266624 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G�.ITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � . CANARV - OEPARTMENT � � Fll@ NO. 2f f�24 B'UE -�AVOR _ � � ' ��y8 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordin.anee amending Chapter 4 of the Sain.t Paul Administrative Code , entitled: "Department of Finance and Management Services . " THE COUNCIL OF THE GITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR.DAIN: . Seotion 1. That �hapter 4 of the Saint Paul Admin.istrative Code, entitled, "Departme�.t of Finance and Management Services, " is hereby amended in Section 4.06(9) thereof by striking and deleting the same in its entirety and substituting in lieu and in place thereo� the following : "Sell all surplus materials, supplies and real property declared as surplus by the Mayor and not of use to other departments and agencies within the City. An employee of the Gity may bid Yor aurplus materials, supplies or real property to -be sold. All sa;les of surptus property shall be to the highe�t r�s�onsible bidder and conducted by the Division under such procedures and by such means as ahall � ' give no individual or corporate bidder an . advantage not available to all. " ' Section 2. This ord:inan.ce shall take effect and be in foree thirty (30) days from and after its passages approval and publication. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �ra Hunt �_ In Favor Levine /� Rcedler v Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President H�K Hozza FEB 3 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co . Date Certifie as e oun il ecretar}r BY B Approv Mayor• Da 5 �97g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By By �uetisN� FE8 7 t976 �►� - I'1c�� a 5�i��-3 ' �� �65s�4 c a;,. �`'�' !� s � ,�� .,� � �;��="��a�a -� e�'-aja_a;a ia:�a' . '� �'tl�>�"''3 � C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL G --� .� J"s �� y•t Gt=FEL� flF TNE CIT1' ATTORNEI' December 17, 1975 _ � P,ERRE N:� REGNlER . : �� - . ., , , � : . . . , _. _ ., ; � �` • i^ .\J' 7 - . i �� . ; , 1 y�' ! ;4 . � V NIr. Thoma.s J. Ke l ley > >,. ,;'. `' ';,f'� Ci ty Admini strator ��y� �' �v� �� �� -`,�-.�. .--"/� ;� City of Saint Paul � 365 City Hall �:��l;r;`�.--- Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Kelley: This office recently issued a memo-randum to you regarding City em- ployees purcha,sing surplus ma.terial from the City, The specific law in this area is Minnesota Statutes 15.055 which prohibits the sale of surplus m�.terial to any employee of the City unless it is specifically authorized by law or ordinance. A revie�a of our pres- ent codes does not reflect any specific authority that will allow the sale of surplus material to City employees. Accordingly, this office has drafted an appropriate amendment to the Administrative Code wlzich ��JOUld permit such activity. However, you will note that it allows only one purchase every l2 months by a particular City employee. This concept was taken from the above statute and is an attempt to resolve the considerations of allo�Jing City employees to bid on surplus material for the economic benefit to the City while limiting them to one such purchase a year and thus mollify criticism that employees taere tracling on "inside" in- formation. This ofzice has ta'�en the initiative of d-rafting the attached ordinance as the sale of surplus property frequently occurs, and the problem of employee purchases is then almost al���ays raised. Without specific authority to se11 surplus property to City employees, it is a misdemeanor o�fense for a City er�ployee to ���ake such a sale to another City employee. We �aould be happy to attend any discussions concerning this amend-- ment to the Administrative Code, and please do not hesitate to contact us concerning it. Very truly yours, , �� . s� ��� ' ���.'�„� i�.. `� � PIERRE N. REGNIEP City Attorn�y P�'R:er City �iall, 5ai;;t P�!ii, tt1inr;sota 55"i`J2 cc.:City Council/City F'inance D_i_r,�ctor . 6� ? 298-512� f� . lat ��.�,_ 2nd �,,�o�o� 3rd ��p��] Adopted ��� Yeas Nays , GHItISTII�TSEI�t HOZZA ���L�?� (� LEVIlVE � ROEDLER ' snvES�x J TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HU1�TT)