264430 WH17 CITY CLERK pl FINANCE !' �DE�ARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 264430 - � � ( M'AY O R File N O. o c 'l Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, funds were provided in the 1974 Budget in the Contingent Reserve General for salary adjustments, and WHEREAS, all city departments have now reported their estimated needs to be $1,586,105.00; and WHEREAS� said department salary needs reports indicate excesses in some activities in the total amount of $515,485.00, which together with $1,070,620.00 from the Contingent Reserve General, will fully fund estimated salary needs; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby concur in and approve the recomme�.dation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Sa.int Paul, the following transfer additions and deductions from the Contingent Reserve - General, ActivitX 09060 to the Salary Expense codes accounts in the following Activities, is hereby concurred in and approved: �City CounCil - Additions ± Activity 00001�112-000 $ 8,745.00 00001-122-000 4,176.00 00001-131--OQO 3,138.00 $ 16,059.00 Activity OOOU2-112.-000 2,487.00 00002-.116-000 1,340.00 3 L827.00 otal City Council $ 19.8��i.00 nicipal C.ourt � Additions Activity 00050.-109--000 1,325.00 00050--122--000 31,784.00 33,109.00 unicipal Court - Deductions + Activity 00050-132-000 517,601.00) �otal Municipal Court $ 15.508.00 (Office of the Mayor - Additions iMayor's Administration -. Additions i Activity 00100-109--000 410.00 00100-112-000 4,232.00 � 00100-116--000 1,730.00 `� � �`� �-; 00100 -122�000 1,166.00 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler A gai n s t BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved Cit Att r�e Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ` `„� Approved by Mayor: Date ApproveKl b ayor u n uncil By By � ' -2- . � . � �6���� � ffice of the Mayor - Additions (cont.) City Administrator - Additions Activity 00105-112-000 $ 3,078.00 00105-126-000 1,064.00 00105-128-000 548.00 4,690.00 4,690.00 Budget Director - Additions Activity 00110-112-000 1,519.00 00110-126-000 1,707.00 00110-128-000 6,487.00 00110-143-000 1,506.00 11,219.00 Budget Director - Deductions Activity 00110-112-000 (11,219.00) -0- City Planning - Additions Activity 00140-112-000 9,864.00 00140-117-000 6,949.00 16,813.00 City Planning - Deductions Activity 00140-116-000 (22,128.00) 00140-126-000 (23,392.00) 00140-174-000 �,4,500.00) (50,020.00) (33,207.00) Grants in Aid - Additions Activity 00143-112-000 656.00 00143-116-000 3,080.00 00143-126-000 1,699.00 5,435.00 5,435.00 Department of Human Rights - Additions Activity 00150-112-000 1,502.00 00150-117-000 2,527.Q0 00150-126-000 2,624.00 6,653.00 Department of Human Rights - Deductions Activity 00150-116-000 (20,556.00) 00150-141-000 (500.00) 00150-159-000 (738.00) (21,794.00) (15,141.00) Affirmative Action Program - Additions Activity 00151-112-000 1,497.00 00151-117-000 12,243.00 13,740.00 Affiruiative Action Program - Deductions Activity 00151-116-000 (17,431.00) (3,691.00) Civil Service - Additions Aetivity 00155-112-000 5,355.00 00155-117-000 10,280.00 15,635.00 Civil Service - Deductions Activity 00155-116-000 (1,246.00) 14,389.00 otal Mayor 517,892.00) ity Attorney - Additions Activity 00200-112-000 4,830.00 00200-126-000 22,869.00 27,699.00 00210-112-000 592.00 00210-126-000 7,158.00 7,750.00 5.3� 6 � ' -3- �.,�, n � . � , ������. ity Clerk - Additions Activity 00250-112-000 1,228.00 00250-122-000 1,908.00 3,136.00 00260-112-000 4,294.00 ' 00266-146-000 749.00 8,179.00 ity Clerk - Deductions - Elections Activity 00266-112-000 (25,000.00) �16,821.0� epartment of Finance & Management Services - Administration - Additions Activity 01001-112-000 893.00 01001-126-000 803.00 1,696.00 Building Design - Additions Activity 01020-116-000 5,463.00 01020-117-000 1,975.00 7,438.00 Accounting Division - Additions Activity 01150-116-A00 22,282.00 01160-112-000 1,007.00 Finance Cashier - Additions Activity o1200-112-000 3,774.00 Parking Meter Collectors - Additions Activity 01201-111-000 2,158.00 Parking Meter Monitors - Additions Activity 01202-111-000 1,603.00 Assessments and Valuations - Additions Activity 01300-112-000 5,866.00 01300-116-000 10,505.00 16,371.00 License and Permit Adm, & Investigation - Additions Activity 01350-112-000 326.00 01350-115-000 4,863.00 01350-125-000 1,436.00 6,625.00 License and Permit Adm, Issuance - Additions Activity o1360-112-000 3,6s4.00 Administrative Services - Deductions Activity 01100-112-000 (4,364.00) 01100-116-000 ( 18,841.00) 01100-117-000 ( 12,850.00) (36,055.00) Accounting Division - Deductions Activity 01150-112-000 (1,377.00) Division of Purchasing - Deductions Activity 01250-112-000 (8,970.00) 01250-116-000 (2,145.00) (11,115.00) � _4_ �s����� epartment of Finance & Management Services (cont.) Assessments & Valtsations - Deduct�ons Activity 01300-117-000 (3,727.00) otal Department of Finance & Management Services 14,364.00 epartment of Public Works �Office of the Director - Additions Activity 02000-112-000 355.00 02000-116-000 392.00 02000-126-000 1,158.00 1,905.00 Office Engineer - Additions Activity 02010-117-000 1,512.00 Accounting Bureau - Additions Activity 02020-112-000 � 1,910.00 02020-116-000 1,588.00 02020-117-000 1,474.00 4,972.00 Emergency Preparedness - Additions Activity 02030-116-000 773.00 Division of Design & Engineering - Additions Activity 02100-1i2-000 233.00. 02100-116-000 653.00 886.00 Transportation Bureau - Additions Activity 02150-112-000 1,832.00 02150-116-000 3,587.00 02150-1ll-000 4,132.OU 9,3�1.00` Hydraulics Bureau - Additions Activity 02160-116-000 950.00 02160-117-000 1,000.00 1,950.00 Asst. Chief Engr. Operations - Additions Activity 02200-112-000 232.00 02200-116-000 652.00 884.00 Maintenance Service Bureau - Additions Activity 02270-112-000 578.00 02270-116-000 835.00 1,413.00 Bridge and Fence Ma.intanance - Additions Activity 02273-1(31-000 -0- - -. �y�= 02273-114-000 1,138.00 1,138.00 Traffic Operations - Additions Activity 02281-101-000 -0- 02281-112-000 1,062.00 02281-114-000 12,915.00 02281-116-000 618.00 14,595.00 � � I 0 i ; � • -5- ������ Department of Public Works (cont.) Signal Maintenance - Additions Activity 02282-101-000 18,886.00 02282-112-000 569.00 19,455.00 Lighting Maintenance - Additions Activity 02283-101-000 34,685.00 02283-112-000 3,333.00 02283-114-000 161.00 02283-116-000 1,648.00 02283-117-000 258.00 40,085.00 Office Engineer - Deductions Activity o2010-112-000 (4,730.00) 02010-116-000 (1,486.00) (6,216.00) Total Department of Public Works 92,903.00 Department of Community Services Community Services Administration - Additions Activity 03001-112-000 4,662.00 03001-116-000 15,781.00 03001-117-000 1,473.00 03001-126-000 11,089.00 03001-159-000 7,468.00 40,473.00 Library Services - Addition Activity 03050-109-000 3,852.00 03050-112-000 42,270.00 03050-117-000 40,717.00 03050-126-000 2,198.00 89,037.00 Library Bldg. Maintenance - Additions Activity 03051-101-000 14,838.00 03051-114-000 1,092.00 15,930.00 Parks & Recreation Administration - Additions Activity 03100-112-000 6,081.00 03 100-116-000 3,636.00 03100-159-000 680.00 10,397.00 Parks & Recreation Building Maintenance - Additions Activity 03102-101-000 288.00 03102-114-000 2,371.00 2,659.00 Parks & Recreation Vehicle Equip. Maintenance - Additions Activity 03104-112-000 888.00 