1y deem tiz� dCJY'f.,-'ETit�Il't
b) '�'his �grc:ent�iit- i:� cxtenc.�>c� uy a �-t7�itten agree-
ment mu-i:,.z:.._lly ac���ed to b;r a11 p��r�ie�.
`i'i�e OriRinal Terrn :hall r�af� e:�rceed nii,����� � , . .
� (9 0) cia�. s
Oti:er than as occ��sioned uy any LOi'ti_OLtS az negligent act on
the part of the City ar HRI��, a.ts agerlt o-r �m��lo�rees, the City and/
or i:R1i shall not- b� liak�le to PAC and/or O'Briei� or to any other
p�rson c�r persons for oz on a.ccount o-y any injury, death or dama�P �
occasioned in, on or �bout the Premis�s to persons or pro�erty of
any nature or sort �•�hat:�oever, or t��zeresoever arising, or ior or
on accc�unt of any de�tn or aaiy injury to persons or property that
rnay result by reason ot any i'uture lac� o� repair of said Pr�mises,
or impro�Temcnts thereon, or the wiring, equipment, furnis�ings, �
fix�L�res or apparatus therein or thereof, or by or from plumbing,
gas, �aater, s�eam or. other pipes or sewage, or by or from the use ,
m:�suse, or nanuse of said Premises or improvements thereon or any
equi�ment, filrni.stiinc�s or fixtures tY.erein or apparatus t�2ereof by
any person J.aw:Eully or unlawfL�1_ly upcii said Premises, or by or from
� _-_ _ ___ �v .,..._......_,..,.�_ - _ _
. .
.: .. ,�.,�8�.�.w �. .. _- ..,...�:...;;,. , .;_�.: .`t�W�"x.GC . ,... ':�. .. ^�,u x,.. , .. , ,w',�..-_. �ca:.�_ ,.,,.rn. 9TEi�tv,d
.�._.�_:.<_.... ..... ..._ . ... ,a ... n.... . . 'n:: . .. 5 . . .. :�:,.
any act, omission or neglect of any such p�rson, or by or from the '
acts of owners or tenants of adjoining or contiguous property, or
in any manner whatsoever growing ou� of the £utur� condition or
use oi the Premises. or ir,lNrovements ar any part thereof. PAC cov- -
enants and agrees to indernni£y and holc� City and HRA harmless from
and on accou.nt of_ any and all loss , damage, claim of damac;e,
liability, expense, cos�ts and couns�l fees arising out of or
resulting frar� or incurred in connection with th� matters or things
hereinb�fore specified, and from and against any and alI damage or
liability arisirzg from any accident or any occurrence causing
injury or deatiz ta any person or property F•Yhomso�ver or whatsoever
and due direczly or indirectly to the use, misu�e or nonuse by PAC
or O' �3rien or any of its agents, contractors, servantsP eml�Zoyees
or J_i�er.aees or t:I12 condition of the PremisES or any �art th�reof, .
or any appurtc.r.ancrys or equipment. thereof or therein., or arisi.ng
out o� any failure of PAC in any respec� to comply �rith any of the
requirei��nts or provisio�s of this agre�men��.
PAC fur_�Iiur_ agrees �o indemnifv, hold h�rm.��ess and defend
��i-L-y �n� H�`� �r-om and on accour.t of any and a?1 claims or causes _
of ac�ion caused uy the delay aft�r July 12 , 1974, or by the termi.-
na�:i.en oF the ,agreement to d�moXish the bui?ding. In the event
the btzilc�ing i.s to be demalished b�� the City and/or H1ZA upon tha
termination oi this ac�reement, P1�C and O'Brien agree to indemnify
the Gity and/or HIZA for all costs for th� denolition in excess of
tne present cont_ract amount bet_�,�een H2A and Y:amish. �
IV. •
Insuranee •
PAC shal'1 at PP>C' s sole cost and expense, but for the mutual
benefit of City, HRA, PAC and O` Brien, maintain reasonable and
adequate general public liability ii�surance against claims for
personal injury, death or property damage occurring i�i, upon or
. about tlie Premises, and on, in or about the streets, parking lots,
sidewalks and passage�aays on and adjoining the Premis�s, and
adjoining property. The minim�m limits of liabili�� ot such
_3_ -
,�. -�_ _._,._ �.,� ,.;....,_,- ..-..-
. .
