266613 WHITE - GTV CL.ERK ;�A���� � PINK - FINANCE L�� -` CANARY - DEPARTMENTJ�Devl� GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUT1C11 ��� BLUE '� YOR File NO. �2 Y,� `� ` cil Resolution . resented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, upon recommeradation of the Health and Welfaxe Insurance Advisory Consn3.ttee, that the present life insurance contracts �1520-G ana �365379-G between the Minnesota Mutual Life Insuranc� Company and the City of Saint Pata1 and Independent School District �625 be con- tinued, in thei.r present entire forms, for the calendar year of 1976,and be it F[JRTHER RESOLVF�D, that the premium for said contracts for the year of 1976 remain the same as the premi.ums of the present contracts for the year of 1975, said premiwns to be �s follows: Optional �nployee Pay Coverage - Rate per $1,000 1) F�nployee under age �+0 $ .30 Per Month E�ployee a.ge 40 - 49 $ .60 Per Month Employee a,ge 50 - 54 $ 1.10 Per Month ESnployee age 55 - 59 $ 1.60 Per Month Elmployee age 60 - 64 $ 2.40 Per l�onth And be it FURTHER RESOLVID, that in order to stabilize experienee and provide for a more con- sistent pattern •F probable dividend returns, the Minnesota Mutual will continue to allocate a part of the �oss dividend available, not exeeeding 10;(, of premium received in any one year, to a stabilization reserve on such optional insurance issued in excess of $15,000 until such reserve reaches a level equal to 50°�, of the current annual premium. Minnesota Mutual cred.its interest to stabilization reserves, at a rate of '7°� annually for the year 1976, and be it FINALLY RESOLVID, that the City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolu- tion to the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Compa�y. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester �edeeeo. President]�( H022t� �A� ' 3 �9� Form A r ved City tor y Adopted by Co ' . Date / Certifi assed b ouncil Secretary, BY � Y 1 Approv Mayor: te S Appro Mayor for bmissio t n BY Y pt►�tsNEO� � AN � 41976 f i���` LJ� ..L,�y V.Z .��:.�_'a 3�i..'� 3 �..��. iJ�a � ������ Er . ---- �` -_'\ C3�:��'ZC t� �L:l�� 1'H�: �'i�.'Y C;�:�l;f�LI., � ' _ � ` ',� � ' '. _ ' . ` � � � � / � � �` '� � D o� e ' January 7, 1975 ��_=` �ij . , �i � l':i� �r� � � � � � � i.. � '� � �i �; � : �Cllil; pQ#�3 � �li� �QL3il �t � _ . _ � � � �7'� = �J�t�3�l�i 1 v�y fl�`1 FINANCE _ Robert sylvester , chc�irrr�cn, makes thQ fctiaYring re �ar� on C. F. � Ordina;�ce � Rssol��ion � �fi�2t' 3 � 1 L�. : Renewal of Health and We�.fare contracts Please be advised that the Finat�ce, Management and _ -- Personnel Committee �approved unanimous�.y the attache�d'resolutions renewing healtli and welfare _ contracts with Group Health, Ramsey Health P�.an, � . Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company, and the � � St. Paul Fire and Marine for the year 1976. Award contract for hospital-medical coverage to Blue - Cross-Blue Shield of Minnesota for Che year 1976. � _ - These should be removed from the calendar for. the - � Finance Committee. C:.._ : =,:.� S�Y'�'�T�-�_ �'J.UU2 S;�I'ti i i'r;ti� , ``I�'��:SJTA 55's�? . . , �5 . . � . . . . ... .. � � . .. � . � . ' °"QM 41: 12-19?S a \� , � ��z�azv;��rz�r� c�F .�NUr�s����r�v� o����, 0`� - , ,. , • R ESUI.�UTx4�1S A.P1T) QRT�T.�1',Al'�TC�S �;�l�R[JV�+�,�, Date: �►ecaaber 17, 1975 TO: THOMAS T, ��LI.EY, CITY ADM�NI�a�RA.TUR FR� Joh� C. D�rLLL�n, Per�nBel �tYYce . R�: 8eaa�ral. 0f Health a�t Naltare e�nt.ra►ats xith C�ro�p Health, �as�r Ieal.th `' � Pl�, li�ineaota� li��al bife Ias�rance ��pa�, a�sl. 3siat Faq�l. 'lrire aael narise f�r t�e �sr lq'T6. � Aaard� c0atract i'br kospital.-=�d3cal c�e=age �o Bl�e G"r�ss-�e Shield. �_ �iane�ta (xh�, �►ere lo�► biddear} for tke Tesr 19�6. AGTIU]�`d REQUESTED: , Ap�roral. ?� the liey�r asid CitT Co�cil. _ � PUR�'Q�� A�TA RATIQNA.T.rE FOR TH�a ACTIUN: � � � . � . k �cil File 80. 23]269 P�E+�rS�es Yos s c�eheasive Heal� �ui �'�� ' � Ia�aac� Pragraa� for city espl�re�s a�nd eaplt�ees gf 7s��p�i� ffi�l �?�atrict �625. ` �tracts are rene�ed a�nall�r. l�.-� � '. �• .%✓ .A:TTACI�MENTS: � c�� Fr�p�sa�l re�olutisns to sec�plish ai��re. ��, � �� �� A�'PRQVAL: , ! � , � _ ho�as , cy� i y �tr�Gear �