01-973Council File # 01 GreenSheet# 01n`�O RESOLUTION '� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 An Administrative Resolurion changing the 3 Rate of Pay for the class titled, 4 "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service" 5 in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED , that the rate of pay for the classification of "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service", be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 26, to Grade 2$, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employee Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 9 be it 10 FLTRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 11 � period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approvai by the Mayor. Requested by Deparnnent af: Human Resources Office BY: c . - , Form Appr ed by 'rir ttorney g _� �����G 1 Adopted by Council: Date ��"� ``�_ ! Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary BY� L^�"''u'!�� By: �p�---�_-�.� {-.�-.� �---- Approved by Mayor: Date __�5�������L_ By: _ . GsY o1-q'13 DEPARTIYIENT/OFFICE/COi7NCII.: DATE INI7TATED ��� � V E D Human Resources v � Z � � GREEN SHEET N CONTACI'PERSO]Y&PHONE: , � „y � � II`�'�j'TE HUG � n �v��'�� Michael Foley (266-6484) �/�� i [ �I� I_D�enxTMIN D �-Z 1 s_ crrr 7ohn Shockley (266-6482 �j�� xan��z a_crrr n� 6_ crrY FOR 3_ BUDCET DIIL FIN- & MGT. SERVICE DII2. ML3ST BE Ot3 COUSSCII. AGEP'1DA BY (DATE) ROUTIPIG 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) � CiVLC. SERVICE COMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ncnox xEQUESx�n: Approve the resolntion changing the rate of pay for the class titled "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service". RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) ar Reject (R) . pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[JST ANSWER THE T�'OLLOWING QUESTSONS: _PLANIVING COMMISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparm�ent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAPF _ 2. Has this person/firm everbeen a city ecnployee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WS-IICH COLINCII.OBIEC'CIYE? 3. Does ik�is person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLBM, ISS(JE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): TI78Te 2Se Yt�'O pOS11,7.O11S lIl LIEP tY12t 3Ct 2S D�UL3/ Directors, one is the City Building Official and this is the other. A recent study, requested by LIEP, indicated that the position was not appropriately compensated. This will conect that condition. anvanrTacES tF nrrxovFn: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. nrsnnvaxrncES � nrrxovEn: None. Funds for the increase are budgeted. nisanvaNZacES � xoT arraovEn: The position wi11 not be appropriately compensated. SEP 5 2001 MAYOR'S OFFICE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS Fuxuare sornzcE: 320 AC'TIVITI' NUMBER: 33353 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �PGh G@Y1t2P �r � AWzek\grttn.frm D1-9'11 CLASSIFICATION STC7DY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: ST[TDIED SY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACT'ED: Deputy Director LIEP - Customer Service Christine Rozek Michael F. Foley �� August 27, 2001 Christine Rozek (incumbent) Robert Kessler (Forxner Office Duector and supervisor) Roger Curtis (Office Duector and supervisor) Backgronnd The position Sn question has been paid out of title for a lengthy period of time. A recent study of the position was conducted to deteimine whether or not the .classification of "LIEP Deputy D'uector - Customer Services" was appropriate. At that tune, the position in ques6on was allocated to that title. Subsequently, LIEP Management requested another study to determine whether or not the level of comgensation was appropriate. That is the focus for this study. Study Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Re�,ommendation Comparisons Various License Titles Other positions that are allocated to the various ritles that have the term "license" in their name have responsibilities for routine rather than policy and higher level adwiuistration. The APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCE5 MANAGElYI�NT: o�.��� responsibilities assigned to positions in these classes do not equate to the responsibilities of the position in question. License and Permit Nlanaeer The studies of this position indicate a position that was responsible for individuai license issues rather than policy matters. The position in quesrion has primary responsibility for policy development and aggressive administrative reform efforts. Moreover, the concepts of customer service are not stressed in the studies of the License and Pemut Manager. The positions studied that have been allocated to this class do not haue the same responsibilifies as the position in question. This class, although cunently vacant, is compensated at Grade 27, in the SPSO unit. Prog�am Coordinator The positions allocated to ttris class tend to ha�e pro�ammatic responsibilities but have primary responsibility for following the adminisirative requirements of programs, especially prog�ams involviug the receipt and administration of grants. The positions assigned to this class do not have responsibilities that align well wiYh those assigned to the posirion in question. Pro�ram Admiuistrator The positions in this class haue responsibilities for projects and programs that relate to Planning and Development. These positions razely have a major emphasis in enfoxcement which is critical to the position in question. The positions allocated to this class do not have duties that align well with those assigned to the position in question, however the level of responsibility is, in some zespects, comparable but generally has more management and policy responsibilities. This class is compensated at Grade 26 in the SPSO unit. City Buildine Official This position is ultimately responsible for all new construction and rehabilitation in the City of Saint Paul and also for management of the Director of Environmental Health (food sanitation). This position is aiso one of the two posirions that are, effectively, Deputy Directors of LIEP and the posirion in quest3on is the other. The City Building Official is compensated at Grade 30 in the SPSO unit. Deuutv LIEP Director - Customer Service The responsibilifies of the position in question do match the responsibilities ofposi6ons wluch would be allocated to this ciass. The responsibilities exceed those assigned to the License and Permit Manager class siuce the position in quesrion has more policy responsibilities. The position has slightly less responsibility than the City Building Official since the Building Official has responsibilities for life and death issues in construction and in food sanitation. Positions at SPSO Grade 28 