266647 WHITE - CITV CLERK �Crr��
� cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLyED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in
accordance w�.th Chapter 950, Laws of Minnesota for 1971� does
hereby approve Ramsey County�s proposed Scenic Easement along
the river bluff between Battle Creek Park and the Mississippi
River Bluff' s open space acquisition area south of Carver Avenue,
and the CitX Clerk is authorized and directed to transmit a copy
of this Resolution to the Ramsey County Board and the Ramsey
County Director of Open Space.
�: _
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� Hunt [n Favor
Levine , /
� V
� Against BY
President I#00[t HOZZ3
Adopted by Council: Date ,�� �.� �� Form Approved�y Cit Attorn
� �
Certified a e by Co ncil c eta BY
Approve Ma,yor: ate Approved �y a u 'ss' to Council
By _ By
pUBltsil� .1AN Z 4 ��
. � ,
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DECEMBER 12, 1975
• ����
The City of Saint Paul has been requested by Ramsey County to
approve designating the bluff line between Battle Creek Park and
Carver Avenue for open space protection, and to secure such protection
by acquiring scenic easements by gift.
Based upon the Comprehensive Plan and amendments thereto and the
. recommendation of J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer, staff
recommends: The bluff line between Batt7e Creek Park and Carver Avenue
be designated for open space protection and acquired by gift.
Ramsey County is acquiring land for open space at 8attle Creek
Park and Fish Creek, and designating and acquiring by gif� open space
easements along the bluff line between the above areas wi7l protect
erodible steep s7opes, enhance the scenic quality of the "Great River
Road" as a gateway to the City, and complete a vital ]ink in the
. establishment of a linear open space system from the downtown area to
the City's southeastern boundary. The 1963 Comprehensive Plan designated
the steep slopes for open space protection and an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan, adopted September 1974, states as a policy -- "Preserve
bluffs through a program inc]uding but not limited to easement,
acquisition, steep slope zoning ordinance, and grading ordinance.°
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October 29� �-975
' Donald Spaid
City Planning Coordinator
City Planning
Grace Building - 2nd Floor
�+21 Wabasha St.
St. Pau1., Minn. 55102
Re: Preservation of Lands for River Bluff Protection
Dear Sir:
The City Administratox's Office has requested that I reply to you on Berna.rd
Edmonds lettear da.ted October 23, 1975, (copy ai;tached) in regard to the subject
matter. Through the years, the City of Saint Paul has requested that lands for-
feited to the S1�,ate of Minnesota for nonpayment of taxes in the River Bluf� area
be wit2zheld from public sale ar_d be reserved for Bluff Pxeservation; therefore,
I fully concur in rLr. Edmonds proposal designating the entire bluff line between
Battle Creek Park and Carver Avemze for Open Spa.ce Protection through voluntary
means. I reconmend approval of the revised R�.msey County Open Space plan as set
forth in County Boa.rd item dated October 27, �975•
If you have ar�y questions on this matter, please call me.
Very t yours,
/ � •,,., � �
. �.�.c%=:� /--'�t-
:`� J. William Danovan
Valuation Engineer
JWD:RJR:dm /'
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Attach. GT` l� !(Jj 17 i
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1_ � �
cc: Thomas J• Ke11ey (�(J' r � U l� �� �
Charles McGuire ��,� t- �- . � ' J�
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tit� ;" ;ti�, t ,{, .
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`lIlCS•�tC �-�1
Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hall, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102
� ; . ����5 �
October 23, 1975
, .
Mr�. Thou�as J. Kelley, Administrator �
City of St. Paul
3G5 City Nall
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
Re: A request for local government approval pursuant to Laws
of Minnesota 1971 , Chapter 950, Section l , Subdivision 4. -
. Dear Mr. Kelley:
I am sure that you are familiar with the desire of Ruth and Finley
McLeod to place a scenic easement upon certain portions of their pro-
perties along the river bluff between 6attle Creek Park and the Mississi-
ppi River aluffs Open Space Acquisitior� area sauth of Carver Avenue
(see news clipping enclosed) .
The McLeod's proposal was presented to the Ramsey County 8oard on
October 20th, and the Board expressed its desire to accept (see Reso-
lution #75-819 encTosed) . '
However, since the City of St. Paul 's local government approval
for the Mississippi River Bluffs-Fish Creek Project (see Council Reso- . .
lutior� dated July 30, 1974 enclosed) did not include this �ortion of
Ih� river E�luffS (probably because the County did not request it) , we
rE�cognize the need for St. Paul 's concurrence ��ith the proposed McLeod's
easer�ent. After further examination, we have determined to propose an
amend�r�ent to our Mississippi River Bluffs Proposal , which would desig-
nate the entire blurf line between Bai.tle Creek Park and Carver A�renue
for Open Space Protection through voluntary means (see County Board
item da�ted October 27, 1975 enclosed) and to ask for the City of St.
