266660 WHI7E - CITV CLERK ��r���
- " � C uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the
Department of Public Works, the Council of the City of Saint
does hereby accept dedication by the Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, of portions of
Plato Boulevard, Ohio Street, West Water Street and Starkey
Street, all as more particularly described and set forth in
the attached dedication of streets and the proper City officers
are authorized and directed to record the dedication in the
proper office of recordation.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
� Hunt [n Favor
Levine � _
�r A gainst BY
Sylvester -
Tedesco �
President� Ho22a ,�N 2;z ��
Form Approved City Attorney
Adopted by cil: Date
Cert' ' d Passed ouncil Se tary BY
App by Mayor: Date Approved or iss' n t Council
�ec�v ,lA�13 i �97� .
• ,
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,, THIS INDENTURE , made this 5� day of December, 1975 � between the
a public body �corporate and politic,
as grantor, hereinafter referred ta
as the "Authority"
and -
municipal corporation, as grantee,
hereinafter referred to as the "City"
WHEREAS, the Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota
Muni�ipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, Chapter 487, Laws of Minnesota,
1947, as amended, duly adopted the Redevelopment Plan for Riverview
industrial Project, Minn. R-26, on April 29, 1964, which plan was appraved
by the Council of the City on May 20, 1964, by its resolution, Council
File No. 218207, and now lawfully in effect providing for the acquisition,
clearance and redevelopment of the Project Area to which said Plan pertains
and providing for the vacation and cessation of use of the existirtg street
system and the dedication of a new street system; and
IJHEREAS, the Plan provisions have been carried out and a new street '
system has been constructed in the hereinafter described real property and
the parties desire to dedicate and accept dedication of said street system
of the property designated as Plato Boulevard, Ohio Street, West Water Street
and Starkey Street. .
NOW THEREFORE, the Authority does hereby dedicate and grant unto the
. Ciiy forever, an easement for street purposes in those tracts of land'
designated as Plato Boulevard, Ohio Street, West Water Street and Starkey
Street, lying and being within the County for Ramsey, State of Minnesota,
described as follows: .
�-. .>-. r-:-- :--r-•---. •
. . , A. PLATO BOUIEVARO �b'S'�'�(�
� All those parts of the following properties : Lots 5 and 6, Block 18,
lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 19, Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block 20,
and Lots 1 and 10, Block 23, Bazil and Robert's Addition to West
Saint Paul County of Dakota , Territory of Minnesota; Lot 1 , Custer
St. Addition to St. Paul ; Lots 5, 6, 7, $, 9, 10 and 11 , Block 171 ,
West St. Paul ; Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 161 , Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12, Block 162, Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 164, Lots 7, 8, 9 and
10, Block 165, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Biock 166, Lots i , 2,
" 3, 4, and 5, Block 169, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 17_9 and
Block 193, Robertson's Addition to 41est St. Paul ; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 192, Lots l , 2, 3, �+, 5, 10 and 11 , Biock 193
and Lots 1 , 2, 3� 4, 5, b and 12, Block 195, Irvine's Addition to 1Jest
. . .. �
St. Paul lying betv�een the following described lines, to-wit:
1 . Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line (assumed bearing south
30 Degrees 10 Minutes 30 Seconds east) of Lot 5, Block 18, said
Bazil and Robert's Addition to West Saint Paul which is 25.0 feet
northwesterty of the most easterly corner of said Lot; thence
south 59 Degrees 32 Minutes 00 Seconds west, parallel to the tenter
line of existing E. Plato Ave. , for 141 .84 feet; thence southwesterly
on a tangential curve, concave to the north having a radius of 471
feet, a�d a central angle of 20 Degrees 24 Minutes 30 Seconds for
167.77 feet; thence south 79 Degrees 56 Minutes 30 5econds West ,
tangent to said curve for 1662.16 feet; thence southwesterly on a
tangential curve concave to the south havi�g a radius of 581 feet,
and a central angle of 20 Degrees 22 Minutes 00 Seconds for 2U6.53
feet; thence south 59 Degrees 34 Minutes 30 Seconds West tangent
to last described curve for 410.23 feet; thence westerly on a
` tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 471 feet
and a central angle of 29 Degrees 51 Minutes 30 Seconds for 245.45
feet; thence south 89 Deg�ees 26 Minutes 00 Seconds West tangent to
last described curve for 247.25 feet; thence north 87 Degrees 4�
Minutes 00 Seconds West for 197.91 feet; thence north QO Degrees .