The QES analysis supports allocating tlxe position in question to grade 28 in SPSO. The other positions assigned to this grade aze Administrarive Manager - Public Works, former Attomey V, and the Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Both the Public Works position and the Engineer position require management, policy issues, handling lazge amounts of money, and worldng with considerabie independence. This level of responsibility is commensurate with that assigned to o� -1� the position in question. QES Analysis and Evalnation The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the 5PS0 unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be compensated at Grade 28 in SPSO and that the class spec be changed to that shown in the attached draft. It is fiuther recommended that following the change in compensation the class specification changes be implemented. PItOPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR CUSTOMER $U: 09 SERVICE Effective: DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: ���11� Pezforms responsible managerial work directing the operations of the ticense, permit, and customer service functions of the Office of Licensing, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). This includes developing codes, ens�sing compliance, setting approgriate fees, and collection of fees for licenses and permits that affect a wide range of businesses; directs the functions of the animai control uni� and per£orms related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of ffie Office of Licensing, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). Supervision Exercised: - Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over managers, supervisors, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORNIED The listed examples may not include all the duties pezformed by all positions in this class. Direcfs the administration of the division including planning, setting and implementing policy, management, annual budget, establishing £ees, collecting fees, and enforcing laws; evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed; responsibilities of the division include but is not limited to licensing for liquor sales, grocery, tobacco, taxis, charitable gambling, etc. Coordinates closely with elected officials. Supervises directly, or through subordinate managers and supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfomiance. Oversees the establishment and amendment of codes, laws, and regula6ons related to a variety of businesses including recommendations on whether or not to license, the wntent of the code, enforcement procedures, penalties, policies and procedures, on-going compliance with State and federal laws, and the economic and social impact of the process. Inteinally, ensures coordination and agreement with all LIEP functions, other departments, and elected officials. Oversees the establishment of new laws for new types of businesses or businesses that were not previously licensed. Coordinates enforcement actions, and economic and social impact of licensing and permits with Police, PED, State, couniy, and federal agencies, and considers input from community groups, business groups, and other legitimate intezest groups. Recommends and defends proposed license and permit £ees, any increases in fees, methods of collection, methods of enforcement, etc. (DEPUTY LIEP DIItECTOR-CUSTOMEI2 SERVICEI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Cade: 594A DEPUT Y LIEP DIREC'rOR-CLISTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE Effective: � �' Z�17 Conducts an active program of community liaison to develop a sense of the temper of the community and to £oster an abnosphere of maximum cooperation with interest goups. Conducts compliance training programs as appropnate. Directs the Animal Control imit including seizure and possibly destruction of dangerous animals, and enforcement of animal-related ordinances, and a hearmg and appeal process. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Oversees the Charitable Gambling oversight function. Directs a variety of enforcement actions ranging from warnings of violations to permanent clos�e of the business and/or loss of the license or permit. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Serves as expert witness for the City in coiu�t and may appear as the representative of the City aY legislative hearings, conferences, etc. Directs the division's plauning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; reviews division performance and directs improvements. Oversees the development and implementation of administrative and infomiation systems including allowing the public to have access to on-line application procedwes for licenses and pennits. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in her or his absence. Ensures coordination with related programs at the County, State and federal level. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attorneys, and people employed in a variety of disciplines regarding problems relating to public health, licensing, and pennits. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABII.TTIES, AND COMPETENCIES `Thorough lrnowledge of the applicable laws of a major mimicipality, and State and federallaws xegarding business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control, and/or zoning. Tiiorough lmowledge of the criminat and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishznents. T'horough Imowledge of mana�ement and human resources issues. Considerable lmowledge of the principles of publie he�kt3i, disease transmission, economic effects of licensing, etc. Thorough ability to establish effecrive relationships with subordinates including subordinate supervisors and managers. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CIISTOMEIZ SERVICEI Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITS.E OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE b �' Effective: Considerable ability to communicate with a diverse group of individuals both oially and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with sh'essfut situations inciuding the ability to interact effectively with hostile people or groups and to resolve conflicts or concems. Considerable ability to conceive and oversee implementation of information and administrative systems. Considerable ability to conceive and evaluate automated information systems. NIIlVIMCTM QUALIFICATTONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, business adminisiration, the natural sciences, or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and regularions in the field of licenses, permits, environmental health, or enforcement; at least three of these yeazs must include supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a major municipalily. Experience may be substituted for education