264431 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ���,l��1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT �BLUE -�- MAVOR File NO. � n il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the sum of $1,150.00 from the Contingent Reserve - General to Activity 01300 Assessments and Valuations to be delineated as follows: Department of Finance and Management Services Activity OY300 Assessments and Valuations Expense Code 263-000 City Share Metro Sewer Board (Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) $1,150.00 APPROVED /a'--/�-7� . .' 'J`;:`' Roger A. Mattson -,;,. �'"`` Budge , + Ha�,�� x� �,g,,,�; se�,l. i ector (,�r�4✓`t. l � 1 '_ ��v� � ^ � �Y COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen ginaace and ldanagea�� 8ervicea Hozza �_ In Favor _� Levine �7 Rcedler V Against By Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt n e� 1974 ,� Adopted by Council: Date 0y� G 3 Form Approved by ity Al�rney Certifie e by Cou il Secretary BY �t� �j' i Y ' ` � Appro Mayor: ate Approve y r io o uncil By By Pusttst�Efl NOV 21974 � ' � ������ C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE BUDGET DIRECTOR ROGER A. MATTSON O 1974 R OC'f 13191a F l Of. ROBERT. SYLVESTER Honorable Lawrence D OCohen Mayor, City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mayor Cohen: Attached is a resolution which provides for the transfer of $1,150 from the Contingent Reserve-General to the Assessments and Valuations Activity. The purpose of this transfer is identified in a memor- andum from the Department of Finance and Management Services. Basically, it can be summarized by saying that the City has a lia- bility in this amount to be paid to the Metropolitan Sewer Board for certain charges for building or demolition permits which were issued without the appropriate reserve capacity charge. ` Sincerely, Roger A. Mattson Budget Director RAM:kk Attachment City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 O • ������ :°f � M Cs �' �'+ P; �} t) ��z �: ''P3��: �. Eic'���«;W�Y? � �u+��yE:� ��Y��L`E1� ,: , i ,� ' i' . �I�,C:�i: �'�i�a�':rC t�. �.`:.fat,.�G�� �r� , �. 7 '��r, :J?�:,�. ,v��.�.��rv .,0, �fa�.�T fi�:: ::k,���•vg C��s��ci��u Ch�r��t:,i:- °cas�r.zr;�iC���� r�4�rr�a Co �� ��YE+��:� 4�rea�.�.a�?�.�.€.�41 ie1��'S."�i�l7� �1� .�..�.:'�ij' } lr'e�.�'� 1�4.`CE3CPR� '�tf .`tJ�ii�� LittLai I',`t��C;l l�E'�`:12 .�c�i'JU1. �. �"�:��is d.Ei C�::� .�t3I111�T 1�' �.:}� �.���{r. �h� l.��t�r r.€:���z�r�� �� �=c;av� S'xom A°Er. . I����h ���:�eri}��s �R:�.�: c��;°e:.:;:��:�:�e�� . . . s� .., . , . . , r ,.,,_... • � r ' ��Lch �.e:j �m c,igr uj;v��.c�T��.zdc. a s..�at.:�Iity f:;. Cl.� �?��.tc�k,��.itai� .,�:u.�a. f?�ra.r� tat�l�t.; $1,�.�t1.�}0 �c�x F�tf�rr�� £:a�.,��i.�y Cy�{r�;cs. I Fst�.�. �;���rc�y:�.�a�a� yc���x cw���.�s:�.��r�Ls.�,z; fr�r a�uk��!�: ��xw $1,�.��.C� ��rv a.ir���.� N� �u�y �.iu j1,:4 �k:ilr�LGd��l MeN.� �'�k�,.���.�'+'�i:�� �t���.����� ���i.� ��� ��u��::�`.ii.�'.