03104-114-000 20,092.00 20,980.00 Conservatory - Additions Activity 03120-10$-000 778.00 03120-114-000 4,704.00 03120-116-000 1,516.00 6,998.00 { � . _6_ ��4��0 epartment of Co�mnunity Services (cont.) Zoo - Additions Activity 03122-114-000 10,051.00 03122-116-000 605.00 03122-159-000 471.00 03122-160-000 562.00 11,689.00 Zoo & Conservatory Heating - Additions Activity o3124-101-000 3,238.00 Parks Watchman - Additions Activity 03130-111-000 1,630.00 Parks Ground Maintenance - Additions Activity 03132-101-000 54.00 03132-108-000 46,165.00 03132-111-000 14,342.00 03132-114-000 8,472.00 69,033.00 Recreation Centers - Additions Activity 03170-108-000 2,805.00 03170-116-000 4,937.00 03170-117-000 1,734.00 03170-159-000 893.00 10,369.00 Recreation Centers - Custodial Maintenance - Additions Activity 03172-101-000 11,086.00 03172-108-000 82,882.00 03172-109-000 4,022.00 97,990.00 Municipal Athletics - Additions � Activity o3174-1os-000 230.00 03174-114-000 992.00 03174-116-000 2,382.00 03174-117-000 829.00 4,433.00 Special Recreational Activities - Additions Activity o3176-116-000 890.00 03176-117-000 1,198.00 2,088.00 Environmental Protection Adm. - Additions Activity 03200-101-000 32.00 03200-112-000 9,413.00 03200-116-000 419.00 9,864.00 Health Laboratory - Additions Activity 03204-112-000 923.00 03204-116-000 2,295.00 03204-117-000 468.00 3,686.00 Vital Statistice - Additions Activity 03206-112-000 2,625.00 . � . -7- �V��e�.�0 epartment of Camuaunity Services (cont.) Maternal and Child Health - Additions Activity 03218-112-000 2,357.00 03218-116-000 1,491.00 3,848.00 Food Regulation - Additions Activity 03212-112-000 1,826.00 03212-116-000 9,128.00 10,954.00 Environmental Sanitation - Additions Activity 03213-116-000 6,286.00 Clinical Programs - Additions Activity 03215-117-000 726.00 Tuberculosis - Additions Activity 03216-112-000 4,911.00 03216-117-000 1,715.00 6,626.00 Canine Control - Additions activity o321s-112-000 2,522.00 Occupational Health and Safety - Additions Activity 03220-112-000 117.00 03220-116-000 2,272.00 2,389.00 Testing Laboratory - Additions Activity 03222-116-000 1,388.00 03222-117-000 6,548.00 7,936.00 Housing & Building Code Administration - Additions Activity 03300-112-000 10,750.00 03300-116-000 4,050.00 03300-150-000 1,011.00 15,811.00 Housing Inspection - Additions Activity 03305-116-000 6,379.00 03305-117-000 5,007.00 11,386.00 Building Inspection - Additions Activity 03310-101-000 48,041.00 03310-114-000 1,539.00 49,580.00 Plan Examination - Additions Activity 03320-117-000 2,236.00 03320-170-000 1,738.00 3,974.00 Wrecking and Boarding Buildings Activity 03326 -0- � � 264��� Y � _�_ r T . epartment of Community Services (cont.) Library Services - Deductions Activity 03050-116-000 (55,118.00) Parks & Recreation Vehicle & Equip. Ma.intenance - Deductions Activity 03104-101-000 (10,215.00) Parks and Ground M,aintenance - Deductions Activity 03132-109-000 �5,200.00) 03132-116-000 (1,909.00) (7,109.00) Recreation Centers - Deductions Activity 03170-109-000 (62,188.00) Recreation Centers - Custodial Mtnce. - Deductions Activity 03172-114-000 (75,655.00) Municipal Athletics - Deductions Activity 03174-109-000 (1,403.00) Environmental Protection Adm. - Deductions Activity 03200-160-000 (27,163.00) Dental Health - Deductions Activity 03210-116-000 (3,167.00) 03210-117-000 (11,234.00) (14,401.00) Enviras�nental S�anitat'fon--- Ded�et�cros°_�-_ Activity-03213-112-000 (340.00) Clinical Programs - Deductions Activity 03215-112-000 (6,471.00) 03215-116-000 1 055.00) (7,526.00) Tuberculosis - Deductions Activity 03216-116-000 (807.00) Canine Control - Deductions Activity 03218-111-000 (881.00) Rodent Control - Deductions Activity 03228-112-000 �1,071.00) 03228-117-000 (2,549.00) (3,620.00) Plan Examination - Deductions Activity 03320-116-000 (2,874.00) otal Depari�nent of Coffinunity Services 255,857.00 � i . � ; ; _ ' _9_ ������ epartment of Police Administrative Division - Additions Activity 04001-112-000 1,404.00 04001-115-000 92,379.00 04001-115-000 Overtime 9,500.00 04001-116-000 3,252.00 Q4001-117-000 20,200.00 04001-145-000 467.00 127,202.00 Office of the Chief - Additions Activity 04030-112-000 627.00 04030-115-000 12,281.00 04030-125-000 1,103.00 14,011.00 Uniformed Division - Additions Activity 04100-112-000 7,527.00 04100-115-000 181,761.00 04100-159-000 24,963.00 214,251.00 Detective Division - Additions Activity 04120-115-000 48,169.00 Services Division - Additions activity o4140-112-000 8,195.00 04140-112-000 (100) 3,089.00 04140-116-000 515,00 11,799.00 Building Maintenance - Additions Activity 04145-101-000 13,446.00 Detective Division - Deductions Activity o4120-112-000 (2,290.00) Services Division - Deductions Activity 04140-115-000 (23,430.00) 04140-117-000 (1,150.00) �24,5�0.00) Total Department of Police 402,008.00 Department of Fire and Safety Services Administration Division - Additions Activity 05001-112-000 1,738.00 05001-113-000 985.00 05001-123-000 2,086.00 4,809.00 Fire Station Maintenance - Additions Activity 05050-114-000 1,112.00 Plans and Training - Additions activity o51oo-i44-oo0 1,�50.00 05100-160-000 2,391.00 4,141.00 Fire Prevention - Additions A�t�v�ty o5iio-ii2-000 soo.00 i � WHI�E - CITV CLERK COU11C11 �64430 ` PINK - FIN/\NCE GITY OF �SAINT PALTL � ` CA1I�ARY� D�PARTMENT BLI�.`-c.° i�1YOR File N�O. Council Resolution ! Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date .-10-- epartment of Fire and Safety Services (cont.) Fire Fighting - Additions Activity 05120-113-000 255,822.00 Fire Conanunications � Additions Activity 05140--113-000 6,921.00 Fire Station Maintenance � Deductions Activity 05050--101..000 (2,407.00) Plans and Training -- Deductions Activity 05100.�113--000 (151.00) Fire Prevention -- Deductions Activity 05110�113--000 (6,025.00) otal Department of Fire & Safety Services 264,522.00 eneral Government Accounts Employee Insurance--Additions Activity 09001�117--000 10,409.00 Employee Insurance--Deductions Activity 09001.-112�.000 (7,751.00) 2,658.00 Tort Liability � Additions Activity 09070--112-000 591.00 09070-�126-.000 1,587.00 2,178.00 otal General Government Accounts 4,836.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas �hr1��01�gen Requested by Department of: n patzl�ieV� _� In Favor ine redith Rbed�e� '� Against By afka Sylvester e sco Tedesco Mme. resi t B��ident HtMit Adopted by Council: Date 0 CT 2 3 1974 Form Approved by ity ttor y Certifie ssed Council Secretar� BY Approv� Mayor: ate Approve a o issi Council By BY pUBIISHED �OV 1914 !�, ? ` ������ C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE BUDGET DIRECTOR ROGER A. MATTSON Octbber 18, 197 � R c Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen OCT 1 a 1914 Mayor, City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall saint Pau�, Minnesota 55102 �F���E af RpgERT_ SYLVESTER. Dear Mayor Cohen: . _• --� Attached is a Council Resolution which provides the appropriation for funding of salary adjustments in the General Revenue Fund for calendar year 1974. This resolution and its related procedure are consistent with the policy under which you recommend a Contingent Reserve-General account which is adopted by the Council within which funds are set aside for all contingencies. This includes salary increases negotiated during the calendar year and following the adoption of that year's