266677 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1 BLUE -MAYOR � Flle NO. Cou c�l Resolution Presented By LICENSE CO�ILTl'&C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLYED: 3hat licensea applied for by the Pollowing pereons at t�^addr�sses stated by and the sam�e axe hereby granted. tQsy�ord Marcus Enterprises� Ine. �61 E. Mary].and Orig. Cont. App. 5�+81 Ren. u OPf a^a1e MEi.7.t n n +r 4f CigBTett@ �� �� Edmaxnd Ea�+boan 329 w. Winona Tow '!x'uck 5�g2 " Victoria R. Holm 606 Rice St. Masseuee 5C�', " Robert Sonterrre $�3 Universit� Ave. '� TOw "1.`Y'11C,�t8 �'+,� �r Richard Lindner 637 Simp�on Tow 7xuck 5490 '' Marie Brc>wn ?24 Jackson `' � ��95 ,n d�. Jsmn�s Hilliard 61g st. Anthor�y 2 �Ow Trucks S�+gT " Gordon �0 10 w. Exchange l�oot P�ddl.er 5559 " Riche�rd Okeson 1773 �• ��� 2 � �c� 55d2 " EdWard Von Paperin 628 Stryk�er Foot Pecle�].er 5576 " Hs,ttie M. Webb 606 r�.ce St. M���e 5�p1 " Standard Oil 2288 W. Co, Rd. C &i-q. Fue1 Dlr. '� „ +� 9 Yeh. �► ,� Hascoek Nelaon N�ercantile Co. 807 Hampden Cigarette 5�4�+ " Robert J. Lw1d 1633 �• Co. Rd. H., W.B.L. 5 M.A:D. �� �� „ 2 M.M. �20 �, �ter Sca�rer 682 Aurora Zbw Tr-uck 56�'7 " 80. Central 03.1 Preeway Div. 39� �o• ��tern 2 � �e� 5636 `� Tom Daellmeua 1935 No. Rice St. Tow Truck 5637 " „ " 1 ACId'l. Truck " " �ven I�. Johaason 360 No. Robert St. Masseur 5919 '� COU[�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen �3II� Hunt [n Favor Levine �J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester T�a�^^ President P� Hozza Adopted by Counc' • Date '�A� Z � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified se b uncil Secretary BY By Approve by Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �t�.�st�E� ,�A N 31 197��� �