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WHITE - CITV CIERK .. ����� PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICII �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. BLUE -MAVOR �� c°�+�''° �''Tm� B�U Council Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, There are eertain t�ac far�'eited land.a in the City of Saint Pe►u1 xithh�ld from +ral.e at the request o�' the Hausing and Redevelopment Authority; and WI�REAS, The Housiag and Redev+elop�nt Au�hoar�tty bas m�de appl3catio� to the Land. Ca�3.ssioaer for the conveyanee of tbe sub�ect pdreels; and WHEREP�S� The City ot Saint Paul he�s no ob�e�tion to the relee«e o! its interest in the eub�ect peixcels; therefore, be it R�SOLVED, TY�at the City of Ssint P�ul apprc�ves the relssae of th� fb3.l.ar- ing tax Por�eited lranda legally deacribed aa follawa: I,ot laur (4) Block ttt�►►o {2) Bciwin D�n'a Subdivision of Part of Smith a�d Lott's Out lots to the City ot �3t. R�►ul, Ra�s�r, County, i�innesota, accc�rding to the p]�t thereof on tile aad of record in the off'ice of �he Register of Deede withiu and for s�,id Co�unty; and The aorth 100 feet of Lot 11, Block 16, Hol.�c�be's Addition to Saint Paul; a�d. 'x 7,ot 24, Block 3, Holcambe'a Addition to Sa.iat paul; a,�i � Lot 19, B1oQk 20, I�ckubin and 1�rahal].'s addi.tioa to 8aint Paul; ar>d Lot 20, B1.ock 20, I�ekubin and 1�r�2�1,1,'� a8di�ion to Saint Pgu].; ar�d Lot 22, Block 20, Me�ck�,ibin snd �rshai],�a addition to S�►int l�aul; and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by C.i�ty A torne� Adopted by Council: Date �� , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By .� �. Approved by Mayor: Date Approve by ayor m' 'on ouncil By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK (��(l�r� PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll j � �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. r` v V BLUE - MAYOR =: � �TI°� B�"�'ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Lots 29 aad 30, Block 20, i�ckubin and 1�rsY�e�11,'s addition to Saint Paul; a,�d Lot 4, Block 21, I�ekubin and 1�a,ra2�a11'a addition to Saint Paul; and 7,ot 5, Block 21, l��cubin and 1►�rs'ha1].'s addition to Se�3nt P�ul; ar�. Lot 7� Blxk 21, Mackubin a�nd l�rahall's addition to Ssint Pau1; and (Exc�pt the west 6 feet) Lot 12, Block ?1, l�ekub3.n aad I�rsha,l7.'s a�d,ditioa to Saint Paul; ax� Lot 3, West Side Annex of Lot 8 of I�►reha�tl.'s Subdi.viaion of Blh. 27, l�ckubin & �rs21a1.1's Addition; and Th� �st 40 feet of Lot 19, Block 2, Wilson's R�rrangc�ent of a part oP i�rsl�ll's Subdivision of BloQk 27, I��kubin 8c A�rsb�l],'s Add. to St. Patu7.; arid Lot 28, B].ock 17, l�ckubin e�nci M�rehall.'� addition to Saiat psul; and. The north 42.8f+ feet of Lot 2g, Block 17, M�ckubin and i�ra2�1].'s a,d�dition to Se►int Paul; and (Except north 42.8Et� feet), Lot 29, Block 17, �ckubin sr�d M�rshall's additian to Saint Paul; e�nd (Except Bayard Ave=nxe) Lot 9, Blo�k 3, Aaylum Addition No. l to the City of' St. P�u]., Minn.; and I,ot 8, Block 8, I�or�rood Addition to St. Paul, Minn. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Fi�nce �21t Ct�1 �✓� � �t [n Favor Levine "'�`°`°�`r � Against BY i1'ec'tor Sylvester Tedesco PresidentJ�3p[ I�jpZZa, .