on a basis of two years of e7cperience for one year of education. (DEPiTTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 3 of 2 Title of Class: DEPIJTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Caeneral Statemen# of Duties: Code: 544A BU: 09 Effective: 11/19/1997 � 1-R'17 Performs responsble managerial work m planning and directing the administrarion of the C�stomer Services Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the review and issuance ofbusiness licenses and various permits; the setting and colleciaon of proper fees; the inspection of various establishmeuts for compliance with City environmental protection, gambling, business license and zoning ordmances; and the enforcement of City ordinances regazding the keeping and control of animals; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Ptotection (LIEP). Suuervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, adnunislrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL Di3TIES PERFORMEB The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; and evaluates progi�ams and 'uutiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City of matters conceming the work of the division at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the investigation of license applications and complaints regarding licensed establishments. Supervises the entire license and peimit appiication and review process. Submits reports and makes recommendations to the City Council. Prepazes and amends and advises in the preparafion and aznendment of ordinances relating to licensing, environmental health and sanitation, animal control, and zoning. Prepazes and submits recommendations regarding changes in license fees as part of the City's annual budget process. Directs the activities of the environmental protection pmgram including the inspection of licensed facilities, animal control, and other activities pertaining to environmental health problems. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 1 of 2 Tifle of Class: DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Code: 594A BLT: 09 Effective: 11l19(1997 ol-q'17 Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the I?'sector. Provides coordination with other environmental health progams at the local, state and national levels. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attomeys, and people employed in various other d'asciplmes regazding problems relating to public health environmental concems. KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS, ABII,ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of applicable City policies, ordinances and State statutes pertaining to business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control and zoning. Thorough knowledge of criminal and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishments. Thorough Imowledge of management and huwan resource development principles and pnctices. Considerahle lmowledge of public health concepts of disease transmission, its prevention, and epidemiology. Considerable knowledge of the broad field of public health and its principles, state and local statutes, ordinances, and rules and regulations regarding public health and environmental health. Working sldll in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to establish worldng relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to commnn;cate with a divezse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable abiliiy to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hosrile individuals and resolve conflicts or concems. MIlVIM(TM Qi7ALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in public administration, business adminislrafion, and ar the naturat sciences or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and zegulations in the field of licenses, perxnits, or environmental health, at least three (3) years of which must have included the supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a municipality with a gopulafion of at least 2Q,000. Eacperience may be substituted for education on a two years o£ experience for one year of education basis. (DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) � Page Z of 2 Council File # 01 GreenSheet# 01n`�O RESOLUTION '� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 An Administrative Resolurion changing the 3 Rate of Pay for the class titled, 4 "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service" 5 in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED , that the rate of pay for the classification of "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service", be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 26, to Grade 2$, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employee Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 9 be it 10 FLTRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 11 � period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approvai by the Mayor. Requested by Deparnnent af: Human Resources Office BY: c . - , Form Appr ed by 'rir ttorney g _� �����G 1 Adopted by Council: Date ��"� ``�_ ! Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary BY� L^�"''u'!�� By: �p�---�_-�.� {-.�-.� �---- Approved by Mayor: Date __�5�������L_ By: _ . GsY o1-q'13 DEPARTIYIENT/OFFICE/COi7NCII.: DATE INI7TATED ��� � V E D Human Resources v � Z � � GREEN SHEET N CONTACI'PERSO]Y&PHONE: , � „y � � II`�'�j'TE HUG � n �v��'�� Michael Foley (266-6484) �/�� i [ �I� I_D�enxTMIN D �-Z 1 s_ crrr 7ohn Shockley (266-6482 �j�� xan��z a_crrr n� 6_ crrY FOR 3_ BUDCET DIIL FIN- & MGT. SERVICE DII2. ML3ST BE Ot3 COUSSCII. AGEP'1DA BY (DATE) ROUTIPIG 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) � CiVLC. SERVICE COMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ncnox xEQUESx�n: Approve the resolntion changing the rate of pay for the class titled "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service". RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) ar Reject (R) . pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[JST ANSWER THE T�'OLLOWING QUESTSONS: _PLANIVING COMMISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparm�ent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAPF _ 2. Has this person/firm everbeen a city ecnployee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WS-IICH COLINCII.OBIEC'CIYE? 3. Does ik�is person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLBM, ISS(JE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): TI78Te 2Se Yt�'O pOS11,7.O11S lIl LIEP tY12t 3Ct 2S D�UL3/ Directors, one is the City Building Official and this is the other. A recent study, requested by LIEP, indicated that the position was not appropriately compensated. This will conect that condition. anvanrTacES tF nrrxovFn: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. nrsnnvaxrncES � nrrxovEn: None. Funds for the increase are budgeted. nisanvaNZacES � xoT arraovEn: The position wi11 not be appropriately compensated. SEP 5 2001 MAYOR'S OFFICE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS Fuxuare sornzcE: 320 AC'TIVITI' NUMBER: 33353 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �PGh G@Y1t2P �r � AWzek\grttn.frm D1-9'11 CLASSIFICATION STC7DY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: ST[TDIED SY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACT'ED: Deputy Director LIEP - Customer Service Christine Rozek Michael F. Foley �� August 27, 2001 Christine Rozek (incumbent) Robert Kessler (Forxner Office Duector and supervisor) Roger Curtis (Office Duector and supervisor) Backgronnd The position Sn question has been paid out of title for a lengthy period of time. A recent study of the position was conducted to deteimine whether or not the .classification of "LIEP Deputy D'uector - Customer Services" was appropriate. At that tune, the position in ques6on was allocated to that title. Subsequently, LIEP Management requested another study to determine whether or not the level of comgensation was appropriate. That is the focus for this study. Study Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Re�,ommendation Comparisons Various License Titles Other positions that are allocated to the various ritles that have the term "license" in their name have responsibilities for routine rather than policy and higher level adwiuistration. The APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCE5 MANAGElYI�NT: o�.��� responsibilities assigned to positions in these classes do not equate to the responsibilities of the position in question. License and Permit Nlanaeer The studies of this position indicate a position that was responsible for individuai license issues rather than policy matters. The position in quesrion has primary responsibility for policy development and aggressive administrative reform efforts. Moreover, the concepts of customer service are not stressed in the studies of the License and Pemut Manager. The positions studied that have been allocated to this class do not haue the same responsibilifies as the position in question. This class, although cunently vacant, is compensated at Grade 27, in the SPSO unit. Prog�am Coordinator The positions allocated to ttris class tend to ha�e pro�ammatic responsibilities but have primary responsibility for following the adminisirative requirements of programs, especially prog�ams involviug the receipt and administration of grants. The positions assigned to this class do not have responsibilities that align well wiYh those assigned to the posirion in question. Pro�ram Admiuistrator The positions in this class haue responsibilities for projects and programs that relate to Planning and Development. These positions razely have a major emphasis in enfoxcement which is critical to the position in question. The positions allocated to this class do not have duties that align well with those assigned to the position in question, however the level of responsibility is, in some zespects, comparable but generally has more management and policy responsibilities. This class is compensated at Grade 26 in the SPSO unit. City Buildine Official This position is ultimately responsible for all new construction and rehabilitation in the City of Saint Paul and also for management of the Director of Environmental Health (food sanitation). This position is aiso one of the two posirions that are, effectively, Deputy Directors of LIEP and the posirion in quest3on is the other. The City Building Official is compensated at Grade 30 in the SPSO unit. Deuutv LIEP Director - Customer Service The responsibilifies of the position in question do match the responsibilities ofposi6ons wluch would be allocated to this ciass. The responsibilities exceed those assigned to the License and Permit Manager class siuce the position in quesrion has more policy responsibilities. The position has slightly less responsibility than the City Building Official since the Building Official has responsibilities for life and death issues in construction and in food sanitation. Positions at SPSO Grade 28 The QES analysis supports allocating tlxe position in question to grade 28 in SPSO. The other positions assigned to this grade aze Administrarive Manager - Public Works, former Attomey V, and the Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Both the Public Works position and the Engineer position require management, policy issues, handling lazge amounts of money, and worldng with considerabie independence. This level of responsibility is commensurate with that assigned to o� -1� the position in question. QES Analysis and Evalnation The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the 5PS0 unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be compensated at Grade 28 in SPSO and that the class spec be changed to that shown in the attached draft. It is fiuther recommended that following the change in compensation the class specification changes be implemented. PItOPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR CUSTOMER $U: 09 SERVICE Effective: DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: ���11� Pezforms responsible managerial work directing the operations of the ticense, permit, and customer service functions of the Office of Licensing, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). This includes developing codes, ens�sing compliance, setting approgriate fees, and collection of fees for licenses and permits that affect a wide range of businesses; directs the functions of the animai control uni� and per£orms related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of ffie Office of Licensing, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). Supervision Exercised: - Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over managers, supervisors, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORNIED The listed examples may not include all the duties pezformed by all positions in this class. Direcfs the administration of the division including planning, setting and implementing policy, management, annual budget, establishing £ees, collecting fees, and enforcing laws; evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed; responsibilities of the division include but is not limited to licensing for liquor sales, grocery, tobacco, taxis, charitable gambling, etc. Coordinates closely with elected officials. Supervises directly, or through subordinate managers and supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfomiance. Oversees the establishment and amendment of codes, laws, and regula6ons related to a variety of businesses including recommendations on whether or not to license, the wntent of the code, enforcement procedures, penalties, policies and