266675 \, WHITE - CITV CLE. ^��^�� PINK - FINANC t � R L� CANARV - DEPAR ENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COU[1C11 � `�� BLUE -r_MAYOR File NO. ' - o cil Resolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Section 17.01 of the Saint Paul City Charter requires the �ouncil of the City of Saint Paul to declare a daily legal news- pa.per as the city' s official newspaper; and WHEREAS, ordina.nces of the City of Saint Paul do not become effective until published, and publication is therefore a critical aspect of the operation of the municipality; and WHEREAS, bids were solicited in the private sector, but com- mercial firms to serve as the city' s legal newspaper during 1976 made no bids; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Legal Ledger has offered to publish ordina.nces and other materials as required by law with no contract and at the following rates: First insertion: 22.2� per line; ` Each and every subsequent insertion: 14.8� per line; and Extra, if any, for tabular ma.tter: 7.4G per line; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has no �lternative but to declare the Saint Paul Legal Ledger as its official newspa.per; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, tha.t the St. Paul Legal Ledger, from `day to day, is - hereby declared to be the official newspa.per of the City of Saint Paul; and �e xt FURTHER RESOLVED, tha.t the Council hereby indicates its sup- port of a change in legislation concerning legal newspa.pers and alterna.tively will solicit the Saint Paul Cha.rter Commission for such t�sistance as can be ren ered to a resolution of the dileirmia. in which COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt � In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President � ftozzs �A� 7 �� Form Ap ed by City Attorney Adopted by Cou . Date � Certified ssed ouncil ecretary • BY � By Approved vor: te �-- 2' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ��sHm JAN 31 �� . . � � ` , � Ct'fY �� _. _ ._ f`;����� �� s� rz =' x a -., o ..o.:... � ;�ri� ............. � ,�► � ta � ..!°-0,,�.1�' ab �::,, � v�d, hO C ITY OF SAi NT PAUL r�♦ � �. . �. . .. . .,. , ,�. '"' � ` � ' �� - ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Janua.ry 20, 1976 PIERRE N. REGNIER Mr. David Hozza, President Saint Paul City Council 722 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Hozza: On Janua.ry 12, 1976, I wrote you concernin.� the dilemma in which the City of Saint Paul found itself with regard to the Council' s declaring an official legal newspa.per. With my letter I referenced a letter on the same subject to the State Commissioner of Administration. Mr. Albert Olson, secretary to the City Council, today ad- vises tha.t the Saint Paul Legal Ledger is now willing to publish our ordinances and such other ma.terial required by law to be printed at the rate at which they were per- forming the work during the latter ha.lf of 1975. The rates were then and will be in conforma.nce with the certified line rate established by the State Commissioner of Administration. ,e,ccordingly, Mr. Olson ha.s retrieved the prior resolution sent to you with my January 12, 1976, letter, and a new resolution is enclosed for the consideration of you and the Council. Very truly yours, � ` ��-� PIERRE N. REGNIE City Attorney PNR:er Encl. cc:City Council Members Ma,yor City Administrator Purchasing Agent City Clerk City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Perry Wilson, Chairma.n Cha.rter Comm. 612 298-5121