266684 WHITE — CITY CLERK COUIICll ��Jb��"/i/ � PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL � CANARY — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAYOR File NO. � Counci R sol ion Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVF�: That applications for Building Contractor license by the following organizations at the addresaes stated be and the same are hereby granted. St. Paul Seamless Surfaces 1558 Como Av. App.05315Renewal Dich Roby Construction 7208 James Av. S. , Richfield " 05344" Steve Kroies Construction Co. 1295 Danforth �� 05364�� North Star Services a Divn. of Christs Household of Faith, Inc. 688 Hague �� 063?8�� 8ivard Plbg & Htg Co., Inc. 2050 White Bear �' 05387�� The Susael Co., Inc. 1850 Co� � n 05388n INaplewood Sewer & Yater, Inc./�faplewood Plbg & Htg, Inc. , 1909 Clarence �� 05389�� Schafhauaer Plbg. 1199 Albemarle �� 05390�� Selby Ornamental Iron Co. 1017 Front �� 05391�� Orv Bakke Insnlation, Inc. 1448 Cliff Rd. , Burnsville " 05392�� Hinding & Co. 915 W. ?th St. " 05393�� Rollins Oil Co. 1901 Grand St. N.E., Mpls. " 05394�� 5t. Paul Plbg & Htg Co. 640 Grand Av. �� 05393r� Harris Mechanical Contr. Co. 2300 Territorial Rd. �� 05396" Victor f�rlson & Sons, Inc. 2246 Edgewood Av. S., Mpls. �' 05397" Rascher Plbg & Htg, Inc. 712 S. 9nith �� 05398�� TSA Corp. 43 E. Water �� 05399" Hunt Flectric Corp. 2300 Teriitorial Rd. �� 05400�� Northweetern Service, Inc. 2296 Territorial Rd. f� 05404�� Robinson Hing Floors, Inc. 2465 N. Fairview �� 05405�� Albert Kastner & Sons, Inc. 481 S. �Tabasha �� 05406'� Karl Maidment Builders 824 S. Mc�night Rd. �� Q5416�� Michael F. Geary 1022 St. Pau1,Av. " 05435" �ogers Pa,int & wallpaper 4?0 S. Snelling �� 05501�� Giertsen Co. 2840 Chicago Av., Mpls. " 05502" Charles Zwinger, Inc. 263 W. Robie �� 05503�� F'rancis Ahern 6 .Skyline Dr. , Mankato �� 03504�� T. M. C+�e�ion Co., Inc. 2139 Lowry Av. N. , Mpls. �� 05505�� Joe Nelson Stucco Co., Inc. 1150-98th Ln. N.W., Coon Rapid� �� 05506�� Berwald Roofing Co., Inc. 2440 N. Charles, No. St. Paul �� 05507�� COU[�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved.by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CI.ERK COl1RC11 /���J\(j PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL rp �� i CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � , Council Resolution Presented By i.i(�NSF. ('Y)11MT7TRF. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date page 2, Cont'd Bor-Son Building Corp. 1550 E. 78th St., Mpls. App.05508Renewal Bor-Son Construction, Inc. �� " 05509�� Ted Hanson Cont. Co. 1570 Race �� 05510�� Panelcraft of Minn. , Inc. 3615 L. Lake St., Mp1s. �� 05511�' Oscar Sather Roofing, Siding & Al.uminum Products 737 pakdale " 05512t1 Plywood Minnesota, Inc. 5401 E. River Rd., Mpl�. " 05513� Packaged PLrniture,& Carpet Co. 520 E. ?th St. " 05514" McCord Maintenaace Engineers 260 N. Fly St. " 05515" Alu�inum Products Co. of America 994 Arcade St, �� 05516" Vern Krook Decorating Co. 2695 Mayer Ln. " 05517�� Carl Bnippenberg Pntg & Dec. 864 Edmund " 05518�� Francia T. �►agner dba Rose Plbg & Htg 1125 W. Co. Rd. B " 05519�� Fr�d Vogt & Co. 3260 Gorha� Av. S., �Ipls. r� p552p�� Rod Button dba Rod Batton Htg Service 1401 Asbury Av�. " 05521�� General Coatings, Inc. 2805 Dodd Rd. " 05522'� Aquarius Htg & Plbg� Inc. 1261 Payne Av. r' 05523�� Gary Platt Pntng 513I Greenwood L1r., New Brighton �� 05524�� D. M1. Hickey Plbg & Htg, Inc. 2124 University �� 05526�� Mr. Giles rallpaper Service 14?1 Scheffer Av. �� 0552?�� Gateway Glass Co. 889 Pierce Butler Rte. " 05528�� Carlson Contracting Co., Inc. 469 Terrace Dr. �� 05529n Tho�as Coi1 Decorating, Inc. 940 N. Hazel �� 05530�� Bream Homes, Inc. 1386 W. 7th .St. �' 05531�� Victor Baller Bldg. Contr. 1870 E. Nebraska �� 03532l� Boehm Htg. Co. 1598 Selby Av. �� 05533�� Coronet Co. 1060-33rd Av. S.E., Mpls. �+ 0553411 Cherokee Refrigeration, Inc. 285 W. George St. �� 05535�� Henry J. Pfoser & Son 1033 Hall Av., W. St. Paul n p��n - Netropolitan Heating Co. 1480 Scheffer av. "' 05537r' Classen Const. 15?51 Eland St. N.Y. , Anoka �� 05538�� TN'in City Storm Sash Co., Inc. 3938 Meadowbrook Rd. , Mpls. �+ 05539" Advance Hose Products, Inc. 8609 L,�mdale Av. S., 1►1p1s. " 05540�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Pcesident Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICll ���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��p� ��-��� BLUE - MAYOR . FIl@ NO. - . Council Resolution . Presented By �Trru� rn�ntTmm� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Pag+e 3 Con�truction Sales Co. dba Western Constr. Co. 6950 Wayza.ta Blvd. , 1Npls. App.05542Renewal The Birch Co. ?55 Willow Ln. �� 05577�� Lane Decorators 948 Galvin Av., i�. St. Paul '� 055?8�� Builders Supply Enterprises, Inc. 3517 Hennepin Av., Mpls. n p557g�� E. L. Bulach Constr. Co. , Inc. 1259 1NacArthur St. �� 05580" �d Ayd Home Re�airs 2096 LaCroase Av. �� 03581�� Geo. Coverdale 1U16 N. Chatsworth St. n p55g2r� Mc�orhead Brothers 959 Linwood Av. �� 05583�� Loais H. Peter Co. 1854 Grand �� 05584�� Lloyd L. HiL�anowski 3240-44th Av. S. , Mpls. �� 05585'� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �fXC7IX Hunt In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester T�s�c� President�IDC Hoz2a Adopted by C i : Date IAN � 'j �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ' Passe ounc' Secretay BY By Approv by Mav Date N Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pltett� J�►K 3 i 1q7'6