procedures, on-going compliance with State and federal laws, and the economic and social impact of the process. Inteinally, ensures coordination and agreement with all LIEP functions, other departments, and elected officials. Oversees the establishment of new laws for new types of businesses or businesses that were not previously licensed. Coordinates enforcement actions, and economic and social impact of licensing and permits with Police, PED, State, couniy, and federal agencies, and considers input from community groups, business groups, and other legitimate intezest groups. Recommends and defends proposed license and permit £ees, any increases in fees, methods of collection, methods of enforcement, etc. (DEPUTY LIEP DIItECTOR-CUSTOMEI2 SERVICEI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Cade: 594A DEPUT Y LIEP DIREC'rOR-CLISTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE Effective: � �' Z�17 Conducts an active program of community liaison to develop a sense of the temper of the community and to £oster an abnosphere of maximum cooperation with interest goups. Conducts compliance training programs as appropnate. Directs the Animal Control imit including seizure and possibly destruction of dangerous animals, and enforcement of animal-related ordinances, and a hearmg and appeal process. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Oversees the Charitable Gambling oversight function. Directs a variety of enforcement actions ranging from warnings of violations to permanent clos�e of the business and/or loss of the license or permit. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Serves as expert witness for the City in coiu�t and may appear as the representative of the City aY legislative hearings, conferences, etc. Directs the division's plauning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; reviews division performance and directs improvements. Oversees the development and implementation of administrative and infomiation systems including allowing the public to have access to on-line application procedwes for licenses and pennits. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in her or his absence. Ensures coordination with related programs at the County, State and federal level. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attorneys, and people employed in a variety of disciplines regarding problems relating to public health, licensing, and pennits. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABII.TTIES, AND COMPETENCIES `Thorough lrnowledge of the applicable laws of a major mimicipality, and State and federallaws xegarding business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control, and/or zoning. Tiiorough lmowledge of the criminat and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishznents. T'horough Imowledge of mana�ement and human resources issues. Considerable lmowledge of the principles of publie he�kt3i, disease transmission, economic effects of licensing, etc. Thorough ability to establish effecrive relationships with subordinates including subordinate supervisors and managers. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CIISTOMEIZ SERVICEI Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITS.E OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE b �' Effective: Considerable ability to communicate with a diverse group of individuals both oially and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with sh'essfut situations inciuding the ability to interact effectively with hostile people or groups and to resolve conflicts or concems. Considerable ability to conceive and oversee implementation of information and administrative systems. Considerable ability to conceive and evaluate automated information systems. NIIlVIMCTM QUALIFICATTONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, business adminisiration, the natural sciences, or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and regularions in the field of licenses, permits, environmental health, or enforcement; at least three of these yeazs must include supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a major municipalily. Experience may be substituted for education on a basis of two years of e7cperience for one year of education. (DEPiTTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 3 of 2 Title of Class: DEPIJTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Caeneral Statemen# of Duties: Code: 544A BU: 09 Effective: 11/19/1997 � 1-R'17 Performs responsble managerial work m planning and directing the administrarion of the C�stomer Services Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the review and issuance ofbusiness licenses and various permits; the setting and colleciaon of proper fees; the inspection of various establishmeuts for compliance with City environmental protection, gambling, business license and zoning ordmances; and the enforcement of City ordinances regazding the keeping and control of animals; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Ptotection (LIEP). Suuervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, adnunislrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL Di3TIES PERFORMEB The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; and evaluates progi�ams and 'uutiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City of matters conceming the work of the division at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the investigation of license applications and complaints regarding licensed establishments. Supervises the entire license and peimit appiication and review process. Submits reports and makes recommendations to the City Council. Prepazes and amends and advises in the preparafion and aznendment of ordinances relating to licensing, environmental health and sanitation, animal control, and zoning. Prepazes and submits recommendations regarding changes in license fees as part of the City's annual budget process. Directs the activities of the environmental protection pmgram including the inspection of licensed facilities, animal control, and other activities pertaining to environmental health problems. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 1 of 2 Tifle of Class: DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Code: 594A BLT: 09 Effective: 11l19(1997 ol-q'17 Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the I?'sector. Provides coordination with other environmental health progams at the local, state and national levels. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attomeys, and people employed in various other d'asciplmes regazding problems relating to public health environmental concems. KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS, ABII,ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of applicable City policies, ordinances and State statutes pertaining to business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control and zoning. Thorough knowledge of criminal and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishments. Thorough Imowledge of management and huwan resource development principles and pnctices. Considerahle lmowledge of public health concepts of disease transmission, its prevention, and epidemiology. Considerable knowledge of the broad field of public health and its principles, state and local statutes, ordinances, and rules and regulations regarding public health and environmental health. Working sldll in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to establish worldng relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to commnn;cate with a divezse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable abiliiy to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hosrile individuals and resolve conflicts or concems. MIlVIM(TM Qi7ALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in public administration, business adminislrafion, and ar the naturat sciences or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and zegulations in the field of licenses, perxnits, or environmental health, at least three (3) years of which must have included the supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a municipality with a gopulafion of at least 2Q,000. Eacperience may be substituted for education on a two years o£ experience for one year of education basis. (DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) � Page Z of 2 Council File # 01 GreenSheet# 01n`�O RESOLUTION '� OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 2 An Administrative Resolurion changing the 3 Rate of Pay for the class titled, 4 "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service" 5 in the Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation 6 RESOLVED , that the rate of pay for the classification of "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service", be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 26, to Grade 2$, Section 1 D 4, of the Professional Employee Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and 9 be it 10 FLTRTIIER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay 11 � period following its adoption by the Council and subsequent approvai by the Mayor. Requested by Deparnnent af: Human Resources Office BY: c . - , Form Appr ed by 'rir ttorney g _� �����G 1 Adopted by Council: Date ��"� ``�_ ! Approved ayor for Submission to Council Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary BY� L^�"''u'!�� By: �p�---�_-�.� {-.�-.� �---- Approved by Mayor: Date __�5�������L_ By: _ . GsY o1-q'13 DEPARTIYIENT/OFFICE/COi7NCII.: DATE INI7TATED ��� � V E D Human Resources v � Z � � GREEN SHEET N CONTACI'PERSO]Y&PHONE: , � „y � � II`�'�j'TE HUG � n �v��'�� Michael Foley (266-6484) �/�� i [ �I� I_D�enxTMIN D �-Z 1 s_ crrr 7ohn Shockley (266-6482 �j�� xan��z a_crrr n� 6_ crrY FOR 3_ BUDCET DIIL FIN- & MGT. SERVICE DII2. ML3ST BE Ot3 COUSSCII. AGEP'1DA BY (DATE) ROUTIPIG 4 MAYOR(OR ASST.) � CiVLC. SERVICE COMMISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATQRE PAGES (Q,IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ncnox xEQUESx�n: Approve the resolntion changing the rate of pay for the class titled "Deputy LIEP Director - Customer Service". RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) ar Reject (R) . pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS M[JST ANSWER THE T�'OLLOWING QUESTSONS: _PLANIVING COMMISSION _CIVII. SERVICE COMMLSSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this deparm�ent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAPF _ 2. Has this person/firm everbeen a city ecnployee? DISIRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WS-IICH COLINCII.OBIEC'CIYE? 3. Does ik�is person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any cunent ciry employee? Yes No Explain alI yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INTTIATINGPROBLBM, ISS(JE, OPPORTONITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): TI78Te 2Se Yt�'O pOS11,7.O11S lIl LIEP tY12t 3Ct 2S D�UL3/ Directors, one is the City Building Official and this is the other. A recent study, requested by LIEP, indicated that the position was not appropriately compensated. This will conect that condition. anvanrTacES tF nrrxovFn: The position will be appropriately compensated in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. nrsnnvaxrncES � nrrxovEn: None. Funds for the increase are budgeted. nisanvaNZacES � xoT arraovEn: The position wi11 not be appropriately compensated. SEP 5 2001 MAYOR'S OFFICE TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: YCS Fuxuare sornzcE: 320 AC'TIVITI' NUMBER: 33353 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �PGh G@Y1t2P �r � AWzek\grttn.frm D1-9'11 CLASSIFICATION STC7DY REPORT SUMMARY CLASS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: ST[TDIED SY: DATE STUDIED: PERSONS CONTACT'ED: Deputy Director LIEP - Customer Service Christine Rozek Michael F. Foley �� August 27, 2001 Christine Rozek (incumbent) Robert Kessler (Forxner Office Duector and supervisor) Roger Curtis (Office Duector and supervisor) Backgronnd The position Sn question has been paid out of title for a lengthy period of time. A recent study of the position was conducted to deteimine whether or not the .classification of "LIEP Deputy D'uector - Customer Services" was appropriate. At that tune, the position in ques6on was allocated to that title. Subsequently, LIEP Management requested another study to determine whether or not the level of comgensation was appropriate. That is the focus for this study. Study Components Review of job profile Interview with incumbent Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions Re�,ommendation Comparisons Various License Titles Other positions that are allocated to the various ritles that have the term "license" in their name have responsibilities for routine rather than policy and higher level adwiuistration. The APPROVED BY HUMAN RESOURCE5 MANAGElYI�NT: o�.