°�.1�� ��� .ti
,;-.., o,.l.xr.x.. x,ur�,�. �,e�.:, ..a.�rr &a'� ...it...a�;w�;���..^�..a.�a,�+. ;.��-,���*,r:a,-�a.�..'�+u-s�.t?�h;.��4. . .a�M;S<'�
insurance for any one accident or occurrence shall be Five Hundred �
Thousand D�llars ($500 ,000) for injury (or death) to any one person,
and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for injury (or death) to more
than one person, an d One Million Dollars �$1,0OO, OdO) with respect "
to damage to properi;y. PAC agrees to furnish City and HItA �aith
certificates evidencinq such insurance written in companies accept-
ak�le to� City and HP.A and including City and H� �s named insureds
on the po_licy. All such certiiicates shall pr.ovide that the insur-
ance evidenced thereby will not be cancelled by the insurer except
on ten (10) days ' �ar�.tten notice to the City and HRA. ` .
PAC shal� at its sole cost and expense maintain �aorl;mGn' s
com;aensation iiisurance and suci� other liability insurance as is
reasonable and adequa_t� to COtr°r all claims arisir.g out of �njuries
to emplo�Tees of PAC L�nd��: S'ca�e ox Federal la�u. .
� � V.
Use of Premises During Term of .Agree�r�ent .
L'j�o�i sat:�siac-tio?i o� a1�1 ot�liga`�ions noted in Para,?_anhs IIT
ai�d IV abovc, City a.nd HRA agree to al7.o�a PAC th� use ana occupancy
of thc pr_emises durir�g �he tern� o� t�iis agre�nlent� and fo�: any
�xi:ensians of .the agrecm�nt, for th� purpo.�es oi b�nefit •performances
by cultur.al rrovps , b�nefit receptians or any otl:er events rel.ated
to the us� of the Masor.ic Ter;�ple as a cultural. facility. Rental of
ttie Preniises for the a��ove d�sc�-ib�d term or terms shall be �ne
Dollar ($1. 00) and other gaod and valuable co�isideration, receipt
of w�ich is hereby acknowledg�d by City and HRA.
PAC agrees not to use, or suffer to �er_znzt� the Premises or
any part thereof, to he used �or any purpose or use ' other than
herein provided or in violation of any la�as, zoninc� ordinances or ,
other ordinances, or of the requlation of any gavernrtental authority,
or in any manne'r that will constitute a legal nuisance or in any
manner •that will violate , suspend, void or make inoperative any
� policy or policies of insurance of any kind whatsoever at any time
ca.rried on the Premises. �
-4- �
,,,��._�..� _ . . _
. � ... .
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Condition of Premises
�AC agrecs to ob�:ain a C�rtific�te �f Occupancy� prior to any
use of the Fremises �s described in Par_ac�raph V ah�ve. Furi:her,
PAC agre�s -�o maintain the Premises durizig the term or t�rms of
this a�reement in a safe and sanitary condition. City shall be �� '����.
allo���ed to enter thE: Prentises at any time �or the purpos� af
d��er_raining that al.l af�plica.ble �rdinanc�s anc� statutes have been •
c�mp.lied_ c�itY�.
Option -�o Purchase '
�'rior to the ex��+ir�.ti��. o�- tezminati�n of i:his ac�reem�nt� or
any eytension, PAC shall have the ric�ht to purchase the Premises
fram City upan m�eting the foil.o;aing canc�.it�.ons :
, a) Z'l��e pyesentatioz� to City and I-IR� o� an executed
and ]_egaliy �niorcr��.?�]_e con��ract by �na b�twe�n
FAC ax�a �a res�onsib.le third 1>ar�cY zor.. �ch� reloca-
tion ana/or r.eiuov�l of the build�i�g ra.ow locat��i �
upon the Pr..amises �.��id CYJ:'�1b11�,y r..eferreci to as the
!�`i��,�oriic �1�er.�pin �r.c? Scot��i_sli 1?i-c�:� ; f�:e.>> t11e
proposed ro�te of �l�e 1_•g4 coni�ecGors.
b) Demanst3_�;-�ion of the abili�y to c�m�?ete per°
for.mance o� tlie a?�ov� �escri.��d con�tr�Ct within
one y�ar oi the e�:,�i:ration o_r_ termination of
this agrecmei�t or prior to the time tl�e Prernises
are requi.red by the City ar�r1 HR11 fior construc�ian
of �he x--�4 connecco_�s � V�hichever occur_s first.
c) Pl3C sha13_ c��^7I1 or b� a. party to a le�at�.y enforce-
ab1.e earriest money cuntract for thu purchase oz
a site suitai�le for tne relvcu�ion of ttie builciing,
such site to be apuroved by City and HP.��, If
this provi,s�an is m�t by an earnest money contract, .
then PAC shall demo��strate an a�ility to fulfill
the i:erms of t�iat contract wiLhin the tir.?e p�r.:_od
specified i.n Parag?-aph VII (b) above.
d) Ar� executec� agreem�n�t k�y and b`-L-ween f:n� partiES �
���rierein PAC agrees to pay for all cos�s incurred
by PAC, City and FiRA necessi�ated �y the reloca- �
tian and/ar remova�. of the buzlding and its . E
four�.dation. �
e) Com1�liance by PAC wi�h all applicable com etitive �
bidding laws. �
. E
� . ,
- �
. �
� .