- 34 Minutes 00 Seconds West for 158.78 feet to the southeasterly tine
of existing West Water Street; and
2. Beginning at a point on the northeasteriy line (assumed bearirrg south
30 Dec�rees 10 Minutes 30 Seconds east) of Lot 1 , Biock 23 , Bazil and
Robert's Addition to 1�lest Saint Paul which is 25.0 feet southeasterly _
of the most northerly corner of said Lot; thence south 59 Degrees
. 32 Minutes 00 Seconds West, parallel to the center line of existing _
E. Plato Ave. , for 141 .27 feet; thence southwesterly on a tangential
curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 5$1 feet, and a
central angle of 20 Dec�rees 24 Minutes 30 Seconds for 206.95 feet;
thence south 7g Degrees 56 Minutes 30 Seconds west tanqent to said
curve for 1662. 16 feet; thence southwesterly on a tangentiat curve,
concave to the south having a radius of 471 feet,. and a central angle
� � of 20 �egrees 22 Minutes 00 Seconds for 167.42 feet; thence south
59 Degrees 34 Minutes 30 Seconds west tangent to last described curve
for 410.23 feet; thence a�esterly on a tanctential curve concave to
the north, having a radius of 581 feet, and a central angle af 29 .
Degrses 51 tlinutes 30 Seconds for 302.77 feet; thence south 89 Degrees
26 Minutes 00 Seconds west tangent to last described curve for 555.76
feet; thence southwesterly on a nontangential curve, concave to the
. . _ �s��s� . .
- ' southeast, having a radius of 479.00 feet, a central angle of 36
" ' Degrees 37 t�linutes 00 Seconds and the chord of said curve is 30Q.94
� feet in length and bears south 51 Degrees 44 Minutes 30 Seconds west,
for an arc distance of 306. 12 feet, to a point that is tangent to
said curve o� the southeasterly line of existing 1Jest 4tater Street,
said poi�t being 9.72 feet northeasterly of the center tine of vacated
Ethel Street, all according to �he plats thereof on file and of record
in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for Ramsey County.
All those parts of the following properties: Lots 3, 4, 5, �, 7, $ and
g, Block 193 and Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 1g6, irvine's �1ddi-
. tion to blest St. Paul lying between the following described lines, to-wit:
1 . Commencing at the intersection of the center line of vacated West
Fairfield llvenue and the northwesterly extension of the southwesterly _
line of vacated Ethel Street; thence south 51 Degrees 44 Minutes
15 Seconds east, (assumed bearing) along the said extension of the
southwesterly line of vacated Ethel Street and the southH�esterly line
of vacated Ethel Street for 170.Q0 feet to the point of beginning
o� the line to be described; thence north 39 Degrees 29 tlinutes 30
Seconds east, parallel to the center line of vacated West Fairfield
Avenue, for 331 .16 feet; thence northeasterly on a tangential curve
concave to the northwest having a radius of 292.00 feet, and a central
angle of 40 Deqrees 03 Minutes 3� Seconds, for 204. 15 feet; thence
northerly and o-�esterly along a compound curve concave to the south-
west, having a radius of 42.94 feet, and a central angle of 90 Degrees
00 Minutes 00 Seconds for 67.45 feet. to a point that is tangent to
� the southerly line of Plato Boulevard as described above, and
2. Gommencing at the intersection of the center line of vacated IJest
Fairfield Avenue and the northwesterly extension of the southwesterly
line of vacated Ethei Street; thence south �.1 Degrees 44 Hinvtes 15
Seconds east, (assumed bearing) along the said extension of the south-
westerly line of vacated Ethel Street and the southwesterly line of
vacated Ethel Street for 230.00 feet to the point of beginning of• the
line to be described; thence north 39 Degrees 29 Minutes 34 Seconds
east, parallel to the center line of vacated llest Fairfield Avenue,
for 219.4Q feet; thence South 51 Degrees 44 Minutes i5 Seconds east
for 5 feet; thence north 39 Degrees 2q Minutes 30 Seconds east for
110.36; thence northerly on a tangential curve concave to the north-
west, having a radius of 357.00 feet, and a central angle of 40
Degrees 03 Minutes 3� Seconds for 249.60 feet; thence northerly and
easterly along a reverse curve concave to the sautheast having a
radius of 42.9�+ feet, and a central angle of �� Degrees 00 Minufies
00 Seconds for 67.45 feet to a point that is tangent to the southerly .
� l �ne of PtatQ Boulevard as deseribed above, a11 according to the plat
tfiereof an file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds
within and for Ramsey County.