��� responsibilities assigned to positions in these classes do not equate to the responsibilities of the position in question. License and Permit Nlanaeer The studies of this position indicate a position that was responsible for individuai license issues rather than policy matters. The position in quesrion has primary responsibility for policy development and aggressive administrative reform efforts. Moreover, the concepts of customer service are not stressed in the studies of the License and Pemut Manager. The positions studied that have been allocated to this class do not haue the same responsibilifies as the position in question. This class, although cunently vacant, is compensated at Grade 27, in the SPSO unit. Prog�am Coordinator The positions allocated to ttris class tend to ha�e pro�ammatic responsibilities but have primary responsibility for following the adminisirative requirements of programs, especially prog�ams involviug the receipt and administration of grants. The positions assigned to this class do not have responsibilities that align well wiYh those assigned to the posirion in question. Pro�ram Admiuistrator The positions in this class haue responsibilities for projects and programs that relate to Planning and Development. These positions razely have a major emphasis in enfoxcement which is critical to the position in question. The positions allocated to this class do not have duties that align well with those assigned to the position in question, however the level of responsibility is, in some zespects, comparable but generally has more management and policy responsibilities. This class is compensated at Grade 26 in the SPSO unit. City Buildine Official This position is ultimately responsible for all new construction and rehabilitation in the City of Saint Paul and also for management of the Director of Environmental Health (food sanitation). This position is aiso one of the two posirions that are, effectively, Deputy Directors of LIEP and the posirion in quest3on is the other. The City Building Official is compensated at Grade 30 in the SPSO unit. Deuutv LIEP Director - Customer Service The responsibilifies of the position in question do match the responsibilities ofposi6ons wluch would be allocated to this ciass. The responsibilities exceed those assigned to the License and Permit Manager class siuce the position in quesrion has more policy responsibilities. The position has slightly less responsibility than the City Building Official since the Building Official has responsibilities for life and death issues in construction and in food sanitation. Positions at SPSO Grade 28 The QES analysis supports allocating tlxe position in question to grade 28 in SPSO. The other positions assigned to this grade aze Administrarive Manager - Public Works, former Attomey V, and the Valuation and Assessment Engineer. Both the Public Works position and the Engineer position require management, policy issues, handling lazge amounts of money, and worldng with considerabie independence. This level of responsibility is commensurate with that assigned to o� -1� the position in question. QES Analysis and Evalnation The QES analysis supports allocation to grade 28 in the 5PS0 unit. Recommendation It is recommended that the position in question be compensated at Grade 28 in SPSO and that the class spec be changed to that shown in the attached draft. It is fiuther recommended that following the change in compensation the class specification changes be implemented. PItOPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR CUSTOMER $U: 09 SERVICE Effective: DESCRII'TION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: ���11� Pezforms responsible managerial work directing the operations of the ticense, permit, and customer service functions of the Office of Licensing, Inspection, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). This includes developing codes, ens�sing compliance, setting approgriate fees, and collection of fees for licenses and permits that affect a wide range of businesses; directs the functions of the animai control uni� and per£orms related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of ffie Office of Licensing, Inspections, and Environmental Protection (LIEP). Supervision Exercised: - Exercises within the unit, administrative, general, and technical supervision over managers, supervisors, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORNIED The listed examples may not include all the duties pezformed by all positions in this class. Direcfs the administration of the division including planning, setting and implementing policy, management, annual budget, establishing £ees, collecting fees, and enforcing laws; evaluates programs and initiates changes as needed; responsibilities of the division include but is not limited to licensing for liquor sales, grocery, tobacco, taxis, charitable gambling, etc. Coordinates closely with elected officials. Supervises directly, or through subordinate managers and supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates perfomiance. Oversees the establishment and amendment of codes, laws, and regula6ons related to a variety of businesses including recommendations on whether or not to license, the wntent of the code, enforcement procedures, penalties, policies and procedures, on-going compliance with State and federal laws, and the economic and social impact of the process. Inteinally, ensures coordination and agreement with all LIEP functions, other departments, and elected officials. Oversees the establishment of new laws for new types of businesses or businesses that were not previously licensed. Coordinates enforcement actions, and economic and social impact of licensing and permits with Police, PED, State, couniy, and federal agencies, and considers input from community groups, business groups, and other legitimate intezest groups. Recommends and defends proposed license and permit £ees, any increases in fees, methods of collection, methods of enforcement, etc. (DEPUTY LIEP DIItECTOR-CUSTOMEI2 SERVICEI Page 1 of 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: Cade: 594A DEPUT Y LIEP DIREC'rOR-CLISTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE Effective: � �' Z�17 Conducts an active program of community liaison to develop a sense of the temper of the community and to £oster an abnosphere of maximum cooperation with interest goups. Conducts compliance training programs as appropnate. Directs the Animal Control imit including seizure and possibly destruction of dangerous animals, and enforcement of animal-related ordinances, and a hearmg and appeal process. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Oversees the Charitable Gambling oversight function. Directs a variety of enforcement actions ranging from warnings of violations to permanent clos�e of the business and/or loss of the license or permit. May be personally involved in the most sensitive cases. Serves as expert witness for the City in coiu�t and may appear as the representative of the City aY legislative hearings, conferences, etc. Directs the division's plauning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; reviews division performance and directs improvements. Oversees the development and implementation of administrative and infomiation systems including allowing the public to have access to on-line application procedwes for licenses and pennits. Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in her or his absence. Ensures coordination with related programs at the County, State and federal level. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attorneys, and people employed in a variety of disciplines regarding problems relating to public health, licensing, and pennits. KNOWLEDGE, SKII.LS, ABII.TTIES, AND COMPETENCIES `Thorough lrnowledge of the applicable laws of a major mimicipality, and State and federallaws xegarding business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control, and/or zoning. Tiiorough lmowledge of the criminat and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishznents. T'horough Imowledge of mana�ement and human resources issues. Considerable lmowledge of the principles of publie he�kt3i, disease transmission, economic effects of licensing, etc. Thorough ability to establish effecrive relationships with subordinates including subordinate supervisors and managers. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CIISTOMEIZ SERVICEI Page 2 of 2 PROPOSED TITS.E OF CLASS: Code: 594A DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER BU: 09 SERVICE b �' Effective: Considerable ability to communicate with a diverse group of individuals both oially and in writing. Considerable ability to deal effectively with sh'essfut situations inciuding the ability to interact effectively with hostile people or groups and to resolve conflicts or concems. Considerable ability to conceive and oversee implementation of information and administrative systems. Considerable ability to conceive and evaluate automated information systems. NIIlVIMCTM QUALIFICATTONS Bachelor's degree in public administration, business adminisiration, the natural sciences, or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and regularions in the field of licenses, permits, environmental health, or enforcement; at least three of these yeazs must include supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a major municipalily. Experience may be substituted for education on a basis of two years of e7cperience for one year of education. (DEPiTTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 3 of 2 Title of Class: DEPIJTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Caeneral Statemen# of Duties: Code: 544A BU: 09 Effective: 11/19/1997 � 1-R'17 Performs responsble managerial work m planning and directing the administrarion of the C�stomer Services Division of the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) which includes the review and issuance ofbusiness licenses and various permits; the setting and colleciaon of proper fees; the inspection of various establishmeuts for compliance with City environmental protection, gambling, business license and zoning ordmances; and the enforcement of City ordinances regazding the keeping and control of animals; and performs related duties as required. Sunervision Received: Works under the general direction of the Director of the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Ptotection (LIEP). Suuervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit, adnunislrative, general, and technical supervision over supervisory, professional, technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL Di3TIES PERFORMEB The listed examples may not include a11 the duties performed by all positions in this class. Directs the division's planning activities; establishes and implements division policy; prepazes annual budget; and evaluates progi�ams and 'uutiates changes as needed. Supervises, directly or through subordinate supervisors, all work of the division; assigns and reviews work; evaluates performance. Represents the City of matters conceming the work of the division at the City, Regional, State and National levels. Supervises the investigation of license applications and complaints regarding licensed establishments. Supervises the entire license and peimit appiication and review process. Submits reports and makes recommendations to the City Council. Prepazes and amends and advises in the preparafion and aznendment of ordinances relating to licensing, environmental health and sanitation, animal control, and zoning. Prepazes and submits recommendations regarding changes in license fees as part of the City's annual budget process. Directs the activities of the environmental protection pmgram including the inspection of licensed facilities, animal control, and other activities pertaining to environmental health problems. (DEPUTY LIEP DIRECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) Page 1 of 2 Tifle of Class: DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE Code: 594A BLT: 09 Effective: 11l19(1997 ol-q'17 Acts on behalf of the Office of LIEP and represents the Director in his or her absence. Develops reports, prepares special studies, and makes recommendations to the I?'sector. Provides coordination with other environmental health progams at the local, state and national levels. Confers with azchitects, engineers, attomeys, and people employed in various other d'asciplmes regazding problems relating to public health environmental concems. KNOWLEDGE, SHILLS, ABII,ITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of applicable City policies, ordinances and State statutes pertaining to business licensing, gambling, environmental health, animal control and zoning. Thorough knowledge of criminal and civil laws that affect the operations of licensed business establishments. Thorough Imowledge of management and huwan resource development principles and pnctices. Considerahle lmowledge of public health concepts of disease transmission, its prevention, and epidemiology. Considerable knowledge of the broad field of public health and its principles, state and local statutes, ordinances, and rules and regulations regarding public health and environmental health. Working sldll in operating a computer keyboard and mouse. Thorough ability to establish worldng relationships with subordinate supervisors. Thorough ability to organize, plan, and supervise the work of others in achieving the goals of the organization. Considerable ability to commnn;cate with a divezse group of individuals, both orally and in writing. Considerable abiliiy to interact effectively with hostile or potentially hosrile individuals and resolve conflicts or concems. MIlVIM(TM Qi7ALIFICATIONS Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in public administration, business adminislrafion, and ar the naturat sciences or a closely related field and five (5) years of experience in the interpretation and enforcement of complex laws and zegulations in the field of licenses, perxnits, or environmental health, at least three (3) years of which must have included the supervision of staff conducting field inspections in a municipality with a gopulafion of at least 2Q,000. Eacperience may be substituted for education on a two years o£ experience for one year of education basis. (DEPUTY LIEP DII2ECTOR-CUSTOMER SERVICE) � Page Z of 2