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` COLJNCIL FILE NO. ������ City of St.Paul FINAL ORDER IN � '� BY �:. ._,.-'!` CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS File No. �'�'� In the Matter of '�h�1 �t�'�'�"�"+�-'�1 a� � � ��'� A� �� ���'� �� �i3,z"C� �� of t�'s � �t �QZ�'t�.�'+ruttir�l t�P �.���afB�3��, ���� � � �e' ��� � !�y'�,� �+� � � �Evr�rnt��, �d the _ ___�o�pp ���,�,� ��►'��»�c�`�1I' �n�lf�t�: � �pow`�� � '1�±�� �l� �� ���.+�IC: ._., _ . ... : �.. ,., . '�.� , A �errsanent :�i�n�•ra�t easement on, over, and across the �alla�rin� describe3 land; o-� , i.�a� nart of Lot�`" 'Bloc' _ __. ,_ ;:._ . ; �� y ,� �c 3, Ed. Rice's 4th kddition l�in� , - .:z i iTorth:�res��rly of a line dr�.�•m from the Florthea.st corner of � 3 :7 ` .. - . � . ' . i C � ; s�d Lot 2 to a point on the *fres� line of said Lot 2, b2 feet ; � � � � , ; Southerly of the PTorthwest corner. 41so, except for xighway 35 E r�-�ht-of-w�Y, �}.]- of Lots 1 and 2 I� and �hat part of Lots 3 and �+ lying Northwesterly o� a line drawn. � from the r�orthea.st corner of Lot 3 to the Southwest coz�ner of Zo� 4; � � aad that part of Lots 14, 15 and 16 lying SoutYn�resterly o� a line ' drawn �7om a point on the west line oY Lot ?�+ • dista�.t 13 feet . Souther7.;� o� the rTort}raest corner o� said Lot 1� to a point on the ' e�st line of I,ot 16 distant 30 feet Sautherly o� the ldor�hea.s� corner of sa.id Lot lb; �nd all of Zots 17, 18, 19, and 20 znd thzt p�r� o� Lo�s 21, 22, 23, and 2�+ lying South�resterly o� �. line dx�'n'I from the Southeast corner of Lot 21 �o the point of intersection o� the, north line of Zot 24 with the east line of said hi.gYr.�raY right-of-way; : �. -"Qn�t 't��.'�`�part��I�ots 25 and 26 lying �farthwesterly of a line drawa �� �-. - - , _ �Yon a point on the north line of Lot 2b distant 38 feet Westerly of the Northeast corner of said Lot 26 to a point on the east line of said high.�ray right-of-way distant 15 feet Sonztherly o� the ITorth . �, line of said Lot 25; all in Block 4, Ed. Rice�s 4th Addi�tioa. , �, A 80 �eet �ride permanent bridge and hight�ray easeraent on, over and across the Burlingtoa ;— Northern right-of-way, the center line of said easement being descri.bed as follo�rs: Cormencing at the intersection of the c�nterlinesof the C�.yuga ' Street right-o�-way and the Mississippi Stre�t right-fl�-waf; ef thence north along said Mississippi Street ri�ht-oi-way.l34.].6 , ,�,:: feet to a poi.nt; thence deflecting to the right 24°43'43T` a 1 �1�� O!,?�g.G�L-:�4.�;.^Za.�1.LLl+��r:�,�i1.�.i.�'r�t►Si;��°asu.u�.�iJl�w-�. � - ., _.�. �.. � . '. __ ., C�..,St'e.s^��G�_, ,_.,, ...:-,� . . . ._ . , ,., _ �\K-Ss Ed.Rtco.'s Trowt �roek Add�t'►ar.y . , � Also that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, anc�; „which is part of the Burlingtoa Narthsra • �� ' rig�t-of-way�Z;/ing northea.sterly �of a line dra*an from the northcres� cozta.ex of I saa.d Lot 4 to a point on the south line of saa.d I,ot 1 distant 2Q fee� west of the I� southeast corner of said Lot l. � Also te�orary essements ia the land necessary far slopes, cuts and fz11s includ�.ag �` ri�ht o�' remflval of �ateral support fr� subjec� laads or rem.aiadex th�xco� o�casiotxec�. by excavations thereof or constnictioa of slopes in the gradiag �.nd paving of , ; 2�SSISSIPPI STREET �rom Cayuga Street to Case Streeta ,�,y., - c;�c�..k l�I'T Y O� �a i.�; -1- r 1�► u �. `� pnik — Finsnta GGt � ,] �G�— �PL � UFFIGF t?P TFIE :►LAYOI2 ' � ' � • ' �l/"lJ'lJ'��: „r"�--�,..