Paul 's concurrence with this revised plan, which we expect that the
Coun�y Board will approve on Monday, October 27, 1975. ,
Finally, as you may know, th�e McLeod's are trying ta wind up their
affairs i� order to move to another city where Mr. McLeod's employment
has been transferred, and this lends a certain urgency to the whole
I , � I
, i
� � � 5 � �� C � � � � � ' �
ST. PAUL, MiNNE50TA 55101
_ . �
. " _ . �`�� .,,
h1r. Thomas J. Kel l ey 2 ���
� �ctober 23, 1975 � �
7herefore, we would very much appreciate it if your office could
refer this matter to the City Planning Commission in time for inclusion
on their agenda for October 23, and any other assistance you may be
able to render.
If you have further questions or suggestions, I shall be happy to .
lend whatever assistance I can.
- Sincerely,
Bernard L. Edmonds
" Director of Parks & Recreativ�:
Enc. •
. �
Y • -
Drainage - Protect lakes from the detrimental effects of direct storm
water run-off by holding the water in settling ponds on
similar facilities before emptying into our lakes.
Preserve and rehabilitate existing ponds, marshes, and
Educate the public about storm water problems.
Bluffs - Preserve bluffs through a program incl'uding but not limited
to easements, acquisition, steep slope zoning-ordinance,
and grading ordinance. (Preservation means: (1) no detrimental
intrusions on the visual character of the bluffs will be
allowed; (2) bluffs tivi17 be protected 4ihere soil erosion
r�ri 1 i resul t from development.)
�tississippi River - Do not allow development in the flood���ay of uses
other than those allo�;red under Department of
Natural Resources requirements. Promote a multiple
land use approach in the development of the flood
fringe 4��i�ich takes into account that filooding
���ill take place ar�d w`�icii ��ii11 not ir�;ede ti�e
_ � . �����
movement of water downstream, as pe'r Department
of Natural Resources requirements.
Open Space - Locate multi -purpose parks, combining both active and
� passive areas, at the neighborhood 7eve1 .
Promote the recreational and agricultural use of vacant
land a�vaiting renewal .
Circulation - Preserve and restore park4rays as scenic drives,
Provide for the transit needs of youth, poor, and aged
in the development of recreation programs.
Provide a safe bike�•�ay system.
Create walking and hiking trails in scenic areas.
. �
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:;i� Coar� iio..:��: St. i:�ui, t:Il1I1CuOLF3
. .. ,. .: ��• :. i� ic :e �'r ic :: ic �t � dc �� �c ir ic �'< �t �t dc �'c ic ic �c �: �'c �': �c ir ic ie ic rQ iM
' ;�.:,';::��;,,.:� DATI,: November 24, 1975
,, ., ._ , Open Space Project �73-8, Mississippi River Bluffs
.. ., ;.:;.: i.and-Recreation Cc��,mittee.
,• .. :;�;��;i;::;'�;;;,: /lp;�rove �he at�ached resolution, concerning Open S�ace
Projec� �73-8, vississippi River Bluffs.
,, ::,;;,;;; Draf� Reso;ution (;1-17-75) .
let�:er o-� C. B. Sater (11-17-75).
Letter o� !-!. E. Marsi»i 1 (11-10-75) .
Draft Reso�utior� (i0-27-75) .
�lississip��i River 3iu�fs 0 en Space
Proposal (Reviseu 10-27-75�.