� All those parts of the following properties: Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, BTock
182 , Lots 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 184, and Lots 4, 5 and 6, 61ock 187,
Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul , Block 187, Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+ � _. . . - . � . .. . . . .. � . ����� . .
. . and 7, Block 189, Lot 5, Block 1.90, Lots l , 2, 3, �+, S and 6, Block 19t , �
- • Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 194, Lots l , 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 203,
� and Lots 1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 205, Irvine 's Addition to ldest St.
Paul , Lot 1 or Btock 1 , Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul , vacated Short
Street and vacated t1yrtle Street lying between the following described
lines, to-wit:
l . Beginning at the most easterly corner of Lot 3, Block 182, Robertson's
Addition to West St. Paul ; thence south 59 Degrees 34 Minutes �0
Seconds west (assumed bearing) along the southeasterly line of said
Lot 3 for 16.08 feet; thence vresterly on a tangential curve concave
to the north having a radius of 4g0.87 feet, and a central angle of
37 Degrees 02 Minutes 00 Seconds for 317.28 feet; thence westerly on
a reverse curve concave to the south having a radius of 551 .82 feet,
' and a centr•al angle of 37 Degrees 00 Minutes 3� Seconds, for 356.43
feet to a point, that is tangent to the northwesterly line of existing
West Water Street; thence south 59 Degrees 35 Minutes 30 Secvnds
west tangent to said curve along the said northwesterly line of
existing 1Jest Water Street for 239.9b feet; thence southwesterly on
a tangential curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 547.Q8
feet, and a central angle of 24 Degrees 55 Minutes 3Q Seconds, for
237.99 feet; thence south 34 Degrees 40 Minutes 00 Seconds west
tangent to said curve for 291 .77 feet; thence southwesterly on a
tangential curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 1810.4g
feet, and a central angle of 04 Degrees 49 Minutes 30 Seconds, fov
152.47 feet to a point in a line that is 35 feet northwesterly of
and measured at right angles to and parallel with the center line
of existing West Water Street; thence south 3g Degrees 29 Minutes
30 Seconds west tangent to said curve and paraliel to said center
line of existing West 1Jater Street, far 0.62 feet to the cente�r line
of tloses Street; thence co�tinuing south 39 Degrees 29 Minutes 30 �
Seconds west along said tangent line for 420.29 feet; thence south
39 Degrees 26 Minutes 00 Seconds west, parallel to and 35 feet distant
from the center line of existing 4Jest Water Street for 1000.30 feet;
thence southwesterly on a tangential curve concave to the northwest
having a radius of 1045. 14 feet, and a centrai anqle of 15 Degrees 55
Minutes 00 Seconds for 290.34 feet; thence south 55 Degrees 21 Minutes
00 Seconds west tanqent to said curve for 4.06 feet to the point af
intersection of the northwesterly line of the existing 1Jest 1�later St.
and the southwesterly line of Lot 10, Block l , "Rosen Addition�` St.
Paul , Minn. extended northwesterly across existing West Water Street, -
and there terminating; and
2. 6eginning at the most northerly corner of Lot 1 , Btock 181 , RoberLson's �
Addition to West St. Paul ; thence south 59 Degrees 34 Minutes 00
Seconds west (assumed bearing) along the northaiester•ly line of said
. Lot 1 for 15•98 feet; thence westerly on a tangential curve� concave
to the north having a radius of 550.87 feet, and a central angle of �
37 Degrees 02 Minutes 00 Seconds fo� 356.02 feet; thence westeriy on
a reverse curve concave to the south having a radius of 491 .82 feet,
and a central angle of 37 Degrees 00 Minutes 3� Seconds for 317.67
feet to a point that is tangent to the southeasterly line of existing
West Water Street; thence south 59 Degrees 35 P1inuCes 30 Seconds west
tangent to said curve along the �aid southeasterly line for 239•96
feet; thence southwesterly on a tangential curve concave to the
r. . . l�:�����
, , southeast having a radius of 487.08 feet, and a centraT angle of 24
. Degrees 55 Minutes 30 Seconds for 211 .89 feet; thence south 34 Degrees
40 Minutes 0� Seconds west tangent to said curve for 291 .77 feet;
thence southaresterly on a tangential curve concave to the northwest
having a radius of 1870.49 feet, and a central angle of 04 Degrees
49 Minutes 30 Seconds for 157.52 feet to a point on the southeasterly
line of existing West Water Street; thence southwesterly along the
southeasterly line of existing West Water Street to its intersection
with the southwesterly line of Lot 10 of the "Rosen Addition" St.