�k�♦ � � . _ ... .. ..._... . . .... ........... ._. Er.�. cG: :�t:. i���x� :.`��.�,.?x �.�wi�• U�.i't.'..rZ.1J 4�b�.n�.�.v.�+44� , ` ������ �'��X 4. ;��. ?��,�.i? . K.r�x,�+ r.�..�ie-p R p I`•" A-w, r . . r,.. ,.�. a r p r �^ ._ '.e �'r .�r c!"F_E' r�t.i l.d�:.41�ti._t�°.;G �.1: 6��r``S.'�.��'t.__. r.�,;i._ .e_, ., .. .��..t._.�.�c.r._i''�.x .a . ..S ., ._.s�..! h5§x_S!;���-r��£ t;E1'P5s€�� tt3 CITY F9.4k1 `�r.j',�.;_it,A",lti;�i�;;�h S+td'2 Janu�-ar.y 2�, 1974 i•Sr, J?obert G�. 'Cruuer,u llir�ctor , Dcpart�;�ient of Financn <ind i�iana�enle�lt Services 113 Ci.ty lial_1 Dear Sir: The P.escrvc Capaci.ty Charge (SAC) admi.nisterc�d by the City of 5t. Paul on behalf of the MetroPc�lit:ai.1 Sek�er Board, Code 3U018-000-000, is presently underfunded, throu�h Janu�Ary 16, 197�r, in t}�e arnoun� of $1,150.00. The above-ii�dicated amount i.s a 1i��ility of the City of St. Paul to the Special Revenu� ticcount <�s indicated below: aj Bui.:iding FEl"Illlt i5�a?99 �vas issued �aithout a SAC Charge being co1J_c�cL-ed, $ 275.00 b) Buildin�; Permit 1549b2 was issued without a SAC Charge bei.ng col,lccted. 215.00 The abov� per.mits wer.e processed upon my interpr�>tation of tl�e I�letro guic�elines, that the ab;e.nce of an available City sewer would defe.r collection of S�C Charges. C�rrespondc>ncF wi.th the rletro Se.�ac�r Board indicai�es thaL my i��t �, ,`•�_ � ___ _ _ �r-retu�i�.� was errcneous and liab_�.lity staTids . IL-ems (a) and (b) �,.ill ullimately be collected by the City of- St. Pazil at such time as a r_ity se�ver becor�es <:va�. 1:�}.:1e r�nd subject properties apply for a sewc�r connec�:icn pe�:-mit. c) De.n.c�l.i_tien Yermi.t 'SQ09b �oas i.ssued by tl-�n Department oL Cc:r�,nu�.�i.ty Scrvi.ces ��rid clai:f_d �ecer,lber 7_9, 1972. A Der�oli_t icn Ci�edit wa�, iss�led and later apf�,lied to a I3uil.din;�; Pcrinit. Sizbject ]�emol.ition ?'ermit was invali_d �ri.o�- �c� Jai�u��ry 3- , 7-973. 275.00 _ . . . � � 2�4�,�`� 3�ir. '.�:r�Lc�rt: td. 1'��;�J�_�<<:. 2 Janu:�ry 2�, 1J74 �� �I'!7E: Y'�1C:C :;Ct'1"IC'Cil]�C C>i JiA',L: (,C1�lT}�Ct£; W�'S 111C1C?ctSS3Ci fI"Oiil y.�/:;.1)O LO �.i��(1.��:) CifC'C�L1tr'c: ,�r;1i1t��Ty �� 19/�+� i�Ui: th�� necc;sa�-.�- (',oi�ncil. R.e:>t�lutic,�r� d�i_d not h�come ef- fective �z::1: i1 J<+nuai�y 1.G, 1974, Duiin� t.he i.nt=eri�i� �eri.o�I, 1 - 1 -i4 i.c, i_.. 1G-•74, 2�E ��;:plication� �aere ,�ioc�'s;seci, f.'or �ohic;l tiie City collectecl $3,575,00 �s set out in t};e 19?3 rates, ��.hile the 1974 sctiedul_e ���uli3 li:�v�� rest�lted i_n c.liar�;es oL `.�'3,90U.00. $ 3?.5.00 Totr;1 I.iability $I. ,150.�`0 Thc> al�ovc� i.�> �ortaarded Lor youx irfc�rrnation ar.d recor�iendation a= to proper fundirir;, to enabl.c me to su��r.iit z corrected report tocetller with paycnent to the Mi:tropi�lit<irt Seraer Iioard. � Very truly yours, � n � `f„>�� % .`�/,'�i f . / . / - , f .. .� , l.:'-G-c_��.' / 4'�d't' ,r=4,.�� _ • 1�U7.,_..t� ��S�;�i St1PGT'V7_SUl" O� nSS2SSIRGritS ��:]�'