. �j� . . . . . .
' �
� . . . � � � � � {
, ____ .. .. . . _ . . _ . ..: __... . . .. .. _... .... .�. .. .._., _. ..... _ . .. ..� . . � — - '� --
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... , .. . .,-:... . .. _+..-. ,. ..:,.... _.:...._ ,.....,�..�. ,_,:..�.. .,.. ,
� VI1:L.
B�nd or Escrow
P�1C anc: G'Brien shall fi.le with tize City and HR.� a surety bond
in the sum of Ten Tizousand D�llars ($10, 000) with a surety company
au(�norized to do business .i_n the State of_ Minnesota, or an executed
escrow ac;reem`nt ;ri_tii a banK �u�horized to do bu:�iness in the State
of Nir.nesata siiowing tiie deposii: of Ten Thousand Dallars ($10,00Q}
in an escrow acccunt, which bond or escrow shall be condif.ioned in
all respects upon the F�ell and faii.hful. perfoi-mance by PAC and
U' Erier_ o� all covenants and agreements herein cantained. The City
and HR�1. s�iall ba na:r.ed � �s oblige�s und���:c the bond or escrow agreem�rit.
PAC agrees -1.o pay f�r a11 utiliti�s and othex ser.vices u5ed
in, or or ar��ut tl�i� Premises dtzring tne Orig.inat Terr�� and all ex-
ten�.��d tc�r_ras , if a.r�y, i.ncluc3inc� b�.it not being lini��i�ed to electrieity,
�.=ater, sE�•ver, gas, te]_ephan� , lightinq, garbage �r_d ri:bbisti removal,
Assic�nm°��+_�i: and Sub'.c��ti.inc;
�_�____�,_._..._..._._.._____ ____..
Tni.s agreem�nt shall not �.�e assignecl, nor. s.zall the ��emzses
or_ any part ,tnEr�oi be sublet, usF�d or o�cupie�d }�y aiiy other person
w�thout P�C first obtaining tiie c�rr�tten consent thcreto of the City
u�r :resaZut�_on ad�i�tea b�� its c;overning bod�.
XI. _
r7iscel].aneous Provisions
. PAC sizal.l not at any tim� permit any security �.nterest or any
m�cii�.nics' , laborars' or_ ma�crialmen' s liens to stand against th�
Pre�nises. Deposit ��it.h City or H1'� or with any court of competent
jur.isdiction o� ,sufficient security to cover such liens shall be �
deerned compliance �rith this parag-raph.
PI�C agrees to make any and all repazrs and improvements, at
tlic�i� sole cost and expenset which may be required under the Federa].
or State Occupational 8afety and Health Acts (OSIiA} or regulations
.�c�o��ted �ursuant thereto. .
- -6_ �
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5 �y,
1�11 n.otices, demands , conscnts or requests which may be cY '
are requir�d to be given hy eithe•� par�y to the other shall he
in ��r.iting.
PAC and O'�rien hereb�r ayree ard covenani: to file within five
(5) a��ys of the execution of this agreement a Uismissal �aith
Prejuciice of all l�wsuits and appe�.is pending before Federal and
Sta4e courts relutive to the destruction of �:he }�uilcling located
on the Premises. . .
Tne� City and, HRA hPrei�y modify that ayreement betw�en City and
HI'� dated F.ebruary a, 1973 so as to del.ete from that agreement any
and all obl.i.gatians of F-IF2A for the demolit?on or removal of the
building from the t remises. H1�A hereby assigns its interest in that
contr��ct hy an�. k�eteaeen FIRA and F:arnish for_ the demo?ition of tlie
buil_n3_ng on tr�e I're:nises to th� City.
L'y enterir�g into this agr�cm�nt, neitl�cr City nor HP�A maY>e an� .
re;?r�:s�?zt«t.iorl�; as to �lle feas�_�ility of rno;ring the building ]�ocated
on th� Prernis�s to ano-ther location.
Tiie City �rid HT�I� will coo�erat� taith PPG and O'Brien in identi-
� . �yinc� an alternative locatiori for the buildii�g. •
IN ����CTi�IESS VdIiEREOP', the parties hereto have causea thes�
presents �o be e��cut,ed as of rhe day and yeai first above written.
. �•- ,
A . Y� . : . .
. � By ..�.���'�-- - =�_�.
It ' Presideht
. �� �
Its Secretary
� Ap�roved As To Form CITY OF SAINT PAUL
_ Its Mayor �"
By .
Xts Director, Uepartment o y'
' �'wnance and t�tanaqement Services
--._ .. .,. ' -..- 'Y ) ' Y. - t:�^ r
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