266578 WH17E - CITV (�ERK COl1I1C11 ������ PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANqRV - DEPARTMENT . BLUE. - MAVOR. File NO. . . rdin�nce Ordinance N�. �5%�� .�-----��.. Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance approving the terms and conditions of the 1974 Memorandum of �gre�nent between the City of Saint Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association, Local 20. WHERF'AS, the C cil, pursuant to the provisions of Section 12.09 of the Saint Paul City Char��and the Public E�nployment I,abor Relations Act of 1971� as amended, recognizes t t for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of emp ent, the following described Local is the exclusive representative for �i.ty emplayees falling within the unit as certified by the Bureau of Media't�ion Services under the ca.se number shown below: \, .� Plasterers Local 20 - Case No. 73-PR-4'�6 A April 17, 1973 WI�R,EAS, the City through designated representatives and the exclusive represents�tive ha.ve met in good faith, negoti.a.ted conditions and ternas of employment for the year through April 30, 1975, for such personnel as are set forth in the agreement between the City and the exclusive representative, now therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the a�reement created as of the effective clate of this ordinance between the City of Saint Paul and the above described representative on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved and the author3zed administrative offici.al.s of the City are hereby authorized and directed to execute said a�reement on behalf of the City. -1- COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form A ved by C' o y �"� Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv May r Submission to ouncil By ` BY � �, WHITE =GTV G'LERK COIIIICII •���"''- � � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR�. Flle NO. Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. �S�yy _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That the wage schedule i.ndicated in the Agreement with the above-described representative shall take force and effect retroa.ctively to the dates set forth in the agreanent and in accordance with the expressed intent of the agreement of this Council contained in Council File Numbers 262768 and 262851. Section 3. That ar�y other ordinance� rule or regulation in farce when said agreement takes effect i.nconsistent with any provisions of the terms or conditions of sa.id agreement is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thixty days after its passage, approval� and publication. Approved: 3.x�nan Civil Service Co�nmission -2- COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays I Requested by Department of: Christensen I _ �X� Hunt 1O [n Favor Levine � �`' Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President � Hozza Form oved by Cit t r y �� Adopted by Council: Date J�►N z 2 �s�s Certified Pas o cil Secreta� B B Appr by Mayor: Date � Approv May or Submission to,Co ci Y By ptl�isttEt� �AN 3 4 !�976 > pr�Q . r�, . rsQy y "' � ��'���� MEMORANDUM OF AGREII+�NT This Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons �nternational Association, Local 20. In f"ull settlement of 1974 negotiations, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: l. Except as herein modified, the Agreement between the parties, entered into February 10, 1975, shall be the basis of the forth- coming I,abor Agreement. 2. Appendix C oP said Agreement shall be replaced with Appendix C which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Appendix F is attached hereto and made a part of said Agreement. It is understood that the above settlement shall be reco�ended by the City Negotiator, but is subject to approval by the City Administration and adoption by the City Council and the Civil Service Cammission. � IK WITNESS WFIEREOF, the parties hereto have aPfixed their signatures this 5th day oP December, 1975. ' CITY OF SAIIIT PAUL OPERATIVE PLASTERERS AIQD CII�19T MASONS INTERNATIONAI, ASSOCIATION, LOCAL 20 .� — �„�. �' - �-- ? ��' �� ' ity Nego 'ato ` ��� c ������ The basic hourly wage rates for e�ployees covered by this AGRE�pT shall be as follows: Rate Effective Rate Effective May 1, 197b 3eptember 1,1974 Regular, Probationary and Provisional Plasterer 7.6g 7.91 Temporary and F�nergency Plasterer g.02 8.� Regular and Probationary Plasterers who have been grandfathered Plasterer 7.g4 8.�5 Plasterer Inspector 8.26 8.48 The above rates notwithstanding, it is agreed that no employee shall receive less than the rate he is receiving during the above referenced periods. - Cl - . � _ � APPENDIX F �""��`�-°�;J WORKING OONDITIONS FOR PLASTERER INSPECTORS As a result of the 1974 settlemeut, the Parties have established craft- determined rates for P18sterer Inspectors, with the specific understanding that such agreement is restricted to establishing rates of pay for su ch classifications. It is, consequently, agreed that the F�nployer in applying Part 3. EI�IAYER RIGHTS - of the MAINTEIYANCE LABOR AGREH�NT, shall have the right to operate the Department in the same manner as heretofore, with management rights unaffected, and that the establishment of separate rates for these classifications as well as for Inspector classifications in other Bargaining Units, may not result in disputes over assignments or over rates of pay for work perPormed, nor will eny jurisdictional claims or restrictions be asserted by the Union because members of various Inspector classifications are assigr�e3 to work which is also performed by other Inspector classifications. - Fl - p�• ho . �5��1�t �o nat detach tf�is memorandum from the OM oi; : 1�-1975 . • � �rd9��nce so that this information will be �v�i���a'e to the City Council. ExPLANATION OF .ADiMINx�TR.t�TxVE 4R�►ERa�� , RESOLUTIQI�TS ANA t3RDTNANC�S � ��6�'78 Daxe: Deceqnber 15, 19�15 TO; TI3QM.A.S J, KELLEY, CI�'Y AD��T�5TR,El.TQR FR: Personnel 4fY'ice . RE:. Ordinance for �bmission to City Covricil , ACT�ON ktEi,�UES'TED: .• I recaammaend qcnar approval and stibmission of this Ordinsnce to the City Cc�ugcil. € � y PURPC�SE A�TD RATIANAL� FOR '�'�S .�GTIC�N; ` � : I 1 1 I� 1 • I . 11A ! • } ��}� � . . � . . . . � �his Ordinance approves a 1974 Me�orandun of Agree�ne�,t between the City of �t. Paul, I�d.ependent School Distric� �'o. 625 and the Plaaterer's Loca1 l�o. 20. This agreement establiahes a wage rate for the Plasterer Inspeeta�r and cc�pletea the 19'�� negotiation with thia ,groap. ATZ'ACHMENTS: Ordinance and copy for City Cl.erk and Memorandum of Agree�ent. APPROVAL: Tho aa ,T� Kc11 , ity nn�n atra r ___ �,. . lst . t�(�C� 2nd � ��� � 3rd �f 15 Adopted Yeas Nays CF�tIS7�TTSEN xOZZA � �.� ��s��8 ROEDLER ' SYLVESTER U TEDESCO �, PRESIDENT (HZJNT)