266637 WH17E - CITV CLERK (���C�� CANARV - DEP RTMENT � COIIIICll �r� U BLUE - MAYOR TY OF SA N PAUL . File NO. ' c�l s tion Presented By LICENSE COMi�iITTEE ' / Referred To Com i te • Date Out of Committee By Date FJHEREASz Praper notice has been received as to a change of officers in Dannecker's Super Nlarket, Inc., holder of Off Sa1e Liquor License No. 2720, expir:i.ng Janu�y 31, 1976, issued to them at ?93 Randolph Avenue, therefore� be it NESOLVED: That with the death of Leo F. Scheu� President and Treasurer� and the resignation of Edmund J. Dannecker as Vice �'resident, the current officers now are Louise M. Scheu� Presicl.ent; John J. �7inters, Vice President and Georgeann i'�. Haider� Treasurer and Secretary, and the sole stockholder is Leo F. Scheu (deceased), be and the same is hereby �proved. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen r I�aex Hunt '�•� In Favor Levine 1 Rcedler �� Against By Sylvester •�edese� President� HoZZa Adopted by Coun ' Date JAN 1 5 1978 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifi asse ounc'1 SecretarJ BY Y Approv by Mayor: ate 1J�G Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By P�Bt.tsi� ,lAM 2 4 1976