=� � �� ��/ ! . , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER SEP � 8 ��75 _ _ ..; Date: �'� . � - �2'��48� AD4iIMSTRA`TIVE ORDER, concern i ng the acqu i s i L t on af r i ght-of-aay on N f S51 S51 PP t STREET froc� Cayuga Street to Case Avenue, the canst�uction of a ner+ bridge over Lhe Burli�n9ion-t:orthern RatTraad, and the construction of Misstsstppi Street on a ne�w allgnment fsora Cayuga Street Lo Case Avenue (City Projetts P-0628, 8-1061), the report af the Departmcrit of Public works is approved, ar�d the Department of Financ�e and �lanagement Services is Instructed to schedule a public heatinq before the Clty Couac3l. .. l : � ���. ��: o,�`. «. . � - OJD RE6 � . . . - . � RlW � � WAN � 1�.., , .� � 8K3 � JFK � � 11GP OEE . . - �Ii CG�'u:.. . - � � � RlM � AJO y .� TJE vHP �JE DEN RSA. R.H.R. • r'1PPROVED �►S TO F�RVI .!f ' � l �' f' �/ �l� � /. � y 8 V l Auistanc City Attorney partment Head ` � : , � . . ��. j . D�Le Administrative Assistant to Mayor • � - - . . �ss��� � .. _. �sss � . ,' . ClTY C�►f SA1N� PAtJL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DAN1�L j. QUNFORQ DIRECf�R 'September 25� 1975 Mr. Roger Mattson � Director of Finance Roori 109, C i ty Ha 1 1 BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch - Re: P-062$ MISSISStPPt STREET Cayuga St. to Case Ave. 8-107} M1SSf5S1PP� STRfET @ 8urlington Northern, 1nc. (G.N.) Dear Si r• Attached are copies` of our recommendation to the Mayor, Admin�strative Order D-2310, memo regarding assessments, and a Pretiminary Plan. Piease set up a pubtic hearing for this project. Yours very truly, % �� � � 1,���-��'t.�� Daniel J. Duri�ford Director of Public Works CLT/TEK/ck Attachments cc: J. W i 1 1 i am Donovan ; ?;;�,- � f'�ij� ,r a..r ��.w. . Thomas Eggum t�V- u�,�;F;''y� ,� r (r�' . � ; �.t�� r,.�.;� �✓�-.,'' `� � . . . . . . Ir J �} '� � . .L/� i � � "..� ,�` `��� `,� ,�f` G'�+ '�;:� l�a� ��� � '!"' '��1 ;``..�1 . . . .. � ��J,. 4�". � •.\,1•'�-� �`�r. . � . . . .� . . � + �r r'�= 71%:ti+''''�" 234 City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102 �� ' - ' ' A�ViSA81l1TY AND OEStRABiLiTY ��- �` �� €� . , . �! � ' , � �� � ; 1N��C�1�, OPEN, 'AIDEN ANO �X3END ���� �,,; 43 .. tSSI�P1 STREET from Cayuga Avenue to Case Avenue by constructi�tg a ner� ari ��e over the 9urlington-Northern Railroad t,racks, by cons.tructing NisSissi��i Street on a new aiig,rm�nt, by constructing a drainage system, hy constructing a lighting system, and by doin� all other worlc necessary ar.,�. incic+ental to said construction. Also, o��n, widen and extend Mississippi Street by acquiring ian� or taking °o5�lT�TttS for �ighway and bridge purposes. . . "cXtSTirIG CONOlTIONS: Br��re. T4:� existing bridge was constructed in i$$8. IL is in very poor condttion an� rr.us� be either replaced or ctosed very sooR. Present iaa� lim�ts far t�is bridge necessitates the re-routing of trucks and buses. tn addit+on to i_s st�uctur�l inadequacies, this bridge does not meet curr�nt standards for � vertical and horizontal clearance. s�rect: . The ^.ai� traffic ftow from Mississippi Street across this bridge is to Case Av�m„�e via Yo�k Avenue and Westminster Street. Accident reports show that at *�e Mississippi Street-York Avenue intersection, there are a significant nu�,sber of acc i der�ts occvrr i ng wh i ch cou l d be et i�►i nated by geQmetri c changes. SPEC}AC. CONSIDERATIONS: 1 . Trafftc: , �1h�n this project was presented tfl a joint meeting of the Phaten Area Com�unity Council and the Payne-Minnehaha Community Council , a show a� hands at the closing indicated alrrtost unanimaus acceptance of this pro}ect. Th� main concern that surfac�d during the discussion Qeriod was that there could be increased traffic, especiail_y truck traffic. 8ecause tfiis project improves the route from Mississippi Street to Case A�iene:e, we expect a s 1 i ght i ncrease i n traff i c over what wo�l d no+-rt:a i ly bs expected. However, betause trucks wilt nav� have access to the inter- state system over this bridg�, we expect a decrease in truck traffic on vicinity streets, except for York Avenue. Also, there will be a large decrease in the number of cars using York Avenue and Westminster Str�et (a residentiai street) . 