�AN � 2 1978 Form Approved by City Atto�n ey Adopted by cil: Date � Certi ' Passe b ounc' Secretary BY . Y Approv by Mayor: ate Approve Mayor r m' ' n to o cil � By Ptl91.1st�D �,1AN 3 1 447� _ � _ F. �665�9 city of saynt paui planning cornmission res�lution file number 75-56 date December 19, 1975 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comrnission approves �he release of City interest in the tax forfeit lands described as: Lots 29 and 30, �lock 20, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and � Lot 4, Block 21 , Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 5, B]ock 21 , Mackubin and Marsha7l 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and . lot� 7, Block 21 , Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Pau] ; and (Except the west 6 feet) Lot 12, Block 21 , Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 3, West Side Annex of Lot 8 of Marsha7l 's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition; and The east 40 feet of Lot 19, Block Z, Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall 's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to � Saint Paul ; and Lot 28, Block 17, Mackubin and Marsha7l 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and . The north 42.84 feet of Lot 29, Block 17, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and (Except north 42.84 feet), Lot 29, Block 17, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and -' (Except Bayard Avenue) Lot 9, Slock 3, Asylum Addition No. 1 to the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota; and Lot 8, Block 8, Norwood Addition to Saint Paul , Minnesota; and � Lot Four (4) Block Two (2) Edwin Dean's Subdivision of part of Smith and Lott's Outlots to the City of St. Paul ; and The north 100 feet of Lot ',1 , Block 16, Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul ; and moved by William Rupp, Jr. � S�«'�(� � James Bryan _ � Unanimous in avor� against—. � , Lot 24, Block 3, Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul ; and 2sss5s Lot 19, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 20, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 22, Block 20, Mackubin and Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul Recorr�nends that the land be conveyed to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for reuse as stated in "Staff Report: Request For Release Of � The City's Interest In Tax Forfeit Land Summit�University and West Seventh Planning District" and recommends the report to the City Administrator for his consideration in 'determining the disposition of this matter moved by W Zlliam Rupp, Jr. seconded by James Brvan in favor Unanimous against � MEMORANDUM � � ' '-�rT�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,`�� � � � ����y �� FICE OF THE MAYOR �� ���'�e�� �, �� CITY PLANNING . �t ' ��� , g1`� �- DATE. December 22, 1975 7 � , �;� DONALD L. SPAID AIP --� � G� O�P NING COORDINATOR TO : Thomas Kelley, City Administra r' n �� ���\��S�p� � � ��� � ������ FROM: Don Spaid � ��,_. �� rr'��� --J SUBJECT: Release of the City's Interest in Tax it Land Summit-University and West Seventh Planning District. RECEIVED Attached for your consideration is a copy of the City Planning J A��� 2 197G Staff Report concerni ng the di sposi ti on of tax forfei t 1 ands �ommuniiy Developme�Section within the above districts. On December 19, 1975 the City Planning Commission reviewed and approved the Staff Report. A copy of a resolution passed by the Commission concerning this matter is also attached. Please forward this material to the Mayor and Council for their information and action. DS:mcb Attachments cc: Ed Helfeld 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 • .��. GI'1'Y O1+ �AIN'1' I�AU I. _- _ orricL oF •r�i�: rr��roiz ��C��J Rbg6RBP4 v V 10BOQQBfa966 9�i'�B r LAW'RENGP D. GOHEN MAYOB November 24, 1975 TO: DONALD SPAID, PLANNING BOARD FR: PETER G. HAMES, ADMINISTRATIVE AID Please find attached request by the Housing Auth- ority for the release of the City' s interest in tax forfeit lands. Please give this project a top priority (fast track) . Please give us a report of the status of this project on December lst. PGH/LH att. _ -�, __; i �ft` �'; �i�'� �,� 1 � f;, 1��' ir ,�: !'