- ��1 n r/�
�1i_'�i.J V 1J V.i..L V 1'� �
l•1i;;;.;i�;1',S, UJr ite��lu-�i�t; ii� . 1-12j� (5--21-7��� t?i�� Rat:?�e;y
�:.,�.11�ll,J� r'ar�:.::� and Upen S;�ace Coir�,-�is�ion did appr�ve ts�e Concept f'�r
�::,,: O�en 5,���.ce xrojec� ;;`73-8, �;ississ��,pi River Blui:�s, at�d
l•!��-�',Ct��t'1S, i;iie c�ncep�� as appr�ved did n�� coi�ter��late pr�i.:ection
�:. �' �;�,{�� „c�.�ic river ului� e,c�endi7�:; i��i;:•leen and v:�:;tia11�� c�nn�c�tin�
-�':��� c,��_:���n�; i��:��t�le C:�eelc �arr: on �i�e n�rth w itn �he pr�posed
r,.cclu'��`�-�io7 area soutn of Carver F�ven�ae, and
T�1i��P,��1S, �here has been cor,��uerable interes� on �iie part
:ii� i)1'iV�� i:C' _i_�7.:]� ho.lciez'S al�:�; i.I1C'. U�ilii� i;0 enter 1T"1�LJ pT'lljl'te
VJ.LI�t'ii;�'..�';f �!I'�an;;e�en�f;� �O �T'Oi;eC� �C',1S scenic bluf� �1.Y'La� i�T' tneir
:�;j;; ar�d �►:c. ,;.i�ca �er pubiic �enci��, anu
�lIii'�iii;(:S� CG1'�alri individi?._i� priv2,ic land h�ldcrs have
�: .>; >>n�.��ri_:L;� ��'t'ered ancl tile Coui���l R�aru has a�reed �,� accept
;-�� nr� ;.c er�:�emei��s up�n cer�tain oi �;lie pr�perty alon; �hi_s ,cen:i.c
;� ( ti ��i� .:li."(:�1.� �'lCl(.i
til;I:c;I'LI,��S, i,he C�un�y :r3�ard �incis it to be desirable and i_n
��;::�� 1)llt) I_1C :i_C]i;�ZCSi. �'r�a� a�.i priva�e lanci ho:�ders alon,_; tiii:� scenic
�,:�.�.,_tl' �.irea c,e ait'�rdeci. an opportu.;�i�y t� ini�ia�e tl��e sar;�e ��
. ;_�,� i.i_�i'l �:C'l£iT1�CITleri`t.S �or scenic o�aen s�ace pra�t;eci;ian �t.I:C��n i�'�,
I�iG:1 `iil��',.��,FOx�. � I`l`' i���OL�rLD, �ilat tns C�un�;; 1��torne�� is
_��,a��:��,7 ::t�t�io�.izeci and dixected to acr,_uire by �if� sceni.c ���:�ements
�.�; �i:iic ar.•ea be���reen �a��tle Creelc �'a'r�: on �he I��T�r�h and Carver
;�.�,c,���c �n c��� S�u�h as shoti�rn by Lxnibi� "A" a��ached iieret,tith ar�d
� ����:�r�o'r<<��,ecl by x�ei�rence .
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t��il�(:JtS, by Resol u ti on No. 1-124 (5-21-74) the Ramsey Coun ty Pa rks
„r,c� Ope;; S;;ace Con�mission did approve the Concept for the Open Space
i�r•uject �!7;;-t3, Mississippi River Sluffs, and
i•�1;`REF�S, the concept as approved did not contemplate protection of
;;t+�� s�����c ��iver u;uff extendi�g be�ween �nd visually connectinc, the
' exisc���c� (3ai:cle Creek Park on �he north with �he proposed acquisition
az°e� sou��h or Carver Avenue, and
l�J;i�REF,S , the•re has beei� corside�uble interest on the part of pri-
v��te ianU nolders alony the blu�f, to enter in1:o private voluntary
��rrarr,eirents �o p��otect tt�is scenic bluff area , for their own and the
c;��eater publ ic benefit, and
411iEREP,S, certain individual private land halders have voluntarily
��fered �r�d the County Qo«rd has agreed to accept scenic easemen�s upon
c:cr�ain of t�� property along this sce�ic blufi area, and
ti�Jl�ER�/1S , the County Board fi nds i t �o be des i rabl e and i n the
;�uul ic ir,�e��c�s� i:hat all private land holders along this scenic bluff -
�,r��a be a�forded an opporl;unity to initia�te the same or similar arrange-
�����n�s �`or scen�c open space protection purposes,
�Ot�l T�I�Ri.i�ORE 6E IT RESOLVED, �that the concept for the Open Space
;'r�,j ec i; It73-8, h1i ss i ssi ppi Ri ver B1 ui'fs , be further amended to i ncl ude
pr���:c�c�ion uf the aforementioned addi�ional scenic river bluff area,
�.iirouciii voluntGry means o` n�utual bene�it to the private land holrlers
�i��c� �I�c Coun�y, i .e. , th•rouc�h acquisii,ion of estate, interest, easeinent
o�r• developable rights , by purchase, lease, gift, option contract or
oi.i�er�•�ise, wh�n consistent with voluntary means of mutual benefit to
�ne har�i.ies.
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city of saint paui
�lan�ing commission resoiution
file number_��-52 _
�ate December 12, 1975
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recommends approvai
of the designation of the Bluff Line between Battle Creek Park
and Carver Avenue for open space protection, and the authorizatio�
for Ramsey County to acquire scenic easements by gift for
protection thereof, as stated in 'FStaff Report: Acquisition of .
Scenic Easement by Gift�" and recommends the keport to the City
Administrator for his consideration in determining the disposition
of this matter.
Y�Q�J�� b�'.James Brvan
.-,�.-��;t��� b,/ ,Joanne M. Shoaral ter
�' ���/Qr Unanimous
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