budget. Again, this year we have requested that the departments project their needs and their salary accounts for the balance of the year based on authorized positions to adequately fund the salary adjustments that were not in the 1974 appropriation. Any activities which projected an excess of salary appropriation dollars have been used to reduce the total need for transfer from the Contingent Reserve-General. The total additional cost of salaries for the year 1974 chargeable to the Contingent Reserve-General (09060) for $1,586,105. Excess items in the various departments total $515,485. Therefore, the net need for transfer from the Contingent Reserve-General is $1,070,620. A summary sheet is attached which provides a breakdown by department. Al1 salary rates that'have been negotiated at the time of these projections were requested from the departments and have been included at the approved rate. Any salary adjustments that have not been approved as of this date have been anticipated in these adjustments at 7��. Sincerel Roger A. Mattson Budget Director RAM:kk Attachments City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 O : • H G� C7 l7 C t7 t7 C� C] � � C] s - o m c� cu ru c� c� w w a� � �' ��"",C�t�� rr a � m�d �o cn�d �o �b rr rt �C � rt � su o cu su w w mr� m o� rt �c �c o w �c '� � � ar' r�r a � r• � � � o r�-� rt � �v o � �C cu cu o m c� cu �n cu rt s� G rr 4� � � cD p � � rt o r� p �n � � � rt m rt rr � � x � c� w ►�t v� r��, r�t, r�i, ��-n rt � � � ~ � � w o o � � m � rt � � o � w �� � � m w n m� c'' a rr � �C o ri 'fr` fA N �D O� 00 p� N N N V V V �"' N t0 V 11� .� N W � W V W �" fb i--� O� N ln W tn V W ln ln O � �t � r-� O O �o a� Oo v �o w O v rn G Gd o a. in a� iv oo � � w �v :� v a. � a N � O V W W N �O �D W � �O (D OQ r-� O� r-� r-� �i .� � O � N �I Ut W p N oart 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ru O O O O O O O O O O O O V ¢, � N W � C+� � CrJ v � v - (J� F-+ U7 � N U7 O� i--� N � W I--� H .� W U7 N F� V O � � O O� V � W O� 0o W OD � N �O O W � O� CrJ v v � v V V v v rt � � r-� O 00 ln �G O N U'i W O W �"''d H N V p� p� N W r-� r-+ O W � O ri fD C=1 N lJ� -4� � O� �O F-� O� W V N W � ',� ly • • • V p. C!� °o °o o °o °o °o °o °o °o o °o °o � a � � � � � .� w .� w z O W i--� W Oo O� f-+ N V W N C; L=! 01 N a1 W N 00 V �O O � V 01 '� LT1 11� V .� �-+ N O O 00 .� �C � N l7d (D C7 V V V V V V V Y �4� � � � 00 N W O� W W V � F-+ V I--� V O I--''d O� N N O V O �O V 00 N O� O N (D F-� h-� V ln N ln W .� r-+ lJt ln N V � � �O . • . � f� Q+ V O O O O O O O O O O O O N N � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a � tn w .� w V i--� 6� llt llt �O O� i--� N V W i-+ �--� V W W N W V V 00 00 W W U� �O N\ '"G' O� N 00 W OD W tl� F� �O !-+ �O N i--� N � v � v v v � (,.d (fl +� o 0o rn N N r� a+ rn w rn u, r-� rt a 00 lJ� .� I-� N O lJ� ll� W W �I 00 p' fA V �C W 0o Oo V W O W w Oo V ri . . . � � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N h-� ~ V 00 � �p O� N U'� � V L=1 v � v v � v � '� .� V tJt 0o W N .� O O V C� O f� po ln 0o V O r+ ln O I � O I N f--� W O O d� � O O t--� m . . �p O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � 00 t--� V N N �O O� w 00 W h-� C� N W OD V� �O O� 00 11� W W �O Cl� `.G" N V V V V V V V � � I--' ld1 !-� OC I-� F-' 00 I--� � 00 l--� 00 O (D O 0o O V t1� r-� � V � N O 00 rt a. lJ� V tf� OD V � 00 �O �C OD �O O� rt fA . . . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � � i-. O N .� N � � � � � rn O ln �O r-� N W N r-� r-� Z O -� � N l.n N � O� Vl V Vl tp (D V V V V V A V I� V ('' � � � 0 � � W � T_ � V• � N W N O lJi O O� N � �. O 00 O� N 00 V W .� i� �O N 00 O� . . . . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O v v v � v v v v v v