266645 WHITE — CITV CLERK �����'�'
c BLUE — MAY � GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � � `�-'� � -
- . ! - ouncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Minnesota Legislature passed legislation calling
for the creation of an Historic Hill District Board pursua.nt to
Minnesota Statutes 1974, Sections 138.71 - 138.75, an act relating
to historic sites; and
WHEREAS, The Minnesota Legislature designa.ted certain areas as
historic sites; and
WHEREAS, The Minnesota Legislature authorized the establishment
of historic district boards or commissions; providing for the con-
trol and ma.intena.nce of such areas for historic purposes; and to
� regulate the construction, relocation, demolition or alteration of
structures within the Historic Hill District; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
declares as a matter of public policy tha.t the cultural heritage and
social well-being of the City of Saint Paul will be enhanced by the
implementation of th� Minnesota Historic District Act of 1971 as it
relates to historic districts in the City of Saint Paul, and finds that
it is in the public interest to provide a sense of community identity
and to preserve those historic districts in t�.e City of Saint P�ul
which represent and reflect elements of the state' s cultural, social,
economic, religious, political, architectural and aesthetic heritage.
The purpose of this resolution is tot
(A) Safegua.rd the heritage of the City of Saint Paul
by preserving sites and structures which reflect elements
of the City' s cultural, social, economic, political, or
architectural history;
(B) Protect and ex�.ha.nce the City o� �aint Paul' s
attractions to residents, tourists, and visitors, and
serve as a support and stimulus to business and industry;
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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(C) Enhance the visua.l and aesthetic cha.racter,
diversity and interest of the City of Saint Paul;
(D) Foster civic pride in the beauty and notable
accomplishments of the past; and
(E) Promote the use and preservation of historic
sites and structures for the education and general
welfare of the people of the City of Saint Paul; and
be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha.t there is hereby created and established
the Historic Hill District Board (hereinafter "Hill Board) , for the
Historic Hill District located within the boundaries set forth in
Minnesota Statutes 1974, Section 138.73, Subdivision 23.
(A) Members. The Hill Board sha.11 consist of nine
members appointe by the Ma.yor, by and with the consent
of the City Council. At least seven of the nine members
of the board sha.11 be residents of the Historic Hill
District. The Cha.irman of the Heritage Preservation'
Commission, or his designa.te, shall be an ex-officio
member of the advisory board.
(B) Term. All appointments sha.11 be for a term
of three years. In the event of a vacancy, the vacancy
sha.11 be filled in the same manner as the appointment
is ma.de. Members sha.11 serve without compensation and
sha.11 continue to hold office until their successors
ha.ve been appointed and qualified.
(C) Or anization. The board when formed sha.11
elect fromits mem ers, such officers as it ma.y deem
necessary. The board sha.11 adopt such rules and regula-
tions as it ma.y deem advisable and necessary for the
conduct of its affairs and for the purpose of carrying
out the intent af this resolution. The board sha.11 meet
at least quarterly, at the call of its chairman, and at
such other times as the board ma.y prescribe. The City
of Saint Paul ma,y provide the Hill Board with adequa.te
staff to perform the duties under this resolution.
(D) Powers and Duties. In order to provide a
sense of community i entity and to preserve elements of
the cultural, social, economic, religious, political,
architectural and aesthetic heritage of the State of
Minnesota located within the Historic Hill District,
the Hill Board sha.11 ha,ve the following powers and
WHITE - CITY C RK , ���� a�
PINK� - FINA e (j� y SA I NT PAU L Council g
� BLUE - MAY � R �
- .. - u i R solution
. .
Presented By '
Referred To mmittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
(1) To recommend, not more than one year after
the appointment and confirmation of its members, a com-
prehensive program for the preservation and architectural
control of the Historic Hill District, or areas, places,
or structures therein, to the City Council. These rec-
ommendations sha.11 include all plans, rules, regulations,
and boundary considerations which the � board
finds is necessary to implement the intent of this resolu-
tion and the Minnesota Historic District Act of 1971.
Prior to transmittal of such a comprehensive program to
the City Council by the Hill Boa�a�, the board sha.11 hold
a public hearing and seek the recommendation of all con-
cerned citizens. The board shall cause to be published
in a newspa.per of general circulation notice of said
hearing twenty days prior to said hearing. Thereafter,
upon receipt of recommendations from the Hill Bo�,ad, the
City Council sha.11 consider and make any changes which it
deems necessary �� the comprehensive program. �
(2) To submit annua.l reports to the Mayor and City
- Council outlining its actions and requesting any changes
in its powers and duties.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�C Hunt In Favor
Levine � J
� Against BY
President � Ho2za .�qN 2 � �9�
Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap oved by City Attorne� `
Certified P y Counci ret ry BY "`"
Approve Mayor: D N 0 76 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
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