266678 WM17E - CITV CLERK 1 ��V���
Coun il Resolut 'on
Presented By ' •
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RES�LVBD: That li�mns�e applied for by the f'ollowing perec�s at the addresses stated by and the
sams are hereby granted.
Walkar Meats, Inc. 1001. No. Concord Foo�ls NIDPW App. 53�1 lt
o u 1 Veh. �! ��
Alice Flor 577� No. Lexington Catering B 5342 "
e tt 1 Y!!h. n n
John A. Sehr�eider 1767 �ld. Hu�cisoa Rd. Flor3st�Ifurs. 53�+3 "
" " 3 veh �� ��
coca-Cola &rtt].ing Mia�v�sat 8�+ so. wabaeha Bev. Al-Non A1 53� "
n N �3 V�h• u n
Charles Meaard 1379 Rice St. Tow Truck 5357 "
" " 3 Add�l. 't'rueks a "
Howard Gravea 1151'T Yukon N.W. Coon RapidB Food Veh. 5363 "
Ho]m & Olson 20 W. 5th St. Florist-Nurs. 5365 "
August Poat 13�+5 Grand Ave. 6 Zbw Trt�c�s 5374 «
Parkw�y Liquors, Inc. 1665 Rice St. Orig. Cont. 5376 "
n " Off SA1�' M81t u n
�� „ Cigarette " "
wm. @uast 574 Burgess 1 7.bw Truck 53gp "
Verncm Anderson Baldwin� Wisconsin Food� 1�IDPW 5382 "
Andereon Mea�t Co. 94o Beach Food� MDP'W 53$3 "
" " 2 Veh. " '�
Art's �nergency Tov�r.Lng, Inc. 2384 English�; Tow Truek 5418 "
o n 13 Add t l. Rb1� '1'Y`LikB a rr
Nora Clark 336 w. 7th St. Tow Truck 5�+37 "
Btn�amin Katz 126 E. 9th St. Foot Peddler 5�+38 "
Julian Claeys 2365 W. 7tb 1 Tow 7.`�uck 5�+�+3 "
'� 7700 Penn Ave. So., Mpls. Add�l..Fee to 54�+3 547p ��
Dorothy Yaung 168 No. Chatst�rorth Heauty Shop 5�+61 "
Marion Dooley 637 Selby Ave. Orig. Cont. 5462 '.'
" " Cigarette " "
Jos. Weis� & Stan. Mitchell 571 F,exl St. 2 Tow Trucxs 5�d9 °
st. Paul �ame & Aligu. Ooon. 337 �1• 7th st. Tow Truck 5�+71 "
Edward J. Raba L174 Rice St. Tow Truck 5�+77 "
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
� Hunt [n Favor
Levine J
Rcedler Against BY
President �',t a ��N Z 7 �gt6
Adopted by Co . ate Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifie assed ouncil ecretary� BY
Approve y Mayor Date S �976 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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