2. L'oen During Construction: ihe new alignrent of the bridge witl allow the existing bridge to renain epen to traffic during most construction phases. . . , - . �.,� " `,' ��� ' . , _ .� ; x � ;� 3. �an� �lccuisition: � �°�,"'�' - , , ;� � � *�ae+ yo hones or �usinesses are located on the property to be acquir ,. Ar..3 Pla�: . ���48� z. � T;�e general projsct iayout was proposed by the City PTanning Qepartment as best meeting the comprehensive planning for this area. �R¢PC�SED IMPRO�IcMENT i he proposed pro}ect cal l s for constructi ng a new bridge ovec� the Burl ingtar�- _ '�ort5ern Rai 1 road tracks between the presertt bridge and l .S. 35E, an� con- structing Mississippi Street on a safer and mor� direct alignmcrtt to Casa - Ave�r:ce. c5T1NATEO COSTS - . Right-of-way $ 50,000 - Construction 1 550 Q00 Ta ta i 1 , 0�;�00` EST I N,�►TED F{NANC E NG Municipal State A�d $i ,b00,0�0 - RECQH�iENDATION • The �epartment of Public Works feels that this is a necessary and wart(�whiie project, and the engineering recammendation is for approval of this order. Respectfully submitted. � � . Qaniel J. Dunford • Ui rectcr of Pubi ic �/arks . -'y�• • � �y.§�� "..`' `� '`\ :"� � e.:"`�,_ ` � .. . � Y, ��`\ �� '�,r �- �i' '��` ♦1�i�ti �'�_.-_� ,_ ��� • �,�`''�n ... �.! . ��!i �s."'+=�.-.-i r,.3e°:,.r:xww oo� �1 i � : \'� ,�--r�. _,1� • . . •�� ;`� •' ,.t--., ' '�, ��...� �� I � 1 � ��� � ' � �.'1� �i__,�) �� � ��`--.-_..�' ��' . ;" i.J '���� � �+ _ ! �':��< E+ � /� J� ��R `-__� �. Y.�; jc: G:yj �. _ `; _�j �. �� _ �� ,�; , : � �� �1�- �J:► � �- ��..___s aw �;��..�a , �.= ---_'T .''+^='4 �...�. �� ^f�,� � � ' ��.� 1.'.,i ./ '��. ,� �r,\��� _ i� 1`C.' tenis��3^t�-has' y�`r, �� r. . ..�., � �' .:.� - � °� .- • �° -; �, s� .z,r � .., ,��;�,,;: ..- ,-; _ � .�� �., ,���� 3; � � ` --�- a � 3�.� � -i�,� �,r�) '�� -�, �1� �r��'_�»�....,,., �_..,- � : ° t%1 ' v ,. / i I "-�; `�� r:\ `!.r� �_� t n ,wa -.�� � .� . =+"i � , r/ LJ �... ��.�u��� `� � .�,.� • ��a a� �.—�1�Z,�'T : � ri� 1-+a � _J-��1'�/rl 1 .;i k i ��r . y(� t, �S � � �-¢-�NC3AA �'J,A'�wI t� . �S1Kff�' :'�� I7 tf�. 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Hlock 4, Ed: Rtce'a 4kh lidditiaa. _ A 80 teet Wide permauu►t t�iidge and highway �t on, Over arid C�'tDSe the Bur on Narthera right-o�way, the cen�ne ot saia eaqementi being deserl6�d as,3oIlawa: ' Coihmettcing at the 9nt�eixaction c+f I the c+erlltasrli:}ea OP the CBytt a$treet e � rlgh�of-w and the. issiD f Street �o�-�pY, thepce mo . Ial�o �enter�tftie at;�aid A�1ae�a; �t�o�jpottitit�ende deA�ect�B lgw t�e ' I �i�b; aa°�'43� s�a�tano� ot i�49:ao Ito a paint and'there tern�inakietg. Alao ttiak part,o# Lota 1, 2' S an 4, ;Bik.,8„ Ed. R�oe,'a �x'p� $}�oo� A �b1i, �wh�h.9s,'part of'tli� Burlfn ,�h orCh@rn 'r��t-of_wa�c, lyinR nort3�� easterly �t a Iis� daswn &om the northwe0t cornlr af� �id Lot 4 to a pofx►t ��uth 1�te of sald Loti 1 � Wea� .4i 'the southea�bt� co�ner of sai�}.Lot.1. ALb te�aDOrar'Y easex�Brltg, in t�e�lanc� �e rg for �lppes cute �ti� fl13sY'in� Cliicti rl�ttt O!rc�i�i11 01�18ter81 8ttp� port m sub eet�1s�ltids-or remaindes� t6 r�wi or�tr�udtia�at:slea�vati�e �and.Daving at ��][���T�+'P't trom,Cayuga Sbreet to Case ee�. • Sidd tempurary eas�t�enb to re�qalA 4�i eg�� tt�til C t��l�t� � the c�- �ttelctltl�h v�oiee� d-r tuitil., �nLthry i, 2978. whi�&E9vtrt dcCUrs�S&eti. utllder Adfninistraf4ve Oider D•8Si0. a,pAroved '$isPteiT►ber lg;�7d� » ' The CoW�c�t bd t3i�s��Srtnt Paul �vlrna�� u aaei'�e `above mProv�ement� aae4 be��cbmasldarEd ,satd rey�tt. et: � i. ' !`, eatti. �re aaei '�e le��re�.�veQ v►1�h t}o 4�'�A and t t'hc eettmated � 4�C�� i��'�]„�680.0�0 00. ''.�;' �. ledd'�bdic, �` � ,�. �, � ,, g �� '�,o�.�t�g fa t'�t:e Ct�r a. 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