" Paul , Mi.nn. and there terminating.
All those parts of Lots l and 5, Block 6, IJest St. Paul Proper; Lots l
and 2, Plato Avenue Division; Lots 1 and 2, Block 16g, Robertson's
Addition to West St. Paul ; Lot A, Channel Addition, St. Pau1 , Minn. ,
vacated Channel Street and vacated Starkey St. that are encompassed by
the following described line:
Beginning on the northeasterly line of existing 5tarkey Street at a
p�int that is 168.55 feet northwesterly of the center iine of vacated
E. Plato Ave�ue, said point being the intersection of said north-
easterly line of Starkey Street with the southerly l.ine of P1ato
Boulevard as described above; thence south 30. Degrees 20 Minutes 00
Seconds east, (assumed bearing) along said northeasterly line of '
Starkey Street, for 168.55 feet to the center line of said vacated
Plato Avenue; thence south 30 Degrees 22 htinutes 00 Seconds east,
along said northeasterly line of Starkey Street, for 265•00 feet;
thence southerly, westerly � northerly on a tangential curve concave
to the north having a radius of 75.00 feet and a centrat angle of
265 Degrees 51 t1inutes 42 Seconds for 348.01 feet to a point that
is 80.41 feet, at right angles, from said northeasterly line of
Starkey Street; thence northerly on a reverse curve concave to the
west having a radius of 22.00 feet and a central angle of 85
De�;ees 51 �1 i nutes 42 Seconds for 32..97 feet to a po i nt that i s
60.00 feet, at right angles, from said northeasterly line of Starkey
Street; thence north 30 Dee�rees 22 Minutes �0 Seconds west tangent
to said curve and parallel to said northeasterly line of Starkey
Street for 168. 15 feet to the center line of vacated E. Plato Avenue;
thence north 30 Degrees 20 Minutes 00 Scconds �•iest for 3�•00 feet;
thence northv�esterly on a tangential curve concave to the southwest
having a radius of 1��1 .23 feet and a central angle vf33 �egrees 15
�1inutes 30 Seconds for 81 .98 feet; thence north 63 Degrees 35 Minutes .
30 Seconds west, tangent to said curve, for 25.7$ feet; thence north-
westerly on a tangent curve concave to the northeast having a radius
of 77.00 feet and a central angle of 33 Degrees 15 Minutes 3� Seconds
for 44.69 feet ; thence north 30 Degrees 20 hlinutes 00 Seconds west
tangent to said curve for 38,04 feet to the southerly line of Plato
Boulevard as described above; thence north 79 Degrees 56 T1inutes 3�
Seconds east, elong said southerly line, e�tended for 117.14 feet to
the ppint of beginning.
. . . �ssss�
- . i0 HAVE A�JD TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all hereditaments and appur-
tenances thereunto be)onging or in anywise-appertaining hereto to the City in
trust for use by the public for street and pedestrian purposes. The Eity
agrees for itself and its successors to or of the easement described herein
or any part thereof, that the City and such successors and assigns shall
not discriminate upon the bas+s of race, color, religion , sex or natiortal
origin in the use of said easement, It is intended and agreed that the fore-
going agreement shall be a covenant running with the land, and that said
agreement shall be binding to the fullest extent of law and equity for the
benefit and in favor of and enforceabie by the Authority, its successors
and a5signs, and the United States of America against the City, its successars
and assigns. It is further intended and agreed that said agreement and
covenant shall remain in effect without limitation as to time. •
I�J TESTIPIONY 41HEREOF, the Authority has caused this Grant of Easement
to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its Seal hereunto affixed
and attested to all of the day and year first above written.
. , ._...�
, . ,
�� ' In the Presance of:
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,. ) SS. _
". . , COU►��TY OF RArqSEY )
. .
� - On this � ddy of December,� 1975, before me, Notary
Pu 'c wit n and for said County, appeared and
o me personally known, who, being each by me duly
. �
sworn did y that they are each respectively the ��_
the €oregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to sald instrument is
the corporate seal of said corporation, and the said instrument was signed
and sealed in behalf of said corporati n by authority of ' s Boa f
Commissioners, and said � and
acknowledged said instrument as being the free act and deed of said
corporation. ' •
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