�> >::1 Ii+ul a ; � , , _ . .. . ,.. ., ': ,. . . ., a�"�yzz . ' ` _ ', ' . � � OFFICE OF THE LAND COMMISSIONER COUNTY OF RAMSEY 286 Court House, 55102 �6��59 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ANTHONY J. REITER, Commissioner 29$-5317 Av�ust � o L-i �t,. 61 R + Thomas J. Kelley ��C �A � City Administrator ��� City of Saint Paul 8 AUG 619� -� st.��ui; t�' S5 02 � CIIY qpM�y�sr��j�S� �' �� RE: Applications for conveyance of tax forfeited lands °� � by the St. Paul Housiag and Redevelopment Authority � Dear Sirs This office has received four applications for the conveyance of certa3n tax forfeited 1and.s to the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul. Two parcels are located in the West Seventh 5treet Project, Minn. A-1-7 Area, and the other three applic�tions include paxcels located in the Summit-University Project, Minn. A-1-1 Area, as described on attachments. Please �t,irnish thi.s office with a document of releasse for presentatinn to the Ramsey County Land Committee so that these applications may be considered by the County Boaxd. Yours very truly, C��� " ���-�'' Anthony J. Re ter Land Commissioner JJJ�gee Attach.: Sketches and application copies cc: J. Wm. Donovan Valuation Engineer O � ����59 � STAFF REPQRT kEQUEST FOR RELEA�E OF THE CITY'S INTEREST IN TAX FORFL-IT LAND SUMMIT-UNTUERST7Y AND WEST SEV�NTH PLANNING DISTRICT ST. f�E�UI. CITY PL.ANNING JE�i��!BEt� 5, 1975� � ��es�� The City of 5aint Paul has been requisteJ by Ramsey Count}� to release its interest in fifte�n tax fc�rfeit pro�erties in th� Summit-Universit,y Planning District, and twc tax for�eit pr�perties 3n the West Seventh Planning Dist:rict. �ased upon current plarning activi*�es and the recorr�endation of J. William Donuvan, City Valuation Engirieer, si;aff recc�r�rends: RELEASE THE CIT1''S INT�REST IN 1"HE FOLi�OWING DESCRIBEU TAX FORFEIT LAND: LOTS 29 AND 3U, BLOCI�. 2Q, t�INCi�JSI�� A�lU PIARSNALL'S ADDITION 70 SAINT PAUL; AND LOT 4, BLOCK 21 , MACKUBIN RND MARSH�L�'S ADDiTION TO S,�YNT PAUL; AND . LOT 5, BL(1CK 21 , MRCKJBIN AND MARSHALL'S ADDI�IQN TO SAINT FAUL; AfVD LOT 7, SLOCK 21 , MACKU8IN AND �IA�SHAI.L'S ADDITION TO 1�r�I�lT PRUL; AND (EXCEPT THc WEST 6 FEET� L07 f2} SLOCK 27 , MACKUBIN AND MARSHALL'S ADCITIOh TO SAINT F'AUL; AND LOT 3, WEST SID� Af�NEY. OF LOi 8 OF MARSliALL'S SUBDIVI�IQN OF BLOCK 27, MACKUBIN AND MARSHNLL'S ADDi7I0N; AND THE EAST 40 FEET QF LOT 19, RLOCK 2, IJILSON'S REARRANGEMENT OF A PART OF MARSHALL'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 27, f�fF��KUBIN AND MARSHALL'S AD�ITION TO SAINT PAUL; Af�D LOT 28, BLOCK 1?, MACKUBIN �1ND MARSHALL'S ADDITION TU SAINT PAUL; RND THE NQRTH 42.84 FEET OF LOT 29, BL7i,K 17, MACKUBIN ANG MARSHALL'S ADDITION TO SAIN7 PAUL; ANQ . (EXCEPT NORTH 42.84 FEET) , LL�`� ?.9, BL.QCK 17, MFiCKUgIN AND MARSHALL'S ADDITIOf� TO SAINT PAtIL; ANG (EXCEPT BAYARD AVEhUE) LOT 9, BI.�JCK 3, ASYLUM ADQITIOTJ N0. 7 TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN. ; AND LOT 8, BLOCK 3, NORWOC� ADD.i!'IQ�! �0 SAINT PAUL, MIN�!. ; ANU LOT FQUR (4) �I.Q�K il��� (?) ��i�I"� L�c:l�l4'S SUBDIVISION OF PRRT OF SMITH APlD LQTT'� OU:� LI�T°s i�: °''s-i�' �TTY 0� ST. PAUL, R1�MSEY C�D�i��1TY, MINNESOTA, ACCORDING "FO 'THE PL�a� T�fEF�:�i O1V f-�i.� fy�!C OF 4EC�RG IN THE OFFICE OF THE REG��TE� �J� DCE�'.; v�z��zrt ara� r-uk s�;IU CL�U�l�'Y; Ah�� THE NORTN ?OQ F�E� ;7F �GT ';? , i�l.G:K Z�. HJLCOM�i�:'� �'�DC�i {'IO;J TO SAINT PRUL; RPlU �.Q� ��� ��_�1�..�. 3;. :�li:J.t7����.t'i r•:��.tT��l��i S�. ;j��t�d� ;��i�.iL.'� f!�Yi L07 19, BI.t�G�. ��, y�,��cKU�a�� h�y :� r�q��F_-�� �_� �� A7�;+��� -r;� �.F1TN7 ��.AUL; P,;�� � �sss�9 LOT 20, BLOCK 20, MACKUEIN AND MARSHALl.'s ADDI?'ION TU SAaNT PAi1L; AND LOT 22, BLOCK 20, MACY.UBIN AND M.ACKt�BIN AND M4RSHALL'S ADQI7ION TO SAINT FAUL. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority wishes to acq�ire and market the se•denteen parcels. In the Summ�t-University P�anning Area, twe7ve of the parcels are within the Martin �uther King Area, which is a land assembly area for single family and multiple �amily reuse. The sing7e family lots wil] be sold to individua7 devela}��rs. The parcels are zonpd RM-1 Mu;tiple Family. The parcel on Carroll Avenuc, betweer� �isic and Avan, is within the St. Albans Itensive Treatr�ent Area (ITA). The preaerty wii7 b� c�mbined with an adjoining HRA owned 7ot and sold for sir�gle family use. �'he parcel on Selby Avenue is wi�hin a la>>� ass�mbly area fcandea for ac��uisition in CD Year 1 ; the proposed reuse is cammercial . The parce7 on Port7�nd Avenue is to be reused as sing'�� fami7y. In the West Seventh Rlanning Disirict, batl� parcels are t4 5e reused as single family. The parce� on Micnigan S�reet is within the k;est Seventh ITA. , --_ — ---..�_�.___..___._._-------- .._..____.��___._.__...__�._._.__ _�---.__...__ _. �j . .. � –� - ' , __ .� � _ _ ;.� �.,,,,�:, , � ! %T�. �' _ � ° ,�� i� �(�,� r s ..Jr .�, ♦ ! � � i � i � , ��G� ..�4 �� � ` 4 r{ y�'S i,x���,`r- y ��� �,.,'�I p•' I �.- ��� , �/ � \ � �,V �� �_�t�w i : ��If i'r{ � � 'A/ �f,: 4 � Si,' , /��. ii�+ �� r �y.•.! �.-�V',� �' <' ,! �.;` f� -rt. �..,`". � i��(5i ¢e' � 1 � n � i�� -i r :1 � �. �I� I' .. .,: � /'F��`"'�p�}rm � ��, I 1j'i '' ��lE 5-�1�� , '�$���J l i t . �, , t I��/ , �` -�/"/ �A' '�,✓ r��� t I � � 9 �r _ '*- ' � i I� i E I � tl I t � , � � � � �� � ��ltl�lf�� I�,��.�`��y^! ��p'q���t� I'�,�� ����,��� ll� I l l ' ' � 5 ' 'Cn -�-t -1f_ �I� � ��_�1 �, �9 ti `��� ��I�.�_ i���L�,l �,Li" � liy� i ' �i n = _ „. -v. � �.�� i 'sY� t � � ��u�y L:� l�YCi 1 lr I � I f , il � L�,� ._ i 3, � er.��� �v1 � ,� � � ��s.� i�� I�����U�I�f �.'il `i i ���r� l li;��� �i� �II I�(: � �- � � ,} � �� , A': -��� � `_ f Ih�l�!f„l' u��LB V �;,��i�i�.i�l�l+i�!�lol�'�al�� � i'' ��i� �;�c /9� ����yJ � ���� � � i� �i���,�}'_ i�r� ;�� rrrT�i.'.i� �I����i �� � T��I � �r ! � T i i �. "l �' -p{� � t- � �,I.�� 1� u. � .i��,l ��11� J.�Irt�s- .;� �.�,�, , � �`F�� � ��i il � u �� '�I �i� _�\ � �I I i � � i i I �H � � I i I�1 h� � I � � f� �� 1 � � � JL�IJ � I� .: �������� ��;,�,�1 1� I�+ �1_� I �H ' �{r k � ._� ��� Il� I� � k ��E�� . ',,� � _�t'� 1�—�� I� �'�i�i� _ `� ', n��� � �1�i�i� � � �^� �. r � ' � ' , � i � � � , , � a�� . . , �� �i i .�.� r j`� i�,,1 �.� i � ��r -y�yr,� _i�I�' �. � l � -f � �_� t � y l� � -'F � � � I ,,.,. �..�� ��� ��i��(� �;� �� -- JlJ}lJl.kyl�l�'����� ��eJ���riT1��1 ��i?�.+�ry4. - �i fi � - �i t . ���-i�i�'�� ���L ��i ,� 1 ��.�i . . �` ��, A @�If� cj. r. '�'f �f--.��E��h�F. f � � 1'JS E. � i-�q _.. V i 1 � i �I i � � �I � 1 s� � � � � I � � � �I� � al 1`�� � A � � / �. , -iE �:_ f tir .��Ui�l�l ���� e r'T� � L ill 1 �.,, y-._. L -1 '-} Ji( � � I y � } �,�� �� �. ' i ��H�-3 F�F f ���ii�l � �' �� i �' � � li. r�7Et1��.�i 1. 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Lot� 7, Block 21 , Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and (Except the west 6 feet) Lot 12, Block 21 , Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 3, West Side Annex of Lot 8 of Marshall 's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition; and The east 40 feet of Lot 19, Block 2, Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall 's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 28, Block 17, Mackubin and Marsha7l 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and The north 42.84 feet of Lot 29, Block 17, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and (Except north 42.84 feet}, Lot 29, Block 17, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and -� (Except Bayard Avenue) Lot 9, Block 3, Asylum Addition No. 1 to the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota; and Lot 8, Block 8, Norwood Addition to Saint Paul , Minnesota; and Lot Four (4) Block Two (2) Edwin Dean's Subdivision of part of Smith and Lott's Outlots to the City of St. Paul ; and The north 100 feet of Lot ll , Block 16, Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul ; and mOVed by s��conded by in fav�or against�. � � �66659 Lot 24, Block 3, Holcombe's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 19, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 20, Block 20, Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul ; and Lot 22, Block 20, Mackubin and Mackubin and Marshall 's Addition to Saint Paul Recor�nends that the land be conveyed to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for reuse as stated in "Staff Report: Request For Release Of The City's Interest In Tax Forfeit Land Summit-University and West Seventh Plannjng District" and recommends the report to the City Administrator for his consideration in 'determining the disposition of this matter moved by seconded by in favor against � � ���ss5y CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS October 7, 1975 Thomas J. Kelley City Administra.tor Roa� 365 BUILDIlyG Re'r Request by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the • � release of the Ci�y's interest in tax forfeited lands. Dsar Sir: In reply to yaur memo dated September 23, 1975, I �rish to repart the follawir�: The sub�ect psrcels as listed below were withheld from sale at the request of the I�ousing and Redevelopment Authority in the yeSrs indicated. Su�it-Uriiversity Neighborhood Development Pro�ect, Minn. A-1-1: Cale Number Pro ect Parcel 07-22000-01�0-02 (withheld in 1967) A-1-1 82-4 � 07-36000-110-16 ( ►� " 1972) A-1-1 204-7 07-36000-2�+0-03 ( " ,: 1972) A-1-1 123-23� 07-485oo-i9o-2o ( ,. „ 1969) a-�.-i 76-i9 07-�+8500-200-20 ( ° " 1969) -� A-1-1 76-20 07-�8500-220-20 ( „ „ 1974) A-1-1 76-22 07-�+8500-34�-20 ( �� '► 1972) A-1-1 76-2$ : -290-20 07-�+8500-01W-21 ( �� ,� 1972) A-1-1 98-3 07-�+8500-050-21 ( „ „ 1969) A-1-1 98-4 07-48500-�70-21 ( " " 1968 ) A-1-1 98-6 07-�+8500-120-21 ( �� ,� 1973) A-1-1 98-10 07-82900-030-00 ( " n 1973) A-1-1 77-12 . OFS-84200-191-02 ( " " 1969) A-1-1 7�+-12 �-~' os-�+82oo-2so-�.7 ( �� �� ig'T�+) A-i-i 75-3 o8-4s2oo-z9o-i7 ( " ►' i96�+ & i96s) a-i-i 75-� -291-1.7 West Seventh St�reet Neighborhood. Development Pro�ect, Minn. A-1-7: 05-1:l..500-090-03 (withheld in 1973) A-1-7 208-1 o5-55ioo-o80-08 „ " 1973) A-�.-7 68-5 Telephone6'!2/298-53'�7 286 City �ali, Saint f'aul, Minneseta 55102 _ . . , . ���6'�.�. ,� Thadne.s J. Kelley Page T�+"o No other City Departments expressed an interest in withholding the parcels ia the years indicated. Iend,ation�t lhat disposition o�frthesef parcels benhandled�ith this requestr@conn- m �O�ATION Tn as much as these parcel� are located within City Council approved Neighb�- hood Development Pro�ect areas and l�ve been withheld framd sale For redevelop- men� P'�POSe�� ed re olu�on beCapproved by the Njayorefor submiss�fon to Council. tha,t the attach Very trulY Yours, J. William Dono�van Vslua,tion Engineer JWD:RJR:dm Attach. cc: Roger A. Ma►ttson , _:, , � � , . � � � , . � � ��� �£$ r} L: ; �i �#�� 1���`"�� � � �, � � � � - ' � f � � � �� ��� � � �. . � i ,{,� c ,�.�#.�, ��.-. . ., • � �� � t � �� � � � � • �.. � �r � " ��` � � 1�L�MINI} T TIV� C3�`�3�'R�,' ' � �� . � �, : �� - b ,,;. r � � � � , : � � _ , � �� � � � � �� � �� �� " f` - °�� � �:; `�4 �. � UELt�B: 1—$-7�& � . . , I . � , � . � . . � . � . . � � ' � � a � .. � � � � . � • �� ' ,�r . . . . >.. . 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